Computer Fundamentals, Ms-Office & Internet
Computer Fundamentals, Ms-Office & Internet
Computer Fundamentals, Ms-Office & Internet
Code ICT101
Terminal after completion of the training participants would be able to. Write,
competency edit & print documents using MS-WORD & EXCEL. Do tabulation of
data. Prepare presentation using MS POWER POINT. Use internet &
Practical Competencies
Computer fundamentals-
Customize the desktop environment e.g. desktop, start menu & taskbar etc.
Configuring & migrating files, folders & settings – folder views, accessibility settings.
MS Excel-
Internet concepts-
Introduction to computers.
History of computers.
Components of h/w peripherals.
Concept of operating system – windows XP.
Exploring & configuring the windows XP, desktop environment –
customize the desktop, start menu, & taskbar etc.
Configuring & migrating files, folders & settings – folders views,
accessibility settings.
Features of windows XP
Understanding concepts of word processing using MS-Word.
Understanding concepts of electronic spreadsheet & various types of
entries in it.
Understanding concepts of URL.
Creating & opening an E-mail account.
Receiving & sending E-mails.
Searching information on internet.
Tools & equipment:-
Server computer (latest configuration). Multimedia nodes (pre-loaded
windows 2000 or latest).
Inkjet / laser printer.
Windows 2000.
Microsoft office 2003 Professional.
Anti virus software.
Internet connection