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VirtuaC Users Manual-En v3.0.0

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Virtua ® C
Medical Disc
User’s Manual
Codonics® Catalog Number VC-MNLU
October 18, 2008
Version 3.0.0

Codonics, Inc.
17991 Englewood Drive
Middleburg Heights, OH 44130 USA
440-243-1198 Phone
440-243-1334 Fax
Email [email protected]
Copyright © 2006 – 2008 by Codonics, Inc. All rights reserved,
worldwide. Printed in the U.S.A. Part Number 905-057-002.
No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form by
any means without prior written consent of Codonics, Inc.,
17991 Englewood Dr., Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130 U.S.A.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this
document, Codonics, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that
may appear. Codonics, Inc. makes no commitment to update nor to keep
current the information contained in this document.
Virtua Patent No. 7375737. Patents Pending: All Rights Reserved.
Primera patents 5317337, 5873692, 5927208, 6760052, 6802070,
7061515, 7209156, 7301550, 7349294, D556731.
Codonics, the Codonics logo, “We bring the future into focus”, and
Horizon are registered trademarks, and Virtua is a trademark of
Codonics, Inc.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. Intel Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Nero is a registered trademark of Nero AG and its subsidiaries.
All other registered and unregistered trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

European Authorized Representative:

Esdoornlaan 13,
3951DB Maarn
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)6.516.536.26

Conventions Used in This Manual ................................................................. xi

Bulleted Lists........................................................................................... xi
Numbered Steps ..................................................................................... xi
Notes and Tips ....................................................................................... xii
Cautions and Warnings.......................................................................... xii
Important Information and Filenames .................................................... xii
Purpose and Scope ..................................................................................... xiii
Product Information ..................................................................................... xiv
Warnings and Limitations of Use .................................................................. xv
Location of Safety and Compliance Labels............................................ xv
Voltage Warning.................................................................................... xvi
Dangers électriques ............................................................................. xvii
Laser Warning..................................................................................... xviii
Danger du Faisceau Laser .................................................................. xviii
Compliance ........................................................................................... xix
Serial Number, Configuration, Date Code, and Modification Codes ...... xx
ESD Caution ......................................................................................... xxi
Potential for Radio Frequency Interference on Device Operation......... xxi
Potential for Radio and Television Interference ................................... xxii
Safety Precautions .............................................................................. xxiii
Précaution d’Emploi ............................................................................ xxiv
Location Precautions............................................................................ xxv
Environnement de Fonctionnement .................................................... xxvi
Cleaning Precautions ......................................................................... xxvii
Précautions d’Entretien ...................................................................... xxvii
Media ................................................................................................. xxvii
Utilisation des Média (CD-DVD) et Consommables........................... xxviii

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual iii

Codonics Virtua Medical Image Viewer .............................................. xxix
Le Visualiseur Codonics Virtua ........................................................... xxix
Medical and Patient Information........................................................... xxx
Disposal Requirements ............................................................................. xxxi
Conditions et Règles d’Utilisation........................................................ xxxi
European Disposal Requirements ...................................................... xxxi
Indications for Use .................................................................................... xxxii

Chapter 1: Introduction

Welcome and Congratulations ................................................................... 1-1

Product Features ........................................................................................ 1-2
Hardware Features .............................................................................. 1-2
Operational Features ........................................................................... 1-3
Compliance with Industry Standards.................................................... 1-4

Chapter 2: Setting Up the Hardware

Finding a Location for the Device ............................................................... 2-1

Shipped Components ................................................................................. 2-2
Identifying the Parts .................................................................................... 2-4
Controller and Recorder Front Components ........................................ 2-4
Controller and Recorder Rear Panels .................................................. 2-6
Setting Up the Controller and Recorder ..................................................... 2-7
Connecting Cables and Power Cords ........................................................ 2-8
Setting Up the Device for Use .................................................................. 2-13
Powering On the Device ........................................................................... 2-19
Installing the Color Ink Cartridge .............................................................. 2-21

iv Contents
Chapter 3: Setting Up the Software

Installing the Software ................................................................................ 3-2

Before Installing Software .................................................................... 3-2
Software Installation Procedure ........................................................... 3-3
Virtua C SmartDrive.................................................................................... 3-5
Creating and Modifying Profiles.................................................................. 3-6
Setting Up Network Profiles........................................................................ 3-7
Modifying the Default Network Profile .................................................. 3-8
Creating a Network Profile ................................................................... 3-8
Network Profile Parameters ................................................................. 3-9
Accessing Virtua C from a Web Browser.................................................. 3-13
Logging In ................................................................................................. 3-14
Preconfigured User Accounts ............................................................ 3-14
Login Procedure................................................................................. 3-15
Setting Up User Accounts ........................................................................ 3-17
Preconfigured User Accounts ............................................................ 3-17
Creating a User Account Profile......................................................... 3-17
Changing a User’s Password and Administrator Privileges ............... 3-20
Deleting a User Account .................................................................... 3-22
Setting Network Parameters
from the Setup Screen .......................................................................... 3-23
Setting Up the System Profile................................................................... 3-26
Setting Up Site Profiles............................................................................. 3-30
Modifying the Default Site Profile ....................................................... 3-30
Creating a Site Profile ........................................................................ 3-30
Site Profile Parameters ...................................................................... 3-31
Viewing the Default Site Profile from the Application ......................... 3-33
Setting the Date and Time ........................................................................ 3-34

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual v

Setting Up Job Profiles ............................................................................. 3-35
Creating a Job Profile......................................................................... 3-37
Media Types and Profile Parameter Settings..................................... 3-46
How Virtua C Determines the Media Type Required for a Job.... 3-46
How Virtua C Determines the Currently Configured Media Type 3-46
Typical Media Type Parameter Setting Examples....................... 3-47
Auto-Record Trigger........................................................................... 3-47
Background.................................................................................. 3-47
Method 1: Reducing End-of-Study Timeout................................. 3-48
Method 2: Trigger on End of Association..................................... 3-49
Supporting DICOM JPEG Formats .................................................... 3-50
Codonics Clarity Viewer ..................................................................... 3-52
Sample Job Profile Creation .............................................................. 3-53
Logging Out .............................................................................................. 3-56
Shutting Down and Rebooting .................................................................. 3-56

Chapter 4: Sending Studies to Virtua C

Configuring a Typical DICOM Host............................................................. 4-1

Sending Studies to Record to Disc ............................................................. 4-2

Chapter 5: Recording and Labeling a Disc

Jobs ............................................................................................................ 5-1

Configuring and Loading Media.................................................................. 5-2
Configuring Media Type and Loading Media — Manual Detect Mode. 5-2
Configuring Media Type and Loading Media — Smart Detect Mode... 5-4
Processing Jobs in Auto Mode ................................................................... 5-5
Processing Jobs in Manual Mode............................................................... 5-6
Job Options ........................................................................................ 5-12
Optional Disc Formats ................................................................. 5-14
Selecting DICOM Viewers ........................................................... 5-15
Selecting a DICOM Viewer to View Images on a Disc ................ 5-17
Direct to Disc ............................................................................................ 5-18

vi Contents
Chapter 6: Working with Studies

How Studies Are Stored and Removed ...................................................... 6-1

Working with the Studies List ..................................................................... 6-2
Filtering, Sorting, and Scrolling Through the Studies List .................... 6-2
Study Status Indicators ........................................................................ 6-3
Selecting Studies ................................................................................. 6-4
Displaying Study Details ............................................................................. 6-5
Deleting Studies Manually .......................................................................... 6-6

Chapter 7: Working with Jobs

Working with the Discs Queue ................................................................... 7-2

Job Status Indicators............................................................................ 7-3
Displaying Detailed Job Information ........................................................... 7-4
Deleting a Job Manually ............................................................................. 7-5

Chapter 8: Working with Labels

Disc Label Design Families ........................................................................ 8-2

Preinstalled Label Design Families ...................................................... 8-2
Forcing Disc Spanning Based on Label Space.................................... 8-3
Label Selection Based on Copy Type .................................................. 8-3
Adding a Custom Disc Label ...................................................................... 8-4
Study Fields Included on Labels................................................................. 8-6

Chapter 9: Working with Locales

Locale-Related Features ............................................................................ 9-1

User Interface....................................................................................... 9-1
Reports................................................................................................. 9-2
Tier 1 and Tier 2 Regions..................................................................... 9-2
DICOM Character Sets Supported by Virtua C.................................... 9-7
Setting Up the Locale Profile ...................................................................... 9-8

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual vii

Chapter 10: Patient Reports

Reports-Related Features ........................................................................ 10-1

Two Methods for Receiving DICOM Structured Reports ................... 10-2
How Virtua C Processes Reports ............................................................. 10-2
Setting Up DICOM Query/Retrieve........................................................... 10-4
Setting Up the QRSCP Profile ........................................................... 10-4
Setting Up the QRSCU Profile ........................................................... 10-6
Guidelines for Configuring Virtua C on the DICOM Q/R SCP Device 10-8
Setting Up Patient Reports ....................................................................... 10-9
Enabling DICOM Structured Reports ................................................. 10-9
Modifying the Report Profile............................................................... 10-9
Enabling HL7 Reports ...................................................................... 10-11
RIS Configuration for HL7 Reports .................................................. 10-12
HL7 Server Profile Settings.............................................................. 10-12
Reports in the User Interface................................................................. 10-15
How Reports Are Indicated in the User Interface............................. 10-15
How Reports Are Indicated on a Disc Label .................................... 10-16
Viewing Reports on a Recorded Disc .............................................. 10-17

Chapter 11: Scheduled Archive

Scheduled Archive Profile ........................................................................ 11-2

Scheduled Archive in the User Interface .................................................. 11-7
Selecting DICOM Viewers................................................................ 11-10
Selecting a DICOM Viewer to View Images on a Disc .............. 11-12
Archive Disc Creation....................................................................... 11-12
Archive Disc Content........................................................................ 11-13
Archive Log Files ....................................................................... 11-13
Scheduled Archive Disc Labels .............................................................. 11-14

viii Contents
Chapter 12: Maintenance

Recording Log Files to a Disc................................................................... 12-1

Backing Up SmartDrive Files.................................................................... 12-3
Security Features ..................................................................................... 12-4
Software Firewall................................................................................ 12-5
Virus Scanning ................................................................................... 12-5
Additional Security Design Features .................................................. 12-6
Ordering Disc and Print Supplies ............................................................. 12-7
Cleaning Virtua C ..................................................................................... 12-8
Installing Software .................................................................................... 12-8
Preparing Virtua C for Shipping ................................................................ 12-9
Preparing Virtua C for Mobile Use............................................................ 12-9

Chapter 13: System Status and Troubleshooting

Checking System Status .......................................................................... 13-1

Dashboard Indicators ......................................................................... 13-1
Interpreting Dashboard System Status Lights ............................. 13-3
Front Panel Status Lights................................................................... 13-4
Front Panel System Information Button ............................................. 13-6
Setting the Narrated Message and Alert Beep Volume ............... 13-6
Displaying System Status Details ...................................................... 13-7
Troubleshooting Common Problems ........................................................ 13-8
Troubleshooting DICOM Structured Reports ................................... 13-13
Troubleshooting HL7 Reports .......................................................... 13-15
No HL7 Messages Are Being Received .................................... 13-15
Reports Are Missing Information or Are Improperly Formatted . 13-17
Displaying Support Information .............................................................. 13-18
Aligning the Ink Cartridge ....................................................................... 13-19
Cleaning the Ink Cartridge ...................................................................... 13-20
Loading Demo Studies ........................................................................... 13-22
Allowing Remote Access ........................................................................ 13-24
System Logs ........................................................................................... 13-26
Viewing Log Files ............................................................................. 13-26

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual ix

Appendix A: Hazardous Material Information

Materials of Construction ............................................................................ A-1

Matériaux de Construction ................................................................... A-2
Manufacturing ............................................................................................. A-3
Fabrication ........................................................................................... A-3

Appendix B: Specifications

Specifications (English) .............................................................................. B-1

Spécifications (Français) ............................................................................ B-3


x Contents

Conventions Used in This Manual

Bulleted Lists
Bullets are used to display a list of nonprocedural items. For
Any system that supports DICOM Store should work with the

device. Typical DICOM hosts that would connect to the device

• Modality workstations
• PACS workstations
• Primary and secondary image acquisition systems

Numbered Steps

The 8 icon indicates the beginning of a procedure. The steps

in a procedure are numbered. For example:

8 1. Click the Studies tab on the Main screen.

To record 2. Click each of the studies that you want to include on the disc or
studies on a disc set (if more than one disc is needed to store all of the
disc studies).
3. When you have selected the studies you want to record on the
disc, click the Record button.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual xi

Notes and Tips
Notes contain additional information related to a topic or
procedure. For example:

NOTE: If you do not shut down the system before removing the SmartDrive, a message
displays indicating that the SmartDrive has been removed. Once it is reinserted, the system
prompts you to reboot.

Tips provide additional insights about a topic or procedure (such as,

why you may want to do something or a faster way to perform an
operation). For example:

TIP: Copying an existing User Profile to create a new one

/ Two User Profiles are preinstalled on every SmartDrive: user.admin.txt (administrator user)
and user.virtua.txt (regular user). To create new profiles, you can copy these files, rename
them, and modify the parameters as necessary.

Cautions and Warnings

Cautions alert you to actions or situations that could cause harm to
equipment or data. For example:

CAUTION Do not touch the copper area of the cartridge print head.

Warnings alert you to actions or situations that could result in

personal injury. For example:

WARNING The carton is heavy. To avoid injury, use two people to unpack and
position the Virtua C.

Important Information and Filenames

Bold type is used for emphasis, command names, button names,
and paths or filenames. For example:

• Click the OK button to continue with the operation.

• The logo must be a BMP file named logo.bmp and sized properly
to fit on the logo area of the disc label.

xii Preface
Purpose and Scope

Refer to this user manual for procedures on how to perform the

Virtua C user operations, including:

• Setting up the hardware and software

• Sending studies to be recorded
• Recording studies onto discs and labeling the discs
• Managing queued studies and recording jobs

• Performing preventive maintenance
• Troubleshooting common problems

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual xiii

Product Information

For technical assistance with Codonics Virtua C, call the Codonics

Technical Support System at the following number:
Phone: +1.440.243.1198
Toll Free: 800.444.1198 (USA only)
The Customer Service System is available weekdays from 8:30 AM
to 5:30 PM EST (U.S. holidays excluded). Technical Support is also
available online via e-mail and the Codonics web site:
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.codonics.com
General product information can also be requested by sending
e-mail to:
E-mail: [email protected]
Please include your postal mailing address and telephone number
in the e-mail message. Basic product information is returned via
e-mail. Complete product literature and sample prints are sent by
postal mail.

xiv Preface
Warnings and Limitations of Use

Location of Safety and Compliance Labels

The following figure show the locations of the Virtua C compliance
and safety labels.

Virtua Medical Disc Publisher UL STD 60601-1
Made in U.S.A 3125782 CERTIFIED TO
Patents Pending CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 601.1
All Rights Reserved MODEL / MODELE - VIRTUA-3

CEpartner4U BV, Esdoornlaan 13

3951 DB Maarn, The Netherlands
Phone: +31.6.516.536.26
Codonics Inc.,17991 Englewood Dr.
Middleburg Heights OH, 44130 USA
Compliance label
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not Windows® XP Embedded

cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any XXXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
interference received, including interference that may cause XXX-XXXXX
undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numerique de la Classe B est conform a la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
This product is in conformity with the requirements of EC Council
directive 93/42/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States relating to medical devices. This product satisfies
the Class B limits of EN 60601-1 and CISPR 11.

Location of Controller compliance label

Virtua Medical Disc Publisher UL STD 60601-1
Made in U.S.A 3125782 CERTIFIED TO
Patents Pending CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 601.1

Compliance label
All Rights Reserved MODEL / MODELE - VIRTUA-3

CEpartner4U BV, Esdoornlaan 13

3951 DB Maarn, The Netherlands
Phone: +31.6.516.536.26
Codonics Inc.,17991 Englewood Dr.
Middleburg Heights OH, 44130 USA

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is

subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not Windows® XP Embedded

cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any XXXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
interference received, including interference that may cause XXX-XXXXX
undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numerique de la Classe B est conform a la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
This product is in conformity with the requirements of EC Council
directive 93/42/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States relating to medical devices. This product satisfies
the Class B limits of EN 60601-1 and CISPR 11.

Location of Recorder compliance label

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual xv

Caution label

Virtua Medical Disc Publisher UL STD 60601-1
Made in U.S.A 3125782 CERTIFIED TO
Patents Pending CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 601.1
All Rights Reserved MODEL / MODELE - VIRTUA-3

ESD label
CEpartner4U BV, Esdoornlaan 13
3951 DB Maarn, The Netherlands
Phone: +31.6.516.536.26
Codonics Inc.,17991 Englewood Dr.
Middleburg Heights OH, 44130 USA

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is

subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not Windows® XP Embedded

cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any XXXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
interference received, including interference that may cause XXX-XXXXX
undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numerique de la Classe B est conform a la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
This product is in conformity with the requirements of EC Council
directive 93/42/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States relating to medical devices. This product satisfies
the Class B limits of EN 60601-1 and CISPR 11.

175VA (100 - 240 Vac)

50 / 60 Hz





Location of ESD and caution safety labels

Voltage Warning
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to
alert the user to the presence of important operating and
maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying
this device.



WARNING The power cord plug is the main disconnect for the device. The
power outlet should be near the device and be easily accessible.

xvi Preface
WARNING Remove the power cord plug from the power outlet to disconnect
overall power to the device.

WARNING Grounding reliability can be achieved only when the equipment is

connected to an equivalent receptacle marked “Hospital Only” (that is,
“Hospital Grade”).


SUPPORT SYSTEM. Life support devices or systems are devices or
systems that support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform
can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury or death
to a person. A critical component is any component of a life support
device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably

expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system,
or to affect its safety or effectiveness.

Dangers Électriques
Le symbole point d’exclamation dans un triangle avertit l’utilisateur
de l’existence d’importantes consignes d’utilisation et d’entretien,
elles se trouvent dans la documentation accompagnant le produit.



Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual xvii

D’UN SYSTÈME D’ASSISTANCE VITALE. Cet appareil ne doit pas être
utilisé dans des conditions où la défaillance de l’appareil pourrait
entrainer blessure ou mort d’homme.

Laser Warning
The Codonics Virtua C Medical Disc Publisher contains a laser
diode in the Recorder unit of a class higher than 1. To ensure
continued safety, do not remove any covers or attempt to gain
access to the inside of the product. Refer all servicing to qualified
personnel. The following label appears inside your unit:

Danger du Faisceau Laser

Le système “Codonics Virtua C Medical Disc Publisher” contient
un graveur de CD dont la diode laser est de classe supérieur à 1.
Pour votre sécurité, n’enlevez pas les caches, n’essayez pas d’ouvrir
l’appareil. Adressez vous au personnel qualifié en cas de panne.
L’étiquette suivante est apposée à l’intérieur de l’appareil:

xviii Preface
Codonics is in compliance with various regulations, of which details
are listed in Appendix B.
The Compliance label for Virtua C (as illustrated in “Location of
Safety and Compliance Labels” on page xv) is shown below.

Virtua Medical Disc Publisher UL STD 60601-1
Made in U.S.A 3125782 CERTIFIED TO
Patents Pending CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 601.1
All Rights Reserved MODEL / MODELE - VIRTUA-3

CEpartner4U BV, Esdoornlaan 13

3951 DB Maarn, The Netherlands
Phone: +31.6.516.536.26
Codonics Inc.,17991 Englewood Dr.
Middleburg Heights OH, 44130 USA

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not Windows® XP Embedded

cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any XXXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
interference received, including interference that may cause XXX-XXXXX
undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numerique de la Classe B est conform a la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
This product is in conformity with the requirements of EC Council
directive 93/42/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States relating to medical devices. This product satisfies
the Class B limits of EN 60601-1 and CISPR 11.

Compliance label for Virtua C

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual xix

Serial Number, Configuration, Date Code,
and Modification Codes
The serial number label is placed onto the compliance label.
The serial number label includes the following information:

• The serial number (SN), which uniquely identifies the unit.

• The configuration number (CN), which details the build
• The modifications codes, which are to the right of the CN number
and are a series of 20 numbers. When any of these numbers are
blocked out, that identifies a modification that was made to the
• The date code in YYYY-MM format below the factory date code

Serial number Date code

Configuration Modification
number codes

Serial number label

xx Preface
ESD Caution
Connections to other pieces of equipment are made at the rear of
Virtua C. These connectors are marked with a precautionary ESD
warning symbol, as shown below. Do not touch any of the pins of
these connectors. When making connections to the device, it is best
done while the device is plugged in but not powered on. ESD may
cause erratic behavior of the device when powered on. Should this
occur, power to the device may have to be cycled. It is
recommended that all staff involved in making connections to the
device be aware of these ESD precautions.





ESD labels at rear of Virtua C

Potential for Radio Frequency Interference

on Device Operation
Both portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect
medical electrical equipment, including Virtua C. Keep such RF
communications equipment out of the immediate area.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual xxi

Potential for Radio and Television
Virtua C generates and uses radio frequency energy, and if not
installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference to radio and
television reception. Do not change the Display refresh rate, which
is set for 75 Hz. The device has been type tested and found to
comply with Class B emission limits for a computing device in
accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC
Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against
such interference when operating in a commercial environment.
Operation of the equipment in a residential area is likely to cause
interference, in which case the user, at his own expense, will be
required to take whatever measures may be appropriate to correct
the interference. If your device does cause interference to radio or
television reception, you are encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:

• Reorient the receiving antenna

• Relocate the device with respect to the receiver

If necessary, you should consult Codonics Technical Support or an

experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions.
You may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal
Communications Commission helpful: How to Identify and Resolve
Radio-TV Interference Problems. This booklet is available from the
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, Stock
No. 004-000-00345-4.
This product is in conformity with the protection requirements of
EC Council directive 89/336/EEC on the approximation of the laws
of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility. This
product satisfies the Class B limits of EN55011. A declaration of
conformity with the requirements of the Directive has been signed
by the Director of Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs.

xxii Preface
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radio-
électriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils
numériques de la Classe B prescrites dans le Réglement sur le
brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministére des
Communications du Canada.

Safety Precautions
• Never connect this device to any outlet or power supply that has
a voltage or frequency different than that specified and set on the
rear of the device.
• When servicing the device, always power it off by pressing the
System power button, then unplug the device.

• Damage to the power cord may cause fire or shock hazard. When
unplugging the power cord, hold it by the plug only and remove
the plug carefully.
• If the power cord needs to be replaced, replace it only with
another Codonics power cord manufactured specifically for your
power configuration.
• If the device is smoking or making unusual sounds, power off
and unplug the device immediately.
• Do not insert foreign objects of any kind into the device; doing
so can constitute a safety hazard and cause extensive damage.
• Do not place any liquid containers on the device. If, for some
reason, liquid seeps into the device, power off the device and
unplug the power cord from the source outlet. If used without
corrective measures, the device may be damaged.
• Do not use the device near flammable gases.
• Connect only Codonics-approved devices.

NOTE: A mouse and keyboard are not intended for normal use conditions, as external
signals could cause the system to lock-up.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual xxiii

Précaution d’Emploi
• Ne jamais brancher cet appareil sur une source d’alimentation
électrique dont la tension ou la fréquence diffèrent des valeurs
indiquées à l’arrière de l’appareil.
• Quand vous vous faites de la maintenance sur l'appareil,toujours
l'éteindre en appuyant sur le bouton OFF, ensuite débrancher
• Un cordon d’alimentation endommagé peut être une cause
d’incendie ou de décharge électrique. En déconnectant le cordon
d’alimentation, tenez-le seulement par la prise et retirez la prise
• Si le cordon d’alimentation doit être remplacé, utilisez un cordon
d’alimentation Codonics fabriqué spécifiquement pour votre
• Si l’appareil fume ou émet des bruits inhabituels arrêtez-le
immédiatement et débranchez le câble secteur.
• N’introduisez aucun objet étranger dans l’appareil, cela peut être
une source de danger et peut causer de graves dommages.
• Ne déposez aucun récipient à coté de l’appareil. Si pour une
raison quelconque un liquide est renversé à l’intérieur, arrêtez
immédiatement l’appareil et débranchez le câble secteur. Toute
nouvelle utilisation de l’appareil sans intervention peut causer
de graves dommages.
• Ne pas utiliser l’appareil à coté d’une source de gaz inflammable.
• Ne pas brancher qu'avec des appareils approuvés par Codonics.

NOTE: Il n'est pas prévu d'utiliser le clavier ou la souris dans les conditions normales. Cette
usage risque de provoquer une panne informatique.

xxiv Preface
Location Precautions
• The device’s operating ambient temperature range is 15–30ºC
(59–86ºF), with a relative humidity of 20%–80%.
• If the device is moved quickly from an extremely cold place to a
warmer one, condensation is likely to form. Do not use the
device if condensation has formed. Wait until the condensation
has evaporated. You can speed up the evaporation time by
moving the device to a drier location.
• Ventilation slots and holes are provided on the sides and rear of
the device. Place the device on a level, stable surface and locate
it at least 4 in. (10 cm) from walls to ensure proper ventilation.

CAUTION Adequate ventilation is required for proper operation of the device.

• Do not place device in a high humidity or high dust area.

Airborne dirt particles can cause interference with the operation
of the device. Avoid placing the device in areas where ventilation
ducts, open doors, or frequent passers-by might expose the
device and media to high levels of debris.
• Do not locate the device in hot-springs areas where hydrogen
sulfide and acidic ions are likely to be generated.
• Do not locate the device where there are oily fumes and vapors.
• Do not locate the device in direct sunlight.
• Do not locate device near sources of high RF energy.
• Do not locate the device where it might be subject to jarring or
vibrations, such as a table or desk in a high-traffic area. Jarring
and vibrations can affect the recording and labeling of discs.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual xxv

Environnement de Fonctionnement
• Les conditions normales d’utilisation de l’appareil sont : une
température de 15 à 30ºC et une humidité relative
de 20 % à 80 %.
• En cas de variation rapide de la température, de la condensation
peut se former. Dans ce cas n’utilisez pas l’appareil, attendez que
la condensation se soit évaporée. Vous pouvez accélère cette
évaporation en déplacent l’appareil dans un endroit sec.
• Les fentes de ventilation se trouvent sur les côtés et à l’arrière
du appareil. Placez l’appareil sur une surface stable et au moins
10 cm à des murs pour assurer une ventilation correcte.

ATTENTION Une ventilation correcte est nécessaire au bon fonctionnement de


• Ne placez pas l’appareil dans une zone propre et non-humide.

Des particules de poussières peuvent causer des
disfonctionnements. Évitez de placer l’appareil à proximité d’une
bouche de ventilation, d’une porte, ou d’un lieu très fréquenté car
cela pourrait exposer l’appareil ainsi que les médias à
la poussière.
• Ne placez pas l’appareil à proximité d’une source de chaleur ou
de substances acides.
• Ne placez pas l’appareil dans une pièce où il y a des vapeurs
huileuses et grasses.
• N’exposez pas l’appareil à la lumière directe du soleil.
• Ne placez pas l’appareil près d’une source haute fréquence.
• Ne placez pas l’appareil dans un lieu où il pourrait être exposé à
des vibrations, car cela peut nuire à l’enregistrement et à
l’impression des média.

xxvi Preface
Cleaning Precautions
• Many plastic components are used in the device’s construction.
Coat flecking and deformation is likely to occur if the device is
wiped with chemical dusters, benzene, thinners, insecticides, or
other solvents. Rubber and PVC materials left in contact with the
device for extended times will cause damage. Never use
petroleum-based solutions or abrasive cleaners.
• To clean the device cover, first power off the device by pressing
the System power button on the Controller front panel, then
unplug the device. Clean the cover with a soft cloth slightly
moistened with a mild soap and water solution. Allow the cover
to completely dry before operating the device again.

• Do not use alcohol.

Précautions d’Entretien
• Cet appareil comporte plusieurs pièces en plastique. Des taches et
des déformations peuvent être provoquées par l’utilisation de
chiffon imbibé de benzène, d’essences, d’insecticides, ou d’autres
solvants. N’utilisez jamais solution à base de pétrole.
• Pour nettoyer l’appareil, veuillez d’abord l’éteindre en utilisant
le bouton d’arrêt vert sur panneau avant, puis l’interrupteur
situé à l’arrière, et n’oubliez pas de débrancher le câble secteur.
Nettoyez l’extérieur de l’appareil avec un tissu doux légèrement
humidifié avec un une solution à base d’eau et de savon non
corrosif. Laissez sécher avant de remettre en fonction le système.
• Ne pas utiliser de lingette à l'alcool.

• Discs with a reject icon printed on the label have failed to record
properly and should be destroyed or disposed of to ensure the
confidentiality of patient medical information.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual xxvii

• Unwanted discs should be destroyed or disposed of to ensure the
confidentiality of patient medical information.
• Only use Codonics-recommended discs to ensure compatibility
with the recording and labeling system of the device. Contact
Codonics Customer Service for a current list of recommended
discs and suppliers.
• Only use Codonics-recommended ink cartridges to ensure proper
operation of the device and proper labeling of the disc. Contact
Codonics Customer Service for a current list of recommended ink
cartridges and suppliers.
• Never refill ink cartridges as this can cause damage to the
mechanism of the device and cause improper labeling of discs.
• Recorded discs should be stored in protective cases or sleeves
when not in use to protect from scratches and contamination that
can interfere with data retrieval and label legibility.
• Do not subject recorded discs to prolonged exposure to sunlight,
ultraviolet light, or extreme heat as this can interfere with data
retrieval and label legibility.

