Name: Advisor: Expected Grad. Date Civil Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum - Class of 2019

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Revised v4 8/2016


Name: Advisor: Expected Grad. Date


FALL First Semester Sem Gr SPRING Second Semester Sem Gr

APMA 1110 Single Variable Calculus II 4 APMA 2120 Multivariable Calculus 4
CHEM 1610 Intro. Chemistry for Eng. 3 PHYS 1425 General Physics I 3
CHEM 1611 Intro. Chemistry Lab 1 PHYS 1429 Physics Workshop 1
ENGR 1620 Introduction to Engineering 3 CS 1110 Intro. to Programming 3
ENGR 1621 Introduction Engineering Lab 1 Science I elective (1) 3
STS 1500 Science, Technology & HSS elective (2) 3
Contemporary Issues 3
15 17
FALL Third Semester SPRING Fourth Semester
APMA 2130 Ordinary Differential 4 APMA 3110 App. Statistics & Probability 3
CE 2300 Statics 3 CE 2100 Intro to Environmental Eng. 3
PHYS 2415 General Physics II 3 CE 2110 Intro to Env. Engineering Lab 1
PHYS 2419 Physics II Workshop 1 CE 2310 Strength of Materials 3
CE 2010 Civil Eng. Techniques 3 Science/Technical Elective(3) 3
HSS elective (2) 3 STS xxxx STS 2xxxx/3xxxx elective 3
17 16

For Years 3 and 4

Select a Track

Infrastructure  ______________________________

Environmental & Water Resources  ______________________________


Structural Mechanics & Materials  ___________________________________

Revised v4 8/2016
FALL Fifth Semester SPRING Sixth Semester
CE 3210 Fluid Mechanics 3 CE 3220 Water Resources 3
CE 3212 Fluid Mechanics Lab 1 CE 2020 Engineering Economic Analysis 1
CE 3300 Structural Mechanics 3 CE 3400 Trans. Facilities Design 3
CE 3710 Intro. to Geotech. Eng. 3 CE 3402 Transportation Infrastructure 1
Design Workshop
CE 3712 Intro. to Geotech. Eng. Lab 1 CE 3700 Prop. & Behavior/Materials 3
APMA 3080 Linear Algebra 3 CE 3702 Materials Lab 1
HSS elective (2) 3 Unrestricted elective (6) 3

17 15
FALL Seventh Semester SPRING Eighth Semester
CE 4990 CE Research and Design 3 STS 4600 Engineer, Ethics & 3
Professional Responsibility
STS 4500 STS & Engineering Practice 3 CE 4991 CE Design and Practice 4
Civil Eng elective (4) 3 Civil Eng elective (4) 3
Technical elective (5) 3 Technical elective (5) 3
Unrestricted elective (6) 3 Unrestricted elective (6) 3
15 16


FALL Fifth Semester SPRING Sixth Semester
CE 3100 Water for the World 3 CE 3220 Water Resources 3
CE 3210 Fluid Mechanics 3 Env. Engineering Elective (9) 3

CE 3212 Fluid Mechanics Lab 1 CE 3050 Intro to Green Eng 3

CE 3710 Intro. to Geotech. Eng. 3
CE 3712 Intro. to Geotech. Eng. Lab 1 CE Breadth elective (8) 3
EWRE Science II elective (7) 3 HSS elective (2) 3
Unrestricted elective (6) 3

17 15
FALL Seventh Semester SPRING Eighth Semester
CE 4990 CE Research and Design 3 STS 4600 Engineer, Ethics & 3
Professional Responsibility
STS 4500 STS & Engineering Practice 3 CE 4991 CE Design and Practice 4
Civil Engineering elective (4) 3 Civil Engineering elective (4) 3
Water Resources elective (10) 3 Technical elective (5) 3
Unrestricted elective (6) 3 Unrestricted elective (6) 3
15 16
Revised v4 8/2016


