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Closest Thing in Human's Daily Life and For The Use, Most of Them Use English

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This chapter presents the background of the study, problems of the study,

purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, definition of

the key term and organization of the study.

A. Background of the Research

Globalization has influenced our life. It does not only give impacts

to social, economy, and governmental system, but also to education. Indeed,

globalization makes English become the international language compulsory for

every people to communicate in this world. English is mostly used in most of

media right now. Television, hand phone, and internet are the most popular and

closest thing in human’s daily life and for the use, most of them use English.

Nowadays, to adjust with the development of era, technology and the use

of English, all people start preparing themselves to learn and master English as

international language, both spoken and written. Because of that, every education

stage gives English lesson for their students to respond the demand and the

change of the global condition. English development also brings impact to

Indonesian curriculum. English education is taught from the basic level. The

purpose is to make them familiar with English. In learning English, they have to

be able in mastery the skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and the

components (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation). In this study, it will focus on

how to teach vocabulary. Vocabulary is the most important things in learning


English, because vocabulary will give impact when we learn the skills and the

other components.

In Indonesia, English as second language has been taught from the

kindergarten until the university. Most of them focused on English skills such as

listening, speaking reading and writing. Most of the teacher assumed that

vocabulary will be learned automatically and directly in the teaching and learning

process. They ignore the importance of vocabulary to build the students’ language

acquisition. The teacher lets them listen, speak, read and write with the lack of

vocabulary, so that it makes the learners get trouble in developing the four skills

listening, speaking, reading and writing.

According to Richard (1997) it is vital to know a lot of words to make

progress in foreign language. Even if the grammar is excellent, someone just will

not be able to communicate your meaning without wide vocabularies. One of the

important things to help the learners to communicate is knowledge of vocabulary.

Since English is not our national language, it is not easy to learn it. Many students

or learners find problem in mastering it. One of the basic problems is lack of

vocabularies. By mastering the vocabulary, we can communicate to other people

easily. Besides, we can write paragraph or text fluently and also translate English

text well, so there is no misunderstanding between the writer and reader.

In teaching a language, English is particularly very complicated. As a

teacher, it is necessary to find new teaching media to overcome the problem and

motivate the students. There are many media can be used to improve students’

vocabulary like visual aid, audio aid and audio-visual aid.

To make the students interested in learning English, especially in

vocabulary we need to use teaching media to make it more understandable and

comprehensible. It can attract students come to our topic easily. We know that the

use of teaching media will help the teacher to deliver the lesson. In this study, we

will use cartoon video to teach vocabulary. It will give the significant result for

the students or not.

Titi (2007) explain that a cartoon video or movie is a moving diagrams or

cartoon that are made up a sequence of images displayed one after the other.

Technology is used to make them become more interesting as the result of

development of people imagination.

In addition, Pande (2008) explain that it is exaggerate amusing illustration

caricaturing in moving diagram way of criticizing a person or event in some

thoughts. A cartoon video or movie is a special form of art to present amusing

appearance with the help of colorful moving diagram exaggerates. In other word,

it can be seen in cartoon video or movie how to show people’s imagination that is

revealed in drawing forms. By using cartoon video or movie people can learn

everything like human, social and animal behavior. All of those are packed in a

motion picture and effects.

Media such as cartoon video has a very significant role to motivate the

students to learn vocabulary and to make the atmosphere of teaching and learning

more interesting. They will feel something new and different from what they

usually get in their class. Watching cartoon video is considered as one of the

useful and effective way to teach and learn English vocabulary. By using cartoon

video makes the students draw attention to the lesson. It also helps to motivate

learners and maintain their interest during the lesson.

SMP Islam Gondang is selected by researcher as the object of the study

because the teaching media that are used in this school are so limited, and also the

numbers of the students in this school are small. By observing, the researcher

know the students’ have high motivation in learning English but the school’s

condition makes them difficult to improve their English achievement, especially

in vocabulary. It happens because the teaching media in their school are so

limited. The limitation of teaching media caused the teacher seldom teach using

an appropriate media.

B. Research Problem

The formulation of the research problem of this study:

Is using cartoon video effective to teach English vocabulary at the second

grade of SMP Islam Gondang?

C. The Objective of the Research

The purpose of this study is:

To find out whether there is any effectiveness using cartoon video to teach

vocabulary at the second grade of SMP Islam Gondang.


D. Significant of the Research

The writer hopes that this study will give contribution for:

1. English learner

It may motivate students to improve their interest in learning English

since they will find out that learning English is not always difficult to

learn. Their improvement of interest in learning English will help them

master in English well.

2. English teacher

It would give them a description about how to teach and to motivate

the students to learn about English especially in vocabulary learning,

they would not be stuck only in some particular teaching strategies.

The use of media, in this context “Cartoon Video” could be a good

alternative or variation in teaching vocabulary, where it would make

the students enjoyed following the lesson.

3. The Principles

By understanding this study, they are expected to facilitate the teacher

and the students in teaching learning English. of course, the

preparation of facilities and education aids in other to make English

teaching better is a requirement to master English language skills.

4. Other Researcher

The result of the study can be used as references for other researcher to

conduct a further research dealing with teaching method used in the

classroom through descriptive study.


5. The Writer

It is the most important thing for finding useful experience in teaching.

If the writer is English teacher, so automatically understanding and

practicing a good method in teaching is the way to get success.

E. Scope and Limitation of the Research

There are many teaching media which can be used to teach

vocabulary to the students, such as movie, games, real object, picture, song,

flash card, and video etc. The scope in this study is teaching vocabulary by

using audio visual media toward the improvement of the student’s vocabulary

mastery of the second grade of SMP Islam Gondang.

In the implementation in this research, the writer limits the study in

teaching English vocabulary by using cartoon video. Because it can be used

as a perfect media in teaching vocabulary, cartoon video has two dimensional

illustrated visual arts and it will make the students more interested to study.

F. Definition of Key Terms

a. Cartoon video

Cartoon is a form of two dimensional illustrated visual arts. It is typically non-

realistic or semi realistic drawing or painting (Wikipedia). While video is a

movie or other piece of material recorded on videotape. So, cartoon video is a

movie in the form of two dimensional illustrated visual arts.


b. Vocabulary

Vocabulary in Cambridge Dictionary is all the words known and used by

particular person and all the words which exist in a particular language or


G. Organization of the Research

Chapter I (Introduction). It is consist of Research Background,

Statement of the problem, Purpose of the Study, Significant of the Study,

Scope and Limitation of the Study, Definition of the Key Terms, and

Organization of the Study.

