Fig: Medicinal Fruit of Scriptures: By: Qazi Dr. Shaikh Abbas Borhany Al Waleed

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Fig: Medicinal Fruit of Scriptures

By: Qazi Dr. Shaikh Abbas Borhany Al Waleed

Ph.D. (USA), NDI, Shahadat al Aalamiyah (Al Hawzah, Najaf, Iraq), M.A., LLM (Shariah)
Musheer: Fed. Shariat Court of Pakistan
Member: Ulama Council of Pakistan
Chairman: The Guardian Pakistan
The Writer is Attorney at Law and a Religious Scholar
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This information is provided to supplement the care provided by your physician. It is neither intended nor implied to
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Published: Dawn, Pakistan, 03-02-2005; Yemen Times, 06-10-2005

Revised: 2019

Abstract: The foundation of Tibb al Nabavi or Tibb al Islami has placed great emphasis on
preventative measures relating to lifestyle incorporating the spiritual, emotional, and
physical aspects of a human being. All classical references of Tibb al Nabavi attribute the
onset of illnesses to the disturbance in one's lifestyle. This paper aims to shed light on ancient
texts of Tibb al Nabavi and its practical application for sound health and disease prevention.
Fig is a seasonal fruit widely grown primarily in Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt, Algeria,
Morocco, Syria, USA, Brazil, Albania, and Tunisia. Its medicinal uses have been documented
during the Nabawi era in treating various forms of ailments and illnesses. Figs are very
effective in treating asthma, constipation, bronchitis, piles, Diabetes, lowering cholesterol,
anemia, heart disease, and high blood pressure. The presence of vitamins and essential
minerals such as vitamins A, B, C, potassium, magnesium, calcium and dietary fiber helps in
the building of a stable bone structure, insulin sensitivity, defense against respiratory
disorders and healthy blood circulation.

Fig is a soft, sweet, pear-shaped fruit with many seeds, which grows on a tree related to the
mulberry species, available in various colors. The Fig plant is one of the five plants mentioned in
the Qur’an, others being grapes, olives, pomegranates, and Date-Palm. In Qur’an, there is a
mention of a Fig tree in the Garden of Jannah, in fact, Fig is also the most discussed Biblical fruit
[1] whose benefits are amazing. The word sycophant, meaning flattering the powerful, comes
from the Greek “to show the Fig.” According to Biblical Literature, it is said, that a Fig tree
provided the first clothing for human beings. Fig is discussed in the preliminary Ayah 1 of Surah
95 [2], which confirmed the medicinal values and advantages of this fruit. Hadith Literature
provides us with an event related to Fig. Abu Darda (ra) Said: [3]

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“Someone presented Figs to Rasulullah (S) and he, in turn, distributed it amongst his Ash’ab.
He (S) mentioned its resemblance to the fruit of Jannah, where all fruits will be seedless”.
He (S) further related its value:
“Eat it as it cures various diseases among which are Piles, Gout, and Arthritis (curable
Ibn Sireen, [4] the celebrated Muslim occult scientist informed:
“Figs, if seen in dreams, denote wealth and prosperity.”
Various benefits of Fig is among the signs of mercy of Allah.
Out of an extended range of medicinal benefits, a few are as follows:
Figs are high in dietary fiber and a rich source of magnesium as well as potassium.
They are relatively high in vitamins A, B, and C and low in calories, about 50 calories each.
Abi Abdillah al-Imam Jafar us Sadiq (as) has advised that: [5]
“The eating of Figs removes the foul breath.”

One sizeable raw Fig, approximately 65 grams is 77.5 percent water, yields 0.8 g protein, 0.2 g
total fat, 23 mg calcium, 0.4 mg Iron, 50 I.U. vitamin A, 2.1 g dietary fiber, 3.8 mcg foliate, 0.3
mg niacin, and 1 mg vitamin C.
It also helps to reduce some forms of cancer.
Fig is the best food to maintain health for a long time. Experts say: [6]
Choosing figs more frequently as food means that you'll naturally cut down on potentially
harmful foods, and this is very beneficial for your health.

