Starbucks Imc Plan Phase 2: By: Aimen Shahzad, Brenda Amador, Michael Camilleri, Joshua Favaro
Starbucks Imc Plan Phase 2: By: Aimen Shahzad, Brenda Amador, Michael Camilleri, Joshua Favaro
Starbucks Imc Plan Phase 2: By: Aimen Shahzad, Brenda Amador, Michael Camilleri, Joshua Favaro
DECEMBER 9, 2015
Table of Contents
Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Starbucks’ Proposed Target Market, Positioning, Communications Objectives, and Strategies.............. 4
a) Proposed Target Market ....................................................................................................................... 4
b) Proposed Positioning ............................................................................................................................ 5
c) Proposed Communications Objectives ................................................................................................. 6
d) Proposed Communications Strategies.................................................................................................. 7
5. Proposed Creative Objectives and Strategies ........................................................................................... 9
a) Creative Objective ................................................................................................................................. 9
Proposed Creative Strategy ...................................................................................................................... 9
b) Key Consumer Benefits ......................................................................................................................... 9
a) Support for Consumer Benefits ........................................................................................................ 9
d) Personality .......................................................................................................................................... 10
6. Creative Execution .................................................................................................................................. 11
a) Proposed Creative Execution(s) ...................................................................................................... 11
b) Creative Production Budget................................................................................................................ 13
7. Proposed Media Objectives and Strategies ............................................................................................ 14
Proposed Media Objectives .................................................................................................................... 14
a) When ............................................................................................................................................... 14
b) Where ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Proposed Media Strategies ..................................................................................................................... 17
c) Media to be used, and why ................................................................................................................. 17
d) Media not to be used, and why .......................................................................................................... 19
8. Media Execution ..................................................................................................................................... 20
a) Media Schedules ................................................................................................................................. 20
b) Media Budget ..................................................................................................................................... 20
9. A: Promotion and Social Media Objectives and Strategies..................................................................... 22
a) Promotion and Social Media Objectives ............................................................................................. 22
b) Promotion and Social Media Strategies ............................................................................................. 22
c) Promotion and Social Media Programs............................................................................................... 23
d) Promotion and Social Media Budget .................................................................................................. 25
9. B: Public Relations Objectives and Strategies ......................................................................................... 26
a) PR Objectives ...................................................................................................................................... 26
b) PR Strategies ....................................................................................................................................... 26
c) PR Programs ........................................................................................................................................ 27
d) PR Budget............................................................................................................................................ 28
10. Explanation of How the Proposed Communications Plan Will Meet the Brand’s Communications
Objectives ................................................................................................................................................... 29
11. Methods to Be Used to Evaluate the Communications Plan. ............................................................... 31
12. Budget Summary ................................................................................................................................... 35
13. Exhibits .................................................................................................................................................. 36
Executive Summary
Starbucks is in the coffee, and café and bar industry. Over the past 6 years, sales have been steadily
growing. In 2009, coffee sales were at $988.1 million, and in 2014, coffee sales increased to $2,311.9
million. Similarly to the coffee industry, the sales of hot drinks is also on the rise. In 2009, hot drinks
sales was $1,553.5 million and in 2014, they were at $2,972.6 million.
Starbucks offers a broad range of beverages and food. They are positioned to target different segments,
while pushing their customizable drink options. Starbucks’ market share in 2014 for hot drinks was
approximately 3.9%. Meanwhile, their market share in 2014 for chained cafés and bars was 50.3%. They
have been gaining more, and more control over the market in the past several years. Starbucks is an
international brand. Also, Starbucks uses many different promotions and advertising campaigns.
In this integrated marketing plan, we have analyzed Starbucks, along with three other direct and indirect
competitors: Second Cup, Tim Hortons, and McCafe. We have carefully analyzed each brands’
products/services, positioning, pricing, distribution, creative and media advertising, and consumer and
trade promotions.
The main message of our campaign is “customize, comfort, coffee.” We plan to use Starbucks’ current
target markets and focus more on the dedicated post-secondary students and sophisticated business
professionals, who enjoy Starbucks’ customizable coffee drinks, as well as the comfort of a Starbucks
coffee shop. Our main message will appeal to these two specific target markets because of the relaxing
mature atmosphere of any Starbucks location for doing work, and the need for caffeinated beverages
that meet every individual.
