As Level Physics Key Words
As Level Physics Key Words
As Level Physics Key Words
Displacement: Distance moved in a particular direction.
Speed: The distance travelled per unit time.
Velocity: The distance travelled in a particular direction/ the displacement per unit time.
Acceleration: The rate of change of velocity.
Acceleration Of Free Fall: The acceleration on an object when the only force acting on it is the
gravitational pull of the Earth.
Free Fall: The downward motion of an object under the influence of force of gravity with a constant
acceleration (g = 9.81 ms-2).
Newton’s First Law Of Motion: An object will maintain uniform velocity or remain stationary unless
an external force acts upon it.
Newton’s Second Law Of Motion: The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the
resultant force acting on it in the same direction. (F = m x a)
Newton’s Third Law of Motion: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. (If one body
exerts a force on another, it will experience a force by the other body, which is equal in magnitude
& opposite in direction.)
Mass: It is a measure of inertia of a body or It is a body’s reluctance to undergo linear acceleration.
Weight: It is the gravitational force exerted on an object’s mass.
Momentum: It is the product of a body’s mass & velocity, with its direction always being the same
as the body’s direction of velocity.
Force: It is defined as the rate of change of momentum of a body, or the product of a body’s mass
& its acceleration.
Principle Of Conservation Of Momentum: The total momentum of a system remains constant
before & after a collision, provided that no external force acts upon the system.
Elastic Collisions: A collision in which both the total momentum & the total Kinetic Energy of a
system is conserved.
Inelastic Collisions: A collision in which the total momentum of a system is conserved, but the total
Kinetic Energy is not conserved.
Up thrust: It is the resultant force on a submerged object due to the upward pressure of the fluid
applied on it. It is also known as Buoyancy Force.
Centre Of Gravity: The point on an object at which the entire weight of the body seemingly acts.
It is the point at which the Earth actually applies the pull of gravity.
Moment: It is the turning effect of a force. It is the product of the force & the perpendicular
distance between the axis of rotation/pivot & the line of action of the force.
Torque Of A Couple: The turning effect caused by two equal & opposite forces when their line of
actions are different.
Torque of a Couple = Magnitude of any one force x Linear Distance between the forces
The Principle Of Moments: The sum of clockwise moments taken about any point is equal to the
sum of anti-clockwise moments taken about the same point when a system is in equilibrium.
Energy: It is the stored ability to do work.
Kinetic Energy: The energy possessed by an object by virtue of its motion.
Potential Energy: It is the energy possessed by an object by virtue of its position.
Gravitational Potential Energy: The energy possessed by an object due to the height raised above
the ground/against the force of gravity.
Elastic Potential Energy: The energy possessed by an elastic object by virtue of its compression or
expansion, due to elastic restoring force. (k x X)
Internal Energy: It is the total of the microscopic Kinetic & Potential energies of particles of a
Impulse: It is the product of a force & the time during which the force is applied.
Work: It is the product of a force & the distance moved in the direction of the force.
Power: It is the rate at which work is done. It is work done per unit time.
Power: It is the product of force & velocity.
Efficiency: It is the fraction of the useful power output obtained from the total power input.
Density: It is the amount of mass per unit volume of a substance.
Brownian Motion: The haphazard or random movement of tiny suspended particles (such as
smoke, pollen etc.) in a fluid is known as Brownian Motion. It gives direct evidence for perpetual
molecular movement. This experiment demonstrates the random haphazard movement of smoke
particles in water as they collide with invisible particles of the medium itself.
Crystalline Solids: They have closely packed structures in a regular arrangement. Elastic strain is
usually less than about 1%. Individual molecules move a small distance from their equilibrium
position on application of a force & the return to their original equilibrium position once the force
is removed. E.g. Diamond
Polymeric Solids: Solids with very long chains of molecules. The molecular chains are tangled up,
& occasionally have cross-links between the chains. Hence, when a force is applied, then the
strands can be pulled out to lie more parallel to one another. Some reorganization of the cross-
links does take place, & therefore there can be permanent distortion as well. E.g. Rubber
Amorphous Solids: These differ from crystalline solids because they lack the crystalline
arrangement of molecules. Any pattern or regularity that does occur in structure takes place over
very short distances, of the order of a few molecular diameters. E.g. Glass & soot
Pressure: It is the perpendicular/normal force applied per unit area.
