First Year Learner Nurses' Perceptions of Learning Motivation in Self-Directed Learning in A Simulated Skills Laboratory at A Higher Education Institution
First Year Learner Nurses' Perceptions of Learning Motivation in Self-Directed Learning in A Simulated Skills Laboratory at A Higher Education Institution
First Year Learner Nurses' Perceptions of Learning Motivation in Self-Directed Learning in A Simulated Skills Laboratory at A Higher Education Institution
K. Jooste*
e-mail: [email protected]
*School of Nursing
University of the Western Cape
Bellville, South Africa
Employing self-directed learning (SDL) methodologies, that are associated with
improvement in the affective and psychomotor domains, could be advantageous to
learner nurses. Despite the efforts to expose students to SDL in a school of nursing in the
Western Cape, South Africa, the challenge remains the students’ lack of self-motivation
to SDL during clinical activities in the simulated skills laboratory. This article focuses on
first year learner nurses’ perceptions of learning motivation (as part of a larger study)
in SDL activities in a skills laboratory. An exploratory descriptive quantitative design was
used. A sample of 168 respondents was selected through simple random sampling.
A self-administered 5-point Likert scale questionnaire was developed. The data was
gathered and then analysed by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS) Version 21 software. Descriptive statistics were used to present the findings. It was
found that learner nurses were self-motivated to learn with some challenges during the
implementation of SDL.
Safety issues and less bedside teaching have increasingly placed heavy pressure
on the decreasing autonomy of trainees in the clinical context, thus self-directed
learning (SDL) opportunities for trainers in the non-clinical context are becoming
more important (Kennedy, Lingard, Baker, Kitchen and Regehr 2007, 1084). The
introduction of training paradigms that utilise simulation and independent practice
are viable in the health profession and further allow learners initially to practise
on models rather than patients; hence assisting them to enhance patients’ comfort
and safety (Brydges, Carnahan, Safir and Dubrowski 2009, 507). In line with the
previous statement, the move from traditional skills training of bedside teaching to
innovative skills development methods has been implemented at a school of nursing
at a university in the Western Cape, South Africa, while considering its context,
teaching and learning strategies, and philosophy.
The effective use of a clinical skills laboratory, particularly the SDL component
by the learners, ensures that competent graduates are yielded who are able to deliver
satisfactory care to the health consumers while being lifelong learners. Wellard,
Woolf and Gleeson (2007) suggest that innovative ways of teaching in an SDL
clinical skills laboratory be promoted, with the teacher playing a facilitator role
and the learner nurse taking an active role in identifying the learning needs and
relevant resources, as well as engaging in the process of learning. The Nursing Act
2005 (No 33 of 2005) defines a learner nurse as a person undergoing education or
training in nursing who has been registered with the South African Nursing Council
(McQuoid-Mason and Dada 2011, 168). In this study, the term learner nurse will be
used synonymously with student nurse.
SDL has recently become a focus due to the increased complexity of and
developmental changes in the nursing profession (Safavi, Shooshtari, Mahmoodi
and Yarmohammadian 2010, 27). According to Knowles (1975, 18), SDL has been
described as the process whereby learners initiate, with or without the assistance of
other people, the recognition of their learning needs; formulation of their learning
goals; identification of the human and material resources for learning; choice and
implementation of appropriate learning strategies; and the evaluation of learning
outcomes. Bastable (2008) asserts that in this constantly changing environment,
SDL is important for enabling learners to develop independent learning skills, and
a sense of responsibility and assertiveness that are essential qualities for the nurses’
career. The suggested expectations can only be achieved once students become self-
directed learners.
An educational programme that utilises SDL methodologies has been described in
various health professions, such as medicine, nursing, and non-medical disciplines, for
example information systems (Goede 2012, 1059). Employing SDL methodologies
has been advantageous for the learners. Murad, Coto-Yglesias, Varkey, Prokop and
Murad (2010, 1057) reveal that SDL is associated with moderate improvement in
knowledge. They also suggest that it could be effective in improving the affective
and psychomotor domains. Similarly, Brydges et al (2009, 507) illustrate that SDL
clinical technical skills increase greater skills retention.
Despite the advantages that SDL has on the learners’ learning process, some
learners lack motivation when using SDL as a teaching and learning strategy, and
some learners with low SDL readiness become more anxious when they are involved
in independent projects or case studies (Li, An and Li 2010, 1205).
