Plan Approval Procedure
Plan Approval Procedure
Plan Approval Procedure
Applicant shall submit Building plans in Form-I (Application for Land Development) or Form-II (Application for
2 Building Plan). The above applications shall be accompanied with duly completed Forms-III, IV, V and VI. Checklist in
. Form-VI shall be verified by the Technical Persons.
Plan shall be verified by the Authority. During verification of the application, the Authority may ask for any
3 clarification if required. The Authority shall notify the applicant about the status of approval in Form-VIII—(A) or VIII-
(B)/ status of refusal in Form-IX within 60 days from date of receipt of application under Bye LawS-5 or within 30
. days from the compliance of objection raised by the comepe tent Authority.
After approval of layout/building plan, the owner shall submit Notice for Commencement of Work in Form-X to
the Authority that he is starting work. The Authority shall inspect the work within 14 days following the receipt of
4 noitce to verify that the building has been allocated and development work is being carried out in accordance with
. the sanctioned plans. If, the authority fails to make the inspection within the specified period, it shall be presumed
that the Authority has no objection to the construction.
Periodic Progress Report in Form-XI to be Submitted by the technical person to the authority. Submission of
5 inspection report is required at plinth level and different roof slabs level(s). Inspection shall be made within seven
days following the receipt of periodic report of construction in Form-XI.
After completion of the project, owner shall submit Notice of Completion in Form-XII to the authority that the
6 building has been completed in all respects as per the approved plan and provision of the Bye Laws. (As per Bye Law-
. 15(2). )
The team of officials shall visit the site within 15 days and verify the facts as per bye laws-15(4). After verification
7 of Notice of Completion, Occupancy Permission (Form-XIII) shall be issued by the Authority within 30 days from the
. date of application under provision of Bye laws-(16). Before issuing of Occupancy permission, Authority shall verify
and ensure about compounding and penalties as mentionded in Chapter-IX of the Bye Laws.
BYE LAWS NO.-5(3), 68(1)
Application No.-
I/We hereby apply for permission to undertake development/ re-development of land,
I/We do enclose herewith the following plans (4 copies in case of privately owned plots/ 8
copies in case of Govt. leased Govt. plots) and specifications duly signed by me and Town
Planner /Architect /Engineer /Supervisor /Group agency............................bearing
Regd.No....................... License/Empanelment No...................... who has/have prepared the
plans, designs etc. and who will supervise the developments. The parametersand checklist
prepared by the Technical person is enclosed.
I/We the owner(s) of every part of the land to which this application relates, requestfor
permission of the above development of land which may kindly be accorded.
Documents furnished.
I/We hereby apply for permission to erect, re-erect, demolish or to make additions or
alteration in any place in a building and carry out:-
a) Construction of .......................storey (Stories) building.
b) Re-construction of an existing building
c) Alteration/addition to the existing building;
d) Revalidation/renewal of plan for construction of all.................... storied
e) Demolition
f) ........................................(if any other please specify).
I/We do enclose herewith the following plans (4 copies in case of privately owned
plots/ 8 copies in case of Govt. leased Govt. plots) and specifications duly signed by me and
Town Planner /Architect /Engineer /Supervisor /Group agency............................bearing
Regd.No....................... License/Empanelment No...................... who has/have prepared the
plans, designs etc. and who will supervise the developments. The parametersand checklist
prepared by the Technical person is enclosed.
I/We the owner(s) of every part of the land/building to which this application relates,
requests, permission for the above building plan may kindly be accorded.
Documents furnished.
1. Four/Eight sets of the building Plan: Yes/No/Not applicable
(Name and address of the applicant in block letters)
With respect to the building work of erection, re-erection or for making alteration in
the.......... Khata No. .....building on in with respect of Plot No (CS)..............Plot
No (MSP)........... Khata No........... Holding No. ................
Village/Mohalla..................../Ward No..........of................ Municipal Corporations/ Municipal
Council/ Nagar Panchayats/ Metropolitan area/ Planning Area under ........................Planning
Authority/ Gram Panchayat areas covered under.....................Development Plan/ Planning
Authority/ or Planning Scheme notified under Bihar Urban Planning and Development Act
2012 within the development plan area of ............. within the Development Plan Area of
................. I certify;
1. that the building has been constructed according to the sanctioned plan and structural
design( copy of the drawings as executed enclosed),which incorporates the provisions
of structural safety norms as specified in Part- 6 (Structural Design) of the National
Building Code of India, 2005 and other relevant codes; and the design complies with
the Earthquake Safety requirements as stipulated in the fcgkj esa] HkwdEih; [krjksa ls
U;wuhdj.k ds fy;s] Hkouksa ds fu:i.k ,oa fuekZ.k dk ifji=] fcgkj jkT; vkink izca/ku
izkf/kdj.k] i=kad&10@fofo/k@ viŒizŒizkŒ&13@2011&2253@ vkŒizŒ] fcgkj ljdkj]
fcgkj jkT; vkink izca/ku izkf/kdj.k ¼vkink izca/ku foHkkx½ as in Appendix A.
