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Universals of Editing and Translation: Mario Bisiada

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Chapter 9

Universals of editing and translation

Mario Bisiada
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

It has been claimed that translation universals are really “mediation universals”
(Chesterman 2004; Ulrych & Murphy 2008), pertaining to the more general cog-
nitive activity of mediating a text rather than specifically translating it. Among
those linguistic activities that share the alleged mediation effect with translating
are editing and revising. In this chapter, I critically examine the theory of “me-
diation universals” by comparing unedited translations with edited translations
and with edited non-translations. The focus is on explicitation, normalisation/
conservatism and simplification. The operationalisations are partly adopted from
a similar study on English by Kruger (2012), which the present study seeks to repli-
cate for German management and business articles. The results do not support
the notion of mediation universals for the present corpus but rather show that
translated texts are recognisable as such even after the editing process. Editorial
influence on translated language in this genre is shown to be strongest in terms of
sentence length and lexical diversity, where unedited and edited translations dif-
fer significantly from each other. Here, editors approximate the language to that
of the non-translations, though the unedited translations have a greater average
sentence length than the non-translations. That finding does not support the usual
observation that translated texts have shorter sentences than non-translations, but
highlights the importance of studying editorial influence in translation. That trans-
lations are hybrid texts, influenced by many agents other than the translator is now
trivial knowledge. Yet corpus research in translation studies still relies mainly on
published translations. The findings in this chapter argue for including unedited
manuscripts in corpus-based studies of translated language to avoid missing phe-
nomena of translated language that may be removed at the editing stage and to be
able to differentiate which features really pertain to the translation act and which
are affected by editorial influence.

Mario Bisiada. Universals of editing and translation. In Silvia Hansen-Schirra, Oliver

Czulo & Sascha Hofmann (eds.), Empirical modelling of translation and interpreting,
241–275. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.1090972
Mario Bisiada

1 Introduction
The notion of translation universals has been subject to debate for a long time
(Baker 1993; Chesterman 2004; Mauranen & Kujamäki 2004). Its status today is
problematic (see House 2008), though few would dispute that differences exist
between translated and non-translated texts. Much of the controversy surround-
ing the issue is about the term “universal” (Chesterman 2014: 86), while the line
of enquiry itself still seems productive and interesting because “the quest for
universals is no more than the usual search for patterns and generalizations that
guides empirical research in general” (Chesterman 2014: 87).
To advance translation studies as an empirical discipline, it is necessary to
test existing theories with empirical methods and to suggest new models based
on empirically tested (and testable) data. This process can be facilitated by con-
ceiving studies in a replicable and rigorously transparent fashion, that is, they
should enable other researchers to retrace the steps taken by the investigator, so
that they can test the results in another language, genre or setting. To promote
the use of statistical significance testing in our discipline, it would be useful for
scholars to cite the sources where the significance tests they employ are docu-
mented, just as it is done with other tools or ideas that they use in their work.
Merely stating the name of a statistical test without reference assumes that it
is common knowledge, which in many disciplines of the humanities is arguably
not the case.
The aim of this chapter is to draw attention to the influence of editors on the
translation text, which so far has not received much attention in models of trans-
lation. Studying texts before and after editing can provide great insights into
the translation process, which is here defined as “the period commencing from
the moment the client contacts the translator and ending when the translation
reaches the addressee” (Muñoz Martín 2010: 179).
Most analyses of translated language are based solely on corpora of published
translations, and few attempts have been made to build a corpus of unedited
translations (for an early such design, see Utka 2004). But published texts have
usually undergone some kind of editing process involving various language users
prior to their release. The study of manuscript translations informs current theo-
ries of translation by differentiating linguistic features that are present through-
out the translation process from features whose frequency in the text was in-
creased or decreased at the editing stage.
A holistic view of the translation process, obtained by studying manuscript
translations alongside their published versions, will greatly increase the accu-

9 Universals of editing and translation

racy of the claims we make about translated language, improve the “ecological
validity of experimental settings” (Muñoz Martín 2010: 179; see also Saldanha &
O’Brien 2013: 110), and allow insights into the linguistic effects of editing, an as
yet underresearched aspect of language use (Bisiada 2017a,b).
This chapter investigates three proposed translation universals, explicitation,
normalisation and simplification, aiming to find out how these are affected by
editorial intervention. Those universals were chosen in order to allow a compari-
son of results to those found by Kruger (2012). Partly adopting her methodology,
I compare two subcorpora that each exhibit one type of mediation (one trans-
lated but not edited, the other not translated but edited) with a third subcorpus
that exhibits both types of mediation, that is, the texts were translated and then
If translating and editing really are a comparable type of language use and
could be subsumed under the label of “mediation”, there should be little to no
differences between manuscript and published translations, because the transla-
tion stage should already have applied the “mediation universals”. The published
translations should then also be rather similar to the published non-translations,
as both have undergone the editing process.
A more likely scenario seems to be that the texts differ with respect to partic-
ular universals but not to others. Tracing the evolution of the translated texts
through the translation and editing stage will thus give us an idea of what stage
tends to affect which type of universal. It will also allow us to investigate whether
editing leads to a similar product when it takes place on non-translated compared
to translated texts, as, for instance, editors aim to assimilate translated language
to that found elsewhere in their publication.
The chapter is structured as follows: Section 2 discusses existing claims that
translation universals are really “mediation universals”. In Section 3.1, I describe
the corpus and the operationalisations of the three translation universals that
were tested in this study. I then explain the statistical methods used and the pro-
cedure that I took to ensure statistical significance of the findings (Section 3.2).
Section 4 contains the analysis of explicitation (4.1), normalisation/conservatism
(4.2) and simplification (4.3). Finally, Section 5 contains a summary of the find-
ings and a discussion of their implications.

2 Universals of “mediated discourse”?

Translating and editing are considered to be forms of mediation. Lefevere argues
that what translating has in common with “other modes of rewriting, such as

Mario Bisiada

editing, historiography, criticism, anthologising and the production of abridged

or simplified texts” is that it “presuppose[s] a certain degree of mediation on the
part of the writer/translator to adapt texts to the new audience” (Lefevere 1992:
In his analysis of translation universals, Chesterman (2004) calls translation an
act of “constrained communication”, arguing that universals pertinent to trans-
lation may also be found “in other kinds of constrained communication, such as
communicating in a non-native language or under special channel restrictions,
or any form of communication that involves relaying messages, such as report-
ing discourse, even journalism.” (Chesterman 2004: 10–11) Crucially, he argues
that “it may be problematic eventually to differentiate factors that are pertinent
to translation in particular from those that are pertinent to constrained commu-
nication in general” (Chesterman 2004: 10–11). This view was already held by
Blum-Kulka (1986: 21) concerning the proposed universal of explicitation, which,
she argues, “might be […] a universal strategy inherent in the process of language
mediation, as practiced by language learners, non-professional translators and
professional translators alike”.
Ulrych & Murphy (2008) adopt the notion of “constrained communication”
and the list of linguistic activities that are claimed to share particular features, so-
called “mediation universals” (2008: 149). They even add to that category by argu-
ing that “editing, copy-editing, revision or postediting” as well as ghost-writing
are also types of mediated discourse (2008: 150). What unites texts of that kind, in
their view, is that “they are processed, or rewritten, for particular audiences and
are thus mediated for a purpose” (Ulrych & Murphy 2008: 151). Like Chesterman,
they argue that “the notion of translation universals may be usefully replaced by
that of mediation universals which may be identified in various kinds of mediated
discourse” (Ulrych & Murphy 2008: 149).
By the above definition, most publicly available texts, except perhaps sponta-
neous online discourse such as comments, posts or tweets, could be described as
“mediated discourse”. Such a wide applicability not only makes the term itself
less useful. It also makes the hypothesis of “mediation universals” difficult to
disprove, as very few texts are available that would be considered “unmediated
discourse”. Internet discourse might be one possibility, but one would have to
ensure that the authors are native speakers, have not reported any discourse or
relayed any messages and have not revised their text. The reliability of such a
corpus would seem to be rather low.
To back up their claims, Ulrych & Murphy (2008) conduct a study of medi-
ated discourse, where they draw on the EuroCom corpus, a parallel corpus of