The term SDL has been used widely in the literature to describe various concepts
in learning, such as, self-planned learning, learning projects, self-education, self-
teaching, autonomous learning, independent study, and open learning. The challenge
of conducting a systematic review finds an explicit definition of SDL in the literature
problematic (Murad et al 2010, 1057). However, according to Murad et al (2010),
SDL is defined as a process whereby individuals initiate, with or without the help
Mulube and Jooste
First year learner nurses’ perceptions of learning
problems. However, meeting such an objective for a long time has been a challenge
to academic institutions. It is for this reason that paying attention to the concept of
learning motivation in clinical education is of great significance (Kosgeroglu, Acat,
Ayranci, Ozabaci and Erkal 2009, 331). It is further suggested that an understanding
of learners’ motivation is the key to effective instructional designs, since variations
in teaching techniques may be associated with academic motivation (Kommarraju
and Karau 2008, 70; Tallent-Runnels et al 2006, 93).
According to Lee and Yuan (2010, 56), learning motivation is an inner drive
that gives an individual the energy to maintain learning and achievement of goals,
through objective understanding during learning activities. Schunk, Pintrich and
Meece (2008) view motivation as a process that requires the students’ physical and/
or mental activity to be directed at attaining their goals.
Extensive literature establishes that learning motivation is associated with several
benefits. A study conducted to understand the effects of learning motivation about
the achievement of the vocational universities in Taiwan revealed a significant
positive effect on study achievement, whether the students are intrinsically or
extrinsically motivated (Lee and Yuan 2010, 56). Intrinsically motivated students
possess a driving force to learn, to perform and a wish to succeed, while extrinsically
motivated students perform in order to attain a desirable grade or to avoid failure
(Ryan and Deci 2000, 68). According to Nilsson and Stomberg (2009, 1), nursing
students are extrinsically motivated to learn in order to become nurses and their
positive motivation is equally distributed throughout the entire educational
experience. Nilsson and Stomberg further provide an insight that the students have
different degrees of motivation during their academic training. However, in a study
about self-efficacy, Walker, Greene and Mansel (2006, 1) reported that extrinsic
motivation is a predictor for shallow cognitive engagement in learning tasks, while
intrinsic motivation is associated with meaningful engagement. In contrast, Nilsson
and Stombergs’ (2008, 59) study revealed that nursing students mention intrinsic
motivation factors as an explanation for their level of motivation.
Furthermore, motivation is considered to be beneficial for learning and
achievement, since motivated students invest more time in their courses and this
is viewed as a necessary prerequisite for adult learning (Pintrich and Schunk
2002; Wlodkowski 2008). In light of this claim, a study aimed at investigating the
association between medical students’ perception of their quality of life, motivation
to learn, and estimated grade at the end of the year, revealed that motivation to learn
is linked to the importance of academic achievement (Henning et al 2011. In the
same vein, Pintrich and Zusho (2011, 731) postulate that a model based on social
cognition theory shows that motivation for learning has an impact on the outcome in
relation to academic achievement.
However, according to Dearnley and Mathew (2007, 377), negative attitudes
towards studies explain decreased motivation and it is further noted that motivation
increases with the students’ age. Furthermore, a study conducted at the New Zealand
University to measure the aspects of motivation and self-regulation revealed that
Mulube and Jooste
students with low motivation levels for studying experience more self-perceived
problems in the areas of concentration, self-monitoring, using education materials,
and developing time management skills than the students with high motivation levels
(Henning 2007).
Wlodkowski (2008) argues that viewing human motivation as purposeful
allows for the creation of effective ways to assist adults with sustaining learning
and completing their learning. Therefore, in striving to enhance students’ learning
motivation, educators are using new technologies, such as videos, in SDL that show
a positive effect on students’ perception in relation to the enhancement of their
learning motivation (Bravo, Amante, Simo, Enache and Fernandez 2011). Related
to this finding, Abar and Loken (2010, 25) have found that the relationship between
SDL and academic orientation has the potential to mediate variables in academic
motivation. In the same vein, Winne and Nesbit (2010, 653) argue that the potential
mediating outcome is also consistent with the reported relationship between
motivation and engagement.
The findings from the aforementioned studies are relevant to the scope of the current
study. They suggest that learning motivation plays a significant role in learning, since
it supports the hypothesis that intrinsically and extrinsically motivated learners are
likely to learn with relative ease. Therefore, they are likely to successfully achieve
expected learning outcomes. In light of this hypothesis, a learner’s motivation to
learn may influence his/her SDL engagement in his/her clinical skills development
and consequently improve his/her psychomotor and affective skills.
