Tube Fittings
Tube Fittings
Tube Fittings
REPUTE tube fittings are manufactured to stringent quality control program and internal standards which
assure the highest quality available in the industry. Two ferrule tube fittings are designed and manufactured
to provide effective gas sealing in variety of industrial applications comprising tubing connections. REPUTE
tube fittings are commonly used in various industries like oil and gas, petro-chemical/chemical processing,
research laboratories, Instrumentation process and control systems, aerospace and defense, chemical
Two ferrule compression tube fittings are manufactured under strict quality control program and close
tolerances. There is no international / national standard which is followed by tube fitting manufacturers to
manufacture these fittings. Every manufacturer have their own design and tolerances which governs the
product specifications. Hence for safety purpose, we do not recommend interchange and intermix the
Available in numerous configurations and size up to two inches, REPUTE tube fittings are made up of four parts
consisting of a body, front ferrule, back ferrule, and nut. The fitting make up with compression type two ferrule
technology is leak tight and consistent as the design compensates for any tolerances in tube outer diameter,
REPUTE tube fittings feature a low torque assembly and leak free seal for easy assembly and reassembly.
Double ferrule tube fitting uses its design features and geometry to make a connection. When nut is tightened
both ferrules moves axially in a controlled manner which does not allow any torque transfer from fitting to the
tubing. This ensures there is no stress on the tube and tube do not twist or get distorted.
Front and back ferrules play vital role individually while fitting make up. Front ferrule does the sealing whereas
back ferrule performs gripping action. The firm grip of back ferrule on tube surface provides excellent
Silver plating on the nut threads act as lubricant and prevents galling. The nut can be backed off easily for dis-
assembly and remakes. Usually the fittings are pulled up one and a quarter turn to make leak fee assembly.
During each re-assembly the nut should be advanced a quarter turn from its previous pulled up position to
ensure the adequate tightening and consistent leak free joint. Tube Fittings in smaller sizes less than 6 mm
need three quarter to one turn to make up the leak free joint.
Material of Construction:
Tube Fittings are available in MOC 316 stainless steel as a standard. Tube fittings can also be manufactured in
Brass, SS 316L, Monel and other exotic alloys upon request. Raw material outsourced meets requirements of
Thread Specifications:
Specifications/standards given in the following table are followed for threaded end of the tube fittings.
Always use thread sealants on pipe threads. Do not apply sealant / PTFE on tube end of fitting.
All the Fitting manufactured by us are ultrasonically cleaned and free from oil and other impurities.
Tube selection plays very important role in achieving safe, reliable and leak free installation. Correct
installation practices should be followed and care should be taken while selecting and handling the tubes.
Tube Selection:
Some of the important factors and good practices while selecting the tube are as below.
We recommend to use fully annealed seamless tubing complying ASTM A 269 or equivalent
Tubing material shall be compatible with the process fluid and environmental conditions.
While selecting tube wall thickness due consideration should be given to parameters like temperature,
pressure, vibrations and shocks. Extremely thin wall tube may get collapsed by ferrule action and a
tube with too heavy wall thickness will not allow desired ferrule action.
The surface finish should be smooth free from scratches and burrs. Draw marks and dents on tube
surface will allow lighter gas particles to escape thereby causing a leakage.
Tube material shall be softer than that of fitting / ferrule material. Tube shall be fully annealed to
make proper gripping and sealing. Typically SS seamless tube shall have Hardness 80 or less on HRB
Eccentricity and ovality are tube defects and should be avoided for correct installation.
Cap the tubing ends to avoid contamination and foreign particles inside tube.
Store the tubes in racks and cover them to avoid dust collection on the tube surface.
Always use tube cutter for smaller tube sizes. Do not cut deep while using tube cutter. It may damage
the tube.
Tube ends must be cut squarely and deburred to achieve desired leak proof performance.
Do not try to force the tubing in the fitting body, it will damage either fitting components or tube end.
It is suggested to use good quality tools like tube cutter, tube benders, deburring tools etc. to prepare
For tubes above 1”OD size use of guided blocks or tube saw guide is recommended. Cut the tube with
fine teeth hacksaw blade and de-burring is very crucial when hacksaw is used to cut the tube.
Do not pull up tube fittings when system is pressurized or bleed the system by loosening nut or body.
Always use right sized spanners to turn fitting nut by holding fitting body firm.
Pressure Ratings:
Repute two ferrule compression tube fittings are rated to maximum working pressure of tubing recommended
to use with tube fittings. Calculations are based on maximum OD and minimum wall thickness as per ASTM
A269. No allowance is made for corrosion or erosion. The indicative maximum working pressure of Tubing
calculated from equations in ASME B31.3. Ratings mentioned in all the charts and tables given below are for
reference only. Verification of all the related parameters along with their ratings and correct selection of tubes
Importa nt Notes :
1. Al l owa bl e worki ng pres s ure l oa ds a re ca l cul a ted from S va l ue, 20000 PSI (137800 kPa ) for ASTM A 269
tubi ng a t -20 to 100° F a s l i s ted i n ASME B31.3 code, except a s noted.