Chapter II (Review of Related Literature). This chapter discusses the

definition of vocabulary, teaching media, cartoon video and the method of

using cartoon video to improve the students vocabulary mastery.

Chapter III (Research Method). It includes the research method. They

are Research Design, Population, Data and Data Sources, The Method and

Instrument of Collecting Data, Data Analysis Method.

Chapter IV (Research Finding and Discussion). The writer present

the short description of the Research Object, Data Presentation and Analysis.

Chapter V (Conclusion and Suggestion) is the last chapter found by

reader. It consists of conclusion and suggestion.




This chapter covers the definition of vocabulary, the classification of

vocabulary, teaching vocabulary, english teaching media, definition of cartoon

video, the advantages of using cartoon video in teaching vocabulary.


This study is about teaching vocabulary by using media. So, it is important to

reviews on related literature about vocabulary. Here will explain the definition

of vocabulary and the kinds of vocabulary.

1. Definition of Vocabulary

One of the important elements in language that cannot be separated from

learning English is vocabulary. It is hard to master the four language skills

without mastering or understanding a number of vocabularies because it is

fundamental in language learning.

In Oxford Learner’s Dictionary Online has applied a meaning of vocabulary

as follows:

a) All the words that all person knows and uses

b) All the words in a particular language

c) The words that people use when they are talking about a particular



d) A list of words with their meanings especially in a book for learning a

foreign language.

According to Hatch and Brown (1995:1) the term vocabulary refers to a

list or set of words for a particular language or a list or set of words that

individual speakers of language might use. Meanwhile, Nunan states

(1999:101) vocabulary is more than lists of target language words. It is

interrelated with the grammar.

From the definition above, that vocabulary is the collection of words

which is processed by language and gives the meaning if we use that

language. So, vocabulary is the most important part in language. In

learning a language, it is better to know as much vocabulary as possible,

if the vocabulary knowledge is rich the communication will also good

both in spoken or written. Furthermore, it is also covers a huge aspect of

language, it is not only just about meaning of words but also vocabulary

is the media to express the idea and it can be understood by the context.

2. The kinds of vocabulary

According to Nation (2001), there are two kinds of vocabularies,

active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. To make it clear the writer

explains both of them as follows:

a. Active vocabulary

The active vocabulary means the words that are used in oral or

written expression by the students. Meanwhile, Templeton (2004)


states active vocabulary refers to the words the students

understands, can pronounce correctly and use them constructively

in speaking and writing.

b. Passive vocabulary

The passive vocabulary means the words that the students

recognize and understand them when they occur in a context. The

students usually find passive vocabulary in listening or reading. In

Templeton (2004) states passive vocabulary refers to the words in

which the students can recognize and understand while they are

reading or listening, but they do not use the words in speaking or in


In the classroom teaching, the use of active and passive vocabulary

has two kinds of function and content words. Active vocabulary is

often used in speaking and writing, but in fact, it is more difficult

to put it into practice. The students are supposed to know how to

pronounce it well, they must know and be able to use grammar of

the target language, they also hoped to familiar with collocation

and understand the connotation meaning of words. While, passive

vocabulary or comprehension consists of the words comprehended

by the students, when they read and listen.


Teaching English vocabulary needs an extra work, it is not easy to do. The

English teacher had better teach English vocabulary first than other aspects of

this language. If students know more vocabulary, it will easy for them to

learn another aspect of English language. Here will explain approaches and

essential step in teaching and learning vocabulary.

1. Approaches in teaching and learning vocabulary

According to Hatch & Brown (1995:368) vocabulary learning are

often divided between intentional learning and incidental learning.

a) Intentional Learning

Intentional learning is defined as being designed, planned for, or

intended by teacher or student.

b) Incidental Learning

Incidental learning as the type of learning that is byproduct of

doing or learning something else.

2. The strategies in teaching vocabulary

According to Seal (1991) divides vocabulary teaching into

planned and unplanned activities. Unplanned vocabulary teaching

happens when the student request a meaning for a vocabulary item

during a lesson or when the teacher realize that a word that has just

come up needs to be clarified.

Seal suggests the three C’s (conveys, checks, consolidates) for use in

such situation. First, the teacher conveys the meaning by using mime,

synonyms, or anecdote. Second, the teacher checks that the meaning is

understood by a series of question. Third, the teacher consolidates the


information by trying to get the students to relate the word to another

context or personal experience.

While planned vocabulary teaching relate to intentional

vocabulary instruction. There are several principles that can help for

choosing the approaches, techniques, exercises, and practice that can

be used to teach vocabulary. The first is the principle of time

effectiveness. The consideration about the preparation time the

method requires of the teacher and the student and also about the

benefit received match the time spent. Second, is content. It will give

the contribution about the students have in the way of content after

using the method, it helps the students acquire the words that they

want or need, the aspects of words will be known and etc. Another

way to look the content is determine the steps in the vocabulary

acquisition process such as encountering the words, getting the word

forms, getting the word meanings, consolidating word form and

meaning in memory and using the words. Last, the evaluation. The

evaluations are carried out using evaluation guidelines.

Deciding product focused in teaching means using word lists.

The use of time effectiveness of the word lists depending the material

that is suitable for the students, the sources of the material. The sources

can be taken from book, television, radio broadcasts and also computer

program. If all of the word lists are given in context, there are

possibilities that students will get some other information. Contexts are

usually more helpful. It can also help the students increase their

abilities to use the process of guessing meaning. In the activity the

students are also required to match words with their meanings given in

another list, it helps consolidate word forms with word meanings.

Written activities can be added as simple as asking students to write a

sentence for each word studied. Sugawara (1993) states that having

students answer questions that necessitate use of the word in the

answer also helped students learn words and feel confident in their use.

3. Essential steps in vocabulary learning

When learning about vocabulary, teacher always give advice

about how to learn vocabulary or even make assignments for this

purpose. Actually, there are five essential steps in learning vocabulary.

The each steps represent something that learners must do, at least at

some minimal level to come to full productive knowledge of words.