According to the California Fig Advisory Board: [7]

It has been proved that the antioxidants in Fig protect against several diseases.
In a study done by the University of Scranton, it was determined that dried figs had a much
higher level of the phenol makeup, which is rich in antioxidants, than other fruits. Phenol is
used as an antiseptic to kill micro-organisms. The level of phenol in figs is much higher than
that in other fruits and vegetables.
It is an ideal food for losing weight.
Figs are also thought of as medicine, which gives strength and energy to long-term patients as
they seek to recover.
Figs eliminate physical and mental difficulties and give the body strength and energy.
Figs are also recommended in the treatment of asthma, coughs, and chills.
It benefits the nervous system by its phosphorous content.
It is recommended for athletes and children.
It also cures the obese, asthma, and diabetic patients.

The eminent great Shia Fatemi Ismaili Dai, Philosopher, intellectual and Doctor of Medicine
and Surgery, Al-Shaikh al Raess, Bu Ali Ibn Sina(Avicenna), recommended: [8]
“A fig for the treatment of constipation, liver problems, urinary problems, heartburns, chest
pains, piles, and epilepsy”.
It is recommended that five pieces of figs be taken for at least four to ten months regularly,
early in the morning, which completely eliminates piles. It benefits the pregnant and nursing
women in reducing acidity, rheumatism, and helps the brain. Its ashes, when taken with oil,

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treat pimples, skin pigmentation and whiten teeth. For treating wounds, it is used in a
preparation made with hot milk.

Fig Therapy by Japanese Dr. Kochi: [9]

Dr. Kochi is known for using Figs for its medicinal value and has treated around twenty kinds
of cancer with it. With little or no side effects and high success rates, it is becoming the
preferred way to treat cancer. It is thus genuinely a blessed fruit, beneficial to humanity. Fig
contains a proteolysis enzyme that is considered an aid to digestion and is used by the
pharmaceutical industry. Due to its high alkalinity, it has been mentioned as being beneficial
to people who wish to quit smoking. It can dissolve and expel the stones from the kidney and
urinary bladder. For patients suffering from kidney failure, and who are recommended for
kidney transplantation and dialysis, if Figs-only diet is observed, then Insha'Allah by order of
Allah-al-Shaafi,the non-healthy organs can be rejuvenated and restored to its stable
It is an excellent nourishing tonic and provides protection against the effects of toxins.
It is useful in pharyngitis, chest congestion, and heaviness and bronchitis.
It is also useful for liver and spleen ailments.
It is an excellent expectorant.
During fevers, if it is chewed, the patient feels relief from the dryness of the mouth.
It clears the obstruction of the liver and gall-bladder and relieves inflammations of the kidney
and urinary bladder.
It clears intestinal obstructions.
It acts as a carminative and expels the gases from the intestines.
It is also useful in colic's and is an excellent diuretic.
It is useful for mental illness if it is taken regularly with
Syrup made from Methi seeds, Figs and Honey is beneficial in cough and Bronchial Asthma.
Bake dry Figs till it is adequately roasted, crush it and make a powder for dental ailments, it
removes the different stains. Similarly, this powder can also be used for clearing spots on the
face and skin.
It is useful for the patients of Diabetes mellitus.
Figs and the Fig syrup, benzaldehyde, have helped to shrink tumors, according to Japanese
Also, a laxative, anti-ulcer, and has antibacterial powers.
It contains the digestive enzymes for all the three components of the diet that is proteins,
Carbohydrates, and Fats.

Dr. M. Laiq Ali Khan, an eminent scholar, has discussed the following about Figs: [10]
“No reference to the existence of Figs is available before the advent of Muslims in India.
Therefore, it is considered that either the Mughals or the Mongols from Asia Minor or the
Muslim physicians introduced it to India. Figs of Pune are famous. A native of western Asia
and the Mediterranean area, Fig is one of the earliest fruits which is known to the human
being. Fig, a member of the mulberry family, is one of the sweetest fruits when fully ripe. Fresh
figs are highly perishable”.

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Select Bibliography:
1). The Bible
2). Al Qur’an, Ayah 1, Surah 95
3). Hadith
4). Ibn Sireen, specialist of Occult Sciences
5). “Tib al Imam al Sadiq (as)”, Beirut
6). Dr. Oliver Alabaster, Director: Institute for Disease Prevention, George Washington
University Medical Centre
7). Published Report by the California Fig Advisory Board
8). Al-Shaikh al Raess, Bu Ali Ibn Sina
9). Dr. Kochi, Japan
10). Figs, Dr. M. Laiq Ali Khan, Director, Shah Faisal Institute of Hadith & Medical Sciences,

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Contact the author for all other rights, which are reserved. Copyright © 2019 Qazi Dr. Shaikh Abbas Borhany

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