9 Universals of editing and translation

written texts drafted by non-native speakers of English at the European Com-

mission and the same texts edited by native speakers. The size of the corpus at
the time of analysis is reported as one million words in each part of the corpus
(Ulrych & Murphy 2008: 152). The object of study is to investigate “whether there
are typical phraseologies within mediated discourse as such” (Ulrych & Murphy
2008: 155) by comparing the edited texts both with the non-edited texts in the
corpus and with the British National Corpus (BNC), which they call “a corpus of
non-mediated native-speaker language” (Ulrych & Murphy 2008: 155).
Analysing three-word clusters, they find that in order to and as well as are
used rather often in the EuroCom corpus, though more commonly in the non-
edited than in the edited texts. Further, they are used less often in the BNC, from
which they conclude that “they are not used frequently in speech or writing in
non-mediated English” (Ulrych & Murphy 2008: 159).
However, these findings do not seem very convincing. As a “reference cor-
pus of native-speaker, non-mediated English” (Ulrych & Murphy 2008: 159), the
BNC may be problematic. It contains extracts from, among other things, national
newspapers, specialist periodicals, academic books, popular fiction and univer-
sity essays, the authors of which are unlikely to be native speakers in all cases.
And even if that were the case, a claim that is not made anywhere in the de-
scription of the BNC (Burnard 2009), the corpus does not seem to contain much
“non-mediated” English. It does contain some unpublished letters and essays that
may be considered non-edited, and thus non-mediated. But for the most part, it
consists of published, and thus mediated, texts, as newspapers, periodicals, jour-
nals and books have all been edited, copy-edited and revised to some extent.
Elsewhere, Ulrych (2009) claims that the boundaries between translating and
editing as forms of mediation are becoming blurred. Unfortunately, it is not clear
just what is meant by editing, specifically who does the editing. The research
approach taken by Ulrych & Murphy (2008) outlined above suggests that the
editing is done by someone other than the translator. However, the reference to
“hybrid forms such as transediting” (Ulrych 2009: 219) seems to suggest that it is
the authors or translators themselves who do the editing (for a valuable critique
of the term “transediting”, see Schäffner 2012).
The existence of “mediation universals”, then, has never really been substan-
tiated by empirical evidence. That has not kept it from being used, albeit with
different understandings: to refer to non-native speaker language use (Ulrych &
Anselmi 2008; Gaspari & Bernardini 2010; Rabadán & Izquierdo 2013: 79; Xiao
& Hu 2015: 175), to bilingual communication (Lanstyák & Heltai 2012), to inter-
lingual revision (Robertson 2010: 63) or to “texts produced under the constraint

Mario Bisiada

of linguistic or cultural contact” (Zanettin 2014: 183). Even the term “mediation”
itself is used without a commonly accepted definition (for a totally unrelated use
of the term “mediated discourse”, see Scollon 2001; Norris & Jones 2005).
One empirical analysis of “mediation universals” and, more specifically, the
mediation effect of editing, was conducted by Kruger (2012). The 1.2 million word
corpus she draws on has three subcorpora: firstly, translations from Afrikaans
to English, secondly, originally English texts that were edited by professional
language editors, and thirdly, those same texts in their manuscript form before
editing took place (2012: 360). All texts are from the time span 1997 to 2010 and
the genres are academic, instructional, popular and reportage texts (2012: 359).
Her aim is to investigate whether “the universals of translated language are the
consequence of a cognitive mediation effect that is shared among different kinds
of mediated language” (Kruger 2012: 358). Her analysis focuses on the three
suggested translation universals explicitation, normalisation/conservatism and
simplification (more details on the operationalisations she uses to study these
universals are given in Section 3).
Her findings do not support the hypothesis that translation universals are re-
ally mediation universals as there is a “consistent difference between the trans-
lated and edited subcorpus” in each of the three types of universals investigated
(Kruger 2012: 380). Instead, she argues that the differences she finds between the
two corpora can be attributed to either of the facts that they differ in processing
(monolingual vs bilingual) and in production circumstances (free vs constrained)
(Kruger 2012: 381). She also suggests that editing as a form of mediation does
not involve explicitation or simplification, at least not as much as in translation,
which she explains by the fact that editing does not involve the production of a
new text (2012: 382).
Translating and editing also differ in that translating may to a larger extent be
guided by the tendency of risk aversion (Pym 2005; 2008) than editing, because
translators produce a text while editors work on an existing text. The linguis-
tic mediation that translators undertake and which tends to make them “avoid
misunderstandings at all costs” (Becher 2010: 20) is different to the mediation
entailed by the act of editing, as it is either the translator or the author that will
be blamed in case of communication problems. Universals affected by risk aver-
sion are thus more likely to surface during the translation act than at the editing
On top of that, translators are often pressed for time and paid by the hour,
working on several jobs at the same time, while the editors tend to be in-house
employees (that is true at least for the editors who worked on the data in my

9 Universals of editing and translation

corpus). Editors have told me that the quality of the translation is an important
factor affecting the time they spend on an article, though different concepts of
what exactly is “quality” in translation exist (Drugan 2013; Mossop 2014; House
2015b). Thus, the different production circumstances further argue against the
existence of “mediation universals”.

3 Methodology
3.1 Corpus details and operationalisations
The present study draws on a 300,000 word corpus of management articles with
three subcorpora (detailed in Table 1). The translated subcorpus (TR) consists of
manuscript translations into German of English articles that originally appeared
in the Harvard Business Review, an American magazine for business leaders and
managers. The manuscript translations were provided to me by Rheinschrift, a
translation company funded in 1995 and based in Cologne. These articles were
translated by a range of translators and date from 2006 to 2011 and were com-
missioned by the Harvard Business Manager, the German sister publication of
the Harvard Business Review. The texts are drafts that were checked for accuracy
within the translation company and then sent to the publisher for editing.
Table 1: Corpus details

Subcorpus Translated? Edited? Texts (n) Size (words)