2. That the construction has been done under my supervision and guidance and adheres
to the drawings and specifications submitted and records of supervision have been
Any subsequent changes from the completion drawings shall be the responsibility of
the owner
BYE LAWS NO.-5(6) (viii) & 6(2) Note-2
With respect to the building work of erection, re-erection or for making alteration with
respect of Plot No (CS)..............Plot No (MSP)........... Khata No........... Holding No.
................ Village/Mohalla..................../Ward No..........of................ Municipal
Corporations/ Municipal Council/ Nagar Panchayats/ Metropolitan area/ Planning Area
under…………Planning Authority/ Gram Panchayat areas covered
under…………..Development Plan/ Planning Authorities/ or Planning Scheme notified
under Bihar Urban Planning and Development Act 2012 within the development plan area
of..................., I certify that the structural plans and details of the building submitted for
approval satisfy the structural safety requirements for all situations including natural
disasters like cyclone & earth quake etc., as applicable under the Byelaws and stipulated
under Part- 6 (Structural Design) of the National Building Code of India, 2005 and other
relevant codes; and the information given therein is factually correct to the best of my
knowledge. I undertake responsibility with regard to supervision of the work at each
stage of construction,(after laying of foundation &after casting of each floor) and
submission of Periodic Progress Report to................Authority regularly to the effect that the
building is being constructed conforming to the approved plan and as per the structural plan
prepared by me. I, will be responsible and liable for action by............
Authority/Government, if the plan/design contain misrepresentation or fraudulent
information and the construction is made in deviation of approved plan or if there is any
structural failure due to wrong /unsafe structural design, use of low quality material and/or
poor workmanship endangering the in-mates/public.
BYE LAWS NO.-5(6)(ix)
I hereby certify that the development/ erection/ re-erection/ demolition or material alteration
in / of the building in respect of Plot No (CS)..............Plot No (MSP)........... Khata No...........
Holding No. ................ Village/Mohalla..................../Ward No..........of................ Municipal
Corporations/ Municipal Council/ Nagar Panchayats/ Metropolitan area/ Planning Area under
various Planning Authority/ Gram Panchayat areas covered under Development Plan/
Planning Authorities/ or Planning Scheme notified under Bihar Urban Planning and
Development Act 2012 shall be carried out under my supervision and I certify that all the
materials (type and grade) and the workmanship of the work shall be generally in accordance
with the general and detailed specifications submitted along with and that the work shall be
carried out according to the sanctioned plans.
Date: ............
BYE LAWS NO.-5(6) (x)
If lease hold:
(i) Name of Lesser:
(ii) Purpose of lease:
(iii) Duration of lease:
a) Road
b) Sewerage
c) Drainage
d) Water facility
e) Availability of drain
f) Telephone
g) Electricity
Whether the approach road as shown connected to an existing public road
in the site plan........................
(iv) Whether such connection is available in settlement sheets or Cadastral
Map : Yes/No
(v) If private , whether
a) transferred to the Authority: Yes/No
b) indicated in the final settlement plan: Yes/No
c) mentioned in the ownership document: Yes/No
14. Whether the plot is affected by proposed road/proposed drain/ proposed lake/any
other public use......................................
15. Whether the plot is within 100 meter/100-300 meter of State/A.S.I. protected
Whether the plot is within 200 meter radius of important buildings (i.e. Governor
House, High Court, State Secretariat, Legislative Assembly)
16. Building Parameters:
N:B: (RS: Required and Submitted, RNS: Required not Submitted, NR: Not
20. Involvement of Technical Person & Builder:
(i) Architect/Engineer: -
(for Architect)
Empanelment No:
(ii) Engineer/Structural Engineer:-
Empanelment No:
(iii) Builder:
(iv) Any other:
passport size
photo of the
1. Name.....................................................................................................
(In block letters)
2. Father’s/Husband’s
3. Date of Birth.......................................................................... 4. Nationality.........................
5. Educational Qualification..............................................................................................................
6. Professional Experience...........................................................................................................
7. Registration No. With Council of Architecture, New Delhi.................................................
8. Registration with other relevant Institutions/ULBs..............................................................
9. Details of other Academic & Professional Achievements......................................................
10. Details of Certificates relating to qualifications/ testimonials, if any as per column 5 & 6 with self
attested copies……………………………………………
11. Details of Bank Draft/Postal Order (separately for empanelment Rs. 500/................................
12. Permanent Address-...............................................................................................................