According to Hatch and Brown (1995:372) the five essential steps are:

a) Encountering new word

The first essential step for vocabulary learning is

encountering new words that are having a source for words. The

source can be from books, newspaper, magazine, television and

radio. How many words which they get, it is influenced by some

factors, natural learner interest or motivation, the actual need, the

frequency that a word is encountered, and encountering words

under some circumstances.


b) Getting the word form

The second is getting of a clear image, either visual or

auditory or both, of the form of vocabulary item. It means the

importance of getting the form of the word appear when students

asked to give definition for words, many errors caused by

confusing of words similar in form either to a native language

word or to another English word.

c) Getting the word meaning

The third essential step is most often associated with the idea

of vocabulary learning, getting the word meaning. In this step, the

word definition which has been made seems to vary caused by the

requirements of the task or situation and also with the level of the

learner. Language learners also need different kinds of definitions

and distinctions depending on the words being learned and the

reasons for needing them. Advanced learners may often use

thesauruses than dictionaries in supplying the meaning that they


Hatch and Brown (1995:384) states “Another way of getting

definitions is simply by having a bilingual friend or a teacher


It means that the native speakers naturally make adjustments and

give clarifications and definitions for nonnative speakers. One very

popular way for learner to get the meaning of words is through


context. Learners guess the meaning of words from situation,

discourse and context in which they are used.

d) Consolidating word form and meaning in memory

In this step calls for the word to be learned in a sentence that

gives contextual cues to the meaning of the word while relating the

form to forms the learner already knows. If all of the learners in a

language class have the same first language, the keywords can be

done in the first language. If the class has a heterogeneous

language background, the keywords and sentences must be in the

second language. In addition Cohen states in Hatch’s book “to

decide which language is used, teachers and learners need to decide

whether verbal or visual (imagery) mnemonic are more effective

and whether learner-generated or teacher-supplied mnemonics are

more helpful”.

e) Using the word

The final step in learning words is using the words. This step

is necessary or not depending of the goal. This step is not

necessary if all that desires is receptive knowledge of the word. If

the goal is to help learners get the maximum of word knowledge as

they can, this step is essential.

Learners need all five steps in order to have a full knowledge of the words

they want to learn.



This part will discuss about the definition of media, kinds of teaching media,

and the advantages of using audio visual media in teaching.

1. Definition of Media

Media is a channel of communication. Derived from the Latin word

meaning “between” the term refers to anything that carries information.

According to Arsyad (2009:3) media are aids which is needed to support

some of activities in the world. Media includes graphic, photographic or

electronic aid to absorb, process and rearrange visual or verbal information.

According to Azhar (2011: 4) media is a tool that convey or deliver

the message of learning. While the National Education Association (NEA)

defines that media are the forms of communication either printed or


Teaching media is a learning instrument used by the teacher in the

teaching and learning process in the classroom. The use of media is

important to arouse the intrinsic motivations of the learners.

In order to keep teaching and learning process running effectively

and efficiently, the teacher often uses teaching media. It is expected that

the teacher can deliver the instructional material easily. The use of media

can help the teacher reach the instructional aims.

2. Kinds of Teaching Media

The kinds of teaching media will influence the teaching learning process,

which can be facilitated the teaching method as the tools to deliver the

lesson. The kinds of teaching media can be divided into three categories:

Visual, Audio and Audio visual media (Arsyad, 2009:29)

a. Visual media

Visual media is also called by printing media. Visual media is

all kind of media that can be seen or touch by the students. The

examples of visual media are: picture, photos, real things, chart,

miniatures, cards. Moreover, the characteristic of visual media are: text

is read in visual manner, in other hand visual is exceeded based on the

room, text and visual show one way communication and receptive, text

and visual is shown in tactically, in developing this media depend on

the language principle and visual perception, it is oriented to the

student’s, and the information can be rearrange by the user.

b. Audio media

Audio media is also called by the listen media. It is usually

used to listen and understand the passage. The characteristic of this

media is that they show one way communication. The kinds of audio

medis such as :

1) Radio

2) Tape recorder

3) Cassete

4) Compact disc.

c. Audio visual media


Audio visual media is media that is audible and visible.

Audible means can be heard, and visible means can be seen. Audio

visual media has more benefits than others, such as it can visualize the

abstract things or non verbal vocabularies, to overcome the limitation

of place and time, to overcome the limitation of people sense, to attract

students’ attention, and develop students’ knowledge.

The audio visual media need mechanic and electronic machines to

show the audio and visual messages.

It is states in Arsyad (2009:31) that there are some characteristics of

audio visual media: linearity, show dynamic visual, can be

implemented by using the ways which stated by the maker, as physical

representation of real or abstract ideas, it was developed based on

behaviorism psychology and cognitive principle, teacher oriented

through the low student’s interactive involve level. The kinds of this

media such as :

1) Video

2) Movie

3) Television


1. Definition of Cartoon

A cartoon is a simple picture of an amusing situation, sometimes it is a

satirical comment on a serious or topical issue. A strip cartoon is a sequence


of framed drawings, which tell a story. Both types are to be found in

newspapers, magazines and leaflets. In development situations a cartoon is a

method of conveying a specific message.

According to Sadiman (2010: 45) Cartoon as one of graphic

communication form is a representatif picture which use symbols to convey

the message quickly and briefly. It can be the form of attitude how to people

behave or situation.

Cartoon has very attractive way to attract students attention, influence

attitude and behavior.

Usually cartoon convey the message in a simple picture. If the cartoon is

meaningful, the message can be delivered briefly, so that it will give more


2. Definition of Video

According to Arsyad (2009:49) video can visualize the object movement

with natural or appropriate sound. It visualize live picture and also include

the sound make video as the interesting media.

In education, the use of audio visual media has been popular. Video as

audio visual media present the movement. The message from video shows

the fact (important event and news) and also fiction. The characteristic of the

message can be informative, educative and instructional (Sadiman et al,

2010:74). Video allows us to introduce any aspect of real life into the

language learning environment, contextualizing the learning process


(Sherman, 2003:1). The great value of video lies in its combination of

sounds, images, and sometimes text in the form of subtitle.

Actually this media has the purpose to entertainment, documentation and

education. It can provide information, explain the process, explain

complicated concept and the most useful of this media can shorten or

lengthen the time in teaching and learning process.


