Specific Features of The Decathlon: by Y. Verhoshanski, A. Ushakov, O. Hatshatryan
Specific Features of The Decathlon: by Y. Verhoshanski, A. Ushakov, O. Hatshatryan
Specific Features of The Decathlon: by Y. Verhoshanski, A. Ushakov, O. Hatshatryan
By Y. Verhoshanski, A. Ushakov, O. Hatshatryan
The authors look at the tendencies that occur in the development of explosive
power indicators in decathlon training and make suggestions of how to adjust the
volume and the sequence the single events are performed in training to the
fluctuation in the functional power capacities. The article is a slightly condensed
translation from Legkaya Atletika, Moscow, No. 7, July 1987. Re-printed with
permission from Modern Athlete and Coach.
One of the major factors responsible for the progress in the decathlon appears to
be the improvements in the level of specific physical preparation. It is therefore
extremely important to establish the specific characteristics required for the
preparation by taking a close look at the dynamics of the functional indicators
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An analysis of the development of leg extensors, arm extensors and ankle flexors
shows an uneven power improvement that does not correspond with the
progress of the total decathlon scores. This tendency continues up to 6000-6500
points level when all power indicators begin to correlate with performances in the
individual events, as well as the total score.
It can be assumed that the rapid improvement of power capacities after the 6000-
6500 points level is closely related to increased training intensities.
Consequently, it appears to be important to introduce more intensive training
procedures in the below 6000 point margin by planned specific strength
development. This includes weight training exercises with particular emphasis on
muscle groups that have lacked development in the basic training stages.
Specific strength training must be complex, which means the inclusion of heavy
(90-95% of the maximum) and light (30-35%) resistances, executed explosively.
The same applies to bounding exercises, performed over short and long
distances. The short jumps are executed with a maximum effort, the long jumps
(up to 50m) with fast take-offs and maintenance of forward speed. These
exercises are not to be treated as an addition to the basic training program but
should be allocated specific sessions in the first part of the preparation period.
The power indicators drop at the end of a training year but not below the level
achieved in the previous season. Consequently a new training cycle is always
started with the specific strength level exceeding the previous one at the same
olumeofdecathletes has two distinct aspects:
There is a definite order in which training volumes are applied to the two
major event groups — sprint training and jumps and throws training. The
volume of the first group is emphasized in the beginning of the preparation
period, before the second group takes priority.
The monthly training cycles follow a wavy pattern in which the training
load is increased during the first three weeks and considerably reduced n
the fourth.
The total training load is closely related to the technique development of the
single events. This begins in the early stages of the preparation period with a
gradually increasing intensity until it reaches close to maximum efforts at the start
of the competition period. The development of technical elements follows a
distinct order in which the intensity of sprinting and hurdling is increased first,
followed by the jumps and throws.
A feature of the decathlon is the changing muscular work performed over two
days. This requires an understanding of how the functional state of the muscular
system (including explosive performance) of a decathlete changes from one
event to the next. A general aspect of this is a drop in the level of power
indicators at the end of each competition day. A wavy change in explosive power
can be observed during each day. Such events as the 100m and the high jump
on the first and the hurdles, discus and javelin on the second day appear to
improve the explosive power capacity and provide a good pre-requisite for the
event that follows. At the same time, the long jump, shot and 400m on the first
and the pole vault on the second day are responsible for a drop in explosive
power and make the performance in the following events more difficult.
The shot put on the first and the pole vault on the second day show large drops
in power indicators and appear to be, besides the 400m and 1500m, energy
consuming events. Attention must also be drawn to the fact that the high jump
and the pole vault differ considerably from other events. Both allow for virtually
unlimited attempts and the higher an athlete jumps or vaults, the less time will be
left for recovery before the start of the next event. All these factors must be taken
into consideration in the planning of neuromuscular restoration in competitions.
The decathlon demands that the techniques and performances in all 10 events
are developed and improved in parallel. This requires a high level of work
capacity from an athlete and the effectiveness of training depends largely on an
efficient co-ordination of training methods and work volumes in the weekly
Cyclic events (100m, 400m, 1500m and 100m hurdles) are less dependent on
the effort level and show improvement in the explosive power indicators under
conditions when moderate training volumes are employed. However, a high
number of repetitions of short distances and endurance runs can be responsible
for a drop in power indicators.
The changes that take place in the organism and are reflected in the explosive
power level when the above recommended training sequences (tables 1 and 2)
are employed are graphically presented in fig. 1. It shows the explosive power
level at the beginning (vertical lines) and at the end (broken lines) on each
training day during the preparation and competition periods.
As can be seen, the training procedures during the preparation period lead to
power level increases on Fridays with decreases taking place on Wednesdays
and Saturdays. These changes are necessary to allow the organism to perform a
large volume of work at an optimal level. During the competition period the
explosive power level follows a wavy line, dropping at the end of each training
day to prepare the athlete for competitions on Saturdays and Sundays. If no
competition takes place, the workload and the number of events have to be
increased on Friday and Saturday.