The top two proposed communication objectives are to continue brand exposure, and to move
preference/trail users to regular/heavy users through loyalty programs. In order to meet the proposed
communication objectives, the given budget of $8 million has been planned to be utilized for media,
advertising, and promotional campaigns. The campaigns and budget are outlined as follows:
Using thorough research, and in-depth analysis, we are able to make well-thought out
recommendations. All of the data, and statistics have been derived from reliable resources and sourced
4. Starbucks’ Proposed Target Market, Positioning, Communications
Objectives, and Strategies
Matt: Sophisticated, ambitious, professional business men
b) Proposed Positioning
Starbucks is positioned in the hot drinks café industry, offering refreshing, customized drinks that
meet the various needs of sophisticated, professional businessmen and dedicated post -secondary
students, who enjoy a mature, comfortable café atmosphere.
c) Proposed Communications Objectives
Marketing Objective: To continue brand exposure through extensive use of logo; increase
usage by 10%
o Starbucks’ logo contributes to the brand personality and is crucial to their
successful brand image.
o As a result, Starbucks has placed its logo on other store accessories and on more
walls in store locations.
o It is estimated that since 2013, the logo has been used on promotional material and
other advertisements, 7% more than in previous years.
o This further cements the logo and brand image in the minds of consumers.
Communication Objective: To remain consistent across all promotional channels (social
media, website, etc.)
o This is not a quantitative objective, but can be measured by conside ring all of
Starbucks communication channels and ensuring the main message is expressed
o More emphasis has been placed on managing Starbucks’ Twitter and Facebook
accounts as they have seen large increases in followers.
o Regular checks have been made by staff to ensure that all posts provide
educational information for consumers; this constant supervision on all channels
has ensured transparency and unity among promotional media.
Emphasis on dialogue with customers by promoting conversation through social media
o Instead of traditional one-sided advertisements by means of a mass marketing
message, Starbucks focuses on a dialogue strategy.
o Starbucks moves customers to comment on posts and provide their
preference/opinion on a certain topic.
o For example, in the screenshot above, the bottom right shows that 4,062 people
commented on that one post.
o Starbucks responds to these comments, which results in more involvement from
other customers.
o This dialogue approach improves customer loyalty because the company gets its
members to provide their opinion by getting involved.
5. Proposed Creative Objectives and Strategies
a) Creative Objective
The main message for our campaign is “customize, comfort, coffee.” We plan to target the everyday
students and business professionals who enjoy a cup of coffee at Starbucks are able to customize their
drink to fit their needs all while being in the comfort of a Starbucks coffee shop.
d) Personality
Creative, innovative
Outgoing and enthusiastic
Warm, friendly
Mysterious, unique
If Starbucks was a person they would be described as a creative, innovative and trendy person.
Starbucks would be considered an everyday hipster. Starbucks values independent thinking, creativity
and has a witty banter that keeps everyone on their toes. Around their peers, they are warm and
friendly and always giving the best advice. Starbucks enjoys being on social media every day to keep up
with friends and current fashion trends. Although Starbucks is outgoing, it does have its mysterious side
that gives them that effortless “cool” look.
6. Creative Execution
Radio Advertisement
Each television ad will be transferred to a radio and will be the exact same except audio.
This will put the image transfer strategy into application because the template for the television
commercials will be used for the radio advertisements.
Magazine Advertisement (See Exhibit #3)
3 page advertisement
1 page per section (customize, comfort, coffee), with a small portion for the Starbucks logo.
Customize section
o Picture of a latte
o List of customized options consumers can choose from
White Mocha
Pumpkin Spice
Comfort section
o There will be a picture of a living room and a person enjoying a cup of coffee and
underneath that picture will be a Starbucks’ coffee shop showing that the comfort of
your own home is brought to you in a Starbucks’ coffee shop
Coffee section
o Picture of Starbucks’ coffee beans
o It will emphasize the fact that Starbucks’ coffee is fresh and bold
Transit/subway ads
o Inside the subway, subway terminals and trains
o Not placed in the transit buses.
o The poster displays will focus on the “customize, comfort, coffee”
o Pictures of people enjoying Starbucks’ coffee
o Promotions that Starbucks’ is having will also be placed on the poster displays.
b) Creative Production Budget
7. Proposed Media Objectives and Strategies
Proposed Media Objectives
a) When
3 radio advertisements will be played throughout a 6 week period from February into March (3
weeks each month).
o The ads will be aired mornings from 7am-10am as well as evenings from 4pm-7pm.
o This covers both rush hour traffic times: early morning and early evening.
o These times are applicable to both target audiences who commute to and from school.