In teaching and learning process, especially in English learning the use of

media is very useful. Media is not only teaching aid but also as a tool to

deliver the message of learning from the teachers to the students. The use of

media, especially video will help the teacher to reach the learning goal. It is

stated in Arsyad (2009:26) some reasons the teacher should use video as

media in teaching:

1. Video can give the same perception about the lesson to the teacher and

student, so that avoid misunderstanding between teacher and students

2. Video can solve the lack of students’ boundary because of their

cultural background such as different custom, norm, or belief. And

also because of their environment background.

3. Video can replace the role of teacher if the process of teaching

learning in a long distance. In this situation video as the source.

4. This media can arouse the students’ motivation in learning.


While Sadiman et al (2010:74) states the benefit of video as

audiovisual media in learning. There are:

1. Video can attract students’ attention in short period from outside


2. By using video tape record tool, the viewer can get the

information from experts

3. Video provide difficult demonstration, so that the teacher can

prepare in advance.

4. Using video is shorten time and it can be replied

5. TV camera can observe the moving object or dangerous object

such as a tiger.

6. The quality of sound can be arranged, loud or low sound.

7. The picture can be paused, the teacher take the control where she

pause the video.

8. It does not need dark room in playing the video

From the explanation above, there are so many advantages by the use of

video in the teaching and learning process, it will help the teacher to deliver

the lesson as effective as possible although in limited time.




This chapter presented the research method. It focused on the method used

in conducting this study. The decision covers research design, population and

sample, research instrument, validity and reliability testing, data collection

method, and data analysis.

A. Research Design

This study conducted pre experimental design. The researcher chose this

design to determine the validity of conclusion can be drawn from the study. There

are three kinds of experimental research, it can be classified as pre-experimental

design, true experimental or quasi experimental (Ary et al, 2002:302).

This study used pre-experimental design in the form of one group pre test-

post test design with quantitative approach. This study is classified as pre

experimental design because it has no control variable. In other words, in this

study the researcher just puts one group pre test-post test to see the result of the


In one group pre test-post test design usually involves three steps : (1)

administering a pretest measuring the dependent variable, (2) applying the

experimental treatment X to the subjects, and (3) administering a posttest, again

measuring the dependent variable (Ary et al, 2002:304).


Table 3.1 Diagram of One Group Pretest- Posttest Design

Pre test Independent variable Post test

In this study, the procedures of experimental research that use One group

pretest-posttest design are:

1. Administering a pretest measuring vocabulary achievement of second grade of

SMP Islam Gondang.

2. Applying the experimental treatment teaching vocabulary by using cartoon

video to the second grade of SMP Islam Gondang.

3. Administering a posttest measuring vocabulary achievement of second grade

of SMP Islam Gondang.

In the application of experimental treatment is evaluated by comparing the

pretest and posttest scores. By comparing scores from the first and second

administrations of the test in order to determine what difference the exposure to

the teaching media has did. In this research the significant differences between

vocabulary achievements before the students are taught by using cartoon video

and after the students are taught by using cartoon video.

B. Population and Sample

A population is defined as all members of any well-defined class of people,

events, or object (Ary et al, 2002:163).

In other words, we can define that population is a group of subject (persons or

things) to whom or which the findings of the study are to be applied. Meanwhile,

sample is a portion of the population from whom or which data are collected.

The population of this research is the second grade students of SMP Islam

Gondang in academic year 2013/2014 that consist of one class only, and the

number of population is 7 students, 7 girls. Because of the number of population

which is only 7 students, population study was employed in this research.

C. Research Instrument

The researcher uses one kind of instrument to do this research, it is

vocabulary test. The aim of using test is to know whether students are successful

or not in teaching English vocabulary by using cartoon video. The researcher

applies pretest and posttest. Pretest is taken before doing an experimental study or

before teaching English vocabulary by using cartoon video. The text in the form

of narrative text and the kinds of test are 20 gap filling (missing word) and 20

matching the words. After doing pre test and get the result, the researcher doing

the treatment, teaching English vocabulary by watching cartoon video. After

doing treatment the researcher conduct posttest, so posttest is taken after doing an

experimental study or after teaching English vocabulary by using cartoon video.

After the treatment is done, the researcher gave post test to all students. The kinds

of test are 20 gap filling (missing words) and 20 matching the words. From the

result of post test, we wanted to know the students’ understanding and remember

about the vocabulary that is given after the treatment is done. The result of the test

showed that the students’ vocabulary mastery improve significantly.

D. Validity and Reliability Testing

The most important principle of language testing is validity. The test should

test what the researcher want to test. Heaton (1988:159) in Johnson’s book

(2001:301) stated validity as the extent to which a test measures what it is

supposed to measure and nothing else.

Before using the test, firstly the researcher had try out for pre test and post test to

the 10 students of second grade of MTs Assafi’iyah Gondang, Tulungagung.

1. Validity

The researcher used content validity in this research, content validity is about

what actually goes into the test.

a. Content validity

To have content validity a test’s content must be seen as representative of

the subject area being covered. The test is made by the researcher based on

the course objective in the lesson plan which make by the researcher. The

researcher made vocabulary test which consist of missing words and

matching words. In this test, the students’ are asked to answer the test to

measure their vocabulary achievement. The content validity in this

research can be seen in the table below:

Table 3.2 Content Validity

No Material Standart competence Test item
1. Noun I. The students are able to 1,2,3,4,5,14,20
answer the missing words
(gap filling)
II. The students are able to 1, 4, 7, 9,13,16, 20
answer the question by
matching the words
2. Verb I. The students are able to 6,7,8,9,10
answer the missing words
(gap filling)
II. The students are able to 6,8,10,11,18
answer the question by
matching the words

3. Adjective I. The students are able to 11,12,13,15,16,17,18,19

answer the missing words
(gap filling)
II. The students are able to 2,3,5,12,14,15,17,19
answer the question by
matching the words
Total 40

b. Reliability

Reliability is one of criteria of a good test, the test must be valid and

reliable. The researcher gives the test to 10 students to know the reliability

of the test. The reliability of the test can be estimated by using Pearson

Product Moment formula (Isnawati, 2011:20).