TR yes no 27 106,829
TR+ED yes yes 27 104,448
ED no yes 27 88,312

The subcorpus of translated and edited texts (TR+ED) consists of the edited and
published versions of the translations in the TR subcorpus. The edited (ED) sub-
corpus consists of articles that were written by a range of authors for the Har-
vard Business Manager, edited and published there in 2008. For the analysis, the
three subcorpora were part-of-speech tagged and lemmatised using TreeTagger
(Schmid 1995) with the Stuttgart-Tübingen tagset for German (Schiller et al. 1999).
As stated above, the setup of this corpus study is inspired by the corpus method
used in Kruger (2012), which is an exemplary scientific work in that the com-
prehensive and detailed description of the author’s methodology allows other
researchers to replicate her study or adopt its methods. The present study also

Mario Bisiada

uses edited translations and non-translated articles, but instead of unedited, non-
translated texts, it uses unedited translated texts, which means that in this study,
all texts would count as mediated.
Kruger (2012) makes useful observations regarding differences between mono-
lingual and bilingual text production and how they differ from editing, which in-
volves no actual production of text. She states that her subcorpus of translations
contains “[p]ublished texts as well as ephemera” (Kruger 2012: 360), yet later
describes it as involving only bilingual mediation (see Table 7 in 2012: 380). I
would argue, though, that published translations would also count as “mediated”
monolingually, because they are usually also edited before publication.
If published translations, then, have been “mediated twice”, the effect of the
mediation that takes place first may be obscured. Differentiating the linguistic
effects of translating and editing thus requires the study of unedited translations,
which is why I have chosen the present corpus structure over the one used by
Kruger (2012).
The overview below lists the variables by which each translation universal
was operationalised in Kruger (2012: 362) (on the left) and the variables used in
this study (on the right). To replicate her study to the best possible degree, I have
used her operationalisations as far as that was feasible for the analysis of German.
Where this did not seem to be the case, for instance with contracted forms (Ger-
man does not have this feature in written language) or inclusive language (no
conventionalised forms exist in German), I have introduced other operationali-
sations that I consider relevant for the analysis of the given universal. A brief
rationale for the applicability of each operationalisation will be given in each
appropriate analysis section.

More complete/less economical surface realisation in translation
Frequency of use of optional Frequency of use of dass (‘that’)
complementiser that
Frequency of use of full forms
versus contracted forms
More explicit relations between conceptual propositions in text
Frequency of linking adverbials Frequency of linking adverbials
Frequency of pronominal ad-
Conjunction vs preposition ratio

9 Universals of editing and translation


Frequency of coinages and loan- Degree of unconventional lan-

words guage use
Frequency of lexical bundles Frequency of lexical bundles
Use of inclusive language Passive alternatives

Lexical diversity Lexical diversity

Mean word length Mean word and sentence length

3.2 Statistical significance

As we need to test the difference among the means of three corpora for statis-
tical significance, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be used. This
test requires the data to be normally distributed and have approximately equal
variances, though it is “fairly tolerant of all but gross departures from normality
and homogeneity of variance” (Butler 1985: 132; see also Lowry 2012: ch. 14.1). As
the data is not always normally distributed, I have chosen an equal sample size
of 27 texts for each corpus to increase the robustness of the test.
Where the p-value yielded by the ANOVA is close to the significance threshold,
I have also conducted a Kruskal-Wallis test, which is a distribution-free alterna-
tive to the ANOVA (Lowry 2012: ch. 14a; Cantos Gómez 2013: 45), to ensure
the accuracy of the reported significance. The confidence level of α = 0.05 is
considered to be statistically significant and the confidence level of α = 0.01 is
considered to be highly statistically significant.
The results are reported in plots where the standard error of the mean is shown
by error bars. Where statistical significance is reported, a post-hoc Tukey test,
one of the standard comparison tests following the ANOVA (see Cantos Gómez
2013: 55), has been conducted to examine which corpora differ from each other
for the given variable. To just compare two corpora, I have used the Mann-
Whitney test, which, unlike the often used t-test, does not assume normal distri-
bution of the data (Kilgarriff 2001: 104).

Mario Bisiada

4 Analysis
4.1 Explicitation
4.1.1 Frequency of dass complementisers
The causes for the omission of dass (‘that’) in written German, generally re-
ferred to as “declarative complementiser drop” (Reis 1995: 33), have not been
conclusively explored to my knowledge. There is widespread agreement that the
verbs allowing the omission of dass are the same as the verbs known as “bridge
verbs” (Grewendorf 1989: 54; Müller 1993: 362–363; Steinbach 2002: 8), though
this has been refuted by Reis (1995). The omission of the complementiser is less
straightforward than in English because dass is not always optional, depending
on the semantics both of the subclause and the particular verb or noun involved
(Müller 1993; Gärtner & Steinbach 1994; for an overview of some literature, see
Lapshinova-Koltunski 2010: 30). Verbs that require a finite extension using dass
in German have English counterparts that allow both finite and non-finite ex-
tensions (Fischer 1997: 214). English, on the other hand, tends to require non-
finiteness more often than finiteness (Fischer 1997: 214). In German, it is only
with some verbs that the same content can be expressed both with dass and with
a coordinate clause.
For this analysis, I selected the most common German verbs and nominali-
sations that can take a dass complement. The selection was based on Jones &
Tschirner (2006), who draw on the Leipzig/BYU Corpus of Contemporary Ger-
man to provide a list of the 4000 most common German words. From the 2500
most frequent German words (occurring with a frequency of at least 30 instances
per million words), I have compiled a list of the most common verbs and nominal-
isations that can be complementised both by a dass-clause and a main or infinitive
clause according to the E-VALBU valency dictionary for German (Schumacher
et al. 2004).1 The resulting list is shown in Table 2.
I have considered dass to be omitted when the verb or nominalisation was
followed by either an infinitive clause with zu or by a finite main clause because
those constructions can be replaced by a dass clause. If the verb or nominalisation
was followed by a subordinate, verb-final clause, such as a clause introduced by
another conjunction like wie (‘how’), was (‘what’), wo (‘where’) or ob (‘if’), the
construction was not counted as an omission of dass because dass cannot replace
those conjunctions.

1 Available at http://hypermedia.ids-mannheim.de/evalbu/index.html.

9 Universals of editing and translation

Table 2: Verbs and nouns with dass

sagen ‘to say’ wissen ‘to know’ mitteilen ‘to inform’

merken ‘to notice’ glauben ‘to believe’ meinen ‘to think’
schreiben ‘to write’ erklären ‘to explain’ vorstellen ‘to imagine’
lesen ‘to read’ vermuten ‘to suspect’ bedeuten ‘to mean’
hören ‘to hear’ fordern ‘to demand’ erwarten ‘to expect’
spüren ‘to sense’ heißen ‘to be called’ drohen ‘to threaten’
angeben ‘to claim’ behaupten ‘to claim’ schätzen ‘to estimate’
fürchten ‘to fear’ annehmen ‘to assume’ vorschlagen ‘to suggest’
finden ‘to find’ vereinbaren ‘to agree’ befürchten ‘to fear’
sehen ‘to see’ zugeben ‘to admit’ einräumen ‘to admit’
denken ‘to think’ erzählen ‘to narrate’ scheinen ‘to seem’
hoffen ‘to hope’ ausgehen von ‘to assume’ wünschen ‘to wish’
betonen ‘to stress’ versprechen ‘to promise’ beschließen ‘to decide’
fühlen ‘to feel’ ausrichten ‘to tell’
Meinung ‘opinion’ Forderung ‘demand’ Eindruck ‘impression’
Ansicht ‘view’ Überzeugung ‘conviction’ Auffassung ‘view’
Hoffnung ‘hope’ Vermutung ‘assumption’ Behauptung ‘claim’
Befürchtung ‘worry’