Utilisation des Média (CD-DVD) et

• Les CD ou DVD avec l'icône 'reject" imprimé sur l’étiquette n’ont
pas été enregistrés correctement et doivent être détruits pour
assurer la confidentialité des informations médicales du patient..
• Des disques produits par erreur doivent être détruits pour assurer
la confidentialité des informations médicales du patient.
• Afin d’assurer la compatibilité de la gravure et de l’impression,
n’utilisez que les CD et DVD recommandés par Codonics.
Contactez le service client pour connaître la liste des fournisseurs
de produits compatibles.

xxviii Preface
• Afin d’obtenir la meilleure qualité d’impression, n’utilisez que les
cartouches d’encre recommandées par Codonics. Contactez le
service client pour connaître la liste des fournisseurs de produits
• Ne rechargez jamais les cartouches d’encre cela ne peut
endommager le mécanisme et provoquer une impression
incorrectes des disques.
• Les CD-DVD enregistrés devraient être rangés dans un étui
protecteur afin de les protéger des rayures et de la poussière,
cela pourrait nuire à la relecture des données et endommager les
données imprimées.
• Les CD-DVD enregistrés ne doivent pas être exposées à la lumière

directe du soleil ainsi qu’à tout autres sources de chaleur ou
d’ultra-violet, cela pourrait nuire à la relecture des données
et endommager les données imprimées.

Codonics Virtua Medical Image Viewer

• The Codonics Virtua Medical Image Viewer is not intended for
diagnostic use. The viewer is provided for reference use only as
a post-diagnostic tool.
• Image quality can vary greatly from system to system based on
the age, quality, and resolution of the display device (monitor or
LCD display), graphics card, cabling, and ambient light

Le Visualiseur Codonics Virtua

• Le visualiseur Codonics Virtua n’est pas destiné au diagnostique,
il doit être utilisé comme un outil post-diagnostique.
• La qualité des images peut varier énormément en fonction
des caractéristiques du système utilisé pour la relecture du
CD, comme par exemple: la résolution du moniteur, la
précision de la carte graphique, et l'éclairage ambient.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual xxix

Medical and Patient Information
• Virtua C log files might contain patient information. Use caution
when distributing log files.
• CD and DVD media are not intended to be used as the only
method for archiving medical information. An overall strategy for
archiving medical information that includes CD or DVD media
must ensure that multiple copies of the information be stored at
multiple locations. Media quality, handling, and storage
conditions are important factors that must be considered.

xxx Preface
Disposal Requirements

Disposal of this product and consumables shall be in accordance

with all applicable laws and regulations in effect at the locality at
the time of disposal. For additional information, refer to
Appendix A, Hazardous Material Information.

Conditions et Règles d’Utilisation

L’utilisation de ce produit doit être conforme à toutes les lois et
règlements applicables sur le lieu d’utilisation.

European Disposal Requirements
Codonics imagers and electronic accessory devices are not to be
discarded or recycled; rather they are to be returned to the
manufacturer. Contact Codonics directly or by the link provided for
the latest information concerning:
• Identification of the country specific
• Product return and treatment of our electronic products
Manufacturer: Codonics Incorporated
17991 Englewood Drive
Middleburg Heights, OH 44130 USA
Phone: +1.440.243.1198
Fax: +1.440.243.1334
E-mail: [email protected]

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual xxxi

Codonics imagers and electronic accessory devices bearing the
following symbol are subject to European Directive on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) 2002/96/EC, amended
by Directive 2003/108/EC. The EN 50419 symbol indicates separate
collection and return required.

EN 50419 symbol

Indications for Use

Virtua C Series devices are intended for digital medical image

communication, processing, and storage. Functions include
transfer, “viewing client on CD/DVD” provision, storage, archive,
recording, and labeling of CD/DVD media. When configured, the
ability to re-direct all or part of a radiographic study to Codonics
Horizon Series Medical Hardcopy Dry Imagers or other approved
892.2040 medical hardcopy imager/printer is provided. Typical
users of this system are trained professionals, including but not
limited to physicians, nurses, and technicians.

xxxii Preface

Welcome and Congratulations

Congratulations on your purchase of the Codonics® Virtua® C

Medical Disc Publisher!


Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 1-1

We are pleased you chose Virtua C. We are confident that it will
provide fast, reliable disc recording and labeling for your
demanding data storage and distribution applications.

Product Features

Virtua C is a complete network-based solution for recording and

labeling diagnostic studies onto CD and DVD media. Virtua C
integrates a CD/DVD drive, a disc label printer, and a computer into
a compact design. Virtua C optimizes workflow and increases
productivity by automatically creating IHE PDI-compliant discs.
Virtua C uses Codonics high-quality CD/DVD media that provides
reliable storage for data distribution.

Hardware Features
• Integrated printer automatically labels discs with patient
information, study information, and the address and logo of the
imaging facility.
• Embedded computer and large-capacity hard drive allow
multiple DICOM workstations to concurrently share Virtua C
and spool hundreds of studies.
• 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet provides industry-standard
connectivity and support for DICOM Store.
• High-quality Codonics CD-R and DVD-R media provides
reliable storage for data distribution and archiving.
• 20-disc capacity allows for 20 CD-R discs or 20 DVD-R discs.
• Convenient media access is provided by a front-loading design
that allows discs to be refilled in seconds.
• Small footprint occupies less than two feet of counter space.

1-2 Introduction
Operational Features
• Built-in web server allows remote web browser access to an
easy-to-use interface that optimizes daily workflow activities.
System configuration, operation, and status information is easily
accessible from the user interface.
• Store-to-disc functionality allows you to store DICOM studies to
Virtua C directly from modality consoles, PACS systems, or
viewing stations, and to receive an IHE PDI-compliant DICOM
disc in minutes.
• Auto mode provides one-step disc creation by recording one or
more studies to disc for each DICOM study received.
• Manual mode provides flexible disc creation by allowing you to
select one or more studies to be recorded.
• True multi-user support is provided by Job Profiles that allow
you to tailor features including media type, labeling, operating
mode, and priority.
• Multi-site information. Multi-site support allows imaging
center site information — such as address, disc label, image
viewer, and other parameters — to be configured so that the
same Virtua C can be used at multiple sites. For example, this is
useful in mobile coach applications.

• A Windows-compatible DICOM viewer is included with
Virtua C and can be included on each disc.
• Optional third-party DICOM viewers are available, allowing
you to install one or more DICOM viewers of your choice on
• The optional Patient Reports feature allows Virtua C to
receive HL7 and DICOM Structured Reports from a RIS or
PACS and match them to a patient’s study, allowing the
recording of both the report and study together on the same

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 1-3

• The optional Scheduled Archive feature provides a method of
creating a set of discs that contain all studies received by
Virtua C. This provides an economical way to store studies for
future referral or importing into PACS systems.
• Easy to service with Codonics exclusive Express Warranty
program, which provides a replacement Virtua C if the problem
cannot be solved by our Support team. Also, the SmartDrive
allows all configurations settings to be quickly transferred to a
replacement unit. This minimizes downtime and reconfiguration

Compliance with Industry Standards

• Meets all industry standards including DICOM part10, IHE PDI,
and audit logs for HIPAA compliance
• Full medical device compliance including FDA and MDD CE
Class I, GMP/QSR ISO13485-2003, and 60601-1 Safety and
EMC/EMI for Healthcare Facilities

1-4 Introduction
Setting Up the Hardware

Finding a Location for the Device

When finding a suitable location for the device, use the following

• Place the device in a location with adequate air circulation to

prevent internal heat build up. You will need at least 24 in.
(61 cm) of overhead space to allow the Recorder cover to open
• Do not place the device near heat sources such as radiators or
air ducts, or in a location subject to direct sunlight, excessive
dust, mechanical vibration, or shock.
• Do not block air ventilation on the sides or rear of the device.
• Make sure that the countertop or work surface supporting the
device is level, can support the weight, and will not vibrate or
shake when the device is operating.

For additional location precautions, refer to “Location Precautions” Setting Up the Hardware
on page xxv.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 2-1

Shipped Components

Virtua C is shipped in cartons that contain the following system


• Controller
• Recorder
• Supporting documentation package (including the Virtua C
Quick Reference, Warranty, and support documents)

The following items are found in the Accessory Kit box:

• SmartDrive USB flash drive

• Output bin
• Eject ramp
• Controller power cord
• Recorder power cord
• eSATA cable
• USB cable
• Ethernet cable
• Software Installation disc
• Software Accessories and Manuals disc

2-2 Setting Up the Hardware

Inspect the cartons for damage that might have occurred during
shipping. Report any damage to the shipping company.
Save the cartons and packing materials, in case you ever need to
transport Virtua C later.

WARNING The shipping cartons are heavy. To avoid injury, use two people to
unpack and position the components.

CAUTION When removing the Controller or Recorder, hold under the front and rear
of the device. Do not lift the device by the foam packaging.

Setting Up the Hardware

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 2-3

Identifying the Parts

Controller and Recorder Front Components

The following illustration shows the components at the front of the
Controller and Recorder, and inside the Recorder.


Ink Cartridge Load

button and light

Ink cartridge
Robotic disc
CD/DVD recorder transporter

Recorder disc eject

button Input bin

Eject ramp

SmartDrive System power

USB port button
(behind output bin)

Output bin Information
and status light
CD and DVD status

Controller and Recorder front components

2-4 Setting Up the Hardware

• The cover is a durable plastic cover that protects the Recorder
from dust and accidental user interference while operating.
• The System power button powers on the device.
• The CD status light is used to indicate the status of CD media
in the input bin.
• The DVD status light is used to indicate the status of DVD
media in the input bin.
• The System status light is used to indicate the operational
status of the system.
For information about how to interpret the status lights, refer to
“Interpreting Dashboard System Status Lights” on page 13-3.
• The System Information button can be pressed to play a
narrated message that explains the system status in more detail.
• Pressing the Ink Cartridge Load button positions the ink
cartridge carrier for easy ink cartridge replacement.
• The ink cartridge carrier holds the color ink cartridge.
• The CD/DVD recorder is automatically loaded and unloaded by
the Recorder’s robotic disc transporter.
• The Recorder disc eject button manually opens or closes the
Recorder tray. In normal operation, the in/out movement of the
Recorder tray is controlled automatically and this button is not
• The input bin holds up to 20 blank discs for recording.
• The output bin is where discs are placed after they have
finished being recorded. The output bin can hold up to 25 discs.
• The robotic disc transporter moves discs from the input bin, Setting Up the Hardware
to the CD/DVD recorder, to the printer, and finally to the output
• The device’s configuration data is stored on the SmartDrive,
which must be inserted in the SmartDrive USB port located
behind the output bin on the Controller front panel. The
SmartDrive must be installed for the device to operate.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 2-5

Controller and Recorder Rear Panels
The following illustration shows the input/output ports located on
the Controller and Recorder rear panels.
Recorder Recorder Recorder power
eSATA port USB 2.0 port input port

Virtua Medical Disc Publisher UL STD 60601-1
Made in U.S.A 3125782 CERTIFIED TO
Patents Pending CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 601.1
All Rights Reserved MODEL / MODELE - VIRTUA-3

CEpartner4U BV, Esdoornlaan 13

3951 DB Maarn, The Netherlands
Phone: +31.6.516.536.26
Codonics Inc.,17991 Englewood Dr.
Middleburg Heights OH, 44130 USA

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is

subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not Windows® XP Embedded

cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any XXXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
interference received, including interference that may cause XXX-XXXXX
undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numerique de la Classe B est conform a la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
This product is in conformity with the requirements of EC Council
directive 93/42/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States relating to medical devices. This product satisfies
the Class B limits of EN 60601-1 and CISPR 11.

175VA (100 - 240 Vac)

50 / 60 Hz





Controller Controller Controller Controller power

USB 2.0 ports Ethernet port Recorder input port
power port
eSATA port

Controller and Recorder rear panel ports

2-6 Setting Up the Hardware

Setting Up the Controller and Recorder

8 1. Position the Controller on the work surface that will hold the
device. Allow at least 6 in. (15 cm) of clearance in front of the
To set up the
Controller and Controller and 4 in. (10 cm) of clearance behind and on both
Recorder sides for proper air flow.
2. Place the Recorder on the Controller.

Recorder positioned over the Controller

WARNING Before placing the Recorder on top of the Controller, make sure your
fingers are not under the Recorder to avoid pinching them.
Setting Up the Hardware

3. Lift the Recorder cover and remove any packing material.

NOTE: Save all packing materials for future return shipments.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 2-7

Connecting Cables and Power Cords

8 1. Connect the USB cable to the USB port on the Controller, and
then to the Recorder’s USB port.
To connect the
cables and
power cords

Virtua Medical Disc Publisher UL STD 60601-1
Made in U.S.A 3125782 CERTIFIED TO
Patents Pending CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 601.1
All Rights Reserved MODEL / MODELE - VIRTUA-3

CEpartner4U BV, Esdoornlaan 13

3951 DB Maarn, The Netherlands
Phone: +31.6.516.536.26
Codonics Inc.,17991 Englewood Dr.
Middleburg Heights OH, 44130 USA

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is

subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not Windows® XP Embedded

cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any XXXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
interference received, including interference that may cause XXX-XXXXX
undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numerique de la Classe B est conform a la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
This product is in conformity with the requirements of EC Council
directive 93/42/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States relating to medical devices. This product satisfies
the Class B limits of EN 60601-1 and CISPR 11.

175VA (100 - 240 Vac)

50 / 60 Hz





USB cable

USB cable connected between the Controller and the Recorder

2-8 Setting Up the Hardware

2. Connect the eSATA cable (from the Accessory Kit box) to the
eSATA port on the Controller, then to the Recorder’s eSATA port.

Virtua Medical Disc Publisher UL STD 60601-1
Made in U.S.A 3125782 CERTIFIED TO
Patents Pending CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 601.1
All Rights Reserved MODEL / MODELE - VIRTUA-3

CEpartner4U BV, Esdoornlaan 13

3951 DB Maarn, The Netherlands
Phone: +31.6.516.536.26
Codonics Inc.,17991 Englewood Dr.
Middleburg Heights OH, 44130 USA

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is

subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not Windows® XP Embedded

cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any XXXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
interference received, including interference that may cause XXX-XXXXX
undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numerique de la Classe B est conform a la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
This product is in conformity with the requirements of EC Council
directive 93/42/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States relating to medical devices. This product satisfies
the Class B limits of EN 60601-1 and CISPR 11.

175VA (100 - 240 Vac)

50 / 60 Hz





eSATA cable

eSATA cable connected between the Controller and the Recorder

Setting Up the Hardware

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 2-9

3. Connect the Recorder power cable to the power ports on the
Controller and Recorder, as shown below.

Virtua Medical Disc Publisher UL STD 60601-1
Made in U.S.A 3125782 CERTIFIED TO
Patents Pending CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 601.1
All Rights Reserved MODEL / MODELE - VIRTUA-3

CEpartner4U BV, Esdoornlaan 13

3951 DB Maarn, The Netherlands
Phone: +31.6.516.536.26
Codonics Inc.,17991 Englewood Dr.
Middleburg Heights OH, 44130 USA

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is

subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not Windows® XP Embedded

cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any XXXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
interference received, including interference that may cause XXX-XXXXX
undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numerique de la Classe B est conform a la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
This product is in conformity with the requirements of EC Council
directive 93/42/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States relating to medical devices. This product satisfies
the Class B limits of EN 60601-1 and CISPR 11.

175VA (100 - 240 Vac)

50 / 60 Hz





Recorder power cable

Recorder power cable connected to the Controller and Recorder

2-10 Setting Up the Hardware

4. Connect an Ethernet cable to the RJ-45 Ethernet jack on the rear
of the Controller. Use the 25-ft Cat 5e straight-through cable
provided or any standard Ethernet cable.

Virtua Medical Disc Publisher UL STD 60601-1
Made in U.S.A 3125782 CERTIFIED TO
Patents Pending CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 601.1
All Rights Reserved MODEL / MODELE - VIRTUA-3

CEpartner4U BV, Esdoornlaan 13

3951 DB Maarn, The Netherlands
Phone: +31.6.516.536.26
Codonics Inc.,17991 Englewood Dr.
Middleburg Heights OH, 44130 USA

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is

subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not Windows® XP Embedded

cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any XXXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
interference received, including interference that may cause XXX-XXXXX
undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numerique de la Classe B est conform a la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
This product is in conformity with the requirements of EC Council
directive 93/42/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States relating to medical devices. This product satisfies
the Class B limits of EN 60601-1 and CISPR 11.

175VA (100 - 240 Vac)

50 / 60 Hz





Ethernet cable

Ethernet cable connected to Virtua C

Setting Up the Hardware

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 2-11

5. Connect the power cord to the Controller power input port.

Virtua Medical Disc Publisher UL STD 60601-1
Made in U.S.A 3125782 CERTIFIED TO
Patents Pending CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 601.1
All Rights Reserved MODEL / MODELE - VIRTUA-3

CEpartner4U BV, Esdoornlaan 13

3951 DB Maarn, The Netherlands
Phone: +31.6.516.536.26
Codonics Inc.,17991 Englewood Dr.
Middleburg Heights OH, 44130 USA

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is

subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not Windows® XP Embedded

cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any XXXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
interference received, including interference that may cause XXX-XXXXX
undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numerique de la Classe B est conform a la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
This product is in conformity with the requirements of EC Council
directive 93/42/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States relating to medical devices. This product satisfies
the Class B limits of EN 60601-1 and CISPR 11.

175VA (100 - 240 Vac)

50 / 60 Hz





Controller power cord

Controller power cord connected to Virtua C

2-12 Setting Up the Hardware

Setting Up the Device for Use

There are several tasks required to set up the device for use:

• Specifying site-specific configuration parameters in Virtua C

profiles on the SmartDrive
• Inserting the SmartDrive in its USB port
• Attaching the output bin
• Installing the disc ramp
• Loading discs into the input bin
• Installing the color ink cartridge

8 1. Configure site-specific parameters in Virtua C profiles on the

To set up the
device for use For more information about configuring the profiles that
typically require site-specific information, refer to the following
- For general information about editing profiles, refer to
“Creating and Modifying Profiles” on page 3-6.
- To configure network settings, refer to “Setting Up Network
Profiles” on page 3-7.
- To configure site information, refer to “Setting Up Site
Profiles” on page 3-30.
- To set the media selection mode, refer to “Setting Up Job
Profiles” on page 3-35 and “Media Types and Profile Setting Up the Hardware
Parameter Settings” on page 3-46.
- To set the locale, refer to “Setting Up the Locale Profile” on
page 9-8

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 2-13

2. The green plastic funnel at the front of the Controller identifies
the location of USB port for the SmartDrive. Insert the
SmartDrive through the opening in the funnel until it is securely
seated in the USB port.

NOTE: The “Codonics” logo on the SmartDrive must be facing up.

Inserting SmartDrive into USB port at front of the Controller

2-14 Setting Up the Hardware

3. Attach the green output bin to the Controller.
There are four tabs on the underside of the output bin. Align
these tabs with the four slots on the Controller front panel.
Then, slide the output bin down into the slots. The output bin
will rest slightly above the table surface.

Inserting output bin into slots on Controller front panel

4. Open the Recorder cover.

Setting Up the Hardware

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 2-15

5. Install the eject ramp.

Installing the eject ramp

Eject ramp properly positioned over output bin

2-16 Setting Up the Hardware

NOTE: Make sure that the ramp is fully seated on the floor of the Recorder, and not sitting
3 on top of the two tabs on the Recorder floor. The two cutouts on the back edge of the rear
lip of the ramp should be up against the tabs, as shown below.

Tabs on Recorder floor

6. Load up to 20 blank discs, recording side down, into the input


Setting Up the Hardware

Loading disc into input bin

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 2-17

The bin is assigned a media type — either CD or DVD — which
is indicated by the CD or DVD status light on the front panel,
and by the Media indicator on the Dashboard displayed on the
user interface. For information about setting the media type
assignment, refer to “Setting Up the System Profile” on
page 3-26.
The supported media disc types are CD-R with a suggested
recording speed of 48x or higher, and DVD-R with a suggested
recording speed of 18x or higher.

NOTE: The Recorder is designed to print labels on certain brands of discs with specific
printable surfaces. Only use Codonics-recommended discs. Contact Codonics Customer
Service for a current list of recommended discs and suppliers.

2-18 Setting Up the Hardware

Powering On the Device

8 1. Connect the power cord from the Controller to a grounded

power outlet that supplies the appropriate voltage for the
To power on
the device applicable country.

WARNING The power cord plug is the main disconnect for the device. The
power outlet should be near the device and be easily accessible.

WARNING Remove the power cord plug from the power outlet to disconnect
overall power to the device.

WARNING Grounding reliability can be achieved only when the equipment is

connected to an equivalent receptacle marked “Hospital Only” (that is,
“Hospital Grade”).

CAUTION Before powering on the unit, make sure that the Recorder’s pick arm is not
holding a disc. If it is, remove the disc.

2. Press the System power button on the Controller front panel to

power on the device.

Setting Up the Hardware

System power

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 2-19

When Virtua C has completed its startup successfully, the
System status light at the front will be on. For more information
about interpreting the System status light, refer to “Front Panel
Status Lights” on page 13-4.

System status light

3. Press the System Information button.

System Information

If Virtua C has started up successfully, normally the narrated

message “Virtua is ready to process jobs” plays. However,
because the color ink cartridge has not been installed, you will
hear this condition indicated in the narrated message.
You are now ready to install the ink cartridge.

2-20 Setting Up the Hardware

Installing the Color Ink Cartridge

NOTE: Virtua C is designed to work with a certain brand of ink cartridges. Only use
Codonics-recommended color ink cartridges to ensure proper operation of the device and
proper labeling of the disc. Contact your Codonics representative for information about how
to order the recommended brand of color ink cartridge.

NOTE: Never refill ink cartridges, as this can damage the printing mechanism and cause
improper labeling of discs.

8 1. Open the cover.

To install an 2. Press the Ink Cartridge Load button.
ink cartridge
Ink Cartridge Load

Ink Cartridge Load button

Setting Up the Hardware

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 2-21

3. Open the cartridge cover by pulling out on the blue hold-down
The cover is spring-loaded and will pop open.

Opening the ink cartridge carrier cover

4. Remove the ink cartridge from its packaging.

Once the ink cartridge is removed from its package, hold it from
the sides.

2-22 Setting Up the Hardware

5. Slowly remove the tape covering the cartridge’s print head.

Removing ink cartridge print head tape

CAUTION Do not touch the copper area of the cartridge print head.

6. Insert the ink cartridge into its carrier carriage, copper end first.
Hold the cartridge at a 45º angle as you slide it into its carrier
carriage, then tilt the cartridge down until it fully drops into

Setting Up the Hardware

Loading the ink cartridge

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 2-23

7. Close the cartridge cover until it snaps into place and is secured
by the blue hold-down clip.

Cartridge cover closed

8. Close the cover.

The System status light should be green.
If you are performing the initial device setup, you are now ready to
set up the software. Go to Chapter 3 for more information.

2-24 Setting Up the Hardware

Setting Up the Software
Setting Up the Software
This chapter includes information you will need to set up the
Virtua C software:

• Installing the software

• Specifying network settings
• Setting up the network firewall
• Creating user accounts
• Specifying system settings, such as the length of user inactivity
before a user is automatically logged out of a session
• Specifying the default site information, and optionally creating
additional Site Profiles
• Setting the system date and time
• Creating Job Profiles, which control how submitted studies are
• Setting up support for DICOM JPEG compressed file formats

The chapter also includes:

• Logging in and logging out of a user session

• Shutting down and rebooting the system
• A description of the SmartDrive and what information is stored
on it

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-1

Additional setup tasks are covered elsewhere in this manual:
• For information about adding and managing custom disc labels,
refer to Chapter 8.
• For information about setting the locale to ensure proper display
of patient and site information, and date and time format, refer
to Chapter 9.
• For information about setting up the optional Reporting feature
to support receiving DICOM Structured Reports and Health
Level 7 (HL7) reports, refer to Chapter 10.
• For information about setting up the optional Scheduled
Archiving feature to support creating a set of discs that contain
all studies received by Virtua C, refer to Chapter 11.

Installing the Software

The Codonics Virtua C Medical Disc Publisher contains operating

software that can be installed from Virtua C’s disc drive. Software
installation requires about 45 minutes. This document describes the
procedure to install Virtua C operating software.

NOTE: New systems do not require software installation. Only perform these steps to install
new software or when instructed by Codonics Technical Support.

Before Installing Software

• Verify that Virtua C is properly assembled and the hardware is
• Read the Operating Software Release Notes before installing
new software for more detailed information about the software
and any issues you should be aware of.

3-2 Setting Up the Software

• The SmartDrive must be connected during the installation

Setting Up the Software

procedure to allow updates and new features to be installed. All
configuration information on the SmartDrive will be preserved.
• Allow approximately 45 minutes for the installation procedure.

Software Installation Procedure

8 1. Make sure all jobs are complete before installing software.

To install the 2. If Virtua C is not powered on, press the System power button.
3. Open the Recorder cover.
4. Open the disc tray of the CD/DVD drive by pressing the disc
eject button in the lower-right corner.
5. If there is a disc in the disc tray, remove it.
6. Place the Virtua C Operating Software disc in the tray with the
printed label facing up.
7. Close the disc tray by gently pushing the front of the disc tray
towards the drive. Leave the Recorder cover open.
8. Perform a soft shutdown by pressing and holding the System
power button for about a second.

System power

9. After the shutdown is complete, close the Recorder cover.

10. Press the System power button to start up Virtua C.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-3

After powering Virtua C on, it will begin installing software from
the Operating Software disc. The installation procedure runs
automatically and requires about 45 minutes to complete.
Several reboots will occur that are a normal part of the
installation process.
When software installation has completed successfully, the
System status light at the front will be green.

System status light

System status light

11. Press the System Information button.

System Information

If Virtua C has started up successfully, the narrated message

“Virtua is ready to process jobs” will play. Also, the Operating
Software disc is automatically ejected and placed in the output
12. Remove the Operating Software disc from the output bin.

3-4 Setting Up the Software

NOTE: If Virtua C installation is successfully and Virtua C is ready, you should be able to

Setting Up the Software

access the Login screen from a web browser. For more information, refer to “Accessing
Virtua C from a Web Browser” on page 3-13.

Virtua C SmartDrive

The SmartDrive is a USB flash drive on which is stored critical

system information, including configuration data.

CAUTION The SmartDrive must be inserted for the device to operate. If the
SmartDrive is not inserted, the device can boot up but will not be able to process jobs.

The SmartDrive also allows you to move a device’s configuration to

another device. This feature is especially helpful when swapping
devices for service purposes.
Note that a SmartDrive cannot be duplicated. That is, it cannot be
used in two devices at the same time.
The SmartDrive stores the following information:

• Software license code. This is the serial number for the Virtua C
software. All keyed features are keyed off of the License Code.
This code is also printed on the SmartDrive’s label.
• Virtua C configuration. This includes all of the profile files
covered in this chapter. It also includes other system profiles and
DICOM viewers.
• Disc log files. The system logs all recorded discs in these files.
A disc log file is a comma-separated text file that can be imported
into a spreadsheet. The file is useful for compliance with HIPAA
and other regulations.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-5

Creating and Modifying Profiles

Profile files are used to define settings for the system configuration,
user accounts, site parameters, Job Profiles (which control how
incoming studies will be recorded), and printed disc labels. These
files are stored on the SmartDrive in the \profiles folders:
Profile files are text files. The general procedure for modifying these
files is:

1. Verify that no jobs are currently being processed and no studies

are being received.
2. Log out and shut down Virtua C (refer to “Logging Out” on
page 3-56 and “Shutting Down and Rebooting” on page 3-56).
Virtua C powers off at the end of the shutdown process.

CAUTION If the SmartDrive is removed improperly while a study is being processed,

file corruption could occur.

NOTE: If you do not shut down the system before removing the SmartDrive, a message
displays in the user interface application indicating that the SmartDrive has been removed.
Once it is reinserted, the system prompts you to reboot.

3. Remove the SmartDrive, which is inserted in the USB port

behind the green output bin.
4. Mount the SmartDrive in a USB port on a PC.
The SmartDrive will appear as a standard USB flash drive.
5. Use a text editor that does not perform character formatting (for
example, Notepad) to create or open the file, and to edit the file.
6. When finished creating or modifying the file on the SmartDrive,
unmount the SmartDrive from the PC, then insert it back into
Virtua C.
7. Power on Virtua C by pressing the System power button.

3-6 Setting Up the Software

When starting up, Virtua C will read the updated profile files and

Setting Up the Software

use them for its configuration.
Subsequent topics in this chapter discuss specific profiles in detail.

Setting Up Network Profiles

Virtua C includes the following network-related features:

• A web server, allowing web access to the user interface from a

web browser
• Support for one or more Network Profiles, to allow selection of
different sets of network parameter settings
• The standard Windows XP Embedded firewall to block
unauthorized connections to network services

These features are controlled through the parameter settings in

Network Profiles. The parameters include the Virtua C’s IP address,
subnet mask, gateway address, and firewall settings.
Prior to attempting to access the Virtua C interface from a web
browser, you must modify the default Network Profile to include
your network-specific information.
Once Network Profiles are set up on the SmartDrive, a user with
administrator privileges can modify network parameters and select
which Network Profile to use from the browser-based user
interface. For more information, refer to “Setting Network
Parameters from the Setup Screen” on page 3-23.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-7

Modifying the Default Network Profile
The default Network Profile file — network.default.txt — is
preinstalled on the SmartDrive in the \profiles\network folder. The
default IP address in this profile is
For general information about modifying a profile, refer to
“Creating and Modifying Profiles” on page 3-6.

Creating a Network Profile

Additional Network Profiles can be created to support the use of the
device by more than one network. For example, if the device is in
a mobile unit that travels between multiple hospitals, a Network
Profile can be created for each hospital. The appropriate Network
Profile can then be selected from the browser-based user interface.

NOTE: For mobile coach users, when you are changing network settings during your
reconfiguration process to the new site, change the Virtua C IP address before changing the
IP address of the workstation used to access Virtua C.

Network Profiles must be stored in the \profiles\network folder on

the SmartDrive. The file name should be in the following format:
Using a descriptive name for the profilename portion of the file
name will help you and other administrator users identify the file.
For general information about creating and modifying a profile,
refer to “Creating and Modifying Profiles” on page 3-6.

