Minerals Engineering: E.T. Pecina, L.F. Camacho, C.A. Herrera, D. Martínez

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Minerals Engineering 29 (2012) 121–123

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Minerals Engineering
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Technical Note

Effect of complexing agents in the desulphurization of coal by H2SO4 and

H2O2 leaching
E.T. Pecina ⇑, L.F. Camacho, C.A. Herrera, D. Martínez
UAdeC, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Escuela Superior de Ingeniería, Nueva Rosita, Coah., México, C.P. 26850, Mexico

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The pyritic sulphur extraction from a sub-bituminous coal in an oxidizing aqueous media was examined.
Available online 25 November 2011 The results show that the pyritic coal desulphurization in H2SO4 solutions and in presence of H2O2 could
be effectively increased to 89% by the addition of complexing agents such as quercetin, phosphoric, oxalic
Keywords: and citric acids. According to the above, the current study might contribute to establish a new alternative
Coal process to eliminate pyritic sulphur from coal concentrates.
Hydrometallurgy Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reaction kinetics

1. Introduction Key factors for selection of complexing agents that must be consid-
ered are: biodegradability or low toxicity and a complexing action
The utilization of high sulphur coals has been an industrial con- exerted under acidic pH. Oxalic acid is a reducer and also a complex-
cern, because of the emission of SO2 to the atmosphere in combus- ing agent that has been used in the iron oxide leaching during the
tion, which causes severe air pollution and formation of acid rain, treatment of silica and clay mineral (Panias et al., 1996); citric acid
encouraging the research of coal desulphurization previous to cok- has been added in the leaching of lead metallurgical slag (Ettler
ing and power generation processes. et al., 2004); and phosphoric acid has been applied in the leaching
The research of coal desulphurization in aqueous media has in- of sheelite concentrate (Gurmen et al., 1999). Some of these agents
volved the evaluation of many oxidizing agents such as acids, ferric have exerted a beneficial impact in the leaching efficiency of sphal-
salts, potassium permanganate, oxygen, ozone, hydrogen peroxide erite (Pecina et al., 2008). Quercetin is a flavonoid frequently used as
and bacteria (Ozbayoglu, 1998; Borah et al., 2001; Cara et al., 2005; a dietetic supplement, and forms iron complexes and oxidizes itself
Borah, 2006; Alam et al., 2009; Dávalos et al., 2009). These meth- with the production of hydrogen peroxide (El Hajji et al., 2006); its
ods are based in the anodic dissolution of pyrite in acidic oxidizing bio-degradability makes this agent adequate to be considered in
solutions. Pyrite dissolution by hydrogen peroxide in highly acidic the present study.
solutions is characterized by the following reaction (Antonijevic Based on our literature review, there is any study about the com-
et al., 1997): plexing agents in coal desulphurization in sulphuric acid/hydrogen
peroxide solutions. According to the above, the current study might
contribute to establish a new alternative process to eliminate pyritic
FeS2 þ 7:5H2 O2 þ Hþ ¼ Fe3þ þ 2HSO4 þ 7H2 O ð1Þ
sulphur from coal concentrates.
Hydrogen peroxide reaction products are water and oxygen,
which clearly represent an environmental advantage over other
2. Experimental
oxidizing agents.
Synthetic compounds, such as chelating and complex forming
2.1. Mineral sample and reagents
agents, are employed in many industrial applications because of
their capabilities of binding metal ions and dissolving precipitates
A sub-bituminous coal from the carboniferous region of Coahu-
and minerals. The action of these complexing/chelating reagents is
ila, Mexico was collected. The dry characterization of the coal indi-
a good option to increase the efficiency of the leaching process.
cated a content of 30.3% Ash, 3.05% S (2.45% of pyritic sulphur and
0.6% organic sulphur) and a calorific power of 5727 kcal/kg. 5% of
solids a particle size between 74 and +43 lm was employed in
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +52 861 614 1248. the experiments. Reagents of analytical grade and distilled water
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.T. Pecina). (106 X1 cm1) were used in the tests.

0892-6875/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
122 E.T. Pecina et al. / Minerals Engineering 29 (2012) 121–123

100 3. Results and discussion

5 3
80 60 min 3.1. Effect of complexing agents in the pyritic sulphur elimination
P yritic sulphur extrac iton, %

