Dealing With Bullying

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Dealing With Bullying

What is bullying? In these research paper we are going to discuss a very dif cult topic
which is bullying. We will go in depth and we will analyze what causes bullying, what is
bullying, types of bullying and much more. Bullying has been a controversial topic for
many years now and its seems it will never stop. There is different types of way that
people can get bullying that’s why it’s more complex to stop it now. Anyway I hope you
enjoy this research paper and you learn something new. Let’s begin What is bullying?
“Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a
real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be
repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious,
lasting problems. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors,
attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on

Types bullying
There are three types of bullying and these are the types:

Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things.

Verbal bullying includes: Teasing Name-calling Inappropriate sexual comments
Taunting Threatening to cause harm
Social bullying sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s
reputation or relationships. Social bullying includes: Leaving someone out on purpose
Telling other children not to be friends with someone Spreading rumors about someone
Embarrassing someone in public

Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions. Physical bullying

includes: Hitting/kicking/pinching Spitting Tripping/pushing Taking or breaking
someone’s things Making mean or rude hand gestures What are the causes of bullying?
There are eight causes that cause bullying and we probably don’t know about these are
the causes: Feeling Powerless in Their Own Lives Bullying a way people claim a sort of
power in their lives by victimizing another. That person might have old shoes, be too
short, too smart, too dumb, too feminine. The reason doesn’t really matter. Someone
Else is Bullying Them
In many cases, bullying begets bullying. A person may feel bullied by their parents, their
boss, or an older sibling. Getting bullied by any of these people who are in an assumed
position of authority may tempt some to claim authority for themselves through
bullying. When bullying slips through the net and isn’t sorted out we allow another
generation of bullies to be created. Research shows that those who have experienced
bullying are twice as likely to go on to bully others.

Jealousy or Frustration
When a person picks on someone for always being the rst to raise their hand in class, or
getting the best grade on tests and ruining the curve, or even picking up many of the
promotions at work, the bully is probably jealous or frustrated with the person they are

Lack of Understanding or Empathy

In some cases a person may bully because there is an aspect of a person’s personality
that they don’t understand or don’t agree with. They may also have a prejudice against a
person’s race, religion, or sexual orientation, and in many instances they may even think
that targeting a person whom they see as exuding wrong behavior as a good thing. This
lack of empathy may be learned at home, if the bully’s parent’s voice racist attitudes, for
example, the bully could pick up this behavior. Also some people have psychological
issues that reduce their ability to empathize with others.

Looking for Attention

Some bullies would never think of themselves as bullies. They think that all they are
doing is teasing a bit, and may even be trying to communicate or even befriend the
person they are bullying. These social issues lead them to have trouble communicating
in a healthy way and instead turn to insults or even physical violence as a way of

Family In uences
The family situation of bullies can often be a contributory factor. Lack of emotional
support, authoritarian parenting, divorces, domestic violence and poor parental
communication are all potential factors in the lives of bullies. According to Dr. Nerissa
Bauer, an expert on the topic: Behavior Gets Rewarded Most people don’t do this
intentionally. However, the perpetrator is inadvertently rewarded anytime victims give
up their lunch money or belongings. They also get rewarded by gaining popularity,
attention or power. These unintentional rewards reinforce bullying behavior and
encourage the perpetrator to keep pushing others around.
Inability to Regulate Emotions
When people get frustrated and angry, they can usually stop themselves from doing
things that will hurt others. When kids don’t have the ability to regulate their emotions,
small annoyances can provoke them and cause them to severely overreact. For example,
a child may be innocently walking down the hall and accidentally bump into a bully.
Even though the child apologizes, the bully may lose his temper and slam the victim
into the wall.

Brief history of bullying

Bullies have always been a part of any group development, from the earliest civilizations,
and in religions, militaries, schools, neighborhood cliques, teams, families, and
companies. The workplace bullying phenomenon, as we know it today, rst entered the
public consciousness on the heels of the workplace sexual harassment issue in the early
1980s. During that decade, Swedish psychologist Heinz Leymann was among the rst to
conceptualize and analyze the act of workplace bullying. In the early 1990s, British
journalist Andrea Adams popularized the term “workplace bullying” through a series of
BBC radio documentaries. In the United States, bullying rst became a major issue in
the public sector, with some schools and government agencies taking an avid interest in
safeguarding against it. Later, this interest spilled over into private sector workplaces.
During the early to mid-1990s, more American researchers began studying the problem
of psychologically abusive behaviors at work and the harm they create. Another driver of
interest in the private sector was the growing concern about the costs of workplace
bullying to a company’s bottom line. Today, workplace bullying incidents are four times
more common in all U.S. organizations than sexual harassment episodes, and the
related costs to businesses are also four times higher. In behavioral studies, bullying is
now often closely linked to suicide and violence. The seriousness of the problem
warrants that employers implement a sensible duty of care program in response.

How to stop bullying at school

1. You can be someone who stops bullying before it even starts. How cool is that! Here
are some ways to beat bullying at your school.

2. Stand up for people who are bullied Bullies often want an audience and approval. Let
bullies know that you do not think being mean is cool.

3. Take an anti-bullying pledge. Print out our pledge to stand up against bullying. Share
it with your friends, and let people know what you believe.

4. Take action. See if you can start an anti-bullying club or prevention program at your
5. Talk to other kids. Try to learn more about where bullying happens at your school. Talk
about what might help. See if you and some friends can go together to talk to an adult
at school.

6. Talk to your teachers or principal. Let adults at school know that you care about this
topic. Ask the school to host an assembly on bullying. Ask for an anonymous survey to
learn how many kids are being bullied.

7. Talk to your parents or guardians. Your parents or guardians can ask your school to
focus more on bullying. We have information for adults on the bullying page in our
section for parents and caregivers.

8. Speak (and write) up! Write a blog, school newspaper article, or tweets to tackle

9. Get creative. How about starting a poster-making or rap-writing contest? Check out
more cool ideas, plus

In conclusion we can fully understand what to do when we get bullying and that we
should never keep it to our self. The easiest way to stop bullying is to talk to the principal
of the school or your parents. The best thing to do be true to yourself an

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