Regarding the analysis of items that were used with a dass clause, the ANOVA
test reports a highly statistically significant difference among the mean frequen-
cies (see Figure 1), which is confirmed by a Kruskal-Wallis test (H = 11.8 (d f =
2), p = .0027). A post-hoc Tukey test reveals that there is a significant differ-
ence (p < .05) between both the unedited and the edited translations, where dass
is present at a frequency of just under 17.5 instances per 10,000 words, and the
non-translated articles, where it occurs at a frequency of around 9 instances per
10,000 words.
Constructions where the items under analysis were used with an alternative to
dass occur with a frequency of around 7.5 to 9.5 instances per 10,000 words in each
subcorpus, and there is no significant difference as reported by the ANOVA (see
Figure 1) and confirmed by a Kruskal-Wallis test (H = 1.74 (d f = 2), p = .419).
These findings seem to support the view that translations are more explicit
than the non-translated articles as the frequency of the use of dass in translated
texts stands out. The editors do not seem to have made any substantial changes
to this feature.

Mario Bisiada


Instances per 10,000 words

17.48 17.41


10 9.47 9.29

Figure 1: Mean normalised frequencies of dass clauses (F (2, 78) =
5.56, p = .0055) and coordinate clause alternatives to dass (F (2, 78) =
0.34, p = .7128)

4.1.2 Frequency of linking adverbials

Linking adverbials make links between the clauses they connect more explicit
(House 2015a). A more frequent use of linking adverbials would thus increase
the degree of explicitation in a text. To compile a list of the most frequent link-
ing adverbials in German, I first extracted all the linking adverbials (“konnekt-
integrierbare Konnektoren”, that is, connectors that can be integrated into one
of the clauses they connect, see Pasch et al. 2003: 487) according to Pasch et al.
(2003: 504–509). To limit the range of adverbials to those that specify links be-
tween clauses, I have only chosen those that can occur both between clauses
(Null position) and in the final element of the sentence (Nachfeld position) ac-
cording to Pasch et al. (2003: 504–509). I have further eliminated all pronominal
adverbs, as these will be analysed separately in Section 4.1.3.
The final list (see Table 3) only includes those linking adverbials whose fre-
quency class in the Deutscher Wortschatz reference corpus (Quasthoff et al. 2013)
from the Leipzig Corpora Collection is no higher than 16.2
The results are shown in Figure 2. Published and manuscript translations show
a basically identical frequency of 9.2 linking adverbials per 1,000 words, whereas

2 Thecorpus, which is available at corpora.uni-leipzig.de, assigns words to frequency classes

from 0 to 24, from most to least frequent. See Quasthoff et al. (2013: 2) for details on how the
frequency class is calculated.

9 Universals of editing and translation

Table 3: Linking adverbials

allerdings ‘indeed’ also ‘thus’

ander(e)nfalls ‘otherwise’ and(e)rerseits ‘or else’
anders/genau(er)/kurz/nebenbei ansonsten ‘otherwise’
gesagt ‘in other words/(more)
precisely/briefly/by the way’
aus diesem Grund ‘for this reason’ außerdem ‘in addition’
beispielsweise/bspw. ‘for instance’ bloß ‘however’
dagegen ‘on the other hand’ das heißt ‘that is’
dessen ungeachtet ‘notwithstanding’ dennoch ‘still’
einerseits ‘on the one hand’ ergo ‘thus’
erstens, zweitens… ‘first, second’ folglich ‘therefore’
freilich ‘of course’ gleichwohl ‘nevertheless’
hingegen ‘on the other hand’ im Gegensatz zu/dazu ‘contrarily’
im Übrigen ‘what’s more’ immerhin ‘at least’
indes(sen) ‘meanwhile’ infolgedessen ‘consequently’
insbesondere ‘especially’ insofern ‘for that matter’
insoweit ‘as far as’ jedenfalls ‘in any case’
jedoch ‘however’ mit anderen Worten ‘in other words’
mithin ‘thus’ nämlich ‘namely’
nichtsdestotrotz ‘notwithstanding’ obendrein ‘on top of that’
ohnehin ‘in any case’ schließlich ‘after all’
sodann ‘consequently’ stattdessen ‘in spite of that’
überdies ‘what’s more’ übrigens ‘by the way’
unterdessen ‘meanwhile’ vielmehr ‘rather’
vor allem ‘above all’ währenddessen ‘meanwhile’
weiterhin ‘in addition’ wiederum ‘on the other hand’
wohlgemerkt ‘let me add’ zudem ‘plus’
zum Beispiel/z. B. ‘for example’ zum einen ‘on the one hand’
zumal ‘given that’ zumindest ‘at least’
zunächst ‘initially’ zusammenfassend ‘to sum up’
zwar/und zwar ‘it’s true that/namely’ …erweise ‘…ly’

Mario Bisiada

the non-translated texts only have 8.5 per 1,000 words. While this may support
the existing hypothesis that translations are more explicit than non-translations,
the difference is not statistically significant according to the ANOVA. Further
research on German where a different set of linking adverbials is analysed might
lead to a different result, but for the present analysis it must be concluded that
the subcorpora do not differ significantly in terms of linking adverbials.
Instances per 1,000 words

9.22 9.21


Figure 2: Mean normalised frequency of linking adverbials (F (2, 78) =
0.62, p = .5406)

It is beyond the scope of this chapter to consider the frequency of individual

linking adverbials, but it would be interesting for further research to investigate
whether any linking adverbials are used specifically in translated texts or non-
translated texts.

4.1.3 Frequency of pronominal adverbs

Bisiada (2014: 14–15) has found that pronominal adverbs such as darum (‘there-
fore’), daraus (‘from that’) or darüber hinaus (‘on top of that’) are regularly in-
troduced when sentences are split, both by translators and editors. The intro-
duction of pronominal adverbs to the text clarifies cohesive relations (Kunz &
Lapshinova-Koltunski 2015) and is thus an explicitating addition to the text.
Pronominal adverbs have been extracted by a search for the tag PAV, which
stands for pronominal adverb in the Stuttgart-Tübingen tagset. The absolute oc-
currences were then converted to normalised frequencies.

9 Universals of editing and translation

Figure 3 shows that in the translated texts, pronominal adverbs occur at a rate
of 9.4 instances per 1,000 words, while in the non-translated texts, they only
occur at a rate of 8 instances per 1,000 words, which would give further support
to the hypothesis that translated texts are more explicit.


Instances per 1,000 words



Figure 3: Mean normalised frequency of pronominal adverbs
(F (2, 78) = 4.33, p = .0165)

However, the statistics do not quite allow this conclusion. The ANOVA test
argues for a statistically significant difference (see Figure 3), and the post-hoc
Tukey test places the difference between the non-translations and both trans-
lated subcorpora (p < .05). According to the Kruskal-Wallis test, however, the
difference between the normalised frequencies in the three corpora is not statis-
tically significant (H = 4.07 (d f = 2), p = .1307). As stated in Section 3.2, the
Kruskal-Wallis test takes precedence for data that is not entirely normally dis-
tributed. Thus, while translated texts seem to contain more pronominal adverbs
than non-translated texts, that difference is not statistically significant.

