Hieromonk Damascene: Created in Incorruption
Hieromonk Damascene: Created in Incorruption
Hieromonk Damascene: Created in Incorruption
Arlapted.f on d ta/k {it'ttt ttt t/tt "()nlirrnct' orr Ortholox.y tltt Nn-
ural Ent'iruunotr," St. Nitlnhs Rtnth, Dunhp, (.hlilitrnia, Otobt
27, 2007, tnd tgtrirr tt tlr lnunmtiontl Nttit'it.y I-)luntional l?ctdinw
of'tht Mosuttl httriarthta', it tlr srtiott "'l /tt OrtLodox lntoltrrtttton
of'thc Crcntitnt ol tlr Wtrlrl," htLl tt t/,r lllostou' Sttt Uniuar:ii' rlf
Rai hua.yL)ngi trr t'i ttg, ./ttrt ua n, J0, 2001t.
l. lNrnooucrroN
'l-hc St. Nl,rxinrus th,: (irnfcssor. )d ll,ala*inn 65; ILrnloti,tt (ittcat (l\(i)
c r c r t ion ol l: r c lior r t t hc lit r ol Ac l u n r .
( ) {) ; l , i 0 t l ( l '. r r i s :
lrr'cscolionr rhc (lhLrlch ol th( Ilcsurr(.(i()r1,SLrehcr'irsir \lotrrrstcrt. f.- [] N l i q r r e .l l J( r 5 ) rcf. II:r n s L l n vo r r Il a l r h ;r su r(.) tstu i c l i r r r r sl Il r
Nio ldlv i. r .l{ or r r : r r r i;sr .ir t c c nt h c c t r r t t r r '. I ircr:t tltconlitry to ,l l,t.ritntr tlu (.irr/rsar (Srn ljr.rncisco:lgrrrrtius.J{X}.1),p. lt{5.
(ll{trAI-lll) IN IN(lOl{ltLJP.l
l tlL ()l{l ll()l)OX \\/()ltl)
(lhristian worldview.lr is ticclto, ancl inclcedforms an integrll pirrt ol,
clearhand that thc carthwas"cursed"ar the frll ((icn.3:I7-I9). In the
Visdonr of Solornonit is said thar Cod did not tttakcdeath and did Orrhotlox lrnthropolo[y, sotcriolosy rll]d cschatology.Becauscthts
not crcilteliving things fbr destruction(\(is. l:ll-14), and furrhcr rcirchingis such a crucial otre, an.l lrecattsetoday'.ssccul,rrworldvicw
(Vis.2:23-24).'l'his tcach-
rlrarnran wls crcatcdto lre incorrup.trible nrilitatcsagrinstit, it is worrhy to trc cxallined in clcpth.In rhis arriclc
ing is repeatcdin the Ncw'ltstament by St. Paul,whcrc lrc lfllrnrs tlrat we will ,tttcmltr to [)rcsct]tit irt :r gencrlllv chronologicalnlinncr. otlt-
sin (llorn. 5:12, l7; I Cor.
clcathcanrc into rhe world tlrrough Inirtr'.s lining firsr rhc itrcorrtrptsrlte of nlan atrclthe costnosbefirrc thc firll;
l5:21-22), thar bccauscofman the creation was nradcsubjectto "ftr- thcn tlre clearhlncl corrttPti()ltthlt enteredat the [rll; end fintrlly the
ti lity" (Ronr.8:20),and that rlrecre:rtionand nran himsclfawaitdeliv- redcnrptionltrd sllvttiotr of ntan and the cosnrostry the inc;rrnereSon
crancefiom rhc "bonclageto corruption" (Ronr. 8:19,2l-23) at the of (locl, cuLninarinein rheir final' ;rcrfcctcdst:rreaftcr thc
Ccncral Rcsrrrrection. RcsurrccrioIr,whcn tlclth ittrd corrttptiotl will be pernunentlv over-
-['lreconrnron Parrisricintcrprctationof rhis Scriptulal te:rching conre.\Wcwill firthcr clisctrss horv,sPccifically, thc Orrhotlox Chtrrchs
finds concisccxpressionin thc rheologyof St. Synreonrhe New 'I'heo- tcachir)gorl ;rrclrtpslri:rnincorruption relatcs to hcr tcachinqort thc rc-
logian, rvho wrircs :rs follows on the incorruption of nran arrd rhc dernption of ttranantl thc costl)os,atlclotr tlreir flnal, redccrnctlcondi-
world in the beginning,and on thcir tall into corrtrption: tion. In conclusion,rvewill corrsiclcr how the ()rrhodox Lrndersrlntlitrg
of the flrst-crcatedworld, rhc titl. .rnd thc firturc lge crttrittfirrnr ortr
Achmw;rscrc,rred with un incorrLrptibletro<1v,thouglrotrewhichrv:rs frrithas Orthodox Christians.
nrercriullncl on thc rvholcnot 1.erspiritual,an<lwascstablishecl by
(lod tlrc Crcttor rs tlrc imnrortll king of ln incorntptworld, lncl I
nrclnby thc lattcrcvcrt'thingun.icrhcavcnlnd not jusrParadisc.. . .r IL THe Onlcrr.rel CoNnltIoN oF MAN
You scethen th,tt not ttnrelson,rbly rlo n'c savrhat all thc crc-
rltionwirsllso incorruptfrom rhe bcginning,attdwls firrnishcdby Man's Spirintl Condition bcJbn tfu full
(lor.lafrcrrhcordcrof I'arlclisc, bur rvascurscdwitlr corruptionrnd Bcfirrc cxamining the subiect of thc oriliinal incorruption of thc
lcd inro bontle{ac rvhcttit rvrs strbjcctcd to rhe firtility of nrcn (cf. whole cosmos,lct us begin Lrylooking sPccifiolly at the original stlte
llorn.8:20-21). of man, who St. Synreortthc Ncw l heologiansayswls crertecl'ts "lortl
and king of all thc visiblccreirtion,"'rncl who' in rhc wordsof St.John
1'his Scriptural/l)atristicteeching,that tlcath and corruption etr- Chrysostonr,is "rnore preciottsto God tlrltr irll cre;rtion."'
rered thc cosmos only at thc fall, is r basic tetret of the Orthoclox According ro thc ()rthotlox Patristiccosnrology,the cntirc visible
rrniverscrvasm:rdc fbr rhc sakcof tnln' itncl Irtln was nllde filr tttrtorl
I Sr. Svnrcorr rhc Ncrv I hcologiln, lltltiLa/ I)iwurr 1.2; Sourctt (,ll'ftticnuct
with God. Man was crcrtccl"in [)ivinc grace."as St. Creqory of Nyssa
(S(l) 122:lll4 (f)rrris:[-cs[.]dirionsdu (lcrf. 1966)i cf . idcn. ( h rl,c /VystitalLifi: lht
vol. I ((lrcsnvoorl.N.Y: Sr. Vlldimir's ScnrinurvI'rcss.1995), pp.
l:ltlical I)istorrrtr,t.
, ftrid. l . l ; in On lu, lt'lytticalLili. vol. L p. 21.
)6 )7: tlx'l:irst-()tt',rtcdi)ldn (l'lirrin.r.(lelil.: St. Hcrnritrr ol ;\l;rskitlJrorhcrhootl,
5 St. (irtctit 2 (llrooklirreNl'rss:
), p. 90.
I9().'r fohtr(ihrvsostrltr,liigh Strntouton tfu Rolk ol
llolv (l<rss ()rrhodor llcss, 2(X)4), p /t 1.
'llrirl.f.5rS(llll:2llrcl. l:irtr'(.ntnd
i\lan.p. lll.\.
t t It. ()l{fLIot)()x \(i()t{D Cl{t-Al tlt) lN lN(l()l{RLlPll()N
:rf1lrms."Sr.John Chrysostonrwritcs that'thc glory fionr abovcgarbcd no nccessity cirhcr in their remainitrgirlcorrttPtor irr rhcir f'allinginro
thenr [Aclrrmand L-vc]bctter than any garmcnr."- t_ikcwisc,St. corrlrption:thcir fiec rvill was rhe dcternriningfactor.In thc wordsof
I)amasccncsmresrhar, in l)aradise,Adam "had the indwelling Cotl as Sr. Arhrrnasiusrhc (lrertt:
a dwelling placcand worc Him asa glorioLrsgarmenr.Hc was wrappcd
about with His gracc."' Knorvingthlt rhefrccrvill ,rf tn,rncc,trltlinclinero cirhcrsicic,in an-
-l-hcOrthodox ticipationllc l(lodl rnacle sccltrctlrcgrlccliivcnthenr'b1'nrerttrs rrf
Clhurchundersrandsgracero bc the very cncrgy of 't
Cod, distinct ycr inseparablefiorl the L)ivine esscnce.God is whollv lrrv ancla phcc. lror,bringine rhcnr into His orvtrI)lr:rtlisc((ilrdcn)'
presentin His energies.Thcrcfbrc, when man was createdin gr:rce,hc I Ic glvc thcnr:r l:trv,so rlrrt, if thevgtrardcdthc grrccartdrctrritittctl
had God Hinrself within him. He wils nreanr ro particirrarein God s goocl,tho' nrighrposscss rvhichis frecof'sorrorv,
the lilc in I'rtr.rdisc
lifi'rhrorrgh rhc Divine cncrgies.ro bc firllv and pcifccrlv plin or crle,bcsicles hrvingthc plonriscof itrcorrtrpt iolr itr hclvcrr."'
gr:rcc,and thus to arrain to union wirh God-a Lrrrionwhich rhe Holv 'l'har thc flrst Iran wrs gntrrtcdconditiorralinlllorralitv et his crc-
Frthersdo not hcsitrte to call dcificarior-r (\toaq).
lrion lvirsaffirnrcclin a (lanotr approvedat thc (louncil ofOarrhlgc in
St..fohn Danrasccnetcachcsthar Aclanrwas not tleifled ar his cre-
419 and ratificclrr rhe (]uiniscxt(buncil (692)" and rhe Scvcnrhflc-
arion, but wascrearedr0,rdeification:he wls "to completethe nrysrery
umenical(btrncil (787):
bv bcing dcified rhrough rcversiorrto Ciod-rhis, however,,ror bv lre-
ing trlnslirrnrcd into rhe Divine csscncc,bur bv participarion in the \Whosocver srvsthirtAdant.tlrellrst tnatr,rvlscrearcdnlorral,so rh,tt
Divinc illLrnr ination."" ruhethcrhc htd sinncdor trot,hc \\ould hrtvctlicd in body-rh:rr is'
hc wouldhlvc goncfirrthflonr thc [r,rclv, hissin nreritccl
nor becrtLtsc
Marti I'blsiml (.lonrlition bet'itrcthe fitll L'l
this,but by naturalncccssitlr-lcthim bc iltlrlthenla
In the Visdorr of Solonron ir is slicl; "God nrrrtlcnran fi>r
()riginally, the incorrupt bodiesofAtlant and Evc cliclllot hlrvc,i11
incorruprion,end nrrdc him ro lreln imrge of his own ererr]itv Ncvcr- 'l'hcologian,the "coarscrf:lcsh,nrortal and
thc words ofSr. (ircgory thc
rhelcss,throrrghthc cnvy of rhc dt'vil .'lcarire.rnrcirrro rhc worid" (Vis.
rcsistirnt,"that our lroclicsrlow l]ilve.r1Accorclingro St. (]regory of Si-
2:23-24)- As thc Holy Farhcrsunivers:rllytaught, Adenr ancl Eve wqrc
crea,tcdconditiotrirl/yirnmorral, thar is, if thcv hacl nor sinnctl rhey
could lraveliveclfbrevcr in incorrLrpttroclies,pirrtakingof thc Trce of l'l Sr. Arhrnrrsiusthc(ircet. Ou rltt lluttatint oJ rfu \lltnl: l'(i l5b:l0lli(l; cf.
I-ifc in I'aradise,and cventuallylrraining ro hcavenas well. 'l'hcrc was NI)NIr, lntl Scrics,vol. 1r,pP. .i7 .ltl lirr lirrthcr tliscrrssitrttol Sr' Athitnrsittsstclch'
ing on rhc inrnrortalitvol nr:rn belirrcrhc firll. scc pp 59-(12 belorv.
ll l lrc yclrs llicr thc Sixth [cunteni'
i' St. (ilcgorv rrf Nlss,r. QLrirriscxrOouncil in litrlLr rvrrshcld clcvcrt
Ot tfu illaliug ol'llan 30.l'4: Nitn aud llnr,Nicttu, hr clrl (iruncil, :tnd its rlcerccsitrc ltcccl,tc.lin thc ()rtltrclox (lhtrrch :tsrl c()tl(ln!tltl()t1
t / , rrL(N I ' NF-),2n cl Scrics,v ol. 5, p. 417. ,,f rlrc .rcrsof tlrc Sixrh ( iru ncil.
St. John (ihrlsosront, llonilits ot (),ntiis 16.14;Iithtl oJ't/t((.:btt.b |:(.,),\(.r1. rr (i:rnon l0') ol thc Aliicln (lodc'r in 7il Stt'ot l:lcuuttnital (.brrtrci1r. Nl'Nll
74 (\X hshin {ro n.l).(1., I-hc ( ler holic Univ c r s ir y ol Anr c r ic l It c s s ,
1 9 8 ( r ) ,p . 2 1 7 . lrrrf Scrics,vol. 14. p. 1t')6.ln lltt /lrtzlz/r'r (l'cd.rlion)of St Nicrxlcntrrsol i\'ftrrrnt
x Sr..fohn [)rnrrsccr.t,:,
l-.|*ttrl*2otrtiLttroJ tfu (h.tbotLtsf:aitL 2.ll: l:i_, vol. .]7 t\thos. rhis ( litnon is listed rts( lrtnort 120 ol lhe (irrrncil ol (.lrrh.rgc.
{ le58),p. 232. rr St. (ircgorv thc Ihcoloeirrr. or;llor
-i8 l 2r t'( i .36:ll'i(l: cf. N l)N ll lrr.l Scrics.
" Ibicl.2.12; p. 135. v ( ) 1 . 7 .P . . l 4 t i .
tl It
't H t.:()t{l'H()DC)x
wot{L) f t-lDlN IN(l()Rl{tJI'll()N
nri, rhey wcre "wirhour boclily hunrors"i" in rhe words of St.
incorrtrptiblefruits, but did not void bodily waste;'' rhcy had no alilic-
Maximus, rhcy did not have"the rempcramcnrwhich makesthe flcsh
riorrs,infirmities, illncss,disease,physicaldefects,or tnaintingsof thc
denser,nrortal,and tough."''
body;tt they kncw no difficulties, sorrows,labors, sweat, htlnger' or
From rhe writings of many Holy Fathcrs-Srs. Ircnacusof Lyons,
rhirst;rrrheydid not expcricncephysicalpainlr' they wcre not strbiecrto
Athanirsius the (lreat, (iregory of Nvssa, John Chrysosrom, John
cold and he{t, or to thc elctnenrs.r'-fhus, writcsSr.John (ihrvsostom,
l)anrlscene, Maximus the (]onfessor,Syrncon thc New 'l'heologitn,
beforethc fall rnan'sexistenccwrrsakin ro that of the angcls:
anrl Ciregorvof Sinai-we know that, befbre the lall, Adam and Eve
rverefrcc fronr rhe boclily necdsofsheher and clothing,'t'anclcven of
sleep;'-thcy hatl no scxualrelarionsor cvensexurlpassion.:''rlrerervas rl St. Synrconthc Nov l'hcologillt. I';hial I)istouncs l l' l.5r in Ot rlu'lll.ytical
no ernissionofsectl;'" rhcir c),esdid not producetcars;t"rhev partook of
s c ( l o r r l e ss( nAn
L i l i , w l . | , p p . 2 ( r ,.1 l t.Sr .l vl :r xi r r r uth . bi! t l 0 :i n An d r cr l l .o u tl t,
thc ()trli*ar {l.ondon :rnd Nou York: I{otrtletlge. l()9(r), p. l2(r. Sr. (ireg-
orvof Nyssir, (hrhc.\o and thc l?rsarzlriorr; NI'NIr frrcl Scrics. vol.5. p.4(r5. St.
(iregorvof sinai, Ot ()tnn,ndtntts rtul l )orrrittrsS-t); in l'l'ihlalu. vol 4,p. il.1.
l1 St.(ircgorvofSin .Ou Connrtdnctrs atd l)o.tri cs8,81:in Ifu
St. Svntcott taught that nrrtl ncedcd to cilt irrcorrupt tirrit bcfbre the f.rll (sec pp
v o l .4 (l .o n r lon:F ir bcer r r cflj e b c r,1 9 9 5 ),p p . ] 1 3 ,2 2 7 rc f.4 6 , p. )2l .l n rhcS l avoni c
l5-l(r, lltl bclorv),rvlrilc Sr. Mrximtts tartght th,rt Athnt rvotrld not hrvc krst his inr'
trrrrsl.rtionof rhis rvtrrk.firund in thc Sll,..rrticllilokdlid (Dobrotolubie), rc (lrcek
nrortllin if he had obcycd (iod;rnd bccn nottrishcd fronr rhe trcc ol lifc (cf. (icn.
,rL'r,Jyvp'"oi(trlnsl:rrctlhcrc:rs bo<lilyhumors")is rcndrrcd.rs uoxpcrrr,r, which
l:9). St. (ircgorv of Nvsseancl Sr. (ircgorv of Sitr;rilistcd fcctling,.rs.r rrrrrrkol thc
l' St. l\4:rxinrrrs corruprion thilt cilmc int() cxistcttcc:tt thc frtll; horvcvcr,lt,rth of thcnr listc.l it tt,-
rhc(inlcssor,,,Lalrqrntn45: lt3 9l : l35lll.
l(' Sr. ( ihl, s os t < t ot, tcthcl rvith thc voiding ol botlilv wrstc. I:ronr thc srrntol'thc l)erristictc:tchingon
Jo l r r r H o rti l i tso tt (i u ti s 1 5 .1 4 ,1 f,.21. 7.1,17.30rI;(1.vol .74,
this rubjecr, wc crn concludc thar, whilc incorrrtpl nran tlid clt incorrupt lixrcl bc-
pp. l0l--]. 207, ))2. 1.18. Sr. N4:rximrrs rhc (lonfcssor,Anbigrun /t5; l'o
forc rhc firll. this c:rtingrvasnot thc sittttc:u rvhlt rvc knovv t<xlltvwhcn thc kxr,l rrn-
9l : l .l 5 3 l l .
1- St. frcnrrcusofLyons, I )tnrnt tt,tt iott of'theApo*li Prrachir,g dcrgocscorrtrption,rnd wlstc is cxcrcrcd-
)jl in idcnr. Oa rlr rr St. B.r"il tlrc (ircrt, Honil.y !)sphining l lttt (iol Is Nor lr ('ltttr' ol h'il 6t irt
tlpouolitl\uJiry (( lrcstw<xxl, N.Y.:Sr.Vlrrdimir'.s Senrinury l)rcss,I 997),p. 481 Sr.
(ircgorvof Sinrri,Ot Ootnnuultteur,t Docnircs8:ft lrhilokalia, iLlcn, Ot thL'l!unar Oondition ((lrcstrvootl.t'r-.Y.:Sr' Vlldinrir\ Seminarl l)rcss
vol.4, p.2l-).
rHSr.Athrnasirrs 1005), p. 73. St. (lrcgorv of Nvssr, Oz rfu Sotl nd tt Rtsut'ttttitttt. 1>p.464 65-
rhc()rctr, Oonntnury onth l\alnx (I'sdnt50:5);l)( i 27:240(lt). (
llcn, C)t thc I.orrl's I)uyo 4.2; Antiet t lltritt i,tn \Vrittrs, no. I li ($/cst nt instcr, l\4t1.:
St.(lrcqoryof Nysse,Or tlr hltkiqol/lln 17.l 3; Nl)Ntl2nrlSerics,r'o1.5,p.407.
Ncwnun l)rcss. 1954). p. 5ti. 5t. i\'hxinrtts thc (lonfcssor, Anltigttuu 1t5; l'o
Sr..fnlrn( )hrysostrrm . llonilieson Gtutis I 5.I 4; l:C, vol.74, pp. J02-3. Itrid.I lt.I lr ( )I : l 3 5 l l l .
lrC,vo i .tl 2 ( 1990) pp. , l0- ll .S t.J o h n [)a n rrs c c n cfs , :a ttL s posi ti on 2.l l , 4.24;1C ., rrSt. (ittrtis 17.41 Ii(1, vol T'i' p. 14.) St.
vol..17.pf. 2.1I,.194.Sr.N4rxinrus John (lhrvsrrstonr. Itonilits ott
rhcConfessor, Al / hdl,tssitltt Z1;in i<lcnt,On thc
(.ln i'trltrt.,'t ol16ro(-'lrrr ((lrcsrrvood, Synrcorrthe Ncrv l-lrcologien.hltial I)i'tour*'s 1.2;in On r,tl.vttital IiJi vol. l,
N.Y: Sr.Vledimir'sScnrinrryl)ress, 200.i), pp. 9(r ()7. Iclcnr.
pp. 27-2S. ldent, (.l,urhtitl l)irourttt 57, in [)i*tursts
pp. f {)9- f 0. St. Synreonthc Ne.rvl-lrcologi:rn , ( irctbttiu l I) ix.onlcr 2(r.4r in idcnr,
I:irsrCrcatul tllan, pp. ( , 91 92. I I L
7lr 1)rlrzrrro(Ncw Yrrrk:l);rulist[\css,l9tt0),pp. 2(11)-7(]. rr St. Athenasiusthc (ircet. Ol tlJ. I otrtttttio,tol tlr Vovl 3; NPNI', 2nd Scrics.
l" St. Svmconthe 'l hcolosian,I:lthiatlDistorosas l3; in idcm, Ot tfu Mytti.tl LiJi,,
vol.4, p. -11t.St. John Ohrvsostort. Honilies on (ienuis l7.l' 30r F(l' vol. 71r' pp.
vol. I ((lrcstwoo<|, N.Y: Sr.Vlaclinrir'.s ScnrinurvPrcss,199(r),p. 167. 'l hcoloqiarr, ()tttcltrtic'tl l)irouttts 25.4; it [)iv
r" St. 22.1. l3tt. St. Svmcon thc Nov
JohnOhrysosronr. Ot tfu Stttut'tI I .3: l)( i 49rI 221cf. N l)N 1..lsr Scrrcs, vol.
(), p. 414. Scc l)rrnrviotisNclllrs.Dcilirtion l?Xr:n'J,l). 169
lr CTrlm(Cresrwood,N.\'.: St. Vl.rcli- ri St. Nlirxinrttsthc (',<t lesxtr,Anbiguutn 45; I'}(l 9l: Il5lll. St. Svnrconthc Ncrv
tnir'.rScnrinlrr'l)rcss.l9tl7), p. 7.1. 'fhcologirn, (.''rtrclnial Djstorrso i.7, in l)iscotrrtts. p 97. Itlcnr, l:irt-(.tt'rtttd
'l'll li ()t{t H()t)()x \x()Rl) ( iRt._A
l t..t)lN lNcoRIt LJPt-t()N
Up u n t il t har t inr c I of r h c f]l l l th c v w c rc l i v i n g l i k c rngcl s i n P aradi sc Dcsirr nnd llrnsurt h(irc tfu Fnll
and so rhcy wcre not brrrning with desirc,not:rssrrulretl by othcr Pls-
originil condition, Sr. Symcon rhc Ncw Theolo-
sions, not srrbjectt<l the ncedsof naturc, bur on the contrrry \\,crc
giln wriresthlt
incorruptiblc and inrrrrortrrl,:rndorr rhat accounr{r xny ritc
thcy had no nccd ro wcar clotncs... .
(irnsidcr, I ask you, thc rrarrsccnclcncc flcrv lust or nrovcrlcnt.or thc irmtionrrlnr,r.lncss :rtrtldcsircof rhc
of rheir lrlessc'd
stonr.rch, is ycr did lot irt all cxist,
lrttr in hirr IAclanrlwrs lifi'with-
tiorr, hol rhcy wcrc supcrior to all bodilv conccrns,how rhct, livctl
our inrernrrldiscold,and hisexisrerrcc wasfrccfrornp,rin.'"
on c:rrth as ifthcv rvcrc in hcavcrr,.rnrl though in ftct posscssirrg,r
bocly thcy dicl nor lecl the limirations of rhcil lrcdics.Aficr .rll, rhcv
Fllscwhere,rhc srlnrc Saint says that the fiuits in Paradiscaflirrdcd
hatl no nccclof shclrcr or hltritation, clorhinq or irnvrhing ()1'rhilr
flrst-crelrcclnlan with "indescribablepleltsurcrnd enioynrer)t."r"Irronl
ki n cl ... .
thesetrvo strtenrcntsit may be concludeclthlt, irt cxperietrcirrg "plca-
F,vcrything,you sec, He [(io<l] nratlcrrrri urrangcdso thlr rhrs
surernd cnjoynlent"irr creatcdthings prior to thc fill, thc flrsr htr-
ra ri o n albc ing { m anl c rc rte d b v H i rn h rd rh c g i o o df orrune ro bc of
nransdid not cxpcricnccirrltionll dcsircfbr rhcrl.
thc grcirrcsrirnporrrrncc,anclirr fronr bcing inlcrior to rhc lifc of-the
According to Sr. Maximus thc Confessor,at his crciltior')r'tl:ltlw:ls
lngels, cnjovcd in rhc lrorly rheir imnrunirv frorn strf]ering.l"
supposedto dircct his clcsircand longing not to creatcdthings bur to
(rilar,{) in Him:
God, and to find his grleastrrc
F.lsewhcreSr. John Chrysostom wrircs rhar, befbre rhe firll, Aclanr
rnd llvc
Vhcn (iod crc:rred Irum:rnnirturc,He did nor crclrcscnsiblcplea-
surcand plin .rlongwith in rarhcr,Hc furnishcdit with a ccrtrttt
irsin hcrvcn ancl rhcl.cnjoycd (iodl., conrpany.[)c-
livccl in [)rrrrclise
capacitl,firr plcasure,a plcrsurewhcretryhttrran bcing,t
sire for scxull inrcrcoursc,conccpri()n,hbor. childtrirrh lnd evcry
would bc atrlc to cnjoy Cod ineffirbly.Rut togcrhcrrvith conr-
fb rm o f c or r upr ion ha c ll re c n b a n i s h c cfro l n r rh c i r soul s.... A r rhur
ing-into-lrcing,thc flrst rrran,by Lrscof his scnses, s<lulrrdcrcd
ti me th c r ewc r c no c it i c s ,e rl fi s , o r h o u s c s ....N c v c r thcl css,
nothi ng
spiritualcapaciry-thcrr,rrur,rl of the nrind firt
clcsirc ('od on scn-
cithcr thwlrtecl or hinclcreclthar haPPy lil'c, n4rich u,as far bctrcr
siblcthings. "'
rl ra n th is .r '
r8 Sr. Svnrcon thc Nerv I hcokrgirtn, (itd,ttttl I)i*tnnt )5.4: S(, I I.l:56
Ltu,yt.60. Scc.rlsoSr.Scrlphinrol Sirtl, '(irnvcrsirrion ol Sr. Scrirplrinr
of Serov (l'Xr5lr cf. idcnr, l)rr,zrnr'l, p. J(r9.
on rhcAinr of rlre(lhrisri.rnl.ifc."it I.irtb l?lrl'ti,uI'lilol',rlr. vol. l, 4rh cd. (l)larin:r, r') Scep. 25 bcLrrv.
(irlil.: St. Herrnenol Al:rskrr Erorhcrhrxrd,200lt), p. 9{). r') Sr. Mrxinrrrs thc (lonfi'ssor, Ad 'l/tttk'siurn 6l Oorpu Ohritti,t ttonrttt, Srrir:
r('St. ( lhr y s or r or n,
H o u i l i ti o n (i c ttc s i1s5 .1 4 ,1 6 .1 l, 7.l ; f(1, vol . 74, pp. (,rzrrz ((l(lS(i) l2:85 ('lirrnhout. Bclgitrnr:Rrcpttls/LctrvcnLJnivcrsirvl)rcss.1990)r
fo l rn
l0r l , :0 7 .2. t 2. cl.On rln (.itstttit,\t.rrtol,,p. l3lliclcnr, lhiotrs /i.rt: rn l hology, tlrl)it'im Ii,on'
r- St.
folrrr(lhrvsostonr, (h Virgi t.1,14.J. 5; in itlcn. Ot Vitqinity,lEtintr Rr ort.t,ltrl Vi rt ttMt llit 4.3.)-35, I lr I'hibfulid, vol. .l (l.ondon: l:rbcr itnti I:.rbcr.
r r, rn r,rg(lt .r : r v is r on,
N. Y . : lhc l i l w i n J \l c l l c nl l c s s . l 9 l .l .l ),p .21. l9ll l). p. 1.'t.1.
t6 t7
I t .: ()tlf t t()t)()x \(/()t{t) CI {LAI ll[ ) I N I NcO I {RUI 'f l( ) N
' l -hus,
In thc writingsof .Sr.Syrnconand St. Mirxirnuson this srrtriccr, wc thc pleilsr r r cit r sensiblcr lr inlis t hat I r t r n cot lld exPer icnccbc-
scc rwo Flthcrs vieu,ing rhe sirrlc rcality fronr tlifkrcnr sidcs. St. fbrc rhc fhll wlrs not il sclt--inclulgent, cgori5tic Plcasurc, tlot an etrcl itr
Sytncon,in savingtlrrr nrrn cx;rcrienced "plcasurc"in plrtlking of rh. itsclf. Rethcr, it rvls onc lltcilns [)v rvhich nran cotrltl, in the wortls of
fi Lrirsof Flclen,wrs spe:rkingof plcasurcin cre:trccltl-tir-tgs
tttit/toutirrlt- St. M;rximus, cxcrcisc his "spirirual crP.tcitv fi)r plclsttrc" ancl "eniov
tion:rltlcsirefirr thcrn.St. Maximus,on rhc orhcr liirnd,in savingthar (i od i ncffi bl v"
nlrln wils not originllly crclrcd rvirh "sensiblcplc,rstrrc,u,rr,spraking A s S r. Max inr us him self t est if ied,( iot l plenncd f ionr t hc beginr r ir r g
prccisell of plcrsrrrcL'ont of't1esirc. Frorl thc sunr of thc rcrchingsof thrt man\ nrincl u'ould be ririscd to Hinrsclf lrv tlteatts of rhc sctrsilrle
borh l"irrhers,we lrrivc at rhc fbllowing: in expcriencingplcasurcirr crcatiorl, fbr in all crcltccl things ttnc cJtt flnd "trllccs" of His rnrtjcsr"':
crcatctlrhingsbctbrc thc firll, nran tlid not turn his dcsircrowilro rncrl.l,
but insterrdkcpt it clirectcd rowarcl (lod, rlre nltural objcct of his wls rhe pcctrlirtrplln of (lotl'.sconsttnrntatcg<xrdncsst not onlv
clcsire. csscr
tl i d thc cl i vincat r d ir t cor por c. t l r of
ccs int clligiblct hir t gscot t st i-
Inclcccl,according ro a passlgc arrributeclto St. '['heodorc thc rute represcntrltiorrs of (lod'.s inefl,rblcglorv, acquiring legirinlatclv
(lrcrt Ascetich'l'lr I,bi/olealia,nran'senjoynrcntofcrcatcd things was and proporrionallv rvirhin thenrsclvcsrhc rvholc irlcontprchensiblc
onc of thc wrrysby rvhich he coulcl raisc his nrintl to his Crc:rtor irr lovclincss:tntl inrtpproachablcbertLttv.bLrt, itt rtcldition, rr,tcesof
Paraclisc: (lod'.sou,n n)riesr] inrr'rnringlctlrvirh scnsiblcrhings, things rhat flll
'l'hcsc rrrtcesof (lod's nlrticsrl rtrc
fir short of intcllig,iblcessenccs.