∑( − ) ( − )


= the reliability coefficient

= each students score on post test

= mean on post test

= standard deviation on post test

= each students score on pre test

= mean on pre test

= standard deviation on pre test

= the number of students who took the two test


The researcher found the result of pretest-posttest before to know the reliability

of students’ tryout. The result can be seen in the table 3.3 below:

Table 3.3 The students’ Pretest and Posttest Tryout Score

No Subject Pre test (X) Post test (Y)
1 A 29 34
2 B 28 32
3 C 23 29
4 D 24 29
5 E 21 30
6 F 29 34
7 G 30 35
8 H 21 31
9 I 24 29
10 J 29 33

After knowing the result of pretest and posttest, the researcher can find mean and

the standard deviation to know the reliability of the students score in the tests. The

mean of the students’ pretest and post test can be seen in table 3.4 below:

Table 3.4 The mean of the students’ pretest and posttest tryout score
X- (X- ) Y- (Y- ) (Y- )(X − )
25,8 3,2 10,24 31,6 2,4 5,76 7,68
25,8 2,2 4,84 31,6 0,4 0,16 0.88
25,8 -2,8 7,84 31,6 -2,6 6,76 7,28
25,8 -1,8 3,24 31,6 -2,6 6,76 4,68
25,8 -4,8 23,04 31,6 -1,6 2,56 7,68
25,8 3,2 10,24 31,6 2,4 5,76 7,68
25,8 4,2 17,64 31,6 3,4 11,56 14,28
25,8 -4,8 23,04 31,6 -0,6 0,36 2,88
25,8 -1,8 3,24 31,6 -2,6 1,96 4,68
25,8 3,2 10,24 31,6 1,4 0,04 4,48
= 113,6 = 48,4 = 62,4

To find the standard deviation of X:

∑(X − )

∑ ,

= 3,37

To find the standard deviation of Y:

∑( − )

∑ ,

= 2,2

∑( − ) ( − )

. , . ,

=0, 83

The reliability of the tests is 0,83. The ideal reliability coefficient is 1. It can

be concluded that the test is reliable.

According to (Soenardi, 154:6) in Yunikasanti thesis (2013), the coefficient

correlation of the reliability test can show in the criteria correlation that can be

seen in table 3.5 below:

Table 3.5 Criteria of Coefficient Correlation

No Criteria Score of Coefficient
1 Very high Between 0.09 and 1.00
2 High Between 0.70 and 0.89
3 Sufficient Between 0.50 and 0.69

4 Low Between 0.30 and 1.49

5 Very low ≤ 0.30

Therefore, it can be inferred that the test has a high scores of reliability because

the score are between 0.70 and 0.89.

E. Data Collection Method

Data collection method is the way used by researcher to collect the data.

There are some methods in collecting the data to complete the researcher design.

In this study the researcher uses administering test, Djiwandono, (2008:12) in

Isnawati’s book (2012:3) states that a test is a tool or procedure used to measure

the students’ language proficiency. The test which is given is vocabulary testing in

the form of pre test and post test. The pre test is given to the students before the

researcher do a treatment. While post test is given to the students after the

researcher do a post test and get the treatment. The treatment is taught vocabulary

to the student by using cartoon video.

In this research the researcher used a narrative text in the form cartoon

video. For pre test the writer gives 40 questions to the students. The kinds of

questions are 20 gap filling (missing words) and 20 matching words. For post test

the writer also gives 40 questions to the students. The kinds of questions are 20

gap filling (missing words) and 20 matching words. The qualification of pre test

and post test, the students will get 1 value for correct answer and 0 for incorrect

answer for each question.


1. Procedure in Conducting the Research

The schedule of the data collected can be seen in the table 3.6 below:

Table 3.6 Table of schedule

No Date Activity
1 15 June 2014 Pre test
2 15 June 2014 Treatment
3 16 June 2014 Treatment
4 17 June 2014 Post test

2. The description of the treatment

In this research the researcher as a teacher taught the students in one week.

For the first meeting 15 June 2014, the researcher gave pre test to the students in

the form of vocabulary testing. The text in the form of narrative text and the kinds

of test are 20 gap filling (missing word) and 20 matching the words, and the

qualification of pre test the students will get 1 value for correct answer and 0 for

incorrect answer for each question.

The first treatment in 15 June 2014, the researcher gave the text in the form

of narrative text and inviting the students to watch the cartoon video with the title

“The Monkey Referee”. By watching the cartoon video the researcher taught the

vocabulary, especially gave the example of noun, verb and adjective, so that they

could differentiate the all of them. The researcher gave several noun, adjective

and verb, and then the students mark the text. After that the researcher played the

cartoon video, the students watch and listen carefully. The researcher paused the

cartoon video in every sentence, in purpose to make the students can understand

the sentence mean and what the video show to them. They learn about the difficult

words and the meaning of some difficult words.

In the second treatment 16 June 2014, the researcher asked the students to

watch the cartoon video and then retell about story by using their own words in

turn. The aim is to know their understanding about the vocabulary given in the

first treatment. The students retell the story by watching the cartoon video. In

retelling they still needed guidance. The researcher also gave correction in

pronunciation. After that, the researcher asked the students to mention 5

vocabularies with the meaning, the vocabulary should be different from the

previous students. After this step, the researcher repeated all of vocabularies

mention from the students, and asked them to mention the meaning.

In the last meeting in 17 June 2014, the researcher gave post test to measure

the students vocabulary achievement after they are taught by using cartoon video.

.For post test the writer also gives 40 questions to the students. The kinds of

questions are 20 gap filling (missing words) and 20 matching words. The

qualification of post test, the students will get 1 value for correct answer and 0 for

incorrect answer for each question.

F. Data Analysis

The data of this study will be analyzed using t-test to know the effectiveness

between two variables. The formula is the follows:


(∑ )

( − 1)

t = t value which is found

X1 = the mean of the pre-test
X2 = the mean of the post-test
N = the number of subject
D = the sum derivation of mean difference
D2 = the different degree
= −X

To find out the percentage of the data, the researcher uses percentage formula as


P = x 100%

P = Percentage

f = Frequency of the counted value

n = Number of students



A. The Description of Data

As mentioned before, in collecting the data the researcher used the test as the

instrument. The test was given to the second grade students of SMP Islam

Gondang as an experimental group. The numbers of questions are 40 questions.

The kinds of the test are 20 gap filling (missing words) and 20 matching words.

There were 7 students as the population study in the research.

Before conducting the treatment, the researcher gave pre test to the students

and the result showed that the students’ vocabulary is quite good. But they are still

difficult and confused in the use of some vocabulary in context.

After getting the result of pre test, the researcher gave the treatment to the

students by teaching English vocabulary using cartoon video. When conducting

the treatment in the teaching and learning process, the students was very

enthusiastic, happy, and had more spirit in learning.