In a majority of cases, commuting will take more than 20 minutes, sometimes up to an
hour, or more, depending on the means of transportation.
The magazine advertisement created will be issued for 2 months in March and April, 3 months
from July to September, along with an ad running in December. These ads will run in 12
different magazines over a span of 6 months, so two issues per month.
o Each ad is placed in a monthly issue, therefore two monthly issues will carry the
Starbucks gatefold ad and this will occur every other month.
Online advertisements will run primarily in February and March along with October and
o Those are ideal times for post-secondary students to be heavily involved in online
activities as those months encompass the school year and are cooler months, limiting
outdoor recreation.
There are three main areas for transit media advertisements:
o Subway interior displays along with transit shelters will be placed at their respective
locations over two, 4 month periods throughout the year.
o The schedule is set so that at least one of those forms of media is being used during
each month.
o The subway terminal diorama board plan is distributed throughout the year during five
o Along with the other transit media, these ads will be used during these times to ensure
an even distribution of this media form throughout 2016.
b) Where
The television package purchased is a national network bundle, so these ads will be distributed
throughout major television stations in Canada.
o A combination of networks to maximize reach includes:
CTV (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia)
CBC (BC, PEI, New Brunswick)
TVA (Quebec)
The radio package purchased is also a national network bundle, so these ads will be distributed
throughout major radio stations in Canada.
o A combination of networks to maximize reach includes:
98.5 CIBK FM – Calgary
94.5 CFBT FM – Vancouver
99.9 CKFM FM – Toronto
95.9 CJFM FM – Montreal
94.1 CBC Radio 2, 3 – Eastern Canadian Region
For the magazine ad, the gatefold will be placed in 12 different magazines, some of which are
national issues, while others are local.
Online still ads will be displayed using Google AdWords, which allows for customization to target
specific audiences.
o Online video ads based off of the television commercials will be displayed as a paid
YouTube ad at the beginning of actual videos.
Proposed Media Strategies
c) Media to be used, and why
o Ability for creativity through emotional responses due to the picture quality of this
medium. This aspect creates an edge over radio and even still media types (magazines,
transit/place) because of its excellent moving-picture quality.
o Ensures target audience coverage because all age groups consume a large amount of
television per week.
o Cost efficient because the cost per exposure is reasonable.
o Geographic coverage is an asset, especially with a national network package.
o Television offers a positive media image because of the authoritativeness, effectiveness
and strong influence it is known to have on its users.
o Maximum reach and frequency is possible with this medium.
o Like television, radio is cost efficient per exposure, but is also relatively inexpensive with
regards to absolute cost.
o Reach and frequency is very extensive, similar to television.
o The ability to select a specific target audience because of diverse, segmented radio
channels, is an advantage over mediums such as television.
o Geographic coverage is an asset, especially with a national network package.
o While emotional responses are lacking with this medium, the ability for cognitive
recognition and creativity is very evident due to the detailed verbal information
o Advertisers can change their message close to airing time, which means this medium’s
flexibility provides an advantage over other media types.
o The ability to select segmented audiences through magazines is one of the biggest
strengths. Each magazine has its own target market, so by effectively placing ads in
certain issues, that promotion will grab the attention of the person who is reading that
magazine because the ad applies to their needs or preferences.
o Geographic coverage is possible by using the assortment of magazines to cover certain
areas in Canada. By including an ad in a magazine targeted towards a geographic
location (ex. Toronto Life), then that ad is guaranteed to reach that area.
o While magazines offer still images, there is substantial creative ability for emotional
o Unlike radio and television, where the ad is 15-30 seconds long, magazine readers will
look over articles for approximately one week. That allows a substantial amount of time
for recognition of the ad.
o The reader has the opportunity to take their time to understand what the
advertisement is about, which could result in further customer involvement with the
brand as a result.
o The media image of magazines is reliable as consumers actually look for ads pertaining
to their needs when reading magazines.
Transit Media
o Amount of processing time is ideal, especially for the posters inside the subway cars.