'l-hcfirst nrlrr coLrlcl
indecrl.wirhout.rnr,lrindrrrnce, ,rbleto trlnslrort thc hunratt rrolr, rvhich tlscsthcnl rtslt vchiclc' ttr-
cnjovscnsorv rhingsbv nrcarrsof rhc scnscs antl intclligiblcrhrrrgs fi l l i bl v to ( iod. "
rvithrhc rrarri(nrind,inrcllcct).llrrrhc shouldhrrvcgivcrrhisrrtrcn-
riorrro the lrighcrrlthcr rhln the lorvcr,frlr hc rvesirsltrlc to conr-
rrruncrvirh intclliciblcthings through rhc zaro, rrshc rvusu,rtlr tr St. Ilrcodolc thc (itc.tt Asecrie,Ilnnuilon:it I'lilok,rli,t' vol. 2 p 4/t.
r i S t . N l : t x i n r ttsr h e ( i r n fe sso r 'zl l l l ta l d ssi n n Sl ;( "( S( i 7 :.1 ') 5 ( l 9 tt0 ) ;i n l ) l tr l M'
sensort,thing. rhrotrglrrlrcscnscs. I do rrotsly rharAclirnroughrnot
Illrrrvcrs, l.rtgrv., ,rrzl Spiritual l\tl ryogvin illtiutrs th ()tfistor (Notrc l):rnrc, lnci.:
'L St. Mrrxinlts tlrc (irnfcssor,,.llrlr(rrrrlr l0l in I tttth, i.l,t.,:jnu lx,(.ittfitttt, yt. U n i v c r s i t vo l N o tr c [) u r r r cl ) r css,I9 9 l ) . p . I l {) l cl . St. l r 4 l xi n r u s, Vti o tr t Ia x ) .') 6 '
100: cl. l'hiloltalit. vol. i. p. 277. l'/tih[alit, vol. 2. p. 2011.
t'l-tE oRf rJ()tx)x \f()Rt) ( lRt r . Aflll) lN lN( ioRI lt JP'fl( ) N
Conditiort o.fMnn's Mind bcforc tha f:all St. Ma,rinus on Man's Origintl Conlition
I;ronr Sr. John Chrysosrom we learn rhat Adanr was originrrlly A dcrailetl description of ntan'.scxistencc bc[bre thc lxll has bccn pro-
clcarcclrvith "incflirblc intclligcncc,"which cndowcd him with the cir- vidcd by St. Maximus in l'is Ambiguurn 45. F.xplaining a phrase of St.
p.rbilin,to rranrc;rll rhc ;rnirrrllr((icn. 2:19-20), and wirh "prophctic (iregory thc I'hcologian-that tlrc flrst-crearcd nran was, befbrc rhc fall,
gr'.rrr'."wlrich cnrrblctlhirr to prophcsvlbour Evc after her crelrron " n:rkecli n h i s sir nplicit y and I in his] lif c wit hot r t ar t s and skills ( r ir i2r qr ) ,
(( icrr.l:l.l l4). " .--St.
and withour ltnv covcrirlg or Protcction" Maximus writcs:
St. MaxinrLrs providcsus with furthcr insighrsinro the originelin-
tclligcnccof mirn,cxplainingrharthe hunrarrrlintl wasnot rouchcdbv So I strpposcthlt thc' tcitclrersaid rhcsethings wanting ttt ittcltcltc
inr:rginarionbcforc rhe f.ill: rhc diflcrcncc bctwccn the tcn)Pcr.lnlclltof thc hunratr body in the
lncl that which in rtsis norv
firreflthcr Acllrr lrcforcthe trilttsgrcssioll
ln thc bcginning,passiorrarrdpain wcrc not crc:rtcdrt>gcthcr rvirh .cen lnd holds 5q'31',bccrtrtscback thert mrln clcarlv wrs not tort')
rhc body; rror lbrgcrfLlncss
and ignorarrcc rogcthcrwirh rhc soul; aprrr l)y quxlitics contratv to arrd corruptivc of circh otlrer in rhcir
nor thc cvcrchrrngingim;rrcssions in rhc'shlpcofcvcnrswirh rhc bodily nrixrurc,but wasaccordinglt'rvithotttflux or efllux-an.l frc.
nrind.All thcscrhingswcrebroughtabourin m;rnbv his disobcdi- of tlre constantaltcrittionlrenvcenthcnt, dcpcnding on which qu:rl-
encc....-l-henrind ofAdam at firsrw:rsnor inrpressccl
lrv the inrlgi- irv prcdorninarcs.For indccd nratrw,rstror dcprivcd of thc'irnrrort'rl-
nation,whichsrancls bctwcenthc nrindand the rhoughrs, scrringup iry thlr is by grlcc, an.l dicl nor h,rvccorrttptiotr rvhich norv rvhips
a wall lround rhe mind anclnor allou'ingir ro cnrerinro rhc musr hinr with its golcls,trut irrrotlrcrtcnrper:rm.'ntof thc b.rdv nranilisrlv
simpleand irnrgclcss csscnccs
ofcrelredbeings.r' befit hirn. :l tclrlpcranlcnthcltl rogethcrbv qurlirics th:lt rrc sinlplc
lncl without strifc'.
ln a sinrilarvcin, Sr. (iregoryof Sinai speaksof man'smcnrory irr thc Iirr rcasonof this rcnrperlmcn( w:rs thc first mrtn nakc<i,not ls
stare: ottc flcshlcssor bodilcss,t"but..ts ottc not hrlving thc tclllPc-r.rnrcnt
which mrtkcsthc flcsh clcnser,trtorral,,rnd tough. According to this
-l he ncmory wrrsoriginallvsinrplelnd one-pointcd,
but:rsu rcsult grelr re,rcher,thc flrst nran both livctl u'ithottt lrts lnd skills
of thc fall its natuml powcrshlve l,ccn pervcrrcd:ir hls lost its (d,':ixvary\ rvithout dissiprrirrgthc nrttrrirl eo(,d health givcn hinr
recollectcdncss in (locl and hasbeconrcconrpround
irrsrcirdofsrnr- atr.l *vls rvirlrottrnccd of plotccrivc cc,vcr-
oncc firr lll in lris cssctrcc,
of onc-poinred.r(' ing, fe:rringno $hirnc bcc:tttseof his innltc disp:lssion,xnd not stlb-
jcct ro cithcr cold or hclr-firr which rc:rsonscspcciallytlre tncansof
lrrolccrivcc()\,(ritrg,b()rlr shclter and clorhing, havc lrccn contrivcd St.Mnxintus and St. S;ymaonon \Ylnt Might Halr Bcen
l i rr h r lr r r r ns ....
lirl bcirretlisplssionarebv gracc,he wils nor by way of plcrsurc Suchwas thc conclitionof ttranin rhc beginning.Bv clrawingcvcr
rrrovcrlbv rhc clcccirfulplssions of rhc inraginarion;:rnd exisrrng closcrto (lod in love. by naturally direcring his dcsireand longin!! to
rvitlrout any wilnr, hc was fiec o[ rhc obligation rt) r.rse Hinr rather rh:rn unnrturallv ttlrninf! it asiclcro tlrings of rhc sctrscs,
bccrruscof ncccssitvllncl bcirrg wisc, he had bccn by wav of knowl- rlllul wASto bccomeever nroreholv ilnd spiritual' ever morc in the like-
crigc scr :rbovcrhe stutlv ofnaturc. ncssof(lod, rver more transfbrmedby the graceof (lotl. Flarlierwc
-[hus thc flrsr nrrn had norhing (luotedtlre wordsof St.John Danrascene that man was"to colrlplcrcthc
b*wcen him and God rl,hich
rvusobsrrucring his knowlcdgc rrnd which wls sropping lris nrove- nrystery by lreing deificd." Fixpandingon th is theme, St. Max inrttsstltes
nrcnt towlrd God, rnovcmcnrsclflchoscnout of lov.,, f'rom bccorn- rhirt man, by freely following God's cotnnrandmcnt in F.den,wotlld
ing :r kinship. And hcrrusc of rhis, he was called by rhe rcachcr. h:rvebcconrea deified"son of (lotl"-a god not bv nilturcbtlt bv gracc:
"nakcclin his simplicirv," irs exisringlbovc lll rcscarchinro
a n d rv it h a " lif e wit h o L rrrrrs a n c ls k i l l s ,"a s b c i n g p urc ofal l l i f' ei n ln thc trcginningnlrn wascrciltedin thc inragcof (iod for rhc trn-
nc-cclof irrrs lnd skills: rrnd "ra,irhourarry covcring or grrorecrion," tloLrbtcd choicc,rntl of,rc-
pttrpostof bcingboln of thc Spiritby f-r'ec
sincc he wrs frcc'ofsuch impassioncdinrertwining ofthc scnsesrvirlr quiringwhatw:rsin rhc likcness of(lotl throughkccpingrlre[)rvruc
scnsiblc rhings, to rvhich rhings hc wls jusrly subjccrctl larcr on, conrmirrrdmcnt wlriclrhadbccnlaicltrponhirn. ltl thisrv:rytlrcslnte
rvhcn he fell shorr rhrough clcf'ecr-rvhcn hc of his own choicc,prc-
Morcovcr, bv slryinglh;tr this stetc cxistccl 'ltlirrc thc tlllrsgrc\\ir'll
.ls:ln rrctrtllli(\'.
lerrcd to bccorncenrprv ofcvcrything rirrlrcrrhan ro bc full, rhLrsbc-
,rnd thlt Ad,rnt'.., conclitionwls ch.tngcd"lrttcron (iatoooi), rvlrcn hc lrltl irllcrr"'Sr.
conring infcrior to rhosc rhings ro rvhich hc had naturrrllv ircen
i\4rxinrLrspllces his dcnilcd pc,rtrryrl of thc prclapsarienstittc rvithin :t tcnrporel
" fi,rnrovork and indiclrcs a rinrc Ilpsc tre(rvccnnr,rn'scrclrion lnd his tirll llcrc it t.trr
bc sccn thlt St. iVlaxinrus's tclching,docs in fact agrccwirh lhc conlmon ltltrtsrtc ttn'
From rhis citation ir is clearly sccn rhirr, fbr Sr. Mlxirnus rs fbr dcrsranclingol rhc (lcncsis eccount.
ot h e r H o l y f r ar her s ,m a n l i v c d fo r a ti m c i n a n u n fal l en srarc, w i rhout lr is likelv th:rr St. Nlarinrrrssairl th;rt nrln nlirttscclhis spiritttirlc:rpecitv to-
gcrhcr rvith conlirrq-in(o-bcing"in onlcr to rcbrrt ()r'igettisriclcrs of .tn cxrcnrlctl
bo d i l y co r r upt ion and w i rh o u r rh e p a s s i o n s ,c a re sxnd neccssi ri cs:l sso-
prcllpsuriln st,ttc ,trrrl of I ilottblc-crcltiori' oi nnn. (Accorcling to ()rigcn,
c iatcd wi th hur nan lif c a s w c k n o w i r.' rr)
irrtclligcnccs[,de;] rverccrc;ttcdalicr ctcrnrl l)ivinc lirrrns rtnd corrtcnrpl;rrd (itrl
unril thcy trcc.tntc s:ttcd'rvith llinr.:rr which tirnc ther" coolctl dorvtt lo becontc
souls, lncl (;o(l crc:rtcdthc nratcriitlbodies,rnclscnsiblcworlti into rvhich thcv lcll
r'' Sr. Mlxintus
rhc (lonfessor,,4rrlrgtut ttt 45: It(l 9 l : l _l5lD- l .l5(rA. {c1.()rigen, fint I\'inciplcs2.It..11.)Vierving St M:rxinrttslsstirrenrcntin r}ris ligh(,
rrrSonrc contcnrporer!,scholers,
citing rhc rvords of Sr. JVl:rxinrus quorcd cirr- trirnslutorl)aul M. llkrrvcrshls intcrprctcd thc SlIint's.uordsto nrealt: I:allcnncsshits
lier-rher thc first rnen nrisusecl
his spiriruirlcrrpacirv'rogcthcl with conring-rnto-bc- hcen rhc rlilcnrnrl of hunrlnkin.l yitually fiont lu' lulinting" (St. M:rxinrrrs.Oa r/lr'
inr:. \dp,a ;Qt livtoSar Ad Ikltisirn (rLsccp. l7 eb<rvclscc elso,4rrliguurt 4l; ()x,ait lll),itrt'y.p. tl5, ntrc 10, crnph.tsisin the origirlll) St. M:rxinrttssrvords \o-
I'(i 9l:l.j2ll])-h:rvc suggcstcdthat St. Muxinrus bclicved thcrc w:rs tlcvcr I rnc gcrhcr rvith conring-inrr>tting, thco. trc t<, be trnclcrstorxlin l rclrtivc scnsc' :ts
rvhcn nran wirs in ln unfallcn st:rtc.'l his intcrpretltion. howevcr.doc,sn()( c()ncrrr nrcrninq vcrvclosc to th,.'hcginnirrg. lir irrrcrprctrhcnl in ltrt rtbsolLltc scnsc.rtsde'
wirh nrhcr lnrtions ofrhc Sainr'.srcirching.In rhe lcngrhv p:rssagcfronr ,,1nbi(uutl nvinq thc vcrl cxistence of thc st,ttc.
ptcl;rpsariett nrek.', tlo scnsc within thc contcrt
45 thet rvc huvc jrrsr<;uotcrl.Sr. Nllxirnrrs speeksof Adlnr'.sincorrtrpr, unfellcn srare context.
of St. M.rrirrrusstltou{ht, lct elonc thc rvidcr Scriptttral/l)atristic
'r'HIi ollr't.l()t)()x\foRI) (:RLA'f t.]l) IN IN(I)RlluP f l(lN
Sr. Synrcon rhe Ncw Thcologian provides us with an irnagc of carth, rhc onc which wc inhabit , ancl cver lt hing in ir . Nor t hr r
rvhet lifi. would havcbcen likc if the flrsr pcoplehad firlflllcd rhcir alonc, btrr He also in fivc davsbrotrght tlre lrcl'crrs atrcl,rll thcv con-
orisinrldesignrrion. "lmagine,"lrc.writes, rain into hcing. On thc sixth drv I Ic nraclcAclant lnd csrablishc.l
him rs lord and king ofall thc visiblc crcrttion.Neithcr llvc nor Prrr-
... rv hr r s or r of lif c a n d w :ry o [l i v i n q rv c n ri g l rrhavc had i f' rvc hl d disc rvcrcyet crclrccl,bttr thc rvholcs',rrltl had bccn brottqht into bc-
Irccn prcscrvcdincorruprible and irnntorral in err incorru;rt world. i ne bv (l od. r s ot lc t hir r li,as: r kin<1of pr r adisc. lt ( ) nccit r cor r uPt iblc
yct rnrtcrial rn<l pcrccptiblc.It rvls rhis ruorld,ils rvc s.li(l'rvhiclrrvrs
going through lifi, manifcstlywirhour sin or sorroq fi.ccofcareslnrl
given ro Adlnt lntl to his dcsccnclanrs firr their c'njovtnctrt.Docs rhis
tuntroublctl.And irnagine, roo, how bv progrcssin kccping (iocl'.s
co n l ! landm c nt sand rh c p rrrti n gi n to p ra c ti c co fo u r g< l odi rrtcntrons secnrstrilnqcto vou? lt sht,ttldrrcr."
rve would havc bccn led trp in <lucrimc ro :l nlore pcrfccr glory ancl
r{rawingnclrcr to God arrclro the rayswhich sprrng H erc S t. Sym eon is cchoing t he Visdont of Solom on, in which ir
fiom His Divinirl,. 'fhc soul of cach would havc bccomc brighrcr, is dcclared: "God did not nrtke dcath, ncither tlocs He take dclight in
ancl rhc pcrccptiblcand rnarerill body of e,rrch.rltcrccllntl changed rhe dcstrtrcti on of living t hings. G ot l cr ear ecl all t hings t hat t hey
inro irn imrnarcrialancl spirinral onc, inro sonrcrhingbcvond serrse nrighr hlve tlrcir bcing; and thc gctrerations of the worlcl wcre fbr
p crcepr ion. ' l prescrvation, and tlrerc is no poison of dcstructioll in them" (Vis.
III. THs OnrcrNel CoNorrrot According to St. Symcon, befbrc the originrrl creation wls
or rue Cosuos
"changedovcr to corruption" it clid rrot "belr pcrishrtrlcfrLritsand . ' .
httristic Atcounts oJ't/te C'osrrosbcfore tb t:all sprout thorns and thistles"(cf. Gcn.3:18)." Elsewhercitr thc sanlc
work, St. Symeon affirrns that (lod gaverlatr in Paraclisc "evcry kind
Ve havc alreadvquoted briefl1,fiorn .Sr.Syn:con'sdescriprionof
. arld varieryof fruit, fiuir rvhich is treversPoiledor lacking lrut always
the cosmosrhat man originallyinhabiretl.St. Svnreonis quire explicit
frcsh, firll of sweetness,and providing our anccstorswith indescrib-
ablc plcesureand enioyment. l-or it was fitting that their incorruptible
'l St. i\'{axinrrrs rhc (lolfissor, Antbiguunt 4Jl in Ncllas, Dd/ic,ttiort in Oltitt, 1.t.
I 19.
rr Sr. Svnreonrhc Nov 'l
heologian, I:thicdl Diy.nrrrsoI . I I SC | 22: l7(r-713;cf. Oa
' 1 l bi rl .ri n On r h L'l. yt t i*rLif
l i, vol. I , p. 21.
rlt Nlyttiul Lifi, vol. I , pp. 22 ).\: l:irst,(.)attcd Man. yt. 88. r ltrid. L4: in ( h thc rtl.ysriall.i/i, vol. I , p. j8. cl. Fint'(.lrutnd Man, p. ll).\ '
t HIt oRf I toD()x !(()Rl) (ll{liAl lll) lN IN(lC)l{RLJPl
bodiesbe suppliedwith incorruptiblefbod."'' In othcr words, ir was had no fcar of thesewild beasrs.""'"Befbrethc fill'''writcs St. Jttlrrr
appropriatc fbr incorrupt flrst-creltcd nrarr ro bc givcn both an envr- [)rnrascene."all things wcrc sutriectto the control of man, bcctuse
ronnlerrranclI fboclthut corrcsPondcdro his contlirion. (lod had nradehirrrrLtleroverall thc thingson the carthlnd in the wa-
Accortling ro Sr. .lohn l)arnasccnc,bcfbrc Adarrr arrcl Evc's TC T.
tr.rnsgressiorr "thcrc rvls ncirhqr rain nor tcmpeston thc earth."lr' As statedin (lcncsis l:-10,lr the lreginningof crcariorlCod indi-
l:rrrrhcrtlctailsa[rorrtrlrc sratcof rhe crearion-in parriculirr,I)ara- c:lted that rll the animals wcre to cat plirtrtsrathcr thln e:rchorher:
<lisc bcfirrc rhc flll .rrc providcd by Sr. (lregory of Sinai. Eden, hc 'Antl to evcrybcasroltthe earth, and to cvcrv bird of the.lir, and to cv-
s:rvs,"has lrccn pllnred lry (iod with all sorrs of thc most fragrant cry rhing thllt crcel)son thc cirrth,cvcrythingrhxr hasthc [rrcarhof life,
plants....Ir is alwaysburstingwirh fruir, both ripe and unripc, anclis I h:rvegiven cvcry grccn plrrnt fbr fbod." I'ollowing fionl theservords
continuouslyblossonringwith flowers."Accortling to this Saint, Para- of Scripturc, thc Holy Fathcrscotrsistctrtlytaught th.rt animirlswerc
tlise hls bcen "mlcle betwccncorruprion and incorruptiorr,"such rhirr givcn plants to cat befbrc thc flrll.'l-hus,St.'l'heophilusof Atrtioch
nrilture trccsand fruit "rurn into fi-agrantsoil, and do not givc off thc \\,rotcthltt aninralswcrc not Prcdat()rybefirrcthc frrll,and that efier rhc
oc rr of corruptiorr ls do plants of rhis worlcl. 'l'his occurs lrecauscof (iencrll l{csurrectionthcl' rvill bc "rcsrorcclto thcir oliginll gentle-
the grcirt richncssanclholincssof thc graceeverabor-rnding there."'- ncss."irSt. Ircnltcusof l-vonsttughr thc silnle:cotlll))cl)tingoll lsaiilh's
prophecyrhrt "tl.rcwolf shall feedwith thc larnb.anclthc lcoparclshall
Anirutls balitre the l:all lic clownwith thc vounggoat ... and tlrc lion and ox shallcit strawto-
From St. I'heophil usof Antiocli we learn rhar animalswcre nor gether"(ls.ll:(r-71 sceelso ls. ll:8-9, (r5:25),he rrfllrmcdrhrrrrhis
venonlollsbefbrcrhe fhll.'' Both hc anclother Holv Fathersraughrrhrr clln be sccn ro rcfer to the stlte ttfirttintrls both lrcfirrerhe irll and aftcr
beastsdid not evokc fcar in nran in thc prclapsarianworld, but rarl.rcr the (ierrcral l{csurrcctiotr:
subnrittcdto hirn. As Sr.John Chrysostonrobscrvcs,whcn the anirnals
came bcfbre Adenr ir: ordcr to rcceivcnames,"rhcy came in cornplete shotrld
Ir is right that rvlrenthc crcrrionis rcstorcd,all thc itninr:rls
subjectionto hinr irsro a nlasrcr.rntlaceeptc.lrhc rr:rnrcs,
whilc Ad;rm olreyert.lbc itt subjcctionro nrln, an.{tevcrtto thc t<xrdoriginrllv
givenbr'(iocl (fi>rthcvhadbccrroriginrrllv subicctctlin obediencc to
Adanr),thrrtis,thc prodLtctions of rhcc,trth.'l
'' Ibid. l.l ; S(l f l2:lttl; ct. On rht illstirul Lry', vol. l, p. ]G l:irsr-(.).eaprl
P. 9 0 .
John I)lnrirsccne,I\,ttt l:lx2ositiort 2.10r NI,NI:, fnrl Scrics,vol. 9. p. 2tt.
Sr. (irc'gorv of Sinui. Oz (,lonnttt nttutt ,nd Doctriars l0: in l>hilokalia (in (lhrvxrstonr. HonilA ot (inois l/t.l'): l:(l' vol. 74' p. l()1. scr rrlso
'- ")Sr. Johrr
( i rc e k), vol. 4 (Arh cn s. l()7 6) , p. 12r c f . Pbik halia ( in English ) , v o l . 4 , p . . 2 1i . I n 1 6 . 4 .p . J 0 9 .
<luoting thcsc rvords o[ Sr. (ircgory, Iir. Scrlphirr Rose norcs: "-l his passugcir cr, i(' St.
fohn I);tnusccnc, ll.v.rt l-.xfotitiott2.101 l:(1, vol -)7. p 2J'). Scc ilso st
prcsscd in thc prescr.t tcnte-hrctt,tt' tlt l\ralic itt u,l,ih ldau u,ai pl,rttl I sril/ in Svnrconthc Ncw'f hcrrlogien,l:irst-(.lran'dMan, 1t.')).
rxirrcarc lTut is not visible rr otrr nornrel sensc()rg:lns'(fr ScraphinrRose. (r'r,rzrlr, i l S r . l l r c o p h i lr r so i An ti o ch , Ib tl u to l .yu t l .l 7 r AN l r vo l J, p l 0 l Scc r h c fr r l l
(,lrdtiott,tul l)dy Mtrr [)l.rrine. (]llif.: Sr. Hcrnr.rn ol-Alrsku Rrothcrhood, 20{)01, tluotatiorron p. 52 bckrrv.
il St. frcnlcur, ,4g,1nstItot'tics 5..1.1.ANltvol. l.p 5(r.1.St. lrcnrtcuslt()tc(lthit,
P 4t4).
'NSt. hcophilrrs
of Auioch,li Autolynrs
2.17;Artc-Niwr lirlrt (ANli),vol.l, lrcsiclcsrcfi'r'ringto rhe originitl itrtd finel stetcsof rttrirnlls,this prophccv ol ls:rieh
p. l{) l. qtroteti on p. 52 bclorv. ll:6-10 c.ln:rlso rcfcr to thc h:rrnronv lrcnvccn lirrrrtcrlv licrcc pcoplcs.trrd thc
z6 Z/-
THE ORTHODOX\fORI) ( ll{[ All: l) lN lN( ( ) l( Rt l'll( ) \
St. John Damascenelikewisespokeof animalseating plants before Tfu Unknowability of the World balbre thc l'hll
the fall, sayingrhat rhen "the earth brought forth of itself fruits for the
Drewing frorn the Scriptu ral/Parristictesrirnonyon thc ittcorrtll)t
use of the animals that were subject ro man."tr St. Gregory of Nyssa
flrst-createdworld-its vcgetation,anintals,and clinrate-St. Ignatius
observedthar plants were crearedbeforeanimalsbecausethey were to
Brilnchaninov a Holy Fathcr of ninetcenth-century Russia,Provides
serveas food for the animals.-''According to St. John Chrysostom,
us with a compositcdescriptionthat is rcrnarkablein its derails.At the
God rold Adam that He had given planrsfor rhe animalsro ear so rhar
silmc time, howevcr,he points out rhar knowledgeof the first-crearcd
Adam, who had been placedas lord ofthe crearion,would not be con-
world rcnrainslargelyineccessiblc to tts who know thc creationonly in
cernedabour how to provide for animals.tt
'fhe Fathersdo nor speak its corruptedstatc:
of any kind of carnivoryexistingbefore
the fall. In the writings of St. Basil the Great, on rhe other hand, we 'I'hccrrrh, crciLretl, by God, did nor haveany dcfi-
find an explicit reachingthat animalsdid not eat eachother, and fur- cicncies.Ir wasovcrflowinliwith rcfincntcnr."Cod saw,"after rhe
thermorethar they neitherdied nor decayedin the first-createdworld: conrplctionof rhc wholccreltionof rhc worlcl,"everything rhrr Hc
hrd nraclc:ancl,lrehold,it wasvcrygood" (Gen.l:-] I ).
Doubtless indeedvulturesdid not look aroundrheearthwhenliving Now thc earthis prcscnrccl to otrr evcsin a cornplctclv diffcrent
thingscamero be. For nothingyerdiedof rheserhingsgivenmean- look. Wc do not krrow hcr condition in holv virginirvlwc knorv hcr
ing or broughtinto beingby God, so rhatvulturesmighrearir. Na- in the conditionof corruptiotrand lccursedncss, ruc know her ll-
rurewasnot divided,for ir wasin its primc;nor did hunterskill, for to brrrninglshc was crc,rtcd fbr crernity.-I-heGod-
that was nor yct rhe customof hurnanbeings;nor did wild beasts inspircdu,riterof Gencsis srysrharthc carthin itsoriginalcondition
clawrheirprey,for rheywerenor carnivores. And it is cusromary for did nor h,rvenccd of tilling (Clen.2:5): ir broughrforth by itself
vulturcsto feedon corpses,bur sinccthercwerenor yet corpses, nor gririns irnd othcr nourishing grrsscs,ucgctablcsarrclfruirs
yet their stcnch,so thcrewasnot yet suchfood for vulrures.But all 'l-herewere no hlrmful
ovcrabundlntlylnd of supcrb worth.
followedthe dicr of swansand all grazedrhe meadows.s(' growtlrson il platrtswcrcnot subicctcd citherro clecal'orto discases;
hc docs not ncccssitrily contradict St. Ilesil. ftrr hc docs not sav that lninlals:rcrtrallv
rightcousin rhcChurch(,4.(arrir Hersitt 5,33).ln rhesanrevein,Sr.Cyril ofAlex:rn- dicd :rnd dccevcdltcfirrc thc fall. ln thc contexr of thc contnron l)atristictclching on
dria saiclrharrhc prophecvin Isaiah65:l7- l9 canrcf'erborh to rhestarcof bclievers rhc incorruprion of thc lirst-crcatcdworlcl,,tnclon dcetfr:rn.l corrttPtion cntcring thc
in the Churchof(lhrist irndro rhesrarcofrhe righreous beyondrhc (ieneralResur- cosnrosonlv at the fill (of rvhich nrorc rvill bc s:ri<l[>clow),Sr. (ircgorlis stltcnlcnt
rectionlConncntary ou ltaith 5.(t). cln bc rrndersroodto rcfi'r to:t potcntiel th,tt:tnirrulshld bctbrc tlrc firll' btrr thlt rv;rs
tl Sr. not exprcsscdin acttralrcrms ttntil lficr rhe f-,rll.Simillrlv, whcn St (ircgiorv.pc.rk',rI
John f)amasccnc, ExactEtposition 2.10;F(1,vol. 37, p. 229.