After the treatment was done, the researcher gave post test to all students to

know the students vocabulary mastery after they are taught by using cartoon

video. The researcher wanted to know the students understanding about the use of

some vocabulary in the context and remember about some vocabulary given

during the treatment.


Apparently, the result of the test showed the vocabulary mastery improved


The data of the students’ vocabulary achievement before teaching English by

using cartoon video can be seen in the table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Score of students’ vocabulary mastery before taught by

using cartoon video
No Subject Pre test
1 A 32
2 B 30
3 C 28
4 D 28
5 E 32
6 F 30
7 G 29
∑ = 209

The numbers of the pre test are 40 questions, pre test is used to know the

students’ vocabulary mastery before they are taught by using cartoon video. From

the table, to find the mean by dividing the total score with the number of students,

the computation the mean of pre test is:

X= = = 29,85

The mean of pre test was 29,85.

The frequency and percentages of the students score for pretest can be seen in

table 4.2 below:

Table 4.2 Frequency and Percentages of students’ pre test

Grade Criteria of score (f) (p)
A 31-40 2 28,57%
B 21-30 5 71,43%
C 11-20 0 0%
D 0-10 0 0%
Total ∑ =7 ∑ =100

To know the quality of the students result, the researcher gave criteria of score

which describe in table 4.3

Table 4.3 Score Criteria

No Score Grade Criteria
1 31-40 A Very good
2 21-30 B Good
3 11-20 C Fair
4 0-10 D Poor

Based on the table 4.2 and 4.3 it is known that 5 students or 71,43% got good

score and 2 students or 28,57% got very good score.

The mean of pre test X= = = 29,85 was good.

After finding the mean result of pre test, then the researcher calculate the mean of

post test from the set scores of post test. The data of the students’ vocabulary

achievement after they were taught by using cartoon video can be seen in the table

4.4 below:

Table 4.4 Score of the students’ vocabulary achievement after taught

by using cartoon video
No Subject Post test
1 A 38
2 B 39
3 C 40
4 D 40
5 E 39
6 F 40
7 G 39
∑ = 275

The numbers of post test are 40 questions. From the table, to find the mean

by dividing the total score with the number of students, the computation the mean

of post test is:

X= = = 39,28

The mean of post test was 39,28.

The mean result is different between pre test and post test, pre test 29,85 and post

test 39,28. So, the mean of post test is higher than the mean of pre test (39,28 >


The frequency and percentages of the students score for post test can be seen in

table 4.5 below:

Table 4.5 Percentages of post test

Grade Criteria of score (f) (p)
A 31-40 7 100%
B 21-30 0 0%
C 11-20 0 0%
D 0-10 0 0%
Total ∑ =7 ∑ =100

To know the quality of the students result, the researcher gave criteria of score

which describe in table 4.6 below:

Table 4.6 Score Criteria

No Score Grade Criteria
1 31-40 A Very good
2 21-30 B Good
3 11-20 C Fair
4 0-10 D Poor

Based on the table 4.5 and 4.6, it is known that all students or 100% got very good


The mean of post test X= = = 39,28 was very good.

From the result of percentage and score criteria in pre test and post test is

different. It indicates that the treatment or the teaching vocabulary by using

cartoon video is effective. To make an analysis more reliable the researcher

analyzed it by using t-test formula.

The significant differences between before and after taught by using cartoon video

can be seen in table 4.7 below:

Table 4.7 Significant differences between before and after taught by

using cartoon video
No Pre test Post test d
1 32 38 -6 36
2 30 39 -9 81
3 28 40 -12 144
4 28 40 -12 144
5 32 39 -7 49
6 30 40 -10 100
7 29 39 -10 100
∑ =209 ∑ =275 ∑ =-66 ∑ =654

The formula is the follows:

(∑ )
∑ −
( − 1)

t = t value which is found

X1 = the mean of the pre-test
X2 = the mean of the post-test
N = the number of subject
D = the sum derivation of mean difference
d2 = the different degree

= −X
= 29, 85
= 39,28

a. Identify the mean:

= −X
= 39,28 – 29,85

b. Identifying the t-score:

(∑ )
∑ −
( − 1)

( )

( )


( )





= 6,04

c. Degree of freedom

Degrees of freedom (df) = N - 1


After get the result of then is consulted into . it is found

that the result of , is 1,943. It means that the result of 6,04 after

compared with 1,943 is greater than the (6,04> 1,943). It can be

concluded that there is any significant differences between before teaching

English vocabulary by using cartoon video and after teaching English vocabulary

by using cartoon video.

B. Discussion

The result of the test from teaching English vocabulary by using cartoon

video indicate the students easy to understand some vocabulary, it also motivate

the students to learn vocabulary and make the atmosphere of teaching and

learning more interesting and fun. They feel something new and different from

what they usually get in their class. So, it can be concluded that teaching English

vocabulary by using cartoon video is effective, and it can be used as alternative

media to teach vocabulary.

As a calculation in the previous explanation, it showed that the result after

they were taught by using cartoon video is 6,04. To know there is significant

differences or not, the researcher uses t-table. If means that there

is significant differences.

In the pre test score, the mean is 29,85, while the mean of post test is 39,28.

It shows that the post test was better than pre test. From the result above, it can be

concluded that the students get good vocabulary achievement after they were

taught by using cartoon video. The students’ vocabulary achievement improves

significantly, so the teaching English vocabulary at the second grade students of

SMP Islam Gondang is effective.

According to Weiss et al (2002) in Chih Chen Ling Journal (2012) that

videos are designed to present complex concepts, complex concepts being those

difficult to learner. Learning difficult words with textual definitions and videos is

more effective than learning them with textual definition and pictures and with

textual definitions alone. The learners not only enjoy the content of the target

words presented in animation and films, but they also focus their effort in learning


According to Sadiman (2010: 45) Cartoon as one of graphic communication

form is representative pictures which use symbols to convey the message quickly

and briefly. It can be the form of attitude how to people behave or situation. And

according to Arsyad (2009:49) video can visualize the object movement with

natural or appropriate sound. It visualize live picture and also include the sound

make video as the interesting media. The great value of video lies in its

combination of sounds, images, and sometimes text in the form of subtitle. Video

is one kind of audio visual media, audio visual media has more benefits than

others, such as it can visualize the abstract things or non verbal vocabularies, to

overcome the limitation of place and time, to overcome the limitation of people

sense, to attract students’ attention, and develop students’ knowledge.