Overall, customers have an opportunity to take some time to scan through the ad.
o The reach is desirable due to the substantial amount of people who use transit services.
o Frequency is also a desirable element if certain individuals follow the same daily routine
to work or to school because they would be exposed to the ad regularly and would
become familiar with it.
o The geographic coverage is also a great asset because of the travel area of each vehicle.
Subways allow for exposure of the ad to many different target audiences from various
age groups and cultures.
o Absolute cost is relatively low, allowing for companies to disperse their ads throughout
various geographic areas.
Place-based Media
o Target audience selectivity is a major strength because the company is reaching an
audience that is at a location that corresponds to the benefit offered in the ad.
o Absolute Cost, like transit media is low.
o There is a strong ability for emotional responses by means of a creatively articulated
advertisement at the right location. The physical size of the ads are a strength because
larger space attracts more attention.
o When placed in the right location, with the right size of an ad, place-based media can
control exposure, making it difficult for customers to avoid it.
d) Media not to be used, and why
o This medium does not offer the creative ability for emotional responses because
newspapers focus on long text and the black and white picture quality is not appealing
to most audiences.
o With regards to Starbucks, the goal of each ad is to influence customers through
emotional responses to interact with the brand. Newspapers are limited in its capacity
to achieve this goal.
o There is a selective exposure and attention when it comes to newspapers because they
are usually kept for only a day. On the other hand, magazines were included in the
media budget because users keep issues for around one week.
o Newspapers could achieve geographic selectivity, but it does not effectively reach
segmented markets because it is for the general population.
o While the newspaper is split into sections for different audiences, magazines are more
selective because marketers can place an ad in a specific issue that focuses on a topic
that is unique to a substantial, segmented group.
o Like other mediums, newspapers have to deal with clutter from numerous other
advertisements throughout the issue.
o Target audience coverage is a major concern for this medium because it is hard to
ensure that the segment being marketed to is being covered efficiently. There will
always be wasted coverage with this media type.
o The amount of processing time is another weakness because drivers or passerby may
not have a chance to read the ad and if so, might have several seconds to take in the
entire piece of work.
o Billboards have to attract users with bold pictures because of the limited processing
time associated with this media type. Therefore, the message is missing key words to
completely persuade the target audience.
o The absolute cost of this medium is expensive compared to other media types.
Considering the limitations with regards to customer processing time and target
audience coverage, the costs associated are not desirable.
o Billboards do not allow for promotion towards selective target audiences because this
medium cannot entirely control who does or does not come into contact with the ad.
o The overall media image is weakening for billboards as consumers are tired of the
bombardment of outdoor promotional signage.
8. Media Execution
a) Media Schedules
The follow chart below is the projected plan for Starbucks’ media schedule in the year 2016
starting January and ending in December.
The (x) on the chart below indicates when these plans will be implemented, according to the
integrated marketing communications campaign for Starbucks.
Media usage is most intense between September and March because the need for the
campaign product, hot drinks, is at its peak during that time period.
Media Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Online Ads
Subway Terminal
Subway Interior
Transit Shelters
b) Media Budget
Transit (subway, train, terminal 100 Backlit Diorama boards Backlit Dioramas: $150,000
ads) placed throughout subway
terminals (five, 1 month media Interior Displays: $28,500
interval packages: $1,500 per
ad) Transit Shelters: $162,500
Place Media (Ads in shopping 50 Backlit Diorama boards Backlit Dioramas (Malls):
malls, colleges/universities, placed throughout shopping $75,000
airports) malls in Canada (two, 1 month
media package intervals: $1,500 Backlit Dioramas (Airports):
per ad) $75,000
9. A: Promotion and Social Media Objectives and Strategies
a) Promotion and Social Media Objectives
To increase the number of social media followers (across all networks) by 5% over the 2016
To increase the number of touch points each customer has with the brand by 2 types over the
next year.
Use the selected social media promotions to gain brand awareness among the post-secondary
target market. The goal is to develop a 10% increase in social media followers, likes and
comments among the 16-25 post-secondary age group over the 2016 year.
To increase the amount of comments and feedback through social media by 5% over the
following year.
To increase overall store sales in Canada by 2% as a result of promotional contests and
A promotional contest will be used based on the current creative campaign theme through
social media networks. This strategically increases customer involvement with the brand
through social media pages in order to receive a better chance of winning the contest prizes.