'a Sr.Grcgoryof Nvssr,Or theMahingol/l/aa 7..j; NPN I-,2nd Series,vol. 5, p. -393. aninrlls lxing cndowcclwitlr ,rttritrtttcssttch :rs courlgc lnd fe,rr "Rtr 5qlf-Pmscrva-
15St. rion" lOn tfu trl,rhing of Mtr ltl.2), this c,rn bc sccn to refer to tlualirics rlrirt (iotl
JohnChrysostom, Homilio ott Gcneshl0.ll: FC, vol.74, p. 135.
t('St. Basilthc (lrcat, On tb Origin of'Huna g:lvc(hcm irr llis firrckrrorvledgc, :tsit provision fbr thc corrtrptc.lsrltc ofthe cosrnos
ry, Discourse2,6r SC 160:242
(1970);cf. Ot tlr Hrmot Conditiott, p. 53. Hereir mavbc noredrhar,whenSr. Ba- lfrer rhc fill. Ihis intcrprct.ttion ofthe stltcnrcnt is corrotroratcclby rhc discussiott
brorher,Sr.Grcgoryof Nvssa, saysrhatanimrlshad"thepotcnrialofdying" (11, prcccclingir. whcrc St. (ircgorv is relatirrghow (lod cnclorvcdnrln wirh thc rrtrilr-
rpit; rit ,uexaoAoSar
iJrap.n,), prcsrrmablyat their crearion(Cate&etia Omtiou 8), utcs o[anirnuls "by thccxcrciscof His forcknorvlcdgc"c'f thc fill (ibid. 17.4).
28 zr)
'I H t-:ORt H()tX)X WOt{t)
(lll[AI lr.t) lN INCORIiLJPI I()N
both clecay anddiscnscs, nnrlrherveeds rhcmselvcs, appcarcd lficr rhc what kind of nroorr tlrerewrs therr,whar kind of sLrn,whar kind of
altcrarionof thc clrth fbllowingthc firllofrlln, asonc oughrro con- l i ght.... A l l of r his chanqcdaf ier t hc lill. '''
cludefrorrrrhc rvordsol'(iod ro Aclamashc w:rsbcinqcxilcdfrorrr
I)rrrrdise:"'fhorns and thisrlcsshallir Irhc urouncl]bring fbrtir ro
A r anothcr t im c St . Br r r sanuphiusr old his spir ir uir l childr er r t hat we
rhcc"((lcn. .1:I tl). Accordingro irscrcariorr, rherew.lson ir only rhc seeonlv "fiagrne nrs" of thc original, incorrupt cosnros-rl cosnros thtr
splcndid,only thc rvholcsomc, rlrcrew:rsonly rlrrrrvhichwassuitablc' has been shattered bec:ruseof mirn'.ssin:
firr rhc inrnrorralrncl lrlessedlilc of irs inhabiranrs.(lhangesin rhe
wc.rtherdid rrorcxist:ir wascontinu:lllyrhc r1n1c-1hgnrostclcrrr -l-hc
clrrh is r placcof lranishmerrt,ofcxilc. l]or criminal uctspcoplc
rrtrdfivorable.I hcrcrvcrcno rrins. A springcarncfirrth fronr rhc rrc condenrncdro hrrld labor-onc fbr rrvclvclerrs. onc fbr fifrccn
errth and wrtcredits fircc((ien. 2:5-6, Scpturgint).'l'hc bcastsrncl ye:tts,rnd lnothcr pcrrnancntl'',trnril dcath. llc roo arc guilrvl wc
othcr arrimxlslivcclin perfecrh,trnronyanrorrgrhenrsclvcs, nt>urislr, hrvc sinned lrcfbre thc Lord, ancl wc'rc condcmncclro banishnrcrrr.
ins rhemsclvcs orrplanrlifi' ((icn. l:-)0).(' to hlrd labor'.Btrt thc [.ord is so cndlcsslvloving rhar c,,'cnin rhis
placeof banishrrcnt l-lc hrs lcfi us nrrrchbcltrry, nranv delighrsrrnd
Fr. SeraphimRose,who exrcnsivclyrcs€archedrhe l)arrisrictcrrch- consolrrtions, rvhich lre cspcciallvundcrsroodbv arristicallysensrrrre
ing on thc condition ol crc:rrionbefbre the fill, statcd along wirh St.
tcmpcrr[lcnts. 'l hc beaurifll rhings of rhis world lrc onh, hinrs of
Ignrtius that we do rrot know "preciselywhat rhis srarewas and thaf ir thrtt bclrrry rvith whiclr thc lirst-crcatcdworld rvrrsfillcd, us Acl;rrn
is "very nrysteriousto us who Iivc enrirely in corruption." "lr is :rrrclF-vcsaw ir.'l'hrt beauty w:rsdcstrovcdbv rhc sin oirhe firsr Pco-
cnough," hc wrotc, "fbr us to know that Paradise,and rhe srateof thc
wlrole creation bcfbre thc fhll of Adam, was quire cliffcrenrfionr rvhlr lntagine a marvclous staruc by a grcat nrlstcr-and sudclcnlr',
wc know now."'" l i kc a rhundcr bolt , sonr concsnr r shcsir . Whar will r cm ain of ir ?
A similrr obscrvarionwas nradecirrlierin rhc rwcntierhcentury by Fragmenrs.\(c cln pick thcm up; wc cirnsclrch our the ncck, l por-
Sr. Barsanuphiusof C)ptina Monasreryin l{rrssia.Oncc, whcn stand- ri on of l n ar m , or t hc f acc.I ndicat ionsof r hc bclur y of r hc lincsar c
ing befbre a wintlow ar nilihr, St. llarsanuphiLrs pointed ro rhe rnoon preserveclin rhescsep:rrarcfragnrcnts,bur thcv no longcr producc
rncl saiclto his disciplc (the futurc F)ldcrNikon): ftrr trs thc fbrmcr harnronl,.rhc fbrnrer wholcnessand bclury. I'hus
;rlso tlicl thc f:rll into sirr of thc flrsr pcoplc <lesrrovrhc bcrrtrtl,of
l-urk-whar ir picturel... I his is lcfr ro us as:l consollrion.lr'.srro (lod'.sworld, arrclthcrc rcnnin to us orrlv fr:rgnrcntsot ir by rvhich
wondcrthrt thc l)rophcrDavid srid. "'l horrhrs gladclcncd mc, () u'c nrlv jrrclgcconccrning thc prinror<lialbcaurv.""
l-ord,by 'l'hy rvorks"(l's.9l:3). "'l'hou hrs ghddenedtuc." he says,
alrhouglrthisis only rrhinr ofrhar rvonclrous bclutv.irrconrprchcnsi- As lrr. Scraphim l{ose pointed out, thc nrlture of rhe flrsr-crearcd
blc ro hurrrlnrhoughr,which rvasoriginallycrcirtccl. Vc doni knou, world cannot lrc invcstiglted without rhe aid of [)ivirre revclrrion, firr rr
l Hu ()Kfl lolx)x s(/()RI) (]REATIII)IN INCoRRLJP-I'IoN
diffcrent"law ofnature" (in rhc worclsofSt. Synreonrhc New Theolo- pcrfectedstate.Sincethe visiblecrearionwas made for man, according
gian) existcdbeforcthc fhll, and it is vcry likcly that evetrthe tratttrcof to Cod'.secorromyit was throughman that the creation was to reach
m.rrrer was difhrenr.t'' "I'hc incorruprion of the f.irst-crcntcd worlcl," this final condirion.lbssessing both boclyand soul, man was the link
he wroIc, bcrween thc originally incorrupr nrarerialvvorltl ancl rhe noeric,
spiritual world of thc angcls.As hc bccrrnc spirirualizrcl:rncldivinized
is beyondthecornpctencc oflnaturrl] scicnccro invcstiglrc....Tlrrrl by drawing closerto (lod, man was to leadall of crearioninto such ,r
at I tbort iri ObvioLrslv,
l,ou,do ur hnou'tn_ytltitrg Clodhrs
bcc.ttrsc contlition as well. St. Maxirnus rhe (lonfessorwrites conccrning rhis
revcalcd somcthingof it ro us throtrghrhe SrcretlScri;tturc.Iltrr wc orieinalcallingof man:
know,also,... that (locl hasrcvealcd sonrcthingbcsidcsrvhatis irt
rheScriprurcs.... St. (ircgory ofSinri ud orhcrHoly Frthcrs ofrhc rrlilc idcnricalin cvcrvw:ryrhroughvirtuc'rl,ithrhatof rhe
highcstspirittrallifc behclclthe first-crcated worldin rhc*rre ol Di- ,tngcls,
so fir ls thrrtis possiblcro humunbcings,nrarrrrrrirc's hc:rven
t,ittcuisiortlAeopia),which is beyond all n:rrurrl
l<norvlcclgc."l andcrrth.nr:rking rhcrvholcofsensiblc crcerion oncrvirhirsclf.rn.l
nor sepirilrcdlocllly tiorl hirn :rrlll irr lnv of irsclirncn-
Howevcrwe may reSlard thc flrst-crcatedworld whcther we call it sions,sinccnranlrecorncs ls subtlcls sPiritlrrd is no longcrticclto
"incorrupt" (as do rrrlny Fathers)or "nrade betwccn corruptiolr lnd earthby anybodilywcight.'"
incorruption"(in the phraseofSt. (iregory of Sinai) wc can siryfor
cerrain rhat thc condition of rhe "very goocl"((icn. I :.31) prelapsarian Hlving thus united the whole ofcreation, nran was callcd "ro unirc,
world as rcvealecl in rlic Holy Scripturesand in the rcusennrspatrun is tlrrough lovc, crcarcdnrrurc wirh UncrelreclNarurc ... showing thcnr
11,,/rhc sanlcaswhrt natural scientistsstudy in thc fbssilrccorcl,which to bc onc ancl the same rhrough the posscssionof grace,rhe wholc of
is a recordofsuflcring, violence,anclblootlshcdlof animalstlevouritts creationbeingwholly pcnerretedby the whole of(lod.""'
r-achothen ofplant and aninraltliscrse;ofthe dearhsofall kinclsof liv- Summlrizing rhis te:rchingof St. Mlxinrus, Vleclimir l-ossky
ing rhings,including nr,rn;and, finally,of thc clccey(corruprion)of writes:
borh plantsand animals.Accorclingto the Scriptural/Patristic te:rching
on prelapsariirnincorruption, thcn, thc fossil record rnust be placcd, It rvls thc [)ivinclv rppoirrtcdfirnctionof rhc firsr nran,rccording
historically,ay'rr the f.rrllof men. ro Sr.Maxinrus, to unircirr hinrself
rhervholcof'crcatcd bcing;and
Man\ (.)nlliry to Daifi tfu Cosmos " !S t. l \{ rri ntLrs thc ( ir r r f cr sorAr
. t bis uD 4l: I '( l 9l: l. l{) 51) l. l{) llArcf . l. out h,
L'l,txinnt tlv Oofiusor,1t.l5ll; Ncllus,I)ufiurion ir Olrit pt.212. lr is clcer lionr
worltl wls nracleincorrupt in rhc tregin-
Alrhough tlre flrst-crearecl thc con(cxtrharS t. M axinr t r is s spcuking hcr cof r hc or igir r r r .l r llingol nun, sr ncc
ning as w:rsman, ir was-agein like rrran not crcatcdin its final and rhis prtssitgc fills rvirhiu un exposirionon nnn'.scrcurion,inrrinsicpurposc.fillcn
srltc, rnd srlvltion by Ohrist.SLrchis tlrc intcrprcrlrionol rhis plssegcgivcn bv
Vlrcfinrir Losskvh I/n: M.yttitt/ llrulogy ol rlt lixtcnt Cbucb (l.ondon: .lrnrcs
(i'rtr'.ri, (.lruttiott,url l')rly Mrn, p p . 4 l 5, .j 29.S t. S vnrcon (llarkc& (ir., 1957rrcprinr,(lresru,rxxl, Ncn Vrrk: Sr. Vl.rdinrirls Scnrinulvl\.css,
"l lrr. Scrrlrhinrllosc,
rlrcNcu f-hcoltrgirrn. Iirir-()attul tllrr, pp ttl ti.1. 1997),pp. 109-10 ,quor cdin p. r r t[ >cl<r w
()f:1 . ] 08llrcl. Nclles,1) r 'llir iarnait ( . |f it , p. 2l\
"r [:f. Scr:rl)lrifnllrrrc, (,i'rrrTlr,(.)n'atiort,twlDrtl.t'il'lan, p p .4l l t.4l 5-16. " ' l bi tl .;I' (i .
l -]
(ll{ll-AItlD IN IN(l()Rl{tlP',l
I I l l : ()l { l l l ()l )()X \(()R t)
ilt thc \xnlc tinrc to rclch lris pcrfcct ttniorr with (lo<l antl rhus Wirh thc entrartceof sin rhrough thc fiee decision of Ad:rm rnd
l-vc, hrrnrln n:rtlrrebecrlmccorrtlPted.St. (lvril ofAlexandril rvritssof
l l rx|l r r llc s t . r t c , r f c lc i fl c l ti o n to tl ]c w h o l c c rc a ti ou.... l \4l n had
o n l v ro giv e hinr s c llt o H i n r l G o d l i tr :t c o n rp l e tclbandotrnrcntof rhis es fbllows:
Iovc. ,rnrl (hus return to Him thc rvholc crclred ttnivcrscgltlrcrcrl
'l'hc fbrcirrhcr rhcconrIrlindnrcut givcnlrinr,
r()gcthcr irr his orvn being. (lod Hinisclf rvould rhcn in l-lis turn IAd.rm],try rreglcctitrg
havc givcn Hirrrsclf ro nr.ln, who would rhctr. in virtue of rhis gift, srruckout lg:rinst(iocl ltrd subnrirrcclhinrsclfto thc cflccrsof Di-
thar is ro sly bv gritcc,posscssall that Ood posscsscsbv natttrc 'l lrc vincwmth:" fbr hc slippecl .lown int,rcottrtption.'l'hctrw:rssin :rlso
dcific:rtionof men rncl of the rvholc crcatctlttniversewotrld rhtrs bc drivcn into thc nilture ,lf nr.tn: thus 'ittrtnv rvcte ntatlc sinncrs
rcco nrplishcd."' (l Lonr. 5:1 9) , t lr . r t is, t hosc t hr oughor t r, r ll t hc car t h. . . . lhclt cc-
firrrv;rrclplclsurcsancl filrhincssinv,rdcdthc tt,rrrtrct,f thc flcsh.ancl
rhcrelrosc tlrcn the s:tvrtgc llq'in our lllclllbers.()ur naturc thus llc-
bv sin rhrotrgh the disotreclicnccofonc, rhrt is' of
Adrrnr. HcnCc all rvcrc nradc sinncrs. n,rt J\ i(Ftr.ln\8[('\ror\ \\,ith
IV. Tne Errecrs oF rHE FALL oN MAN
Adanr (fol rhcy did not vct cxist thcn), [.rutbecirttscrhcv wcre of his
'l-he()trraption naturc,w l rich hat l f ir llcn ut r clert hc llw of sin, . . . lt r At llnr ht t nr ir n
of Hurnan Mrntrc
n:rrurc bccrnl( sick rvith corrtrPtiorr througlr clisotrcdicncc'lnd
Such wrs man'.slofry original calling. Bur aswc all know and t:xpc- entcrcd in."n
thcrcforcthc passiotrs
ricnceevcry da1',the first nran fell fronr this statcand brought hirlsclf
and all of creirtioninto a statcofcorrupriotrand dearh.ln partakingof A r the fhl l, Adanr and F. vc: t ct luir ed a t endct t cy or inclinlt ion t o-
thc fruit that God h,rd lorbidden him to cat, In:rn actcd in I w:tv con- w ard si n, antl all r heir t lescendant sinhcr it et l t lr at inclinat iot r . ln r hc
rrary to his own natrlrc,which had bccn crcated"very'gootl" by Gocl.
As Sr. Muimus writcs:
" l ) u c t o c o n tn r o n n r i sco n ce p ti o n cttttttr s n i tr g th c l l i b l i c,r l tcl n r "u r l tl t o f( l <tl '
( j o h r r . l ; 3 6 . l l o r n . l :l l l . |p h . 5 :( ', tr c.) ,.t cl l r i fvi n g n o tc n ti tv b c i n o r tl cr h cr e . Ac-
[Jutmrn di<lnot nrovclround rlrc Unntovctl-l nrcanGod-as his
colding to thc tcrchirtg of thc lirrthcls,r'ctcrcnccs to (irrtls rvrlth rhotrld rr,rrbc rrn'
to.lo; but o[
orvn principlcin the rvly tlnt hc rv,rsn,ttttrlll;'crcarcd in :tn itnthroponrorphie scnsc. Sl..John (lhrvsostonr cxpleirts: \Vherr votr
hisorvn frccwill, scnsclcsslyrrndin :t nrlnncr corltrrlt\/to nltttrc, he heer'*rrrdssrrches anqcr',tn.l rvretli u"cd itt rclltion to (locl, Llo ll(tl sltPP(x( tllcrc
nrovcdaroundthc rhings bclow hint, ovcr which he ha.l bccn ap- is:rnvthing httnrrn nrcent itr thcnt.... Scripttrrcsitls (iocl Ectsrtngr\r.not ilttribtrtirlg
pointcdbv (locl to rulc."" p.rssiorrto Hinr. btrt erPrcssing, Ity this Lrrrgrng. Hir Ptrnisltirtlllctiorr' ,rn.l nt,tkirr{
en irnprcssiontrn.lcnsc nt,tn (St. lohrt (ihrvsostorr, Ilonilv ott l'itln ('. Honil.l'on
t\aln 1,1;l'('' 55:7ll], l90l| cl..ile n, ( )ornrwttt,rryott tltt l\tlut vol l Il]rrxrklinc'
t'\ Lossk,r', I lttologv, pyt. 109-10. Scc rrlso Ncllts. l)rification in (lttisr' p1t. l V a s s . :H o l y ( l r o ss ( ) r th o d o x l ) r css,l 9 9 l tl , p p .9 5 ,2 6 6 ) .
'll.ystic,tl t't Sr. (lvril ol Alcxendril, (.itrrttttottur.yott l?on,rui 5:lll 1n I'(i 74:7ltlt(l 7ll')llr
i4,57, )l) l-1. 2l9r St. Mrtirnus thc ( lonlcssor,Aubisunt 41, in l-otrth, lli-rirrrr.'
r/u, (.infiixtt: p. | 58. cf. fohn S. l{onr:rnitlcs, Ilr Annstntl .\lrr (llidgcwood, N.l.: Zcphvr.2(X)l) pP
r"'St. N'lexinrrrsthc (lonfcssor,Anbiguunt 4lr in Nclhs, I)tifitdtiott iu (llnist. yt. .33 .14: Vlrrdirnir lvloss, /l,r ltlytury ol lifunptir, ([]nsl.rnd: St. Miclrrtcls I'rcss.
2 l 3. 2 ( X ) 4 ) .p p . I l . l 1 4 .
t Hu oRl H()Dox \(/oRt) (llLt'-A
l tr-t)lN IN(pRltUP l l()N
wordsof St.(iregoryPalamas, "Vhcn Adam lell by rurningasidefrom St. Gregory l)alanrascallsfbrth thc sameimirfle:
gootlto evil, no onc rernainedli.e.,amonghis descendants]
who was
not inclineclto cvil. Ilcfirlcthc t ransgrcssion, r\d:tntshlrcclin th is[ )ivincillLrminirtiotr ,tnrl
brilliucc. Hc w.rs clothcd in thc truerobc of iilorv *':rs
rtn,'l t'tottrrked'
TbeLos oJ'Grnct:Spirimal Deatlt nor rvnshe uglv in his Irlkedncss, bttr rvls trult'ttnspcaklblr'trctcr
Because of rhe corruptionof his natureat rhe fall, man losr thc ad,rrrre.lth,urrhoscrvhorvqrrclildctrrs enrbellishc.l rvith mLrchgoltl
graccin which lre had beencrc.irted.He becameseparared from God. anclprccious stotrcs.... ( )ttr hunratrttltttrcrv:rs strippcdol rhis[)ivinc
(lracewas now fbreignto his narure,and so it dicl not dwell rvithin illLrnrinrttion lrr.l racliltrce as,trcsttltofthc ttglyrr,rtrslircss iotr''l
hin.rrs ir had befbrc.As VlaciimirLosskyexpleins:
This 'stripping of gracc"cotrstitutcda kirrtl of spiritualclcathirl
'l'hcrc is no longcr
l placefbr uncrcatcdgracc in a pervertcdnirrurc flrst-crclteclman. In thc lrrxrk of Ccrrcsis,(]od told Acl:rnr:"()f thc
rvhcrc, according ro Sr. Crcgorv of Nyssn,the nrind like r nrrrror rrceofthc kno\\'lcdgcofgoocl antl evil thott shllt tlot car:fbr in rhc dxv
turncd rbour, insrcadof rcflccringi(iod, receivcsinro itsclf rhc inralie th:rr rlrou catcstthcrcof thou slialt surclv dic" ((len. 2:17). ln fact'
of fbrmlessmlrrcr, whcrc rhc passionsoverrhror.r,thc original hicrar- Adanrdid nor phvsictll)'dicon thc dav he ltc frorl rhc trcc.Accorditrg
chy of rhe lrunran bcing. deprivlrion ofgracc is nor rhc ciluse, ro [)arristicteaching,httwcvcr,(iod'.swords wcrc trtle: Adanr /lzlrlic on
but r:rtherrhc conscquenccofthc decadcnceofour narurc. Man hls rhc dav he atc thc fiuir. Hc expcricnccdrp iritunldealh thc dcath of his
obsrructcd the ficulty in hinrsclf krr communion with God, has soul. As St. (iregory l'alamaswrrtes:
closcd up rhc way bv *hich grrce should hrvc pourcd oLrt rhrough
H i m inr o r he whole c rc a ti o n . It wasindccdAdrrn'.s stttrlthardietl bv bcconringthroughhis tritns-
grcssiottscparltctlfrotn (iotl; firr botlily hc cotrtinttctlto livc :rficr
St. John Danrascenc. who as wc have seen said rhat nran was rlrarrirne.cvcnlirr Irinchttnclrccl:tndthirty yclrs. '
"wrrrpped abour" with (iod'.s grrrceat his crcation, sayslarer in the samc
work that man wils "srripped of grace" at the firll: LllscwhcrcSt. (iregory l)allmls cxpoulrdsfirrthcr on what is tncant
by thc dcathof the soul:
And so, man succumbcdro thc assaulrol'rhe dcnron, thc aurhor of
cvil; hc failcd ro kcep rhc Crc:rror'.s
conrnr:rndrncnrlnd rvls srrippcd 'l'hc dcathof thc soLrlis rvhcn(jocl lclvcsrhe soul itrrdis seP:lrltcd
of gncc and deprivcdof rhat finriliariry which hc had cnjoyed wirh
fionr it, althoughin atrorherw.ry',thc sottlrenraitrs
( locl.-l
)(, t7
-fHIr.ot{ t()tx)x woRr) (llLl|Al Et) IN IN(]OI{RUP f ION
posscsscsrhc irnlge of(lod inrlienlblv, cvcrrifir cloesrrorr.ccognizc In nor rvi shingt o bc nour ishedbv Hinr I G odl, t he f ir sr nr an r ighr lv
orvn digniry,or rh ink lnd livc in u nranncrrvorrhyol rhc (lrcaror'.sinr- fcll away fronr thc [)ivine lifi',:rnd took dcarh as rnorhcr parcrrr.Ac-
agc wirhin ir. Aficr orrr firrcfathcrlstransgrcssiorr cordinglv hc pur on hinrsclf thc irrlrional firrnr, rrnd trl:rckcncdrhe
in I)lradiscthrotrglr
tltc rrcc,rvcsufJcrcclthc dcarh of orrr soLrl-which is rhe sc'prrr:rrion inconceivablebeauryof the [)ivinc, and dclivcrcd ovcr rhc wholc of
thc soul fronr (iorl-prior ro our boclilvdc:rrh;ycr alrhough wc casr narurcas fbod fbr dcath. Dearh is living on this throueh the rvholeof
:rwiryour divirrc likcncss,wc clid nor losc our divinc imagc. i this tcmporal pcriod, nraking us his fixrd. *
Pllysiu Sufcring, Dcath, nnd [,trut1 As indicated in the passageof St. (iregory Plllnras quotcd above,
physical pain and fhriguc wcrc inrroducccl inro hurnan cxperience ro-
At the f;rll, n:r..n'ss?iritudl death-which is the seprrarion of the
gether with bodily dcath. Vc find rhis cxprcsscclin thc Gcncsis rrc-
souf fiom God-nraclc lrinr, in rr:rn, su\lcct rc physicaldeath-which
count, in the senterrce rhat (lod pronounccs on Adnm and Flvc aficr
is rhe scpararionof the soul fronr thc body. St. (;regory Palanraswrires
their fill. AddressingEve,(lod sxvs:"l will grearlynrulriplyrhv pain
of th is as fbllows:
and thy groaningi in pain thou sh:rlt bring fbrth children";.rnd ro
'l hc dcarh,lrorvevcr, Adam He says:"Cursed is the earth in thy labors;in toil shalt rhou eat
rhurbcfc'llrhesoull)ccruse ofrhc rransgrcssi,.rn
not only cripplcclthe souland nrrclcnranaccurscd; of it all thc daysofrhy life.... ln the sweatof thy faccshirltthou eer
it alsorendereq
thc botlvitsclfsubjcct brcad,till thou return unto thc cerrh our ofwhich rhou rvlsr rirkcn:fi)r
to firtiguc,suflcring,rrrd corrupribiliry,.udfi-
nallvhlndeclit overro dcarh.-" eirrththou art, itnd unro carthshaltthorrrctLrrn"((lcn.3:l(r-17, l9).
It will be rememberedthat, befbrethe irll, nrrrnwasgivcn ro cxPsli-
Sr. Synrconrhe New -l-hcologianlikewiscclrawsrhe connccrionbc- cncc pleasurcin God, cverr rhrough scnsorvrhings, brrr his cxistcncc
twcen thc "srrippin€1"ofgrlcc rhat occurretlar thc Fallend rnan'.s
bcing kncw no pain. Accordingrc rhe tcachin!!of St. Maxinrrrs,when nrln
nraclcsubjectro botlily death. At thc fall, he says, nrisusecl lriscapacitvfbr pleasurcbv nrakingscnsiblcrhingsrhc objccrof
his desirc,Gocl providcntiallyaffixcdphysicalpain to sensitrlcplcrsLrrc:
-' Sr.(ircgorvI'llanras,ly'orrlly16.7;it
Llottilia, vol. l. p. 184.
i Sr. (iregrrrvl':,rlant.ts,
lb2icsof Natuntl atd l ltological Scit,ttcc39: in trhilokalia, -- St. Svmcon rht- Nov l hcologirnt,I:rl,i.nl l)inolttrt! l.2r in itlcnr. (h tfu t\l.1,tti-
vo l .4 . p ..1( r 3.
r'5t. (ircgorvl>dtntts,li tht tl|oit l?to.enl ul Lili, vol. l. p. 27.
NunXcuit l0;i t)bihka! ,vol.4,1t. 'r
St. ,Vlaxinrrrstlrc ()onfcssor, Anbiryunr l0; in l-outh. I/rrw aus t/,t (.,ttt/is'or, 1t1t.
126 )7.
Irt r9
l-llE oKf ll()t)ox \fl()Rf) (]REATF,DIN INCORRUP'fION
Bec:ruscirrational ple:rsureentcred hrrnr,rnnrturc. pr,rincnt.'red our rrcnt ofGod; and wascondemncclro dcarh :rnd nradcsubjccrro cor-
trltturcoPposirctlris Plclsrrrcirr accordlncewith rcas()n..