3-8 Setting Up the Software

Network Profile Parameters

Setting Up the Software

The format and parameters of the Network Profile text file are
defined in the following table.
Table 3-1. Network Profile Format and Parameters

Parameter Description
[ networkProfile ] Section identifier. This parameter must occur before all other
parameters in the file.

NOTE: Do not change this identifier.

ipAcquisitionType_ = Specifies how the device will be assigned its IP address.

Choices are:

• DHCP. The address will be assigned automatically by the

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server on the
network. If selected, the IP address, gateway address, and
subnet mask settings in the file are ignored.

• Static (the default). The address will be a fixed address, as

entered for the ipAddress_ parameter.

ipAddress_ = The device’s IP address.

The default IP address for the default Network Profile

(network.default.txt) is

This parameter is used if the ipAcquisitionType_ parameter is

set to Static.

gateway_ = IP address of the gateway for the subnetwork to which the

device is connected.

This parameter is used if the ipAcquisitionType_ parameter is

set to Static.

netmask_ = Subnet mask being used for the subnetwork to which the
device is connected.

This parameter is used if the ipAcquisitionType_ parameter is

set to Static.

port_ = The port number required for communication with other

DICOM devices. The default port number is 104.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-9

Table 3-1. Network Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
networkName_ = A network name that can be used to access Virtua C remotely
instead of using the Virtua C IP address.

To specify the network name, enter it in the format:


where 3rdOctet and 4thOctet are the third and fourth octets of
the Virtua C IP address. The network name can be up to 15
characters long and can include only the following characters:

upper or lower case letters (A–Z, a–z), numbers (0–9),

dash (-), and underscore (_)

The default network name is:


Once the network name is configured, it will take effect the next
time Virtua C is rebooted.

doUseDefaultNetworkName_ = Specifies whether to use the default network name.

Choices are:

• True (the default). Use the default name —

virtua_3rdOctet_4thOctet — for the network name.

• False. Use the network name specified by the

networkName_ parameter.

speedDuplex_ = Numbers that specify the network speed and duplex mode to
be used.

Choices are:

0 = Autodetect (the default)

1 = 10 Mbps Half-Duplex
2 = 10 Mbps Full-Duplex
3 = 100 Mbps Half-Duplex
4 = 100 Mbps Full-Duplex
5 = 1000 Mbps Autoconfigure

isBehindFirewall_ = Not currently implemented.

3-10 Setting Up the Software

Table 3-1. Network Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Setting Up the Software

Parameter Description
firewallEnabled_ = Specifies if the firewall is enabled or disabled.

Choices are: True (enabled), False (disabled; the default).

httpFirewallPortOpen_ = Specifies if the HTTP firewall port is open, allowing remote web
browsers to connect to Virtua C and operate the device.

Choices are: True (HTTP firewall port is open; the default),

False (HTTP firewall port is closed).

telnetFirewallPortOpen_ = Specifies if the Telnet firewall port is open, allowing incoming

Telnet connections to Virtua C for diagnostic purposes.

Choices are: True (Telnet firewall port is open), False (Telnet

firewall port is closed; the default).

smbFileShareFirewallPortOpen_ = Specifies if the SMB firewall port is open, allowing incoming

SMB connections for remote mounting of mapped network

Choices are: True (SMB firewall port is open; the default), False
(SMB firewall port is closed).

ipAliasingEnabled_ = Specifies whether additional IP addresses will be assigned to

Virtua C.

Choices are: True (enabled), False (disabled; the default).

additionalIpAddresses_ = Use to have the additional IP addresses be assigned to

Virtua C, allowing a site to send more than one AE Title per IP
address (e.g, Auto and Manual) from a workstation. To use this
parameter, ipAliasingEnabled_ must be set to True.

The setting range is 0 to 5 (the default is 1).

This parameter can be used only if the ipAcquisitionType_

parameter is set to Static.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-11

A typical default Network Profile would look like the following:
[ networkProfile ]
ipAcquisitionType_ = static
ipAddress_ =
gateway_ =
netmask_ =
port_ = 104
networkName_ = VIRTUA_1_202
doUseDefaultNetworkName_ = true
speedDuplex_ = 0
isBehindFirewall_ = false
firewallEnabled_ = false
httpFirewallPortOpen_ = true
telnetFirewallPortOpen_ = false
smbFileShareFirewallPortOpen_ = true
ipAliasingEnabled_ = false
additionalIpAddresses_ = 0

TIP: Copying an existing Network Profile to create a new one
To create new Network Profiles, you can copy an existing Network Profile — for example,
network.default.txt, which is preinstalled on every SmartDrive — rename it, and modify the
parameters as necessary.

3-12 Setting Up the Software

Setting Up the Software
Accessing Virtua C from a Web Browser

Virtua C includes a web server, allowing web access to the

application interface from a web browser. This feature provides true
simultaneous multi-user access to the device services.

8 In the web browser’s URL address field, enter the IP address

assigned to Virtua C (as described in “Setting Up Network
To access
Virtua C from
Profiles” on page 3-7). Once the connection is made
a web browser successfully, the Login screen displays.

Note the following about remote web access:

• The computer on which the web browser is running must be on

the same network as Virtua C.
• Only Windows Internet Explorer 6 web browser is supported.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-13

Logging In

Preconfigured User Accounts

Two user accounts are preconfigured to allow initial access to the

• admin, which provides access to both standard and

administrator functions
• virtua, which provides access to standard functions

The default password for both preconfigured user accounts is


NOTE: To prevent unauthorized access to the application, you should change the password
for these user accounts the first time you log in. For more information, refer to “Changing a
User’s Password and Administrator Privileges” on page 3-20.

3-14 Setting Up the Software

Login Procedure

Setting Up the Software

8 1. On the Login screen, enter a valid username and password.
To log in Enter username and password

Note that dots are displayed for the password entry, to protect
the security of the actual password.
2. With the user login and password entered, click the Log In

Click Log In

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-15

The initial screen displayed after logging in is the Studies tab.
This is the most commonly used screen.

For information about how to log out, shut down the system, or
reboot the system, refer to “Logging Out” on page 3-56 and
“Shutting Down and Rebooting” on page 3-56.

3-16 Setting Up the Software

Setting Up the Software
Setting Up User Accounts

User accounts define the login names and passwords that can be
used to access the application, along with whether the user has
administrator privileges.
User accounts are created by adding a user account text file to the
\profiles\user folder on the SmartDrive.

Preconfigured User Accounts

Two preconfigured user accounts are provided that allow the
system to be used without having to create additional User Profiles.
Login Password Privileges
virtua codonics standard

admin codonics administrator

Creating a User Account Profile

For general information about creating and modifying a profile,
refer to “Creating and Modifying Profiles” on page 3-6.
User account profiles are stored in the \profiles\user folder on the
SmartDrive. The file name should be in the following format:
Including the user’s name in the file will help you and other
administrator users identify the file.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-17

The format and parameters of the User Profile text file are defined
in the following table.
Table 3-2. User Account Profile Format and Parameters

Parameter Description

[ UserProfile ] Section identifier. This parameter must occur before all other
parameters in the file.

NOTE: Do not change this identifier.

username = login Defines the login for the user.

encryptedPassword = password User’s password.

Because the system encrypts the password, it cannot be

entered manually in this file. When adding a new User Profile,
leave the password blank. Always set the password from the
application; for more information, refer to “Changing a User’s
Password and Administrator Privileges” on page 3-20.

[ UserProfile\Roles ] Section identifier. This specifies the start of permissions of the


NOTE: Do not change this identifier.

role1 = User role.

• For a standard user, enter user.

• To assign the user access to administrator functions, enter


Users assigned the admin role have access to administrator

functions, including those on the Setup screen and some
functions on the Utilities screen. These include viewing site
parameters, changing the date and time, changing the network
settings, and changing user passwords.

TIP: Copying an existing User Profile to create a new one
Two User Profiles are preinstalled on every SmartDrive: user.admin.txt (administrator user)
and user.virtua.txt (regular user). To create new profiles, you can copy these files, rename
them, and modify the parameters as necessary.

3-18 Setting Up the Software

A User Profile for a regular user would look like the following:

Setting Up the Software

[ UserProfile ]
username = vpatek
encryptedPassword = 28ed19ca7875d23f12e852ad
[ UserProfile\Roles ]
role1 = user
A User Profile file for a user with administrator privileges would
look like the following:
[ UserProfile ]
username = supervisor
encryptedPassword = 45de18ac8783c24e11d962da
[ UserProfile\Roles ]
role1 = admin
Once a User Profile is created, the user password and administrator
privileges option can be changed from the application, as described
in the next topic.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-19

Changing a User’s Password and
Administrator Privileges
You must be logged in as a user with administrator privileges to
change user passwords and administrator privileges.

8 1. On the Main screen, click the Setup button to display the Setup
screen, then the Users tab to display the user account
To change a
user password parameters.
2. Use the scroll buttons to scroll to the user whose parameters you
privileges want to change.

Click scroll buttons to scroll through available user


3-20 Setting Up the Software

3. Enter the new password in the Password and Confirm

Setting Up the Software

Password fields.
4. Click the Administrator checkbox to select/unselect
administrator privileges for this user.

Enter the new password in these fields

To select/unselect administrator
privileges, click this checkbox

5. To save your changes, click the Save button.

To cancel your changes, click the Cancel button.

To save your changes, click To cancel your changes,

the Save button click the Cancel button

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-21

Deleting a User Account
8 Delete the User Profile from the SmartDrive.
To delete a
user account
For general information about accessing the User Profile file to
delete it, refer to “Creating and Modifying Profiles” on page 3-6.
Note the admin and virtua user accounts are added automatically
with the default password codonics if their User Profile files are not
present on the SmartDrive when the system is booted.

3-22 Setting Up the Software

Setting Up the Software
Setting Network Parameters
from the Setup Screen
You must be logged in as a user with administrator privileges to set
the network parameters from the Setup screen.

8 On the Main screen, click the Setup button to display the Setup
screen, then the Network tab to display the network parameters.
To set the
from the Setup

The following table describes the network parameters that can be

set from the Network tab. If parameters other than the basic IP
address parameters are changed, Virtua C must be rebooted for the
new settings to take effect (refer to “Shutting Down and Rebooting”
on page 3-56).

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-23

If you are not familiar with network settings, see your network
administrator for the proper settings.
Table 3-3. Network Parameters
Parameter Description
Select Network A scrollable list of available Network Profiles.
Use the arrow buttons to scroll to any profile and click the Save
button to set the Virtua C active network settings to the settings
in that profile.

If you change individual settings and click the Save button,

those settings will be applied and saved in the currently
selected Network Profile.

To reset the Network Profile to the profile that was originally

selected or to cancel any changes, click the Cancel button.

DHCP or Static Specifies how the device will be assigned its IP address:

• DHCP. The address will be assigned automatically by the

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server on the
network. If selected, other IP address-related fields are

• Static. The address will be a fixed address, as entered in the

IP Address field. If selected, the address fields are enabled
for editing.

IP Address The device’s IP address, either assigned by the DHCP server

(DHCP) or manually entered (Static).

Subnet Mask Subnet mask being used for the subnetwork to which the
device is connected.

Enabled for editing when Static is selected as the IP

assignment method.

Gateway IP address of the gateway for the subnetwork to which the

device is connected.

Enabled for editing when Static is selected as the IP

assignment method.

3-24 Setting Up the Software

Table 3-3. Network Parameters

Setting Up the Software

Parameter Description
Additional IP Use to assign additional IP addresses to allow a site to send
Addresses more than one AE Title per IP address (e.g, Auto and Manual)
from a workstation. Enabled when Static is selected as the IP
assignment method.

Click the + and – buttons to specify how many additional

sequential IP addresses to configure, up to a total of five. The
range of the sequence of multiple IP addresses is displayed
below these buttons.

DICOM Port The port number required for communication with other
Number DICOM devices. The default port number is 104.

Network Name A network name that can be used to access Virtua C remotely
instead of using the Virtua C IP address.

The default network name is based on the current IP address

of the Virtua C, and has the format:


To specify the network name, uncheck the Use Default

Network Name option and enter the desired name. The
network name can be up to 15 characters long and can include
only the following characters:

upper or lower case letters (A–Z, a–z), numbers (0–9),

dash (-), and underscore (_)

A network name change will take effect the next time the
Virtua C is rebooted.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-25

Table 3-3. Network Parameters

Parameter Description
Network Speed/ Specifies the network speed and duplex mode to be used.
Choices are:

10 Mbps Half-Duplex
10 Mbps Full-Duplex
100 Mbps Half-Duplex
100 Mbps Full-Duplex
1000 Mbps Autoconfigure

Any user can view the current network configuration settings by

clicking the left portion of the Dashboard. For more information,
refer to “Displaying System Status Details” on page 13-7.

Setting Up the System Profile

The System Profile includes information about the device, such as

the media type configuration.
The System Profile file — system.txt — is preinstalled on the
SmartDrive in the \profiles folder. You can modify this file to specify
system-specific information. For general information about
modifying a profile, refer to “Creating and Modifying Profiles” on
page 3-6.

3-26 Setting Up the Software

The format and parameters of the System Profile text file are

Setting Up the Software

defined in the following table.
Table 3-4. System Profile Format and Parameters

Parameter Description
[ SystemProfile ] Section identifier. This parameter must occur before all other
parameters in the file.

NOTE: Do not change this identifier.

inputBin = Specifies the media type that is expected to be loaded in the

input bin.

Choices are: CD (the default), DVD.

The approximate storage capacities of the two media types


• CD: 650 MB

• DVD: 4.5 GB

If Virtua C is in Smart mode for media type detection (that is,

the doSmartDetectLoadedMediaType parameter is set to
True), Virtua C ignores the user entry for this parameter and
sets it automatically.

If Virtua C is not in Smart mode, this parameter can be

changed from the Ink and Media tab in the Utilities screen.

NOTE: Users are responsible for making sure that the actual
media type loaded in the input bin matches the choice for this

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-27

Table 3-4. System Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
doSmartDetectLoadedMediaType = Specifies whether Smart Detect mode is enabled for media
type configuration, during which Virtua C automatically picks
and loads the top disc from the input bin to determine the
media type that is loaded.

Choices are:

• True. The system automatically sets the inputBin parameter.

Virtua C automatically picks and loads the top disc from the
input bin and sets the inputBin parameter to match what is

• False (the default). The user sets inputBin parameter. The

inputBin parameter setting (CD or DVD) is determined from
the System Profile on the SmartDrive or the user selection
from the Ink and Media tab on the Utilities screen.

For more information, refer to “Configuring and Loading Media”

on page 5-2.

maxStudyAge = Specifies the maximum number of days a study will be stored

in the system before being removed by the hard drive storage
recovery operation (only recorded studies will be removed).

The value 0 (the default) indicates that this removal function not
be used.

Note that recorded studies will be removed when storage

space is needed, regardless of this parameter’s setting.

fullInstall = Specifies whether a full install will be performed during a

software installation.

Choices are: True, False (the default).

If True, all studies and jobs will be purged during the installation

If False or blank (that is, no value is specified), stored studies

and jobs will remain after the installation process is compete.

enableHotFolder = Specifies whether to activate any network-shared Direct to

Disc hot folders.

Choices are: True (enabled), False (disabled; the default).

For more information, refer to “Direct to Disc” on page 5-18.

3-28 Setting Up the Software

Table 3-4. System Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Setting Up the Software

Parameter Description
screenSaver = Not applicable to Virtua C.

beepingDisabled = Specifies whether the warning beep is enabled or disabled.

Choices are: True (disabled), False (enabled; the default).

autoLogoutIdleDelay = Specifies how many minutes of user inactivity will occur before
the user is automatically logged out of their Virtua C session.

The value 0 (the default) disables the logout timer.

voiceDisabled = Specifies whether using an audible voice for status messages

is enabled or disabled.

Choices are: True (disabled), False (enabled; the default).

systemVolume = Sets the volume level of the Virtua C local sounds.

Values are from 1 (the lowest setting) to 5 (the highest setting).

The default setting is 3.

A typical System Profile would look like the following:

[ SystemProfile ]
inputBin = CD
doSmartDetectLoadedMediaType = false
maxStudyAge = 30
fullInstall = false
enableHotFolder = false
screenSaver = waves
beepingDisabled = false
autoLogoutIdleDelay = 0
voiceDisabled = false
systemVolume = 3

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-29

Setting Up Site Profiles

Site Profiles include information about the site, such as the site
name, address, and phone number. This profile is the source of the
site information that is printed on disc labels and contained in the
readme.txt and index.htm files on a recorded disc.
Virtua C supports multiple Site Profiles. The Site Profile can be
specified in a Job Profile, so that when a different Job Profile is
selected, site information will change accordingly. For more
information about Job Profiles, refer to “Setting Up Job Profiles” on
page 3-35.

Modifying the Default Site Profile

The default Site Profile file — site.default.txt — is preinstalled on
the SmartDrive in the \profiles\site folder. You can modify this file
to include your site-specific information. For general information
about modifying a profile, refer to “Creating and Modifying Profiles”
on page 3-6.

Creating a Site Profile

Additional Site Profiles can be created to support the use of the
device by more than one site. For example, if the device is in a
mobile unit that travels at multiple hospitals, a Site Profile can be
created for each hospital. The appropriate Site Profile can then be
specified in a Job Profile so that the hospital’s site information prints
on the disc labels and is included in the disc’s ReadMe.txt file.
Site profiles must be stored in the \profiles\site folder on the
SmartDrive. The file name should be in the following format:

3-30 Setting Up the Software

Using a descriptive name for the profilename portion of the file

Setting Up the Software

name will help you and other administrator users identify the file.
For general information about creating and modifying a profile,
refer to “Creating and Modifying Profiles” on page 3-6.

Site Profile Parameters

The format and parameters of the Site Profile text file are defined
in the following table.
Table 3-5. Site Profile Format and Parameters

Parameter Description
[ SiteProfile ] Section identifier. This parameter must occur before all other
parameters in the file.

NOTE: Do not change this identifier.

address0 = Address line 1.

address1 = Address line 2.

address2 = Address line 3.

address3 = Address line 4.

customLabelFileLocation = Not currently implemented.

defaultImagerProfile = Not currently implemented.

defaultJobProfile = Not currently implemented.

demoSiteBurnDirectory = Not currently implemented.

inactivityTimeout = Not currently implemented.

isDemosite = Not currently implemented.

logoFileLocation = Not currently implemented.

siteDisclaimer = The disclaimer statement that will be printed on the disc.

siteName = Typically, the full name of the site.

phoneNumber = Phone number.

url = Web address of the site.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-31

A typical default Site Profile would look like the following:
[ SiteProfile ]
address0 = Codonics, Inc.
address1 = 17991 Englewood Drive
address2 = Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
address3 =
customLabelFileLocation =
defaultImagerProfile =
defaultJobProfile =
demoSiteBurnDirectory =
inactivityTimeout =
isDemoSite =
logoFileLocation =
siteDisclaimer = This disc contains confidential
medical information. If you are not the intended
recipient or an authorized user, please contact the site
shown on this label.
siteName = Codonics
phoneNumber = (800)444-1198
url = www.codonics.com

TIP: Copying an existing Site Profile to create a new one
To create new Site Profiles, you can copy an existing Site Profile — for example,
site.default.txt, which is preinstalled on every SmartDrive — rename it, and modify the
parameters as necessary.

3-32 Setting Up the Software

Viewing the Default Site Profile from the

Setting Up the Software

You must be logged in as a user with administrator privileges to
view the default Site Profile from the application.

8 On the Main screen, click the Setup button to display the Setup
screen, then the Site tab to display the Site Profile information.
To view the
default Site

NOTE: Site profiles other than the default profile can be viewed by opening the
corresponding text files on the SmartDrive.

NOTE: The Screensaver function is not applicable to Virtua C.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-33

Setting the Date and Time

You must be logged in as a user with administrator privileges to set

the date and time.

8 On the Main screen, click the Setup button to display the Setup
screen, then the Date & Time tab to display the date and time.
To set up the
date and time

When finished entering parameters, click the OK button to save

the changes (or the Cancel button to cancel them). Virtua C
reboots automatically.

3-34 Setting Up the Software

Setting Up the Software
Setting Up Job Profiles

Codonics Virtua C supports multiple Job Profiles, each of which can

define a unique set of job parameters for recording studies to a disc.
Parameters include the type of label to be printed, whether studies
are recorded automatically without user intervention, and which
DICOM viewer will be included on the disc.
When sending a study for recording from a DICOM application, the
user specifies a Job Profile, which is passed to Virtua C as a Called
AE Title. The Job Profile name is a parameter defined in each Job
Profile file.
The following table includes the Job Profile files that are
preinstalled on every SmartDrive.
Table 3-6. Preinstalled Job Profiles

Parameter Description
job.default.txt A study received with a Called AE Title that does
not match an existing Job Profile is assigned this
default profile.

job.auto.txt The job is automatically queued for recording,

without user intervention.

job.autoCD.txt The job is automatically queued for recording on a

CD, without user intervention.

job.autoCDSpeed.txt Similar to job.autoCD.txt but with the following

parameters optimized for speed:

• printMode = color_good
• discLabel = Ink_Saver
• submitAutoRecordJob = onAssociationEnd
• endOfStudyTimeout = 15
• discStudyGrouping = byStudy

For more information on these parameters, refer to

Table 3-7 on page 3-37.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-35

Table 3-6. Preinstalled Job Profiles (Continued)

Parameter Description
job.autoDVD.txt The job is automatically queued for recording on a
DVD, without user intervention.

job.autoDVDSpeed.txt Similar to job.autoDVD.txt but with the following

parameters optimized for speed:

• printMode = color_good
• discLabel = Ink_Saver
• submitAutoRecordJob = onAssociationEnd
• endOfStudyTimeout = 15
• discStudyGrouping = byStudy

For more information on these parameters, refer to

Table 3-7 on page 3-37.

job.manual.txt The job is queued in the Studies list for manual

recording, requiring user intervention.

NOTE: The speed-optimized Job Profiles job.autoCDSpeed.txt and
job.autoDVDSpeed.txt are intended to be used when one study is being recorded per disc.
If multiple studies for a single patient will be recorded on the same disc, these Job Profiles
should not be used.

3-36 Setting Up the Software

Creating a Job Profile

Setting Up the Software

For general information about creating and modifying a profile,
refer to “Creating and Modifying Profiles” on page 3-6.
Job Profiles are stored in the \profiles\job folder on the SmartDrive.
The file name should be in the following format:
Using a descriptive name for the profilename portion of the file
name will help you and other administrator users identify the file.
The format and parameters of the Job Profile text file are defined in
the following table.
Table 3-7. Job Profile Format and Parameters

Parameter Description
[ JobProfile ] Section identifier. This parameter must occur before
all other parameters in the file.

NOTE: Do not change this identifier.

doAutoRecord = Choices are: True, False (the default).

If True, the incoming study is automatically added to

the Job List to be recorded.

If False, the incoming study is added to the Studies list

as a new job and requires user intervention to be

autoMediaSelectStyle = Determines how Virtua C handles a job when

mediaType is set to AUTO.

Choices are:

• bySize (the default). Virtua C selects the media

type for the job based on the size of the job.

• byMedia. Virtua C use the currently configured

media, regardless of the type.

For more information about how this parameter is

used to determine the media type for a job, refer to
“How Virtua C Determines the Media Type Required
for a Job” on page 3-46.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-37

Table 3-7. Job Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
doCreateJpegImages = Not currently supported.

doEnableAutoRun = Choices are: True, False (the default).

If True, the DICOM Viewer on the disc will be

launched automatically when the disc is inserted into
a Windows PC.

doIncludeSelfCheckProgram = Specifies whether to include a self-check program on

the disc.

Choices are: True, False (the default).

If True, the recorded disc will include a checksum and

a disc integrity check program. The program can be
run to check whether the original recorded data on the
disc has been altered, whether the disc is a copy of an
original, or whether the disc data has been corrupted
over time or through improper handling.

doVerifyDiscsAfterRecord = Specifies whether to perform a read-after-write disc

verify as part of the data recording.

Choices are: True, False (the default).

If True, a data integrity check will be performed on the

disc automatically at the conclusion of the recording

Verifying discs can double the record time, but

provides the greatest assurance that the study data
has been recorded properly.

doPrintToDicomImager = Not currently supported.

doLimitStudiesPerDiscToLabelCapacity = Specifies whether the number of studies recorded on

a disc will be limited by the amount of study
information that can be printed on the disc label.

Choices are: True, False (the default).

If True, the study capacity of the disc will be limited to

the maximum number of studies that can be included
on the disc’s printed label. This could cause the job to
be recorded across multiple discs.

3-38 Setting Up the Software

Table 3-7. Job Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Setting Up the Software

Parameter Description
doSafelyTruncatePatientNameOnLabel = Specifies whether to truncate the patient name on the
printed disc label.

Choices are:

• True (the default), The name is truncated to 22

characters, followed by an ellipsis (...).

• False. The length of the name is limited only by the

printable space on the label.

dicomImagerName = Not currently supported.

physicianCopies= Specifies the number of disc copies to make for the


Default is 1.

patientCopies= Specifies the number of disc copies to make for the


Default is 0.

anonymizedCopies= Specifies the number of anonymized disc copies to


Default is 0.

legalCopies= Specifies the number of disc copies to make for legal

or other purposes.

Default is 0.

discLabel = The file name of the label, or the root file name of a
design family of labels, to be printed on the disc.

Default is Physician for all but the speed-optimized

Job Profiles, and Ink_Saver for the speed-optimized
Job Profiles job.autoCDSpeed.txt and

Preinstalled label family choices are stored in the

SmartDrive \labels folder.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-39

Table 3-7. Job Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
discLabelPhysicianCopy = Specifies the label that will be used on physician
copies of recorded discs.

If this field is blank or contains the value No_Override

(the default), the label specified in the discLabel
parameter will be used for a physician copy.

discLabelPatientCopy = Specifies the label that will be used on patient copies

of recorded discs.

If this field is blank or contains the value No_Override

(the default), the label specified in the discLabel
parameter will be used for a patient copy.

discLabelAnonymousCopy = Specifies the label that will be used on anonymous

copies of recorded discs.

If this field is blank or contains the value No_Override

(the default), the label specified in the discLabel
parameter will be used for an anonymous copy.

discLabelLegalCopy = Specifies the label that will be used on legal copies of

recorded discs.

If this field is blank or contains the value No_Override

(the default), the label specified in the discLabel
parameter will be used for a legal copy.

3-40 Setting Up the Software

Table 3-7. Job Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Setting Up the Software

Parameter Description
includedDicomViewer = Specifies the name of the file that contains the
DICOM viewer application to be included on the disc.
To include multiple DICOM viewer applications on a
disc, add an includedDicomViewer entry for each

The DICOM viewer applications that are available to

a site are included in the \viewers folder on the
SmartDrive. The default viewer application is
Clarity_Viewer.vwr (the Codonics Clarity Viewer for
English). For additional information about this viewer,
refer to “Codonics Clarity Viewer” on page 3-52.

If the value is blank, no viewer will be included on the


NOTE: At the time of publishing, English and Japanese

Clarity Viewers, and the OsiriX® Viewer for the Apple®
Macintosh® platform, are included standard with
Virtua C. Other viewers are provided separately. For
other supported third-party viewers, refer to the Virtua
Viewers page at www.codonics.com/Products/

mediaType = Specifies the type of media on which to record the


Choices are: CD (the default), DVD, AUTO.

AUTO causes the device to select the media based

on the setting of the autoMediaSelectStyle

Jobs queued for a media type not currently loaded will

remain queued until the proper media type is loaded.

For more information about how this parameter is

used to determine the media type for a job, refer to
“How Virtua C Determines the Media Type Required
for a Job” on page 3-46.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-41

Table 3-7. Job Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
discStudyGrouping = With the doAutoRecord parameter set to True,
specifies whether the images received for recording
will be grouped for recording to disc by patient or

Choices are:

• byPatient (the default). If multiple studies for the

same patient are received within the
endOfStudyTimeout time, the studies will be
recorded on the same disc. The default for all but
the speed-optimized Job Profiles.

• byStudy. One study per disc will be recorded. The

default for the speed-optimized Job Profiles
job.autoCDSpeed.txt and

matchPatientUsing = Specifies the patient demographic data that Virtua C

uses to match an incoming DICOM image to a study
in the Virtua C database.

Choices are:

• id_only
• name_id_dob (the default)
• name_id_sex
• name_dob_sex
• id_dob_sex

For Virtua C to add an incoming image to a study, the

patient information in the image must have an exact
match with the patient information in the Virtua C
database. For each of the choices other than id_only,
the setting selects three of the following four patient
demographics: Patient Name (name), Patient ID (id),
Patient Date of Birth (dob), or Patient Sex (sex). This
allows sites with systems that produces images with
slightly different patient information to collect the
images under the same study on Virtua C.

NOTE: Since id_only checks for only one setting, it is

strongly recommended to use other choices.

3-42 Setting Up the Software

Table 3-7. Job Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Setting Up the Software

Parameter Description
endOfStudyTimeout = Number of seconds after which an image is received
with no other images for that job that the system
assumes the job is complete.

The default is 30 for all but the speed-optimized Job

Profiles, and 15 for the speed-optimized Job Profiles
job.autoCDSpeed.txt and job.autoDVDSpeed.txt.

If doAutoRecord = True and this time-out occurs, a job

for the images received to that point will be added to
the Job List for recording.

submitAutoRecordJob = Specifies that the job should be recorded

automatically based on the endOfStudyTimeout
setting or when the end of the DICOM association

Choices are:

• OnTimeout (the default for all but the speed-

optimized Job Profiles). Recording will start
automatically based on the endOfStudyTimeout

• OnAssociationEnd (the default for the speed-

optimized Job Profiles job.autoCDSpeed.txt and
job.autoDVDSpeed.txt). Recording will start
automatically when the end of the DICOM
association occurs.

For more information about this function, refer to

“Auto-Record Trigger” on page 3-47.

postProcessingAction = Not currently implemented.

siteProfileName = Specifies the Site Profile to use when printing the disc

If no Site Profile name is specified, the default Site

Profile is used.