An online game will be created and accessed through Facebook to provide another touch point
where Starbucks enthusiasts can connect with the brand. This moves customers to spend more
time on activities involving Starbucks, thus creating additional positive experiences with the
Utilizing a sweepstakes strategy as a promotion tool effectively engages the target audiences
who are regular product users. Sweepstakes generate positive buzz and increase customer
transactions due to the competitive spirit to win the main prizes.
Strategic partnerships with companies who indirectly serve Starbucks’ target audience (post-
secondary students or business professionals) can result in alternative avenues to reach these
substantial segments.
Promotional contests designed to generate ideas from individuals in order to win prizes
effectively moves transactions into relationships by stimulating customer involvement. This type
of promotion strategically forces customers to think about the brand more often than in the
past, so that the ideas required from Starbucks are eligible for the contest. Once again, the
competitive aspect of this promotion tool fuels customer interest and further positive
experiences with the brand.
Effective promotional events generate positive word of mouth and encourage association with
the brand. This promotional event will provide Starbucks’ users with another avenue of
interacting with the brand, besides at their locations or online.
c) Promotion and Social Media Programs
The following section will explain the detailed promotion and social media programs which are created
for Starbucks’ integrated marketing communications plan.
Starbucks Voucher Through Porter Airlines – Coupon Promotion, Strategic Partnership (See
Exhibit #12)
o Each passenger on a Porter flight will receive a 25% off voucher for their next purchase
at any Starbucks location in the current flight’s city destination.
o This promotion targets one of Starbucks’ main target segments which is business
professionals, by making these vouchers available and relevant to this audience.
o Public media, especially at airports, as well as online (YouTube ads) and social media are
the avenues that will be utilized to promote this program.
d) Promotion and Social Media Budget
8 week promotion
Customize Your Latte Contest Grand prize of $100,000 $102,500
9. B: Public Relations Objectives and Strategies
a) PR Objectives
To generate a positive brand image through public relations efforts.
o The quantitative goal to achieve this objective is a 10% reduction in the negative
comments on social media pages (Facebook and Twitter) pertaining to socially
responsible behaviour.
o By extension, a 10% increase in positive social media posts pertaining to social
responsible behaviour will be the benchmark for this objective.
o These quantitative goals will be measured over the 2016 year.
To increase overall store sales in Canada by 3% during the months where Starbucks’ awareness
campaigns are initiated. This marketing objective will be measured over the 2016 year.
Increase Starbucks’ current Canadian public relations budget by 10% in 2016. This initiative not
only improves Starbucks’ brand image as a socially responsible organization, but it shows
employees and other internally how serious the company is about their resolve to contribute to
the community.
b) PR Strategies
The following section will explain the strategies behind using certain types of public relations tools,
which are included in Starbucks’ integrated marketing communications plan.
Awareness months will be integrated into Starbucks’ business operations to build customer
interest in the highlighted cause.
o This strategy improves a company’s brand image in the mind of consumers as
individuals look favourably towards socially responsible organizations as opposed to
businesses which only cover their legal obligations.
o This strategy promotes goodwill and supports causes which may not receive the
necessary awareness among communities.
Environmental initiatives also generate goodwill and develop a stronger brand image among
Starbucks’ key target audiences who are part of the Millennial demographic. This demographic
is known for their go-green stance on organization activities.
Celebrity endorsements build interest among consumers who appreciate that media icon and
motivate them to imitate that star.
o As a result, a well-chosen celebrity endorsement who is common among Starbuck’s
target audience (post-secondary students and business professionals) will influence
those customers’ purchasing habits due to that icon’s “interest” in Starbucks.
c) PR Programs
Crohns and Colitis Awareness Month (March) Program (See Exhibit #7)
o All Starbucks cups will be purple for the month of March.
o 20% of all hot drink purchases go towards research facilities at the Crohns and Colitis
foundation of Canada.
o Starbucks will sponsor the Crohns and Colitis Gutsy Walk and provide all participants
with a free tall Starbucks iced drink after their walk.
o Transit and public media as well as social media will be utilized to promote this
o Online advertisements through YouTube will play an essential role in promoting this
Blood Cancer Awareness Month (September) Program (See Exhibit #10)
o All Starbucks cups will be lime, neon green for the month of September.
o 20% of all hot drink purchases go towards Canadian blood services.
o Starbucks will sponsor blood stations in schools, malls and hospitals.
o Participants will receive a free tall Starbucks coffee after donating their blood
o Public media, especially in schools and malls will promote this initiative.
