Energy Prices: Ameron Hanove
Energy Prices: Ameron Hanove
Energy Prices: Ameron Hanove
Month High Low Settle Change Volume Month High Low Settle Change Volume
DEC 240.10 236.72 239.77 1.29 30638 DEC 87.49 85.96 87.06 0.21 270240
JAN 242.31 239.13 241.98 1.24 13155 JAN 88.13 86.60 87.71 0.23 91151
FEB 243.28 240.50 243.31 1.17 5348 FEB 88.57 87.13 88.22 0.25 27897
MAR 243.93 240.98 243.69 1.14 4608 MAR 89.02 87.62 88.69 0.27 16526
APR 242.25 240.34 242.84 1.12 2035 APR 89.11 88.01 89.08 0.29 8241
MAY 242.07 240.05 242.34 1.05 1924 MAY 89.36 88.38 89.43 0.31 8902
JUN 242.87 239.65 242.26 1.03 4508 JUN 89.85 88.65 89.70 0.33 15830
JUL 242.12 240.76 243.19 1.01 527 JUL 89.87 89.05 89.93 0.33 4220
AUG 243.44 241.68 244.30 1.00 285 AUG 89.79 89.26 90.12 0.33 3336
SEP 244.07 244.07 245.85 1.00 64 SEP 89.91 89.40 90.30 0.33 2983
OCT --- --- 247.71 1.00 78 OCT 89.79 89.79 90.49 0.33 1646
NOV --- --- 249.70 1.02 0 NOV 90.22 89.87 90.69 0.33 1603
Month High Low Settle Change Volume Month High Low Settle Change Volume
DEC 219.38 215.28 217.85 -0.15 31384 DEC 4.097 3.937 4.088 0.151 126399
JAN 219.82 216.25 218.70 -0.24 20229 JAN 4.295 4.170 4.279 0.103 61379
FEB 222.22 218.47 220.79 -0.26 8058 FEB 4.292 4.174 4.285 0.105 24080
MAR 223.20 220.91 223.08 -0.28 5091 MAR 4.255 4.144 4.252 0.105 26031
APR 234.95 232.89 234.94 -0.25 3415 APR 4.216 4.113 4.219 0.107 19263
MAY 236.32 233.86 236.09 -0.16 1987 MAY 4.242 4.148 4.250 0.111 8736
JUN 237.96 234.45 236.75 -0.06 1886 JUN 4.288 4.197 4.294 0.109 1590
JUL 235.36 234.60 236.68 0.01 158 JUL 4.344 4.259 4.350 0.107 1177
AUG --- --- 236.28 0.11 0 AUG 4.382 4.302 4.392 0.106 3768
SEP --- --- 235.37 0.17 0 SEP 4.398 4.310 4.409 0.103 1833
OCT --- --- 225.82 0.36 0 OCT 4.475 4.386 4.485 0.099 10278
NOV --- --- 225.01 0.51 0 NOV 4.686 4.633 4.699 0.088 2665
Research: 203.801.0771
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[DAILY PETROSPECTIVE] November 8, 2010
Technical Views
Crude oil prices traded up to $87.49 on Monday, but they could not finish above $87.15, which is the key figure in the equation.
Prices are into Bollinger Band resistance, they are overbought and overextended, but the trend is clearly pointed higher. If we had
to pick one over the other, we would pick the trend.
The DJIA finished the day down 37.24 to 11,406.84 on Monday. The index is still well above its breakout point and we should
expect to see the next big move on the upside.
Research: 203.801.0771
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