For more information, refer to “Setting Up Site

Profiles” on page 3-30.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-43

Table 3-7. Job Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
jobPriority = Specifies the priority for the job. High priority jobs will
record before any normal priority jobs that have not
yet started to record.

Choices are: Normal (the default), High.

printMode = Specifies the print quality and ink selection for disc

Choices are:

• color_good. Color ink, shortest print time, good

print quality.

• color_better (the default). Color ink, moderate print

time, better print quality. The default for all but the
speed-optimized Job Profiles.

• color_best. Color ink, longest print time, best print


dicomFileExtension = Specifies the DICOM file extension to add to DICOM

files that are recorded on Virtua C discs (for example,
.DCM, .DICOM, .DIC). The default is None (no file
extension is added).

TIP: Copying an existing Job Profile to create a new one
To create new Job Profiles, you can copy an existing Job Profile — for example,
job.default.txt or job.auto.txt, which are preinstalled on every SmartDrive — rename it,
and modify the parameters as necessary.

3-44 Setting Up the Software

A sample Job Profile would look like the following:

Setting Up the Software

[ JobProfile ]
doAutoRecord = false
autoMediaSelectStyle = bySize
doCreateJpegImages = false
doEnableAutoRun = true
doIncludeSelfCheckProgram = false
doVerifyDiscsAfterRecord = true
doPrintToDicomImager = false
doLimitStudiesPerDiscToLabelCapacity = true
doSafelyTruncatePatientNameOnLabel = true
dicomImagerName = Default
physicianCopies = 0
patientCopies = 1
anonymizedCopies = 0
legalCopies = 0
discLabel = Physician
discLabelPhysicianCopy = No_Override
discLabelPatientCopy = No_Override
discLabelAnonymousCopy = No_Override
discLabelLegalCopy = No_Override
includedDicomViewer = Clarity_Viewer.vwr
includedDicomViewer = Japanese_Viewer.vwr
mediaType = CD
discStudyGrouping = byPatient
matchPatientUsing = name_id_dob
endOfStudyTimeout = 30
submitAutoRecordJob = OnTimeout
postProcessingAction = Save
siteProfileName = default
jobPriority = normal
printMode = color_better
dicomFileExtension = none

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-45

Media Types and Profile Parameter
How Virtua C Determines the Media Type Required for a Job

The following table indicates how Virtua C determines what media

type is required for a particular job. This determination is based on
the autoMediaSelectStyle and mediaType parameter settings in the
Job Profile being used for the job.
Table 3-8. Media Selection Based on Job Profile Settings

mediaType Parameter Setting

Parameter Setting CD DVD Auto
bySize CD DVD Job size < 650 MB: CD

Job size ≥ 650 MB: DVD

byMedia CD DVD Currently configured media type

How Virtua C Determines the Currently Configured Media


Depending on how users would like to generally use media,

Virtua C can be set up to use Smart Detect or Manual Detect modes
to accommodate optimal media selection. For more information on
Smart Detect and Manual Detect modes, refer to “Configuring and
Loading Media” on page 5-2.
These modes are selected by the doSmartDetectLoadedMediaType
parameter setting in the System Profile.

• If the setting is True, Smart Detect mode is enabled. The media

type (CD or DVD) will be automatically detected by reading the
top disc loaded from the input bin.
• If the setting if False, Manual Detect mode is enabled, and the
media type will be determined from the inputBin parameter
setting in the System Profile or the user selection on the Ink and
Media tab on the Utilities screen.

3-46 Setting Up the Software

Typical Media Type Parameter Setting Examples

Setting Up the Software

Bias Toward Using CDs
If smaller files will be recorded (e.g., single patient studies) or there
is a strong preference for using only CDs, use the following settings:
Profile Parameter Setting
System inputBin CD

System doSmartDetectLoadedMediaType False

Job mediaType CD

Job AutoMediaSelectStyle byMedia

Bias Toward Flexibility (Using Both CDs and DVDs)

If a wide range of job file sizes are anticipated to be recorded, use
the following settings:
Profile Parameter Setting
System inputBin CD or DVD

System doSmartDetectLoadedMediaType True

Job mediaType AUTO

Job AutoMediaSelectStyle bySize

Auto-Record Trigger
Virtua C includes methods for improving automatic recording speed
by reducing or eliminating the delay caused by the end-of-study


When images are sent to Virtua C, a trigger is needed for Virtua C

to determine that all images for an auto-record job have been
received. This is normally done with an end-of-study timeout set to
30 seconds, which requires a 30-second delay from the end of
transmission to the start of the recording process.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-47

For some systems (typically with fast networks), this setting can be
reduced to as low as 10 seconds. For other systems, the end of the
DICOM association can be used as the trigger to eliminate this delay

NOTE: Since all of the settings described here are in Job Profiles, they can be configured
on a per-host basis. That is, different profiles can be set up and optimized for each sending

3 NOTE: Optimizing the auto-record trigger is important only for applications using the
automatic recording mode (doAutoRecord = True in a Job Profile). Sites not using automatic
recording can disregard this information.

NOTE: The methods described here will not work for all host systems and networks. Some
experimentation may be required to find optimal settings that do not cause side-effects
(described in the troubleshooting topics below).

Method 1: Reducing End-of-Study Timeout

Job Profiles include an endOfStudyTimeout parameter that tells the

Virtua how long to wait after the last image is received before
considering a study (or a group of studies for the same patient) to
be complete and beginning the automatic recording process. This
value defaults to 30 seconds for most Job Profiles. The timeout can
be reduced to as low as 10 seconds to increase system performance
and reduce the time required to automatically record a disc.
Configuration Guidelines
The endOfStudyTimeout parameter should be set to the highest
expected delay from the end of transmission of one image to the
end of transmission of the next. The faster and more reliable the
network is, the lower the timeout value can be set. Also, smaller
images, which transfer more quickly, allow a lower timeout value
than larger images. It may take some experimentation to find the
optimal setting.

3-48 Setting Up the Software


Setting Up the Software

If the endOfStudyTimeout is set too low, it may result in duplicate
discs (or sets of discs for multi-disc jobs) being recorded for the
same study, with some of the discs containing an incomplete set of
images. If this occurs, even occasionally, increase the
endOfStudyTimeout setting.

Method 2: Trigger on End of Association

Some host systems open one DICOM association for the entire
study (for all images) or several simultaneous associations for the
entire study with groups of images. For these hosts, the auto-record
trigger can be based on the last association closing without the need
to wait for a timeout. This mode provides the fastest time to
automatically record a disc.
Configuration Guidelines
To allow auto-record to be triggered by the last association closing
for a study, set submitAutoRecordJob = onAssociationEnd. To set
auto-record back to being triggered by the end-of-study timeout, set
submitAutoRecordJob = onTimeout (the default setting for most Job
If submitAutoRecordJob = onAssociationEnd and the sending host
is not compatible with this mode (e.g., it opens one DICOM
association per image), duplicate discs (or sets of discs for multi-
disc jobs) will be recorded for the same study, with some of them
containing an incomplete set of images. If this problem occurs, set
submitAutoRecordJob = onTimeout for the Job Profile used by this
host or select a different Job Profile with this setting.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-49

NOTE: Setting submitAutoRecordJob = OnTimeout with the endOfStudyTimeout parameter
3 set too low would cause the same symptoms as described above.

NOTE: Using the end-of-association to trigger an auto-record job should not be done if
multiple studies from the same patient are being sent back-to-back to record on the same
disc (discStudyGrouping = byPatient), unless the sending host system actually holds the
association open between the individual studies or consistently sends the studies

NOTE: If submitAutoRecordJob = onAssociationEnd, the study will be considered complete
if the endOfStudyTimeout time elapses, even if the association is left open.

Supporting DICOM JPEG Formats

Virtua C Job Profiles can be configured to allow Virtua C to receive
and record the following DICOM JPEG compressed image formats:
JPEG Baseline, JPEG Extended, JPEG Lossless, JPEG2000 Lossless,
and JPEG2000 Lossy. Compressed images can be optionally
decompressed to allow recording on disc with viewers that do not
support compressed images.
The parameters that can be included as one or more additional lines
in a Job Profile text file to support DICOM JPEG compression/
decompression are defined in the following table. For general
information about creating or modifying a Job Profile, refer to
“Setting Up Job Profiles” on page 3-35.
Table 3-9. DICOM JPEG Compression Parameters in a Job Profile
Parameter Description
jpegBaselineSupport = Specifies the JPEG Baseline compression/
decompression support.

Choices are:

• None (the default). Virtua C does not accept data

that is JPEG Baseline.

• Preserve. Virtua C accepts data that is JPEG

Baseline and stores it in compressed format.

• Decompress. Virtua C accepts data that is JPEG

Baseline and stores it in decompressed format.

3-50 Setting Up the Software

Table 3-9. DICOM JPEG Compression Parameters in a Job Profile

Setting Up the Software

Parameter Description
jpegExtendedSupport = Specifies the JPEG Extended compression/
decompression support.

Choices are:

• None (the default). Virtua C does not accept data

that is JPEG Extended.

• Preserve. Virtua C accepts data that is JPEG

Extended and stores it in compressed format.

• Decompress. Virtua C accepts data that is JPEG

Extended and stores it in decompressed format.

jpegLosslessSupport = Specifies the JPEG Lossless compression/

decompression support.

Choices are:

• None (the default). Virtua C does not accept data

that is JPEG Lossless.

• Preserve. Virtua C accepts data that is JPEG

Lossless and stores it in compressed format.

• Decompress. Virtua C accepts data that is JPEG

Lossless and stores it in decompressed format.

jpeg2000LosslessSupport = Specifies the JPEG2000 Lossless compression/

decompression support.

Choices are:

• None (the default). Virtua C does not accept data

that is JPEG2000 Lossless.

• Preserve. Virtua C accepts data that is JPEG2000

Lossless and stores it in compressed format.

• Decompress. Virtua C accepts data that is

JPEG2000 Lossless and stores it in
decompressed format.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-51

Table 3-9. DICOM JPEG Compression Parameters in a Job Profile

Parameter Description
jpegLossySupport = Specifies the JPEG2000 Lossy compression/
decompression support.

Choices are:

• None (the default). Virtua C does not accept data

that is JPEG2000 Lossy.

• Preserve. Virtua C accepts data that is JPEG2000

Lossy and stores it in compressed format.

• Decompress. Virtua C accepts data that is

JPEG2000 Lossy and stores it in decompressed

NOTE: Use of lossy compression with medical

images may not result in clinically acceptable images.

Sample DICOM JPEG compression settings that could be added to

a Job Profile are:
jpegBaselineSupport = Decompress
jpegExtendedSupport = Decompress
jpegLosslessSupport = Decompress
jpeg2000LosslessSupport = Decompress
jpegLossySupport = None

Codonics Clarity Viewer

Virtua C provides the Codonics Clarity Viewer, which can be
included on any disc, for reviewing DICOM images. The Clarity
Viewer is compatible with Microsoft Windows ME, 2000, and XP
operating systems.
The viewer is intended for post-diagnosis review of the images and
provides basic functions, including:

• Window and level

• Pan and zoom
• Forward and backward image navigation

3-52 Setting Up the Software

• Display and No Display options for study text

Setting Up the Software

• Basic measurement capabilities
• Study and series selection

Sample Job Profile Creation

Following are the steps used to create a sample Job Profile starting
with the default Job Profile, but with the following changes:

• The profile name is patient (that is, the disc is intended for the
patient only)
• Studies should be recorded automatically, without user
• Only one copy should be made, and that one is for the patient
• The end of study will be triggered by the DICOM association

1. Verify that no jobs are currently being processed and no studies

are being received.
2. Log out and shut down the system (refer to “Logging Out” on
page 3-56 and “Shutting Down and Rebooting” on page 3-56).
The device powers off at the end of the shutdown process.

NOTE: If you do not shut down the system before removing the SmartDrive, a message
displays indicating that the SmartDrive has been removed. Once it is reinserted, the system
prompts you to reboot.

3. Remove the SmartDrive from the USB port.

4. Mount the SmartDrive in a USB port on a PC.
The SmartDrive will appear as a standard USB flash drive.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-53

5. From Windows Explorer, open the folder \profiles\job on the

6. Select the file job.default and copy it to a new file called


7. Use a text editor (for example, Notepad) to open the file for
8. Make the following modifications to the settings (shown in
[ JobProfile ]
doAutoRecord = true
autoMediaSelectStyle = bySize
doCreateJpegImages = false
doEnableAutoRun = true
doIncludeSelfCheckProgram = false
doVerifyDiscsAfterRecord = false
doPrintToDicomImager = false
doLimitStudiesPerDiscToLabelCapacity = false

3-54 Setting Up the Software

doSafelyTruncatePatientNameOnLabel = true

Setting Up the Software

dicomImagerName = Default
physicianCopies = 0
patientCopies = 1
anonymizedCopies = 0
legalCopies = 0
discLabel = Physician
discLabelPhysicianCopy = No_Override
discLabelPatientCopy = No_Override
discLabelAnonymousCopy = No_Override
discLabelLegalCopy = No_Override
includedDicomViewer = Clarity_Viewer.vwr
mediaType = CD
discStudyGrouping = byPatient
matchPatientUsing = name_id_dob
endOfStudyTimeout = 30
submitAutoRecordJob = onAssociationEnd
postProcessingAction = Save
siteProfileName = default
jobPriority = normal
printMode = color_better
dicomFileExtension = none
9. When finished modifying the file, save it, unmount the
SmartDrive from the PC, and then insert it back into the Virtua C
USB port.
10. Power on Virtua C by pressing the System power button.

The Job Profile called “patient” will now be available for DICOM
users to select when submitting studies to the device for recording.
A Storage device must also be set up on the DICOM host with an
AE Title called “patient.” For more information about configuring a
DICOM host to support submitting studies to Virtua C, refer to
Chapter 4.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-55

Logging Out

8 Click the Log Out button at the top right of the screen.
To log out Click Log Out

The Login screen displays.

Shutting Down and Rebooting

Before attempting to shut down or reboot Virtua C, make sure that

all jobs have finished and all users have logged out.

8 Perform a soft shutdown by pressing the System power button

for about a second.
To shut down
or reboot the

System power


3-56 Setting Up the Software

1. From the Login screen, click the Shutdown button at the top

Setting Up the Software

right of the screen.
Click Shutdown

You are prompted as to whether you want to shut down the

system, reboot the system, or cancel the shutdown.

2. Click the desired shutdown option.

Shutdown is complete when the front panel status lights turn off. If
rebooting Virtua C, startup is complete when the System status light
is green again.

NOTE: If the system becomes unresponsive, press and hold the System power button for at
least 5 seconds to perform a hard shutdown.

NOTE: Shutting down while a study is being sent might leave an incomplete study on
Virtua C.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 3-57

Sending Studies to
Virtua C

Sending Studies to Virtua C

Configuring a Typical DICOM Host

Codonics Virtua is a DICOM Storage Class SCP (Service Class

Provider) that can accept incoming DICOM Store associations.
Any system that supports DICOM Store should work with the
device. Typical DICOM hosts that would connect to the device

• Modality workstations
• PACS workstations
• Primary and secondary image acquisition systems

Configuring a DICOM host to send images to the device requires the

following settings:

• The device hostname or IP address. The device must be

configured with an IP address that is accessible from the DICOM
• DICOM TCP port. The device uses the TCP port number set up
in the network configuration. For more information, refer to
“Setting Network Parameters from the Setup Screen” on
page 3-23.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 4-1

• DICOM AE Title. The device uses the Called AE Title from the
DICOM host to control the media type (CD or DVD), content,
and printed label on the disc. For more information on how the
device uses Called AE Titles, refer to “Sending Studies to Record
to Disc” below.

Most DICOM hosts require these settings to successfully connect to

the device. Specific details about how to configure a host are
usually found in the product’s documentation. Codonics Technical
Support also has information about how many systems are

Sending Studies to Record to Disc

DICOM Store is the primary method used to send radiographic

studies to the device.
How a study will be recorded to disc is controlled by specifying
preset combinations of job settings stored in the device, called Job
Profiles. The device makes each Job Profile available to the DICOM
Store user as a Called AE Title. The DICOM Store user can then pick
the Called AE Title that corresponds to the Job Profile to be used for
a particular study recording job.
The device provides the standard Job Profile AE Titles described in
the following table.
Table 4-1. Preinstalled Job Profile AE Titles

Called AE Title Recording Behavior

Manual The job is queued in the Studies list for manual
recording, requiring user intervention.

Auto The job is automatically queued for recording,

without user intervention.

AutoCD The job is automatically queued for recording on a

CD, without user intervention.

4-2 Sending Studies to Virtua C

Table 4-1. Preinstalled Job Profile AE Titles (Continued)

Called AE Title Recording Behavior

AutoCDSpeed Similar to AutoCD but with the following Job Profile
parameters optimized for speed:

• printMode = color_good
• discLabel = Ink_Saver
• submitAutoRecordJob = onAssociationEnd
• endOfStudyTimeout = 15
• discStudyGrouping = byStudy

Sending Studies to Virtua C

For more information on these parameters, refer to
Table 3-7 on page 3-37.

AutoDVD The job is automatically queued for recording on a

DVD, without user intervention.

AutoDVDSpeed Similar to AutoDVD but with the following Job

Profile parameters optimized for speed:

• printMode = color_good
• discLabel = Ink_Saver
• submitAutoRecordJob = onAssociationEnd
• endOfStudyTimeout = 15
• discStudyGrouping = byStudy

For more information on these parameters, refer to

Table 3-7 on page 3-37.

Default Default mode is used when the Called AE Title

does not match any Job Profiles. Default job
options are the same as Manual mode job options.

Specific settings associated with Auto and Manual modes can be

changed during the record procedure (refer to “Job Options” on
page 5-12). A site can also create additional custom Job Profiles.
The device supports up to 100 Job Profiles. Job Profiles are stored
on the SmartDrive to simplify transfer of settings when a device is
swapped for service.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 4-3

There are many recording and labeling settings that can be
controlled by Job Profile parameters. For more information about
creating and modifying Job Profiles, and all of the parameters that
can be set, refer to “Setting Up Job Profiles” on page 3-35.

4-4 Sending Studies to Virtua C

Recording and Labeling
a Disc


This chapter discusses jobs and how to use them to record and label
Jobs control what data is recorded onto discs and how many discs
are created. A job always contains at least one study and includes
other information necessary to record and label the disc.

Recording and Labeling

Information such as media type (CD or DVD), number of copies,
DICOM viewer, address of the site, and label design are included in

a Disc
a job.
A list of the current jobs can be viewed on the Discs tab.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 5-1

Configuring and Loading Media

To properly record jobs, the Virtua C media type — CD or DVD —

must be configured, with that media type loaded in the input bin.
The media type that Virtua C expects to be loaded is determined
differently, depending on whether Smart Detect or Manual Detect
mode is being used. The mode is determined by whether the System
Profile doSmartDetectLoadedMediaType parameter setting is
enabled or disabled. For more information about this and other
profile parameters that affect media type detection, refer to “Media
Types and Profile Parameter Settings” on page 3-46.

Configuring Media Type and Loading

Media — Manual Detect Mode
If Smart Detect mode is disabled, then Virtua C is in Manual Detect
mode. In Manual Detect mode, the user controls which media type
is configured, and thus assumed to be loaded in the input bin, by
selecting it in the Ink and Media tab on the Utilities screen.
Manual Detect mode is useful for sites who primarily use one type
of media.

8 1. Wait for any jobs currently being processed to complete.

To configure 2. Click the Utilities button on the Main screen, then click the Ink
the desired and Media tab.
media type
and load the
media in
Manual Detect

5-2 Recording and Labeling a Disc

3. Select the media type.
Click CD or DVD to specify which media
type will be loaded in the input bin

4. Open the top cover.

5. Load the media of the type selected in step 3 into the input bin.
Remove any discs that are of the other media type.

Recording and Labeling

6. Close the top cover.
If Virtua C detects that the wrong media type is loaded, an error is
displayed in the Dashboard. Also, the System status light and the

a Disc
corresponding CD or DVD status light are yellow. No jobs are
processed until discs of the selected media type are loaded in the
input bin, or the selected media type is changed.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 5-3

Configuring Media Type and Loading
Media — Smart Detect Mode
Smart Detect mode is useful for sites who change media types
With Smart Detect mode enabled, when Virtua C starts up or
whenever the cover is opened and then closed, it loads the first disc
in the input bin and detects its media type. Virtua C assumes that
all of the other discs in the input bin are of the same media type
and sets that type as the configured media type. The selected media
type is displayed in the Dashboard.
Virtua C then waits for and processes all jobs that have specified the
configured (and loaded) media type. If Virtua C finishes all of the
jobs for the configured media type, and there are jobs for the other
media type queued, the yellow light in the Dashboard turns on and
a status message displays indicating that the jobs and media type
are mismatched. Also, the System status light and the corresponding
CD or DVD status light are yellow. In this case, you have to replace
the current discs in the input bin with those of the other media type.

NOTE: In Smart mode, if you replace the discs in the input bin but a disc of the other media
type is already loaded in the CD/DVD recorder, Virtua C will not recognize that the media
type has changed. Check the top disc to see whether it matches the media type you just

8 1. Wait for any jobs currently being processed to complete.

To load the 2. Open the top cover.
desired media
type in Smart 3. Load media of the desired type into the input bin. Remove any
Detect mode discs that are of the other media type.
4. Close the top cover.

NOTE: Do not open the top cover while Smart Detection of the loaded media is in process.

5-4 Recording and Labeling a Disc

Processing Jobs in Auto Mode

If a study is received using a Job Profile with Auto mode selected,

the study is automatically added to the queue on the Discs tab, with
the recording and labeling options as set in the Job Profile.

Recording and Labeling

a Disc
When the disc recording and labeling is completed, the disc is
placed in the output bin.
Jobs that do not fit on one disc are automatically split across
multiple discs.
In Auto mode, the studyDiscGrouping parameter in the Job Profile
can be modified to group incoming studies together by patient
instead of recording them individually. If the byPatient option is
selected, multiple studies for the same patient will be included in
the job. For more information about this setting, refer to “Setting Up
Job Profiles” on page 3-35.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 5-5

Processing Jobs in Manual Mode

If a study is received using a Job Profile with Manual mode selected,

the study is added to the Studies list. Recording studies in the
Studies list requires user intervention.
The following procedure describes how to record studies in the
Studies list. For more information about the Studies list — including
sorting and filtering the list, displaying information about a study,
and deleting studies in the list — refer to Chapter 6.

8 1. Click the Studies button on the Main screen, then click the
Studies tab.
To record
studies in the
Studies list

5-6 Recording and Labeling a Disc

2. Click each of the studies that you want to include on the disc.
Each selected study is indicated by a check mark and is
highlighted. To unselect a study, simply click it again.

Selected study

Recording and Labeling

a Disc
Use these buttons to select
or unselect all studies

NOTE: The Select All and Unselect All buttons are disabled when the All filter is selected.

3. When you have selected the studies you want to record on the
disc, click the Record button.

NOTE: If multiple studies are selected to record on the same job, an alert is displayed to
notify you of this condition and allow you to continue or cancel the job.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 5-7

The Selections/Options screen displays, indicating the job
options that will be used for the selected studies.

5-8 Recording and Labeling a Disc

4. To change the job options, or to select a different Job Profile,
click the Edit Options button.
The Edit Job Options window displays. The option settings
default to the settings defined for the Job Profile (AE Title) to
which the study was sent.

Recording and Labeling

5. Change the job options as needed. For a description of the

a Disc
options, refer to “Job Options” on page 5-12.
6. When you are finished making changes to the options, click the
OK button (or the Cancel button to cancel the changes).

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 5-9

Any changes you make are reflected in the Job Profile Options
panel. In this example, the number of disc copies was changed
to 2 for the physician and 1 for the patient. Also, the Priority
setting was changed to High Priority and the Make Auto-run
setting was disabled.

7. When you are ready to record the selected studies, click the OK

5-10 Recording and Labeling a Disc

A job is created and added to the Discs queue on the Discs tab,
prioritized in the order in which it was received. The Discs tab
is displayed, showing the jobs queued for processing.

Recording and Labeling

Jobs that do not fit on one disc are automatically split across

a Disc
multiple discs.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 5-11

Job Options
The following table describes the job options that you can change
prior to recording a study to disc.

Table 5-1. Job Options

Option Description
Select Job Profile Click the arrow buttons to scroll through the list of available Job

Changing the Job Profile updates the options for the current job
to the settings defined for the selected profile.

Disc Label Type of label to be printed on the disc.

For more information about available disc labels, refer to

Chapter 8.

5-12 Recording and Labeling a Disc

Table 5-1. Job Options (Continued)

Option Description
Media Click the appropriate Media button to specify the type of media
on which to record the job.

Selecting the Auto button causes the device to choose the

media depending on the autoMediaSelectStyle parameter
setting in the current Job Profile:

• bySize. The media type is chosen based on the size of the

job. Jobs requiring less than 650 MB are recorded on CDs;
those requiring more than 650 MB are recorded on DVDs.

• byMedia. The media type is set to the currently configured

media type, regardless of the size of the job.

For information about how to set this parameter, refer to

“Setting Up Job Profiles” on page 3-35.

NOTE: Make sure that the media type for all discs being loaded
into the input bin matches the assigned media type.

DICOM Viewers Specifies the DICOM viewer applications to include on the disc.
For instructions on how to select viewers, refer to “Selecting
DICOM Viewers” on page 5-15.

At the time of publication, choices are: No DICOM Viewer,

Recording and Labeling

Clarity English (the Codonics Clarity English viewer),
Japanese Viewer (the Japanese version of the Clarity Viewer),
and any other purchased viewers.

a Disc
NOTE: The Clarity Viewers are included standard with Virtua C.
Other viewers are sold separately. For other supported
third-party viewers, refer to the Virtua Viewers page at

Recording Options: If selected, the DICOM Viewer on the disc will be launched
Make Auto-Run automatically when the disc is inserted into a Windows PC.

Recording Options: If selected, a read-after-write verification will be performed on

Verify Discs the disc automatically at the conclusion of the recording

Verifying discs can double the record time, but provides the
greatest assurance that the study data has been recorded

Recording Options: If selected, the job will be assigned a high priority, and will be
High Priority processed before jobs with a normal priority.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 5-13

Table 5-1. Job Options (Continued)

Option Description
Copies Specifies the number of disc copies to make for each of the
following recipients: Physician, Patient, Anonymized, and

The system records the type and number of copies that were
created in the job log file on the SmartDrive to assist
organizations with tracking discs for HIPAA and other
regulatory compliance.

For information about the optional disc formats, refer to

“Optional Disc Formats” on page 5-14.

NOTE: Changing settings on the Edit Job Options window do not update the Job Profile
itself. The Job Profile is simply a starting point for settings used by the current job.

Optional Disc Formats

The following table describes the optional disc formats.

Table 5-2. Optional Disc Formats

Recipient Disc Description

Physician Only disc type that will have reports attached.

Labeled as: Physician.

Patient Labeled as: Patient.

Anonymized Patient name and demographics not included.

Labeled as: Anonymized.

Legal Same information as Patient disc.

Labeled as: Legal.

5-14 Recording and Labeling a Disc

Selecting DICOM Viewers

Virtua C allows the recording of multiple DICOM viewers on disc

(both general purpose viewers and specialized viewers).

8 1. On the Edit Job Options screen, click the Select Viewers

To select the

2. Viewers can be selected or de-selected on the Select Viewers

screen. Select the viewers to be included on the disc.

Recording and Labeling

a Disc
3. When all the desired viewers have been selected, click the OK
The selected DICOM viewers are now listed in the Edit Job
Options screen.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 5-15

Please note the following issues before selecting multiple DICOM

• Use of multiple viewers on a disc reduces the available disc

storage for recording patient studies.
• The Siemens syngo® XS Imaging Viewer and the eFilm Lite™
Viewer may not be recorded together on a disc. Virtua C will
prevent the user from inadvertently selecting these two viewers
• The Siemens syngo® XS Imaging Viewer and the Siemens Media
Viewer may not be recorded together on a disc. Virtua C will
prevent the user from inadvertently selecting these two viewers
• The OsiriX Viewer is intended for the Apple Macintosh platform
and runs on Macintosh OS 10.5 or greater. The OsiriX Viewer
cannot be used in a Windows® environment. Therefore, if the
OsiriX Viewer has been recorded on the disc, it is not included
in the list of viewers in the viewer LaunchPad that opens when
the disc is loaded in a PC.
• The MIMviewer™ and Siemens syngo® XS Imaging Viewer must
be able to read each study on a disc. Each viewer reports a
problem if any study on a disc is not compatible. This issue is
independent of the number of viewers on a disc.
• Custom viewers can also be recorded on the disc with the
Virtua C standard viewers. However, compatibility should be
tested with desired viewers. Refer to the Codonics Virtua 3rd
Party Viewer Technical Brief for instructions on use and proper
packaging of custom viewers.
• Discs created with more than one DICOM viewer will not list the
viewer names on the label. Labels list the number of viewers (for
example, Viewer: 2 DICOM Viewers).

5-16 Recording and Labeling a Disc

Selecting a DICOM Viewer to View Images on a Disc

When a disc with multiple viewers is used in Windows, the

LaunchPad screen displays.

Recording and Labeling

This screen includes a drop-down menu that lists the available
viewers. Select the desired viewer, then click the DICOM Studies

a Disc
button to launch the viewer.

NOTE: If the DICOM Studies button is clicked without selecting a viewer, the first viewer in
the list will be launched.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 5-17

Direct to Disc

The Direct to Disc™ is an optional feature that provides an alternate

method of recording medical studies to disc. The Direct to Disc
function uses a standard Windows file copy instead of DICOM
Store. It provides full control over disc content and labeling by
allowing any set of files to be copied to Virtua C along with a
control file that specifies parameters such as media type, disc label,
number of copies, and so on.
The Direct to Disc interface uses a hot folder to facilitate
communication between host systems and Virtua C. A hot folder is
a shared network folder on Virtua C that is mountable by host
systems. Virtua C monitors the contents of the hot folder looking for
subfolders and control files sent by host systems. Each subfolder is
processed as a separate job by Virtua C.
To submit a job, a host system copies a subfolder containing a set
of files to the hot folder. The host system can also copy an optional
control file that overrides the default job settings assigned to the hot
folder. When a subfolder is received by Virtua C, the contents of the
subfolder are recorded to disc and a label is printed on the disc. If
a control file is included, settings such as media type, disc label, and
number of copies can be tailored for that job.
For information about how to set up Direct to Disc and send jobs,
contact your Codonics representative.