2 120 min
1 1 Fig. 1 summarizes the results of the pyritic sulphur extraction
60 2 5 1. Neat
5 3 2. Citric tests. The figure shown a dark and grey line that connects the
3. Oxalic points related to the pyritic desulphurization process in absence
1 5 4. Phosphoric
4 5. Quercetín of complexing agents. The dark points above the dark line belong
3 2,5
1 3, 4
to the best conditions at 120 min; below the line are located the re-
20 1 sults (in black), which represents no desulphurization improve-
2 2 ment. The data for a time of 60 min was shown in grey, and the
0 1-4 same consideration is made about the points above/below the line.
Co 0200
en 400
The results of 120 min treatment (dark points in the figure) and
tr 1-5 50 of a concentration of 100 ppm, show that the oxalic acid and quer-
at i 600 40
on 800 2-5 35
. p. 1000 30 , °C cetin generate the highest elimination of the pyritic sulphur, at a
m 25 e ra tu re
. Te m p temperature of 50 °C and 25 °C, respectively. Final inorganic desul-
phurization was in the order of 89% (oxalic) and 88% (quercetin).
Fig. 1. Effect of complexing agent type in the pyritic sulphur extraction. Grey line is
However, the overall range of improvement (see Table 1) given by
related to 60 min of conditioning time, dark points to 120 min. The lines connect
the neat solution.
the oxalic acid is only of 28%, which is quite low of the desulphuri-
zation enhancement produced by the quercetin (51.3%). When the
concentration of agents was raised to (1 g/L) 1000 ppm, only citric
acid generates a slight improvement, 61% of pyritic sulphur extrac-
2.2. Methodology tion and 9.1% of range of improvement, in the desulphurization pro-
cess at 50 °C.
A base or neat solution was prepared with 10% H2SO4 and 10% The results of 60 min treatment (grey points in Fig. 1), indicate
H2O2, which correspond to the optimum desulphurization condi- that 100 ppm of quercetin improves the coal desulphurization at
tions determined in previous tests (Pecina et al., 2008). Quercetin, 25 °C with a final 76% of pyritic sulphur extraction and the best range
citric, oxalic and phosphoric acids were evaluated as complexing of improvement (75.8%). A less important increase in the efficiency
agents in concentrations of 100 and 1000 ppm. Experiments in ab- was obtained at 50 °C with both agent concentrations (100 and
sence (neat solution) and presence of complexing agents were exe- 1000 ppm), the increase of the pyritic sulphur elimination (range)
cuted following the combination of two levels of temperature (25 goes from 10% to 26.3%. The descending order of the complexing
and 50 °C) and treatment time (60 and 120 min). Pulp agitation agents effect is: quercetin > citric acid > phosphoric acid > oxalic acid.
was achieved by using a magnetic stirring device. At the end of Although, the reactions and mechanism of the interaction of the
the experiment the sample was filtered and the solution chemi- complexing agents and the pyrite is beyond the purposes of this
cally analyzed. work, it could be stated that complexing agents influence the reac-
tion stage as a result of ionic complex formation from the reactant
2.3. Fe determination contained in the solid substrate. In the former context, Nowack
(2003) stated that the dissolution of a mineral phase by chelating
The indirect method (conversion of dissolved iron from pyrite or complexing agents can be explained in terms of a ligand ex-
to reacted inorganic sulphur) was applied. The good accuracy of change process and the concentration of the surface bound ligands.
this procedure was revealed in previous work (Dávalos et al., In an oxide mineral, the ligands weaken the metal–oxygen bonds
2009). The Fe analysis of solutions was carried out by sampling and enhance the release of the metal ions from the mineral. In
1 mL of the target solution (in contact with the coal) and com- the case of oxalic acid, Panias et al. (1996) stated that the non-
bined with a solution of potassium thiocyanate (100 mg/L SCN). reductive dissolution mechanism of iron oxides involves the sim-
The total iron of the solution was determined by ultraviolet ple desorption of the adsorbed surface ferric complexes, and spec-
spectroscopy following the procedure of APHA-AWWA 4500-CN ifies that, the iron subtraction is accomplished only in the surface
M method. active sites, the number of which increases with the pH reduction.

Table 1
Desulphurization results performed in absence and presence of the complexing agents and analysis of the range of improvement (I).

100 ppm 1000 ppm

T = 25 °C T = 50 °C T = 25 °C T = 50 °C
60 min 120 min 60 min 120 min 60 min 120 min 60 min 120 min
1. Neat 0.2 36.7 10.6 61.0 0.2 36.7 10.6 61.0
2. Citric 0.3 3.6 0.4 55.7 1.0 0.6 35.1 70.1
3. Oxalic 0.7 28.3 21.2 89.0 0.4 0.2 21.2 69.5
4. Phosphoric 0.4 18.7 21.7 65.1 0.5 0.1 31.0 31.0
5. Quercetin 76.0 88.0 36.7 49.7 0.1 0.4 36.9 59.4
IC 0.1 33.1 10.2 5.3 0.8 36.1 24.5 9.1
IO 0.5 8.4 10.6 28 0.2 36.5 10.6 8.5
IP 0.2 18.0 11.1 4.1 0.3 36.6 20.4 30.0
IQ 75.8 51.3 26.1 11.3 0.1 36.3 26.3 1 to 6

Neat: In absence of complexing agents; IC (range between the citric and the neat desulphurization in percentage). IC = citric–neat; IO = oxalic–neat; IP = phosphoric–neat;
IQ = quercetin–neat. Negative values indicate a smaller desulphurization that the obtained with the neat solution.
E.T. Pecina et al. / Minerals Engineering 29 (2012) 121–123 123

Similar processes would be occurring onto pyrite surface with the Acknowledgements
complexing agents examined, given that iron ions released from
pyrite surface during the oxidative leaching are oxidized to ferric Authors are grateful for the financial support through the finan-
ions, then forming complexes ½FeIII —Lðn3Þ
aq with the agents (HnL). cial support granted by PROMEP and by the fund 4004 from the
In the case of pyrite, sulphur oxidizes to oxy-sulphuric species Universidad Autonóma de Coahuila (México).
(SxOy), the overall surface complexation and sulphur oxidation is
proposed to be: References

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