. . lior eYcry rupti on.sj
sufli'r'ing,eflcctivcly h:rving plclsurc as its primlry causc,is c;urte
rr.rtrrr:rllr', in view ol its c:rusc,:r pcn:rltyexactcdfionr all who shlrc in In such r condition ofbearing "grosser" or "denser" flesh, nr:rn [rc-
h rtrrr, t nr lt t r tr c .- ' c:rnre subject not only to pain, death and corruption, but irlso to thc
bodily needs we know today. St. John Chrysostom wrires:
I-lscwhcrc, Sr. M;rxinrLrsobscrvcs thrrt, in hcing givcn ovcr to phvs-
ical pain and dcath, fallcn man has also bccn given ovcr to physical cor- -fhe loving Goc{, whcn thcy
IAd:rm antl L-vc] rendcrcclrhcmsclves
nrptiorl or decay aFterdcath: tunrvorthyof that gleaming and rcsplendcnrvcsrurc in which rhey
wcrc irdorncd and which ensured rlrcm aglinst bodilv ncctls,
God, at the very rnoment humarrity fcll . .. gavc the boclvthe capac- stripped them of all that glorv and cnjovment rhcy werc parrakcrsof
in ro suflir, undetgo corrrrpriorr,and be wholly dissolvcd as rvas bcfbrc rhat rcrriblc fall. Hc showeclthem great pitv and had mcrcv
cvinccd when (iod covcrcdthe body with girrmerrtsol'skin.s" on their flrll: sccingthem covcrcdin confirsiorrancl ignoranrofwhar
to do ro avoiclbcing n:rkcdlnd lccling ashanrecl,
He nrakcsgarmcnts
'l'he Chnngein Mani Physiutl Condition ofski n for thcm anclclot hest hcm in r hem . n'
'When manfell from hisoriginalstareof iucorruption,his bodybe-
camemoregrosslymrterial.In the wordsof Sr.John Drmascenc,
:rftcr A nd agai n:
the primordialtrans€iression
Vhcn He [Gocl] rendereclthenr liable to bodily rrcccssirics for rhc
futurc, stripping thcnr ofrhc angclicrvayoflilc'.rntl irs fit'cdonrfronr
lmanl rvasclorhcclwith thc roughncssof rhis rvretchedliti'-fbr thlt
is what the fig leavessigni!-an<J put on dearh, rhar is ro sry, rhc' suffcring, Hc llrcr lrrlngcd firr clorhcs lor hLrnranbcings otrt of
morraliry and rhc grossncssof rhc flcsh-fbr rhis is rvhirtrhc llarnrcnr shcep'.s
4o 4r
'f H f. olLl Hot)()x \(()Rl) cRliAl lit ) I N lNCoRRt . Jl'l'loN
Fronrthc lhurnlnl bodv it is casyto sccmuch ofthe l)ivine provt- cltrccdmarri:rgeot'tlccottnt of rhc lawless,tcrof Ad,trt. rhar is, the re-
dcnce,not only bcc,ruse l'lc nraclcit lt flrst bcttcrrhln it is ar pres- jecrion of thc larvgivcn hinr bv Clod. 'I'hcrcfirrerll of rhoscborn of
cnt, nor bccausccvcnnow Hc lus rcfashioncd (p,e"rcarceiaatv\ ft f<tr Adlnr arc "conccivedin iniqLrirics,"having fullcn utrclerthc conclcnr-
,r usc'filpurpose,but also beclusc'He will rlisc ir irgrin to muctr narion oI rhc forcfirthcr."n
l.ikewisc, St. John (ihrysostonr writes concerlling (lcncsis 4:l:
In rhe same honrily, rvhcn tliscussingthc workings of thc human cyc,
Sr. Ohrysostornwritcs that tcars:lre a postlapsarianfinction.n" Frorl "Now Adirnr kne*'I;.vc his wife." Considcr ruhcn this hrppc'nccl.Af'-
whlt has becn said errlier, rhis nriry bc seenro havc parlllels in other tc'r the disobcdicncc,afier thcir lossin thc (iarden, rhc'nit was that
orgxns as wcll, fbr acconling ro the Holy Fathcrsothcr bodily firnc- thc prlcticc of intcrcottrschld its bcginning. Yort see,bcfirrc tlrcir
tions rhat arc now considered"natural" tlrc ernissionof secd, the disobctlicnccthev firllorvccl.r lilc likc thar of the rtngcls'rttcl tltcrc
voiding of wastc-wcrc not cxcrciscclby nran bcfirrerhe frrll. w:rsno nrcntion of itttcrcottrsc.How cotllclthcrc bc' u'hctr thcy wcrc
nor strbjcctt,r thc nccdsof rhc bodvl"''
Sexutl Procrcatiott
In thc prcvailingvi ew ofthc Holy Fathers, rmons thc bodily nceds on tltis tcaching:
Fllscwlrerethe slnrc Saitrt clittror:trc-s
tlrlt nr:rnlcquircd at rhc f.ill wls thc necclto procrciltcsexually.'-'l'hLrs,
Sr. Athanasiusthc (ircat writcs in his interpretetionof [)salnr50:5 \Vhy did trrarri:rgcnot:tppcar bcfirrc thc disobcdicnccl Why rvas
("For,hehold,I wasconccivedin inicluities, rhcrc no inrcrcourscin l)itnttlisc? \Whv not the prirrs of childbirth bc-
anclin sinsdid my mothcr
desire rnc"): firrc rhc curse?Bccauscat thar timc thcsc rhings rvcrc supcrfluous.
'l hc ttt'ccssiry:troscllttct ltc,tttsc of our wcakncss,as cliclcitics, lrts
'l hc originll inrcntionof(iod rvasfbr usto gcncrltenot br,rrrarri.rlic
antl skills (ai 4yv<t rl. rhc rvcarinliol-clorhcs,rncl rll our othcr ntr-
lntl corruption.Rrrtthc transgrcssion o1-thcconrnrlnrln.'ntinrro- ntcrousnecds.""
" ' S t..Joh n(lh rvsoston r.O n lt r ' . \ m r r c s I l. . i; P( i 49: l25r c l . N l ) N | , t s t S e r i c s r, r r l . T'lr ConditiottoJ'ManiSoulaJierDcath
9. p. 4l(r. Scc Ncll.rs,/)r'l/r'r',rtlaa ir (.lhritr.1'.74.
r" I bicl. Il:3; I'(l 4 9:ll2 rc t . Nl) NI r ls r Sc r ic s . v ol. ' ) . p. 4l4. S e c N c l l u s . p . 7 4 ln irdtlitionto changinghis spirirurland phvsical condirion;rtrd
s- Accor<lingro Sts.Athlnusius thc ( irelt ((.irlrlrrrrrary on lt l\aln:
ll)selnr50:51, handinghim overro physicrllclcathlnd clecal"ntln\ flll into corrup-
src lrcfou). ( ircgorl of Nvssrr(Ol tlt' ill,rl iug ol Llar l7), John ( ihrvsostoml( )u \/ir- riorralsodetcrrninctlthc starcof his soulaficrcleath,ntakingit trneblc
qi iq l4-15J,ltl:rxinrrrs rhc ( irnfi'ssLtr\ilnltignun 4l) rnrl John [)itmasccnc(l.rzrr
lit:positior4.24), if nrirrrh.rd not fillcn, (locl rvoul<lhirvt cnrplovetl :r nreenso1 in-
sf St. Athan;rsius thc (lrc:rt. (.rtrttutnhtry t)D tl'( l) lms (l'salnr 50:5)l l'(i
crc:rsingthc htrnranraccothcr than scxrtalrcpro.luction. lir oLtr kn,rwlcdgc,rhc onlv
Holv Flthcr rvho hcld e contrery vieu' wes BlcsscdAtrgrrstincof llip;ro. BlcssedAu- )7:24IJC'D Ihis tcrrching ol st i\therrasittsrves letcr rcltcltctl vcrb'rtinr bv St
gusrinc did rfllrm rvirh all the orhcr l:arhcrsrhlt Aclanrlncl F-r'c<liclnot hlvc.exuel M r x i n r r r st l r c ( l o n l csso l i tr h i s ( ]r n tr o r r n n l I) o u b tsl S ( ( l ( i S( i l 0 :l - 1 8 l 9 l l 9 8 l l ) .
8')Sr.J<rlrn(lhrvsostt>nr,llouilio on Gaurt l8 l) FO vol lt2. p. lt).
rcl,rrionsbcfirrc tlrc 1:rll;hou'clcr, rccordinq to hirn rhis rvls cithcr lrccatncthcr did
nor hrvc rinrc or bccuuscrhcv rvcrewuiting lirr u spccificconrnrrnd lionr (iorl (7/z' '"' Sr. folrn (lhrvs<rstonr.Ou l'iryint1' 15.2: l'(l 4lt:5441)-545A: cl. On VirginitT
Lirnl l,|utiru ol (i'ntiii\\ (.:it.tol (ixl 14.26). Atuiusr lltnrrri4e, p. 73.
'I'H1..()RTH()[X)X V/()llt) ( lRt-Al ut) lN lN(l()RRLIP'f
ro p:rrnke oferenralunion wirh (;od. Adam haclbecnbarredfronr para- rhe nrut;rrioncrfhunrlrrrn:lturcovcr to plssibilirl',corruption,ind
tlisc during his crrrhly lifL, ancl hc remainedbarrctlfiorn both l)aradisc sin."
clcirrhis the condcnrnatiorl
anclhcavcrr;rfrcr dcath.Afier physicaldcarh,the soulsofAdam, Evc,
rrnriull rhcir posrcrirywcrrr down inro hldes, whcre rhey continuecltcr ln quoting St. Maximus on the changein Ilran'.rtrrtturc,we shotrld
c xisrin :r sr:rtcof spirirtrlldetth. In thc.wordsofSt. Grcgoryl)alanr:ts: point out that the word "trature"rakeson diflercnt meaninqsin his
wrirings (as in tlrc writingsofothcr Farhcrs),depenclingon the corl-
l'.vcneficrdc:rrhour souls,lravingbccndcscrtcdby (iod, fi'll ro his tcxt. In sonre placcsSt. Maxin.tus,when speakingof m:rn, usesthe
lrhc dcvil'.sl
lot and he draggcdthcnrdorvnro hades,anclshurthcnr word "ll.rture" in the srricr scnse-that is (to quote St. John [)arna-
up in sccminelvincscapablc prisons."' scenc),as "thlr r:nchatrgeable lnd inrtnLttirblcprinciPleand ciuse lnd
virtLrcwhich has been implanted by thc Crcator in crch spcciesfor its
'l 'l'hus, in ollc plicc St. Muimus silys that Ilttt'tt:tttttlturc
lrc Change in Humttn Nature acrivity.""'
'With rnan'.s does nor changcas a result of sin (including, Prcsunlably,the sin thirt
changc from incorrupribilitv ro corrupribiliry ar rhc
firll, ir may be said thar n "mutlrion" occurred in his nature. As Sc. occurrcd at thc [rll), sincc by clcfinitit)nit cannot chengc;rathcr' thc
Maxirlus thr Confessorwrites: rrrocleor cotrdirion (TQiTo) of rt:lturechangcs:
'I'll[ ()KI tl()t)()X \(/()RI)
"did rrot sLrbvertthc ficc choicc"given ro rran, "Gocl judgcd rhar rt was
clislster."''"'i/hcn nran fell, rhc rcst of the visilrlccrcation fell into cor-
right fbr man ... oncc lgain to rccovcran inrnrorral naturc" (nd,l.rr
nrption along lvith him: tleathlnd dccly wcre introducedirrto thc crc-
a1avarov a,rolaBeiv riv $dotv).""" It is only in rhc broed scnseof
ation.'l-lrus,not only did m;rn fail to firlfill his originaldesignationof
"human naturc,"asincluding its nrodcor condirion, rhirrone can spcak
rrising rhc crcationto (lod, but he lowcrcclit from incorruptionro.t
of hunran nature "changing"or "mutaring" ro corruption ar rhe fall.
stateof corruPtion.
'fhe It will bc remcmbcrcd that, whcn God sentencedmankind to
Comrnondlity of'Human N ure as lt Rahtes to tbc li l
suffcrin!i and death afier thc fill, among His decrceswas thc
Althouglr rhe Orrhodox (lhurch clocsnot ircceprthe idc'athat wc sr:lrcnrent: "(lurseil is thc carth" (Gcn. 3:17).""' l'his accor.rr.tt in the
are all born into this world sharing rhc guilt ofthc sin ofAdanr and book of (lencsis fbrmed the historical-narrativeback€lroundfirr thc
Eve,"-accordingto thc conrmon l)atrisricteachingwe arc all born sub- rrbove-ne ntionetl reachin€lsin the Visdom of Solomon and thc
icct to rhe tonscquenL'cs
of thltt sin. As wc haveseen,theseincludc a cor- Pauline Epistles. Following from thesc words of Scripturc, entl
ruption of human nitLrre,which inclincsnran towartlsin; an irbscncc espcciallyflom Sr. I)aul'stcaching in llonrlrrs fl:l!)-23 on crcrtiotr's
of the indwellinggraceof God (i.e., spiritualdeerh);tlre suflering, "bondage to corruption,' the Patristic corpus holds that, while
clcath,and c<lrruprionofthe body; the boclilv neccssities rh:rrwe know Adanr'.scontinuccl incorruprion was dcpcntlcnt on himself-rhat is,
todav;and :r conrinualrcc ofspirirualdcerhaficr physiceldcath. l'hese on Iris kecping thc comnrrttrdurcnt of (lotl-thc continuccl
consequences were passeddowrr fiom the flrst man to his dcscenoanrs incornrprion of tltc rest of creation w,rs not depcndcnt orr itself, btlr
bccaLrsc hunran nature is one: wc are all of the tlmily of Adam. As St. orr Adanr'sincorruprion.'lb ptrt it another wax Acllm wrrsdepenclenr
(ircgory Pallmascxplains,
on (;od, but thc irrationalcrcarionwas depettderrton Iuiln (or orl
'l'lrc sameanccstral God through man) Iror irs abiding in itrcorruption. It wes fbr this
crrrscrrndcontlcnrnltionpotred out on all of us
relson thxt, when man becarnecorruptible, rhe rcst of the costtros
fronr our singlcfbrcfirthcr,
as if ir haclspmngfiom thc r.ootol rhe
fbllowed hirn.
humirnraccand wasrhcconlnlonlot of our nlturc.')N
ln Ronr:rnstJ:20,rhc Holy Apostle l):rul rvrites:"For thc crcariott
was nrldc subjectro futiliq,, nor willingly, lrut bv reasotrof Hirr Vho
V. Tsr Errecrs oF THE Fell ox rHE CosMos hath subjectedit in hope." St. -lohn Chrl'sostorl,itr his cotrlntcrrtirv
on this verse,cxplains:
'l'he Dependenceol the
Cosmoson Mtn
Man'sfell had profbund rcpercussionson rhc cntirc cosmosaswell, Whar is thc nrelninqof "rht ctcutionrvls nt,tdestrltjccrro firrilirri:
bringing about what PrtristicscholarFr. Andrew l.outh calls"a cosnrrc 'l hrr ir bccanrecolrtrptiblc.Ilor rvharclttrsc,
rrnclon whltt itccottttr?
On irccountof rou, () nran.lilr sitrcc1'ottr<xrka botlv Irrtlrtll ltnd
"" St. Mrximtrs, ,4ul l /nltssinn 42..in On dte Oosni. llfisury, pp. 120-21 .
')- Scc, fbr cxenrple,thc rcrching ol Sr. (lvril ofAlcxandril on p. .15alxrvc,wlrcrc ir
is srid thrt, rrt thc f:rll,"ull wrrc ntadcsinncrs.n()r :rsco-rrxnsgrcsrors
wirh Acllnr (firr
rlr ( )ouftssor,
"' l-orrrh.,&,l,rrirarrr :t.64.
thcy did not ycr cxist then), but bcclusc thcv rvercof his nlurc.' r"" ln thc Scptrragint rvith thc rvolds 'in rhv hbctrr"lin tlrc
tcxt, this is firllorvccl
"n St. (ircgorv l).rlanr:rs, //azrlf 5.l;in Houiliu, vol. t, p. 52.
l\lesorctic. rvith lirr tlrv s,rkc.
ir is firllorvccl
46 47
]'t IE ()t{n I()t)ox \(/oltt) CRF,A
subicct to suffering,so also thc eilrrh rcccivcda crrrsc,lnd l)rouglrr Hc' lthe Apostlcl)aullcliscourses
forth thorns and thistlcs."" corruprion-cf. Rorn.8:2I l, andshowsfbr whoscsakesr.rcha rhing
lrls occurrcd-:rndhe placesthc blamcon us.Whlr thcnl In suffcr-
St. Gregory of Sinai says the same: ing rhescthinlison accounrofanorhcr,hascreationbccnmaltrcared?
Bv no means,for ir hascomeinto bcingfor my sake.So rhen,how
It is said thlr whcn the world wirs flrsr crcarcdir vvasnor subject ro couldtharwhich hascomeinto beingfbr my sakcbe urrjustlytrcrtccl
flux and corruption. According to Scriprurc it w:rs only larcr cor- in sufferingthoscthingsfor my corrcction?r{)r
ruprcd ancl "madc subjecrro flrility"-rhar is, ro man-nor by its
own choicebur hv rhc will of Him ro whorn it is subject,thc expcc- Let us recallSt. Symeon! teaching,quoted abovc,thirt it was fitting
tation being rhat Adam, who had fillen into corruption, rvoultl bc tlrat the crearionsupply incorruptman with incorruptibleFoodin rhe
rcstorcdro his original stare.rr'' bcginning. ElsewhereSt. Symeonaffirms that, after the fall, it was fit-
ting rhat creirtionbc n.radecornrptible along wirh man, so rhar ir could
As St. Synreon the Nerv T'heologian tcachcs, (lod did nor cursc furnish rlan, for whosesakeit had been made,with corruptiblc fbod:
trut only the restof rhe incornrpte:rrth:
I(lodl subjcctcdcrcationto him lrranl, rnclput it undcr:rcurscso
[Cod] wills to holtl it fitaradisc]out lo us as r tvpc of the inclissolu- that, havingbccn crcrtcdfbr thc sakcof nranwlro had fallcnrnto
blc lifi ro come, an icon o[the erernal King<lonrofHcavcn. If rhis corruption,ir shouldirsclfbccomecorruptlncl providchinr lrrrru-
wcrc nor thc casc, then rhc (iarclcn, roo, woulcl have hld ro be allvrvirhcorrrrpred
curscd, sincc it was the sccneof rhe transgression.Hou,cvcr,(lod
does not do this, but insteaclcursesthe wholc restofthc carrh rvhich, At rhc same time, however,it is prcciselybr:causcthe visiblc crc-
rs rvc hlvc srrid,rv:rsirrcorruptiblc jusr Iikc Plrlclisc, ancl procluccd arion wirs rnade fbr thc sakeof man that it will aglin bccorlc inc.rr-
fruit of irs own accord.r(r'r ruptible-for when the body oF man is restored to a stilte of
incorruption rr the (lenerrl Rcsurrection,thc rest of the visible cre-
St. John Chrl,sostom explains that this was a fitting and just consc- arion will be restoredto that stateaswcll. St. Symcon writes:
que nce of nr:rn'.ssir.l.sirlce the visitrlc crcirtion had lrcen mirdc fbr tl.re
sakc 0f nrin: [(iod] willcdrlrarcreirrion
scrvcnranfbr rvhomit rvrsrnadc.andlikc
hirn becomecornrptible,so thrrrrvhen:rgainnranis rcnervcrl
rnd be-
comcsspirirrrll, incorrupriblc,and imrnortal,ther crcirtion,roo,
l"l St.
John (lhrvsostonr.Hontilieson I?onari l4; I'(i 60:5-30Arcf. NI)Nlr lsr Sc-
ri cs.vol. I l, p . 4 44 .
lrlr St. (ilcgorv of Sinti, On Cinn'tu/ttrtttts l)ortrirtts I l: in Philotaln. vol. 4, r''' S(. lohn Olrrlsosronr. Ilonilicson llott,ttx l4r l'(i 60:5.]0ll(l;ct. NI'Nlr lsr Sc-
p . I 14. ri es.vol . I l . p. 444.
r"' St. Symcott thc Ncrv l hcoloqirn , lltbial Distnrsts 1.2: it On t/'t Al.ytinl Li.fi. r(l- St. Svnreontlrc Ncw I'hcokrgiant, Ilthical I)iwursts | .i: h Or tlr l\lysthtl Lili,
vcrl. L p. 2ll, ct. l:irst'Cn'an'd Alan. p. t)l . vol. l, p. .illr cl. lht l:int-(.rr,ttrdivlan,pp. 102-j.
:+d 49
' l I IL O l { l l l Ol )()X V ()l tt) ( ll{t : Al t it ) I N I N( l( ) l{Rl. r Pl- l( ) N
now subjcctcd() rhc rcbcl br'('ocl'.scorrrnrandancl nradc his sl:rvc, Itccanrccorruprible, so likcu'iscrvhen thc lrodv rvill bccomc itrcor-
will bc nr:rdencw, rrndtrccorrc irrcorruptitrlclncl rvhollv spiritLrrrl""' ruptiblc, rhe crcation itselfwill agrin corrcspondrnd firllorvsLrit."n
To summarize this Patristic teaching: Sincc creation was nrirde fbr A gai n cmph: r siz- ing r hat r he r cst of cr ext ion f bllows m an, Sr .
thc sake ofman, it wls ncccsslry thlt it bc createclincorruptitrlc along Ohrysostonr e xplains why Chr ist ians shoult l f ind consolat ion in St .
w it h ma n , t hat it f lll int o c o rru p ri o n a l o n p iw i th rttA rt,nnd rhl t i n thc l'arrl\ teaching that rhe creation was ntadc corruprible firr thc sakc of
furure it bc restorcd to incorruptiorr along witlr nran. lt is by reason of ml n, " i n hopc" of f ut ur e incor r upt iot r :
its future restoration that St. l'aul, in sayinq that "thc crcation was sub-
ject to firtility," aclded the worcls "in hope" (l{om. Il:20). St. John [)o you sechorv nurrrlclds rhr rvay in lll things, lnd how cvcrything
Chrysosronr, in his conrmentary on these words of tlrc APostle, ex- h,rscorrc lbour fbr his s:rke?l)o vou pcrccivchorv hc ISt. I'aul] cn-
plains tirrther why there was no injustice in thc fact that crcation wrts couragcsrhosc strtrggling,itnd llvs tr,trcGod'-sunspclklblc lovc fbr
subjccrcd ro colruptiolr on accor.lJ'ltof man. Addrcssing rnankind, hc rn.rrrkindlWhy do r'<lttgr-icvc,hc silvs,ovcr rrillsJ VlLr arc sufficritrg
silvs: on ,rccorrntofl'our'5g1t s1g1111111is sttf[eringon lccount of t'ou. Nor
docs he cnc<lur:rgconly, lrut he dcntortstmtcswhilt hc savsro bc wot-
Bcclusc ofvou, it Irhc crcation] suffcrctlcvils rrrd bcc:rntccorrupt- rhv of firirh. For ifcrc:rrion, rvhich clnrc into lting cnrirclv fi>rv,-rLt,
ible, but no injusricc has bccn donc, firr bccauscof vou ir will [rc- lraslrope, ntuch ntorc ought vou to hirvch()pc, rhrottgh rvhonr crc-
comc incorrupribleagrrin.'l his is whlt "in hope" rneans."' irtion rvill conrc to eniov lll thosegooclrhings.r""
Thcre is hopc lor the crearior.r,Sr. Paul goes oll ro s:ly in his lipisrle St. John Chrysostorns con.rmentrry on this plssagc in ll.ontlns has
to the Romans. "because the crcation itself llso slrall be delivered fronr scrvccl ls a basis firr subscqrrent Parrisric commentarics, such :rs thosc
t hc b o n d a ge of c or r upt io n i n to th e g l o ri o u s l i b c rty o f the chi l cl rcn of oIS t.,l ol .rn l )a nr ascenc in t hc cight h ccnt ur y, Blessecll hcophr 'llct of
(lod" (Ronr. 8:21). St. (ihrysostom interprc'ts this versc as fbllows: Ohri tl i n thc clcvcr t t h cet r t ur v, ancl Sr . 'l'heophen t hc llccluse in r hc
nincreenth ccntllry.rr" St. Ohrysostont was not, howcvcr, itt rrtltl ttcitrg it
'Whar tlocs "rhe creation itsclf rlso" rneln? Not onlv new inrerprctation of this plssagc, bur onlv cxprcssing whar lracl bcen
1,ou,lrut llso
that which is infi-rior to voLr,evcn thar rvhich partrkcsofncithcr rca-
son nor scnsepcrception-cvcn this u,ill shrrc all good thingr irr rr| rIt)i (l .iIr(; (,0: 5l0l) ;cl. Nl, Nlj. p. 445.
rrf'l l )i d. I)(' 60: 5. 101)5llAr ci. Nl'NL p. 445.
conrmon wirh vou. For "it shall be delivcrcd," hc [St. I)aul] says.
llo St. (.ontp/ttt \ll,rk (io
"fronr the bondrge ofcorruption," rvhich is to sar',ir will no longcr John l)irrnrrsccnc,(.otltttrtttrr.l,ott l?ottt,ttri:it idcn,
( i r c c k ) . v o l . ') ( . l h cssr r l o n i kil,( ) 9 1 ) , fp . l l ( ,- 1 .i . Bl csscdIh co p h vl ,r cto l ( ) h r i tl .r n d
bc corrupriblc,bur will corrcspondto rhc trcluty givcn to vour bodv,
llrrlg.rri.r, (.irralrlzr,rry on tlr [1,isrfu to rltt llonuns: l'('' l]'1:445(l 4494. St.
Iror just ls whcn rhc bodv bccanrccorrupriblc, thc clcrrion itselfllso 'l hcophrrn rlrc Rcelrrsc.(.)tnutut'tr.y,ott ln' llpiitlt ol tln'A2oth lhtl to th( ttunnls
(in llussiln) (i\4oscrxv,tll'){)), pp. 50.3 15, St. lohn [)lnritsccnc's.tncl Blcsstd
on this pass:tgcrvctc condcnscd vclsions of St. -John
"'(' Ibid. f.-lr Ot t/u trl.yttital
Lifi, vol. l. p. 29rcl. I:irsr-()atrutXlar, p.94. Ihcophvllct.s conrnrcrrtrrrics
r(l-St. Ilonilio or l?owu l4: I'(i ( :510(l; cf. NI)Nl: lst Sc- corrlnlcnr.lr\'.St. llrcoPh,rrrtrscd St. (lhrvsostom as ltis ntltin sorttcc,
John (lhrvsostonr,
rics,vo l . l l , p. , i41r . brrt qLrorcd.rlsolionr the rvritin{rsof othcr |;trlrclr.
't HH ()t{f H()t)ox \x/oRI)
ct t A it ) I N I NC( ) RRLJP
I t()N
the comrnon teirclringoi rhe Church. 'Iwo centuries befbrc Sr. crcxtion fell irrto corruptior.r ltrr the sakc of marr, and thlt it will be rc-
Chrysostorn,fbr ex:rnrple,St. Ircnaeusof l.yonsset forth the sanrern- storeclto i ncorr Lr pr ionalong wit h him :
rcrprrctatior.r.Commcnting on l{onrans8:19-2.1,Sr. Irenaeuswrotc
rhar wherr "the commencementof incorruprion" occursar the (lcneral For rhc crclrion was nrtdc subjccr ro firrilirv, lSt. Paull says,and hc
Rcsurrection,"the creariorrirself" will be "restorcdto its prin:evalcon- that it will bc sct frcc from sLrchscrvirudc,as lrc intcrrdsto
dition"-thus indicatingboth rhe original irnd the future incorruprion cal l rhi s w o r ld by t hc nar t r cof cr car ior r .For ir is nor whlt is Lr nscen
of tlre cosnros. "' Irhe ,rngclicrvorld] but u,hrt is sccn rhlt is srrbjcctto corruption.
St. lrerr:rcus's
contcnrporary,Sr. I'hcophilus of Antioch, elaborarccl -l-hccrcltiorr. thcn. :rficr bcirrgircsrorcdto a bcttcr and nrorc sccnrly
on this theme. ln rhe passage of his teechingnrcntionedcarlicr,he ex- stntc,renrains,r cjoicingand exulr ingovcr t hc chilclr cnof ( iod lt t hc
plained why ir was fitting that animals were changcclat the flll ro- rcsrrllcction;filr whosc slkc it now grolns and tr:rvlils.rvrritingitsc-lf
€ir:rherwith nran,and how thcy will one day be restoredto a corrdition rlso firr otrr rctlcmption frrrm thc corruprion of thc [tod1,,thlt, rvlrcn
without hunringanclpredarion u' c hl vc ri scr ranclshakcr rolf t lr c r r r or t alit yo[ t hc llcsh . . . , and havc
becn sct frcc lionr sin. it also shlll trc frced fronr corruption rrnd bc
'l hc aninralsarc nalned q,ilcl rr
bcasrs(1'rtpi,t),frolrnthcir bcing subjcctno longcr ro firtilitl, but to riglrrcousncss (cl. 2 l)ct.3: l
-l). '
hunted($t1pe{eo0o,r), not as if rlrevhad bccnmadccvil or venom-
ous fiom thc firsr-fbr nothing w:rs rnadccvil bv God, bur all In our own rirncs, rhis cornnron Pittlistic rcaching hits lrccn ex-
rhingsg<xrd, vc;r,vcrygood((len. l:Jl )-bur rhcsin in which man pounded by a nr ot ler n- day Holy Fat her , Ar chir llnclr it c Jusr in
was concerncdbrought cvil upon rhcnr. For rvhen nliln rnlns- Popovich of Chclijc, Scrbia. All of crcrtion fcll into corruption irlong
grcssed, thcv alsotrlnsgrcssed wirh him. For as,if thc mlsrcrof the w i th man, Fr. Just in says, not sinr ply bccausc t hc clcst iny of all cr ca-
househinrselfacrsrighrh,,thc dorncstics llso of nccessiryconducr turcs is linked to nrirn'.s,but trecirLrsetheil desriny is dcputdutt on
themselvcs wcll, bur if rhc m{srcr sins,rhe servarrts alsosin wirh man.s:
hirrr,so in like nrannerir canrcro pass,rhrr in rhecascof man'ssrn,
hc bcing nrasrcr,lll rhrr wrs subjccrro him sinncd wirh hinr. 'l-he larc of visiblc naturc has, fi'onr rhc l.rcginningof irs existctrcc,
Vhen, rhcrcfbrc,nran rgain shall havc nr.rdehis w:ry back to his l rccn undcr t hc power of r hc ir r f lucr r ceof nr an. . . . ( ) r ganicr llv and
trirturll condition,arrclrro longerdocscvil, rhoscalsoshallbc' rc- nrysriclllv conrrecrctln,ith nrrrnrrsrvith rr (lod-likc crcrrturcof (ird,
storctlro rhciroriqirrlllic'ntlcncss.rrl narure in thc csscrrcc
of irs lifi'dcpcnds upon mln antl alwlvs nroves
rvith rrrarr.\Whcn nrrn chosctlrc plth ofsin
stricrly c<>nrrrrcnsurltcly
Again, a cenrury befbre St. John Chrysosrorn,Sr. Mcthodius of and tlcath rrshis path throLrghhistor1,,rrllofnatrrtc,.ts rhc resultof its
()lvnrpus nncl Patar:rconrnrcntedon Ror:rlns 8:l8-21 , sayingthar rhc irrcsistiblcinncr dcPcnclcncyon rnun, fbllorvcdlficr hinr (cf. Ilonr.