5-18 Recording and Labeling a Disc

Working with Studies

How Studies Are Stored and Removed

Codonics Virtua C automatically manages studies stored on the hard

drive and removes the oldest studies that have been successfully
recorded to disc to make space for new studies.
When space is needed for new incoming studies, the oldest study
that has been recorded to disc is deleted from the hard drive.
If a study has not been recorded, it will remain tagged as a “new”
study in the Studies list until it is recorded. It will not be
automatically removed regardless of how old it is.
If the hard drive fills up with “new” studies that have not been
recorded to disc, and no space remains for any more incoming
studies, then no more studies will be accepted. This can be
remedied only by recording some studies to disc, which will allow
them to be automatically removed, or by manually deleting
unrecorded studies from the Studies list.
Additionally, the system can be configured to automatically delete
recorded studies that are older than a preset number of days. For Working with Studies

information about setting this parameter, refer to “Setting Up the

System Profile” on page 3-26.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 6-1

Working with the Studies List

Filtering, Sorting, and Scrolling Through

the Studies List
The following illustration shows how to filter, sort, and scroll
through the Studies list.

Use these buttons to filter the studies that

will be listed:
New Only new, unrecorded
Today Only studies received today. Click a column heading to sort
Yesterday Only studies received the list by that column
yesterday. Click again to reverse the sort
All All studies. order

Scroll one page

at a time

Scroll to beginning
or end of list

6-2 Working with Studies

Study Status Indicators
The Status column displays icons to indicate the current status of
each study.
Table 6-1. Study Status Indicators
Status Icon Description
The study is currently being received from the sending host.

The study has been received and is ready to be recorded.

The study has been queued for recording.

The study is being recorded, or the disc on which it has been

recorded is being labeled.

The study has been recorded and the disc has been placed in
the device’s output bin.

The study was not successfully recorded to disc.

The yellow page icon at the lower left corner of a status icon
indicates that the study includes a report.

CAUTION Discs that fail to record properly are either labeled with a Reject icon
(shown below) or not labeled at all. These discs should be destroyed to protect the
confidentiality of patient data.
Working with Studies

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 6-3

Selecting Studies
Click a study to select it. Each selected study is indicated by a check
mark and is highlighted.
To unselect a study, simply click it again.
Selected study

Use these buttons to select or unselect

all studies (enabled only when the
study filter is set to New, Today, or

6-4 Working with Studies

Displaying Study Details

The Studies list displays general information about the study —

patient name, physician, study type, and so on.
You can also display more detailed information about a study.
8 Click the Details icon for the study.
To display Details icon
study details

The Study Details window displays.

Working with Studies

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 6-5

Deleting Studies Manually

8 Select the studies that you want to delete, then click the Delete
To delete
multiple Studies selected for deletion

Click Delete to delete selected


You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

6-6 Working with Studies

8 Click the Delete icon for the study.

To delete an Delete icon


You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

Working with Studies

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 6-7

Working with Jobs
Working with Jobs
All jobs that have been sent for recording are listed in the Discs
queue on the Discs tab.
From this list, you can:

• Filter, scroll through, and sort the list of jobs

• Check the status of a job
• Display detailed information about a job
• Delete a job

These tasks are covered in the topics in this chapter.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 7-1

Working with the Discs Queue

The following illustration shows how to filter, sort, and scroll

through the Discs queue on the Discs tab.
Use these buttons to filter the jobs that will be
Click a column heading to sort
Queued Pending or in-progress jobs. the list by that column
Recorded Recorded jobs.
Click again to reverse the sort
All All jobs. order

Scroll one page

at a time

Scroll to beginning
or end of list

7-2 Working with Jobs

Job Status Indicators

Working with Jobs

The Status column displays icons to indicate the current status of
each job.
Table 7-1. Job Status Indicators
Status Icon Description
The job has been queued for recording. The media type — CD
or DVD — is indicated in the icon.

The job is being recorded, or the disc on which it has been

recorded is being printed.

The job has been recorded and the disc has been placed in the
device’s output bin.

The job failed to complete successfully.

CAUTION Discs that fail to record properly are either labeled with a Reject icon
(shown below) or not labeled at all. These discs should be destroyed to protect the
confidentiality of patient data.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 7-3

Displaying Detailed Job Information

Each column of a job entry includes general information about the

job — a description, its job ID, its completion status, and so on.
You can also display more detailed information about a job.
8 Click the Details icon for the job.
To display job Details icon

The Job Details window displays.

7-4 Working with Jobs

Deleting a Job Manually

Working with Jobs

8 Click the Delete icon for the job.
To delete a job Delete icon

You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

CAUTION Deleting a job that is in-progress can result in a disc that is either labeled
with a Reject icon (shown below) or not labeled at all. These discs should be destroyed
to protect the confidentiality of patient data.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 7-5

Working with Labels
Virtua C supports preinstalled and site-specific customized disc
labels, on which site and study information is printed. Job Profiles

Working with Labels

specify which label to use for a recording job. For jobs that are
manually submitted for recording, the label specified in the Job
Profile can be overridden using the Job Options function.
This chapter explains:

• Disc label design families and how they are used by the
automatic label selection feature
• How to add a customized label

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 8-1

Disc Label Design Families

A label design family represents the general layout and graphical

pattern of a printed label. It is implemented by one or more
template files, each of which has a different amount of printable
space for study information.
The purpose of label design families is to maximize the amount of
graphical content on the label used for promotional purposes. As
the number of studies recorded on a disc increases, Virtua C can
automatically choose a label in the same design family that allows
more studies to be listed on the label. This is usually done by
creating a label that removes some promotional graphics to make
room for more studies to be printed on the label.
To support this feature, the template files in a label design family
must have the same root name, followed by -(x), where x is the
number of studies that will fit. For example, the Physician family of
labels includes Physician-(3).std and Physician-(5).std.

Preinstalled Label Design Families

The following standard disc label design families are preinstalled on
the SmartDrive:

• Blonde_Boy, Blonde_Boy_Wide
• Ink_Saver, Ink_Saver_Wide
• Physician, Physician_Wide
• Phys_Steth, Phys_Steth_Wide
• Stethoscope, Stethoscope_Wide
• Senior_Couple, Senior_Couple_Wide
• Surgical_Mask, Surgical_Mask_Wide

8-2 Working with Labels

The wide version of each standard label family supports wide
character sets (for example, Asian character sets).
To support the automatic label selection feature, there is a 3-study
and 5-study template in each label design family. In addition, there
is a 10-study version of the Ink_Saver label.

Forcing Disc Spanning Based on Label

Setting the doLimitStudiesPerDiscToLabelCapacity parameter in a
Job Profile file to True forces the job to span studies to additional

Working with Labels

discs if there are more studies than can fit on the label. For
information about creating and modifying Job Profile files, refer to
“Setting Up Job Profiles” on page 3-35.
If this parameter is set to False and the label cannot fit the
information about all of the job’s studies, the ReadMe.txt file on the
disc will list the studies not included on the label.

Label Selection Based on Copy Type

Virtua C supports specifying different labels based on the disc copy
type — physician, patient, anonymous, or legal. This allows a site
to use the Ink Saver label for in-house physicians but a more
attractive label for patients.
For information about specifying the labels for the various copy
types, refer to the discLabelCopy parameter descriptions in
Table 3-7 on page 3-37.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 8-3

Adding a Custom Disc Label

A custom label can be added for printing on any disc. Typically,

custom labels contain special color schemes, the name of the
imaging center, a picture of the facility, or the corporate logo.
The label must be designed using the Sure Thing label design
application. The Sure Thing label design application is a
Windows-based application that is provided on the Accessories and
Manuals disc provided with Virtua C.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended to always use the version of the Sure Thing label design
application that shipped with the latest Accessories and Manuals disc to ensure that the
label designs are compatible with the current Virtua C software release. Some labels
created with older versions of the Sure Thing label design application will not work properly
with new versions of Virtua C software.

Once the label has been designed, its file can be copied to the
SmartDrive to make it available to the device.

NOTE: The automatic label selection feature uses the sequence -(MaxStudies) in file
names to recognize which labels are available in a family of labels. Therefore, do not use this
sequence in a custom label file name unless you are creating a family of labels for use with
the automatic label selection feature.

NOTE: For custom label designs that support more or fewer than 3 studies, the
-(maxStudies) needs to be used to indicate the number of studies supported. It defaults to
3, so for a 3-study label, while it is not required, it is recommended that -(3) be included.

8 1. Verify that no jobs are currently being processed and no studies

are being received.
To make a
custom label 2. Log out and shut down the system (refer to “Logging Out” on
file available to
the device
page 3-56 and “Shutting Down and Rebooting” on page 3-56).
The device powers off at the end of the shutdown process.

8-4 Working with Labels

NOTE: If you do not shut down the system before removing the SmartDrive, a message
3 displays indicating that the SmartDrive has been removed. Once it is reinserted, the system
prompts you to reboot.

3. Remove the SmartDrive, which is inserted in the USB port

behind the green output bin.
4. Mount the SmartDrive in a USB port on a PC.
The SmartDrive will appear as a standard USB flash drive.
5. Copy the labelname.std file (created using the Sure Thing
application) to the \labels folder on the SmartDrive.

Working with Labels

6. Unmount the SmartDrive from the PC, then insert it back into
the device.
7. Reinstall the output bin.
8. Power on the device by pressing the System power button on
the Controller front panel.

The label is now ready to use. You can specify this label in the site’s
Job Profiles. Also, users can select this label from the Job Options
screen. For more information, refer to “Setting Up Job Profiles” on
page 3-35 and “Job Options” on page 5-12.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 8-5

Study Fields Included on Labels

The printed labels have study blocks reserved for printing study
information. Each study block of the standard labels that are
provided with Virtua C has either three or four fields available for
information, depending on the template. Custom labels can include
up to five fields.
The following sample custom label template (showing the merge
fields only) includes three study blocks, with each having five fields
available for information.

8-6 Working with Labels

For standard labels, the following rules determine how many fields
each study will have on the disc label:

• If the label is for discs that will have three studies or less, four
study information fields can be included.
• If the label is for discs that will have four to ten studies, three
fields can be included.

The file fields.default.txt in the \labels folder on the SmartDrive

controls what information will be printed for each field in a study.
This file has section identifiers for 3- and 4-field study blocks. The
field ordering under the [ 3FieldStudies ] header corresponds to

Working with Labels

labels that support 4 to 10 studies, and the field ordering under the
[ 4FieldStudies ] header corresponds to labels that support 1-3
You can specify which fields to include for each of these block sizes
and in what order they appear.
To include a field, enter an integer value for that field. The integer
value indicates at which line in the study block that the field’s
information will be inserted. A value of 0 indicates that the
information will not be included in the label.

NOTE: The label template must have fields available for information to be put in them. For
example, if the label template only has 3 fields per block, and the fields.default.txt has fields
ordered from 1 to 5, only the first 3 will appear on the printed label.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 8-7

The default content of the fields.default.txt file is:
So, by default, the following information will be printed on the label
in the order shown for 4-field study blocks:
Patient name
Patient ID
Study date and modality
Study description
Referring to the sample label template shown earlier, this
information would be merged into the first study block information
fields as follows:
Patient name to field 15.
Patient ID to field 16.
Study date and modality to field 17.
Study description to field 18.

8-8 Working with Labels

Note the following about fields listed in the fields.default.txt file:

• If a field integer value is blank (unassigned) or assigned a value

that is outside of the maximum number of fields available, the
corresponding field information will not be included on the
printed label.
• If multiple fields are assigned the same valid line number, the
first field that specifies the line number will be used and
subsequent fields assigned that number will be ignored.

The following table shows how the site and study information is
mapped to the fields of the label templates.

Working with Labels

Table 8-1. Label Field Information Mappings

Field Field
Number Field contents Number Field contents
1 Site Name 38 Study Block 5, Field 4

2 Site Address 1 39 Study Block 5, Field 5

3 Site Address 2 40 Study Block 6, Field 1

4 Site Address 3 41 Study Block 6, Field 2

5 Site Telephone 42 Study Block 6, Field 3

6 Site URL 43 Study Block 6, Field 4

7 Site Disclaimer 44 Study Block 6, Field 5

8 <Reserved> 45 Study Block 7, Field 1

9 <Reserved> 46 Study Block 7, Field 2

10 Disc ID 47 Study Block 7, Field 3

11 Copy Type 48 Study Block 7, Field 4

12 Date Recorded 49 Study Block 7, Field 5

13 Dicom Viewer(s) 50 Study Block 8, Field 1

14 Media Type X of X 51 Study Block 8, Field 2

15 Study Block 1, Field 1 52 Study Block 8, Field 3

16 Study Block 1, Field 2 53 Study Block 8, Field 4

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 8-9

Table 8-1. Label Field Information Mappings

Field Field
Number Field contents Number Field contents
17 Study Block 1, Field 3 54 Study Block 8, Field 5

18 Study Block 1, Field 4 55 Study Block 9, Field 1

19 Study Block 1, Field 5 56 Study Block 9, Field 2

20 Study Block 2, Field 1 57 Study Block 9, Field 3

21 Study Block 2, Field 2 58 Study Block 9, Field 4

22 Study Block 2, Field 3 59 Study Block 9, Field 5

23 Study Block 2, Field 4 60 Study Block 10, Field 1

24 Study Block 2, Field 5 61 Study Block 10, Field 2

25 Study Block 3, Field 1 62 Study Block 10, Field 3

26 Study Block 3, Field 2 63 Study Block 10, Field 4

27 Study Block 3, Field 3 64 Study Block 10, Field 5

28 Study Block 3, Field 4 65 Study Block 1 Report

29 Study Block 3, Field 5 66 Study Block 2 Report

30 Study Block 4, Field 1 67 Study Block 3 Report

31 Study Block 4, Field 2 68 Study Block 4 Report

32 Study Block 4, Field 3 69 Study Block 5 Report

33 Study Block 4, Field 4 70 Study Block 6 Report

34 Study Block 4, Field 5 71 Study Block 7 Report

35 Study Block 5, Field 1 72 Study Block 8 Report

36 Study Block 5, Field 2 73 Study Block 9 Report

37 Study Block 5, Field 3 74 Study Block 10 Report

8-10 Working with Labels

Working with Locales

Locale-Related Features

The locale setting is used to specify regional information displayed

by the system, including language, date and time format, the
DICOM image viewer, and some patient demographic information.
Codonics Virtua C includes several features to support different

User Interface

Working with Locales

The user interface — including labels, button text, dialog messages,
column headings, and warning messages — is in English by default,
but the following languages are also supported at the time of

• Chinese (PRC)
• French (France)
• German (Germany)
• Italian
• Japanese
• Portuguese
• Spanish (Spain)
• Turkish

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 9-1

For these languages, there are a few exceptions (Job Profile names,
label templates, and disc features) that remain in English.
For other languages, the local language is supported for site
information and DICOM demographic information.
The following locale-related features are also supported:

• Each of the standard disc labels that are provided with Virtua C
has a wide version of the label to accommodate wide Eastern
Asian characters.
• For Japan, the default setting for column 2 of the Studies list is
the Patient ID instead of the Referring Physician.
• For Japan, a Japanese DICOM viewer is included. This viewer is
the same as the Clarity Viewer, but localized for Japan.
• Standard disc labels using different fonts are available on the
Accessories Disc for languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, Thai,
and Korean characters.

Latin-1 and other ISO-8859-based character sets are supported by
Virtua C DICOM Structured Reports and HL7 Reports.
DICOM conformant character sets are supported for DICOM
Structured Reports.

Tier 1 and Tier 2 Regions

For locales, languages in Tier 1 regions are fully supported.
Languages in Tier 2 regions are configured in the device but are not
not fully verified and supported.
Table 9-1 lists the Tier 1 and Tier 2 locales.
The locale for the device is set in the Locale Profile. For more
information, refer to “Setting Up the Locale Profile” on page 9-8.

9-2 Working with Locales

You should set Virtua C to your locale for the best compatibility
with various images likely to be received from systems in the locale.
Some systems do not indicate the language used for their messages.
If you set the device to your locale, it is more likely that the system
messages and images will be readable.
Table 9-1. Locales — Tier 1 and Tier 2
Locale Profile
Locale Code Tier 1 Tier 2

Arabic - Egypt ar_EG 

Arabic - Iraq ar_IQ 
Arabic - Jordan ar_JO 
Arabic - Kuwait ar_KW 
Arabic - Lebanon ar_LB 
Arabic - Saudi Arabia ar_SA 
Arabic - Syria ar_SY 
Arabic - U.A.E. ar_AE 

Working with Locales

Chinese - Hong Kong SAR zh_HK 
Chinese - PRC zh_CN 
Chinese - Singapore zh_SG 
Chinese - Taiwan zh_TW 
Danish - Denmark da_DK 
Dutch - Belgium nl_BE 
Dutch - Netherlands nl_NL 
English - Australia en_AU 
English - Canada en_CA 
English - New Zealand en_NZ 

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 9-3

Table 9-1. Locales — Tier 1 and Tier 2 (Continued)

Locale Profile
Locale Code Tier 1 Tier 2

English - South Africa en_ZA 

English - United Kingdom en_GB 
English - United States en_US 
Finnish - Finland fi_FI 
French - Belgium fr_BE 
French - Canada fr_CA 
French - France fr_FR 
French - Luxembourg fr_LU 
French - Switzerland fr_CH 
German - Austria de_AT 
German - Germany de_DE 
German - Luxembourg de_LU 
German - Switzerland de_CH 
Greek - Greece el_GR 
Hebrew - Israel iw_IL 
Hungarian - Hungary hu_HU 
Italian - Italy it_IT 
Italian - Switzerland it_CH 
Japanese - Japan ja_JP 
Korean (Extended Wansung) - Korea ko_KR 
Latvian - Latvia lv_LV 

9-4 Working with Locales

Table 9-1. Locales — Tier 1 and Tier 2 (Continued)

Locale Profile
Locale Code Tier 1 Tier 2

Lithuanian - Lithuania lt_LT 

Malay - Brunei Darussalam ms_BN 
Norwegian - Norway (Bokmål) no_NO 
Polish - Poland pl_PL 
Portuguese - Brazil pt_BR 
Portuguese - Portugal pt_PT 
Romanian - Romania ro_RO 
Russian - Russia ru_RU 
Serbian - Serbia (Cyrillic) sr_CS1 
Serbian - Serbia (Latin) sr_CS2 
Spanish - Argentina es_AR 

Working with Locales

Spanish - Chile es_CL 
Spanish - Colombia es_CO 
Spanish - Dominican Republic es_DO 
Spanish - Mexico es_MX 
Spanish - Peru es_PE 
Spanish - Puerto Rico es_PR 
Spanish - Spain (International Sort) es_ES 
Spanish - Venezuela es_VE 
Swedish - Finland sv_FI 
Swedish - Sweden sv_SE 

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 9-5

Table 9-1. Locales — Tier 1 and Tier 2 (Continued)

Locale Profile
Locale Code Tier 1 Tier 2

Tamil - India ta_IN 

Thai - Thailand th_TH 
Turkish - Turkey tr_TR 
Vietnamese - Viet Nam vi_VN 

9-6 Working with Locales

DICOM Character Sets Supported by
Virtua C
Virtua C supports the following DICOM Standard character sets. For
more information, refer to the Virtua C DICOM Conformance
Table 9-2. DICOM Character Sets Supported by Virtua C

DICOM-Defined Term Common Name Description

ISO_IR 6 US-ASCII 7-bit characters (Default)

ISO_IR 100 ISO 8859-1 Latin Alphabet No. 1, Western European

ISO_IR 101 ISO 8859-2 Latin Alphabet No. 2, Eastern European

ISO_IR 109 ISO 8859-3 Latin Alphabet No. 3

ISO_IR 110 ISO 8859-4 Latin Alphabet No. 4

ISO_IR 144 ISO 8859-5 Latin/Cyrillic Alphabet

ISO_IR 127 ISO 8859-6 Latin/Arabic Alphabet

ISO_IR 126 ISO 8859-7 Latin/Greek Alphabet

ISO_IR 138 ISO 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew Alphabet

Working with Locales

ISO_IR 148 ISO 8859-9 Latin Alphabet No. 5

ISO_IR 13 JIS X 0201-1976 Katakana Alphabet

ISO_IR 166 TIS 620 (1990) Thai Alphabet

ISO_IR 14 JIS X 0201-1976 Romaji Alphabet (Japanese ASCII)

ISO_IR 87 JIS X 0208-1990 Kanji Alphabet

ISO_IR 159 JIX X 0212-1990 Supplementary Kanji Alphabet

ISO_IR 149 KS X 1001-1997 Hangul and Hanja Alphabets (Korean)

ISO_IR 192 ISO 10646 Unicode in UTF-8

GB18030 GB18030 Simplified Chinese, PRC standard

This DICOM character encoding support allows patient and study

data to display properly.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 9-7

NOTE: Virtua C properly displays international characters for well-formed DICOM images
3 that include the Specific Character Set tag. Virtua C can accommodate DICOM images that
do not include this tag, or have it incorrectly set to Latin 1, by using the proper locale.

Setting Up the Locale Profile

The Locale Profile includes configuration parameters that define

locale-specific display elements and functions.
The Locale Profile file — locale.default.txt — is preinstalled on the
SmartDrive in the \profiles\locale folder. You can modify this file to
specify locale configuration information. For general information
about modifying a profile, refer to “Creating and Modifying Profiles”
on page 3-6.
The format and parameters of the Locale Profile text file are defined
in the following table.
Table 9-3. Locale Profile Format and Parameters

Parameter Name Description

[ LocaleProfile ] Section identifier. This parameter must occur before all other
parameters in the file.

NOTE: Do not change this identifier.

doAdjustForDaylightSavingsTime = Not currently implemented.

twelveTwentyfourDisplay = Specifies whether to use a 12- or 24-hour time format.

Currently supported only for Japanese. Other languages

default to a 12-hour format.

Choices are: 12, 24.

timezone = Not currently implemented.

9-8 Working with Locales

Table 9-3. Locale Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Name Description

personNameFormat = Defines the complete format of a patient’s name as displayed
on the user interface.

Given a DICOM person name of the form:


Valid entries are:

1: use nameA

2: use nameB

4: use nameC

3: use nameA and nameB

5: use nameA and nameC

6: use nameB and nameC

Because there is room in the user interface for only two names,
when personNameFormat = 7 or 0 (the default), the first two
names that are defined are displayed.

column2 = Defines what information is displayed in the second column of

Working with Locales

the Studies list.

Choices are:

• phys (the default): for Physician

• patID: for Patient ID

locale = Specifies the locale to be used in the device.

Choices are listed in the second column of Table 9-1 on

page 9-3. The default is en_US.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 9-9

Table 9-3. Locale Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Name Description

overrideForIR100 = Specifies whether to use an overriding character set.

This parameter allows a site to use “Western” equipment but

input non-Latin 1 data to properly display Patient Names on the
Virtua C user interface and on printed disc labels. An example
is the support of patient names on various systems in China,
which utilize a non-conformant DICOM behavior. Virtua C can
be set to ignore the specific character set tag when displaying
Patient Name and other attributes and rely only on the locale
defined for Virtua C to display the name.

Choices are:

• None (the default). No override is performed, and Latin 1

text is interpreted with the Latin 1 character set.

• localeDefault. The overriding character set will be defined by

the current Virtua C locale.

• Character_Set_Name. A DICOM-defined character set

name, such as IR 144 (Cyrillic), or IR 13 (Japanese). Refer
to Table 9-2 on page 9-7 for a full list of allowable character

A typical Locale Profile would look like the following:

[ LocaleProfile ]
localeProfileName = default
doAdjustForDaylightSavingsTime = true
twelveTwentyfourDisplay = 24
timezone = EST
personNameFormat = 0
column2 = phys
locale = en_US
overrideForIR100 = None

9-10 Working with Locales

Patient Reports

Reports-Related Features

Reports is an optional feature that allows Virtua C to receive patient

reports with a patient’s study and record both to disc. Both the
DICOM Structured Report and Health Level 7 (HL7) Report formats
are supported.

NOTE: A feature key is required for the Reports feature. Contact Codonics Technical
3 Support or your Sales Representative to purchase the proper feature key.

• A report and study together can be recorded only on “Physician

Disc” copies. All other copy types will record only the study to
disc and omit the report.
• A LaunchPad on recorded discs allows a user to choose viewing
the study or the report from the study disc. Reports are viewable
via a web browser.
• A yellow page icon is used to designate a report. For those
studies that have a matching report, this icon appears in the
lower left corner of the existing status icons (e.g., Ready,
Recorded, etc.). In certain cases, if a study has a report that is
Patient Reports

not recorded to the disc, the status will show a flashing yellow
page icon.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 10-1

• Study discs that contain a matching report and study have a
yellow page icon on the disc label, indicating that there is a
report attached to the study.
• If there is more than one study and only one report, the report
will be attached to the appropriate study. If the report references
both studies, it will only be attached to one of the studies.
• DICOM reports are automatically deleted from Virtua C when
the associated study is deleted. HL7 reports are deleted based
on parameters set in the HL7 Server Profile.
• Latin-1 and many other international character sets are
supported in the DICOM Structured Reports and HL7 Reports
created when studies are recorded.

Two Methods for Receiving DICOM

Structured Reports
Virtua C supports two methods for receiving DICOM Structured
Reports: receive reports stored on a PACS or query for reports
stored on a DICOM broker (PACS broker or MITRA broker).

How Virtua C Processes Reports

Patient Reports are generated when a radiologist reads a study and

enters the results into a computer system. Patient reports are
initially stored on a Radiology Information System (RIS), but they
can also be stored on a PACS system or accessed through a DICOM
Broker system. These reports can be sent to the Virtua C in either a
DICOM Structured Report format or an HL7 Report format.
A facility will typically need to enable only one interface for reports
on the Virtua C, either the DICOM Structured Report interface or
the HL7 interface. It is important to understand the patient report
workflow at a facility before attempting to configure Virtua C.

10-2 Patient Reports

To combine a radiology report with a diagnostic study, Virtua C
accepts HL7 reports from the RIS and DICOM studies from the
PACS. Once Virtua C receives both the report and study, it will
match them together and record both on a disc.
When Virtua C receives a report, it converts the data found inside
the report to an internal format that is used to present the report in
a viewable format on the disc. The final format of the report can be
customized by making changes to the report template.
The final format of the report is controlled by the report template
file, template.default.xsl, located in the Report Profile
\profiles\report folder on the SmartDrive. This file is in a format
similar to HTML and can be edited by an experienced user to create
a layout tailored to a specific facility.
The report logo that is placed on the patient report is the image
named logo.jpg in the \profiles\report\images folder on the
SmartDrive. This file can be replaced with another image to create
a custom report logo for each site.

Working with DICOM Structured Reports

DICOM Structured Report is a format of patient reports that is
defined in the DICOM standard. DICOM Structured Reports provide
for excellent workflow within a facility, especially when they are
stored on the PACS. When a study is sent from the PACS, the DICOM
Structured Report will be sent with the study.
Most PACS systems support the use of DICOM Structured Reports,
but the option is not always enabled or in use. Facilities that do not,
or cannot, store the reports on the PACS may use a DICOM broker
(PACS broker or MITRA broker) to provide Structured Reports to the
DICOM systems on the network. Sometimes the broker is built into
the RIS or the PACS, or is called a connectivity manager. Patient Reports

NOTE: Virtua C supports DICOM Basic Text Structured Reports only. Currently, Virtua C
3 will not process other DICOM report types.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 10-3

Working with HL7 Reports
Health Level 7 is a standards organization that defines a messaging
standard called HL7 used for most system communications within a
hospital. HL7 is used to communicate messages in a wide variety of
data ranging from patient billing to radiology reports. Radiology
reports usually reside on the RIS and are sent using HL7.
Virtua C can accept HL7 reports only from a single RIS.
Virtua C matches an HL7 report to a study as follows:
1. Virtua C matches the patient information in the HL7 report to
the patient information in the DICOM study. The information
used for matching is controlled by the matchPatientUsing
parameter in the HL7 Server Profile.
2. If the patient information matches, then the
doMatchAccessionNumber and doMatchExamDate fields in the
HL7 Server Profile are used to match a specific report to a study.

Setting Up DICOM Query/Retrieve

Setting Up the QRSCP Profile

The DICOM Query/Retrieve Service Class Provider (QRSCP) Profile
includes configuration parameters that must be set up to support
the Reports function. It allows Virtua C to query a DICOM QRSCP
device, such as a PACS server, for a list of reports. One or more of
the reports can then be retrieved and recorded to disc.
The QRSCP Profile file — qrscp.default.txt — is preinstalled on the
SmartDrive in the \profiles\dicom folder. You can modify this file to
specify query/retrieve configuration information. For general
information about modifying a profile, refer to “Creating and
Modifying Profiles” on page 3-6.

10-4 Patient Reports

The format and parameters of the QRSCP Profile text file are
defined in the following table.
Table 10-1. QRSCP Profile Format and Parameters

Parameter Description
[ QueryRetrieveScpProfile ] Section identifier. This parameter must occur before all other
parameters in the file.

NOTE: Do not change this identifier.

scp_ae_title = The Called AE Title for the Q/R server.

scp_ip_address = The Q/R server IP address.

scp_port = The port number of the Q/R client on Virtua C.

query_timeout_seconds = The number of seconds Virtua C will wait for query results
before aborting the request.

The default is 3600 (1 hour).

move_timeout_seconds = Not used by the Reports function.

max_returned_results = The maximum number of matching studies that will be

accepted by Virtua C in response to a query.