Displacement: It is the change in position of an oscillating particle from its rest or mean position
in a particular direction. It is a vector.
Amplitude: It is the magnitude of the maximum value of displacement. It is a scalar.
Phase Difference: If two oscillations are in step with one another, they are said to be in phase with
one another. Oscillations are said to be in antiphase if they are always moving in opposite directions.
For example; if the crest of one wave falls with the trough of another, then they are said to be out
of phase by 180 degrees.
Period: The time taken to complete one oscillation.
Frequency: The number of oscillations per unit time. It is measured in Hertz (Hz). 1 Hz is one cycle
per second.
Wavelength: It is the smallest distance between two points that are in phase with one another.
(Wave) Speed: It is the speed with which crests of the wave move or the speed with which energy
is transferred. It is NOT the speed with which particles in the wave move.
The Transfer of Energy: The transfer of energy is due to a progressive wave, NOT a
standing/stationary wave.
Transverse Waves: A wave in which displacement of particles is perpendicular to the direction of
wave propagation, resulting in crests & troughs. E.g. light waves (the entire electromagnetic
Longitudinal Waves: A wave in which displacement of particles is parallel to the direction of wave
propagation, resulting in compressions & rarefactions. E.g. sound waves
Electromagnetic Waves: These are transverse waves. The displacement in the case of
electromagnetic waves is a variation in the electric & magnetic fields perpendicular to each other.
Polarisation: As a result of the transverse nature of vibrations, transverse waves have an additional
property that is not possessed by longitudinal waves. The movement of particles in transverse
mechanical waves is at right angles to the direction of wave propagation. This, however, still leaves
many possibilities for the direction of the particle in 3D. Frequently, oscillations take place in a
transverse wave in many different directions, & the wave is said to be unpolarised. If the oscillation
does take place in only one direction, however, the wave is then said to be polarized in that
direction. That wave is then known as a plane-polarised wave.
Stationary Waves: A stationary wave is produced because of superposition of two waves of similar
wavelength & amplitude but travelling in opposite directions. A characteristic of a stationary wave
is that there are some parts of the wave where the amplitude is always zero. The points are known
as nodes. Halfway between the nodes, the amplitude is at its maximum, & these points are called
antinodes. Energy is NOT transferred in standing waves.
Diffraction: The spreading of waves near an obstacle is called diffraction. If the width of the
opening is comparable with a single wavelength, the magnitude of diffraction is large as compared
with say, if the width of the opening was five wavelengths.
Diffraction Grating: It is a series of narrow parallel slits. If parallel monochromatic light waves
approach a series of narrow slits close to one another, the waves from each slit are spread out over
180 degrees after passing the slits. It is the ability of a diffraction grating to give a dark background,
where the intensity is near zero, that makes it useful for examining spectra.
Principle of Superposition Of Waves: When two waves of the same type with similar frequency &
speed are in phase with each other, their total amplitude on joining together/adding together is
the sum of their individual amplitudes.
Interference: When two waves superimpose, they cause interference. When the crests of both
waves fall on each other, constructive interference is achieved & the displacement of particles is at
its maximum value. If the crest of one wave falls on the trough of the other, destructive
interference takes place & the displacement of particles is at its minimum value, or zero.
Coherence: If monochromatic light is used, only one wavelength is present, as compared to if white
light was used. Since speed & frequency are the same, all imperfections within the wave occur
simultaneously for both sources of the monochromatic light. Two waves maintaining a constant
phase difference are said to be coherent.
Fringe Width/Separation: The separation between one bright fringe & the next bright fringe.
