BF 109 G
BF 109 G
BF 109 G
Messerschmitt Bf 109G
Nico Braas
Srecko Bradic
LET LET LET WARPLANES Messerschmitt Bf 109G
Bf109G 464549
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LET LET LET WARPLANES Messerschmitt Bf 109G
-Length: 9.02 m (8.94 m has always been used in error; even in pilot manuals!)
-Wingspan: 9.924 m
-Height: 2.50 m
-Wing area: 16.05 m²
-Empty weight: 2,247 kg
-Loaded weight: 3,148 kg
-Max. takeoff weight: 3,400 kg
scale attacks on Poland, the Low featured an improved aerodynamic for a short time to over 2000 hp. -Maximum speed: 640 km/h at 6,300 m (VNE 750 km/h)
Countries and France. By that time shape of the front fuselage, a re- In addition water/methanol injec- -Cruise speed: 590 km/h at 6,000 m
the Bf 109B had already been suc- shaped wing with rounded wing- tion (MW 50) was used to briefly -Range: 850 km; 1,000 km with droptank
ceeded by the much improved Bf tips and a more powerful Daimler boost performances. The GM-1
-Service ceiling: 12,000 m
109E. This type had been preced- Benz DB601 engine and no longer and MW 50 systems boosted the
ed by the lesser known Bf 109C had the characteristic struts for the engine differently : GM-1 above
and D built in smaller numbers. horizontal tail. In general the 'F' - the rated altitude and the MW 50 Armament
The Bf 109E, armed with two ma- 'Friedrich'- was regarded as hav- below the rated altitude.
chine guns and one 20 mm cannon ing the best all-round performance 2 × 13 mm MG 131 machine guns with 300 rounds per gun
and fitted with a 1100 hp Daimler of the 109 variants and it soon Externally the 'Gustav' was simi- 1 × 20 mm MG 151 cannon with 150 rounds
Benz DB601 engine with fuel in- replaced the Emil on all fronts. It lar to the preceding F-model. The
G-6/U4 variant:
jection, was the variant used dur- was this version that made Hans most visible differences were the
ing the Battle of Britain. Although Joachim Marseille famous and he lack of the small triangular cockpit 1 × 30 mm (1.18 in) MK 108 cannon with 65 rounds and 2 × 20 mm MG 151/20 under-
the Supermarine Spitfire was a was one of the several German window and the addition of small wing cannon pods with 135 rpg (optional kit - Rüstsatz VI)
more manoeuvrable aircraft the Bf aces who scored kills while flying air openings on each side of the Rockets: 2 × 21 cm (8 in) Wfr. BR 21 rockets
109E was found to be a very dan- this type. nose. The first batch of three Bf Bombs: 1 × 250 kg bomb or 4 × 50 kg bombs or 1 × 300 litres drop tank with optional
gerous opponent for the famous racks
British fighter. After the Battle, The Gustav
the Bf 109E, known as 'Emil' in
the Luftwaffe, continued to see Avionics: FuG 16Z or 16ZY radio
The Bf 109G 'Gustav' was the most
service intercepting raiding Brit-
important variant of the Bf 109. It
ish warplanes and in the Southern-
was also built in the largest num-
European and North African war bers, in particular during the last
theatres. years of the war. The Gustav was
fitted with the new Daimler Benz
However, the Emil was quickly DB605 engine giving 1475 hp.
succeeded by an improved vari- With GM-1 (nitrous oxide) injec-
ant; the Bf 109F. The F-version tion equipment it could be boosted Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-1/Trop, 3/
JG 53, Sicily 1942.
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Bf 109 G-2 of the Roumanian air 109G-0 machines with Werknr. Bf 109 G-2/U3 with markings N5#EK ‘Green 5’
force. Note Mickey Mouse figure on 14001 to 14003 was delivered was quite unceremonially left behind in a desolate
the aircraft in front! over 1942 although still fitted with condition. U3 meant it was fitted with reconnaissance
(Milan Janak collection) a DB-601 engine since the DB605 camera’s. It was a machine of the unknown
NAGr Bromberg (Nahaufklärungsgruppe or
was not yet available. Soon more short-range reconnaissance group)
versions followed, designated as (Jim Crow collection)
Bf 109G-1 (the first one being
Werknr. 14004) to G-16. By early
1943 most Bf 109F’s had been re-
placed by the G-variant.