4.1.4 Conjunction vs preposition ratio

Steiner (2001: 26) suggests measuring the ratio of conjunction vs preposition
as a way of testing the grammatical metaphoricity of a text. The greater the
ratio, that is, the more conjunctions a text has in relation to prepositions, the
less metaphorical and the more explicit it is (Steiner 2001: 26). This measure is a
somewhat superficial way of measuring grammatical metaphoricity, but a valid
and tested method to obtain an idea of the explicitness of a text (Steiner 2008:

Mario Bisiada

For the present analysis, the tagged corpora were searched for the Stuttgart-
Tübingen tags indicating conjunctions (KOUI, KOUS, KON, KOKOM) and prepo-
sitions (APPR, APPRART). Figure 4 shows that the ratio, while highest in pub-
lished translations, is rather similar in all three corpora, between 0.63 and 0.68.
It is perhaps interesting to note that editors seem to have made the text more
explicit by increasing the ratio. Overall, however, the ANOVA reports no statisti-
cally significant difference between the conjunction vs preposition ratios of the
three subcorpora.


0.64 0.63


Figure 4: Mean ratio of conjunction vs preposition (F (2, 78) = 1.12, p =

To sum up this section, there seem to be more similarities between the two sub-
corpora of translated texts than between the two subcorpora that contain texts
that were edited. However, the operationalisations under analysis show no sta-
tistically significant differences between the three subcorpora, except regarding
the use of dass clauses.

4.2 Normalisation/conservatism
4.2.1 Passive alternatives
The use of passive alternatives is considered a typical feature of German. Passive
alternatives have been used increasingly often in professional and scientific dis-
course to replace the passive while keeping the language economical (see Gang
1997). They also occur more often in German non-translated texts than in English

9 Universals of editing and translation

ones (Teich 2003: 181). Therefore, a higher amount of passive alternatives would
indicate a higher degree of normalisation.
Three different passive constructions have been chosen for analysis: modal
passives (combinations of lassen (‘to let’) and a reflexive verb; see König & Gast
2012: 162), clauses containing the impersonal pronoun man (Durrell 2003: 237;
Teich 2003: 94) and modal infinitives, where sein is used with an infinitive phrase
(Durrell 2003: 238; Teich 2003: 93; König & Gast 2012: 161).
To obtain the frequencies of modal passives, I have searched for instances of
lassen and then manually reduced this list to instances where reflexive verbs were
used as passive alternatives. Instances of man were simply counted. As for the
modal infinitives, the subcorpora were searched for the STTS tags PTKZU and
VVIZU to obtain instances of the pre- and intrainfinitival zu. The resulting list
of infinitive phrases was reduced to those where sein is used.
The ANOVA test finds no significant overall difference between the three sub-
corpora (see Figure 5). The data is not normally distributed, but the backup
Kruskal-Wallis test confirms the observation (H = 0.45 (d f = 2), p = .7985).

32 30
Instances per 10,000 words

Instances per 10,000 words

modal inf.
28.26 20
25.43 25.34 10
24 modal passive

Figure 5: Left: Mean normalised frequency of passive alternatives
(F (2, 78) = 0.39, p = .6784); Right: Mean normalised frequencies of
modal infinitives, man and the modal passive.

A closer look at the individual passive alternatives, however, reveals some dif-
ferences between the translated and the non-translated texts. Both unedited and
edited translations use man statistically highly significantly less often than the
non-translated texts (F (2, 78) = 7.96, p = .0007), confirmed by a Kruskal-Wallis
test (H = 9.01 (d f = 2), p = .0111). In the translations, man occurs at a frequency

Mario Bisiada

of around 5 instances per 10,000 words, while in the non-translations, it occurs

at around 13 instances per 10,000 words. A post-hoc Tukey test confirms that this
is statistically significant at the p < .01 level.
At the same time, both unedited and edited translations use the modal infini-
tive statistically highly significantly (F (2, 78) = 12.26, p < .0001) more often
than non-translated texts (at the p < .01 level, according to the post-hoc Tukey
test). That interpretation is confirmed by a Kruskal-Wallis test (H = 22.42 (d f =
2), p < .0001). Modal infinitives occur at a frequency of 2 instances per 10,000
words in non-translated texts, and at a frequency of 9.5 and 7 instances per 10,000
words in the manuscript and published translations, respectively. The data seem
to indicate that editors have approximated the frequency of modal infinitives to
that of non-translated texts, but the post-hoc Tukey test shows that the difference
between the unedited and edited translations is statistically insignificant.

4.2.2 Degree of unconventional language use

Translators have been claimed to be more conservative in their language use
than authors of non-translated texts (Bernardini & Ferraresi 2011: 242). Kruger
(2012) conducts her analysis by searching for hapax legomena (words that occur
only once in a text) and then filtering out “lexicalised” words by using the spell
checker and online dictionary in Microsoft Word.
That seems like a somewhat unconvincing method to decide which words
count as lexicalised. Some words may be used regularly, but may not occur in a
dictionary and thus would not count as lexicalised. German has extensive means
of compounding, making it even easier to coin new words. A further problem
with using hapax legomena as a tool for analysing idiosyncracy of the lexis is
that even the most unconventional or innovative words will not appear in the
analysis if they are used a second time somewhere in the text.
Nevertheless, the analysis presented here also takes the initial step of isolating
hapax legomena using AntConc. From the resulting lists, words that feature in
the Hunspell dictionary3 , abbreviations, web addresses, proper names and un-
translated job titles have been filtered out. I have only considered English words
as loan words if they were found in the text “as is”, that is without quotation
marks or explanations. Like the lexicalisation issue, the question of whether or
not something is a loan word is difficult to answer (Heller 2002). I will not pursue
the notion of lexicalisation any further at this point.

3 Available at: http://hunspell.sourceforge.net/

9 Universals of editing and translation

A seminal study on lexical creativity in translation is Kenny (2001). Based on

her method, I have analysed the remaining words based on their frequency in the
Deutscher Wortschatz reference corpus (Quasthoff et al. 2013) from the Leipzig
Corpora Collection (see Section 4.1.2). For the present purposes, I have reduced
the list to lemmas in the frequency classes 18 or above, which means they are
outside the 200,000 most frequent words in German.
Even with those parameters, the methodology remains somewhat problem-
atic. Technical terms that are not in the dictionary might be infrequent in the
reference corpus and thus be considered idiosyncratic language use. However,
overall, the method does what it should by measuring the different frequencies
with which unconventional words are used in the texts.
Keeping the mentioned drawbacks in mind, the analysis shows quite clearly
that non-translated articles make more use of unconventional or less established
words than the translated texts (Figure 6). The difference is most pronounced in
the case of lexical items that are not attested in the Leipzig corpus, which occur at
a frequency of less than 5 instances per 10,000 words in the translated texts, but
at a frequency of 18.5 instances per 10,000 words in the non-translated articles.
The rather large error bars for the non-translated texts indicate that the actual
values depend largely on the individual style of the author.
A further interesting aspect is that unattested lexical items and those at fre-
quency classes 21–24 occur less frequently in the edited translations than in the
manuscript ones. That seems to indicate that editors attempt to make the text
more conservative by removing unconventional words.