8:l') 2.1). I'he flll of rn,rn rv:rsrt thc sanrctinlc rhc firll of naturc,
rLl Sr. lrcnirctrsof l.v<tns.AgtitrsrHottit's ANtr vrl. I, pp. 5(rl. 5(r7. antl thc crrr scol nr an bccanr ct hc cur scof nir r Lr r c( ( icn. . l: 17- 18) .
Scellso p. 27 aLrovc,whcre Sr. lrcnlrerrs:rgrrin sevsth:rt, in rhc l{csurrcction.rrcerron
rv i l l bc rcrr,rrccl r,, ir.orig il.r l r on( lir ir ' r 1. l l r S t . N l c r h o t l ir r so f ( ) l vn r p u s :r n clP:lt;rrt, I)isttttrtt ott t/n l?tsuntttion: ANI:. tol.
rrrSt. l hc,rlrhilrrso l Nttioch. 'lit Auolytrr l.l7: AN I.. vol. J, p. l{)L
6, p. 16rr.
t'H F_()ll1'H()fx)x !(oRt)
And fiom rhar tinrc nrln lnd nlture, like two inseparablenvins. Adam was pl:rccdas lord tnd king of all rhe crcturcs.... Ancl so,
blindcd bv onc rnd thc sarnc darkncss,dcadenedby onc ancl rhe when hc was trtkcn captivc-,rhe creltion which rnirrisrercdr<l irncl
samc death, burdencd by onc ancl thc slrnc curse,go h,rnclin hlntl servcdhirn was taken captivc rogcrhcrwirh hinr. For throLrghhinr
throrrgh hisrory,through thc rbvsnrrl wildcrncssofsin and cvil.'lir- dcath came ro rcign over evcrv sotrl.''t'
54 5t
'l H l'l ()R I tl()t)()x voRt) (]I{I]AI'I.:I)IN IN(;ORRLJP'I'ION
56 57
' l t l F . ()l { l tl o l )()x \(/()l tt) (iltllAl trl) |N IN(:()l{l{tJl'll()N
irsclf.'lt And no onc itl rhe lvorld thctl ktrcrv rtboltt goorl rrnd fiom thc perspectivcof (lodk original plirn-His econontv-fbr His
cvil-only bliss cxiste<l;rnd trotrotlvhcar.l of krro*lcclgcrnd igtro- crcation. I)elrh was not Part of God's original, "very gootl" crcatiotr;
rlncc-rhcre wrts only u'istlomj :rtrcl ttobo,-ly ktrcrv of lifc 'rncl thereforc,whcn it cntercd thc world, it wrts"tttrnatttral."l'his is trot to
tlcath-rhcrc ,vls onlv rhc stltc of blissfulll'wisc cxistcnce ' s{y, howcvcr.that tbc creatiottwas Prescrvedin incorruption rtritly.rc'
But bc'clttscof ln occirsitln'lvhich is rnorc thln tllc
t{r'erldfirl cordir.rqto its own nirttlre' indcpendcnt of (lod's gracc. As we hxvc
nlost hotriblc trightttrlrc. the Irroltrlr t,f tltc ',ttakeopctrcclatrd thc sccn,rhe ori€linalincorruprion of rnrtnw;rsentirelytlcpcndenron
fangsfirll of vcnonr lppcarg{ ,rLttc,f it-ancl rleathcntcrcclflrst-crc- u,hilc the incorrupriotr of thc rest of cre:rtiotlwirs clependcnton
rtredrrltttre.llr through man.
With rcgardto whether nlan wts originally inrnlortll bv "natrtrc"
or by "grace,"vrrious Holv liirrhcrscxpressthenrsclves tliflcrcntlr'' As
F-lsewherc, in his Homilirs, St. Nikolai Vclinrirovich of'fersanothcr
we havesaidrvhendiscttssirtg wlrcthcr or trot Ad:lm's lrature "chrrngecl"
profbund rcflection otl thc s:lme thcnrc' inclicaring rhrotrgh obscrveble
rrr rhe firll, rhe []lthers sonretirtlcscnrPloythc tcrm "tlaturc ilt .t rttict
examples that delth is indeed lrll intrudcr in this world:
-flltls, just ls Aclanl'snature
scnsc,and somctilllcs in I broad sellsc.
'l herc is l ntvstcriotrsfceling thlr rlkes lrolclofall who stlnd rrorttrd rnrv be said to havc changeclor to havc rctrrairlcdtlnchangcd'accorcl-
a cleadbody, a fi'cling th,rt is rrrc'lycxprcsscd,rttti this is shrtnrc Not ing ro tlre sense€livcr'r to ttrc word "naturc," so also matr'.s original inl-
t,nly tlo rncn fi'lr dclth' thcv irrc ashanrctlof ir.'lhis shenrc ts a mortirliry may be stid to have cxistctl by'hature" or by "grace,"
proof'-atr cvcn sttonller onc than fi'lrr-th,rt tlerrtlr is rhe cotrsc- clcpendingon how "nrttrtrc"is vicwccl.
clucnccof trrln'.ssitt. As a sick nlrtt'tis llslr:tmcdto show thc doctor lris I-trr cx:ulplc, in On t/n' Iuatruttiott' St. Atlrrrritsitrsthc (llcat said
hirldcn wouncl. so lll rvhtl h:tvc l cotrscicttccare lshitnlcd ro show thar Aclatnwas crerltcdntortxl bv naturc but Prcservedirr incorrtrptiolt
[.,vsracc,"" wlrilc Sr. (]rcgorv of Nvssa' in On Viryittity' srid that tlln
5tt 59
't Hti ()l{t H()t)ox \(/oRt) (llil:Alt':l) lN lN( l()lLRUP'l
wrrsnot originally liable ro death accorclingto his nature.'t- Here agrrir.r viewing "nature" in :r relarivescnse,accordingrc which humanity was,
we sec rwo Fathersviewing thc same realiry fronr different sides.St. nnditiondlly and depcndtntly,grantcd rhc gifi of inrnrortalirvbv (lod.
Athanesius,in sayingthat man in thc beginningwas mortal by naturc, In thc wrirings of St. Mrximus, wc flnd this qucstion viewed fiont
was looking ar "nature" in an absolutescnse,accordingto which Cod both sides.In some placcsSr. Mlxirnus writes that Adam "wls not de-
aloneis imnrortirl by naturebec:ruseHe aloneis uncreated,withour be- privedofthe irnrrrorrality and thar ar rhc fall Ailam
that is by grace,"rr)
ginning, lnd dependenton nothing for His unending life (cf. I -l-im. losr "rhe incorruptibilirywhich hatl beengivcn bv grace."'"'As we havc
6:16-17:'the [.ord of lords, Vho alonc hath immortality').r:*St. scen, however.in anothcr placc St. Maxinrus wrote that Christ has
(ircgory, in sayingthet man was not origin:rlly mortal by nattrre,was In.lde it pos\il)lctor nrrtn 'i'rt.c rg,tin (o recovcriln imttr(trtitltrft
turc,"rrrthus specilyingthat man hlcl an "imnrortalnature"in the be-
likcrrcssto I Iinr Vho is (.rnd if hc still prescrvcdthis likencssbv kccping llinr in his sinning.
knorvle<1g,e) he sould st:rv his n:rtural corruption, and rcnrain incorrupl ... being -lhken togcther,St. M:rximrrs'steachin€ts lend themselves to rhe fbr-
i n c orrupt, hc rvo trlcllivclrcn c c lir r r has ( 1od. . . . I : or ( ioc l has no ( o n l v r n l r c l er r s o t r t o f
mulxtion that nran'.s body was originally posscssed,b.ygace, of an in-
nothingl but llc qlvc Lrsflcclv, by thc grlcc'ofrhc V/<rrd,l lifi- irr corrcspondcncc
morraf, incorrupt ndtut?. Such an urrderstandin€! is possiblewithin
rvith (lotl. But nrcn, hrrving rejccted rhings ctcrnrl, lnd, trv counscl of rhc tlcvil,
t L r rncdt o thc thin gs ofcorn r pt i, r r r , bc c lnr e t hc c aus cof t hc i r o w n c o r r u p t i r ) n i n Orthodox theokrgy,which scesno rigicldichoromy berwcengraceand
dc:rrh,bcing, as I slid bcfirrc,lrv nlttrrc corruptiblc, but clcsrincd,bl thc gracc bl- nature.As Vladinrir [.osskvpointsor.lt:"C;raccis implied in the act of
Iouing lrorn pertlkirrg ofrhc W<rrd.ro hevc cscepcdrhcir narural srete,hrd rhcy re- crcxtion irscll... Nature rncl lirace do not exist siclebv siclc, rathcr
nrainctl good. l;or bcclusc of rh.- Word drvclling with rhcm, cvcrr thcir narural
thcre is a nrutual in tcrpenetration ofonc:lnothcr, the one cxistsfor tltc
corrtrption di.l not comc nclr rhcnr, as Visdom llso slys: (iod nradc nrrn lirr
incorrrrptirrn"'(St. Ath:rnesirrs, On tlte lutdrnation 4 5; Nt'Nlt 2nd Serics,r'ol. 4, p.
J8). A conrp.rralrlc tcrchine is lound in Sr. lrcnacusof l.vons. Auint l-bcits j.10.l:
A N I: . vol. l, p. 4 50 .
ll- "'l his reasoningend intclligent crearure,rnan,:rt trncc thc rvork entl rhe likcncss lnd bcsrouscrcrnit't'orrother rhirrgs.'l l:c trcint ofcreltccl tlrings,on rltc othcr hltncl.
ofrhe l)ivirrc and Inrpcrish,rblcMind (firr so irr (icncsis ir is wrirtt'n ofhinr thrt (iod h.rs non-bcing es it:, oppositc. Vhcther ol not it cxists ctcrn,rllv dcpcntls otr rhc
(l'irtrr llundn'd li'xtson
nte.lc rtt,trtin [1is inrugc'),this crc:rrLrrc, I sly, tlicl not in thc courscof his firsr pro- lrorvcrof llinr Who:rlonc cxisrs in thc sLtbstantivcscnsc"
fravcthc lirrlrilirvt<rplssion und clclth (rd radtrrx6v rt xui cnix,r\cov)
,.lrrcti<rrr trcc<trLl- Lorc 3.27 l'l,ikkalit, vol. 2. p. 117).lhtts. itr ()rrhoclox theologl, no crcatcclthins
ing to his nrturc or inhcrcnt in his csscncc"(St. (ircgorv of Nvsstt,Or Viryiuiq 1): cotrld rdrt, lcr llonc posrcssinrnrorr:rlio,rvitlrotrtCorls grtcc.
P ( l 46: 1698: cf. NPNIr 2 nd Sc r ic s ,v ol. 5, p. 357) . lr'' Sr. Nllximus tlrc (irnfcssor. Anbigtun 45. Scc rhc lrrll plss.rgcon pp. 2 l-22
ljN St. Ath:rnasiustlrrght thet. sincc incorrupr flrst-crcetcrlnran was brought into
under go "c or r lr pr io n i r r r o n o r h i n g 'i f ( i o c l
b c i ns orrr of n oth int, h c rvo r r lt lDar r r r . r llv t\tt ltlcn, Or tlr Lonl\ I'rdycr, in l'hilokalia, vol. J. p. .l{)J.
.l l J r S c c p . 4 6 1 1 t ,r t".
did nor prcsenc his lifi' (O, tht lnc,tntatiort4). his thcolog,vof crcrrcd lrcing-of'
crel(urcs "nururllly" hlving en cnd becauscthcl havc a bcginnirrg-is takcn u1t lty I rr Losskr'.lll.tttical I hology, pp. l2l , I 26. -l hc intcrpcnctrrtiorr ol {rtct end nrr-
orher |]urhcrsin othcr conrcxrs.Sr._lohn[)anrasccne,fbr cxumple,writcs rhlt lngcls rurc is.rlso cxltrcssc.lin thc l)ltristic (crchine on thc httnrttr ral/, rvhich,,ts we hluc
,rrcinrnrortll, not bv niture, brrt bv grace:fbr, naturell,v.
c,rcryrhingthar lr:rse bcgirr- scc'nin rhc pussugc ofSt. (ircgorl'Pitlirnt.tsrluotcd elt,,vc(pp. -17-Jll), rcrnlinccl irrr-
ninr has rn cn<l lEvtt lixposttiorrl..lr I;C. vol. .37,p. 20(r). According to this sense nrorrll ocn eficr nrln'r lill- I hus. St. lohn l)rtnrlsccnc,irficr listing ertritrtrtcsot tltc
ol tfrc lvord iraturc," rhcn, cvcn angclsmav bc said to trc'inortel bv naturc ancl inr- hrrnr,rns,rLrl.rnd inclLrdinginrmorr:rlitvlnro,rg thcnr. s'ritcs: "All thcsc rlrulitics,rc-
nrortll bl gracc.' As Sr. Muximr.rsu,rites:"(lrcerurcs rll cxirt through p:rrtiiip.lrion cording ro natLtrcIrhc sottll hes rcccivcrlfronr thc gracc o1 rhc (]rc:rror.front which
:rrd gfir.c... . ( )nly thc [)ivine csscncchls no oppositc.sincc it is ercrnellntl infinirc sr,recir has rcceivcdboth its ltine (-o cir,ar)enJ its bcing bl nlttrrc srrch ls it is
6o 6r
l H fl ()Rl'H()tx)x woRI) ( ]IIF,Af I:,f) IN IN(]ORRL]I'I'ION
In sccingthc inner harmony of St. Maximus'sthought on man's St. John Chrvsostorn obscrves, in man! lallen state dc:rrh servcs firr thc
originll irlnrortalirv, we can lretter irppreciater]re harrnonl, berwccn ctrtti ng off of sin:
thc theololryof St. Athanasiusrnd rhar ofSr. (iregory of Nyssa.St.
(iregorv,asrvc hnvccluoteclhim carlicr,wrotc thrr rnan w.lscreirted"in l',venthough dclth enteredas a rcsulrofsin, ncvcrthclesssuclr is rhe
l)ivine grace":r" ancl elsewherche dcscribcd rnan'scondirion bcfore sLrpcrioritvof (iocl, His loving-kindnessand rhc exccssof His care
thc fill esa "pristinestareof grace."' ' ' 'l'hus, while savingthar nrAnwils rhat H c emp lovsevcn r his t o r hc advant agc'of ourr lcc, . . . ls it not
rr,rt crcatcclliablc to death according to his nanrre, he also afllrnred rhc final blow ro cvil? I nrcan,if someoncis wickccl,their pracriccof
that this irrcornrpr condirion was a srarc of gracc. [-ikervise,St. cvil is f'cllcdon rh.'ir dcath: 'For hc rhar is dcad is frccrl fionr sin"
Athlnasius, in savingthlrt nriln was creirtedmortirl bv nlturc, also af'- (llonr. (r:7), tlrat is, no longer corrrirruessinninel if t
Pcrsonrvhrr is
flrrned thur ll'riln wrls prcscrveclin incorruprion bv gracc.Vhile em- good passeson, all rhcir works of virruc lie in safctvrlnd in :l sccurc
ploving thc tcrnr "rlatrlrc in difflrenr ways with rcglrd ro rnan, borh trcasurv [)ocs ir nor, on t]re orhcr hand, rcll me, render rhc living
F:rtherstaught the sanreessentialpoints: (l) rhat nran wirsprcservcclin more ten)pcrate:rnd circumspecr?... You scc, if despitc dclrh bcinq
incorruptior.runtil tlrc f.ill, (2) that tliis condirion was a srareof gr,rcc, what it is there is so much mplcirv, so rnuch avarice,rhc srrongcr
ancl(.)) that if rnan had not sinncdhc would not hlve died. prcying on the wcakcr like flsh, whcn would lvaricc cvcr conlc ro ln
cnd if thcre wcrc rro dcathl I nrcan, if rhcy ilrc lwrrc rhar rho, will
W.y God A/\ou,e/ t/te l-)ttrann oJ'Dmth and Sulliring not cnjoy whar thcv stcll. bur willv-nilly they rvill passit ovcr to orh-
crs, and rhcv so gricvc and llnrent ar this, *'hcn wotrl<1rhc fhnrcs of'
Although thc Holy liathcrsdcclarealong wirh St. Paulthat dceth is
cvil dcsire evcr bc cxringuishcd if rhcv kcpr thcir ill-gotrcn grrrns
rln "cncnry which is to bc "destroyed"(l Cor. I 5:26), they alsoaffirrn
w i thorrr f' cl r ?r r 1
that the introtluctior')of dcath w,,rsallowed providentially by (iot{.
[)elth, ls rvc havcsaicl,wirsnot pilrr of God\ original econonryfbr His
Likc St. John (lhrysostonr, Sr. (ircfiory rhc -l'heologian sccs (locl's
crcrtion; horvcvcr,afier the f'ullGocl uscd it fbr the bcnefir of nrln. As
love fbr mankind in the facr thar He allowcd dcltlr ro cnrer thc world:
\6i*t r.tii:ot;tivar) lL^-rct ll^-2ttiiriou 2.l2: P(i 94:922rli-()25A;cf. NPNlr lnd sc,
Yct hcrc too hc IAdaml nrakesI glin, n.rn.rcl.r,tlcirth, and rhe curting
ri c s, vol. (). p .31 ). llcrc St. lohr r r r llir nr st hnr inr nr or r alir vis u t l u : r l i r v r v i r h r v h i c h
(lod h:tscnrlorvetlthc a,rlrrrzof thc sorrl bv nrclns of llis gr'.rr'r,, as it is bv gr:rcc off of sin, irr ordcr thlt cvil nrrrvnor bc inrnrortal. l'hus his punish-
rlrlt Hc h.rsgrlntcd tlrc soul its vcrv existcncc.It is in this lighr rhet rvc lrc ro undcr- nrcnt is chlngetl into a rncrcv;firr it is in mcrc1,,I unr pcrsuadcd,rhrrt
srend. lirr cx:rnrple,thc strterrrcntof Sr. ( ircgorv l)lllnrls that 'Bv nlturc rhc soul is ()od i nfl i cts r '( '
l. r r r r r ishnr cnt .
inrttrortal ( Iit rl'., llost lltrnttut Nun llrrlz 8r in l'/'ilob,lia, vol. ,1. p. 295). Il rhc
srxrl c:rn be c:rllcrlinrrrlrrrirl lrl n,rttrrc,it is in rhc scnserhlr thc nlrurc of the sorrl
posscsscs inrnronitlirvas u gifi liom (iotl. lrr thc conciscPhr.lrcof Sr. Cvril of lcrrrsrr- Just as Cod trscd clearh fbr thc bencflt of nrln in his flllcn st:rte,s<r
fcnr. thc sotrl is inrnrortll bccauscol (iod Who qives it imnrolrrlirv (()talnriul al so di d H c usc r hc or lr er physical consct lucnccsof r hc f hll: suf ler ing,
I a nro 4.18 NI)Nli 2n Llsc r ic s v, ol. 7, p. 2. 1) .
rl rS ccp. IIrbo vc. l F S t..fol rn(l l rrvr ost onr(,, it nn, t t r r . 1,ot t h l\ , lnn ( l) s: r lnrll0
llt ll) . v, , 1.
I ri St. ( iregorvrrf Nys:,:t,( )t tltt Sotl arl tlu' l sunutiott: Nl)N Ir 2nd series.vol. 5, (B rxrkl i nt,Mrss. :llolv( ir oss( ) nhodoxI 'r css,l( ) 9t t ) pp. , l7 . ill.
p . 4 (, 1. lr" St. (ircgorvthc'l-hcolosiirr. Ourion l8; Nl'Nt:. lnd Scrics,vol.7, p. .34t|.
(jl 6l
'f HF-()l{t'H()lx)x \?()Rl) (lRtrAflj-l) lN IN(I )l{RLJI'l'l()N
bodilv nceds,labor, discasc,etc. Likc <leathirsclf, thescothcr colrse- rn cnd in irself.'l'his roo is expressedin rhc Gcncsisnarrarivc:'And ...
qucnccsscrvcto hunrblc ntan ,rnd lrring hinr to lcpcntancc. tbc woman saw that the tree was good for fixld, end plcasanrro thc
At rhc fall, nrirn succumbedro thc tcnrptation of pritle, cxprcssccl eyes,and a trce beautifirlro conremplare"((len. 3:(r).''"
in the serpenr'swords, "Yc shall lre as gotls, knowing good and evil" the remprariollthar brought about nran'sfill was rwotbld. In
(Cicn. 3:5). All the physicelconscqucnces of rhe fall scrvc to rcmincl thc words of St. Mark the Ascetic,"All vice in thc worltl is causcdby
rnan that hc is not Clod btrt r creatcdbcing who is dependcnton (l<lcl. self'-cstecnrIpride] and sensualplcrsure."'''' l]ecauscof this, (lotl crn-
St. John Chrysostom,in rccountitrgthc scntenccirlposed ott Adanr at ploved the physicalconsequcnces of rhc firll as a wofbld remcdy: not
r he fall (Gcn. .l:17-19),exPlairrs
rhis:rsfbllows; only to quell man'.spride, but also ro tlampcn his dcsirc fbr creared
rhings and his pursuit of scr.rsual pleasurefbr its ou,n sakc. As St.
-l Maximusexgrlains:
Bcholclrhc rcmindcrsof rhe curse! hornsit will bring firrth, l-lc
IGod] s.rys, lnd thistlcs,so rs ro plivclisc ro grclt |rbor and discorn-
Ileing,in His providencc, conccrncdlirr our s:rlvlriorr,(iod thcle-
rh.rtyou prssthc wholctitncwirh pain,so rhet
fbrt, and I lvill !-nsrrrc
fbrcaflixcdpainalongsidc rhissensurlpleusurcasa kind ofpunitrvc
this cxpcricnce mav provca brakcon vour gcttingicleas aboveyour
whcrcbythe lawofdelth wls wiselyinrplantccl in our eorpo-
stltion, :tntlyolt nravinsrcldhavca thoughtof vour owtr trrakc-up
rcalnarurero curbthc fbolishmind in irsdcsireto inclirrcunnrru-
and ncvcraglin bc dcceived in tlrcsemltters....My intcntiotrtn
r:rllyrowardscnsitrlc rhings.
bringingvou into rheworld... rvasrhatyoushouldlivcin a sratcol'
enjoyrrrenr lnd prospcritl',and not lrc subjccrro thc nceclsof rhe
pain entcrcdour naturcopposircthis plcasurein rrccord:rrrcc rvirh
bodybtrt bc f-rccfrom all suchrrrclhaucthc gooclfbrruncro cxpcri-
rcason,lnd, rhroughthc nranvsuflcringsin which and frrrrnrvhich
cncccomplctclrcctlont.Sincc,hollevcr,sttchirrrlulgcncc wasof no
<{cltrhoccurs,pain uprootsrrnnrrturalplcasrrrc,but .lt cs nor conr-
bcncfltto vou, lccordinglyI curscrhe groundso rhat ir rvill not irt
firrtrlcyicld its harvcstrs befirrcwirhout tilling:rnt1ploughing;in-
stcad,I invcstyou rvithgrcathbor, roil anddifliculrl,,andwith unre-
Physiceldcath, of course,puts :rn end ro physicalprrin and labors.
rrirting painand clcsPlir. tnd I rm cnsuringrh,ttclcrvrhingvou do
Hcrc irgaitrwc seeCod's mcrcy,for in allowing the crrtranccof physical
is achievecl only by swcltt.orhatundcrprcssurc from rheseyou tnly
dearh so as to prevent sin (iom bcing irnrnorral,(locl also prevented
havccontinualpluiclancc in kecpingto linrirslncl rccognizing your
t bodily pain and labor fronr neccssarilvlasting forevcr. As Blessec
own nrakc-u1'r.l 'fheodorct
of Cyrus wrires:
' l t ll: ()R f t l ()l )()X W()l { l ) (-RtlAl'lll)IN IN(l()Rl{LJPl
l)clrh dissolvesthis living thing lnd on the ()ne lr:rndcc:lscsthc lc- not allou,inga lerk;-cl,rvpor to lrc pl,tccdin firc [andhrrdcncd]trn-
ott rhe <ltlrcrh,tnd' ir srtvcsnran fiorl firtlrcl rlrr-
rion of rvickccltress; til rht wcukncss prcscrrr ir) it hrtsbeencorlpletclvnrcnclctlthrotrgh
grrish, libcr.rtcshinr fionr swcilt, drivcs au'av pain rnd sorrow, end iorring.r
rcfltslt '1
brings the bodyi sulli'ringsto an encl. 1'hc'Judgcnrixcd rhc punish-
rn e n t w i rlr s uc lrphilanr h ro p v !'" Man'.sdeath,thcn, opcnetl tlre rvrv to his ref:rshioninginto a better
srare. 'l-lrc lctual rcfashioning of nran, however' woulcl occur not
Furthernrore, in His foreknowlcdgc of nrarl'-sevetlttlll salvltiotr tlrroulil.rthc tlcatlr of sinfirl mcn bttt through the clcarhand resurrcc-
rion of thc sinlcss(iocl-mittr,.lcstrs (lhrist. Dcath' the trltinrarephysical
throrrgh C)hrist, Gocl allowed rnan's [:,odv to clic so that it cotrltl be
reflshioncd et rhc (lencral llcsLtrrecrion. In thc words ofSt.
(ircgorv of corrsequence of mrrn'.sfirll, would tllus becotnea mcirnsbv which (iod
Nyssa: would redeemrnankind tiorr ell the effcctsof thc firll, spiritually rrnd
bodilv.As wc readi11Holv Scripture:"He iChristl is thc tnediarorof
llv l)ivine proviclcnccdcarlr h:rslrecn introducct] as I d ispt'nsrtt i'rrr thc Ncw (lovcnanr, that [r1'rtrcatrsof tlc,rth,firr thc reclcnlptionof the
inro the n,rturc.,f rnln, so that, sin h:rvingflowcd awlv rtt rhc ditto- rrirnsgressiorls that wcrc under tlrc flrst covenant,rhcy which irreclrllc(l
lurion of rhc union ofsoul and bodv, nrln' through rhc rcsurrccti()n' rrrighrreccivcrhc protniscof cterttalitrhcritancc"(Heb. 9: I 5).
miehr bc reitshioncd, sortnt'l' plssionlcss,st,ritrlcss,ind renl()vcd
fiom :rny rouch of cvil.' ''
VIl. TsE Rsoer'rprton ANo DEIFICATIoN
St. Ilasil thc (lreat also points to this iclca, drrwitrg iln :rnalogv oF MAN AND THE Cost'tos
betwccn a hr.rman bodv that has becn rctrdcre.l imntttnc to dcxth and il
pot that lras bcen fl rcd in a kiln, i c., has acquirecl irs fltral stltc: "'l),rnpling Dou'n Dratlt b.1'I)utl.i'
THF_ORTHOI)()X\(ORt) cllllAl liD lN I N( )()Rll'ul'l'l( )N
hroughthc evilone'.s envyirnclthe goodl.ord'.siustconscnt,dcath Danrasccne nrakes use of this image, adding to it thc inrage of Christ's
canrcinro rhc rvorld.Bccauscof thc dcvillsovcrwhclrningcvil,dcath body as bait arrachcd ro rhc hook of Diviniry:
bccanrcrwoft>ld,fbr he broLrghrrbour not iustphysicrlbut rlsocrer-
naldcarh.... S i nccorrr I-ol d JcsLr(slhr isr waswit hot t r sin ( "For He com r nir t cdno
Of necessiry bodilv dcrrh fbllowcdlAdam'slspirituirldcath,so sin, Hc Who took lrv:ry thc'sin of thc rt'orld, n.rr lu,tstllcrc irlrv dc-
rhc cvil onc causcclour doublcclcarhbv his singlt'dc,rth.... -fhe cci t frrundi n His nr out h" [ cf . ls. 5- ] : 9,John l: 29] ) . Hc was not sub-
good l-ord hcalcdthis rwofbl.l cle,rtho[ ours through His singlc jcct to clelrh, sinccclclrh clnrc inro the world rhrotrghsin (cf. I{onr.
boclilydelrh,:rnclthrorrghrhcone resrrrrcctionof His bodv Hc gavc 5: I 2). tlc clics,thercf.rtc,bccltrscHc rtxrk on Ilinrsclf dcilth otl our
us a rwotblclresurrcction. Bv mcansof His bodily tlearhHc de- behalf, and He mrl<es Himsclf rn oflering ro the Fathcr firr our
strovedhirn Ithc cvil onc] who had thc powerovcr our soulsirncl sakes.For we had sirrned agrinst Hinr, atrcl ir w,ts nrcct th:rt He
bodicsin death,lnd rescuccl us frorn histyrannvoverboth.r'" slroul<lrcccivert ransom firr tts.rnd rhrr we shotrlclthLrsbc dclivercd
fronr thc condcnrttlriotr. (iotl tbrtrid thlt rhc blood of rhc Lord
Out of His inflnitc krve Forrrs,(lhrist died on our behalf thar we .htxrld hrvc bccn oflcrcd to thc tyr:rnt Ii.c., rhc clcvil] Vhcrcfbre
could be given ctcrnal lifc, borh ofsoul and ofbody. In the words ofSt. tlcrrh approrches,and swallowingLrprhc troclyas a bair is transflxcd
Paul: "(lod denronstrlresHis own love toward us, in th:rt, while we on rhc hook of l)ivinity, and aftcr trsting of r sinlcssancllifc-givrng
were yet sinners,Christ diecl fbr us" (Rom. 5:8); and, "But rvc seeJe- botlr', pcrishcs,and brings tr;r again all whom of olcl he ha.l swrl-
sus, Wlro w:rsnrldc a littlc lower than the an€iclsfor the suffiring of lowcd Lrp. For just its darkncssclislppcarsotr thc introdrtcrion ol-
cleath,crowned with glory and honor; that Hc by thc gracc of God light, so is dcarh rcptrlsedbcfbre rhc assattlrof lifi, and brings lifi ro
should rastcdcarh fbr every man" (Hcb. 2:9). al l , btrr dc,rrht o t hc dcst ( ) yer r '( '
Spcakingof thc awesonrcmysteryof His redemptionof the world,
Christ rold His tlisciples:"'l'he Son of Man camc . . . to givc His lilc as In the preciscly satne vein, St. (!regory Palanraswrites:
il rrnsonrft,r nrarry'(M:rrr. 20:28). '''l'his imageof Clrrisr giving up
His lifc es ir ransonr was larer takcn up by the Apostlc Paul (e.g., 'l'hc l.ord patiently endurcd krr our srtkcr dcath l-lc wrs nor obligcd
"Christ Jcsus,Vho g:rveHirnselFa ransom for all"-l Tim. 2:5-6) to undcrgo, to rcclecntus, who rvcreobligcd ro strffcr cleath,fi,rnr
anclby the Orthodox Holy F-athers.
ln thc following passagc,
Sr.John scrvirudcto rhc dcvil ancldc,rth.by which l trrc,rtrdcarlrborh of rhc
sorrl ,tnd of the lrodv, tcrnpor:ltv ,ttrtl crernirl.Sincc ]1c g.lvr.'[1is
1", Sr. (iresorv l',illtns, lTonily l(r.1. l5; in Honilit, vol.l. pp. lti0, 191r.