The default is 100.

request_relational_retrieve = Not used by the Reports function.

num_associations_per_retrieve = Not used by the Reports function.

new_association_for_each_ Not used by the Reports function.

retrieve =

treat_retrieve_warning_as_error Not used by the Reports function.


Patient Reports

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 10-5

Following is an example QRSCP Profile:
[ QueryRetrieveScpProfile ]
scp_ae_title = ACPAXCMACH
scp_ip_address =
scp_port = 3320
query_timeout_seconds = 3600
move_timeout_seconds = 3600
max_returned_results = 100
request_relational_retrieve = false
num_associations_per_retrieve = 3
new_association_for_each_retrieve = false
treat_retrieve_warning_as_error = true

Setting Up the QRSCU Profile

The DICOM Query/Retrieve Service Class User (QRSCU) Profile
includes configuration parameters that must be set up to support
the Reports function. It allows Virtua C to query a DICOM
Query/Retrieve Service Class Provider device, such as a PACS server,
for a list of reports. One or more of the reports can then be retrieved
and recorded to disc.
The QRSCU Profile file — qrscu.default.txt — is preinstalled on
the SmartDrive in the \profiles\dicom folder. You can modify this
file to specify query/retrieve configuration information. For general
information about modifying a profile, refer to “Creating and
Modifying Profiles” on page 3-6.
The format and parameters of the QRSCU Profile text file are
defined in the following table.
Table 10-2. QRSCU Profile Format and Parameters
Parameter Description
[ QueryRetrieveScuProfile ] Section identifier. This parameter must occur before all other
parameters in the file.

NOTE: Do not change this identifier.

qrscp_profile = The name of the Virtua C QRSCP Profile to use when

performing a query.

The default is default (i.e., qrscp.default.txt).

10-6 Patient Reports

Table 10-2. QRSCU Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
calling_ae_title = The Calling AE Title for Virtua C.

The default in the default QRSCU Profile (qrscp.default.txt) is


Most Q/R SCP devices will allow any Calling AE device to

initiate queries, but not necessarily to initiate retrieves.

It is recommended that the Calling AE Title be the same as the

Destination AE Title.

destination_ae_title = The Destination AE Title for Virtua C. This is the AE Title name
that will be used to designate the Job Profile for studies that are

This AE Title must be configured in the DICOM Q/R SCP

device as a valid Store destination.

It is recommended that the Destination AE Title be the same as

the Calling AE Title.

information_model = The DICOM information model.

Choices are: STUDY ROOT (the default), MITRA, or MITRA S.

specific_character_set = The Specific Character set to use when querying on Patient


Choices are: None (the default), IR 100.

column_3_display = Not used by the Reports function.

use_patient_dob_range = Not used by the Reports function.

use_study_date_range = Not used by the Reports function.

Patient Reports

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 10-7

Following is an example QRSCU Profile:
[ QueryRetrieveScuProfile ]
qrscp_profile = MITRA
calling_ae_title = VIRTUA
destination_ae_title = VIRTUA
information_model = MITRA
specific_character_set = None
column_3_display = accession_number
use_patient_dob_range = false
use_study_date_range = true

Guidelines for Configuring Virtua C on the

The Query/Retrieve function must be properly configured on both
Virtua C and the DICOM Q/R SCP device.
Use the following guidelines:

• Configure Virtua C as a DICOM Storage Service Class Provider

(SCP) on the DICOM Q/R SCP device. This allows the DICOM
Q/R SCP device to store, or “push,” studies to the Virtua C
device. For more information, refer to “Configuring a Typical
DICOM Host” on page 4-1.
• Make sure that the Called AE Title defined for Virtua C on the
DICOM Q/R SCP device is unique, as it will be used for the
destination_ae_title in the Retrieve configuration as well.
• Unique Called AE Titles are especially important if there is more
than one Virtua C device installed and configured on the
network. That is, do not use the factory default Virtua C AE
Titles, such as “auto,” but instead create a Virtua C device-
specific AE Title/Job Profile for the specific Virtua C installation,
such as “VIRTUA_AUTO_1.”

Following are sample configuration settings for Virtua C in the

DICOM Q/R SCP device:
IP Address =
Port = 104

10-8 Patient Reports

Setting Up Patient Reports

Enabling DICOM Structured Reports

Support for DICOM Structured Reports requires a feature key on the
Virtua C SmartDrive. Contact Codonics Technical Support or your
Sales Representative to purchase the proper feature key.
If reports are being stored on the PACS, then the feature key is all
that is necessary to enable the functionality on the Virtua C.
However, the PACS may need to be configured to send the reports
with the studies.
If reports are accessed through a broker interface, then query
profiles need to be set up in the \profiles\dicom folder on the
SmartDrive. The PACS administrator will need to provide the IP
address, query port number, and AE Title of the broker interface. In
the QRSCU Profile, the information_model setting must be set to
MITRA for most brokers or MITRA S for the Siemens Novius.
Once the QRSCU and QRSCP Profiles have been created, the
parameter queryProfileName in the Report Profile should be set to
the name of the QRSCU Profile that points to the MITRA broker.
Using the default profiles to query the broker is not recommended.
Several customizations are available in the Report Profile,
report.default.txt, located in the \profiles\report folder on the
SmartDrive. These are described in “Modifying the Report Profile”

Modifying the Report Profile

For general information about modifying a profile, refer to
Patient Reports

“Creating and Modifying Profiles” on page 3-6.

The Report Profile, report.default.txt, is stored in the
\profiles\report folder on the SmartDrive.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 10-9

The format and parameters of the Report Profile text file are defined
in the following table.
Table 10-3. Report Profile Format and Parameters

Parameter Description
[ ReportProfile ] Section identifier. This parameter must occur before
all other parameters in the file.

NOTE: Do not change this identifier.

doIncludeXMLReport = If a report has been matched with a study, specifies

whether to include the standard Codonics report on
the recorded disc.

Choices are: True (the default), False.

doIncludeStructuredReport = If a report has been matched with a study, specifies

whether to include a DICOM Structured Report on the
recorded disc. This setting is effective only if the
source report is a DICOM Structured Report. This
format can be viewed only by a limited number of
DICOM viewers.

Choices are: True, False (the default).

reportTemplateFileName = The name of the template file that contains the report
layout. The file must be located on the SmartDrive in
the \profiles\report folder.

Default is template.default.xsl.

doKeepOnlyLatestReport = Specifies whether or not to keep only the most

recently received version of a report, or all of the
versions of a report.

Choices are: True (the default), False.

queryProfileName = The name of the Query Profile to use when querying

a Broker for a report. When set to none, a query will
not be performed.

Default is none.

10-10 Patient Reports

Table 10-3. Report Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
queryReportFields = Specifies the fields that will be used to query the
Broker interface. This setting should contain the least
number of fields necessary to uniquely identify a
single patient report.

Field designations are: name, id, dob, sex, acc, date,


Fields are entered as text strings separated by an

underscore character. Default is id_acc.

A sample Report Profile would look like the following:

[ ReportProfile ]
doIncludeXMLReport = true
doIncludeStructuredReport = false
reportTemplateFileName = template.default.xsl
doKeepOnlyLatestReport = true
queryProfileName = none
queryReportFields = id_acc

Enabling HL7 Reports

Support for HL7 patient reports requires a feature key on the
Virtua C SmartDrive. Contact Codonics Technical Support or your
Sales Representative to purchase the proper feature key.
In addition, the RIS and the HL7 Server Profile must be configured.
Refer to “RIS Configuration for HL7 Reports” on page 10-12 and
“HL7 Server Profile Settings” on page 10-12.

Patient Reports

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 10-11

RIS Configuration for HL7 Reports
HL7 reports require proper configuration of both the RIS and
Virtua C. The RIS vendor or Interface Team must configure the RIS
or Interface Engine to send radiology reports to Virtua C. The
following information is required:

• The preferred HL7 port number

• The location of the accession number within the HL7 message
• The uniqueness of the accession number

NOTE: Each RIS system is different. This document relies on the RIS vendor or Interface
3 Team to handle configuration details of their particular RIS.

HL7 Server Profile Settings

For general information about modifying a profile, refer to
“Creating and Modifying Profiles” on page 3-6.
The HL7 Server Profile, hl7.server.txt, is stored in the
\profiles\report folder on the SmartDrive.
The format and parameters of the HL7 Server Profile text file are
defined in the following table.
Table 10-4. HL7 Server Profile Format and Parameters
Parameter Description
[ HL7Profile ] Section identifier. This parameter must occur before
all other parameters in the file.

NOTE: Do not change this identifier.

doEnableHL7Reports = Specifies whether Virtua C will accept and process

HL7 reports.

Choices are: True, False (the default).

portNumber = Determines the port used for HL7 communications.

This should be set to the value provided by the RIS

Choices are: 1 to 65535. The default is 2575.

10-12 Patient Reports

Table 10-4. HL7 Server Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
HL7AccessionSegment = Identifies to Virtua C which segment of the HL7
message contains the accession number. This should
be set to the value provided by the RIS Administrator.

The default is OBR.

HL7AccessionFieldNumber = Identifies which field of the given segment contains

the accession number. This should be set to the value
provided by the RIS Administrator.

Choices are: 1 to 255. The default is 3.

doMatchAccessionNumber = Specifies whether or not Virtua C will use the

accession number to match reports with studies. This
is the preferred matching method.

Choices are: True (the default), False.

doMatchExamDate = Specifies whether or not the software will use the

exam date to match reports with studies.

Choices are: True, False (the default).

maxReportAge = Used by Virtua C to remove old reports from the

system. Reports that are older than the number of
days specified will be removed by Virtua C. When set
to 0, all reports will be kept until the
maxNumberOfReports is reached.

Choices are: 0 to 365. The default is 90.

maxNumberOfReports = Defines the maximum number of unmatched reports

to store. Unmatched reports are maintained in an
first-in, first-out basis. The oldest reports will be
deleted after this limit is reached.

Choices are: 1 to 120000. The default is 60000.

doUpdateReceivedTime = Specifies whether the received time of the study

associated with the received report should be
updated to promote the report to the top of the studies
Patient Reports

list in the Studies tab of the user interface.

Choices are: True, False (the default).

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 10-13

Table 10-4. HL7 Server Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
doDisconnectAtEndOfMessageChar = HL7 messages end with an end-of-message
character. If the RIS holds the connection open after
the message is sent, this parameter can be set to
True to force Virtua C to close the connection.

Choices are: True, False (the default).

connectionTimeout = The number of seconds the Virtua C will keep a

connection open while waiting for communication
from the RIS. The RIS can open a new connection
after this one closes. When set to 0, the connection
will be held open until the RIS closes it.

Choices are: 0 to 65535. The default is 0.

matchPatientUsing = Specifies the patient demographic data that Virtua C

uses to match an incoming DICOM image to a study
in the Virtua C database.

Choices are:

• id_only (the default)

• name_id_dob
• name_id_sex
• name_dob_sex
• id_dob_sex

For Virtua C to add an incoming image to a study, the

patient information in the image must have an exact
match with the patient information in the Virtua C
database. Each of the choices other than id_only
selects three of the following four patient
demographics: Patient Name (name), Patient ID (id),
Patient Date of Birth (dob), or Patient Sex (sex). This
allows sites with systems that produce images with
slightly different patient information to collect the
images under the same study on Virtua C.

10-14 Patient Reports

A sample HL7 Server Profile would look like the following:
[ HL7Profile ]
doEnableHL7Reports = true
portNumber = 2575
HL7AccessionSegment = OBR
HL7AccessionFieldNumber = 3
doMatchAccessionNumber = true
doMatchExamDate = false
maxReportAge = 90
maxNumberOfReports = 60000
doUpdateReceivedTime = false
doDisconnectAtEndOfMessageChar = false
connectionTimeout = 0
matchPatientUsing = id_only

Reports in the User Interface

How Reports Are Indicated in the User

The Virtua C user interface indicates when a study includes a report
by placing a small, yellow “page” in the bottom-left corner of icons
on the Status column of the Studies and Discs tabs:

Patient Reports

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 10-15

How Reports Are Indicated on a Disc Label
On a disc label, a small, yellow “page” icon is placed in front of the
text that describes the study to indicate that a report is included
with the study:

NOTE: If the yellow “page” icon is on the study or job status indicator in the user interface
3 but is not printed on the label, contact Codonics Technical Support.

10-16 Patient Reports

Viewing Reports on a Recorded Disc
Discs produced by Virtua C include a LaunchPad that allows reports
to be viewed in a web browser. When a disc is placed in a PC that
includes a report, the LaunchPad starts automatically and provides
a menu for selecting the report or study images. When the report is
selected and the Reports button is clicked, a web browser is
launched and the report is displayed as an HTML web page.

Patient Reports

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 10-17

Scheduled Archive
Scheduled Archive
Scheduled Archive is an optional feature that provides a method of
creating a set of discs that contain all studies received by Virtua C.
This provides an economical way to store studies for future referral
or importing into PACS systems. Discs are automatically recorded to
ensure all new studies are added to the archive. All discs are in
DICOM format for easy viewing of studies or transfer to PACS. A
viewer is provided to view the images. An index is included on each
disc that identifies all studies on that disc and previous discs in the

WARNING CD and DVD media are not intended to be used as the only method
for archiving medical information. An overall strategy for archiving medical
information that includes CD and DVD media must ensure that multiple copies
of the information be stored at multiple locations. Media quality, handling, and
storage conditions are important factors that must be considered.

NOTE: A feature key is required for the Scheduled Archive feature. Contact Codonics
3 Technical Support or your Sales Representative to acquire the proper feature key.

Scheduled Archive operation can be controlled by modifying the

Scheduled Archive Profile (refer to page 11-2) or from the Virtua C
user interface (refer to page 11-7).

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 11-1

Scheduled Archive Profile

Scheduled Archive can be enabled, and default parameter settings

defined, by modifying the Scheduled Archive Profile.
For general information about modifying a profile, refer to
“Creating and Modifying Profiles” on page 3-6.
The Scheduled Archive Profile, archive.default.txt, is stored in the
\profiles\scheduling folder on the SmartDrive.
The format and parameters of the Scheduled Archive Profile text file
are defined in the following table.
Table 11-1. Scheduled Archive Profile Format and Parameters

Parameter Description
[ ScheduledArchiveProfile ] Section identifier. This parameter must occur before
all other parameters in the file.

NOTE: Do not change this identifier.

enabled = Specifies if the Scheduled Archive feature is enabled

or disabled.

Choices are: True, False (the default).

runOnMonday = Specifies which days of the week the Scheduled

runOnTuesday = Archive feature will automatically run.
runOnWednesday = Choices are: True, False (the default).
runOnThursday =
runOnFriday =
runOnSaturday =
runOnSunday =

waitForFullDisc = Specifies whether the Scheduled Archive feature will

wait until enough studies are present to record at
least 70% of the media.

Choices are: True (the default), False.

11-2 Scheduled Archive

Table 11-1. Scheduled Archive Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Scheduled Archive
Parameter Description
includeSelfCheckProgram = Specifies whether to include a self-check program on
the disc.

Choices are: True, False (the default).

If True, each archive disc will include a checksum and

a disc integrity check program. The program can be
run to check whether the original recorded data on the
disc has been altered, whether the disc is a copy of an
original, or whether the disc data has been corrupted
over time or through improper handling.

verifyDiscsAfterRecord = Specifies whether to perform a read-after-write disc

verify as part of the data recording.

Choices are: True (the default), False.

If True, a data integrity check will be performed on the

disc automatically at the conclusion of the recording
operation. If the verification fails, the disc will have a
reject label printed on it.

Verifying discs can double the record time, but

provides the greatest assurance that the archive data
has been recorded properly.

copies = Specifies the number of copies of each archive disc to


Choices are: 1 (the default) to 99.

daysToWaitForReport = Specifies the number of days to leave a study

unarchived while waiting for a report. This helps make
better use of disc space in the archive by avoiding
archiving a study once when it is received, then
archiving the entire study a second time when the
report arrives. A value of 0 means do not wait for the

Choices are: 0 (the default) to 99.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 11-3

Table 11-1. Scheduled Archive Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
timeOfDay = Specifies the time of day that Scheduled Archive
operations will run. This applies to all seven days of
the week. If AM or PM is included after the time, then
the time is in 12-hour format. Otherwise, the time is
24-hour format.

Format is: hh:mm [optional AM or PM]

The default is 03:00 AM.

NOTE: To prevent the automatic study removal and

the archiving operations from occurring at the same
time, the default archiving operation is set to 3 AM,
while automatic study removal is set to 2 AM.

discLabel = The file name of the label to be printed on the archive


Preinstalled archive label choices are stored in the

SmartDrive \labels\archive folder.

Default is Ink_Saver_Archive. For an example of this

label, refer to “Scheduled Archive Disc Labels” on
page 11-14.

11-4 Scheduled Archive

Table 11-1. Scheduled Archive Profile Format and Parameters (Continued)

Scheduled Archive
Parameter Description
includedDicomViewer = Specifies the name of the file that contains the
DICOM viewer application to be included on the disc.
To include multiple DICOM viewer applications on a
disc, add an includedDicomViewer entry for each

The DICOM viewer applications that are available to

a site are included in the \viewers folder on the
SmartDrive. The default viewer application is
Clarity_Viewer.vwr (the Codonics Clarity Viewer for

If the value is blank, no viewer will be included on the


NOTE: At the time of publication, English and

Japanese Clarity Viewers, and the Osirix Viewer for the
Apple Macintosh platform, are included standard with
Virtua C. Other viewers are sold separately. For other
supported third-party viewers, refer to the Virtua
Viewers page at

mediaType = Specifies the type of media on which to record the


Choices are: CD or DVD (the default).

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 11-5

A sample Scheduled Archive Profile would look like the following:
enabled = true
runOnMonday = true
runOnTuesday = false
runOnWednesday = true
runOnThursday = false
runOnFriday = true
runOnSaturday = false
runOnSunday = false
waitForFullDisc = true
includeSelfCheckProgram = false
verifyDiscsAfterRecord = false
copies = 1
daysToWaitForReport = 0
timeOfDay = 03:00
discLabel = Ink_Saver_Archive
includedDicomViewer = Clarity_Viewer.vwr
mediaType = DVD

11-6 Scheduled Archive

Scheduled Archive in the User Interface

Scheduled Archive
Scheduled Archive can be controlled from the Schedule tab on the
Setup screen in the user interface. The Scheduled Archive function
is accessible by anyone logged in with administrator permissions.

All settings made on the Schedule tab are stored on the SmartDrive
in the Scheduled Archive Profile. For information about the
Scheduled Archive Profile, refer to “Scheduled Archive Profile” on
page 11-2.

CAUTION If a user deletes a study manually before it is archived, that study will not
be included in the archive set.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 11-7

The following table describes the Scheduled Archive options.
Table 11-2. Scheduled Archive Options
Option Description
Enabled/Disabled Enables or disables Schedule Archive operation.

If Scheduled Archive is disabled in the Scheduled Archive

Profile, automatic archiving functions are suspended, but
manual archiving can still be performed by clicking the Start
Archive button. This means that studies received by Virtua C
will not be automatically archived and will be deleted when
space is needed for new studies.

If Scheduled Archive is enabled in the Scheduled Archive

Profile, archive operations are performed automatically based
on the Schedule options. This happens even if no user is
logged in. All studies received by Virtua C are recorded onto an
archive disc before they are deleted from the system.

An archive job will be started automatically if space is needed

before a scheduled archive occurs.

Schedule Select the days, and the time of day, when the archiving
operation should occur.

Disc Label Type of archive label to be printed on the disc.

A special set of archive labels are stored on the SmartDrive in

the folder \labels\archive. These labels contain specific
information for easy identification of archive discs. The default
label is Ink_Saver_Archive.

Additional custom labels can be created and stored on the

SmartDrive. For more information about creating custom
archive disc labels, contact your Codonics representative.

Wait for Full Disc Ensures that archive discs are full or near full by deferring an
archive cycle until enough studies are present to fill a disc.

Copies How many copies of an archive disc will be created. Multiple

sets of discs allow separate archive sets to exist for additional

11-8 Scheduled Archive

Table 11-2. Scheduled Archive Options (Continued)

Scheduled Archive
Option Description
DICOM Viewers Specifies the types of DICOM viewer applications to include on
the disc. For instructions on how to select viewers, refer to
“Selecting DICOM Viewers” on page 11-10.

Choices are: No DICOM Viewer, Clarity English (the Codonics

Clarity English viewer), Japanese Viewer (the Japanese
version of the Clarity Viewer), and any other purchased

NOTE: At the time of publication, the Clarity Viewers are included

standard with Virtua C. Other viewers are sold separately. For
other supported third-party viewers, refer to the Virtua Viewers
page at www.codonics.com/Products/Viewers.

Start Archive Manually starts an archive operation.

Stop Archive Stops an archive operation that is in progress. Any files that
were not archived when the operation was stopped will be
included in the next archive operation.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 11-9

Selecting DICOM Viewers
Virtua C allows the recording of multiple DICOM viewers on disc
(both general purpose viewers and specialized viewers).

8 1. On the Schedule tab, click the Select Viewers button.

To select the

2. Viewers can be selected or de-selected on the Select Viewers

screen. Select the viewers to be included on the disc.

3. When all the desired viewers have been selected, click the OK
The selected DICOM viewers are now listed in the Schedule tab.

11-10 Scheduled Archive

Please note the following issues before selecting multiple DICOM

Scheduled Archive
• Use of multiple viewers on a disc reduces the available disc
storage for recording patient studies.
• The Siemens syngo® XS Imaging Viewer and the eFilm LiteTM
Viewer may not be recorded together on a disc. Virtua C will
prevent the user from inadvertently selecting these two viewers
• The Siemens syngo® XS Imaging Viewer and the Siemens Media
Viewer may not be recorded together on a disc. Virtua C will
prevent the user from inadvertently selecting these two viewers
• When the OsiriX® Viewer is selected with other viewers, the
name of the viewer (OsiriX) is not displayed as a viewer option
when a disc is loaded in a PC. The OsiriX viewer is for the
Apple® Macintosh® platform and runs on Macintosh OS 10.5 or
greater. The OsiriX viewer cannot be used in a Windows®
environment. The OsiriX viewer can be selected with other
viewers to produce a disc that can be used with Windows or
• The MIMviewerTM and Siemens syngo® XS Imaging Viewer must
be able to read each study on a disc. Each viewer reports a
problem if any study on a disc is not compatible. This issue is
independent of the number of viewers on a disc.
• Custom viewers can be used with other viewers. However,
compatibility should be tested with desired viewers. Refer to the
Codonics Virtua 3rd Party Viewer Technical Brief for instructions
on use and proper packaging of custom viewers.
• Discs created with more than one DICOM viewer will not list the
viewer names on the label. Labels list the number of viewers (for
example, Viewer: 2 DICOM Viewers).

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 11-11

Selecting a DICOM Viewer to View Images on a Disc

When a disc with multiple viewers is used in Windows, the

LaunchPad screen displays.

This screen includes a drop-down menu that lists the available

viewers. Select the desired viewer, then click the DICOM Studies
button to launch the viewer.

NOTE: If the DICOM Studies button is clicked without selecting a viewer, the first viewer in
the list will be launched.

Archive Disc Creation

There are three ways an archive disc is created:
• A specific time, as set using the options on the Schedule tab.
• Started manually by clicking the Start Archive button.
• Automatically when unarchived studies need to be deleted to
make room for new studies. This can happen at any time. It
ensures that studies are archived before they are deleted.

11-12 Scheduled Archive

All archive operations keep track of studies that have been
successfully written to an archive disc. If an archive operation fails

Scheduled Archive
for any reason, the studies are preserved on Virtua C until
successfully written to an archive disc. This ensures that studies will
not be automatically deleted when an archive operation fails.

Archive Disc Content

Each archive disc is IHE PDI-compliant with DICOM studies that
conform to DICOM Part 10 specifications. Studies on the disc can
be imported into PACS or DICOM review workstations. A DICOM
viewer can be included on the disc, which allows the studies to be
directly viewed on a PC.

Archive Log Files

The log file archiveLog.csv, which contains a cumulative list of all

studies archived on all discs to date, is included at the root level of
each archive disc. This means that the last disc on an archive can
always be used to search for any study in the archive.
The archive log file is in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. The
archive log can be opened in any spreadsheet application, such as
Also, when an archive disc is loaded into a PC, the LaunchPad
application opens automatically. To open the log file in the PC’s
default spreadsheet application, click the Archive Log button.
Each line in the log file represents one study in the archive and
contains the data in the following order:
Archive Disc Number, Archive Date, Patient Name, Patient ID,
Patient DOB, Study Date, Modality, Report Included, Study
Description, Referring Physician, Accession Number
Following is a sample study entry:
"A0001", "6/28/07", "FIRENZE, MARY", "000000
06272007152346", "9/11/54", "6/27/07", "DR", "",
"PANCREAS", "WOHLERT", "000000 06272007152346 "

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 11-13

Scheduled Archive Disc Labels

To support Schedule Archive, archive disc labels are stored in the

\labels\archive folder on the SmartDrive. These labels are available
for selection from the Disc Label option in the Schedule tab.
The following is an example of the default Scheduled Archive disc

Custom archive disc labels can also be created and stored in the
\labels\archive folder. For more information about creating custom
archive disc labels, contact your Codonics representative.

11-14 Scheduled Archive


Recording Log Files to a Disc

Virtua C maintains log files of all recorded studies, patient
information, and processing activities. If required to meet your
organization’s HIPAA regulations, you can record these files to a
You must be logged in as a user with administrator privileges to
perform this procedure.

CAUTION Use caution when distributing log files that include patient information.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 12-1

8 1. Click the Utilities button, then click the Diagnostics tab.

To record log
files to a disc

2. Use the Record Logs scroll buttons to select the log file type to
capture. The options are:
- System Logs. Records all logs that do not contain patient
- Patient Logs. Records all logs containing patient information.
- Patient and System Logs. Records all logs.
3. Click the Record button.
A confirmation alert displays.

12-2 Maintenance
4. Click the OK button to continue with the capture (or the Cancel
button to cancel it).
Status information displays.

When the capture is complete, the Diagnostics tab displays.

If patient log files were recorded, the name of the Virtua C user who
initiated the log file recording is included in the logs.

Backing Up SmartDrive Files

As a security measure in the event that the SmartDrive is not

working properly or is lost, you may also want to back up the files
on the SmartDrive.

8 1. Notify all Virtua C users to log out.

To copy 2. On the Studies and Discs tabs, verify that no jobs are being
SmartDrive processed.
files to a PC
3. Log out and shut down the system (refer to “Logging Out” on
page 3-56 and “Shutting Down and Rebooting” on page 3-56).
The device powers off at the end of the shutdown process.

NOTE: If you do not shut down the system before removing the SmartDrive, a message
displays indicating that the SmartDrive has been removed. Once it is reinserted, the system
prompts you to restart Virtua C.

4. Remove the SmartDrive from the USB port at the rear of the
Virtua C.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 12-3

5. Mount the SmartDrive in a USB port on a PC or other USB-
compatible computer.
The SmartDrive will appear as a standard USB flash drive.
6. Copy the desired folder and files on the SmartDrive to a folder
on the PC.
7. When you have finished copying the log files to the PC,
unmount the SmartDrive from the computer, then insert it back
into the Virtua C USB port.
8. Power on Virtua C by pressing the System power button at the
front of Virtua C.

Security Features

Virtua C provides two user-configurable security features designed

to reduce the threat from malicious software attacks by viruses,
adware, worms, and trojan horses:

• A software firewall restricts incoming access to specific

network services.
• A method for external scanning of the Virtua C hard drive by
commercial anti-virus programs allows detection of files
containing malicious software.

It is important to note that Virtua C security features should be part

of an overall strategy for device security. Do not rely on these
features as the only means for preventing malicious software

12-4 Maintenance
Software Firewall
Virtua C utilizes the standard Windows XP Embedded firewall to
block incoming connections to network services. A software
firewall can be enabled and configured by including several firewall
parameters in the Network Profile. For more information, refer to
“Network Profile Parameters” on page 3-9.

Virus Scanning
Virtua C can provide read-only access to internal hard drive
partitions for scanning by commercial anti-virus programs. This is
made available to IT departments as an alternative to loading

anti-virus software on Virtua C.

CAUTION Virtua C is a medical device that contains software validated for proper
operation only as configured from Codonics. Loading external software such as anti-
virus programs can result in unsafe or ineffective operation. Codonics strongly advises
against modification of the device or software in any way.

IT departments can access the hard drive partitions by remotely

mounting the partitions as network drives. The Virtua C partitions
and corresponding network names are:
Network Name Partition

drive0 Program partition

drive1 First Data partition

Access to these partitions is read-only to prevent modification of the

If malicious software is detected, the remedy is to perform a full
re-install of Virtua C software from the Operating Software disc.
The mapped network drives are password-protected to prevent
unauthorized access to patient information. Contact Codonics
Technical Support to obtain the username and password that allow
access to the partitions.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 12-5

If the firewall is enabled, remote mounting of the partitions requires
setting the Network Profile parameter smbFirewallPortOpen to
True. For more information, refer to “Network Profile Parameters”
on page 3-9.

Additional Security Design Features

Virtua C software has security implemented at several levels. In
addition to the firewall and external virus scanning functions, the
following security design features have been implemented:

• Windows XP Embedded configuration. The Windows XP

Embedded operating system has many unnecessary components
removed to limit software attacks.
• Autorun disabled. External software will not run when loaded
in the CD/DVD drives or on the USB port.
• Limited built-in applications. Virtua does not allow access to
incoming e-mail, outgoing web access, or other applications not
related to the function of the device. This greatly reduces the
opportunity for malicious software to enter the system.
• No keyboard or mouse. Virtua C does not include a keyboard
or mouse. Users are limited to accessing Virtua C using an
external web-browser. Other applications cannot be loaded or

12-6 Maintenance
Ordering Disc and Print Supplies

The following table lists the disc and print supplies that can be
ordered from Codonics:
Supplies Catalog Number Quantity
Codonics Virtua CD-R Standard 1VCA-TC833 600 discs

Codonics Virtua CD-R Premium 1VCA-RC933 300 discs


Codonics Virtua DVD-R Standard 1VCA-TD933 600 discs

Codonics Virtua DVD-R Premium 1VCA-RD833 300 discs


Codonics Virtua Tyvek Sleeves V-SLEEVES 1,000 sleeves

Codonics Virtua Color Ink 1VCX-LR833 4 cartridges


To order supplies in the U.S.A., contact Codonics Customer Service

Phone: 440.243.1198
Fax: 440.243.1334
Toll Free: 800-444-1198
Web: www.codonics.com
To order supplies outside of the U.S.A., contact your Codonics

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 12-7

Cleaning Virtua C

NOTE: Do not attempt to oil or grease the robotic arm shaft or any other components. Any
moving parts are designed to operate for the life of the device with no additional lubrication
required. If service is required, contact Codonics Technical Support.