2.42 4.84 unatt.

5.44 21–24

7.65 18.53
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Instances per 10,000 words

Figure 6: Mean normalised frequency of hapax legomena, unattested in

the Leipzig corpus (F (2, 78) = 14.34, p < .0001), at frequency classes
21–24 (F (2, 78) = 11.82, p < .0001) and 18–20 (F (2, 78) = 13.45, p <

Mario Bisiada

The difference according to the ANOVA is highly significant for all three levels
of frequency in the Leipzig corpus. It is confirmed by the Kruskal-Wallis test
(H = 17.01 (d f = 2), p < .0001 for unattested words, H = 15.92 (d f = 2), p <
.0001 for the frequency class 21–24 and H = 16.22 (d f = 2), p < .0001 for the
frequency class 18–20). A post-hoc Tukey test shows that while the difference
between translations and non-translations is significant at the p < .01 level in
all three cases, there is no statistically significant difference between edited and
unedited translations.
Nevertheless, with regard to the unattested words and those in the frequency
classes of 21–24, there are fewer instances per 10,000 words in the edited trans-
lations compared to the unedited translations. Although that difference is not
statistically significant according to the post-hoc Tukey test, it may still indi-
cate that editors think more conservatively when it comes to editing translations,
whereas they leave more room for creativity to authors of non-translated texts.
That is why it is only in non-translated texts that we find coinages and innovative
compounds such as Gedankenwerker (‘thought worker’), glatterklären (‘smooth
something out by explanation’), Abwarter (‘someone who hangs back and waits’),
Lächelanordnungen (‘orders to smile’) and lebenssprühend (‘sparking with life’).

4.2.3 Frequency of lexical bundles

Kruger argues that the usage of lexical bundles, “‘prefabricated’, convention-
alised language unit[s]” is “indicative of more normalised or conservative lan-
guage use” (Kruger 2012: 365). Adopting her method to study lexical bundles, I
have created a list of the most common trigrams in each corpus. Trigrams that
occurred with a frequency of less than 0.01% in each subcorpus were removed.
Proper nouns such as Harvard Business School and subject-specific trigrams such
as Triple Bottom Line were also removed.
Unlike Kruger, I have not removed individual subject-specific words. Given the
fact that all texts form part of the same genre, I see no reason to exclude trigrams
that contain subject-specific words, as they may be part of the particular jargon
or conventionalised discourse of that language community. As a result, the list of
the 28 trigrams that are investigated in this section (see Table 4) contains some
less general trigrams than the one used by Kruger (2012: 365).
The ANOVA reveals that there is a highly significant difference among the
three subcorpora (see Figure 7), which is confirmed by a Kruskal-Wallis test (H =
23.02 (d f = 2), p < .0001). It is evident from the figure that this difference
is found between the non-translations and the two subcorpora of manuscript
and published translations. In the latter, the investigated trigrams occur with

9 Universals of editing and translation

Table 4: Trigrams selected for investigation

in der Regel ‘normally’ nicht nur art ‘not just the’

bei der Entwicklung ‘while developing’ bei der Arbeit ‘at work’
für das Unternehmen ‘for the company’ in den letzten ‘in the last’
auf diese Weise ‘in this way’ aus diesem Grund ‘for this reason’
eine Reihe von ‘a range of’ in den vergangenen ‘in the past’
die Zahl der ‘the number of’ dass die Mitarbeiter ‘that the staff’
davon überzeugt, dass ‘convinced that’ in der Praxis ‘practically’
zum Beispiel art ‘for example the’ in der Lage ‘able to’
handelt es sich ‘is about’ für den Kunden ‘for the customer’
die Mitarbeiter, die ‘employees who’ in Bezug auf ‘in relation to’
Auswirkungen auf art ‘effects on’ dass sich art ‘that refl’
für den Erfolg ‘for success’ in diesem Fall ‘in this case’
mit ihren Mitarbeitern ‘with its staff’ Art und Weise ‘way’
im Laufe der ‘over the course of’ sich heraus, dass ‘turns out that’

rather similar frequencies of 3.5 and 3.6 instances per 1,000 words, while in the
non-translated articles, they only occur at a frequency of 2.1 instances per 1,000
words. The post-hoc Tukey test confirms that this is a significant difference at
the p < .01 level.

Instances per 1,000 words



2 2.11

Figure 7: Mean normalised frequency of trigrams (F (2, 78) = 15.66, p <

Mario Bisiada

Based on the higher occurrence of common trigrams in the translated texts, it

would seem that translators are more conservative in their language use, and that
editors have not intervened in this respect. The analysis of selected trigrams ap-
plied here is limited to analysing the frequency of specific tokens, while “obscur-
ing differences in terms of the number of bundle types in the three subcorpora”
(Kruger 2012: 384).
Thus, in order to strengthen the analysis of conservative or normalised lan-
guage use in the present corpus, I have conducted a general collocational analy-
sis. As different measures of collocational association tend to produce different
types of associations, the strength of an analysis is increased by studying several
measures of association (Baroni & Bernardini 2003: 373). The present analysis is
therefore based on the log-likelihood and mutual information (for more informa-
tion on these measures, see Manning & Schütze 1999: ch. 5.3–5.4).
For this analysis, I have used Ted Pedersen’s Ngram Statistics Package (Banerjee
& Pedersen 2003).4 Based on the method used by Baroni & Bernardini (2003),
the percentages of trigrams at or above certain cut-off points were compared for
each subcorpus. High association scores mean a higher degree of collocational
expression and thus, according to the present hypothesis, a more normalised
language use.
For the log-likelihood ratio, three cut-off points were chosen. Log-likelihood
ratios can be looked up directly in the table of the χ 2 distribution (Manning &
Schütze 1999: 174). Thus, the cut-off points chosen here are the critical values
18.47, 23.51 and 28.47 given in the table for four degrees of freedom,5 which cor-
respond to the confidence levels α = 0.001, α = 0.0001 and α = 0.00001.
For the mutual information score, Baroni & Bernardini (2003) use pointwise
mutual information. In my case, the results produced by a pointwise mutual
information analysis did not seem to be a good representation of actual trigrams
in the corpus (see Manning & Schütze 1999: 178–183 for a criticism of pointwise
mutual information as a measure of association), so I chose to calculate the (true)
mutual information score instead. As the scores are all quite low, there is only
one cut-off point at a mutual information score of 0.01.
The results are shown in Figure 8. Surprisingly, the mean percentage of tri-
grams with a log-likelihood ratio at or above the specified cut-off points is higher
in the non-translated texts than in the translated texts, though the difference
seems to disappear if the cut-off point is set to a higher value and thus a stricter

4 Available at http://ngram.sourceforge.net
5 There are four degree of freedom because there are four independent values: one per word in
the trigram and the total number of trigrams.