Ulood, which wls sinlcssan<ltltcrcfirrcgtriltlcss,ls l ransom firr us
l'i (lhrisr's tli*ine fbrckno*lcclgc thet His .le,rth worrl,l servc fbr mitn'.ssitlvltion
of ottr sins, Hc rc.lccmc.ltts
rvho rvcrcliablc to pLtnishrnctrtbcc.rr.rsc
finclscxprcssionclsovhcrcin thc Gospcls.Spc:rkingof H is Llcathon the (lross,(lhrist
fiom or.rrguilt. Hc forglvc our sins, torc up tlre rccorclof thcm rrn
s;ritl, But I hlvc l blprisnr to bc b:rptizctlwitlr; ancllrorv I lnr strlircncd tili rt bc ec-
co r n plishct ll"(l.L rkcll:50 )r"A s M os c s lilt c dr r pr hc s c r pc nr int h c *i l d c r n c s s , c v c n s c r thc (l ross rn d dclivcr ct l us f r ot l t hc dcvil's t yr anny ( cf . O ol.
rnust thc Son of Jt{anlrc lificd up, thrt *4tosctcr bclicvcth in Hinr shouki not lxrish, 2:14_15).-I'hcdcvil wascaughrbv thc b:tir. It wls:ts ifhc opcned his
l x r t helccternel lifc" (Joh n.l:l1r I 5) ; and, on t hc dav bc t br c H i s c r u c i f i x i o n . " N o r v
is lvly soul trouLrlcd;end rvhat shall I sayi Flthcr. slvc Mc lionr this hotrr'? llut tirr
l'u Sr. () p. 71.
rh i s c ausccanrc I rrnro this h or r i ( J ohn | 2: 27) . f,)hn l)anresccnc.l:t,ttt li7otitiou ).27: Nl'NI; 2rrrl Scrics.vol.
68 6,t
'l H l.l()Rl IIOD()X \V()Rt) ct{ltA l l|l) IN tNc()t{RLtpt't()N
Inourhirn(llrlstcnctlto pour out lttr hirnselfotrrransonl,thc Mls- I'hc Cornmonalitl of'Hunnn Naturc as lt Relatesto Rricnption
tcr'sRlood,rvhichwasrrot onlv gttilrless btrr firll of [)ivinc powcr. 'l'hc
conseqrrenccs ol'Chrisrls reclerrrptive
work corrlclpxss ro rll
insrclclof bcing enlichcrlbv ir hc rvrs stronglvbound tnd t'ttcnbcc:lrsc-:rs we havc trotcd concerning thc conscqucnccsof rlte
in rhe(]rossof Ohrist.r'-
nrlclcln exrrrrl',lc flrsr Adanr'.s
sin-hurnan naturc is one. 1-heAposrlcPaLrlrvritcs:"lI bv
one nran'.s offcnsc tlcath reigncd by onc Irhat is, Adanr], rluch morc
St. John Ohrysoston')furthcr highlights this teachingwith atr irtt- thcy which rcccive;rbuncl:rnce ofgraceand of rhe gift ofrighrcousncss
rrgcof lr is owr.r: shall rcign in life by one, Jcsus (ihrist" (Ronr. 5:17). Sr. John
(lhrysostonrcolrnrcnrs on rhis vcrseand orr rhosebefirrcantl irficr ir,
of ,r court ofiusricc,the clcvilshor.rlcl
Ir is as if, at r scssion bc ltl-
cxplaining why St. Paul rcpcrlrsrhc word "onc" nrlny rinrcsin his cx-
tlrcsseclasfollows:"Granredrhlt yott destroyed all mcn lrcclttscvort positionof redcmprion:
lound thcm guilrvof sin;btrt why did vou dcstroy Chrisr?Is ir not
vcry cvidcnrthar you did so trnjtrstll'? Well thcn, throughHim thc How did dc.rthreignl'Alicr thc sinrilitudcof Arhrn'.s
wholcworldrvillbc vindicrtcd."'''* who is I rypc(;rjrog)of Hinr Who wrs ro cornc"(l{onr.5: l4). Now
rhisis why Adanrisrrtypeo[(ihrisr.rr""How.r tvpc?"it will besaitl.
From theseand other Parristicexpositionsbasedin ScriptLrre,rhc In rhlr, irstheforrncrbccancro thoscwhowcrcsprungfronrlrinr1ar-
()rrhodox doctrine of mirn'sredemption throrgh (lhrist's tleath and
rhorrghtheyhad not e:rrcnofrhc rrec)rhccauscofrhar dclrh rvhich
rcsurrccrionmight be briefly stated as follows: Dearh is the conse- rhus:rlsodicl(lhrisr bcconrcro rhosc
quenceof sin. Vhen Christ died on the Cross, Hc took upon Him- spnrngIr.orrr Hirrr(cvcnrhoLrgh thevhadrrorwrouglrrrightcousness)
self this conscclucnce, However,since He was wholly withour sin He
undcscrvingof tlcath, atrd since He rvas[)ivine He was utrableto
| ''- l l t c f r c t r h r t S r . I) :r r r l ,.r r r d
a l tcr h i n r Sr . Jo h n C h r vso sto n r sl
. w Ach r n u s i r 'i vy.r c'
bc hcld in rhe bonds of dcarh and hades.Thus, the spirittraland (ligrrrc)ol (ihrisr does not ol courscinrpll'rh;rr rhcv did nor llso scc hinr es I rcitl pcr-
physical clcarh thet had cnrcrcd the world rhrough thc prirnorclial lhc ()lrhodox Cihurch has rlrv:r1'slic.rvcclccrrail ()kl listrtnrcnr ligtrlcs rrntl
rransllrcssionwcrc abolisheclthrough Christ'.sdeath ancl rcstlrrectton, cvcnts:ts'\vpcs" of rhc Nc*, li.stenrcnrdisPcrrsurion rvhilc.rlsorrBllnrincthcir hisror-
,rrrtl all rnernkinclwas qiven thc grossibilityof bcing delivereclfiont ic.rl rclliry. 'l hus. in lnothcr pl.rcc.Sr. l)lul rvrotc conccrnirg ccrtlrin evenrsin rhc
()Ll It'st.rnrr:nr:Norv:rll rhcsc things hlppcncd ro thcnr
tnctTt. ls rvPcs,und rlrcv $,ere
rvrittcn for our adnronirion" (l (ir. l0:ll). In sitvingtlur rhcsco,cnts ltapprnul t
trlrcs.tnci thcn rvcre rvrirtcn dorvn (rarhcr then lrcing nrcrclv u,rirrcn cklvrr .rs
l' y'/oltily 16..\ltn Honilis, vol. l,pp 200-201. trlts ), St. I)lrrl is :rflirnring th:rt tvPologv cxisrsllrsr of .rll in hisroricalcvcnrs.enci
St. (ircg,'ry l)'rlanr:rs.
LN St. (lhr\'s()s(rnr, (.lntlnMr.1' ot rltt (iqel ol St. ./oltn (r7r li(l. vol 4 | thcn also in thc rvrirrcn rvord.
folrn 'I
() ' 1 5 9 ), p. 132 .(lt. I I'ct. -l:1 8: I ior ( lhr is t , t ls o hat h onc c s r r f l i r c t l f i r r s i n s .t l r c l t r s t hc Flolv l:arhcrss:nv \ypcs" of()hrist not only in Adenr but :rlsoin Abcl, Iseac.
lbr rhc Lrnirrst.thirt IIc nright t,ring us to (iod. trcing pttt ro dcrth in rlre flesh. btrt loscplr,Nloscs,Joslrrn rhc son ofNun. [):rvid lntl othcrs,ur rhc s:rnrctinrc rcglrclirrg
thcrn us rcul pcoplc rnd rhc ()ld-li:srenrent accoun(sol-rhcnr us lrisroric,rl.ln his
.lLrickcncdbv rhc Spirir,' us u'ell :rsthc firlbrvitrg vcrscfiorr thc scrvicefirr the tcrlst
(,onmrutary on thc l\, ns, Sr. lohn Chrysosron)wrorc on rhc nccd
of thc lixllritt iott ofrhc ( lross:"'l hc cLrrscof e iLrstcontlentnltiorr is loosccllrv thc tln- to rrphoLl rhc
jrrsrpunishnrcnt inflictcd on the.ltrstli.e., (lhrist] (sricheronon 'l.ortl I lrever:ric<|"' hisroricelnrcirningol Scriprurc rvlrcrra rvpologicalnrcaning is elso givcn ((.azllor,
ttrt, o tlt l\dlt,ti ll'sllnr 91, vol. l, p. t1t5).
in Il,, [:tst,t/ tlluniorr, p. l-34).
-l Hh ()l{l H()tX)X \(iOltl) CRE.ATED
rhe Providcrtlfrhat rilihtcotlsncss thich throLrghHis Cross l{c gra- in which man first experiencedrhem. Sr. Symeon rhe New Theologian
ciotrslybcstowcclotr rts:tll. Ilor this rclsotr,lt cvcly ttlrn hc kccpsto teachesrhar, just as Adam experiencedfirst spiritual death and later
"As physicaldearh,so likewiseChrist first overcamespiritual death in His
thc "one," lnd is continr'rallvbringing it bcfirrc tts' whcn hc'says,
" l frhrough own Personwhen He "resurrecredup, broughr ro life. and deified" the
by o treman s it rc nt c r c din to th c w o rl c l "(l { o n r' 5 : | 2 )l a n d'
rhc offcnscofonc nrlny lrc clcad"(5: l5); and, "Not ls it rvls bv onr human soul ar His incarnation,and then He later overcameohvsical
rhat sinnccl,so is thc gifi" (5: l6); ancl'"'l'hc iuclgnrcntwasbv onc to death in His Personat His resurrection.' St. Sy-.on go., on r"y
condcrlnation" (5: l8)l and lg:rin"'lf bv onc (or, thc onc) nran'sof- rhat the sameorder of redernption-firsr of the soul and then of - rhe
fcnscclcrth rcigncrlby onc" (5r l7); rnd " l'hcrcfbrctrsby rhc olli'rrse body-was observedin rhosewho had died beforeChrist; for, immedi-
(or' ately afrer Christ'sdearh and while His body lay in the tomb, His soul
ofonc" (5:18). And again,"As bv onc nrrn'sdisobcclicnccIlrtrv
"descendedinto hades,freedthe soulsofthe saintsheld captiverherein
thc rnany)werc n:tdc sitrtrcrs"(5: l9). And so hc docsnot lct go ofthc
"one," so that wlrcn the.lcrv savsto yott, "llow came it rhat by rhe cverlastingbonds, raisedthem up, and esrablishedrhem in a placeof
well-doing of this onc I'crson. (lhrist, thc world wrs saved?"yot' restancl of light without evcning-bur nor yet rheir bodies,for those
rnighr be rble to sayto hinr, "How carrc it that bv thc disobedicnccof Hc allowed ro remain in the graveuntil the GeneralResurrecrion."r5r
rhis onc pcrsotr,Adlm, rhe world was c,rndcmncd?"rt" Finally, St. Symeon teaches,rhis order of redemption is also ob-
scrvedin the life of eachChristian. Man is firsr spiriiuallv resurrecred
St. Cyril of Alexandriaspcaksspecificellyon how the consequcnccs in thc (lhurch through rhe Holy Mysteriesrhar ha,rebeen made possr-
of Adarris firll'
of Chrisi's death on the (lross, likc the conse<luences blc throLrghChrist's redemptivework, and only later does he experi-
wereable to passto all nren duc to thc uniw oFhtllnan naturc: cncc the physicalresurrecrionthat Christ hasalso made possible.
"The beginningof our renewal."wriresSr. Gregory Palamas,is rhe
'Wewerccruciflcdwirh Christ at rhc nlonlcntwhcrl His flcshwas Mysrery of Holy Baptism, wherein we are cleansedof sin rhrough
(lhrisis sacrificeon rhe Cross.St. Gregorywrites:
crucificd,bccauscit sontehowincludeduriversalhuman naturctn
itself,just asuniversalhunratrnaturccontracred thc sickncss of the
thc cttrsclsl Christ roreup the handwritingofour rransgressions
cursein Adlnr at thc sametimc thar he incLrrred nn rhe Cross
and madeguilrlessall rhosewho wereburied wirh Him through
'l'ha Ordar of Redetnptio (l): Spiritual Resutrettion Baptism.rt'
The Mystery of Baptisnr,howevcr, does not only nteln dying 'l St. Syrlcon rhe Ncw'l'hcologiancxpllins how lhprisnr, togethcr
nc'w lifc hc rvirh (lhrisrrration,is both a dearh antl a rcsrrrrectionfbr nrln, borh
Christ; it ,1r., nt""'ts rising with Him arrd being givcn
by l]aptisnr
Apostle Patrl afflrms: "-l'hercfbrcwE:rrc lruried with him tlr.rnringnrrrnlorgivcnessolrsinsrrnd irnparting ro hirl thc gmcc ofthe
thc glory
into.lcath, that like asChrist was raisedup fionr the dcad by lkrlv Spirir rhrr hc hed losrat the fall:
of the Father,evenso we alsoshoulc{witlk irr newtrcssof life" ' ' Norv ii
wirh Hini'
we be deatl with Christ, we bclicve that wc shall also livc lhc SonrrndVord of(lod, havingbeconrcincarnate, offcrcclHim-
(Ronr. (r:4, 8). And egain:"Buricd with Him in baptism' " ye ltrc rclf in rhc flcshasa srcrificeto rhc l)iviniry ofthc F:rrhcr, andof rhc
(lod' Who hetlr
,iren *ith Hirn through faith in rhc oPcration of \on l"{inrsclf,anclof thc tJol1,Spirir,in ordcrrhrr rlrc'fir.strrirnsgrcs-
silts rnd thc
raisedHim fiont tlre dead.An<t you, being dead in yotrr sion of Adrnr nrighr be bcncvolcntlyfbrgivcnfbr rhc s:rkcof this
tuncircttnrcisiotr of your flesh,hatlr lle nlrrdealive topicthcrwith Him' grc:rranclti':rrfulwork,thrrris, firr thc sakeof-thissacriflccof(lhrisr,
heving tbrgiveny.ru tr"rp*.r.s, havingwipcd out thc handwriting anclin order rhar by irs pou,crrlrcrcnrighrbc perforrrrccl another
"ll rook it
."quii,rt"i,, that ..a,,againstus, which wascollrrary to Lrs'and ncw birrh lncl rc-crc:rrion of nranin Holv Ilaprisnr,in rvhichrvcalso
otri of the way, nailing it to His Cross"(Col' 2: I 2 I 4)' rrc clcirnscclbv wlrer nringlcdwirh rhc Ilolv Spirir.Fronrthur rirrre
-l-his soirituel rcsurrectiollin Christ is rhc urliting of tlrrrn'ssottl pcoplcrle baprizcdin warer,:lrc imrrrcrsccl in ir and rlkcn our f'rorrr
oncc again *ith thc grlcc of the Holy Spirit' BccaLrse matt is clcalrsctl it rhrcctinres.in rhc inragcofrhc'thrcc-day burirrlofrhc l.ortl,anrl
rficr thcytlie in ir to thiswholecvil rvor.lc1,
in rhc rhird bringingout
fronr it rhcyurclllerdv rrlivc,ls if rcsurrccrcd fiom rhc,.lcad, rhrrrrs.
li5 l',lscwhcreSt. John Ohryscrsrortt obscrvcsthat irot onlv is l]rrPtismcrllccl drc
wirlr rhcirsoulslrc brouglrtro lifi' .rndrrgainrccciverhcgrtccol-thcfrory
(lross, trut thc (lross is callcclllrrptisnl 'With rhc lraptisntrh:rt I ern lxprizecl
(M.rrk l0:l')), sricl (lhlistr rrrrditgrin: llrrt I lrrtvc lrirptrsnt ttr be Spirit as Adam hati ir bcfbrc thc trlnsgrcssion.I hcn rhcy arc
shellvc bc brgrrizc.l' 'r
(Lttlc | ):ilJ)" (Connato'.y'ou tfu Ootlr'l ol St'
t'rrprirc.l *itl,'rvlrich yc knorv not i5- St.J,,hn (lhrvsostonr,Houilir'sot Saorul (.oriultiaus6):
l4 p tl9)' NI)Nli, Isrscrrcs,vol.
l,titt 25.2;cf. NI'NI lst Scries'vol.
r i , ' S r. John (lh rysr* ron , Ilont iliet on llt t lr , lir l0; Nl' NI j. ls lS c r i c s r r r l l I 'p 4 {) 5 ' 12.p. .107.
71 75
l'Hu ()RI tl()l)()x \7()l{t) (ll{liAlhl) lN IN(:()l{RtJP.l
'l'hc hbors
anointcdwith Holy Mvrrh' andby rlcansof ir areanointcdwith ic- anclrelrsof rhoscwho repenrofsins afrcrrhe blprisnral
.n rvrrshing
rncl plcadfor gracestandin nccdof rhc lllood of rhe Ncw
sus(lhrist,atrdarcfragrantin a w,rvllrovenittlre
(lovcnrrntand of the Body rvhichrvasslain,sinccrhcv
lrhc labors
St. Symcon then writes of how those who are baptized and and tcrrslareof no availwirhourrhcnrIthc t]odt,:rndl]loodj.r,'r
chrismatedinto Christ'sChr.rrchare united to God through the Holy
H,ucharist: ElsewhereSt. Nicholasaffirnrsr[]at, in thc Holy F.ucharist, wc alsopar-
take of Christ'.sresurrcction,since "we rcceiverhc Riscn Onc Himsclf
Havingbcconrcin rhisrvavworthvof bcingassociarcs of (iod' rhcv ... the very BencfactorHirnsell',thc vcrv Ienrple whcrcorr is fbrrnclec
t:rstcHis Iileshand drink His Blood.and bv nreans of rhesanctiflccl rhc wholc conrpassof gr,rccs."""
brcad,tnclrvinebecomcof ttnc Bodv rnd Blood with (lod rVho w:rs Spirirualrcstrrrcctiorr in (lhrisr-thc trniting of rlan'.ssoul rvirh
inclrnlte ancloffercclHinrsclf,rs,rsacrifice.r-" [)ivinc grlcc-rcopcns rhc wr;'ro dcificarionwlrich had bccn closcd
t() rniln ilt rhc fill.'l'hrorrgh(,urrltcir livcs,()rrhot|rx (lhrisriansarc r<>
In a similar vein, St. Nicholas (labasilassPeaksof how we partakeo[ grow toward l nrorc firll tlciflcirrion,a nrolc pcrfccr parriciprrion in
(irxlls lifi'.'l'his grarriciparion in (lod is ncvcr ro cnd, bur passcsirrro
Christ's redemptivesacrifice()n the Clrosswhen reccivingHoly Oom-
munion; cvcrl;rstingspiritual life in the Kingclonrof Heaven.
As rvill be remembered,mankind had beencur ofFfronr both parl-
Since,thcrcfore,thc ()nlv BcgottcnSotr hrs lefi nothing trnclonc disc urrrl lrcavcn at the flll. Now, through Christ, both havc becn
which pertainsro thc Father's gkrry,Hc:rlonc"hasbrokendown the opcncd again to man. Vhen parrcd lrorn thc body rrr dcirth, rhc souls
middlcwallof division"(Eph 2:14)anclclcarsman from his indict- ol thosc rcclccnredby Chrisr rrot only p:rssro l)aradise,which St.
Bodvrhcn is rheonlv medicineagainstsin and H is
rrcnt... . (lhrist'.s l).rrrrirsccnc dcscribcsas "luxrrrilnt wirh evcr-bloomingplants,fillcd
'l-hisis thc Bodyrhat was rvirh fr:rgrance,floocleclwirh lighi';'''' bur thcy alsoprrssro hcaven,thc
Blood the only rans,rnrfronr oflcnscs...
slain upon thc Clross...,ln its "wittressbeforcPontitrsl)ilate"it pl.rccin which rhe angclicpowcrsdwell,r"'andwhich is irlsoclcscribcd
'!r,rde a good confessiort"(cf. I 'I'im. (r:l-)): ir paid thc pcnaltvof .rsa place fllled wirh light. -fhLrs,as Sr. Orcgory of Nyssaproclaims,
dcarhfor this conf'cssion, and rhat upon the (lross. l'he Blood through (ihrist's rcclenrptive work
springingout of thc wouudsdarkcnedthc sun and shookthe carth;
ir hallowcdthc air rncl wrshcdthe rvholeworld clcanof rhs filth of l)lr:rclisc,
evenheavcnitsclf,is:rccessiblc ro nran;lnd rhc crcarron,
sin.""' both of thc world and lbove rhc r.r,orlcl,rvhichlon{lirgolvls scr :rr
vlrirncc wirh itsclf,is flr roge'rhcr
in fiienclship;and rvc nrcn arc
'l l.rerefore,
concludcsSt. Nicholas,
lssSt.Svmconthc Ncw -l-he r"r lbid.; I,C 150:5ttlA;in lfu Lifi in (:l,i\t
oloqiin. Firsr-(lruratMan, pp.4647' |1)74), p. ll.1; ct. Nell:rs. I)rrft.,lta,r
iu Chritt, p. | 26.
'5" Ib i d ..p . 47. l (" S t.
7/z' t'ili in ()hriit: I'(i I 50:5lt9(l-59lAr in idcrrt //''r'
l('('St. NicholrsCrrbrrsitrs, [)rrnrrr sccnc,
Jrrfrrr I : *t t t l: ir posit ior 2. 1l; lr ( ] , vol. . ] 7. p. 2. ] 0.
r'" lbid. 2..1:p. 2{)ti.
I.ili in Christ\C,rcsrvttxrd, Sr. VlltlinrirsScntinrrrv
N.Y.: l)rcss.1974) p 120'
'l tll: OlLfHOI)()X \(/()RL) cr{ltA ._DIN INCORTIUp
f l()N
madero ioin in rhc rngels'song,offiring thc $orshiPof thcir Prarse ()nc of rhc first ro bc r:riscdro I)aradiscwas a persor)who war
to (iod. "'' clc:rrlv rrnworrhy, but who ncvcrrhclcssbelievcclin (lhrist and was
thcrcby redecnrcdrhrough His death.'l-hiswasrhe repcnrantrhicfcru-
heseblcssedrealmswerc opcttetlto mirn ri€ihtefter Christ'.sdcath cificclalong with Christ, ro whom (lhrisr s.rid,"'lbday shalt thoLrbe
lntl cven belore His bodily rcsurrccrion;fbr, ls we havc scctr' it wits with Me in l)aradisc"(l.uke 23:43). Also rrnong rhosc who rvcrc
rhen rhat Christ deliveredthc rightcousfroni hltlcs:rtrd ririsedthern to brought ro Paradiscand hcavenwere Adam and Eve,who, in thc ()r-
"a placcof restand of light."""' As Sr. NicholasCrrbasilas explains,Hc thodox icon of the "harrowingof hell," lrc dcpictcdbeing pullcd out
licccl thenr from spirittraldeath by mc:rnsof His bodily dcath: of rhe dark regionsby Ohrisr.
\Whcnit rv:tsnccessary thllt thc clltrivcsof haclcslre sct frcc' ]lc
[(ihrisr] did n()t cntrustthis rvork ro angclsor :trchangels' bttr He 'l'hc
Order oJ'Redtnption (l/): P/rysiatl Resurrtttiott
ll inrselfdcsccndcd inro thrt prison.Sinceit rvrsfirtirrgtlratrhccap-
Vhat we have describcd is only rhc flrsr kind of resurrcc-
tivcs shoulclnor rcccivcfrccdonrgrrruitotlslv'hut bv bcing ran-
tion-spirirual resurrccrion-rhar has becn nrrde possibleby Ohrisr.
sonrcd,I Ic sctthcnrfrcelry slrcddirlg[{is blootl.r"-
Thc scconclkind-physical resurrecrion-will occur ar thc Scconcl
l-hus, as St. John Danr:rscenc clcclarcs: "By nothing elseexccptthe Coming rhrough the savingpowcr of Christs resurrecrion.
(iross of our l.orclJesus (lhrist has . . . hadcsbcen plLrndered. . . landl l'his rccords with the order of rcdcmptiorr ourlincd by Sr.
'I'he slmc teachingis proclainretlin Syrneonabove.As St. Symconpoinrsour, while Christiansarr rpiri-
tlrc gatesof Paradiseopcned.""'t
rhc Divine serviccsof the ()rthodox Church, ,rs for example in the tu:rlly reborn and unitecl with (iod in rhe (lhurch, thcv still cxpcri-
'l-hird Strntlayof Cireat cnce phvsical death and corruprion. In rlre clsc of sorne sirrlrrs,
Kontakion for the Srrntlayof thc Cross (the
Lent), conrposcclby Sr. -l'lreoclore the Srudite: Irowevcr,God grantsa certain rclirtiveincorrul.rtionto thcir bodicsaf'-
rcr tleath:
No longcrdocsrhe flarringsworcl(cf.(len .]:24)gtrardthc gareof
by thc wood of thc
Fldcn,lor it hrrsbecnnrirlculotrsly<lttcnchc.l l-ike iron burning in the firc parrakcsof rhc hrter'sbrillilncc anrt
(lross. lhc sringiofdcarh rnd thc vicrorvofhadeshavebcenabol- losesirsdark coloring,rhcn,whcn t:rkcrrrwly fronr rhc fbrgc,rurns
ishcd,fbr'l'hou didst cornc,nlv Savior'cryirtgro thoscitr hadcs, cold and dark irgain,so in f:rc do rhe bodicsof rhc sainrs,by rhc
"L)nrcragaininto ['arrclisc." graccunitedro rheirsouls.parrakcof thc Divinc flrc, rnd arcslnc-
rificcl,ud burn irrclnclcsccnr,ln.l becolncthernsclves rranslLrccrrr,
artdarc rcstorcclrrsnrorccxccllcnr,nrorcprcciousby fhr,rhln orhcr
r('i St. (ircs<rrvol Nvss.r.;l S,'n,ru litr rlu' l trrstol t/'t Liglu l'(l 4(r:(r00Allrcf.
boclic's.Whcn, though,thc soul dc;rrrrsrntl is scpararcd fionr rhe
N PN l.2 n d Sc r ic sv,ol. 5, p. 52 4
rr'('Sccp. 73 abovc. body of thc sainr,Ihis bocly]is inrnrc<li:rtely
givenovcr ro corrul)-
r('-Sr. Nichohs( leb:tsi|rs. l/,t Lili in (.llrisr11974),pp l42-43. rion and bcginsshorrlvro dissolvc.IJursrill, sLrchbotliesnrav re-
r{'sSr. olrrr[):rn.rsecnc, I')xrtrlitTasitiou4 l lr I(] 94rl ll8l) I l29Al ct. Nl)N[: m:rin for nrany ycars,ncirher wholly incorrurprrror lgain <;uirc
lnd Scri cs, vo l. 9, p. 80. corruprccl, but kccpingyer rhr' indicarionscrrchof corruprionlntl
tt"t('.1.I lr ltntcn lj.iodion \L',;ntlo::liirbcrerrclli:rfrcr.Il)ilt), pp. 342 4-i.
7it 79
'l'H[ ()l{l t]()lX)X \f()Rl) crtF.Af Lt) tN INC()RRUp.()N
fbr rhc flnel rcsllrrcctiotl shall be raisedincorruptible,"writes rhe Apostle Prrul,"lnd wc shall be
bcing prescrvccl
changed" (l (lor. l5:52). Moreovcr,as we havediscLrsscd errrlier,the
shrrllbc nrrdc;,erfictlvnc*'and incorruptilrlc' "
entire visible crearion will be re-crcared:rnd bccomc incorruptible
along with nran,sincc it existsfbr rlan'.sslke.