13. Address for Correspondence-...............................................................................................
14. Tel. No./Mob. No. - ..............................................................................................................
15. Email id - ……………………………………………………………………………………
I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information as furnished above are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief. I further undertake that if any information at any stage shall be
found to be false, my empanelment shall be liable to be cancelled without any prior notice in that
regard and I shall not claim any compensation etc. for such a default on my part. In case of any
discrepancies found later, I shall be liable for punishment under the relevant provisions of law as also
under Municipal Act and the Act.
Date.......................... Name and Signature of the Applicant
passport size
To, photo of the
The Authority applicant
1. Name of the Firm
2. Type of Firm-(Partnership/Company)
3. Name of Partners/Directors...........................................................................................................
(In block letters)
4. Father’s/Husband’s Name...................................................................................................
5. Date of Birth.......................................................................... 6. Nationality..........................
7. Registration No.....................................................................................................................
8. PAN / DIN.............................................................................................................................
9. Sales Tax No.........................................................................................................................
10. VAT No................................................................................................................................
11. Income Tax Statement of Last Three Consecutive Financial Year...........................................
12. Category applied for…………………………………………………………………………..
13. Details of fee………………………………………………………………………………….
14. Permanent Address-..................................................................................................................
15. Address for Correspondence-...................................................................................................
16. Tel. No./Mob. No.....................................................................................................................
17. Email id - ……………………………………………………………………………………
I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information as furnished above are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief. I/we have not been barred for building construction activities
by any competent authority and further undertake that if any information at any stage shall be found
to be false, my registration shall be liable to be cancelled without any prior notice in that regard and I
shall not claim any compensation etc. for such a default on my part. In case of any discrepancies
found later, I shall be liable for punishment under the relevant provisions of law as also under
Municipal Act and the Act.
Date.......................... Name and Signature of the Applicant
With respect to your Application No…… dated……., permission is hereby granted in favour
a) The land/ Building shall be used exclusively for.......................... purpose and the
uses shall not be changed to any other use without prior approval of this
b) The development shall be undertaken strictly according to plans enclosed with
necessary permission endorsement
c) Parking space measuring.................... sq. m. as shown in the approved plan shall
be kept open and no part of it will be built upon.
d) The land over which construction is proposed is accessible by an approved means
of access of ............. m. width.
e) The land in question must be in lawful ownership and peaceful possession of the
f) The applicant shall free gift ............ m. wide strip of land of the road in the name
of the authority for the purposes as mentioned in these Byelaws.
g) The permission is valid for period of three years with effect from the date of
h) Permission accorded under the provision cannot be construed as evidence in
respect of right title interest of the plot over which the plan is approved.
i) Any dispute arising out of land record or in respect of right/ title/ interest after
this approval the plan shall be treated automatically cancelled during the period
of dispute.
j) Any other conditions.
By Order
Authorised Officer
Authorised Officer/
Authorised Officer/
BYE LAWS NO.-68(3)
a) The Land shall be used exclusively for.......................... purpose and the uses
shall not be changed to any other use without prior approval of this Authority.
b) The development shall be undertaken strictly according to plans enclosed with
necessary permission endorsement
c) Parking space measuring.................... sq. m. as shown in the approved plan shall
be kept open and no part of it will be built upon.
d) The land over which construction is proposed is accessible by an approved
means of access of ............. m. width.
e) The land in question must be in lawful ownership and peaceful possession of
the applicant.
f) The applicant shall free gift ............ m. wide strip of land in the....................
Municipal Corporations/ Municipal Council/ Nagar Panchayats/ Metropolitan
area/ Planning Area under respective Planning Authority/ Gram Panchayat
areas covered under various Development Plan/ Planning Authorities/ or any
Planning Scheme notified under Bihar Urban Planning and Development Act
2012 for the further widening of the road to the standard width.
g) The permission is valid for period of three years with effect from the date of
h) Permission accorded under the provision cannot be construed as evidence in
respect of right title interest of the plot over which the plan is approved.
i) Any dispute arising out of land record or in respect of right/ title/ interest after
this approval the plan shall be treated automatically cancelled during the
period of dispute.
j) Any other conditions.
By Order
Authorised Officer
Authorised Officer/
Authorised Officer/
BYE LAWS NO. - 8(4) &68(4)
................ .......................................
With respect to the Application No…… dated……., your reply to the objections
made by this office vide its letter No. …….Dated…….. has not been found satisfactory.