9 Universals of editing and translation

ll ≥ 28.47 ll ≥ 23.51 ll ≥ 18.47 mi ≥ 0.01

4.65 30.67 84.99


4.21 30.95 85.91


5.55 30.58 87.45

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 8: Mean percentages of trigrams at or above the log-likelihood
ratios 28.47 (F (2, 78) = 0.07, p = .9325), 23.51 (F (2, 78) = 5.04, p =
.0087), 18.47 (F (2, 78) = 13.23, p < .0001), and the mutual information
score 0.01 (F (2, 78) = 0.87, p = .423)

confidence level. The non-translated texts also have a higher mutual information
score than the translations.
The statistical tests confirm this observation. For the lowest cut-off point in the
log-likelihood ratio, a score of 18.47, the ANOVA reports a highly statistically
significant difference, confirmed by the Kruskal-Wallis test (H = 22.48 (d f =
2), p < .0001). The post-hoc Tukey test confirms that the percentage value of
the non-translations is significantly higher than those of both manuscript and
published translations at the p < .01 level.
For the next cut-off point, 23.51, the ANOVA shows a highly statistically sig-
nificant difference, confirmed by the Kruskal-Wallis test (H = 8.53 (d f = 2), p =
.0141). The post-hoc Tukey test reveals that the value of the non-translations is
still significantly higher than that of manuscript translations at the p < .01 level,
but not higher than that of edited translations. Also, there is no statistically sig-
nificant difference between the two translated subcorpora.
Regarding the highest cut-off point in the log-likelihood ratio, a score of 28.47,
there is no significant difference between the corpora. In the case of the mutual
information score, the ANOVA yields no significant difference either.
The results from the collocational analysis support the tendency observed so
far in this section, that translating creates a greater similarity between texts than
editing. However, the results do not seem to confirm the hypothesis that transla-
tions use more collocational and thus normalised language, which was supported

Mario Bisiada

by the finding that translations use a set of very frequent trigrams more often
than non-translations. A technical explanation may be that the values yielded by
the lower cut-off points are simply not very meaningful; after all, at the highest
cut-off point, the difference disappears.
Another possible explanation might be that the use of translation memories
favours a set of fixed, recurring phrases which are then used with a high fre-
quency in the translations. That would explain why the set of trigrams chosen
above occurs more often in translated than in non-translated texts. The latter,
however, make more use of collocational language in general, which provides
evidence against the hypothesis that translators use more normalised language.
An explanation for this might be that writers have greater lexical freedom, and
thus adopt specific collocations while translators are bound to the source text
and thus less free in their language use.
To sum up this section, the analysis of unconventional language use and of lex-
ical bundles argues that there are greater differences between the two translated
texts on the one hand and the non-translated articles on the other. In other words,
the editing process does not significantly change the features of the language of
translation, which make the text differ from a non-translated text.

4.3 Simplification
4.3.1 Lexical diversity
For the analysis of lexical diversity, Kruger (2012) uses the standardised type-
token ratio. I use the moving-average type-token ratio (MATTR) instead, which
is a more robust measure of lexical diversity than the STTR because it is not af-
fected by text length and takes into account changes within the text (Covington
& McFall 2010: 96). I adopt a 500 word window as suggested for stylometric anal-
yses by the authors (Covington & McFall 2010: 97). The MATTR was calculated
using the R package koRpus by Meik Michalke.6
The ANOVA yields a highly statistically significant difference between the cor-
pora (see Figure 9). The distribution of the TR+ED subcorpus is skewed, but the
Kruskal Wallis test confirms a highly statistically significant difference among
the corpora (H = 18.88 (d f = 2), p < .0001). A post-hoc Tukey test reveals
that the mean MATTR of the manuscript translations is significantly lower at
the (p < .01) level than the mean MATTRs of both edited texts. The edited texts
among themselves do not show a significant difference in mean MATTR.

6 http://reaktanz.de/?c=hacking&s=koRpus

9 Universals of editing and translation





Figure 9: Moving-average type-token ratio (F (2, 78) = 10.76, p = .0018)

The findings argue that the manuscript translations are lexically less diverse than
both non-translations and their published versions, which shows that the editors
have intervened significantly to increase lexical diversity. The assumption that
translations have a less varied vocabulary and are therefore simpler is supported.
This analysis exemplifies the value of comparing manuscript and edited transla-
tions, as in a traditional corpus design, the fact that the actual translations have
a much lower lexical diversity value would not have surfaced.

4.3.2 Word and sentence length

Word and sentence length were also calculated with the R package koRpus. Word
length operationalises simplicity because more specific or formal words are usu-
ally longer while more frequent words are shorter (Kruger 2012: 366; Biber 1991),
which seems especially true in the case of German (Bengt et al. 2004: 46).
Sentence length is usually considered to be an indicator of simplification, as
sentences in translated texts tend to be shorter (Laviosa 2002). As longer sen-
tences are deemed harder to understand (though this may be problematic gener-
alisation; see the discussion in Bisiada 2013: 165–169) it is assumed that transla-
tors split sentences to improve readability (Vintar & Hansen-Schirra 2005: 212;
Bisiada 2014: 21). Simplification as a translation universal may therefore be oper-
ationalised by measuring sentence length.
In terms of the mean word length, the ANOVA reports no statistically sig-
nificant difference between the three subcorpora (see the graph on the left in

Mario Bisiada

Figure 10).



6.13 6.15 6.14 17


Figure 10: Left: Mean word length (F (2, 78) = 0.01, p = .9901); Right:
Mean sentence length (F (2, 78) = 9.44, p = .0002)

For the mean sentence lengths in the subcorpora, contrary to what is usually
assumed, it seems that the sentences in the manuscript translations are longer
than those in the edited translations, and even more so than those in the non-
translations (see the right graph in Figure 10).
The difference is highly statistically significant according to the ANOVA, and
confirmed by the Kruskal-Wallis test (H = 20.64 (d f = 2), p < .0001). A post-
hoc Tukey test shows that the manuscript translations differ from both edited
texts. Sentences in manuscript translations are highly significantly (p < .01)
longer than in the non-translations and significantly (p < .05) longer than in the
published translations. The two edited texts do not exhibit a statistically signifi-
cant difference to each other.
It appears that the editors have brought the translated texts closer to the av-
erage sentence length that is exhibited by the non-translated texts. An analysis
of the manuscript non-translations would be useful here to see whether editors
have shortened the sentences in those texts as well. The strong editorial influ-
ence with regard to sentence length further underlines the need to differentiate
manuscripts from edited versions when making statements about the features of
translated language.
This section has produced results that contrast with those from the two sec-
tions on explicitation and normalisation/conservatism in that there seem to be

9 Universals of editing and translation

greater similarities between the edited translations and the non-translated arti-
cles. This suggests that, with regard to simplification, the editing process has
rendered the language in the translated texts more similar to that encountered
in the non-translated texts.