St. Svrrrconrhcn askswhv this is: thlt is, whv, when thc saintshave
alrcrtly bccn gr:rntcclspiritual rcstlrrectionb1'()od, nrust thev wair rtr 'l lr
Rutoratiott of'Incoruption
bc grnnrcclfhvrical rcsurrcction?ln artsweringthis qucstion' Sr'
Svmcon harkcnsblck to thc originll creation'wlrcn the itrcorruptcos- Adam, it will bc rcmenrbered,was supposedro rlise thc first-crc-
,,ru:;*,,r; nraclcfirr incorrLtptman to c vell in Having alreadyesrab- atcd world closer ro (iod rhrough his own spiritual lscerrr to (locl.
lished that trtan'sconditiotl tlltlst corrcsPonclwith rhat of his Adam failcd in rhis purpose.Not onlv did he flil to raiseup rhc crc-
St. Synteonot,scruestbar tll:lll crll.lllotbe rcstoredto pcr-
crrvirontt'rct'tt, ation to (lod, lrut through his sin hc llso broughrthe incornrprcrc-
fcct physical incorrugrtiontlntil the rcst of crcltion is raised to that ation down into corruption. l'hercfbrc, the Second Adarn-Jcsus
st:rteaswcll: (--hrisr-canrc to rcsrorcwhar rhc flrsr Aclanrhacl losr: LIc canrcro rc-
store m:ln to rhc communion with (lod and ro thc incorruprionirr
boclicsshotrldbc rcstorcdand nladcin-
lr wusttot litting rhirrnrcn'.s which he lived befbre rhe firll, and ro resrorerhe enrire cosrnosro irs
corruptiblebctirrctlrc renewirl ol-alltlrccrcatiorr'lnstcad'iLtstasthe fbrmer stateof incorruption.
cleltcdworl,lwirsflrstbrortglrtinto cxisrcncc ls incorrrtpr'anclrhen ln the passage fiom Rornnnsrhat we hirvccliscusscd carlier,Sr. Paul
latcr,nran,so ag:tinit is crcationwhich nrttsrfirst lrc rranstbrnted writes of the future :rgeof rhe rencwed,incorrupr crcation which will
I conreinto being after rhe Cicncrll Resurrection:"l rcckon rhat thc suf'-
frotl corrrtptioninto incorntpltiotr.r
fcrings of the presenttime are nor worthy ro be compared with the
It is in thc (lencral Rcsurrcctionthat all thc fiuits ofClhrist'sinelr'- glory which shall be rcvealeclin us. For thc carnesrcxpccrarionof rhe
nirtion,tlcltlr attclrcsurrcctiotrlre to lrc firlly revcllccl'At that tinre' bc- cre:rtioncagerlywaiterh for thc manilestarionof rhc sonsof God li.c.,
"firstfruits of thosc
clrrsc (lhrist :troscfrom rlrc deacl,becoming thc thoseredeemedby Christl. For rhe creationwas nradesubjccrro firtil-
wh<lh:rvefhllenasleep"( I Cor. l5:20)' thc ttnnatttrll scprlrationof tlre ity, not willingly, but becauscof Hirn [God] Vho subjecredit lto futil-
soul fiom the body at delth, which bcpiln at the Rrll,will be overcomc ity] in hope Ii.c., in hope of rhe (iener:rlRcsurrccrion]. Bccauscrlrc
fbr all mankin<1,and man will expericnceeverlastitrgphysicallifc in
"-l-he dc;rd lblkrws: " lhc lLcsurrcctionis thc rcsromtionof lhunr.rrrl nrrrrrc. SLtchthin{s (lod
bodics that havc beetr nratle once aeaitr incorruptible''-t
givcs frccly, fbr jusr as llc fbrnrs us wirhcxrt Lrsrvilling ir. so llc lirlnrs us uncrv
though rvc hirvc conrribLrrcdnorhing to ir. On rhc othcr h,rnd, the Kirrtldonr ilcl
1-rlSt. Svnrconrhc Ncw l hcolosielt,llthiotl l)irotrrttt l ll S(l l12:2{)2 4: cl oa t h c v i s i o n o f ( i r x l u n d L r n i o n r vi th ( l h r i sr .r r c j o vs r vh i ch d cp cn d o n r vi l l i n g n css.
erc thus possiblcorrlv |<rr rlrosc who hlvc been willing ro rcccivc therr trll
tl,,.lvlytintl Lili'. vol. l. p. 34r l:irsr'OrcttcdMtt, pp' 99 lt)0
t-r 1i1r14 j5r cl l:irst'(.nuel lvfun' 1t' \llll' hevc krvcd thcnr ancl longccl lirr rhcnr. For such it is lining rh:rt rhcy should cnjov
; 7)11tfu MyttiLr l,ifi, vol. l. p.
r-rVhilc elt pcopiervill bc rriscclin incorruPtiblcrncl inrrntrrtrlbodies not 'rll thc plcscncc of thc thinss fbr rvhich rhcv longcd; lirr rhc unrvilling it is rrrrpossr,
'l lrrrscwho rcccive(ihrists gili t'I sirlvltiorrwill bc blc.... Ooc nccd not thcrclirlc nrllvcl rhlr w,lrile,rllwill livc in inrnrorr;rlirv.rt rs nor
will cnjoycucrlasring blesscdncss.
i r l l w h o w i l l l i v c i n b l csse cl tr css" ( St. N i .h ,,l .r ' ( .r h .r r i l :r s.//,, 1 tl t i tt r l n i st 2 : l '{,)
,".,,r.".,.'r.1unto ctsrnit lilc. as(ihrist savs;rvhilcthoscrvho rcicctir will be restrr-
(ct John 5:29). St Nichohs (lebesiLls clttcicletts this as | 5 {) : 5 4 I ( l l ) , 5 4 4 4 cl . l /u l .i /i 'i n ( ) /ti st l l ,) ,-4 ]1 p. p . l tI l l l ) .
r!'ctcdunt() tl,rnrn.trion
l-Hl--ol{f l l()lx)x \col{l) cll. liAl t it ) t N t N( r ) RRul, l l( ) N
crcarion itsclfelso shall bc tlclivcred fronr the bondagcof corrLtprion S i nccon rhc [.a sr[ ) a1'sinand t lcar hwill bc abolishcdbv t hc com ing
inro thc gloriotrslibcrty ofthc childrcnof(locl. For wc know rhlt thc of(,hrist thc Lord, ull of nutulc will ;rlsobc ficed from slavcryto srn
wholc crcrtiott grorrrrethantl trav:rilcthin paitl togcrherutltil now And and derthr ir will be transfirrnrcdantl rvill lreqin ro shinc with its pri-
not on11,tlre crcltiotr, bttt ottrsclvesalso' which havc rhc tirsrfitritsof rnorclial Ior origin,rl], plcesing,sirrlcss.rrn.l irlnrortrl bcauty,.l'hc
the Spirit, cvetr wc ottrsclvesgroatl wirhitr oursclvcs'waiting fbr rhc resurrcctionofthc dcad will be thc cnd ofdcuth not only firr peoplc,
acloption,that is, rhc redetrptiotrof our body" (Ronr.8: l8-23). lrur firl lll visiblc nrttrre, which had bccn srrbjcctcdro dcarh anclcor-
Archinranclrite Justinl)opovich,scrtinllfbrrh thc cotnmonPatristic ruption (luc rc thc sin-loving will of irs haughtv lortl. rrrrrn(cf. llom.
inrcrprerarion ofthcsc wordsofrhc ApostlcPaLtl'lsscrtsrhat the libcr- ti :20). S i n, cvi l, sickncss,deat h- all t hcscar c r hc f ir id, alien sccli-
ation of crcatiotrfiont corrttptiott will nrark thc lrcginningof rhe ncw rrcnts of nran,witlr u h ich hc soilcd and clisfigurcdthc sinlcssflcc ol'
hcavcnlnd new crrth spokcn of lry tlrc AposrlesI'cter anclJohn (cf' 2 nirnrrc. llrt thc l,ortl .lcsus,by thc light of His conring, will wlsh
l'et. .J:I .ll Apoc. 2l: I ): arvay rll rhis fionr rhe bcaurifirl fircc of (locl-crcltcrl anrl [)ivinclv
wovcn naturc, rrnclir will atlin bcgin ro shinc in irs sinlcssgooclncss
Bv his prinrorrlialsin,Illltr clrricrl all of ttrtttttcrllottgaficr hinr' :rnd arrd ineflirblebcrLrry(cf. (icn. l:.ll). Lly His resror:rrionofnran ro
surrcn.lcrcd it to sl,tvervto sin atrdtlclrh' rttldrhc rvholcDivincly thc plirnordirl stltc, thc Lor(l rvill rlso rcstorcnlturc'to its prinror-
fashioned crcrriotrurrcclsitrglv sig,hs and rllotlrnsovcrthis'awliring di al , si nl cssstar c ( llonr . U: 21) . hcn not only r vill O hr isr - vcar nr ng
its libcrationfiont sittrrrd clcath,rvhiclrrhc l,orclJestrs rvill gratrton
lreo;rle bc "restorcd to rhcir rrrcicrrt betuty" (l:lt,/ogitatiaof the
thc l,rstday,tr:rtrsfornring ir by I-lisI)ivine-humln ccottonty ofsalva- l huni hhi dt), [ r ut r r lso all of nar ur c- by r hc acr ion of ( io. l's
tiotr irrto :r trcw heavctrlttcl I ttcu' clrth' "wlrcrcindwcllethrigh- gracc-will throw arvly and cast ofl fronr itsclf all sins, :rll cvil, lll
rcousncss" (l I'er..l:I.l). l'hc (lhrist-vearnitrg scerof tnYstcrics, tlrc consequences
o f sin and cvil. r r r r rwit
l h t hcm t lelr h it self . r ''
Apostlcof thc rtpocelvptic end of thc u'orld rntl of the rrlnsfigtrr:t-
rion ofcrerrrion, St.Johnrhe-l hcologilrr'u'rtstrradcrvorthyof it spc- lrc Pcnnanent Ddficatiott oJ Mtn and tltr (hsnos
cialrcvclation of (iocl ro scerhefitrr'rre newhcavcttatrdnewcilrth [Jut it was not or)lv to rcstore wlrat the first Atlanr hrtl rrrincd thlr
"And I slu" he savs,,r ncw helvenand ,l ncw c,rrth:fbr the flttt thc Sccond Adarn, our Lorcl Jesus(lhrisr, canre upon rhis eirth. (lhrisr
hcl"cn rtrd thc flrst certh *crc lr,rsscd lrvay" (Apoc.2l:ll cf ls' also carne to acconplish what thc firsr Adanr had firiletl to acconrplish.
(r5:17,(r(r:2f).r-1 Man, it will lre rcnrcnrbcrccl, hltl tlccn crcrrrcd fi)r dciflcarion. As St.
S yrncon the N ew I heologian r vr ir es, if Adanr ancl l: vc had not f ) llcr r ,
I;r. Jusrin firrthcr bearsrvitnesstlrat rhe clclivcranceof the visiblc "thc sotrl of'cach woulcl h:rvc bcconrc brightcr," lnd rnln "rvoLrld havc
crcxtion will n\..rk irs rcstollttiol,to tl)c incorrttption arlcl be;rurythar bccn lctl up itr duc timc t() rl nrorc perfi'ct glory ancl transfbrnrirtiorr,
belongcd to it before thc fall, ancl that this will occur by reasonof draw i ng ncarer ro ( ] od ancl t o t hc r ays which spr ing f r onr His [ ) ivin-
God's restorirtionof tnan ro his primordial statc: i ry" ' -' A . w e hrvc sccn, t hr oush His r cdenr pt ivc r vor k ( lhr ist has al-
rcadv grantcd to mun thc possibility to expcricncc such e clciflcarion of
l-r Archirrrrr.llitc.ltrstin Popovich. Ort/tolor lltilosqth.y of lruh: I)ogn'ttitt, vol' )' r- Ibitl.,pp. 7{)2-9.}.
pp.7()5-96. [i Srcp. 24 ellrvc.
tr2 d1
'| llti ()l{Iltof)()x \(()ltt) ( ll{LA l lil) lN lN( l( ) lt RLlPll( ) N
soul in and through His (lhurch-a tlcification that is ro grow antl bc- incornrpr. Ihlt rvhich cornprisesrhc csscnceof rhc boc|' rvill risc
con'rcnlore perf-ectin thc lifi' ro contc. Itt the (iencrll Rcsttrrcetiotr' incorlupt-that which rlakcs nrv lxrcly nrinc, vorrr bodl yours. lris
however,Hc will do more than this: ln reuniting matr'ssoul with his boclv his, clch onc'.slrodv Iris own. AIthou{rh rhescrvill bc "spirirLrirl
trody, Hc will granr an evcrlastingclciflcationro nrln's body together boclics,"thcv will ncvcrrhclcssbc rhc srrrrcborlics rh:rr diccl lncl irrc
u,ith his soul,and llong rvith man He will grant unendingdeification norv rcsurrccrccl.l'hc slrrre thing rvill occtrl wirh thosc rvhorrr thc
to the entire cosmos, (iv^ncrall{csrrrrcctiorr
rvill find living on crrrh-thcv will rerrain rhc
ln thc words of .scripttrreand thcir interprctatiottby the Farhers, sunrclTodics,brrr rhcv u,ill rurn from trcinq phvsicalro bcinr: sf iri-
u,e can flncl indicirtionsof how this will cornc to pass: Pernlancnt tLralA. l l rhi srvill lr . r ppcnir r sr r cha r t av r hlt I 'cr eru ill r cnr ainl) cr crir r
deificationof nran'sbody anclthe cosnroswill occtlr tosctherwith tlleir his bodv, I)rrul-l'rrrl in his bocL,,and Mrlk l\'lrrk, likovisc in his
beccrmingnot onlv incornrpr bLttalsosPirihnl. botlr'.|
Apostlc Parrlrvrites:"So also is the rcsttrrcctiotrof rhe dead. lt
is sown irr corruptioniit is raiscdin incorrupti<1tr.... lr is sown a natLt- I l ow l re w c to undcr sr and t he ir r collupt ant l spir ir ual bodv of m an
ral bodyl ir is raisccla spiriturrllrodv.'l'hereis a natural body, irnd therc bevond thc (l cncr al Rcsr r r r cct ion, plr t icullr lv ir r lighr of our discus-
is a spiritLral[rocl1'....Now rhis I say,lrrethrcn, that flesh and bloocl sion of nran'.sincorrupt bor'lv bcfirrc rhc Rrll?t:;rrlicr wc tluored Sr.
cilnnot inherit thc kingdom of (iotl; neirhercloth corruption inhcrit Sytnconin sayingthat "Aclanrwas cre:rtc<l rvith un incornrptiblc bocl1,,
incorruption. llchold, I sltow you a lrvstcry; Ve shall nor all sleep,bLrr rhouglrone whic h was nratcrialantl on thc wlrolc not yct spirirual,"
rveshallall be changed.ln ir moment,in rhc rwinklingof an cye,:rr thc and thrt, if Aclam had not firllen, his "pcrcepriblcancl matcrirl bodv"
lasttrLtmP;for the trumper shallsouncl,and the deedshall be raisedin- woukl hrvc bccome"alteredrncl changedinro an inrrnrreriallntl spiri-
corrupriblc,and we shall bc clranged.For rhis corrupriblentust pttt otr tu:rlone, into somcthingbeyondsenseperception."r alsotluotcd
ir .rcorruprion,lncl this mortll mllst ptrt on imnrort:tlity"(l Cor. l5:42' St. MlxinrLrsas sayingrhat first-crerrcdlnan wils, rhrough living I lifi'
44,50-53\. ofvirtrrc likc that ofthe angels,to "bccomels subtlcas spirir"antl "no
F.xplicatingthis Par-rlinereaching,Fr. Justin Popovich notes tlut longcr ticd to earth by any botlily weiqht."''" Herc Srs..svnrconrrnd
rhe boclics of all pcople-borh rhoscthlt havedied and those that are Mrximus arespeakingof rclrrtivcdcgrccsof corporcllitv for ls we hlvc
still alive at the Sccond (loming of Christ-rvill be changed in the scenthe bodiesofAdam and live in their originll, inct.lrnrprsrnrc,cvcrr
srnle way. "'l'hus," l.res:rys, rvhilc not havingyet becn altcrcd ro bccomespiritual,tlirl nor htvc rhc
qrossernratcrillity or "crxrrscrflcsh" thlt otrr bodics now havc. Sr.
lll pcoplcwill be nrrdec<1url, all rvill rcquirespirittrallrodics'sirtcc Grcgorv of Sinai observesthat otrr spirirLralbodies afier rhc (icncr:rl
n,rtLrralbodieswill be trattsfbrnrccl into spiriturrlones.Atrtl this [{csr.rrrcction will in fact corrcsprondwirh tl.rc incorrrrl:rrbocliesof
transfornrltion, thischangcofbocly, rvill occur"in I nromenr,in thc Aclitnrand Evc befirrcrhc fall:
ru'inklingof an cyc,,tt thc llst trurnp." Hora'?[]v thc prorver of thc
rcsrrrrcctcd l.ord (lhrist, lor He b1'His rlmighrv [)ivinc powcrrvill r-r'Archinrerrclritc
ol lt rh: l)osDtlrtiti,vol..l,
lceclotrr ot tleathrll thc botlicsof thc tlerrtl,":rndthc dcrclsh:lllbc pp. 797 9tl.
r-- Sccpp. 10,2.'1:rbovc.
rrrisctlincolluptiblc":thlr uhich lrascliccl,rhrt is,rhc [tocl1',will rise
t r Scc .lJ itbovc.
tr4 lls
(:RttAI't_t)IN INcOI{Rt.lp. ( )N
l'H Fl()RI'H()l)()X \(/()Rl)
'l hc bodyin its incorrupriblc statcwill bc carthv.bur ir will lrewith- clisciples'
belicf.FIcrrc, rrorbecausc His rcsurrcctcd body by irs na,
trlnsmutcdfiom an ture necdedfbod,but by econom\,, to shorvrhat His riscnboclyw:rs
out hunrorsrrndnrlrcrialdcnsitr'.indcscribably
unspirituirlbody inro:t spirirr.rllbodv (cl I Cor. l5:44), so th:rt rt thc samcwhich suflc'rcd on the (-ross.for this is rhe nrrurc of the
lroth carthy ano l,ord'sbodv now: ro cnrcrwhcrcd<xrrs:rrcshut and ro passcflirrr-
will bc in its gotllikereflncnrcntand subtlcncss
lcsslyfiom onc krcationro anorlrerBccausc rhcclisciplcs
hcavenlv. lts statewhcn ir rvillbc rcsLtrrccrccl bc sirrrilarto thlr in
belicveand hlcl not ycr bccnconvincecl evenbv rouchingHis hlnds
which it wasorigin:rllycrcrrccl(cl llorrr.8:29; Phil. 3:21) rhrotrgh
and [i'ct, l-lc of'hrsyer lnorhcr proof, rhlt of c:rring.But what Hc
firllparriciprtion in His Divinity.r'''
c.rtsis consumcdbl,sonte[)ivinc powcr,fbr all rhirtis crrrenin I nlr-
ural nranner;r:rsscs frorn rhe morrrhto rhcdrain.llur rvharthc [_ord
Man's body in rhe bcginning, then, nright Lrcsaid to be "similrr" to
earshcrc is not lccordingto narurc,irswc havcsaitl,but by ccort
h is body in the (leneralllesurrcction,in that trorhsharethe qualityof
incorrrrption.Neverthcless, it is only in thc (ieneralResurrection rtrat
h uman bodics will be pcrfcctlv and inrrnurablvsgririttraliz-ed antl
-l'hc Since Christ arosc in a spirirual body, Hc will raisc nrarrkind in
diviniz-ed. prorlise of this future contlirion is scen itr the resur-
such a body ar rhe lasrday: a bodv both incorrupr lnd spirirual. ltLrr-
rectcdbody of Chrisr.
thernrore,sincethe restof crcarioncxisrsfbr nran, He will nor onry rc-
Vhen Chrisr rosefrom the dead,His body was likc thc spiritual
store it ro incorruprion bur will :rlso makc it spiriruai rogcrhcr with
body that Adam was supposed rc attain bv asccnditrgto (lod in Para-
l l l :l l t.
dise. As we know from Scrigrtrrrc,in His resurrcctcd,spiritual body
(lhrist left the ronrb wlrile :r stone still scaled thc door (cf. Matt. St. Syrnconwrites of this with illuminaring precisior.r. Having af-
while the doors remained fi nred rhat all creationwill bc rraclc incorrupr along wirh nrln in rhc
28:2),'*" He entcredrhe room of the :rpostles
(lcncrrrl Resurrectionjusr as ir was nrldc incorrupt wirlr hirn in rlrc bc-
shur (cf. John 20: I 9), and Hc appeareclrnd vanishedat will (cf. l-trkc
gitrning,rtr St. Symeon goeson ro say rhar borh nran and rhe resr of
24:3 I ). Evcn so, in orcler ro show His disciplesthat Hc was not nrerely
crearionwill alsobe ntadespirirual:
a spirit bur lratl risen in the samc body that hatl becn crucified, He
'fhomas to touch his wttutrclsand ate in the
prermittedthe Apostle 'Ibgethcrwirh
'l-heophylacrof Irhc crcation]and ar thc samcrilllc, rhc corruptc<l
presenceof His disciples(cL l-uke 24:4.1).Illessed
bodicsof nrcnrvill be rcncwcd,suchthar,hinrsclfhavinglreconrc ar
Ohrid writcs of this mvstcryas fbllorvs:
onccspirituallrrd irrrrrrorral,
ntanntayhaveirn incorrupt,and spiri-
'l'his is horvwe ntustuttdcrstltrcl rual,and evcrlasring placein which ro clwcll.l-isrenro rhe Aposrtc
rhc bodyof rhc l,ord afierthc res-
Pctcrfor rhcrruth ofthis: "'l'hc dayofrhc l.ordwill conrelikc a rhicf
to all coarscness.
urrcction:ir is spiritual,rcflnccl,a strarrger lt nccds
in rhc nighr,,rnclrhcn rhe hcavcns shallburn rnd bc dissolved, trnd
nothing,rrorcvcn tirod,alrhoughthc [,ord did clr to cotrflrnrthc
rhc clcnrcnrsshrll nrelrirwry wirh firc" (2 I'er..l: I0). l his docsnot
r-') Sr. (ircgorv ol Sirt,ti.()tt (.'otnnawlnent! lt / I)odrird 4(ii cf. I'/tilokal ,vol.4,
lBl Blcsscd.l hcoplryl.rcr of ()hrid
and L\ulttrit, l ltt |l:/,rturtiou of rht l loly (itsptl
p. 221.
13"As St. M.rtther" rccor.ls,.tlicr' (lhrist rcsLrrrcctccl aoorlitg to St. 1-rfi'(HoLrst'Springs.Mo.: Chrysosronrtrrcss,1997), p.
irnd lcfi rhc tonrb, :rn rtngcl rsl Scc pp.49-50. lJOatrove.
''rollcd lreck rhc storrclronr thc.lo,rr.,tn.l sltt Ltponit.''
86 67
' l H l .:()l { l l l ()tx )x !(/()R t) (lRhdlltl) IN IN(t()RRLIP
I l()N
mciln thirt thcv slull be rlcsrroyed,bttr rrrher rc-fitrqedatr.l trans- intntatcrial,sinceaccordingro Sr. Synrconarrclorher Holy Fathcrsonry
c o n c l i ti o tr....
n ru tcd i nt o l gr c lt er : r ndc v c rl a s ti trg (lod in Himsclf is wholly inrmlrerialrncl Lrncircurlscribccl:
in rct:rrron
Bur rrorvit is time fbr us to cxinrinc horv crcatiottshall be re- to Hinr, evcn angelsand human souls a degrec of marerialitv
ncwcd arrd rcsrorcclto its original belury.... rtrrdarecircunrscritrcdby rinreantl sprce.'n'Asrvelrlve scen,rhe rcsur-
Jtrst rrs our bo<lies,rtlthouqlt thcv dissolvc fbr l rintc, tlo trot rected,spirirualbody of Chrisr, ro rvhich St. Synrconlikcns rlan's lrody
p:lss.lwrryfirrcvcr,but u'ill bc rcnervcdagain at thc rcsurrcction,so' and the whole cosmosafter rhe (lencr:rl Resurrccrion,was nor cnrircly
ro o . ru i l l hc , r v c nand c , rth a n d a l l th a r i s rv i th i n th c nt thl t i s, al l withour coloc,re;rliw.
of crcrrrion-lrc ntatlc ,rtcrv lnd libcratcd liorn the bondlgc of cor-
. l' hc
ru p ri o n . s ' i l l s h a l cw i rh trs i n that i ncl tr-
c lc m c nt st h c n rs c l v c u
r"' In rliscussingrhc renewcd
dcscerrccfrom ,rbovc,and in tlrc s,rnrcu'ay thrtr wc shall lre tricd bv crcation,St. Svmcon rlkcs p:rinsro sev rh;rt it u,ijl ror
firc, so. nccordittg to thc Apostlc. shrrll rll crcation bc rcncrvccl lrc cntirclv irlnr;rrcrill rnd uncircunrscribctl: Norv, then, trv ro inlrqinc rvirh nrc l
worltl rvhich is sPirirLrirl :rrrdriscsbcvontl orrr scnscPcrecption.llrrr. rvhlr is bo,r,rrtl
rlrrorrghfire... .
s c n s i b l cp c r c e p r i o ni r nd sp i r i tu r l i s r l u i te i n r o r n p r ch cn si b l cl i r r r r s,e n d i n vi r i b l c.... l r
I lolvcvel rcncu'ccl,crcation will rlot lcttr!rl to rvhat it rvascle- is in this scnsc.thcrcfirre-,rh:rt wc c:rn cliscoursc.rlrotrr
rhc.rngcls. i.c., rh.rr rhcv erc
ltccl in rhc bcginning. By no nrc:rns.Rathcr,iust irsit is sorvnl'har- elso. in efltcr, sonrr:horrcnrbodicd lnd circunrscritxblc,irt lcust rvhcn contlirrc(t lo
ural body," accorclingto thc saving (l Cor. l5:44), so it is rlisc(l I thc atrsoltrrclvimnrarcrial :rnd trodilessnarure of [)iviniry.... lhc s:rnrcrc.rsonir,g
bocly,nor likc rhc flrsr mani befbr.'rhc rrrtnsgrcssion-i.c.,ntaterial, lr.lcls fbr thc soul as *cll. (irmparcd ro (ioJ \X'h,, i, b1 ,r.rtur. lr.rlilc1.. .q1111 1., 11,"
l r g c l s , t h c : o u l i s r r s i r w cr c b o d i l y r n d ci r cu n r scr i l td .... l i r r r n o r r :r lp cr .r cp r i .n ,
pcrccpriblc,lncl nturrblc, nccding nr.,rcovcrph1'sicalfbod-btrt in-
h.rvc'cr, ir is.rfrogcrhcr['rlilcss untl irrc.rrprchcrsitrlc \lltl,it,l I)ixttu^r,: Li: Ott
src:rclr body rvhollv spiritual and intnrtttrblc; strchI body as that of
tlt,llystital /.ifi. vol. I, pp.39-40).
our Masrer :rnd (iod aftcr His rcsurrcction,tlrc body of thc Second St. ST,nrcoo\nrcnrion (secbclorv)ol florvcrsun<lhcevcrrlytroclicsin rhc rcnovcd
Aclanr,Vho is our "firstborn liorrr the dcad" ((]ol. l: I u). As His creerion proviclcslirrtlrcr clariliclrrionrhlr hc r. n,,r .lcr,:rrh1ng.1 rc.rlnrrvirhrrrrrenv
so shall tltc wirotc
body rvrtsn f,rrdiffcrcnt thing than thc old Achn.rls, rlcgrccofnrltcriality. 'l-hc Origcnist iclcl rher rhe crc;rriorrlficr thc (icrrcr.rll{crurrc.-
crcirtion,in the slnrc rvltyand rtt Cod\ conrnrltrd, not bccomc wh:rt rion *ill lre wholly inrnrrtcrialrvasin llct condenrncdar rhe I:ifih t:_currrcnic.rl
eil: l1 uny.ne shall srrl rhar rhc L:rsr.lutlgnrerrr
siqnilicsrhc c.nrllcrc desr.ucrion.f
ir rvas befirrc, nratcrill :rncl pcrccptiblc, bttr bc transfbrmcclin rhc
thc l'xrclyu'd rhat thc cncl of :rll rhings rvill bc a rr.n nr:rrcri.rlnurur.. ,rn.l rher in rhc
rc-birth into an imnrarerial,spiritual tlwclling phcc, be1<,nclany futurc agc thcrc rvill bc norhing nrltcri;rl,llrr onlv nrrkctlspirit: lcr hinr bc enarhcnra.
Perccprionof thc scnscs.'"' (Elevenrhrrriclc of rhc anlrhcnraslglinst ()rigcn).
