Liu2009 PDF
Liu2009 PDF
Liu2009 PDF
Carbon nanotubes typically require the use of a dispersing or stabilizing agent to prevent
significant aggregation during incorporation into a polymer matrix. These additives must be
strongly associated, either covalently or physically, to achieve their purpose. In this study,
multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were
dispersed into an epoxy matrix using polyethyl-
enimine (PEI) as a dispersant that was either cova-
lently attached to the nanotubes or physically
mixed to result in only noncovalent interaction.
Epoxy composites containing covalently modified
MWNTs exhibited greater storage modulus and
reduced electrical conductivity.
concentration of conductive filler required to form a three- PEI, with a number average molecular weight of 10 000 g mol 1
dimensional network.[36] Covalently functionalized nano- and weight average molecular weight of 25 000 g mol 1, were
tubes have been shown to simultaneously raise the purchased from Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI). Bisphenol-F based epoxy
resin (D.E.R. 354) with epoxide equivalent weight of 167–
percolation threshold in epoxy composites and improve
174 g equiv. 1 was provided by the Dow Chemical Company
mechanical properties.[37,38] In one study, MWNTs were
(Midland, MI). 1-Methyl tetrahydrophthalic anhydride (ECA-100,
reacted with 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane and sub-
Dixie Chemical) and an amine catalyst, N,N-dimethylbenzylamine
sequently introduced into an epoxy matrix.[39] A uniform (99%, Aldrich) were used as the curing agent and catalyst,
dispersion of nanotubes was achieved and the modulus respectively. Covalent attachment of PEI molecules to the surface
increased by about 12% over the sample containing of MWNTs was achieved using an established procedure.[42] In a
unmodified nanotubes (for nanotube loading at typical preparation, 2 g of MWNTs and 10 g of PEI were mixed in
0.25 wt.-% or above), but electrical conductivity decreased 100 ml of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and the covalent
by nearly eight orders of magnitude relative to unfunctio- functionalization occurred after sonication for 30 min, followed
nalized MWNT-filled epoxies. Many studies have been by stirring at 50 8C for 3 d. The reaction product was found to
carried out to understand the surface chemistry of contain 8 wt.-% PEI, in the case of low conductivity MWNTs, and is
nanotubes and their contribution to the property enhance- denoted as C-MWNT-PEI, whereas the noncovalently functiona-
lized nanotubes are denoted as N-MWNT-PEI. The same procedure
ment of the composite.[13,40,41] Despite all of this work,
used with the higher conductivity MWNTs resulted in 6 wt.-% PEI
there has not been a study to directly compare the effect of
attachment. In all cases, noncovalently stabilized MWNTs had the
one agent that is covalently and noncovalently combined same amount of PEI to allow for direct comparison.
with nanotubes. This requires a molecule that can act as a The MWNT-filled composites were made by suspending an
surfactant and can also be covalently attached to the appropriate amount of nanotubes and PEI in 100 ml of acetone
nanotube surface in a relatively simple way. In a recent with sonication at 50 W for 20 min using a VirTis Virsonic 100
study, the influence of nanotube covalent acid oxidation Ultrasonic Cell Disrupter (SP Industries, Warminster, PA). Epoxy
and noncovalent surfactant adsorption on the thermal and resin, curing agent, and amine catalyst were then dissolved in
electrical properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/nanotube acetone and mixed with the MWNT suspension. This mixture was
composites was studied.[18] Unfortunately the two types of mechanically stirred for 5 min at 1 720 rpm followed by 30 min at
nanotube stabilization resulted in significant differences 3 100 rpm and sonicated in a water bath for 1 h. Acetone was
removed by rotation evaporation at 60 8C and the mixture was
in composite composition, which made direct comparison
cured in a glass mold for 1 h at 95 8C, followed by 3 h at 150 8C. The
of the two systems very challenging.
weight ratio of epoxy resin to the curing agent was kept at 5:4,
The present study takes advantage of a recently while the amine catalyst was maintained at 1 wt.-% of the total
developed technique to covalently attach polyethyl- solids.
enimine (PEI) to multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs).[42]
This ‘‘graft to’’ method maintains the intrinsic physical
and chemical properties of the polymer after the
reaction.[43] Epoxy composites containing PEI covalently Sheet resistance (<120 000 V/sq) of the epoxy composites was
functionalized to nanotubes were compared to composites measured with a home-built four-point probe apparatus consist-
ing of an Agilent E3644A DC power supply (Agilent Technologies,
containing a physical mixture of PEI and MWNTs. In other
Inc. Englewood, CO), Keithley Model 2000 digital multimeter
words, the nanotubes and PEI used in both composites are
(Keithley Instruments, Inc. Cleveland, OH), and an SP4-62180TRS
identical. In one system PEI was used as a surfactant to aid
four-point probe head (Lucas Labs, Gilroy, CA). Composites with
the dispersion of nanotubes and in the other system PEI higher resistance (>120 000 V/sq) were measured with a
was chemically bonded to achieve the same purpose. The VOYAGER Surface Resistivity Meter (SRM)-100 (PINION Products
influence of interaction type (covalent or noncovalent) on Corporation, Los Fresnos, TX). Dynamic mechanical analysis was
the electrical and mechanical properties of the composites done with a Q800 (TA Instruments, New Castle, DE) using a
was directly evaluated. The results confirm that covalent temperature ramp of 5 8C min 1 at a frequency of 1 Hz.
bonding degrades conductivity, while enhancing disper- Thermomechanical analysis was performed with a Q400 (TA
sion and modulus relative to noncovalent bonding. Instruments, New Castle, DE) using a 5 8C min 1 temperature
believed to be due to the plasticizing effect of free PEI supported by the National Science Foundation (DBI 0116835), the
VP for Research Office, and TEES.
molecules. The C-MWNT-PEI/epoxy composite exhibits
significantly reduced CTE relative to the MWNT/ Received: December 12, 2008 Revised: January 24, 2009;
epoxy sample. The CTE values decreased from 71.6 mm/ Accepted: January 27, 2009; DOI: 10.1002/marc.200800778
(m 8C) to 64.3 mm/(m 8C) and from 191.2 mm/(m 8C) to Keywords: composites; conductivity; epoxy; nanocomposites;
177 mm/(m 8C) for the temperature ranges below and nanotubes
above Tg, respectively. The stronger interfacial interaction
between epoxy and C-MWNT-PEI prevents the composite
from expanding as rapidly over a given temperature range.
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