To clean the Virtua C enclosure, first power off and unplug the
device. Clean the cover with a clean soft cloth or towel slightly
moistened with a mild soap and water solution. Allow the cover to
completely dry before operating the device again.

CAUTION Always power off the device and disconnect the device’s power cords
before cleaning. Resume operation only after the surfaces are completely dry.

Installing Software

If you ever have to reinstall the software or install a software

upgrade, refer to “Installing the Software” on page 3-2 or to the
Technical Brief that accompanies the software installation disc.
All Virtua Technical Briefs are also available on the Codonics web
site (www.codonics.com/Products/Virtua).
Preparing Virtua C for Shipping

If you have to ship the device for any reason (for example, to return
it to Codonics for service), you must use the original boxes and
packing materials. If you do not have the original box and packing
materials, contact your Codonics representative for instructions on
how to return the device.
Before repacking the device, remove the ink cartridge. For
information about how to remove the ink cartridge, refer to
“Installing the Color Ink Cartridge” on page 2-21.

Preparing Virtua C for Mobile Use

If the Virtua C is to be transported frequently between sites, remove

all discs from the input bin. Shut down Virtua C (refer to “Shutting
Down and Rebooting” on page 3-56), close the Recorder cover, and
make sure that Virtua C is secured for mobile transportation. This
can be accomplished by completely seating the Virtua C into the
Docking Tray (catalog no. V-ECO-TRAY) and snugly pulling the
Velcro strap around the Recorder, being careful to not over-tighten
the strap.
Also, creating multiple Network Profiles can help to conveniently
switch from site to site. For more information, refer to “Setting Up
Network Profiles” on page 3-7.

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual 12-9

System Status and

Checking System Status

Dashboard Indicators
The Dashboard, located at the top of most screens, provides
graphical status indicators and information about Virtua C’s
operating condition.

System Status and

Time-to-Complete indicator System status lights

Media indicator Status messages

Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-1

The Dashboard includes the following indicators:

• Time-to-Complete indicator. This indicates the estimated

amount of time remaining for all pending jobs for the currently
configured media type to complete. The round “timer” indicates
the time remaining as an orange wedge. The larger the wedge,
the more time is required. If the timer is solid orange, then at
least one hour of time is required to complete all jobs. The
digital display next to the timer shows the hours:minutes
• Input bin Media indicator. Shows the currently configured
media type and how many discs remain in the input bin.
• System status lights. The three LED-style lights indicate the
overall status of Virtua C. For more information about these,
refer to the next topic, “Interpreting Dashboard System Status
• Status messages. Messages that provide basic information
about Virtua C’s operating state. Clicking the Dashboard
displays more detailed status information.

13-2 System Status and Troubleshooting

Interpreting Dashboard System Status Lights

System status lights are located on the Dashboard.

System status lights

The following table explains how to interpret the state of the

Dashboard System status lights.
Table 13-1. Dashboard System Status Lights

Status Light Description

Green: On Ready condition.

The ready condition indicates Virtua C is properly configured

and can accept studies for processing. The message “Ready”
also displays in the Dashboard status message area.

Green: Flashing Processing.

This processing state indicates Virtua C is receiving a study,

System Status and

preparing a study for recording, or recording and labeling a
disc. The status column of the Studies list and Discs queue,
and the Dashboard status message area, display the details of
what is being processed.

Yellow: On Alert condition.

An alert condition indicates Virtua C requires user attention but

can still process jobs. The specific alert condition is displayed
in the Dashboard status message area.

Examples are: Low on Ink; Job Waiting (DVD).

Red: On Fault condition.

A fault condition indicates Virtua C cannot process jobs and

requires user attention. The specific fault condition is displayed
in the Dashboard status message area.

Examples are: Out of Discs; Out of Ink; SmartDrive Not Found.

Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-3

Front Panel Status Lights
LED status lights are located on the Controller front panel.

CD and DVD
status lights
System status light

The following table explains how to interpret the state of the front
panel status lights.
Table 13-2. Front Panel Status Lights

Light State Description

All lights off Virtua C is powered off.

System status light: Ready.

Steady green
This state indicates that Virtua C is ready to receive jobs.

System status light: Processing.

Flashing green
This state indicates that Virtua C is receiving a study, preparing
a study for recording, or recording and labeling a disc. The
status column of the Studies list and Discs queue and the
Dashboard status message area display the details of what is
being processed.

System status light: Alert condition.

An alert condition indicates that Virtua C requires user
attention but can still process jobs. The specific alert condition
is displayed in the Dashboard status message area.

Examples are: Low on Ink; Job Waiting (DVD).

13-4 System Status and Troubleshooting

Table 13-2. Front Panel Status Lights (Continued)

Light State Description

System status light: Fault condition.
A fault condition indicates Virtua C cannot process jobs and
requires user attention. The specific fault condition is displayed
in the Dashboard status message area.

Examples are: Out of Discs; Out of Ink; SmartDrive Not Found.

CD or DVD status Virtua C is not currently configured for that media type, and no
light: Off jobs for that media type queued.

CD or DVD status Virtua C is currently configured for that media type.

light: Green

CD and DVD status There are jobs queued for that media type, but discs of the
light: Yellow other media type are currently configured.

CD and/or DVD Virtua C is currently configured for that media type, but the
status lights: Red input bin is empty.

CD or DVD status Virtua C is either starting up or shutting down.

light alternately
flash green and off Once Virtua C has completed startup and is ready for use, the
media status lights will be on or off, depending on the media

System Status and


Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-5

Front Panel System Information Button
To play a narrated message that indicates the Virtua C current
status, press the System Information button on the front panel.

System Information

Setting the Narrated Message and Alert Beep Volume

You can set the volume for the narrated messages that play when
the System Information button is pressed and for the alert beep.
You must be logged in as a user with administrator privileges to set
the volume (refer to “Logging In” on page 3-14).

8 1. Click the Utilities button.

To set the The Utilities screen displays.
message and 2. If not already displayed, click the General tab.
alert beep
3. Click the – and + buttons to adjust the volume.
Click Volume – and + buttons

13-6 System Status and Troubleshooting

Displaying System Status Details
You can display the Status Details window to view more detailed
information about system status than is available on the Dashboard,
including the ink cartridge state, total jobs in the queue, the
network settings, and the MAC address.

8 Click the status indicator (left) portion of the Dashboard.

To display The Status Details window displays.
about system

System Status and


Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-7

Troubleshooting Common Problems

The following table lists common problems, their possible causes,

and how to solve them.
Table 13-3. Troubleshooting
Problem Possible Causes Solutions
General System

The user interface Too many remote web access sessions For faster response, limit the number of
responses are slow or are active. remote web access sessions to ten.

The message “Network Virtua C did not start up properly. Reboot Virtua C.
server not found” is
displayed in the web The network settings are incorrect. Remove the SmartDrive, mount it on a
browser. PC, and check whether the network
settings in the file
are correct.

Improper hardware setup. Verify that the network cable is


Verify that the SmartDrive is connected.

Message indicates that The SmartDrive has been removed. Verify that the SmartDrive is properly
the SmartDrive is not inserted in the USB port (behind the
installed. output bin).

The SmartDrive does not have a valid Verify that a valid SmartDrive is
license or security code. inserted.

Data stored on the SmartDrive is Contact Codonics Technical Support.

missing or corrupt.

13-8 System Status and Troubleshooting

Table 13-3. Troubleshooting (Continued)

Problem Possible Causes Solutions

Virtua C default Caps Lock is on when entering the Turn the keyboard’s Caps Lock off and
usernames admin or password. reenter the password.
virtua do not work.
Usernames or passwords are Remove the SmartDrive and mount it
corrupted, or the passwords have been on a PC. Delete the files
forgotten. \profiles\user\user.admin.txt and
\profiles\user\user.virtua.txt from the
SmartDrive, reinsert it into Virtua C,
and reboot Virtua C. Virtua C will
automatically recreate the admin and
virtua login accounts with the password

Site-defined usernames Usernames or passwords have been Log in as admin, click the Setup button,
do not work. forgotten. then click the Users tab. Verify that the
username is present and change the
password if necessary.

The entire Virtua C user The browser window is too small. Increase the browser window size.
interface is not being
displayed in the web The Windows display resolution is not Change the Windows display
browser window. high enough to display the entire resolution.
Virtua C user interface (which is 1024 x
768 pixels).

System Status and

The monitor’s screen is too small. Use a monitor with a larger screen.

Virtua C does not shut The software did not shut down Press and hold the System power
down after waiting for 2 properly. button at the front panel for at least 5
minutes. seconds to force Virtua C to power off.

The date and time format The locale is not set correctly. Set the locale for the region in which
are not correct. Virtua C is being operated. Refer to
“Setting Up the Locale Profile” on
page 9-7.

The locale is correct but the format does Try a different locale that uses the same
not match the user preference. language but a different date and time

Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-9

Table 13-3. Troubleshooting (Continued)

Problem Possible Causes Solutions

Studies and Jobs

Studies that were sent are The Studies list filter needs to be Set the Studies list filter to the
not being displayed in the changed. appropriate setting (New, Yesterday,
Studies list. Today, or All).

Old studies might have been Virtua C will automatically remove old
automatically deleted to make room for studies that have been successfully
new studies. recorded when space is needed for new
studies. This is normal.

Studies sent together for The discStudyGrouping parameter in Set the discStudyGrouping parameter
auto-record jobs are the Job Profile is set to byStudy. in the Job Profile to byPatient. Refer to
being recorded on “Setting Up Job Profiles” on page 3-31.
separate discs.
The endOfStudyTimeout value in the Increase the endOfStudyTimeout value
Job Profile is too low. in the Job Profile.

The transfer of studies Some PACS store studies at a low Try sending studies directly from a
from PACS to Virtua C is priority, which causes slow transfer modality workstation instead of PACS.
slow. times.
Contact the PACS vendor and ask if
there is a way to increase the
performance of DICOM store requests.

Jobs are being recorded The Job Profile’s media type is set to Set the media type to CD or DVD,
on an unexpected media Auto, so Virtua C is selecting the media depending on which type the job should
type. type based on the size of the job. be recorded. To change the default
setting in the Job Profile, refer to
“Setting Up Job Profiles” on page 3-31.
To override the Job Profile setting for a
particular job, refer to “Manual Mode”
on page 5-4.

Jobs that were previously The Discs queue filter needs to be Set the Discs queue filter to the
recorded are not being changed. appropriate setting (Queued,
displayed in the Discs Recorded, or All).
The Discs queue might not be sorted Verify that the desired column is
properly. selected on the Discs screen.

The job results in an error. The discs loaded in the input bin do not Make sure that the loaded discs match
match the currently configured media the currently configured media type.

13-10 System Status and Troubleshooting

Table 13-3. Troubleshooting (Continued)

Problem Possible Causes Solutions


The Dashboard does not The robotic disc transporter is out of Contact Codonics Technical Support.
accurately report the alignment. Technical Support might have you run
number of discs in the the Robotic Arm Calibration utility that is
input bin. on the Virtua Accessories and Manuals

The reporting of the disc count is This is a normal tolerance for Virtua C.
accurate to within one disc.

Disc used for recording is Media type selection setup. To verify or modify media type-related
different media type than setup, refer to “Media Types and Profile
expected. Parameter Settings” on page 3-46 and
“Configuring and Loading Media” on
page 5-2.

Failed disk error. Mishandling of the disc, causing Handle discs carefully. Make sure that
fingerprints or scratches. the recording side of the disc is clean
and is not scratched.

Low-quality discs. Use only Codonics-recommended

discs. Contact Codonics Customer
Service for a current list of
recommended discs and suppliers.

System Status and

Disc jams. The robotic disc transporter is out of Contact Codonics Technical Support.
alignment. Technical Support might have you run
the Robotic Arm Calibration utility that is
on the Virtua Accessories and Manuals

Disc drive will not open. Virtua C has had a failure while Cycle power to Virtua C.
processing a job.

Robotic disc transporter The robotic disc transporter is out of Contact Codonics Technical Support.
is not picking up discs alignment. Technical Support might have you run
reliably. the Robotic Arm Calibration utility that is
on the Virtua Accessories and Manuals

Robotic disc transporter The robotic disc transporter is out of Contact Codonics Technical Support.
knocks discs from the alignment. Technical Support might have you run
printer tray. the Robotic Arm Calibration utility that is
on the Virtua Accessories and Manuals

Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-11

Table 13-3. Troubleshooting (Continued)

Problem Possible Causes Solutions

Robotic disc transporter The robotic disc transporter is out of Contact Codonics Technical Support.
does not pick discs from alignment. Technical Support might have you run
the disc drives. the Robotic Arm Calibration utility that is
on the Virtua Accessories and Manuals

System reports a disc Multiple discs or a clear plastic disc are Remove extra discs or the clear plastic
error or the drive makes a in the disc drive. disc from the disc drive.
rumbling noise.


Fault condition and Color ink cartridge is empty. Install a new cartridge.
message: “Replace or
remove Color ink

Virtua C does not print The ink cartridge is empty. Install a new cartridge.
the label.
The ink cartridge is clogged. Run the Clean Ink Cartridge utility; refer
to “Cleaning the Ink Cartridge” on
page 13-20.

The ink cartridge still has the protective Remove the ink cartridge and peel the
seal on it. protective seal from the cartridge.

Low-quality discs are being used. Virtua C is designed to print labels on

certain brands of discs with specific
printable surfaces. Use only Codonics-
recommended discs. Contact Codonics
Customer Service for a current list of
recommended discs and suppliers.

Printed label has The ink cartridge is out of alignment. Run the Align Ink Cartridges utility.
ghosting. Refer to “Aligning the Ink Cartridge” on
page 13-19.

Printed label is not The ink cartridge is out of alignment. Run the Align Ink Cartridges utility.
properly centered on disc. Refer to “Aligning the Ink Cartridge” on
page 13-19.

Print is light, there is The ink cartridge is low or out of ink. Replace the ink cartridge. Refer to
banding or gaps, or there “Installing Ink Cartridges” on page 2-30.
is no print image.
The ink cartridge is clogged. Run the Clean Ink Cartridges utility.
Refer to “Cleaning the Ink Cartridge” on
page 13-20.

13-12 System Status and Troubleshooting

Table 13-3. Troubleshooting (Continued)

Problem Possible Causes Solutions

Boxes or incorrect The locale is not set correctly. Set the locale for the region in which
characters are being Virtua C is being operated. Refer to
printed. “Setting Up the Locale Profile” on
page 9-7.

Japanese (or other East Standard-size labels are being used in Use the Wide version of the label.
Asian) characters run a Japanese (or other East Asian)
together. region.

Troubleshooting DICOM Structured Reports

DSR is not working.

• Verify that the DSR feature key has been installed and not
expired, and that Virtua C is configured as expected.

DSR is properly configured for a broker interface, but Virtua is

not receiving any reports.

• Try configuring the broker to accept connections from Virtua.

• Open the StoreSCP log file and look for an information message

System Status and

that starts with: “Sending Query request for ...”. If this
message is not present, then the queryProfileName parameter in
the Report Profile is probably not configured correctly.
• Look for another message that starts with “Found one report
for ...”. If this and similar messages are not present, then the
query attempt failed. Either the query profiles are not
configured properly, or the broker needs to be configured
• Similar messages may indicate that no reports were found.
These indicate that the report is not present on the broker. Try
another patient.

Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-13

DSR is properly configured for a PACS interface, but Virtua is
not receiving any reports.

• If a PACS is storing the reports, verify that the PACS is configured

to send the reports with the studies.

Virtua is receiving reports, but they are missing text.

• If this is a broker connection, try changing the

information_model parameter in the QRSCU Profile to MITRA S.
• Follow these steps and contact Codonics Technical Support for
additional help:

1. Delete the test study from Virtua C.

2. Change the Report Profile doIncludeStructuredReport
parameter setting to false.
3. Reboot Virtua C.
4. Resend the test study with a report to Virtua C.
5. Record the study with report to disc.
6. Record Virtua C Logs to disc.
7. Send the discs to Codonics for further review.

13-14 System Status and Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting HL7 Reports
Variations in RIS systems and configuration issues in Virtua C HL7
settings can cause problems. Refer to the following information to
troubleshoot HL7 report problems.

No HL7 Messages Are Being Received

1. Verify that Virtua C HL7 settings are correct. All parameters in

the Virtua C HL7 Server Profile, hl7.server.txt, are case
sensitive and must be spelled exactly as shown in this
document. For more information about the HL7 Server Profile,
refer to “HL7 Server Profile Settings” on page 10-12.
2. Verify Virtua C is receiving valid HL7 report messages.
The report may not have been received or accepted. Open the
HL7 server log file HL7Server.001.0.log and look for the
following line:
Received a Valid Report Message, Creating Report
If the line does not exist, contact Codonics Technical Support. If
the line does exist, then continue troubleshooting.

System Status and

3. Verify that the patient information contained in the HL7 report
matches the DICOM study.
The patient information may be different between the study and
the report.
Look for the following lines in the HL7 server log file:
Querying database for: PatientRecord:
id = ID011235
dob = 19720905
Compare the information in the HL7 server log file to the Study
Details tab. If it matches, continue troubleshooting. If it is not
identical [except for the caret (^) characters], then the match
failed on the patient information. Change the value of the

Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-15

matchPatientUsing parameter in hl7.server.txt to exclude the
unmatched parameter and try again. If the information still does
not match, contact Codonics Technical Support.
4. Verify that the accession number is formatted the same in the
HL7 report and the DICOM study.
The match may fail when comparing the exam date or accession
number. To determine if this is the problem, change both the
doMatchAccessionNumber and doMatchExamDate parameters
in hl7.server.txt to false. Delete the study, then re-send the
study and the report to the Virtua C. If the match still fails,
contact Codonics Technical Support.
If the match succeeds, then you must determine how to
configure the doMatchAccessionNumber and
doMatchExamDate parameters. At least one of these parameters
must be true for proper operation.
a. Record the study to a disc.
b. Compare the exam date and accession number in the report
to those on the Studies tab.
c. If the accession numbers do not match, then set
doMatchExamDate to true.
d. If the accession numbers do match, then set
doMatchAccessionNumber to true.
e. Delete the study and try sending the report and study again.
f. If the match is not successful, contact Codonics Technical
5. Verify that the RIS is properly formatting and sending data fields
in the HL7 reports.

13-16 System Status and Troubleshooting

Reports Are Missing Information or Are Improperly

If the reports appear to be missing information or improperly

formatted, the problem may be that:

• Some data may not be sent by the RIS. It is possible that several
of the data fields are blank when received by Virtua C.
• Some of the fields may be incorrectly filled by the RIS. For
example, the RIS may place a random number in the Modality
• Some fields may not be properly formatted. For example, the
observation text may be formatted for fixed width display, not
variable width display.

The only way to know what is being sent is to examine the log files
and the original message. Contact Codonics Technical Support to do
this. The most likely solution is to change the report template file,
report.default.txt, to properly format fields and to hide fields that
have missing or incorrect data.

System Status and


Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-17

Displaying Support Information

The Help screen includes support information, such as Codonics

contact information, as shown below.

8 Click the Help button.

To display The Help screen displays.

13-18 System Status and Troubleshooting

Aligning the Ink Cartridge

Occasionally, the ink cartridge might become misaligned. This can

cause ghosting in the printed images or misalignment of the printed
image on the disc. You can correct this condition by running the
Align Ink Cartridge utility.

8 1. Click the Utilities button.

To align the The Utilities screen displays.
ink cartridge
2. If not already displayed, click the Ink and Media tab.
3. Click the Align button.
Click Align to start alignment

System Status and

You are prompted to confirm the alignment.

Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-19

4. Click the OK button to proceed.
Alignment status messages are displayed on the Dashboard.

NOTE: As part of the alignment procedure, a special alignment pattern label is printed on a
disc, and the disc is placed in the output bin. You can dispose of this disc.

Cleaning the Ink Cartridge

Occasionally, the ink cartridge might become clogged. This can

cause light print, banding, gaps in the print, or no print image. You
can correct this condition by running the Clean Ink Cartridge utility.
Any user can run this utility.

8 1. Click the Utilities button.

To clean the The Utilities screen displays.
ink cartridge
2. If not already displayed, click the Ink and Media tab.

13-20 System Status and Troubleshooting

3. Click the Clean button.
Click Clean to start cleaning

You are prompted to confirm the cleaning.

4. Click the OK button.
Cleaning status messages are displayed on the Dashboard.

NOTE: As part of the cleaning procedure, a special cleaning pattern label is printed on a

System Status and

disc, and the disc is placed in the output bin. You can dispose of this disc.

Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-21

Loading Demo Studies

Virtua C includes demo studies to allow you to verify recording and

labeling operations without having to receive studies from other
sources on the network.
You must be logged in as a user with administrator privileges to run
this utility.

8 1. Click the Utilities button.

To load demo The Utilities screen displays.
2. If not already displayed, click the Diagnostics tab.

13-22 System Status and Troubleshooting

3. Click the Load button.

Click Load to load the demo studies

The demo studies are loaded and displayed in the Studies tab

System Status and

in the Studies screen, from which they can be recorded and

Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-23

Allowing Remote Access

Virtua C provides a Connect to Support utility that allows Codonics

Technical Support personnel to access Virtua C remotely and help
users with configuration, troubleshooting, and general product
usage questions.
You must be logged in as a user with administrator privileges to run
this utility.

3 NOTE: Only a user at the site can initiate the remote access connection to Codonics
Technical Support. This prevents unauthorized access to Virtua C.

CAUTION Initiate a remote access connection to Codonics only when requested by

Codonics Technical Support personnel.

Virtua C must be connected to a LAN that has Internet access for

this utility to work. Remote access requires that the firewall at the
customer site allow outgoing and incoming network connections to
Virtua C on TCP port 5500.
When a connection is made, Codonics Technical Support personnel
can see the same screens as you and have the same control over
Virtua C as you do. This allows you and Codonics to work
cooperatively to solve problems.
You can disconnect the session at anytime. If either Codonics or a
user at the site disconnect, only a user at the site can initiate a new

8 1. Click the Utilities button.

To allow The Utilities screen displays.
remote access
to Codonics 2. If not already displayed, click the Diagnostics tab.

13-24 System Status and Troubleshooting

3. Click the arrow buttons to select the appropriate connection, as
directed by Codonics Technical Support.

Select the connection,

as directed by Technical Support

System Status and

Click Connect to open the connection

4. Click the Connect button to open the connection to Codonics

Technical Support.
Technical Support can now view the Virtua C user interface and
control Virtua C. While connected, the Connect button changes
to Disconnect.
5. When the session is complete, click the Disconnect button to
end the connection.

Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-25

System Logs

If your Virtua C is experiencing problems, Codonics Technical

Support might ask you to view the system logs that are maintained
by Virtua C. The following topic explains how to view the system
Technical Support might also ask you to record the system log files
to disc and send the disc to them. For more information on
recording system log files to disc, refer to “Recording Log Files to a
Disc” on page 12-1.

Viewing Log Files

You must be logged in as a user with administrator privileges to
view the log files.

CAUTION System logs do not have the same user interface appearance and
behavior as other screens. These logs should not be accessed unless requested by
Codonics Technical Support personnel.

8 1. Click the Utilities button.

To view The Utilities screen displays.
system log
files 2. If not already displayed, click the Diagnostics tab.

13-26 System Status and Troubleshooting

3. In the View Logs panel, click the View button.

Click View to open the Log Files page

The Log Files list displays. Technical Support will direct you
regarding which log files to access.

System Status and


4. To close the Log Files screen and return to the Utilities screen,
click the Back link on the Log Files home page.

Codonics Virtua User’s Manual 13-27

Hazardous Material

Materials of Construction

Codonics has set very stringent standards for evaluating products to

ensure the marketing of regulatory compliant products worldwide.
We do not intentionally add, nor are we aware, that the products or
packaging contain the following materials:

• Mercury, except as used in lamp applications (for example,

scanning lamps, backlit LCDs).
• Cadmium, except as used as thick film inks on printed circuit
• Hexavalent Chromium, except as used as thick film inks on
printed circuit boards, as chromate conversion coatings on metal
surfaces, and as a photoresist on glass panels of cathode ray
• Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polybrominated biphenyls.
Hazardous Material

• Bioavailable arsenic (small amounts of arsenic used in glass,


LEDs, and semiconductors are not considered to be bioavailable).

• Bioavailable crystalline silica (small amounts of crystalline silica
are used in certain paints, coatings, and filler materials).
• Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual A-1

• Asbestos.
• Organic tin (not used in tin lead solder applications).
• Ozone-depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons, methyl
chloroform, and carbon tetrachloride.

Matériaux de Construction
Afin d’obtenir les certificats de conformité de ses produits dans le
monde entier, Codonics utilise les standards d’évaluation les plus
contraignants pour tester ses produits.
Codonics assure notamment n’avoir ajouté ou avoir été informé que
soit ajouté les composants suivants dans son produit et son

• Mercure, sauf dans le cas de systèmes d’éclairage (lampe à

balayage, rétroéclairage LCD)
• Cadmium, à l’exception des encres de couche épaisse sur les
circuits imprimés
• Chrome hexavalent, à l’exception des encres de couche épaisse sur
les circuits imprimés, des protection de surface métallique et des
photo résistances de tubes cathodiques
• Des éthers de diphényl polybromé ou des biphényls polybromés
• Arsenic (de très faible quantité d’arsénic sont présents dans le
verre, les leds et les semi-conducteurs sans portée atteinte à
• Cristaux de silicium
• Biphenyls polychlorés
• Amiante
• Matières organiques
• Substances portant atteinte à la couche d’ozone tels que des
carbones chlorofluorés du chloroforme et des tétrachlorures de

A-2 Hazardous Material Information


During manufacturing operations that produce Codonics products

(including packaging), no ozone depleting substances (such as
chlorofluorocarbons, methyl chloroform, and carbon tetrachloride)
are used.

Aucun composant susceptible de détruire la couche d’ozone ne sont
utilisés lors de la fabrication (emballage inclus) des produits

Hazardous Material

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual A-3


Specifications (English)

Media Inputs: One 20-disc input bin

Media Outputs: One 25-disc output bin
Number of Drives: One 18x DVD-R/CD-R dual-layer drive
Recordable Formats: CD-R, DVD-R
Label Print Technology: Inkjet
Print Resolution: Up to 4,800 dpi
Ink Cartridges: One color cartridge (CMY)
Throughput: 25 CDs or 10 DVDs per hour (recorded and labeled)
User Interface: Remote web browser access via Internet Explorer
Processor: Intel® Celeron™ D
Memory: 2 GB
Data Storage: 40 GB
Interfaces: 1 10/100 Base-T/Gigabit Ethernet (RJ-45)
5 USB 2.0 ports
Network Protocols: DICOM Store SCP (up to 12 simultaneous connections)
HTTP Web Server (for remote control and configuration)
SmartDrive: USB flash drive for storing configuration data
Dimensions: Height: 10.5 in (26.7 cm)
Width: 18.2 in (46.2 cm)
Length: 21.7 in (55.1 cm)
Weight: 32 lbs (14.6 kg)

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual B-1

Power: 100–240 VAC auto-switching, 50/60 Hz, 175 VA (rated power)
Environmental: Operating:
Temperature: 15–30°C (59–86°F)
Humidity: 20%–80% noncondensing
Shipping and Storage:
Altitude: Sea Level to 5790 m
Temperature (Hardware): -22.2–51°C (-8–123.8°F)
Temperature (Ink): 1–43°C (34–110°F)
Humidity (Hardware): 5%–85% noncondensing
Humidity (Ink): 5%–80% noncondensing
Medical Compliance: FDA cleared to market (Class 1 device)
Regulatory: Full medical device compliance including FDA and MDD CE
Class I, GMP/QSR ISO 13485-2003, and 60601-1 Safety and
EMC/EMI for Healthcare Facilities
Classification: Class 1 equipment, type ordinary IPX0, continuous with
intermittent loading

B-2 Specifications
Spécifications (Français)

Magasin d’alimentation: Un magasin d'alimentation de 20 disques
Magasin de sortie: Un bac de sortie d'une capacité de 25 disques
Nombre de graveurs: Un double lecteur 18x DVD-R/CD-R
Formats de gravure: CD-R, DVD-R
Technologie d’impression: Jet d’encre
Résolution de l'impression:Jusqu'a de 4800 dpi
Cartouche d’encre: 1 cartouche couleur (CMY)
Débit: 25 CDs/h, 10 DVDs/h (gravure et impression)
Interface utilisateur: Un navigateur web accessible a distance via Internet
Processeur: Intel® Celeron™ D
Mémoire: 2 Go
Sauvegarde de donnees: 40 Go
Interfaces: 1 10/100 Base-T/Gigabit Ethernet (RJ-45)
5 ports USB 2.0
Protocoles réseaux: Un navigateur Web accessible a distance via Internet
Mémoire flash: Carte mèmoire flash pour l’enregistrement des paramètres
de configuration
Dimensions: Hauteur: 26.7 cm
Largeur: 46.2 cm
Profondeur: 55.1 cm
Poids: 14.6 kg
Alimentation: 100–240 VAC auto-commutation, 50/60 Hz, 175 VA
(puissance nominale)

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual B-3

Environnement: En fonctionnement:
Température: 15 à 30°C (59 à 86°F)
Humidité: 20% à 80% sans condensation
Expédition et Stockage:
Altitude: Niveau de la mer à 5790 m
Température (Matériel): -22.2 à 51°C (-8 à 123.8°F)
Température (Encre): 1 à 43°C (34 à 110°F)
Humidité (Encre): 5% à 80% sans condensation
Humidité (Matériel): 5% à 85% sans condensation
Certification Médicale: Autorisation de commercialisation de la FDA (Appareil de
classe 1)
Conformite: Appareil medical conforme aux normes FDA and MDD CE
Class I, GMP/QSR ISO 13485-2003, GMP/QSR ISO
13485-2003, and 60601-1 Safety and EMC/EMI pour les
societes medicales
Classification: Appareil de Classe I, type IPX0 ordinaire, continu avec
chargement intermittent.