()rr thc rchtivc rnarcrirlirv of-angcls rnd hunran souls.
scc llso Sr. lJusil thc
Vlren St. Symcon says rhar ottr trodies and the rcst of crcation will \'rcar. Or tlr Holy Sprrir 2.1,and St. John l)anrascenc , I-.xactl.^tpositionl.l3, 2..1.
rst Sincc Sr. Svnrcon slvs
bc "irnnratcrial (d,Orov)"in the (ieneral Rcsurrectiotr, he is lgain spcak- rhc rcncwcd crc.rrionrvill bc lrcyorrtlilnv pcrc(ption of'
thc scnses,'ir fblbu's rhlr (lhrist.s rcsur.rectcd bocl,-rvasund is..n,rturellv ireyond
ing of irnrnateriality in a relative sensc. I-hc rettewed crcation will in-
sensc-perccprion elso. Ir wus bv [)ivinc dispcnsirrionrhrrr(]hrist nradc llis lroclvpcr_
dccd bc "imnratcrill" in conrparison rvith its prescnt statc and cvcn ccptiblc ro rhc scnsesof rhc apostlcsalicr Flis rcsurrecriorr.As l.]lcssccjlhcophr;lact
wirh its conclition bcfore thc fall. [-lorvcvcr, ir will trot bc cntilely poinrs orrt in cliscrrssing Ohrist'.sirppcurirnccro Srs.t.ukc rntl Clcr4xs on rhc r.<r:rd ro
lirrrmeus(l-ukc 14:lJ J2): " l-hcv rvcrc rror rllorvcd ro rccognizt Hint lrv thc tcr,
r$r St. Svnrcon thc Nov 'l hcologi:tn. [ihitrl l)ivourst rLrrcsof thc bodv in rvhich tlre Savior rhcn appclrcd ro rhcnr. lirr,:rs,\,1lrk rlvs, He
)l ). cl'. Ou tlu ill.ystitdl Lili. vol. | , pp. l5-.1('. .llJ .19. ruppcrlcdrrnto rsrr of rhcnr 'in anorhcr fbrni fl\{lrk l(r:ll).:rnd wirh diflcrcnr
liti n9
'l t l[ ()lLl H()tx)x \(()l{t) (llt[Al llt) lN lN( ]OltR.tlP'l-l(
l.ater in the samccliscottrsc,St. Svmeon,hlving urrtlotrbtetllvbc- rvorlcl,rhc inviolablcinhcririrnceof thc sorrsof (,od (cf. Ronr.
hcld sonrethingof thc firtLrrc:rgein prophctic[)ivinc vision.sPcrkslll fi:2| ).'""
more dcrail abottt thc renewedcreatiottas a spiritLralclwcllingplaccof'
nt l l n: Vhcn St. Synreonslvs that all things in thc cosnros,including
nran,will become"spiritualand divinc," he is rcferringto nothing less
As I hirvc s:ticlscvcrll rinres,lll creltitltr' too. otlce nlldc ncw, will than their deiflcation. Deiflecl in botlr sorrl and body, nrrn will frccly
bcconrc rvholly spiriturl, ln<l togcthcl u'irh l',trrdiscrvill trc tr,tns- cxpericncc(lod's uncrcirredencrliy (gracc)through his boclily scnscs.
firrrrrcclinro rrn intmltcti:tl. trnclrtng,itre,ctertt,rl,,rtttl nt>crictlwell- ln the worclsof St. (iregorv Prrlamas,
ing pllcc. I hc hcrtvctrson thc onc h:rnd rvill bc itrcotrrpl t rttrlv
briqhtcr, in r nr:rnncrindcccl<lLrircncrv,cliflircnt ltrcl tnorc r:rdi.trtt In thc veryblcsscd cxisrencc of thc lgc' to conrc,in "thc sonsot thc
rhan thc visiblc hc:tvcns,rvhilc thc crrrh on rhe other hrrnclwill rakc rcsurrcction(l,uke20:-l(r),who, :rccordinq ro rhc (iospclof(,hrist,
on il ncw ancl incx;rressiblcltc:tutv, ;ltt tttrfltditrg vcrclttre.ortra- will havcrcccivecl an angelicrligniry,it will bc thc bodt,rvhichis rrsil
nrcnted bv rrtclirrntflorvets,vlriecl atrtl spirittral.It will bc.rn c,rrrh hiddcn.Virh rlrcvictoryof the rrorrr. thc bodvrvill bccorrrc sosubtlc
in which, as thc srcrcd tvord hls ir, rightcoustrcsswill hlvc its rhat it rvill no longcrappcrlrr() bc nrltcrial,and ir rvill rro longcr
rvi l l shi rrc
d w cl l i n g pllc c ( 2 l' c t . . l :1 .]). Ih c s u n o 1 -ri q l rtc o ttsncss linrir thc irctivityof rlrc riorrr.In thiswar,,thcy rvill cniovthc [)ivinc
scvcnfirltlrrrorcbrightly, ancl thc nroon will gleanrrwicc as briSihtes Liglrrirrrhcirh,'clilrscnscs.r'
'l'hc strrs rvill bc likc
rhc sLrnwhiclr illurlines it now (cf. Is. -10:2(r).
,tf itr thc
our sulr-if-, intlced, rhcscirrc thc sitnrcstrltsils ilrc s1-lt,kcn Frorl this Patristictestimonywc seclrow, through Christ, m,rn ancl
sutrlirlc thoughrs of thc rvisc. All things thcre rrc bcvond spccch' the rcst of creation will not only lrc resrorctl ro rhcir originrrl
rrlnscc'nclrh<,ught,sirve only thlt rhcy :rrc spiritLraland divinc, irrcorrupriorr;rlreywill alsobecomewhar dtey would barc btntttil the
unitcd ro tht' intclligible wolltl, ancl corrrpriscltrothcr, noctic l'errt- firsr Adam had fulfilled his calling from (lod. Ir will bc rcmcmbrrcd
cliscancl hcavcnlyJcrusirlcnl,nraclclikc lncl ttnirc.l to the hcavcnlv thirt, according ro St. Maximus, nran'.soriginal designationrvas not
only to beconredeificd himselFburalsoto bring thc rvholecrc:rtecluni-
vcrsc into a stateof deification,so thirt "thc wholc [woultl bc] wholly
lclttrrcs. l'lc no lottgcr cottfirrnrcdrhc actionsof Ilis [r,xlv to nlttlrll Iitrvs.bLrt in- in tcrpcnetratetl by Ciod."'tt IlLrrrhcrcxpoLrndingSr. Maxinrus'steaclr-
src,rdacrcd in thc bodv in :t spiritull nr,tntrcrthrtt u'ls bcvotrd nartrrc. I'his is rvhv ing, Vladirlir l-osskywrires: "Sincc this task which u.:rsgivcn to rnen
thcir eycs rvcrc prcventeclf'ronr rccogttizingHinr' Whv did Ilc appcrrrto tlrcnr in was not fulfillcd by Adam, it is in thc work of (ihrist, rhc Sccond
lnother fbrnt, ancl u'hv ucrc thcir eves prevcntccllront rccognizing llinri. . Ih,rt
rhcv nriglrr bclicvc.rll thc nrorc sttrclv rh:rt llis lroclv i. rto longcl e ltoclv thrtt is
1"" St. Svrnec,nthc Nov 'l-hcologi:rn
clearly risitrlc lo rvcrv()nc. [:-ventlrottgh His rcsurrcctedlrodv is rhc senrc'boclv , lltl,iotl I)isotrr'tt I.i: S(i l2l:l Ill l0lef.Orr
rvhich srrflercd.llc norv lp1'rcrtrsonlv to those to rvhorn IIc rvills to rcvcll Hinr- rln,hl.ysriutLifi. vol. I. p.4li l:irtr'Ortaud ll,tn. p. 104.
r3 St. (ircgorl I'rl;rnr.rs.//,r lrials |..\..76 tt ll'e lii'uti: Book (hr (('.hiettgo:
self.... lic rvasscctrby th,rscro ruhonr Hc rvishctlro bc visible' ( llte l:xpkndtiot ol'
rfu Holl ()rpd rcordi s to St. /.rr,4r, pp. .118- 19). ln srmc witt'. following l lis es- I ) r : r x i sl n s t i t u t c l ) r c s s 2
, {X) 2 ) ,p . 1 2 i t.
r3f St. N{.rximus thc (irnfi'ssor, tlnLigurn /tl: in I ourh, rll,rrllrrrr rfu (.lotliit,tt,
crnsiorr in(o hcevcn,(lhrist hes nriraculouslv:rppcarccl to pcoplc in llis rcsurrcctcd 1t.
l-ndy lt variottstinrc. throuthottt (llrristian historr'. r58.
9o 9r
llu ()Rt H()l)()x \(oRl) (]{liAl tit) tN tN(l()ll.lttiP
Aclarn,that wc c:ln scc what it w,asmeant to bc."'n"'I'hus, as St. lcsus(lhrist was withoLrtsin . .. He was rror srrbjcctto tlcath, sirtcc
Maxinruswrircsin cliscoursing on (lhrisr'swords."My Fatheris work- dcarlr canreinro rhe world througtrsin." Ycr "rlrc L.ord,"rvrires.St.
ing c ven now, and I irrl working" (.fohn 5:17), it is in the work of Circgoryl)alarnas,'iraricnrly cntlurcclfirr our sakeit dclrh He wirstrot
Christ that we bchold "rhe gracecflcctivc ro dci! the univcrse."'"" olrligcrlto Lrnderg<,,to rctleemLrs,rvho werc obligctl to sulfcr dc,rrh."'"'
All ther has becn clescribccllrcrc-rhc immutable glory of the fir- Hcrc rvc scc clcerly how thc plt.ysial, uustl n u'tio l)erwcctl
ture age-has becn nradepossiblebv rhc incarnation,death and resur- Aclam'sact of sin anclthc prcsenccof dcerh rn the world lbrnrs the'trasis
rectionof Christ. 'l'hrough rhe roralityof C)lrrist'.s
work of redenrption, fbr trnclcrstanding the phvsical,c:rusalconrrccrionbcrwccn(lhrist\ Lrn-
nran is spirituallyunitedwirh (lod and tleificd:m:rncrrr arrairrro [)ara- cleserved cleath,rnclthc ovcrconringof thc cotrscclttctrccs of sin irt tltc
dise and helvcn aficr dcath; antl, ar rhe Clcncr:llResurrcction,nrln'.s world. As Fr. SeraphinrI{oscpoirrrctlout,
bocly and the cntire crearionare to bc rcnewctl as an incorrupriblc,
spiritualand divineclwellingplirce. (lhrist'sdeatbon rhc (-rossrvls a rcll, phvsicalcvcnt,trot.ttt inr.tge
or rrttrtllcgory;and lt rhc sunretitrc it h:rsspilittralconsc(lucrlccs,
Vlll. Tue Onrnooox DocrnrNp op PnnLepsnnrex c,lnclition.lt givcsrrssalvltion:not
brirrgingilb()rlrll chlrngein rrrln'.r
fiqLrrirtivcsllvation,bur lctull snlvrttiorr. lrt tltc slttrc w;tt, A<|rnt
INconnuprroN es It Relerrs ro OnrHooox
r,rsredofa trecand thcrcbyIfcll irrtocorruptionl.l his,r(x),w.rs:r
Sorenrolocv exo EscunroLocy
physical cvcntwith spilitualconsrqucnccs. .h.trrgintrtrltt.sconrli-
Fronr thc fbrcgoingcliscussionit cirn bc sccn how rhc Orthoclox tion."'
tcachingon the orieinalincorru;rtionof rhe world hasdirect bcaring
on Orrhodox sotcriology.'l'he Script u ral/I)irtristic doctrine rhar dclth 'I
he Orthotlox teachingon prelnpsariurt incorrrtptiottis rrlsolbLrn-
entcred the world asa consequcnceof nran'.s sin fbrnrsa fbundation fbr dationrl fbr LrnclcrstanclingSt. I'irrrl'.s
ofi-rcpcutctltcaching-u lriclt rve
the doctrinethat thc sinlcssSaviorinnoccrrtlytook upon Himself that havcsccrrelucid:rtetl trv St.John (llrrvsostonr'"'-of sin antl clcarhen-
consequcncc-rhlt is, bv clying on rhc (lross-irr order ro "pr.rrirway tering the world through .?/,rrman ancl rhcn bcine ovcrcotrtclry Orrr
sin by the sacrificcof Hinrself," ro "bear rhc sinsof nrirnv" (Hcb. 9:2(r, N4an.Sr. John C)hrvsostorrr s:riclthat rhe rrutlr thut orrr rcclcnrpri,rr
28), to redecmmrnkind fionr all rhe conscqucnccs of sin. cr>uldconre fionr only Onc Man is evidcrtccclby,thc firct thitt tlte cott-
As wc havc sccn, whcn Aclanr fi'll his corrupred nature, now clis- scquences of sin canrc fionr orrly one nriln. lrr ficr, St. (lhrtsostont
easedwith sin, madchim sLrbjccr to physicaldcath.All his dcsccndanrs sratesthat, rn the fifth chapter of Ronrans,St. l)irtrlrepcatccllvjrrxtrt-
inheritcd thar corrupted nature, antl thrrs all rvcrc obliged ro dic. posetl thc "onc" Aclam with the "Onc" (lhrist prcciselvin ortlcr t<r
Christ llone, beine tottrlly sinlcss,rvls nor obliged to suffcr clcatlr;ancl tlcnronsrrrtcrhc rcaliryoI thc world'.srcclcnrptionby Oh risr- ltarricu-
tlrerefbre,in His volr,tntlrydclth ,rnclin His rcsurrectionwhich inexo- lrrlv ro thoscJc',vsw,hobclicvctlin thc (lcnesis nilrrrltivebttt not (vct)
rably succcedcdir, Hc clestloycdclclth borh spirirual:rnclboclily.Lcr us as firr rhc Holy l;atlrers,
in Christ. For St. I)aLrl fiith in rhc rcalSccotrtl
recallrhe words of St. John Ihnrasccnequoted elrlicr: "Sirrccor.rr[.orcl
r " L S c c r h c l i r l l q u o ti r ti o n s,r np p . ( r 9
r r b o vc.
rs'r l.osskv, lvlystiul I htology, l lO. "0
r"r ljr. Sclrrphirrrl{osc, (,i,zrri, (.'ttrtion atl htrly Alau. p. )1 6.
r"lrSr. J\1:rxinrrrs the (irnlcssor.,,l/ lhaldssiun 2.,in On t/n,(.otttit t\1.).rl{r't1 r"' Scc
p. I(X). 1 '1 , . 7 l - l , r b <r r c.
,) 2 ti
'l H It otLf Hotx)x \(/oltt) (llLllAl Il) IN lN(i()ltlltjl'l l()N
Adam as the Reclccmcrfionr rr.rincannot bc divorceclfionr belief in the As thc tloctrinc rh.rr man and tlrc rvorlclwerc incorrupr befbrc rhc
rcal f.irsrAdam as rhe causeofthat rtrin.'"' fill is directlv connccrcd ro ()rtlrodox sorcriolog,v, so ?lso is rr con-
Certainll', the Orrhodox reachingon rhe original incnrruption of Irectcclto cschirology.It provides;r b:rsisfbr rtrldcrsr:rnding rhc worcls
rlzl (specifically)is most gcrmanc ro rhc ()rrhodox clocrrineof rc- of thc Apostlc l'aul in rhc way rhirr thc Holv l;arhcrsundersrooclthcrl;
tlcmption, sirrceir was a m:rn (Aclanr)who broughr sin ancldcrrh inro "For sinccby mln clme dcath, bv rnln c:rnrealsothc rcstrrrcctionfionr
rhe world, and it rvasa Man (rhe (iod-rn:rn lcsus(ihrist) Vho ovcr- the clcad.[]or irs in Atlam all dic, evcn so in (lhrisr shall all bc medc
came thenr. At tlrc sametinre, however,this Scriprural/l)atristictcirch- rrlivc.... Ihe lnst enerny thar shall bc tlcsrroycdis death" (l (]or.
ing cannot be separatedfionr rhar of rhe incorruption of the resrof rhe 15:)l-22,2(r). Ir underpinsrhc docrrir.rc rhat (lhrisr carncin orclcrro
cosnrosbetorc thc fall, sincc as rve have secn the visiblc crcarion was gilc fuck to nran rvhat Aclam hird krst ar thc firll, phvsicallvas rvell as
rnadc firr thc slkc of nran, is clcpcndcnron nran. and rlust bc in rhc spirittralll,,irnd rhar, throueh Chrisr'.sclclrh lncl rcsurrccrion,thcrc rvill
samcconditionas man.'fhe incorrrrpr.lnJporcnriilllyinrnrcrralbodv be rt rcstoration,pertecrion,and spiriru:rlizarion of thc irrcorrupr
ofman lrcfbrerhc fill, as c]escribcdin clcrailin rhc l)atristicwrirings. flrsr-creirtecl wrtrld. FrorrrSr. Ircnacusin thc sccondccnnrrv,wlro said
could not havc existedin surroundingsfillcd with death and corrr,rp- rhurcrcntionwill be "rcstoredto irs prirncvrrl c(,n(lirion"Jr rl)c (;cncral
ti<rn;arrd lrenceit is to bc cxpecrctlrhar rhc tzrrrrrlrr patrunt, in accor- llcsurrccrion, to Fr. .fustin I)opovich in rhe twcnrierh ccnrury, wno
clenccwith Holy Scripturc, holds thar rhe cosmos wrrs originalll, wrotc thrr n:rrurewill rhen "bcgin ro shincwirlt irs prirlor<lialsirrlcss
incorlupt aswell. irnnrortal belurr,,rhe sanrcas ir haclbcfbrc the firll," wc havc secrrrhc
connectiotrrlrlr thc Futhershavedrarvrrlrcrwccnthc originalund rhc
r"' []tsiclcstfrc pitssitgcs
elrc,r.lvquotc.l (lbnr. 5: lJ '19, I ( lor I 5:21-22). rhcrc:rrc
flnal statcsof rhc crcarion.In the wordsofSt. (,rcgory of Nyssa,rhc
,tther phccs in the I'rLrlinecPistlcsu'hcrc rhe r\posrlc rvrircsof t\clunruncl [ivc, rc, pronliscof thc flnll srarcis preclicrrtctlorr lrclicfin tlrcoriginirlorrc,arrrl
counting thc Biblicel clcscriptionsofthcir crcetion rnd fill: I'hc llrsr nran Atl:rm vicc ycrrit:
r v a s r rrtlc a living so rrl'(l (ir r l5: 45; c f . ( ic n. l: 7) ; ihc s c r p c n t b e g u i l c d l . l v c
through his srrbtlcty" (l (br. ll:.ll cl. (icn. .l:l-(r)r "Adunr w;rs lirrnrcd first. then
Norvthc [(icncnl] Rcsurrctionprorliscsus norhingclsethrrnrhc
live: errrlAdlnr rvlrsrrot tlcccivcd,lrut thc wonr:rn bcing clcccivcdrv;rsirr rhc trerrs,
-l rcsrorarion of thc fullcnto thcir.lncictrrst.rtc:filr rhe grilccu,c look
srcssion"( | inr. 2:13- l.1rcf. (len. 2:21 .l:(r).i\g.rin, rcfi'rringto thc c rcrt ion ol li,c
fionr Ad.rnr. St. I':rul urites: l!1ln is not fronr rvomirn. lxrr rvorrlrr fionr nlrnl nor fbr is:rccnrin rcrurl l() rhe firsrlifc, bringirrgbrck aqrrinro I).rr.tljsc
rtls the nren crcutcrltbr thc lr'onritn,bur rhc rvonr:rnfbr thc nran' ( I Cor I l:11-,);cf. hinr .,r,howls clsr ()ur fionr it. lf rhcn thc lifc ol thoscrcstorctlis
( i c n . 2 :lll J.l) . In kee pin gwir h r hc plr in nr er ningof r hc s c closellrcl.rrecl
f r r s s : r g cosf S r . I ) r u l , r h c ro rlrrr of rhc lngcls,ir is clcrrrth:rrrhc lifc bcfbrcthc
Pltristic conrnrcntericsoo thcnr lrsstrneir bclicf in rn ecrrrll. hisroricirlAcr:rrnantr tlxrsgrcssion rv:rsI kind ol-lngcliclifr',lnd hcncc.rlso or.rrr(trrfn ()
t. r ' e .S cc, lirr crln rplc, Sr. Jo hn ClTr ls os r or n.cson) nr ent ilr yon I I i n r o r h y 2 : 1 . ) l 4
(NI)NIt lst Scrics.vol. l.l, pp.4.l5-.16), rvhcrcthc Suint rrflirnrsthe cxistcnccof li,c
thc arrcicrrt
corrclirion oforrrlifeis conrparccl ro theangcls.r''i
as l singulitr;rcrson,disrirrguishingbcrwcen hcr,rnd thc lcrrr:rlcscr gcncralh,.
'l h:rt Adlnr lnrl lrvc rvercle:rl (lhrisr Hinrsclf, Vho srid Highlilhting rhis intcrrclltionshigr bcru,ccnrlre originll lntl flnal
;rcrsonsu,:rslf]irnrcd bv
thrt rlrc "blootl of Atrcl," rhcir scconclson. rvirsshcd fnrnr thc firundarion ofrhe stltes of nnrr rrntl chccclsnros,l:r. .serephinrpoirlrcclout that
r v o rl d (l. ukc l1:il, 5 {):cf. (icn . 4: 8) . ( ihr is t r ls o s pok col r hc c r c e r i , 'no l n ( t x n r r n d
lrvc,tluoring lionr rhc book ol (icncsis: Ilut lrom the ttgirrning of rhc crcition (;o(l l " 5t. ( lltgrrrr o1 Nls.,.r,Orr r/'t ,lhlitttt
ol ,llat l-.lr Nl)\l: Jntl Scrics,vol. 5, p.
'nritderltcnr nralernd finrllc (N1.rrkl0:(l ci. (icn. l:-27). 107
' l t ll]. ()l { l } I()l )()x \(()R t) ct{t:AI l.:l)tN IN(toRttL]l,
t I()N
thc rwo corrcspotrrllncl rtnlv tliflcr ' . in thar thc fltttrc stltc ol thc ing it. BccirLrsc of rhis colrupriorr of nran'-s
u'olld rvill bc lirlll'spirirual, correspc,ndingto thc "spiriturl lrodv" of hirl. Mln rhercbysufleredspiritualtlclrh (rhe separirrion of rhc sor:l
rhc men who rvill drvell in it,:tnd no longcr rvill it be possiblefbr rts fiom (lod), arrtlthis in trrrn nraclcIrirrrsubjcctro phvsicaldcath (thc
incorrr.rptibilirvto bc lost l)o wc Orthodox (lhristiltrs lrclievcthat separationof'rhc soul fiorl rhc bod1,)ancl to phvsicalcorrrrprion(dc-
uc will auually bc imrrrorr:rlrtnd incorruptiblc in rhat ncxr life-if cay) afier tlelrh. ln rhis way, man inrroducctl cleirtlrand corrup-
(locl will onlv number us rlnronli thc s:tved-or otrlv mctlphoriclllv tion-nor nrcrclyas a porcntialirybut as an lctLraliry-into his own
rrnd rllceoricrlly so?If rve lrclievcrntl think rs thc Holy Fathcrsclo, existcnceas wcll as irrto rhar of thc cntirc cosnros,which clepcndcdon
thcn our fitrurc incorlupritrility rvill bc rca1,rls wils thNt of thc crc- him.
'Wc have
ntion :rtrrlof Aclantbcfbrc his tl isobeclicnce.r"" firrrhcr cliscrrssedhorv (lhrist rhc (lod-rlan, rvhilc bcing
Hinrsclfr.r,holly sinlcss,rook upol) Hintselfrhc ultintrrtcphl,sicalcon-
l-hus we scc how orlr bclic.J'as()r todox Chrisri:rns is all of one scquenceof sin-dcarh-thcrcby ovcrcoming all thc conscquencesof
piece. C)ur bclicf'rhat dcirth cartre into thc rvorlcl through hurr'rrt sin sin. l-hrough Christ'.sclcarhand resrrrrcctiorr, nrarr is llrsr resrlrrccted
( R om . 5 : I 2 ) is link c t l wit h o u r b e l i c f th a r (l h ri s t th c G od-man has rc- spiriruallythrough thc lifi of grecc in thc (lhLrrch;antl larcr,rr thc
(lcncrrrl R.cstrrrcction, he will lrc rcsurrccrcdphvsicallyas well, bcing
d ecnre d th e wor ld by nr e a rrso f H i s d e a th (H e b . 9 :I5) l n thc sanrc
way, our belief that man xnd the cosmos wcre incorrrtpt in the bcgin- rcstorcdto thc incorrupr srarchc cnjoyed:rr his crcation.Sincetlre rcsr
ning is tiecl to our bclicf'thirt thcv will bc incorrttpt in the futtrre age' of crearionwas nradc firr man, ir t<lowill bc restorcrlro incorlupriorr.
N4orcover, ilt thc (;elterill Rcsurrectiorrboth nr:rn irnd thc cosmosrvill
bc spiritullizctland dciflctl,rhusreachingthe sratcthar,,vas ultirlarcly
IX. CoNcr-usroN
in rcntletlfirr thcnr.
lll.l ()Rl tlotx)x \y()l{l) (llltri\ll:l) lN lN( l()ll.lttrl'I l( )N
rhc orher manifcstationsof corrttption-we rc llot Pirrt of Gocl'sorigi- It;rrbor:t rnorc vibritttr hope itr tltc firtLtrcrcrtcwrtlolt thc cosnros,wherr
rrrl "vcry gttttd" creatiotr.l-hcy arc Prcsentbecausental broughr thenl (iod's phn fbr it rvill hrtvc bccn firlflllcrl. As u,c havc heirrcltirnr the
into thc world throughhis sin. tcachingsof St. Brrsanuphitrs of()ptirrrr,rvccrrnsrill find "dclighrs.rnd
An awarencssof rvhlt wirs irr rhc beginning lnd whlt occurretlat throLrghbcholclingtlrc "flrrurncrrts"
corrsolirtiorrs" tlr:rtrenrainof (lotl's
rhc firll, tlicn, c:ln servc to uphold oLrr f:rith in thc flcc of lroth the origin:rlhanclirvork.'"Horvctcr.it is orrlr'lrv being cogrrizentof thc
hlrclshipsof life ancl the artacksof unbelicvcrs.Far fioln blanring God originll :rnd flnal starcsof crcrtion thili wc ciln irpprcciatcrhc bcnurY
or doubting His cxistcr.tcc whetr confrontcclwith sufferingand dcarh, that (iotl clcarc.lin thc lrcginning,rtrtrttrtrrcrl bv hrrrnn sin, anclthc
we crn scc thcscre:rlitiesassigtts<lf(iod's nlercl'.As wc havc scenfronr corrcspondingyct cvcn grcirtcrlrcrtutythar is ro conrc.Such an ,rpplc-
rhc l)arristicwririrrgs,although (lod did llot crcittc rttrtltnttclthc cos- ciation can hclp Lrsto lpprchentl spiritLrallv what St. Mexinrrrshrrs
rnos corruptiblc, whcn tnan sinnetl Hc allowrd delr-hand corrttltti,rtt cllled "traccs"of (iod's rlljcstv in tltc scttsitrlc
to entcr thc world itr order to servcfirr rnan\ bencfit. L)eath prcvcnts thcm be lccl to a.lccpcr knorvlcclgcof-orrr (llcrtor.
sin from lreing inrnrortal,whilc rhc suflcrinqsincurrcd in mln's cor- Iiinalh.anclntost inrportantlr',undcrstuntiing rvhrrtu,usin thc bc-
ruptible srrrc scrvc to lrluttt his pridc atrd irrational lovc of sctrsLlal ginning antl rvhar occurlcd at rhc firll cirrrflll Lrsrvith rr nrorc fcrvcnr
pleirsurc,and ro point hirn back to thc trrtc Sourceof his lifc, which is grrtrittrdcrorv,rrtlottr l-ortl .fcsLrs(lhrist, \7ho lroth rcsrorcsrvlrrrtrhe
(lod and not thc worlcl.Thtrs, rhe conscqucrrccs of sitr are irt tilc sarnc flrst rrrrrnlosr rrrrclbrirrgsinto bcirrgrvhrrtrlrc fllsr rnrrnwils rlrcllntto
sin. -fhrough hard cxpcricncccott-
rimc therapeuticcorrcctivcs:rgainst rtttrtin.As rvc hrtvescett,it is onlr,tryrccognizinS thar dcrth crltcredthc
plcd with firith, we can lcarn t() lccePt thcsccorrcctivcswith rhankfirl rvorldbccurrse ofsin rhrttrvcc:trtfirllyrPPrcciatc rvlrt'rhc sinlcss(lhrisr
lrearts,rcalizingthev arc giveu to us for oLtrhcalingand salvatiotr. diu/ for thc salvationof tlrc rvorlcl;u,hy Hc rrndcscrvcrllyrook LrPon
Furthcrnrorc,rrndcrsrancling thc firll effectsof thc irll can hclp in- Hinrsclfrhc final physicrrl conscqucncc of sirrirr orclcrto ovtrcornc:rll
srill in LrsgrcirtcrrcPcntltlce firr our sitrslncl grcltcr ct)tnpassiolltor thc conscrlrrclrccs of sirt, "trantpling tlorvrrtlcrth trv tlcltli'"" rrnrlgiv-
rhc crcation.Although wc tlo Irot bcar thc guilr of the fall of oLtr flrsr irrglil'c'tothc rvorlcl.lrt knorvirtga,ly llc did this,rvccrtrtgivc rrroref)t'
ancestors, still wc plrtici patein rhe sitrsof the farnilyof Aclam'hlving tine glorv to llinr firr ltrrvirtg,rvith llis dcarh orr thc (lross,'irlfi'rctl
bccn born into tliis world wirh a corrupted nattrrethat inclinesus to- onc sucrificcfirr sirrsfirro,cr"(Hcb. l0: ll), and firr bccorrins,in His
wrrd sin. l'hus, whctr wc scc brokcnncssin our fcllow human bcings rcsrrrrcctiorr,the "firsrfiuits"ofourrisinqfi'ornthcdcrrd(l(lor. l5:10,
or in thc materialcrcation, we should rccogtrizethat we ottrsclvcslre ) l\
enmcslrcdin thrt rvhich,in the bcginning,broughrirtrotttthis uuivcr- 'lb
inr-tlrrouglt Vlrorn rrrarrurrcltlrc visibl(crciltiorrl,crc nrrrdc
sal srarcof corruption.l-his reelizationc;rn, in turrl, inculcarcirl tts incorrLrprin rhc bcginning,rrrtl ,rre to bc inrnrtrru[rlvrctLrrrrcrl to
corloxssion for Clod'screatiotlil.l its brokcnttcss. incorrrrprion,nretlc spirittrtl. rrrrdtlcificd-is dtrc glorv firrcvcr.For
in contc,npl,rting thc incorrLtptcosmosthat wls ill the bcginrring. "llcholcl,"Flc savs."l rrrlkc lll thinss ncrr'"(Apoc.2l:5).
aswell as its restoredencl pcrfictctl sratebeyonclthc (lcncral Resurrcc-
tion, we cln also bcct>mc,rwrreof (iod's plan fbr His crcation' His
cconom),.In tlris way wc crln lirow in spirituril knorvledgcof crcatecl L" Sr'cp. ll irbovc.
things accordingto Gocl'.sitrtetrtiotrsfbr them' lnd lt the sil,rrLrimc "r Stt p. l') irbovc.
r"" lirrrr thc l':rsclreltloplrion.