2. Mul ti pl y a bove s ta i nl es s s teel ra ti ng by 0.94 for worki ng pres s ure a ccordi ng to ASME B 31.1
3. For Wel ded a nd dra wn tubi ng, a dera ti ng fa ctor mus t be a ppl i ed for wel d i ntegri ty.
For Doubl e wel ded tubi ng mul ti pl y pres s ure ra ti ng by 0.85
For Si ngl e wel ded tubi ng mul ti pl y pres s ure ra ti ng by 0.8
4. Ca l cul a ti ons a re ba s ed on Ma xi mum DD a nd mi ni mum wa l l thi cknes s a s a l l owa bl e i n ASTM A 269
5. Al l owa nces for eros i on a nd corros i on a re not cons i dered.
6. Sa fety fa ctor i s 3.75:1,cons i deri ng ul ti ma te tens i l e s trength 75000 PSI.
7. Tube Ha rdnes s s ha l l be ma xi mum 80 HRB.
Recommended allowable working pressure for Metric seamless Stainless steel tube
Notes :
1 Allowable working pressure based on equations from ASME B31.3 code for EN ISO 1127 tubing (D4, T4 tolerance for 3 to 12 mm; D4, T3 tolerance
14 to 50 mm), using S value of 1 370 bar (20 000 psi) and tensile strength of 5 170 bar (75 000 psi), except as noted.
2 Multiply stainless steel rating by 0.94 for working pressure according to ASME B31.1
3 For welded and drawn tubing, a derating factor must be applied for weld integrity
for double welded tubing multiply pressure rating by 0.85
for single welded tubing multiply pressure rating by 0.80
4 Calculations are based on Maximum OD and Minimum wall thickness as allowable in ASTM A 269
5 Allowance for corrosion and erosion is not considered.
6 Safety factor is 3.75:1 considering ultimate tensile strength 75000 PSI.
7 Hardness 80 HRB Max.
Recommended allowable working pressure for Fractional Alloy 400 tube
Notes :
1 Allowable working pressure loads calculated from S value of 18700 (128800 kPa) for
ASTM B 165 at –20 to 100°F (–28 to 37°C) as listed in ASME B31.3 code.
2 Multiply Alloy 400 rating by 0.93 for working pressure according to ASME B31.1
3 Hardness 75 HRB max.
Recommended allowable working pressure for Fractional Copper tube
Notes :
1 Allowable working pressure loads calculated from S value of 6 000 psi (41 300 kPa) for
ASTM B75 tubing at –20 to 100°F (–28 to 37°C) as listed in ASME B31.3 code.
Notes :
1 Allowable working pressure loads calculated from S value of 20000 psi (137800 kPa)
for ASTM B 622 or equivalent
2 Hardness 100 HRB max.
Screwed End Pressure Rating:
Pressure ratings for fittings with both tube fitting and pipe thread ends are determined by the end connection
with the lower pressure rating. Pressure ratings listed are for temperature up to 37℃ (100℉). Pressure rating
is calculated at -28 to 37℃ (-20 to 100℉) using allowable stress value of 20000 psi for SS316, 10000 psi for
Brass, and 20000 psi for Carbon Steel as per ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code. While determining pressure
ratings in accordance with B31.1 power piping, multiply below pressure rating values by a factor 0.94 for MOC
stainless steel and by 0.85 for MOC Steel. Brass rating values remains unchanged.
A - B - C - D - E F
The basic Double-Ferrule Tube Fitting is a four-piece fitting consisting of the nut, back ferrule, front ferrule and
the fitting body as shown below.
The tube needs to be prepared for making up fittings. Tube ends should be cut at right angle and must be free
from burrs, scratches and dent marks for a leak-proof joint. Use of appropriate tools like tube cutter,
deburring tools are recommended for preparing tube for connection.
1. Insert the squarely cut and deburred tubing into the fitting and ensure the tubing rests firmly against the
fitting body shoulder. Rotate the nut finger-tight until tube does not rotate by hand.
3. While holding fitting body steady with a spanner, tighten the nut 11/4 turns, from the marked position.
For smaller sizes 1/16, 1/8, and 3/16 in.; 2, 3, and 4 mm tube fittings, only 3/4 turn from finger tight is
For higher sizes above 1” (25 mm), Pre-swage the ferrules on tubing and tighten ½ turn.
Reassembly Instructions:
You may disassemble and reassemble Repute tube fittings repeatedly to achieve the same reliable leak-proof
connection. We suggest following reassembly steps.
1. Before disassembling mark the position of the nut with respect to fitting body.
2. While making up reassembly, simply insert tube assembly firmly to bottom into fitting body. Hold the body
with the spanner and tighten nut to the original position as indicated by the previous mark.
3. Tighten until you feel some resistance (increase in torque) and then give a snug (Approximately ¼ turn) to
complete reassembly.
Preassembly Instructions:
Installations at overhead locations or in the confined areas makes it difficult to make connections with
standard assembly procedure. Pre-swaging tools are available which pre-swages ferrules on the tubing. This
pre-swaged assembly can then be used to achieve leak proof joints by following installation instructions.
1. Inspect the pre-swaging tool to confirm it is free from burrs and is in good condition. Assemble
ferrules and nut on the Preassembly Tool and tighten the nut to finger tight position.
2. Insert the prepared tube through nut and ferrules and ensure the tubing rests firmly against the tool
3. From the finger tight position, mark the 6 o’ clock position and rotate the nut 1-1/4 turns.
4. Dis-engage the nut from the preassembly Tool and take out the tube with the ferrules pre- swaged
onto the tube with axial force. Do not rotate the tubing.
5. Insert tube with pre-swaged ferrules into the fitting body where the desired connection is to be made.
Tighten the nut to the finger tight position.
6. To make the final connection, hold the body with the spanner and tighten nut to the original position
as indicated by the previous mark. An increase of torque will be felt, from this point give a snug.
For smaller sizes 1/16, 1/8, and 3/16 in.; 2, 3, and 4 mm tube fittings, only 3/4 turn from finger tight is
** Metric tube fittings are identified by a stepped machined shoulder on both, the body and threaded side of
the nut.