SDL is a major component of andragogy theory and is relevant to the present study
because learners are expected to be self-directed in order to cope with constantly
changing health care demands. Andragogy philosophy is defined as the art of
helping adults to learn (Knowles 1970). The current study assumed that adults
are self-directed and responsible for their own learning (Knowles 1984). It was,
therefore, expected that learners would be motivated to learn; self-monitor their
learning process; plan and implement strategies to meet their learning goals in the
clinical skills development; and have effective interpersonal communications skills
that would enable them when seeking assistance with meeting their learning goals.
SDL is a process whereby individuals take the initiative with or without the help of
other people to diagnose their learning needs by formulating learning objectives;
identifying human material resources for learning; implementing appropriate
learning strategies; and evaluating learning outcomes (Knowles 1975, 18).
In the context of the proposed study, SDL was a process with four domains when:
(i) learner nurses are self-motivated to learn; (ii) self-monitoring their learning
process; (iii) planning and implementing strategies to meet their goals; as well as
(iv) using interpersonal communication skills to seek help with the aim of meeting
their learning goals during the clinical activities in the skills laboratory with or
First year learner nurses’ perceptions of learning
without help from other people. The article will report on the findings of the first
domain of self-motivation to learn in SDL.
Amongst the strategies that a school of nursing has introduced is the new skills
development method adopted from international higher education partners
Hoogeshool, Arnhem and Nijmegen, and the University of Maastrich (Jeggels, Traut
and Kwast 2010, 51). The implementation of the method has been in existence for
the past 25 years in European countries (Bokken, Van Dalen and Rethans 2006, 781).
The introduction of a clinical skills development method expected the clinical
supervisors to assume facilitators’ roles while guiding learners in acquiring clinical
skills while learners are assuming an active role in their learning process. The current
study focused on the independent practice phase when the learners are expected
to be self-directed learners. During the independent practice phase, learners are
exposed to the skills laboratory methods and they assume responsibility for their
own learning and choose to practise independently, based on their identified learning
needs. Learners may choose to use human simulated patients who provide immediate
feedback after practice or by conducting an audio-visual recording of the practice
session to get feedback from their peers or clinical supervisors. Alternatively, they
may practise on the model that provides feedback electronically.
After having adopted an innovative clinical skills training method in 2006 from
its international higher education partners, the clinical supervisors at a school
of nursing in the Western Cape reported that many students are not practising
independently during SDL in the skills laboratory (Jeggels et al 2010, 55). In
questioning the commitment of some students’ engagement during SDL activities,
clinical supervisors asked students to produce evidence of independent practice prior
to clinical evaluation. In addition, during monthly clinical co-ordination meetings for
the lectures and clinical supervisors, complaints were raised concerning the learners’
motivation towards SDL in the skills laboratory. Yet, the goal of the independent
practice is to motivate learners to participate in SDL during their clinical skills
development at their own pace while using a variety of methods of their own choice.
The change to teaching students by means of SDL has been found advantageous
for enabling students to acquire skills for clinical practice (Murad et al 2010, 107).
It has nevertheless been observed that a challenge exists in the students’ lack of
commitment towards SDL in a clinical skills laboratory at a school of nursing. They
demonstrate an inability to monitor their learning process, as well as to plan and
implement strategies that may assist them with achieving their goals. It is, therefore,
unclear how students perceive SDL during the clinical activities in a skills laboratory
at a school of nursing.
Mulube and Jooste
An exploratory descriptive quantitative design was used in this study. Quantitative
research is a formal, objective, systematic process during which numerical data are
used to obtain information about the world (Burns and Grove 2009, 22). According
to Burns and Grove (2009, 237), an exploratory design provides insight and increases
the knowledge of the field of study while a descriptive design aims at providing a
picture of situations as they naturally occur. In the context of the study, respondents’
perceptions about SDL during the clinical activities in a skills laboratory were
deductively explored and described and the results were presented in frequencies.
First year learner nurses’ perceptions of learning
Data analysis
The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 21 software program
was used to analyse the data with the assistance of a statistician. Descriptive
statistics were used to present the frequency, mean values, and standard deviation of
observations. Descriptive statistics are employed to describe, summarise, organise
and visually represent data in a condensed manner (Brink 2006, 171) in the format
of tables. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used to determine the correlation
between the four domains addressed in the instrument. In ordinal data and where the
criteria for Pearson’s analysis cannot be met, the Spearman Rank Order correlation
coefficient test is used to identify relationships among variables (Burns and Grove
482; Pallant 2011, 128).