FALL Fifth Semester SPRING Sixth Semester

CE 3210 Fluid Mechanics 3 CE 3700 Prop. & Behavior/Materials 3
CE 3212 Fluid Mechanics Lab 1 CE 3702 Materials Lab 1
CE 3300 Structural Mechanics 3 APMA 3080 Linear Algebra 3
CE 3710 Intro. to Geotech. Eng. 3 MSE 4320 Origins/Mechanical Behavior 3
Technical elective (5) 3
MSE 3060 Structures & Defects/Materials 3 Unrestricted elective (6) 3
HSS elective (2) 3
16 16
FALL Seventh Semester SPRING Eighth Semester
CE 4990 CE Research and Design 3 STS 4600 Engineer, Ethics & 3
Professional Responsibility
STS 4500 STS & Engineering Practice 3 CE 4991 CE Design and Practice 4
Civil Eng elective (4) 3 Civil Eng elective (4) 3
Technical elective (5) 3 Civil Eng elective (4) 3
Unrestricted elective (6) 3 Unrestricted elective (6) 3
15 16
 Students on this track must take MSE 2090, which is a prerequisite for all subsequent MSE courses. This can
easily be accommodated using the Science 1 elective in the spring of the first year, or the Science/Engineering
elective in the spring of the second year.
 Students in this track are also encouraged to use a subset of their electives to complete a MSE minor. This would
entail taking MSE 3050 Thermo/Kinet of Materials (a requirement for the MSE minor), combined with an
additional MSE course. Suggestions for this course are:
o MSE 3080 – Corrosion, Batteries and Fuel Cells
o MSE 3101 - Materials Science Investigations
Revised v4 8/2016

Minimum Requirements for Graduation: 128 Credit Hours

(1) Science I elective – chosen from: BIOL 2010 Introduction to Biology: Cell Biology and Genetics; BIOL 2020 Introduction to
Biology: Organismal and Evolutionary Biology; MSE 2090 Introduction to Science and Engineering of Materials;
ENGR 2500 Introduction to Nanoscience and Technology;
EVSC 2800 Fundamentals of Geology; EVSC 3200 Fundamentals of Ecology; EVSC 3300 Atmosphere and Weather.
(2) Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) elective – chosen from the approved list available in Thornton A122.
(3) Science/Technical elective – chosen from:
Science I courses (See footnote (1) above)
CHEM 1620 Introductory Chemistry for Engineers
PHYS 2620 Modern Physics
all 2000-level SEAS courses (with the exception of STS courses and ENGR 2595: Spanish for Engineers)
Technical Electives (see footnote (5) below)
(4) Civil engineering elective – chosen from all 3000-level and above Civil Engineering courses.
(5) Technical elective – chosen from all 3000-level and above SEAS courses (with the exception of STS courses) plus any
BIO, CHEM, MATH, PHYS, EVSC, EVGE, EVHY, EVEC, PLAN, PLAC, LAR, or ARCH courses at the 3000-4000-, or 5000-
level courses
(6) Unrestricted electives – chosen from any graded course in the University except mathematics courses below MATH 1310
Calculus I and courses that substantially duplicate any others offered for the degree, including PHYS 2010 Physics I, PHYS
2020 Physics II; CS 1010 Information Technology, CS 1020 Business Computing; or any introductory programming course.
Students in doubt as to what is acceptable to satisfy a degree requirement should get the approval of their advisor and
the dean’s office, located in Thornton Hall, Room A122. APMA 1090 Single Variable Calculus I counts as a three-credit
unrestricted elective.
(7) EWRE Science II elective – selected from:
BIOL 2010 Introduction to Biology: Cell Biology and Genetics;
BIOL 2020 Introduction to Biology: Organismal and Evolutionary Biology
BIOL 3090 Biology of infectious Diseases; BIO 3120 Microbiology in the Genomics Era
CHEM 1620 Introductory Chemistry for Engineers; CHEM 2410 Organic Chemistry
ENGR 2500 Introduction to Nanoscience and Technology
EVSC 2800 Fundamentals of Geology
EVSC 3200 Fundamentals of Ecology
EVSC 3300 Atmosphere and Weather
EVSC 3600 Physical Hydrology
EVSC 3840 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
EVSC 4110 Estuarine Ecology
EVSC 4200 Ecology of Coastal Wetlands
EVSC 4270 Soil Science
EVSC 4290 Limnology: Inland Water Ecosystems
EVSC 4440 Climate Change
EVSC 4660 Hydrological Field Methods and Data Analysis
(8) EWRE Civil Engineering Breadth Elective selected from
CE 3300 Structural Mechanics;
CE 3400 Transportation Infrastructure Design;
CE 3700 Properties and Behavior of Materials;
CE 4000 Construction Engineering
(9) Environmental Engineering Elective: selected from*:
CE 4100 or 6220 Water Chemistry for Env. Eng.
CE 4110 or 6250 Environmental Systems Modeling and Management
CE 4120 or 6500 Experimental Analyses in Env. Engineering
CE 4160 or 6260 Environmental Microbiology and Biological Waste Management
CE 4500 Solid Waste Management
(10) Water Resources Engineering Elective: Selected from*:
CE 4210 Stormwater Management
CE 4220 Coastal Engineering
CE 4280 Paleohydrology
CE 5240 Groundwater Hydrology
* Other CE 4500 offerings may be appropriate, if approved

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