Your application for permission to undertake building/land development on Plot No
(CS)..............Plot No (MSP)........... Khata No........... Holding No. ................
Village................of................ Municipal Corporations/ Municipal Council/ Nagar
Panchayats/ Metropolitan area/ Planning Area under………..Planning Authority/ Gram
Panchayat areas covered under ………….Development Plan/ Planning Authorities/ or any
Planning Scheme notified under Bihar Urban Planning and Development Act 2012 is
hereby refused on the following grounds.
Two copies of the plans are retained in this office for record and reference and the rest are
returned herewith.
Authorised Officer/
Copy forwarded to the……..Municipal Corporations/ Municipal Council/ Nagar Panchayats/
Metropolitan area/ Planning Area under………Planning Authority/ Gram Panchayat areas
covered under…………Development Plan/ Planning Authorities/ or any………. Planning
Scheme for information.
Authorised Officer/
BYE LAWS NO.-8(6)(F), 10
I/We hereby give notice of the erection of building in with respect of Plot No
(CS)..............Plot No (MSP)........... Khata No........... Holding No. ................
Village..........Mohalla........../ Ward No.......of................ Municipal Corporations/ Municipal
Council/ Nagar Panchayats/ Metropolitan area/ Planning Area under………Planning
Authority/ Gram Panchayat areas covered under………..Development Plan/ Planning
Authorities/ or Planning Scheme notified under Bihar Urban Planning and Development Act
2012 within the development plan area of . .............. to be commenced on ................. as per
the permission given in your letter no. ............. dated.............. Under the supervision of .........
authority/ empanelled Architect/ Engineer/ Structural Engineer.................. Regd. No.
................ in accordance with the approved plan.
Yours faithfully,
Ref ............ Authority approval letter No............. Dated...........
Madam/ Sir,
I/We hereby certify that the construction of the building up to plinth level/ground floor roof
slab level/first floor roof slab level/second floor roof slab level/……of the building with
respect of Plot No (CS).............. Plot No (MSP)........... Khata No........... Holding No.
................ Village..........Mohalla........../ Ward No.......of................Municipal Corporations/
Municipal Council/ Nagar Panchayats/ Metropolitan area/ Planning Area
under………….Planning Authority/ Gram Panchayat areas covered under……Development
Plan/ Planning Authorities/ or Planning Scheme notified under Bihar Urban Planning and
Development Act 2012 within the development plan area of..................., has been
supervised by me/us and has been constructed strictly conforming to the sanctioned plan
and structural design as per the provision of NBC, 2005. The work has been done to my/our
best satisfaction. All the materials used in construction of this building are strictly in
accordance with BIS/ISI specifications and norms conforming to National Building Code,
2005 covering all the safety factors including earthquake and cyclone. I/we will be
responsible and liable for action by............... Authority/Govt. if there is any structural
failure and fire endangering the inmates and public.
Yours faithfully
Signature of the Architect/Engineer
Empanelment No.
Signature of Structural Engineer
Empanelment No.
I/We hereby also enclose the plan and documents as required under these Byelaws and
request to issue the occupancy permission for the said building and premises.
Address: ...........
BYE LAWS NO.-16(1), 16(3)
………… Authority
BYE LAWS NO.-26(4)
Sl. Name and Date of Dateof Date of Date of Submission Date of Remarks
Authorized Person
Signature of the
No. address of receipt of permission/ Submissi submission of notice of issue/refus
the applicant applicatio refusal with on of of Periodic completion al of
n letter No. commenc Progress occupancy
ement of Reports permission
work with letter
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)
BYE LAWS NO.-47(4) (i)
Whereas the executant has submitted to the concerned Authority the plans for, sanction of
basement over Plot No (CS).............. Plot No (MSP)........... Khata No........... Holding No.
................ Village..........Mohalla........../ Ward No.......of................Municipal
Corporations/ Municipal Council/ Nagar Panchayats/ Metropolitan area/ Planning Area
under……….Planning Authority/ Gram Panchayat areas covered
under………..Development Plan/ Planning Authorities/ or Planning Scheme notified
under Bihar Urban Planning and Development Act 2012 within the development plan
area of............... under the provisions of the Building Bye laws made there under:-
And whereas the concerned Authority has agreed to sanction the aforesaid construction
subject to the conditions that the owner shall indemnify the concerned Authority in the
event of any loss or damage being cause to the adjoining building on account of the
construction of the said basement either at the time of digging of its foundations or in the
course of its construction or even thereafter and also against any claim of any concern
And whereas the executant has agreed to execute an indemnity bond to the above affect
and also to abide by the terms imposed by the concerned ...................Authority to the
grant of sanction for construction of the basement.
1. Name
Full Address
2. Name
Full Address