Mulube and Jooste
The article will report on the one domain of learning motivation in self-directed
learning in a skills laboratory at a higher education institution (HEI).
Research ethics
Respondents were treated as autonomous agents, since they were informed that their
participation in the proposed study was voluntary and they had the right to withdraw
from the study at any time and without any penalty (Burns and Grove 2009, 190).
There were no anticipated risks of participating in the proposed study, since the
respondents were protected from any form of physical or mental discomfort (McMillan
and Schumacher 2006, 143). The respondents were assured that the information
would only be made available to the researcher, supervisor and statistician. Any
conversation between the researcher and the respondents would remain confidential.
Therefore, the respondents’ identities remained anonymous, since the questionnaires
were required to be returned without identification details. Code numbers were
assigned to the questionnaires in order to conceal the respondents’ identities.
All the data gathered was only available to the researcher, supervisor and
statistician and all the responses to the questionnaires would be kept in a secure
place under lock and key for five years after the results had been published to ensure
Informed consent was obtained from the respondents after they had understood
everything about the study and after all their questions were answered. Detailed
information about the aims, objectives, potential benefits of the study, how data was
to be collected, and voluntary participation was given to the respondents.
First year learner nurses’ perceptions of learning
previously enrolled for the foundation programme and 131 (85.6%) were from a
four-year programme.
Eleven questions were aimed at eliciting respondents’ perceptions of their
motivation towards SDL in the skills laboratory during clinical activities. These
items are discussed with reference to responsibility and positivity towards learning,
factors influencing learning motivation, and challenges and self-confidence towards
Mulube and Jooste
learn about clinical nursing skills ( = 4.44; SD = 0.724). One respondent to the
open-ended question stated: ‘SDL is good and am learning a lot but I wish
when doing procedure we are supervised.’ Another respondent indicated that:
‘Supervisors should check on us during SDL.’ Owing to positive perceptions of
SDL, respondents suggested the need for supervision by faculty to assist the learning
Respondents related to finding learning interesting, since it enabled new
ways of looking at the world of nursing, and the vast majority (n = 144; 94.1%)
of the respondents agreed to strongly agreed. More than half (n = 83; 54.2%) of
the respondents strongly agreed with finding learning interesting with a narrow
distribution of responses around the mean value (= 4.44; SD = 0.759). One respondent
to the open-ended question stated: ‘SDL helps me to understand more the theory
of nursing [fundamentals of nursing].’ Neophytes might have different views about
what nursing entailed. It was encouraging to note that SDL enabled the bridging of
the theory-practice gap as mentioned by a respondent to an open-ended question.
Similarly to the preceding item, the majority (n = 143; 93.5%) of the 153 (100%)
respondents agreed to strongly agreed with enjoying gaining skills in caring
for patients. More than one third (n = 61; 39.9%) of the respondents agreed with
enjoying gaining skills in caring for patients (= 4.43; SD = 0.759). In response to
the open-ended question, a respondent stated that: ‘I wish the bookings were
not so full for SDL.’ While another respondent wrote: ‘Bookings are difficult
as there are many of us.’ These responses might suggest that respondents were
enjoying gaining skills in caring for patients; however, SDL as a method to support
that process was challenged in relation to adequate time and space for students to
practise the clinical skills.
More than three quarters (n = 123; 80.4%) of the respondents agreed to strongly
agreed that their curious minds encouraged them learn about different things in
the skills laboratory that were new. According to Knowles (1990), adult learners’
motivation is internal and it arises from their curiosity. Based on the respondents’
answers and assumptions of adult leaning, the researcher concluded that a strong
desire to learn motivated learners towards SDL. Some respondents to the open-
ended question stated: ‘When I go to fill my name for a procedure, it is always
full.’ In the same vein, another respondent mentioned that: ‘For me, they must
make more time for the 1st years in the lab.’ It seemed learners desired more time
in the laboratory to learn new skills.
Three quarters (n = 116; 75.8%) of the 153 (100%) respondents agreed to
strongly agreed about their persistence in learning the clinical skills they did not
possess (= 3.92; SD = 0.858). However 24.2 per cent (n = 37) of the respondents
strongly disagreed to did not know how to persist in learning if they did not
possess the clinical skills. Lee and Yuan (2010, 56) indicate that learning motivation
is an inner drive of an individual, through objective understanding during learning
activities, that provides the energy for maintaining learning and achieving goals. It
is, therefore, expected that motivated learners would persevere in ensuring that their
learning objectives are achieved.
