The By-Laws of The Auburn University Karate Club March 25, 2008
The By-Laws of The Auburn University Karate Club March 25, 2008
The By-Laws of The Auburn University Karate Club March 25, 2008
Article I. Name
SectionI: Name
This Organization should be recognized as the Karate Club.
Section II: Affiliation
The club will maintain membership with the Japan Karate Association. The
association will allow competition between the Auburn University Karate Club and
other JKA University clubs.
Article II.
Article III .
Article IV.
Section I:
An Executive Committee shall be formed and maintained to promote order and
govern the activities of the organization. The President, Treasurer, Secretary, Alumni at
large, and Advisor shall be.the members of the Executive Committee.
Section II:
Executive Committee will be decided upon through leadership applications,
which are to be submitted by current members wishing to hold an office.
Section III: Term Limits
There is no limitation to the number of terms for which any single person may be
The President shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee and shall be
responsible for the direction and action of the organization.
The President shall conduct meetings in an orderly and expeditious manner and
may eject any member from any meeting to preserve order and decorum.
The President shall make decisions on all matters concerning the organization that
do not require an Executive Committee vote or general member's vote as provided for or
required in By-laws.
The President shall be responsible for providing all information to appropriate
officials as required by University regulation and local, state, and national law and Japan
Karate Association regulation.
The President may create or dissolve any committees as deemed appropriate and
may appoint members to chair said committees.
The President is the leader of the organization and shall abide by and enforce the
provisions of the constitutions and by-laws
In accordance with the financial needs of the club and approval by the Executive
Committee, the treasurer will set dues each semester.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting, maintaining, and distribution of
all organization funds.
The Treasure shall maintain accurate financial records that shall be made
available for examination by any club member upon request.
The Treasurer shall keep accounts and maintain deposits into the
organizaion's funds and make expenditures.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for making financial reports to members,
the University and the Japan Karate Association officials as required and
C. Secretary
The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of regular and Executive
Committee proceedings and shall keep and preserve all documents recording the
activities of the organization.
The Secretary shall conduct any correspondence as directed by the President. The
Secretary shall be responsible for informing the members of matters such as meeting time
and place and all other information deemed necessary by the President.
D.Alumni at Large
The Alumni at Large members will be graduated members of the Karate Club
who are elected by the Alumni group at their voting party.
Section V: Impeachment
All Executive Members must fulfill their duty as an officer. If they cannot fulfill the
requirements the other Executive Members will vote on their removal from office and
appoint a replacement.
i. Each officer must receive no less than 51 % of the total vote of the
members present and eligible to vote.
iii. An officer may be removed from office, by the Executive Committee, with
a 3/5 vote or by higher authority, such as the club Advisor or Club Sports
Article V.
Section I :
Elections of new officers will take place by the close of the fall semester.
Section I I :
The members of the Executive Committee shall be Auburn University Karate Club
members, in good standing, having no financial indebtedness to the organization, and
elected by popular vote of the current Auburn University Karate Club members at a regularly
scheduled meeting.
Section I I I :
Members who are running for office must submit a leadership application, which is
to be approved by the active Executive Committee. The application will provide valid
evidence that the member is capable of holding the position desired. Upon approval of the
application, the nominee will provide a speech to the members for the Karate Club
members, on election day.
Section IV:
Officers must receive no less than 51% of the total vote of the members present and
eligible to vote.
Voting will be held by a secret ballot, which is to be tallied by the Secretary.
Section V:
If an officer decides to step down or is no longer enrolled in Auburn University, the
Executive Committee will nominate the best member suitable for the position.
Article VI.
The Faculty Advisor shall council officers and members on matters of University
policy and act as a liaison between the Organization and the University administration.
The Faculty Advisor of the organization shall be a full-time faculty or staff
member at Auburn University, interested in the sport of karate and elected by a majority
of eligible members present at a regular scheduled meeting.
Article X.
Article I.
Parliamentary Authority
Article II.
Article III.
Section I:
Elections of new officers will take place by the close of the spring
Section II:
The members of the Executive Committee shall be Auburn University Karate Club
members, in good standing, having no financial indebtedness to the organization, and
elected by popular vote of the current Auburn University Karate Club members at a
regularly scheduled meeting.
Section III:
Members who are running for office must submit a leadership application, which is
to be approved by the active Executive Committee. The application will provide valid
evidence that the member is capable of holding the position desired. Upon approval of the
application, the nominee will provide a speech to the members for the Karate Club
members, on election day.
Section IV:
Officers must receive no less than 51% of the total vote of the members present
and eligible to vote.
An eligible voting member shall be defined as an Auburn University student,
having paid all dues owed to the organization and having no more than 3 unexcused
absences from regular scheduled meetings or practices. The President or his designee
shall decide what constitutes an excused absence.
All members, providing they do not owe dues from any previous academic term,
shall have their voting privileges reinstated at the beginning of each academic term.
A secret ballot shall be created, distributed, and tallied by the Secretary for all
officer elections.
Section V:
If an officer decides to step down or is no longer enrolled in Auburn University, the
Executive Committee will nominate the best member suitable for the position.
Article IV.
Standing Committees
As provided in the Constitution, the President may create and dissolve any
committee deemed necessary and may choose the chairpersons of any committees. The
chairpersons may choose the members of their respective committees with approval from
the president.
Article V.
Meeting Requirements
Regular meetings will be held for the Executive Committee to handle business.
Members will attend bi-weekly meetings in order to be informed of the business of the Club.
In order to conduct business at a regularly scheduled meeting there must be 75% of the
members in attendance.
Article VIII.
Amendments to By-Laws