World Wildlife Fund Donation Initiative
o This promotion will also run for one month in June.
o When customers purchase the Tumblers and Travel mugs/cups, or cold drinks, all the
proceeds go to the WWF.
o In exchange, for purchasing a Tumbler/Travel mug, customers receive any free pastry of
their choice.
o Social media will be the major media used to promote this initiative.
Gabriel Macht Celebrity Endorsement (See Exhibit #8)
o Gabriel Macht, actor and director, best known for his role as Harvey Spectre on the
show Suits, will be a brand ambassador through social media.
o Gabriel Macht will also appear on a public media ad which will be posted around post-
secondary institutes and malls as part of the public media budget.
o Gabriel Macht has a community Facebook page with over 200,000 followers and his
twitter account includes close to 400,000 followers.
o Gabriel Macht is common among both Starbucks’ main target audiences: post-
secondary students (a majority of which enjoy Suits), along with business professionals
who also watch this legal drama about the corrupt business world.
d) PR Budget
Initiative Calculations Cost
Chrons & Colitis Awareness 20% of all drink purchases $150,000
Program for one month goes to
research facility
Band performance x 10
cities ($150,000)
Total Cost $2,155,000
10. Explanation of How the Proposed Communications Plan Will Meet
the Brand’s Communications Objectives
Objective Rationale
Communication Objectives
To continue brand exposure through The integrated communications plan for
extensive use of logo; increase usage Starbucks uses a wide variety of media
by 10%. types which have different strengths in
Move customers from preference/trial order to reach the target audience.
to regular use through loyalty Some of these media types are essential
programs. for increasing brand loyalty, thus
achieving the second objective on the
Increase purchases per transaction for right to move customers from trial users
each customer. to brand enthusiasts.
Intensify mobile experience by
While there are many media types used,
reaching $1 billion in mobile they will all broadcast the main creative
transactions by 2014 in the United objective: customize, comfort, coffee.
States This will ensure that the last
To remain consistent across all communication objective is met, to
promotional channels (social media, ensure that the message is consistent
website, etc.) across all media and promotional
Creative Objectives
The main message for our campaign is Various media ads in the communication
“customize, comfort, coffee.” plan will present the three C’s theme by
We plan to target the everyday students highlighting key aspects of Starbucks’
and business professionals who enjoy a business operations which meet each of
cup of coffee at Starbucks are able to the three criteria.
customize their drink to fit their needs all The ads created will focus on benefits
while being in the comfort of a Starbucks from the three C’s which apply directly to
coffee shop. the two main target audiences: post-
secondary students and business
Media Promotion Objectives
To increase the number of social media The social media promotions by means of
followers (across all networks) by 5% the “C” You at Starbucks campaign and
over the 2016 year. the Facebook online game will effectively
target the post-secondary students
To increase the number of touch points
each customer has with the brand by 2 These additional promotions add touch
types over the next year. points, which are new ways for
Use the selected social media promotions customers to interact with the brand.
to gain brand awareness among the post- This will result in more time spent
secondary target market. towards Starbucks, in terms of social
media involvement and playing the
online game.
The goal is to develop a 10% increase in By means of these increased touch points
social media followers, likes and and by effectively reaching a substantial
comments among the 16-25 post- target market through their desired
medium (online/social media), an
secondary age group over the 2016 year.
increase in social media usage and
To increase the amount of comments and involvement will occur.
feedback through social media by 5% Therefore, the quantitative goals on the
over the following year. left will be achieved.
To increase overall store sales in Canada
by 2% as a result of promotional contests
and sweepstakes.
Public Relations Objectives
To generate a positive brand image The two awareness month campaigns
through public relations efforts. will generate goodwill among the general
o The quantitative goal to achieve public.
Any increase in public relations efforts
this objective is a 10% reduction
results in positive interest from
in the negative comments on
customers who interact with the brand
social media pages (Facebook on a relatively regular basis.
and Twitter) pertaining to socially Consistent public relations campaigns
responsible behaviour. throughout the year will make customers
o By extension, a 10% increase in feel like Starbucks is continuously
positive social media posts involved in socially responsible initiatives.
pertaining to social responsible This increased focus on public relations
strategies will create buzz among regular
behaviour will be the benchmark
Starbucks users and will result in the
for this objective. achievement of the quantitative goals
o These quantitative goals will be listed on the left.
measured over the 2016 year. These public relations initiatives appeal
To increase overall store sales in Canada to the younger Millennials generation,
by 3% during the months where which encompasses post-secondary
students and some business
Starbucks’ awareness campaigns are
professionals. This is important because
initiated. This marketing objective will be
this demographic group is known for
measured over the 2016 year. their stance for environmentally and
Increase Starbucks’ current Canadian socially responsible efforts on the part of
public relations budget by 10% in 2016. corporations.