Mulube and Jooste
The findings related to the respondents’ responsibility and positivity towards learning
showed that the majority of them had a positive perception of their learning. It is
worth mentioning that a positive perception by learners of the need for learning
plays a significant role in the learning process and it portrays their motivation for
learning. Through an understanding of the learning activities, the learners’ inner
drive provides them with maintenance in learning and achievement of goals (Lee and
Yuan 2010, 56). Furthermore, this motivation consequently requires the application
of their physical or mental activity for attaining their goals (Schunk et al 2008).
In relation to the perceptions of first year learner nurses about their motivation
towards SDL during clinical activities in the skills laboratory, responses with less
than 70 per cent in agreement were related to viewing problems as challenges rather
than obstacles and having enough self-confidence to perform a clinical procedure on
their own.
Respondents’ positivity towards learning could be associated with their orientation
to learning as adult learners. Knowles (1980, 44) explains that adult learners view
education as a process of developing competence to achieve their full potential in
life. As prospective nurses, they require the knowledge and skills that would enable
them to work effectively; hence, they are performance-centred in their orientation to
learning. This view appears to concur with a view articulated in the study that aimed
to gather information about what students consider important for their motivation
to attain knowledge where it is revealed that students’ experience of what they have
learnt is relevant and necessary in order to manage working as a nurse (Bengtsson
and Ohlsson 2010, 155).
Certain factors influence learning motivation. The responses on avoiding failure
during SDL might suggest that not only did SDL enhance the respondents’ clinical
skills but also prepared them for evaluation by their clinical supervisors in order
to pass. According to Ryan and Deci (2000, 68), extrinsically motivated students
perform either to attain a desirable grade or to avoid failure. In clinical education,
studies have revealed that achievement, becoming nurses, and having an interest in
people and in caring for them are motivating factors for learning (Bengtsson and
Ohlsson 2010, 154; Mrayyan et al 2008, 126). The researcher assumed that due to
extrinsic motivation, respondents perceived the item positively.
Self-confidence towards learning was lacking and indicated the lowest mean
value (= 3.69; SD = 0.920) around the aspect of learning motivation. This might
be interpreted that self-confidence for performing a clinical procedure on their
own could be due to the nursing level and new exposure to the clinical procedure.
Bambini, Washburn and Perkins (2009, 69) assert that clinical skills learning and
clinical simulation experiences in the skills laboratory effectively increase students’
confidence in their ability to perform clinical procedures. Baillie and Curzio (2009)
further describe that lack of exposure to clinical skills results in loss of confidence, and
the lack of belief that can jeopardise the safety and comfort of patients. Furthermore,
First year learner nurses’ perceptions of learning
previous academic and life experiences provide students with self-confidence and
competence for everyday situations (Brown et al 2003).
Mulube and Jooste
Innovative teaching and learning strategies need to be employed during clinical
skills development. According to Murad et al (2010, 1057), SDL is effective and
better than traditional teaching methods for the acquisition of clinical knowledge
and attitudes. In the same vein, Brydges et al (2009, 507) indicate that SDL clinical
technical skills increase skills retention. Therefore, the study results may also
contribute to the existing body of knowledge of the perceptions of first year learner
nurses about SDL in the skills laboratory. Exploring the perceptions of learners on a
new teaching and learning approach may also enable the training institution to create
an environment that would facilitate its utilisation. The results may also be used at a
school of nursing to enhance SDL, since it is essential in helping nurses to meet the
challenges of current day health care demands.
The study has provided an insight into first year learner nurses’ perceptions about
SDL during clinical activities in the skills laboratory. The findings revealed that
most of the respondents perceived SDL in the skills laboratory positively. These
results suggest that when the respondents perceived themselves to be motivated
towards SDL they would successively self-monitor their learning process, plan and
implement learning strategies to bridge the identified learning gaps, and be able to
utilise their interpersonal communication skills for enhancing their own learning
The institution, as well as the lecturers and clinical supervisors, should provide a
conducive environment to facilitate SDL. Fostering SDL in clinical skills acquisition
would significantly prepare prospective nurses for the lifelong learning that is
required in a constantly changing health care system.
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Mulube and Jooste