From this theory, the researcher can conclude that the use of cartoon video

in the teaching and learning process will make the students more enthusiastic and

motivate them to learn. The use of cartoon video also can make the teaching and

learning process more fun. The students are also can understand some vocabulary

in easy way because the video can visualize it into real situation with the

combination of sound.

Video can be as a good media to teach, especially in vocabulary teaching.

Video as media has many advantages in the teaching and learning process. It is

also very appropriate with the result of the research that cartoon video is effective

to teach English vocabulary, since cartoon video can make the students’ more

interest in learning vocabulary.




Based on the result of the study on the previous chapter, this chapter the

researcher would like to draw the conclusion and the suggestion for the readers.

A. Conclusion

From the result of the research, it can be concluded that the teaching English

vocabulary by using cartoon video as the media is effective.

Before the treatment is conducted by the researcher, firstly the researcher gave

post test. The result of post test showed that 5 students or 71,43% got good score

and 2 students or 28,57% got very good score.

The mean of pre test X= = = 29,85 was good.

After the researcher conducted the treatment, the researcher gave the post

test. The result of post test showed that all students or 100% got very good score.

The mean of post test X= = = 39,28 was very good.

Based on the research, the students vocabulary achievement improve significantly

before and after taught by using cartoon video. In the pre test score, the mean is

29,85, while the mean of post test is 39,28. It shows that the post test score was

higher than pre test score.

By using t table, the result showed that (6,04 > 1,833). It

can be concluded that the students vocabulary achievement after they were taught


by using cartoon video is better than before they were taught by using cartoon

video. Their vocabulary achievements improve, so using cartoon video is effective

in teaching English vocabulary. Finally, cartoon video can be used as media to

teach English, especially English vocabulary since cartoon video can make the

students’ more interest in learning vocabulary.

B. Suggestion

The finding of this research showed that teaching English vocabulary by

using cartoon video was effective. So, the writer tries to give some suggestion as


1. English students

It may motivate students to improve their interest in learning English since

they will find out that learning English is not always difficult to learn. Their

improvement of interest in learning English will help them master in English well.

2. English teacher

It would give them a description about how to teach and to motivate the

students to learn about English especially in vocabulary learning, they would not

be stuck only in some particular teaching strategies. The use of media, in this

context “Cartoon Video” could be a good alternative or variation in teaching

vocabulary, where it would make the students enjoyed following the lesson.

3. Other Researcher

The result of the study can be used as references for other researcher to

conduct a further research dealing with teaching method used in the classroom

through descriptive study.



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Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

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Islamic Collage of Tulungagung

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Teaching. Edinburg: Pearson Education

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Cambridge University Press

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Vocabulary to Young Learners. Skripsi. Padang: Universitas Negeri Padang.
Retrieved on May 2013 (Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol. 1 No.
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Sadiman, Arief. 2010. Media Pendidikan (Pengertian, Pengembangan, dan

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Shofiya, Arina, et.al. 2012. Thesis Writing Guidline. Tulungagung: STAIN

Tulungagung press 2012

Campillo, Rosa Ma Lopez. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: An Introduction

for English Students. UCLM

Ary, Donald, et al. 2010. Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition.

Belmont: Wadsworth

Kabapinar, Filiz. 2005. Effectiveness of Teaching via Concept Cartoons from the
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Lin, Chih Cheng & Tseng, Y.F. 2012. Videos and Animations for Vocabulary
Learning: A Study on Difficult Words. TOJET Retrieved on May 2013 (The
Turkish Online Journal of Education Technology- October 2012, volume 11
issue 4)









11. Listening

Understanding meaning of short essay in the form of recount and narrative in the
context of everyday life


11.3 Responding meaning short essay and rhetorical steps in written text
accurately, fluently and acceptable in context of everyday life in the form of


To practice finding information in short essay in the form of narrative text


Based on the short essay in the form of narrative, students are able to:

1. Find certain /factual information

2. Find detail information

MATERIAL : a video file about “the monkey referee ”

APPROACH : Competence based approach

METHOD/TECHNIQUE : Lecturing and discussion


1 Opening 10’

 Greeting and checking attendance

 Informing the target of the achieved indicators
 Giving Warm-up activities
2 Main-Teaching Activities 40’

 Giving the narrative text to students with the title ”the monkey
 Asking students to read the text and try to find noun,verb and
adjective from the text
 Teacher plays the video file ”the monkey referee”
 Introducing students the examples of vocabulary-usage

3 Closing 30’

 Asking students to do the pretest

 Checking the students’ learning progress
 Giving motivation and the preview of the next meeting.
 Closing and Leave-taking


Equipments : LCD Projector, a unit of laptop, and a unit of speaker active

Material : a video file about ”the monkey referee”

Sources : authentic material










11. Listening

Understanding meaning of short essay in the form of recount and narrative in the
context of everyday life


11.3 Responding meaning short essay and rhetorical steps in written text
accurately, fluently and acceptable in context of everyday life in the form of


To practice finding information in short essay in the form of narrative text


Based on the short essay in the form of narrative, students are able to:

3. Find certain /factual information

4. Find detail information

MATERIAL : a video file about “the monkey referee ”

APPROACH : Competence based approach

METHOD/TECHNIQUE : Lecturing and discussion


1 Opening 10’

 Greeting and checking attendance

 Informing the target of the achieved indicators
 Giving Warm-up activities
2 Main-Teaching Activities 60’

 Teacher plays the video file ”the monkey referee”

 Teacher asks the students difficulties in understanding the video
 Students try to find difficult word by themselves using
 Asking the students to retell the story about ”the monkey
referee” in turn
 The students practice the dialogue in grup

3 Closing 10’

 Checking the students’ learning progress

 Giving motivation and the preview of the next meeting.
 Closing and Leave-taking


Equipments : LCD Projector, a unit of laptop, and a unit of speaker active

Material : a video file about ”the monkey referee”