This initiative not only improves This focus will also impact the amount of
Starbucks’ brand image as a socially sales due to an expected increase in
purchases during these busy campaign
responsible organization, but it shows
months for good community causes.
employees and other internally how Thus, one of the objectives is an overall
serious the company is about their increase in store sales over the 2016 year
resolve to contribute to the community. and this ambitious goal will be achieved if
this increased focus on public relations
initiatives truly resonates with the target
11. Methods to Be Used to Evaluate the Communications Plan.
Television Advertisement
Prior to finalizing the commercial, a variety of pre and post-test methods will be used:
o Concept tests, consumer juries, portfolio tests for initial responses
o Inquiry tests, recognition and recall tests as well as theatre tests will be integrated
throughout the post-testing process.
The program rating of the slot where the ad will be placed must be analyzed to determine the
effectiveness of that daypart placement.
Network rating also applies as Starbucks has to understand which stations receive competitive
ratings and will allow the ad to reach a maximum amount of quality customers.
To help with the measurements above, share of audience for each network will be necessary to
understand what portion of the viewing audience is tuning into the program.
The data collected will be segmented according to each television station and network.
The data will be compared to determine effectiveness of certain stations chosen as opposed to
others which happened to be less efficient in reach and frequency.
Radio Advertisement
Prior to finalizing the radio commercial, a variety of pre and post-test methods will be used:
o Concept tests, consumer juries, portfolio tests for initial responses
o Inquiry tests, recognition and recall tests will be integrated throughout the post-testing
The success of this medium will be determined by several key measurements:
o The average quarter-hour share will be calculated for each radio station where the ad is
aired, to determine an approximate reach of the radio commercial.
o Cume figures will be analyzed as well to understand the reach potential of each station.
Each of the analytics being tracked will be evaluated on a weekly basis
The data collected will be segmented according to each radio station and will be compared to
determine effectiveness of certain stations chosen as opposed to others which happened to be
less efficient in reach and frequency.
Magazine Advertisement
Prior to finalizing the radio commercial, a variety of pre and post-test methods will be used:
o Readability tests and dummy advertising vehicles will be integrated throughout the pre
and post-testing process.
The success of this medium will be determined by several key measurements:
o Circulation of each issue.
o Estimated pass-along readership will be measured and added to circulation numbers to
determine an approximate reach with each magazine issue.
Each of the analytics being tracked will be evaluated on a monthly basis and the total readership
data will be compared across each magazine issue where the ad appears.
Social Media Promotions
The success of our social media campaigns (#C You at Starbucks, Facebook game, social media posts
advertising other campaign promotions) will be measured in a variety of ways. The following methods
will help determine whether or not customers have liked the social media strategies by evaluating and
inspecting their responses.
o Keeping track of likes and shares on specific photo posts that are relevant to the
o Increase/decrease in followers.
o Reading and analyzing direct messages.
o Keeping track of likes, shares, and comments on specific posts that are relevant to the
o Increase/decrease in page likes, follows, and shares.
o Reading and analyzing direct messages.
o Keeping track of likes, shares, retweets, replies, and comments on specific posts that are
relevant to the campaign.
o Increase in followers/decrease in followers.
o Reading and analyzing direct messages and direct tweets.
Facebook App Game
o Keeping track of likes and shares of the app on the Facebook website.
o Keeping track of number of people playing, and the amount of time they spend on the
o Keeping track of bounce rates.
o Reading and analyzing mentions, and comments that are based on the app on social
media sites.
Each of the analytics being tracked will be evaluated on a daily basis with a report every week
highlighting the changes in these quantitative areas.
#StarbucksForLife Sweepstakes
The success of this sweepstakes endeavor will be determined by several key measurements:
o The number of customers who upsell to a grande or higher size in order to qualify.
o The number of customers who upsell to a $10 purchase or higher in order to qualify for
another ballot.
o The number of customers who purchase at various Starbucks locations throughout
Canada during the sweepstakes compared to a time period where the promotion is not
o The percentage of comments on Starbucks’ social media pages with the
#StarbucksForLife hashtag.
