EFDT Learning Plan

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UNIT TOPIC: Philippine Folk Dances: Cariñosa, Tinikling, Kappa Malong-Malong)


Performance Standard: The learner modifies an individualized program to achieve

personal fitness.
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles
in exercise program design to achieve personal fitness.

 Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments

 Reviews goals based on assessment results
 Describes the nature and background of the dance
 Interprets different Folk Dances
 Executes the skills involved in the dance


The students:
 can undertake physical activity and physical fitness assessments
 can review goals based on assessment results
 can describes the nature and background of the dance
 can interpret different Folk Dances
 can executes the skills involved in the dance


 Anticipation – Reaction Guide

Before Statements After
1. People of different
ages can perform
varied Philippine
Folk Dances.
2. Folk dancing
develops the skill-

 Video Clip viewing on the Philippine Folk Dances

 Gallery Walk with realia
 Processing Questions:
- How do you find the activity?
- What have you discovered in the activity?
- Do you think this activity can help you in a way?
- Why do you think we have these activities?


 Introduction of Standards and the Introduction of the Performance Task

 Short Historical Background of the Philippine Folk Dances
 Introduction of selected steps and terms
 Demonstration of the basic steps
 Creating simple dance using the basic steps
 Group presentation ( formative )
Sample Processing Questions
- What is a Folk Dance?
- Why is it called a Folk Dance?
- What are the benefits one get in dancing Folk Dances?
- What Philippine Folk Dances continue to be relevant in the modern era?
- Do you think as a Grade 7 student you need to learn about the Philippine Folk
 Quiz #1
 Introduction of Cariñosa, Tinikling and Kappa Malong Malong through video clip
viewing, Aralinks (CLE) Collaborative Learning Environment Interactive Activities (Hot
Spot) with Multiple Choice quiz.
Giving of Processing questions:
-How do you describe the nature of each dance?
-How are they different from each other?
 Interpreting dance literature with demonstration on the steps of Cariñosa, Tinikling
and Kappa Malong-Malong with on the spot corrections from the teacher.
 Group presentation in the classroom
 Feed backing
 Creating and presenting the mini-cultural show

 Guided Generalization
 Anticipation Reaction Guide
Before Statement After
1. People of different
ages can perform
varied Philippine
Folk Dances.
2. Folk dancing
develops the skill-


 Grade level mini cultural show

 Presentation to other school as guest performer with a demonstration on the basic
steps to be followed by the students.

Transfer Goal:

The students on their own and in the long run will be able to perform Folk dance in their personalized
exercise program based on the BMI (Body Mass Index) result.

GRASPS (Paragraph form):

The Cebu International School will be holding a P.E. day culminating activity. One of the
activities is to showcase the 3 different Philippine Folk dances through a friendly competition.

You are a member of a dance company and the organizing committee of CIS invited your dance
company, the San Diego company, to participate and present 3 Philippine Folk Dances of your
choice. The committee specifically ask that your dance performance should have the following
elements: Performance Skills; Choreography and Dance Interpretation.

Scoring Rubric

Competent Practitioner Apprentice Novice

(4) (3) (2) (1)
Executes the Executes the Executes the Has low or
steps correct steps steps in no
accurately and in time with time with competency
skillfully in music with a music with in
time with developing executing
general level
music, and competence steps; has
Performance Skills of
with a high and low level or
level of competence proficiency; no
confidence. and and confidence
proficiency, confidence at all.
and with
Performs the Performs the Performs Performs
dance with dance with the dance the dance
Choreography appropriate appropriate but makes but with
transitions, transitions errors on missing
proper cueing any of the elements.
and proper
with the skills cueing with following
in execution the skill in elements:
while doing execution transitions,
simple and while making cueing,
complex formations
simple dance
dance in the dance
formations. floor.
Presents the Demonstrates Displays Has little or
dance with generally inconsistent no qualities
passion and acceptable qualities of shown.
Dance Interpretation depth qualities of a Folk Dance.
of a particular
Folk Dance.
Folk Dance.
 Academic Prompt/Sentence Completion/3 – minute pause
2. The most important lesson that I learned from the unit is ________________.
3. I need to enhance my ________________ component because I have noticed
4. The values that we needed in dancing are ________________________________.
5. I realized that performing different dances would _____________________.
6. From now on, I promise to _________________.
I can preserve our culture by ________________________.

SUBJECT: Physical Education

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