Bf 109 G-6, Wnr 163824 still exist at the Teolar Centre in Australia.
Its painting is still original! Remarkable on this plane is the fact that
it was an ex-Bf 109 G-6AS. That’s the confirmation of what is written
in the Bf 109 G-AS manual: every G-AS could be retro-modified into
a standard plane. This was perhaps a war weary plane retrofitted with Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2, Finland
a standard DB 605 A that was to go to a Jagdfliegerschule (Figher MT-222, WNr 13528, Skz DL+IC ,
pilot school) flown by Adjutant I. Juutilainen, 1/
LeLv 34, Utti 1943. Interesting pat-
tern with sole RLM 74 at top
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Bf 109G-6 of the Swiss air force with registration J-704. The G-6
model succeeded their earlier E-models exported from Germany.
(Schweizer Fliegertruppe) Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2/R6, flown
by Oberts Wolf-Dietrich Wickie,
Stab JG 3, Pitomnik, Autumn 1942
guns. The U4 had two additional extra underwing MG 151/20 can- Bf 109 G-4/R6 with Red Star
MK 108 cannons fitted in a stream- nons or two launching tubes for and winter camouflage
lined pod under the fuselage that Wgr 21 rockets. It had under the
could be replaced by a non drop- fuselage an ETC 250 bomb rack.
pable fuel tank. As Bf 109G-14/U4 it had the MK
108 in place of the MG 151.
The Bf 109G-10/R2 was built by
WNF in Austria. It was a recon- Bf 109 G-14AS, the most built ver-
naissance version fitted with FuG sion of all Bf 109G-AS built. En-
IFF radio equipment. gine could be DB 605 ASM (until
December 1944, or DB 605 ASB/ sion of DB 605; M = MW 50 with
Bf 109G-11 not known. ASC from January 1945 onwards). C3 fuel or B4 fuel with MW 50
(emergency power below the rated Captured Bf 109G-6 with R.A.F.
Bf 109G-12 a two-seat training Bf 109G-15 not built. altitude) serial number VX101
version with tandem cockpits.
They were modified from the Bf Bf 109G-16 a heavily armed DB 605 AS stood for A = first ver-
109G-4 and G-6 retaining the stan- ground attack version that never sion of DB 605; S = Sonder (Spe-
dard armament of the respective left the drawing board. cial) for the DB 603’s supercharger
versions. mounted on DB 605. Standard on
The DB 605 engine variations can DB 605 D
Bf 109G-13 not built (no trace be summarized as follows:
found in Messerschmitt archives). DB 605 ASM stood for A = first
DB 605 A used only B4 fuel and version of DB 605; S = Sonder
Bf 109G-14 fighter-bomber ver- eventually with GM-1 over the (Special) for the DB 603’s super-
sion with a single MG 151/20 rated altitude. charger mounted on DB 605; M =
cannon and two MG 131 machine MW 50 with C3 or B4 fuels with
guns. It could be fitted with two DB 605 AM stood for A = first ver- MW 50 (emergency power for the
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R1: bomb rack 1 ETC 500/IX or
ETC 250.
DB 605 B, BS, E were respectively U4: the modifications for the in-
Bf 109 G-4/R6, black at top
equivalent to A, AS and D versions stallation of these weapons (or
with a different gear box (different the unique axial MK 108 firing
ratio between engine and propel- through the propeller hub) was
ler) for very high altitude. Rarely the object of “U4” (reinforcement
used. of the wings and installation of
compressed air bottles in the fu-
The suffix 'R' stood for Rüstsatz , selage for working the MK 108s
or 'equipment package' . (pneumatic loading and electrical
firing). The modification was ex-
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Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-5, unit JGr. Erla-built Bf 109 G-6/U2/R6, WNr 412951 with R.A.F.
50, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim, 1943. serial TP814. Its previous identity at the Luftwaffe was
This unit was specific in field modi- NS#FE of JG300. A typical snap made with non sensitive
fication of basic camouflage. film (yellow and red rendered black). The lisible black
RAF serial is due to sunlight reflexion on the paint
(Mick Gladwin collection)
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Messerschmitt Bf 109 G now in A WNF built Bf 109 G-10 of 2./JG52 at Veszprem, Hungary.
different colors, standard RAF day (Bernd Barbas collection)
fighter camouflage and tested
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Neubiberg May 1945: row of Bf 109 with in front G-10 ‘No. 21’.
Schwarze 22 is an Erla-built G-10 and belonged to 5./JG 52
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10 from JG (Jim Crow collection)
300, Erla production machine, info
of units are not known
frequent. With its wider track and SP # EB and was fitted with an ex-
larger wing it was at least easier to perimental Daimler Benz DB628A
land than the standard Bf 109. The engine. From flight reports we can
Bf 109HV1 prototype was convert- draw the conclusion it was fitted
ed from Bf 109G-5 Werknr. 16281 with a standard Bf 109G wing and
and flight-tested at Rechlin. Most that it was intended as a test bed
likely it was also designated as the for the new DB628A engine rather
Bf 109V49. It flew with the code than as a prototype for a high-al-
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A gear collapsed Bf 109 G-10, WNr 151536 ‘No. 22’ of 2./JG 52 at Zeltweg Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 from 4/
(May 1945). JG 3, Nogent-le-Roy, 1944
(Jim Crow collection)
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An unmarked WNF built Bf 109 G-10, WNr 612802 at the railway station of Deutsch Bf 109 G-10, WNr 613165 ‘Schwarze 16’ in A damaged Bf 109 G-10 captured in
Brod airbase in Czechoslovakia. Deutsch Brod was later renamed ‘Nemecky Brod’. Hungarian markings. All other 109G’s are in the CSR
It is the location where part of were JG52 surrendered! Not entire JG 52 surrendered Luftwaffe markings! (Zdenek Nowele collection)
at Deutsch Brod because II./JG 52 surrendered at Neubiberg and Bad Aibling, near (Jim Crow collection)
München, Bavaria.
(Bernd Barbas collection)
built increased the quality and operating in Northern Italy.. They Slovak Republic
Bf 109 G-10/R2 WNr 770269 of NAG14.
quality control decreased. In gen- operated 300 Bf 109G-6/-10/-14s
(Jim Crow collection)
eral the Finnish technicians had to and two G-12s; three K-4s were The short-lived Slovak Republic
work for some two weeks on each also received. used 30 Bf 109G6s under Luft-
aircraft to make it safe enough for Japan waffe command. Some were cap-
its ferry flight to Finland! tured when Romanian and Russian
During the war Japan received troops entered Slovakia and used
Hungary new equipment and documents against the Germans.
from Germany by submarine. At
Operating together with Luftwaffe least two Bf 109Gs must have been Spain
units, the Royal Hungarian air crated for export to Japan who had
force had almost 500 Bf 109G's of earlier already received a small Apart from some earlier models
all sub-types. number of Bf 109Es. These were already in operation, the Spanish
actively tested and there is pho- air force also wanted to have the
Israel tographic evidence showing the G-model. There were plans for
Emil in Japanese marking. How- licence construction by Hispano-
During their Independence War ever, the final fate of the Japanese Suiza, but when these were finally
in the late forties, the Israeli air Bf 109G is unknown. It is not even realized the war was over. Hispa-
force operated a number of Junk- certain they ever reached Japan. no-Suiza continued to produce the
ers Jumo engined Bf 109G's built Bf 109G, but with a different en-
by Avia in Czechoslovakia as Avia Romania gine. Further, some Spanish pilots
S.199. fought as volunteer on the Russian
The Romanian air force had at front with the Bf 109G-4 and G-6
Italy least 235 Bf 109G's of various at the German JG 27.
sub-types. Another 75 Bf 109G-6's
The Regia Aeronautica had a small were built by IAR. A few remain- Switzerland
number of Bf 109G-6s. The Italian ing Bf 109G's were kept operation-
Social Republic, or Aeronautica al immediately after the war for a To defend its neutrality the Swiss
Nazionale Republicana was close- short time. air force already flew in the early
ly related to the German Luftwaffe stage of the war with the Bf 109E.