Conditions for Observing Two-Source Interference:
· The two waves should be of the same type. (Both transverse or longitudinal).
· They should almost similar wavelength or frequency.
· They should arrive at a point at the same time (superimposed).
· They should maintain a constant phase difference. (Coherent sources are required).
Electricity: -
Electric Field: It is the modified area or region around a charged object in which it can apply an
electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion on a test charge. Electric field strength is force per unit
positive charge.
Electric Current: It is the amount of charge flowing through a circuit per unit time or It is the rate
of flow of charged particles.
Ampere: If a charge of 1 Coulomb passes through an electrical component per second, then the
current maintained is 1 Ampere.
Potential Difference: The P.D across an electrical component is the energy converted from
electrical to other forms of energy when unit charge passes through it.
Volt: One volt is the P.D between two points in a circuit in which one joule of energy is converted
when one coulomb of charge passes from one point to the other.
Resistance: The ratio of P.D to the current for an electrical component at a particular time is known
as its resistance.
Ohm: A resistor has a resistance of one ohm if a P.D of one volt is to be maintained, to allow a
passage of one ampere of current.
Resistivity: The resistivity of a wire of a particular material is its resistance for unit length.
Coulomb: If a current of one ampere (6.25x1018 electrons) passes through a conductor, then the
charge flowed is one Coulomb or It is the amount of charge required to maintain a current of one
ampere in a conductor.
Ohm’s Law: The current through a metallic conductor is proportional to the P.D across it provided
that its temperature remains constant.
Thermistor (NTC): A specific type of resistor, in which, as temperature increases, the magnitude of
the resistor’s resistance decreases, & vice versa.
Electromotive Force: The e.m.f of any source of electrical energy is the energy converted into
electrical energy per unit charge supplied. It has the same unit as P.D; the volt.
E.m.f & P.D: While e.m.f refers to the amount of energy converted into electrical energy per unit
charge supplied, P.D refers to the amount of electrical energy converted into other forms of energy
per unit charge supplied. The e.m.f of a source is equal to the potential difference across its
terminals as the current approaches zero.
Effect of Internal Resistance on P.D & Output Power: The higher the internal resistance of the
battery/cell, the lower the terminal P.D, & hence, the lower the output power as well. This is due
to the equation V = E – Ir
Potentiometer: When a potential divider arrangement is used to compare e.m.fs of two sources,
it is known a potentiometer.
Kirchhoff’s First Law: The algebraic sum of the currents at a junction is zero. In other words, charge
cannot be created or destroyed.
Kirchhoff’s Second Law: Around any closed loop in a circuit, the algebraic sum of the e.m.fs is equal
to the algebraic sum of the P.Ds. In other words, each & every point in a stable electrical circuit has
a particular value of potential. Any gains in electrical energy of a charge must be balanced by
corresponding losses of energy. Kirchhoff’s First & Second Laws are in correspondence & actually
are an appreciation of the Law of Conservation of Charge & the Law of Conservation of Energy
Nuclear Physics:-
The Atom: The simple model of the atom is made up of three sub-atomic particles: The proton
(which is positively charged), the neutron (which is uncharged but equal in mass to the proton), &
the electron (which is negatively charged & equal to the charge on the proton, but much smaller
in size & mass).
Mass Number & Proton Number: The mass number (also known as nucleon number) of an atom
is the number of protons & neutrons (collectively also known as nucleons) within its nucleus,
whereas the proton number refers simply to the number of protons within the nucleus, which is
consequently also the number of electrons (provided that the atom has no overall charge).
Isotopes: These are atoms of the same element which have the same proton number, but a
different nucleon number, due to a change in number of neutrons in their nuclei.
Radioactive Decay: This spontaneous & random process refers to the decay of unstable isotopes
of elements until they gain a stable atomic configuration, with the emission of either Alpha, Beta
or Gamma radiation. There is no order to this process, nor is there a way to predict the decay, as
is shown by fluctuations in every radioactive sample’s count rate.