B-4 Specifications

A AutoCD, Job Profile AE Title, 4-2

AutoCDSpeed, Job Profile AE Title, 4-3
AutoDVD, Job Profile AE Title, 4-3
access, remote via the web, 3-13 AutoDVDSpeed, Job Profile AE Title, 4-3
Accessory Kit box, 2-2 autoLogoutIdleDelay parameter, System Profile,
Additional IP Addresses network parameter, 3-25 3-29
additionalIpAddresses parameter, Network Profile,

automatic label selection, 8-2
3-11 autoMediaSelectStyle parameter, Job Profile, 3-37,
address parameters, Site Profile, 3-31 3-46
admin user account, 3-14 auto-record job, 3-47
added automatically, 3-22 auto-record trigger, 3-47 to 3-50
Administrator checkbox option, 3-21
administrator privileges, changing, 3-20
AE Titles B
Query/Retrieve for Reports function, 10-8
AE Titles, Virtua C, 4-2
Auto, 4-2 Back link (on Log Files home page), 13-27
AutoCD, 4-2 beepingDisabled parameter, System Profile, 3-29
AutoCDSpeed, 4-3
AutoDVD, 4-3
AutoDVDSpeed, 4-3
Manual, 4-2
alert beep volume, setting, 13-6 Called AE Titles, 4-2
Align button, 13-19 Query/Retrieve for Reports function, 10-8
Align Ink Cartridges utility, 13-19 specified by Job Profile, 3-35, 4-2
alignment, ink cartridges, 13-19 Called AE Titles, Virtua C
anonymizedCopies parameter, Job Profile, 3-39 Auto, 4-2
anti-virus programs, 12-4 AutoCD, 4-2
archive discs, 11-1 AutoCDSpeed, 4-3
content, 11-13 AutoDVD, 4-3
creation, 11-12 AutoDVDSpeed, 4-3
labels, 11-14 Manual, 4-2
log files, 11-13 calling_ae_title parameter, QRSCU Profile, 10-7
Archive Log button, 11-13 cartridges, ink
archive.default.txt file, 11-2 cleaning, 13-20
example, 11-6 installing, 2-21
Auto mode, recording, 5-5 ordering, 12-7
Auto, Job Profile AE Title, 4-2 caution label location, xvi

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual I-1

CD Selected Media option, 5-3 cover, Recorder, 2-5
CD status light, 2-5 Customer Service, contact information, 12-7
interpreting, 13-4 customLabelFileLocation parameter, Site Profile,
CD. See discs 3-31
CD/DVD recorder, 2-5
CD-ROM. See discs
character sets, 9-7 D
supported in Reports, 10-2
Clarity Viewer, see Codonics Clarity Viewer Dashboard indicators, 13-1
Clean button, 13-21 Date & Time tab, 3-34
Clean Ink Cartridges utility, 13-20 date code, xx
cleaning precautions, xxvii date, setting, 3-34
cleaning Virtua C, 12-8 daysToWaitForReport parameter, Scheduled
CN (configuration) label, xx Archive Profile, 11-3
Codonics Default mode, when no matching Called AE Title, 4-3
contact information, displaying on screen, 13-18 defaultImagerProfile parameter, Site Profile, 3-31
e-mail address, xiv defaultJobProfile parameter, Site Profile, 3-31
phone numbers, xiv demo studies, loading, 13-22
product information, xiv demoSiteBurnDirectory parameter, Site Profile, 3-31
website, xiv design families, labels
Codonics Clarity Viewer, xxix, 3-52, 5-13, 11-9 overview, 8-2
Codonics Virtua C Medical Disc Publisher. See preinstalled, 8-2
Virtua C destination_ae_title parameter, QRSCU Profile, 10-7
column_3_display parameter, QRSCU Profile, 10-7 Details icon
column2 parameter, Locale Profile, 9-9 jobs, 7-4
compliance label studies, 6-5
location, xv, xix DHCP network parameter, 3-24
compliance with industry standards, 1-4 Diagnostics tab, 12-2, 13-22, 13-24, 13-26
components DICOM
Controller, front, 2-4 Called AE Title, 4-2
Recorder, front, 2-4 character sets supported by Virtua C, 9-7
shipped, 2-2 to 2-3 configuring host to support Virtua C, 4-1
configuration number, xx JPEG compression parameters in Job Profiles,
Confirm Password field, 3-21 3-50
Connect button, 13-25 JPEG compression parameters, example, 3-52
Connect to Support utility, 13-24 JPEG formats, 3-50
connectionTimeout parameter, HL7 Server Profile, Virtua C as Storage Class Service Class
10-14 Provider, 4-1
Controller DICOM broker, 10-2, 10-3
components, front, 2-4 DICOM images, viewing, 3-52
rear panels, 2-6 DICOM Port Number network parameter, 3-25
safety and compliance label locations, xv DICOM Query/Retrieve for Reports
setup, 2-7 setting up, 10-4 to 10-8
USB SmartDrive port, 2-14 DICOM Service Class Provider (SCP) device
conventions used in this manual, xi to xii configuring to support Virtua C Query/Retrieve
Copies job options, 5-14 for Reports, 10-8
Copies option, Scheduled Archive, 11-8 DICOM Store, 4-2
copies parameter, Scheduled Archive Profile, 11-3 DICOM Structured Reports, 10-1
copies, specifying for recording, 5-14 enabling, 10-9

I-2 Index
DICOM Structured Reports (cont.) discs (cont.)
how Virtua C works with, 10-3 troubleshooting, 13-11
methods for receiving, 10-2 Discs queue, 5-11
troubleshooting, 13-13 to 13-14 detailed job information, 7-4
DICOM Studies button, 5-17 filter, 7-2
DICOM Viewer job option, 5-13 scroll, 7-2
DICOM Viewer option, Scheduled Archive, 11-9 sort, 7-2
DICOM viewers Discs tab, 5-5, 5-11, 7-2
automatically launching with disc inserted, 5-13 discStudyGrouping parameter, Job Profile, 3-42
selecting, 5-15 disposal requirements, xxxi
selecting for Schedule Archive, 11-9, 11-10 doAdjustForDaylightSavingsTime parameter, Locale
selecting viewer on a disc, 5-17 Profile, 9-8
selecting viewer on a disc, Scheduled Archive, doAutoRecord parameter, Job Profile, 3-37
11-12 doCreateJpegImages parameter, Job Profile, 3-38
selection issues, 5-16 doDisconnectAtEndOfMessageChar parameter,
selection issues for Schedule Archive, 11-11 HL7 Server Profile, 10-14
dicomFileExtension parameter, Job Profile, 3-44 doEnableAutoRun parameter, Job Profile, 3-38
dicomImagerName parameter, Job Profile, 3-39 doEnableHL7Reports parameter, HL7 Server

Direct to Disc feature, 5-18 Profile, 10-12
Disc Label job option, 5-12 doIncludeSelfCheckProgram parameter, Job Profile,
Disc Label option, Scheduled Archive, 11-8 3-38
disc log files doIncludeXMLReport parameter, Report Profile,
backing up, 12-1 10-10
stored on SmartDrive, 3-5 doKeepOnlyLatestReport parameter, Report Profile,
discLabel parameter, Job Profile, 3-39 10-10
discLabel parameter, Scheduled Archive Profile, doLimitStudiesPerDiscToLabelCapacity parameter,
11-4 Job Profile, 3-38
discLabelAnonymousCopy parameter, Job Profile, doMatchAccessionNumber parameter, HL7 Server
3-40 Profile, 10-13
discLabelLegalCopy parameter, Job Profile, 3-40 doMatchExamDate parameter, HL7 Server Profile,
discLabelPatientCopy parameter, Job Profile, 3-40 10-13
discLabelPhysicianCopy parameter, Job Profile, doPrintToDicomImager parameter, Job Profile, 3-38
3-40 doSafelyTruncatePatientNameOnLabel parameter,
Disconnect button, 13-25 Job Profile, 3-39
discs doSmartDetectLoadedMediaType parameter,
archive disc content, 11-13 System Profile, 3-28, 3-46
archive disc creation, 11-12 doUpdateReceivedTime parameter, HL7 Server
archive disc labels, 11-14 Profile, 10-13
copies to record, 5-14 doUseDefaultNetworkName parameter, Network
custom label, adding, 8-4 Profile, 3-10
formats, optional, 5-14 doVerifyDiscsAfterRecord parameter, Job Profile,
loading into input bin, 2-16 3-38
Media job option, 5-13 DSR. see DICOM Structured Reports
ordering, 12-7 DVD Selected Media option, 5-3
recording or labeling failure indication, 6-3, 7-3 DVD status light
spanning based on label space, 8-3 interpreting, 13-4
specifying label to print, 5-12, 11-8 DVD status light, 2-5
specifying recipient copies, 5-14 DVD. See discs
supported types, 2-18

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual I-3

E HL7 reports (cont.)
RIS configuration, 10-12
troubleshooting, 13-15 to 13-17
Edit Job Options window, 5-9 HL7 Server Profile, 10-12
Edit Options button, 5-9 example, 10-15
electronic emissions notices, xxii format, 10-12
enabled parameter, Scheduled Archive Profile, 11-2 parameters, descriptions, 10-12
Enabled/Disabled option, Scheduled Archive, 11-8 hl7.server.txt file, 10-12
enableHotFolder parameter, System Profile, 3-28 example, 10-15
encryptedPassword parameter, User Profile, 3-18 HL7AccessionFieldNumber parameter, HL7 Server
end-of-study timeout, 3-47 Profile, 10-13
endOfStudyTimeout parameter, Job Profile, 3-43, HL7AccessionSegment parameter, HL7 Server
3-48 Profile, 10-13
Error job status indicator, 7-3 host, DICOM
Error study status indicator, 6-3 configuring to support Virtua C, 4-1
ESD httpFirewallPortOpen parameter, Network Profile,
caution, xxi 3-11
label location, xvi, xxi
European disposal requirements, xxxi
IHE PDI compliance, 1-2, 11-13
features, 1-2 to 1-4 viewing, 3-52
fields.default.txt file, 8-7 inactivityTimeout parameter, Site Profile, 3-31
default content, 8-8 includedDicomViewer parameter, Job Profile, 3-41
firewall, software, 12-4, 12-5 includedDicomViewer parameter, Scheduled
firewallEnabled parameter, Network Profile, 3-11 Archive Profile, 11-5
fullInstall parameter, System Profile, 3-28 includeSelfCheckProgram parameter, Scheduled
Archive Profile, 11-3
indications for use, xxxii
G information_model parameter, QRSCU Profile, 10-7
Ink and Media tab, 5-2, 13-19, 13-20
Gateway network parameter, 3-24 ink cartridge carrier, 2-5
gateway parameter, Network Profile, 3-9 Ink Cartridge Load button, 2-5
general problems, 13-8 ink cartridges
alignment, 13-19
cleaning, 13-20
H installing, 2-13, 2-21
ordering, 12-7
hazardous material information, A-1 to A-3 input bin, 2-5
Health Level 7. see HL7 loading discs into, 2-16
Help screen, 13-18 media type assigned, 2-16
High Priority job option, 5-13 inputBin parameter, System Profile, 3-27
HIPAA regulations, 3-5, 5-14, 12-1 installation, software, 12-8
HL7 reports, 10-1 interference‚ radio and television, xxii
enabling, 10-11 IP Address network parameter, 3-24
how Virtua C works with, 10-4 ipAcquisitionType parameter, Network Profile, 3-9
ipAddress parameter, Network Profile, 3-9

I-4 Index
ipAliasingEnabled parameter, Network Profile, 3-11 jobs (cont.)
isBehindFirewall parameter, Network Profile, 3-10 options, 5-12
isDemosite parameter, Site Profile, 3-31 recording or labeling failure indication, 7-5
removing, 7-5
status indicators, 7-3
J JPEG Baseline format, 3-50
JPEG Extended format, 3-50
Job Details window, 7-4 JPEG Lossless format, 3-50
Job Profile Options panel, 5-10 JPEG2000 Lossless format, 3-50
Job Profiles JPEG2000 Lossy format, 3-50
as AE Titles preinstalled on SmartDrive, 4-2 jpeg2000LosslessSupport parameter, Job Profile,
available as DICOM Called AE Title, 4-2 3-51
copying, 3-32, 3-44 jpegBaselineSupport parameter, Job Profile, 3-50
creating, 3-37, 10-9, 10-12, 11-2 jpegExtendedSupport parameter, Job Profile, 3-51
DICOM JPEG compression parameters, 3-50 jpegLosslessSupport parameter, Job Profile, 3-51
DICOM JPEG compression parameters, jpegLossySupport parameter, Job Profile, 3-52
example, 3-52

example, 3-45
features controlled by, 5-12 L
format, 3-37
job.auto.txt, 3-35 labels
job.autoCD.txt, 3-35 archive discs, 11-14
job.autoCDSpeed.txt, 3-35 automatic selection, 8-2
job.autoDVD.txt, 3-36 custom disc, 8-4
job.autoDVDSpeed.txt, 3-36 design families overview, 8-2
job.default.txt, 3-35 design families preinstalled, 8-2
job.manual.txt, 3-36 information mapped to label fields, 8-9
modifying, 3-37 sample template, 8-6
parameters, descriptions, 3-37 selection based on disc copy type, 8-3
preinstalled on SmartDrive, 3-35 space available affecting disc spanning, 8-3
sample creation procedure, 3-53 specifying type to print on disc, 5-12, 11-8
selecting as a job option, 5-12 study fields included, 8-6
setting up, 3-35 to 3-55 templates, 8-2
used as starting point for job option settings, troubleshooting, 13-12
5-14, 5-17, 11-12 wide versions, 8-3
job.auto.txt Job Profile, 3-35 working with, 8-1 to 8-10
job.autoCD.txt Job Profile, 3-35 laser warnings, xviii
job.autoCDSpeed.txt Job Profile, 3-35 LaunchPad
job.autoDVD.txt Job Profile, 3-36 reports, viewing, 10-17
job.autoDVDSpeed.txt Job Profile, 3-36 LaunchPad screen, 5-17, 11-12
job.default.txt Job Profile, 3-35 LED status lights
job.manual.txt Job Profile, 3-36 interpreting, 13-4
jobPriority parameter, Job Profile, 3-44 legalCopies parameter, Job Profile, 3-39
jobs Load button, 13-23
Auto mode processing, 5-5 Local Profile
deleting, 7-5 sample, 9-10
details, displaying, 7-4 setting up, 9-8
Manual mode processing, 5-6 locale parameter, Locale Profile, 9-9
media type, how determined, 3-46

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual I-5

locale.default.txt file, 9-8 media (cont.)
sample, 9-10 loading in Manual Detect mode, 5-2
locales loading in Smart Detect Mode, 5-4
DICOM character sets supported by Virtua C, ordering, 12-7
9-7 supported disc types, 2-18
profile format, 9-8 use precautions, xxvii to xxix
profile parameters, descriptions, 9-8 Media indicator, 13-1 to 13-2
related features, 9-1 Media job option, 5-13
setting up Locale Profile, 9-8 media status lights
tiers, 9-2 interpreting, 13-4
user interface, 9-1 media type
location for the device, 2-1 and profile parameter settings, 3-46 to 3-47
location precautions, xxv to xxvi assigned to input bin, 2-16
log files configuring, 5-2 to 5-4
archive, 11-13 configuring in Manual Detect mode, 5-2
recording to disc, 12-1 to 12-3 configuring in Smart Detect mode, 5-4
Log Files list, 13-27 currently configured, how determined, 3-46
Log Files screen, closing, 13-27 for a job, how determined, 3-46
Log In field, 3-15 parameter setting examples, 3-47
log out, 3-56 mediaType parameter, Job Profile, 3-41, 3-46
Log Out button, 3-56 mediaType parameter, Scheduled Archive Profile,
login procedure, 3-15 11-5
Login screen, 3-15 medical information precautions, xxx
logoFileLocation parameter, Site Profile, 3-31 messages, status, 13-1 to 13-2
logs MIMviewer, 5-16, 11-11
backing up disc log files, 12-1 MITRA broker, 10-2, 10-3, 10-9
Log Files list, 13-27 mobile use, 12-9
system, 13-26 modality workstations, xi, 4-1
system, viewing, 13-26 modification codes, xx
move_timeout_seconds parameter, QRSCP Profile,
maintenance, 12-1 to 12-9 N
Make Auto-Run job option, 5-13
Manual Detect mode, 3-46, 5-2 narrated message volume, setting, 13-6
Manual mode, recording, 5-6 netmask parameter, Network Profile, 3-9
Manual, Job Profile AE Title, 4-2 network
matchPatientUsing parameter, HL7 Server Profile, parameters, descriptions, 3-24
10-14 parameters, setting from the Setup screen, 3-23
matchPatientUsing parameter, Job Profile, 3-42 Network Name network parameter, 3-25
max_returned_results parameter, QRSCP Profile, Network Profiles
10-5 copying, 3-12
maxNumberOfReports parameter, HL7 Server example, 3-12
Profile, 10-13 setting up, 3-7 to 3-12
maxReportAge parameter, HL7 Server Profile, 10-13 Network Speed/Duplex network parameter, 3-26
maxStudyAge parameter, System Profile, 3-28 Network tab, 3-23
media networkName parameter, Network Profile, 3-10
loading, 5-2 to 5-4

I-6 Index
new_association_for_each_ retrieve parameter, profiles (cont.)
QRSCP Profile, 10-5 QRSCP, 10-4
num_associations_per_retrieve parameter, QRSCP QRSCU, 10-6
Profile, 10-5 Report, 10-9
Site, 3-7
Site, setting up, 3-30 to 3-33
O System, 3-26
user accounts, copying, 3-18
OsiriX Viewer, 5-16, 11-11 user accounts, creating, 3-17
output bin, 2-5 user accounts, deleting, 3-22
overrideForIR100 parameter, Locale Profile, 9-10 user password, changing, 3-20
purpose of User’s Manual, xiii

PACS, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-9
PACS broker, 10-2, 10-3 QRSCP Profile

PACS workstations, xi, 4-1 example, 10-6
Password field, 3-21 format, 10-5
password, changing, 3-20 parameters, descriptions, 10-5
patient information precautions, xxx setting up, 10-4
patient reports.see Reports feature qrscp.default.txt file, 10-4
patientCopies parameter, Job Profile, 3-39 example, 10-6
patients qrscp_profile parameter, QRSCU Profile, 10-6
grouping images by for recording jobs, 5-5 QRSCU Profile
personNameFormat parameter, Locale Profile, 9-9 example, 10-8
phoneNumber parameter, Site Profile, 3-31 format, 10-6
physicianCopies parameter, Job Profile, 3-39 parameters, descriptions, 10-6
port parameter, Network Profile, 3-9 setting up, 10-6
portNumber parameter, HL7 Server Profile, 10-12 qrscu.default.txt file, 10-6
postProcessingAction parameter, Job Profile, 3-43 qrscu.default.txt file
power, applying to Virtua C, 2-19 example, 10-8
precautions Query/Retrieve for Reports
cleaning, xxvii Called AE Title, 10-8
location, xxv to xxvi configuring on DICOM SCP device, 10-8
media use, xxvii to xxix setting up, 10-4 to 10-8
safety, xxiii to xxiv query_timeout_seconds parameter,
primary image acquisition systems, xi, 4-1 QRSCP Profile, 10-5
print supplies, ordering, 12-7 queryProfileName parameter, Report Profile, 10-10
printing, troubleshooting, 13-8 queryReportFields parameter, Report Profile, 10-11
printMode parameter, Job Profile, 3-44 Queued job status indicator, 7-3
profiles Queued study status indicator, 6-3
administrator privileges, changing, 3-20
creating (general), 3-6
HL7 Server, 10-12 R
Locale, 9-8
media type parameters, 3-46 to 3-47 radio frequency interference, xxi
modifying (general), 3-6 radio interference, xxii

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual I-7

Radiology Information System. see RIS S
ReadMe.txt file, 8-3
Ready study status indicator, 6-3
rear panels, Controller and Recorder, 2-6 safety
rebooting Virtua C, 3-56 to 3-57 location of labels, xv, xvi
Receiving study status indicator, 6-3 precautions, xxiii to xxiv
Record button, 5-7, 12-2 Schedule option, Scheduled Archive, 11-8
Record Logs button, 12-2 Schedule tab, 11-7
Recorded job status indicator, 7-3 Scheduled Archive, 11-1
Recorded study status indicator, 6-3 DICOM viewers, selecting, 11-10
Recorder DICOM viewers, selection issues, 11-11
components, front, 2-4 disc content, 11-13
cover, 2-5 disc creation, 11-12
rear panels, 2-6 disc labels, 11-14
setup, 2-7 log files, 11-13
Recorder disc eject button, 2-5 options, 11-8
regulatory compliance, 5-14 Scheduled Archive Profile, 11-2
Reject on label, 6-3, 7-3, 7-5 example, 11-6
remote access to Virtua C, 13-24 format, 11-2
remote web access, 3-13 parameters, descriptions, 11-2
Report Profile, 10-9 scp_ae_title parameter, QRSCP Profile, 10-5
example, 10-11 scp_ip_address parameter, QRSCP Profile, 10-5
format, 10-10 scp_port parameter, QRSCP Profile, 10-5
parameters, descriptions, 10-10 screenSaver parameter, System Profile, 3-29
report.default.txt file, 10-9 secondary image acquisition systems, xi, 4-1
example, 10-11 security features, 12-4 to 12-6
reports Select Job Profile job option, 5-12
how indicated in Virtua C user interface, 10-15 Select Network Profile network parameter, 3-24
how indicated on disc labels, 10-16 Select Viewers button, 5-15, 11-10
how processed by Virtua C, 10-2 Select Viewers screen, 5-15
logo on disc label, 10-3 Selected Media options, 5-3
template file, 10-3 Selections/Options screen, 5-8
viewing on recorded discs, 10-17 serial number label, xx
Reports feature Service Class Provider (SCP), 4-1
overview, 10-1 Setup button, 3-20, 3-23, 3-33, 3-34
setting up, 10-9 to 10-15 shipment of Virtua C, 12-9
reportTemplateFileName parameter, Report Profile, shock label location, xvi
10-10 Shutdown button, 3-57
request_relational_retrieve parameter, QRSCP shutting down Virtua C, 3-56 to 3-57
Profile, 10-5 Siemens eFilm Lite Viewer, 5-16, 11-11
RIS, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-12 Siemens Media Viewer, 5-16, 11-11
robotic disc transporter, 2-5 Siemens Novius, 10-9
role1 parameter, User Profile, 3-18 Siemens syngo XS Imaging Viewer, 5-16, 11-11
runOn parameters, Scheduled Archive Profile, 11-2

I-8 Index
Site Profiles Stop Archive button, Scheduled Archive, 11-9
creating, 3-8, 3-30 studies
example, 3-32 Auto mode recording, 5-5
format, 3-9, 3-31 deleting, 6-6
modifying the default Site Profile, 3-8, 3-30 demo, loading, 13-22
parameters, descriptions, 3-9, 3-31 details, displaying, 6-5
setting up, 3-7, 3-30 to 3-33 filtering, 6-2
viewing default from the application, 3-33 grouping images by for recording jobs, 5-5
Site tab, 3-33 Manual mode recording, 5-6
siteDisclaimer parameter, Site Profile, 3-31 recording to disc, 4-2 to 4-4
siteName parameter, Site Profile, 3-31 removal, automatic, 6-1
siteProfileName parameter, Job Profile, 3-43 removing manually, 6-6
sleeves, ordering, 12-7 scrolling, 6-2
Smart Detect mode, 3-46, 5-4 selecting, 6-4
SmartDrive, 2-5 sorting, 6-2
backing up log files, 12-1 status, 6-3
copying files to a PC, 12-3 storage, 6-1
description, 3-5 Studies list, 6-2

information stored on, 3-5 Studies button, 5-6
preinstalled Job Profiles, 3-35 Studies list
profile folders, 3-6 controls, 6-2
USB port, 2-5 detailed information, 6-5
USB port location, 2-14 study, selecting, 6-4
smbFileShareFirewallPortOpen parameter, Network Studies tab, 5-6, 6-2
Profile, 3-11 Study Details window, 6-5
software studyDiscGrouping parameter, Job Profile, 5-5
installing, 3-2 to 3-4, 12-8 submitAutoRecordJob parameter, Job Profile, 3-43,
license code, 3-5 3-49
setup, 3-1 to 3-55 Subnet network parameter, 3-24
specific_character_set parameter, QRSCU Profile, support information, displaying on screen, 13-18
10-7 Sure Thing label design application, 8-4
specifications, B-1 to B-4 System Information button, 2-5, 13-6
speedDuplex parameter, Network Profile, 3-10 system logs, 13-26
Start Archive button, 11-12 viewing, 13-26
Start Archive option, Scheduled Archive, 11-9 System power button, 2-5
startup, troubleshooting, 13-8 system problems, 13-8
Static network parameter, 3-24 System Profile
status example, 3-29
device details, 13-7 format, 3-27
indicators, 13-1 parameters, descriptions, 3-27
job status indicators, 7-3 setting up, 3-26
messages, 13-1 to 13-2 System status light, Controller front panel, 2-5
study status indicators, 6-3 System status lights, 13-1 to 13-2
Status bar job status indicator, 7-3 interpreting, 13-3, 13-4
Status bar study status indicator, 6-3 system.txt file, 3-26
Status Details window, 13-7 systemVolume parameter, System Profile, 3-29

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual I-9

T User’s Manual‚ purpose, xiii
username parameter, User Profile, 3-18
Users tab, 3-20
TCP port number for Virtua C, 4-1 Utilities button, 5-2, 12-2, 13-6, 13-19, 13-20, 13-22,
television interference, xxii 13-24, 13-26
telnetFirewallPortOpen parameter, Network Profile,
template.default.xsl report template file, 10-3 V
tiers, locale, 9-2
time, setting, 3-34
timeOfDay parameter, Scheduled Archive Profile, Verify Discs job option, 5-13
11-4 verifyDiscsAfterRecord parameter, Scheduled
Time-to-Complete indicator, 13-1 to 13-2 Archive Profile, 11-3
timezone parameter, Locale Profile, 9-8 View button, 13-27
treat_retrieve_warning_as_error parameter, View Logs panel, 13-27
QRSCP Profile, 10-5 Virtua C, 3-7
troubleshooting, 13-8 to 13-12 as DICOM Storage Class Service Class
DICOM Structured Reports, 13-13 to 13-14 Provider, 4-1
discs, 13-11 cleaning, 12-8
general system problems, 13-8 cleaning precautions, xxvii
HL7 reports, 13-15 to 13-17 compliance, xix
labeling, 13-12 compliance with industry standards, 1-4
print jobs, 13-8 components, front, 2-4
startup, 13-8 configuration information stored on SmartDrive,
twelveTwentyfourDisplay parameter, Locale Profile, 3-5
9-8 configuration number, xx
date code, xx
DICOM character sets supported, 9-7
U DICOM Structured Reports, working with, 10-3
disposal requirements, xxxi
electronic emissions notices, xxii
url parameter, Site Profile, 3-31 files, copying to a PC, 12-3
USB port hazardous material information, A-1 to A-3
location for SmartDrive, 2-14 HL7 reports, working with, 10-4
use_patient_dob_range parameter, QRSCU Profile, indications for use, xxxii
10-7 laser warnings, xviii
use_study_date_range parameter, QRSCU Profile, location precautions, xxv to xxvi
10-7 location, finding, 2-1
user accounts log files, recording to disc, 12-1 to 12-3
administrator privileges, changing, 3-20 maintenance, 12-1 to 12-9
copying, 3-18 media use precautions, xxvii to xxix
creating a profile, 3-17 mobile use, preparing for, 12-9
deleting, 3-22 modification codes, xx
password, changing, 3-20 powering on, 2-19
preconfigured, 3-14, 3-17 processing reports, 10-2
preconfigured, when added automatically, 3-22 product features, 1-2 to 1-4
profile file format, 3-18 radio and television interference, xxii
profile parameters, descriptions, 3-18 radio frequency interference, xxi
profile, examples, 3-19 rear panels, 2-6
user interface and locales, 9-1 rebooting, 3-56 to 3-57

I-10 Index
Virtua C (cont.) virus scanning, 12-5
remote access, 13-24 voiceDisabled parameter, System Profile, 3-29
safety precautions, xxiii to xxiv voltage warnings, xvi
security features, 12-4 to 12-6
serial number label, xx
setup, 2-7 to 2-18 W
shipment, 12-9
shipped components, 2-2 to 2-3 Wait for Full Disc option, Scheduled Archive, 11-8
shutting down, 3-56 to 3-57 waitForFullDisc parameter, Scheduled Archive
SmartDrive, 3-5 Profile, 11-2
software setup, 3-1 to 3-55 warnings
software, installing, 3-2 to 3-4 laser, xviii
specifications, B-1 to B-4 voltage, xvi
status details, 13-7 web access, remote, 3-13
supplies, ordering, 12-7 WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
swapping for service reasons, 3-5 disposal directive, xxxii
TCP port number, 4-1 wide versions of labels, 8-3
troubleshooting, 13-8 to 13-12

Windows XP Embedded configuration, 12-6
virus scanning, 12-5
voltage warnings, xvi
virtua user account, 3-14 Y
when added automatically, 3-22
yellow page icon, 10-1

Codonics Virtua C User’s Manual I-11

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