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R.A.F. technicians working on a
An Erla Bf 109 G-10/R6, WNr 150816 on the scrap heap A captured WNF built Bf 109G-10/ captured Bf 109 G-14 (or G-6MW)
with the swastika symbol cut out. This plane of II./JG U4 in the U.S.A. with the registration test flown at 1426 Sq. ‘Enemy
300, was found by American troops at Bad Langensalz in T2-123. Other sources have incorrectly Aircraft Flight’ at Collyweston in
February 1945. For the G-10, Rüstsatz 6 was the PKS 12, claimed this as being a Bf 109K-4 the U.K.
an all-weather device.
(Jim Crow collection)
By that time the Daimler Benz DB of 25 was built. The Buchon was used by the Span-
Rare colour shot of Bf 109 G-14 ‘Gelbe 5’ of 1./
605 was no longer available. As an ish air force until it was phased out
JG. 53 at the Henschel Aero Werke at Kassel,
taken in May 1945 alternative the Junkers Jumo 211F The next version was the HA- in the sixties. However, this was
(NARA) from the Heinkel He-111 bomber 1109-K1 with the original German not their final appearance! A num-
was used. In total 603 were built propeller replaced by a De Havil- ber of Buchons was re-painted in
and a number was exported to Is- land Hydromatic. It was armed a Luftwaffe colour scheme to fight
rael, who badly needed fighter air- with two 20 mm cannons and un- again in the Battle of Britain; now
craft for their Independence War. derwing rockets. These were mod- in the famous movie alongside the
In the Czechoslovakian air force ified from the earlier J1L version, CASA 1.111 bomber (a He-111
the S-199 was far from popular that never was operational. also fitted with Rolls Royce Merlin
and pilots called it the Mezek or engines)!! After their participation
Mule. The S-199 had even more The improved HA-1112-K1L "Tri- in the movie many Buchons found
handling problems than the Bf pala" followed in 1951. In total 65 there way to collectors instead of
109G and suffered a high accident were built including conversion of being scrapped and some are still
rate with many landing accidents. the 25 earlier HA-1109s. flying........
The S-199 also was far from popu-
lar in the Israeli air force, although A HA-1109-K1L served as a pro-
pilots managed to score some kills totype for the next version, the
in aerial combat with the Egyptian HA-1112-K1L fitted with a Rolls
air force! Royce Merlin engine.
They were later replaced by the Bf Belgrade. The Hispano-Suiza Buchon The final variant was the Merlin
109G-6. A total of 14 was supplied. powered HA-1112-M1L Buchon.
After the war Hispano-Suiza had already planned Total production of this last ver-
Yugoslavia the licence construction of the Bf sion was 175.
The Avia S-199 109G during the war. When the
After the war Yugoslavia used for war ended, the production of the So the Bf 109 story ended as it had
a short time a few ex-Croatian and After the war the Avia works in Daimler Benz DB 605 also ended. started: the first Bf 109 was pow-
ex-Bulgarian Bf 109Gs. A Messer- Czechoslovakia used parts, plans As an alternative, Spanish built Bf ered by a British engine; the Rolls
schmitt Bf 109G-4 in Yugoslavian and left-overs from Luftwaffe air- 109G airframes were fitted with a Royce Kestrel and the last one also
air force markings is currently on craft production to manufacture Hispano-Suiza 12Z-17 engine as had a British engine: the Rolls
display in the Air Force museum at the Bf 109G as the Avia S-199. the HA-1109-J1L. A small series Royce Merlin!
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A Bf 109 G-14 fuselage being A Bf 109G-14AS captured by the Polish RAF 318 Squadron in Italy.
trucked away by U.S. soldiers. Photo was taken in 1946! Before capture it was “Schwarze 4” of 15.
(Ron Dupas collection) (Kroat.)/JG 52
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