Sources : authentic material




The Monkey Referee

1. A ……… made a trap under a tree

2. He put some ………… over the trap
3. And then some ………… on the grass
4. And last some ……………….. on it
5. But, the monkey on ………………. Saw all this
6. Then, the hunter ………
7. He ……………… to the rabbit and jumped down from the tree
8. So the wolf said “well, you can …….. the fox to do that”
9. The monkey …………. his head
10. Thus, the race began, the monkey held his mouth ………. A whistle
11. He said to himself “ what a …… man he is”
12. Maybe I should stay here just to find who will be the……….. one
13. The rabbit was ………………… by him
14. You must do that and it’s the ………
15. But if he does, it means that the wolf is just a ……………… guy
16. The rabbit was ……………………. by him
17. But soon she met a …………… wolf in the way
18. He is ………………… person
19. We all ………. in the forest
20. I can kill a large ………….. with them


1. Referee a. Rakus
2. Obvious b. Wasit

3. Tender c. Empuk
4. Judge d. Hakim
5. Greedy e. Nyata
6. Enjoy f. Lari
7. Trap g. Menikmati
8. Run h. Perlombaan
9. Whistle i. Takut
10. Race j. Hak
11. Win k. Terluka
12. Hungry l. Lapar
13. Forest m. Menang
14. Sly n. Hutan
15. Unlucky o. Senang
16. Right p. Hasil
17. Afraid q. Sial
18. Hurt r. Peluit
19. Happy s. Licik
20. Result t. Jebakan



The Monkey Referee

21. A ……… made a trap under a tree

22. He put some ………… over the trap
23. And then some ………… on the grass
24. And last some ……………….. on it
25. But, the monkey on ………………. Saw all this
26. Then, the hunter ………
27. He ……………… to the rabbit and jumped down from the tree
28. So the wolf said “well, you can …….. the fox to do that”
29. The monkey …………. his head
30. Thus, the race began, the monkey held his mouth ………. A whistle
31. He said to himself “ what a …… man he is”
32. Maybe I should stay here just to find who will be the……….. one
33. The rabbit was ………………… by him
34. You must do that and it’s the ………
35. But if he does, it means that the wolf is just a ……………… guy
36. The rabbit was ……………………. by him
37. But soon she met a …………… wolf in the way
38. He is ………………… person
39. We all ………. in the forest
40. I can kill a large ………….. with them


21. Referee a. Rakus
22. Obvious b. Wasit

23. Tender c. Empuk

24. Judge d. Hakim
25. Greedy e. Nyata
26. Enjoy f. Lari
27. Trap g. Menikmati
28. Run h. Perlombaan
29. Whistle i. Takut
30. Race j. Hak
31. Win k. Terluka
32. Hungry l. Lapar
33. Forest m. Menang
34. Sly n. Hutan
35. Unlucky o. Senang
36. Right p. Hasil
37. Afraid q. Sial
38. Hurt r. Peluit
39. Happy s. Licik
40. Result t. Jebakan



A hunter made a trap under a tree. The trap was very deep. He put some
grass over the trap. Then some branches on the grass. And last some earth on it.
Now, the road looked just the same as before. Then, the hunter left. But, the
monkey on the tree saw all this.

He said to himself “what a sly man he is, how fine the trap is, even I would be
trapped if I didn’t see this. It’s funny anyway. Maybe I should stay here for a
while just to find who will be the unlucky one”

Soon after that, a rabbit come towards the trap. She walked nearer and nearer to
the trap. Now, she is so close to it. Oh, she is going to step on the trap. The
monkey wanted to save her, “stop stop”

He shouted to the rabbit and jumped down from the tree. The rabbit was
frightened by him. But when she found it’s the monkey.

She patted her chest and said “ ah is it you my brother monkey”

“But, where are you going?” the monkey asked.

“I’m going to the forest, and I want to get some fresh tender grass leaves for my

“You would better not go this way, there are some traps in the road” monkey told

“Thank you, see you” the rabbit said and went another way.

But soon she met a hungry wolf in the way.


“Oh great” the wolf said greedily

“I’m now hungry, so you can be the pastry for me, understand”

“We all live in the forest, why do you have the right to eat me” the rabbit was
little afraid but still tried to explain.

“Ha..ha..ha because I’m hungry, I want to eat something, you shouldn’t have met
me. That is the reason. The wolf shouted

“No, it’s not fair. We must ask a third person to judge it.

Just then a fox appeared

So the wolf said “well, you can ask the fox to do that. He is sensible person.

“No need to say anything. I’ve heard what you said. So rabbit you should give
yourself to the wolf. You must do that and it’s the truth” the fox said shaking his

“No, the fox is unfair. We should fine another judge” the rabbit said

“It’s okay” the wolf agreed

So they came over to the monkey. The monkey listened to their statement and said
“the wolf is stronger than the rabbit, so he wants to eat the rabbit. But you need to
tell us in what fields you do better than her”

“Oh it’s quite obvious. See my sharp teeth. I can kill a large cow with them. And
my four legs, they can run so fast that I can bit a running Mongolian gazelle and “

“Wait..wait I can’t believe you can run that fast” the monkey interrupts

“Oh little brother you shouldn’t doubt the wolf abilities, all he said is true. I’m
sure of that” the fox chipped in

The monkey shook his head “verbal statements are no guarantee. The wolf must
prove that with action” he said

“well, we’ll make the tree over there as the end, the road the track. And the wolf
start 20 steps before the rabbit. The rabbit runs after the wolf. If the rabbit can’t
catch up with the wolf he’ll have to be your food. But if he does, it means that the
wolf is just a boastful guy “

The wolf was very happy at this

“Great, the rabbit runs slower than me then with 20 steps ahead of her. She has no
way out”

He thinks and then says “ ok, let’s do it”

But a talkative fox said “ I can now know the result of the race even I can win a
rabbit let alone the wolf with four long legs. Oh the rabbit will surely be defeated”

“Well then, you’ll take part in it too. If you can win, you’ll have a piece a rabbit to
eat” the monkey said

“No problem” the fox patted his chest and said

Thus the race began, the monkey held his mouth blew a whistle “Xuu..Xuu”

The wolf and the fox started to run to the tree. They were running very fast. The
monkey pretended to be a referee and shouted “come on, the rabbit gets started”

Suddenly tong..tong, the wolf and the fox got trapped. They both hurt themselves

After few minutes, they came to themselves and began to remember what had
happened. Then they tried to jump out the trap, but they couldn’t because the trap
was too deep. They could do nothing but to bluff and blow. The monkey and the
rabbit now stood above by the trap very happily “haa..haaa..haa enjoy yourselves
Mr. wolf”

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