Porter Airlines Promotion
The success of this coupon promotion will be determined by the following measurements:
o The number of people who use their voucher compared to the number of people who
receive the coupon.
o How long before each customer uses the voucher (there is a date of receipt on the
o The demographic characteristics will be collected during the transaction process and
this data will help determine trends as to which target group benefits from this
The success of this contest promotion will be determined by the following measurements:
o The number of ideas sent overall throughout Canada.
o In-depth analysis of geographic location of participants as well as demographic
characteristics will be collected to determine which target market took advantage of this
o The number of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook videos posted with customers explaining
their idea.
o The percentage increase of social media involvement (comments and likes will be
tracked) throughout the contest.
Each of the analytics being tracked will be evaluated on a daily basis with a report every week
highlighting the changes in these quantitative areas.
The success of this event marketing promotion will be determined by the following
o Number of ballots entered into the draw.
o Number of prizes given away at each event.
o Number of free coffees and drinks provided during that day.
Each of these analytics will be tracked and compared against all 10 cities which are hosting this
The success of this public relations initiative will be determined by the following measurements:
o The total amount raised for Crohns and Colitis research by means of this awareness
month promotion.
o The amount of donated funds from customers.
o The number of purple cups sold at each location throughout the entire month.
These analytics will be tracked and compared against various store locations in the surrounding
area. Then, this data will be compared to other locations nationwide.
Blood Cancer Awareness Initiative
The success of this public relations initiative will be determined by the following measurements:
o The total amount raised for Blood Cancer research by means of this awareness month
o The amount of donated funds from customers.
o The number of lime/neon green cups sold at each location throughout the entire
o The percentage increase of people who donate blood at locations sponsored by
Starbucks throughout Canada.
These analytics will be tracked and compared against various store locations in the surrounding
area. Then, this data will be compared to other locations nationwide.
The success of this public relations initiative will be determined by the following measurements:
o The total amount raised for the WWF by means of the purchases of travel/tumbler mugs
and cups.
o The amount of donated funds from customers.
o The percentage of social media comments and likes on Starbucks’ pages based on this
These analytics will be tracked and compared against various store locations in the surrounding
area. Then, this data will be compared to other locations nationwide.
The success of this endorsement is very difficult to quantify. The best way to track positive
results is through reactions on both Starbucks’ social media pages and also Gabriel Macht’s
As a result of the in-depth analysis and research to evaluate each promotion and media type, the overall
costs for this section are $17,650. This figure is represented in the final budget.
12. Budget Summary
13. Exhibits
Exhibit #1 - Television Storyboard Commercial: Customize
They go to the Starbucks, because they know That customized Starbucks coffee gave them
that they can customize their drink to make it the boost they need to continue studying and
unique to their situation. Since they will be up do well on their exam.
all night studying, they need a latte with a
double expresso shot. The customization option
will allow this specific need to be met.
Pictures will be cited in order from top left to bottom right.i,ii,iii,iv
Exhibit #2 - Television Storyboard Commercial: Coffee
A group of friends are walking down the street They notice a Starbucks store so they decided to
deciding what they want to do. go in to grab some coffee.
Exhibit #3 - Magazine Advertisement: Gatefold
Exhibit #4 - Place-based Media: Mall Diorama Board
Exhibit #5 - Transit Media: Subway Interior Display for Customize Your Latte Promotion
Exhibit #6 - Transit Media: Subway Terminal Ad for Earth Hour Event Marketing Promotion
Exhibit #7 - Transit Media: Bus Shelter Ad for Crohns and Colitis Public Relations Initiative
Exhibit #8 - Place-based Media: College/University Interior Displays for Gabriel Macht Endorsement
Exhibit #10 - Transit Media: Subway Interior Display for Blood Cancer Awareness Initiative
Exhibit #11 - Online Advertisement for Social Media Promotional Campaign
Exhibit #12 - Place-based Media: Airport Advertisement for Porter Coupon Promotion
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Retail Design Blog.Starbucks in Disneyland Anaheim.(2015). Retrieved from:
Slate.Can Coffee Subscriptions Make Starbucks Cool Again.(2015). Retrieved from:
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vi coffee mourning over expensive drinks in starbucks.(2015). Retrieved from:
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