Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Sec. 5. After five (5) years from the effectivity of this Act, the jurisdictional amounts
mentioned in Sec. 19(3), (4), and (8); and Sec. 33(1) of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 as
amended by this Act, shall be adjusted to Two hundred thousand pesos
(P200,000.00). Five (5) years thereafter, such jurisdictional amounts shall be
adjusted further to Three hundred thousand pesos (P300,000.00): Provided,
however, That in the case of Metro Manila, the abovementioned jurisdictional
amounts shall be adjusted after five (5) years from the effectivity of this Act to Four
hundred thousand pesos (P400,000.00).chanrobles virtualaw library
Sec. 6. All laws, decrees, and orders inconsistent with the provisions of this Act shall
be considered amended or modified accordingly.chanrobles virtualaw library
Sec. 7. The provisions of this Act shall apply to all civil cases that have not yet
reached the pre-trial stage. However, by agreement of all the parties, civil cases
cognizable by municipal and metropolitan courts by the provisions of this Act may
be transferred from the Regional Trial Courts to the latter. The executive judge of
the appropriate Regional Trial Courts shall define the administrative procedure of
transferring the cases affected by the redefinition of jurisdiction to the Metropolitan
Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts.chanrobles
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