5 Summary and discussion

The analysis in this chapter has produced a large amount of data and claims
which I hope will be checked and confirmed or rejected by other scholars, so that
we discover more about the effect of editing on translation. Table 5 provides an
overview of the mean values that have resulted from the analysis in this chapter.
For completeness’ sake, standard deviations are also supplied in brackets.
Cells in colour represent values that are different from the values of the other
corpora. If the colour is blue, it means that the value behaves as expected under

Table 5: Overview of values with standard deviation in brackets

Variable TR TR+ED ED p
dass present 17.48(12.68) 17.41 (11.03) 9.30 (6.33) <.01
dass absent 8.52(10.59) 9.47 (7.60) 7.48 (7.98) >.05
PAV 9.43 (1.68) 9.45 (1.74) 7.99 (2.69) >.05
Linking 9.22 (2.21) 9.21 (2.65) 8.52 (3.06) >.05
Conj vs Prep 0.63 (0.13) 0.68 (0.11) 0.65 (0.12) >.05
Passive alt. 28.26(15.40) 25.43(12.02) 25.34(13.69) >.05
Unconv. (unatt.) 4.84 (4.10) 4.36 (4.21) 18.53(18.19) <.01
Unconv. (21–24) 5.44 (4.15) 4.52 (4.55) 11.77 (8.30) <.01
Unconv. (18–20) 2.42 (2.55) 3.07 (2.84) 7.65 (5.87) <.01
Trigrams 3.62 (1.07) 3.53 (1.27) 2.11 (0.99) <.01
Trigr. (ll, cut-off low) 84.99 (2.07) 85.91 (1.51) 87.45 (1.68) <.01
Trigr. (ll, cut-off mid) 57.99 (3.37) 59.31 (2.55) 60.51 (2.75) <.01
Trigr. (ll, cut-off high) 30.67 (3.92) 30.95 (3.23) 30.58 (4.11) >.05
Trigr. (mi) 4.65 (4.04) 4.21 (3.05) 5.55 (4.22) >.05
MATTR 0.81 (0.02) 0.82 (0.02) 0.83 (0.01) <.01
WL 6.13 (0.31) 6.15 (0.29) 6.14 (0.31) >.05
SL 17.96 (2.05) 16.68 (1.84) 15.91 (1.27) <.01

Mario Bisiada

the universal in question; if the colour is orange, it means that the value runs
counter to expectations and does not support the usual hypothesis attributed to
that universal (the hypotheses attributed to each universal are discussed for each
operationalisation in Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3). The lighter colour means that the
difference is statistically significant and a darker colour means that the difference
was shown to be highly statistically significant. Values in the colourless cells are
not significantly different to each other.
In the case of explicitation, most variables analysed here show no difference to
each other, so that the features across the three subcorpora are mostly the same,
except there are fewer explicitations using dass clauses in the non-translated ar-
ticles. The differences are thus restricted to cases of less economical surface real-
isation, a “borderline case” of explicitation that may more usefully be considered
as “expansion” (Krüger 2015: 239). Alternatively, the more frequent presence of
dass in translated texts may be a sign of conservative language use if we accept
the claim that a German finite dass-clause is preferred over a non-finite construc-
tion (Fischer 1997: 215; 2013: 337), though this claim has not yet been backed up
by evidence.
As the use of normalised or conservative language is concerned, the opera-
tionalisations analysed here suggest that there is a difference between translated
and non-translated language. The latter makes more use of unconventional lan-
guage and differs in the use of collocations. As regards the latter, it seems that
translators use a set of recurring trigrams more frequently than writers of non-
translated articles, but overall, the latter seem to use more collocational language.
In terms of the universal of simplification, differences have been observed be-
tween manuscript translations on the one hand and edited translations as well
as non-translations on the other. This seems to show that editors’ influence has
been strongest in this respect, arguing for simplification to be an editing uni-
versal. An explanation for this might be that simplification is operationalised
by mainly quantitative features, which makes it easier for editors to change the
text in order to approximate its language to the non-translated articles. More re-
search on other genres and text types should test editors’ influence on sentence
length. This may explore the question of whether the finding that (published)
translations have shorter sentences on average can actually be related to trans-
lated language, or whether it should instead be attributed to the influence of
editors who try to improve the readability of a text.
As for the hypothesis of universals of mediated discourse, the study produces
little evidence in favour of “mediation universals”. Verifying that theory in the
present study would have required the data to show more similarities between

9 Universals of editing and translation

the TR+ED and the ED subcorpora, and for there to be more differences between
the TR and the TR+ED subcorpora.
Instead, and similarly to what was reported by Kruger (2012), the editing stage
seems to have little effect on the features measured here. That does not mean that
changes to the text are negligible, but rather that editors do not intervene in such
a way to make the articles more like the non-translated articles. With regard to
simplification, however, my findings differ from those reported in Kruger (2012),
as editors have made significant changes in this respect.
Based on the present findings, it could be argued that editing is largely a sim-
plifying activity, with editors trying to apply quantitative strategies to make the
text more comprehensible (on this issue, see also Müller-Feldmeth et al. 2015).
The general direction of editorial behaviour seems to incorporate changes that
are thought to “improve” the text from the editor’s point of view, and mainly fo-
cus on superficially identifiable features such as shortening sentence length (on
editorial sentence splitting in translation, see Bisiada 2014) or effecting lexical
changes that lower the type token ratio. The editorial style of course depends to
a great extent on genre. Texts edited for commercial publications need to be more
reader-friendly than, say, reports or parliament communications. The editing ac-
tivity here is heavily guided by the in-house style guide, which does stipulate
simple language (Bisiada 2014: 3).
From a practical perspective, the findings show that editors’ intervention is
restricted to three features: they make sentences shorter (by splitting them, as
reported for German in Bisiada 2014), they increase lexical diversity and they
increase collocational language use to some extent. They also seem to reduce the
frequency of alternative passive constructions, though the difference in this case
is not statistically significant. I discuss this issue in more detail in a monograph
currently in preparation.
With regard to the omission of dass and the unconventional words, editors
seem to have made the text more unlike the non-translated texts. While again
the differences are not statistically significant, this may mean that when edit-
ing translations, editors are actually more conservative and restrictive in terms
of the non-standard expressions they let pass than when they are editing non-
translated articles. In this respect, translations may improve or at least be more
consistent with non-translated articles if editors gave translators some more free-
dom and allowed more unconventional language use.
To empirically strengthen the discipline of translation studies, more transpar-
ent and replicable research is needed. I have tried to provide such a study in this
chapter, and hope to have offered a range of avenues for further research. As

Mario Bisiada

was shown in this chapter, the study of editing can greatly enhance our view of
the translation process by differentiating features that really are attributable to
translation from those that are introduced by other agents who have influence
on the text.

This research was conducted as part of the project Evidencialidad y epistemicidad
en textos de géneros discursivos evaluativos. Análisis contrastivo y traduccion (Mod-
evigTrad) [‘Evidentiality and epistemicity in texts of evaluative discourse genres.
Contrastive analysis and translation’], with reference number FFI2014-57313-P,
funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
This paper has benefitted from a discussion on Academia.edu, where I have
made the manuscript available to invite criticism and suggestions from the schol-
arly community, with the aim of trialling a kind of “community peer review”. I
would like to thank everyone who participated in this session, especially my col-
leagues Ralph Krüger, Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski, Sofia Malamatidou, Tim-
othy Huson and Gemma Andújar Moreno for their critical reading, suggestions
and detailed feedback on this paper.
I thank Michael Heinrichs at the translation company Rheinschrift for his ef-
forts with the publishing company to allow me to obtain the manuscript transla-
tions for research purposes.
I am equally indebted to the editors at the Harvard Business Manager, espe-
cially Britta Domke, for their interest in my research and for giving me valuable
insights into their workflow.
For all statistical calculations, I have used Richard Lowry’s comprehensive
yet accessible website VassarStats (http://www.vassarstats.net) and would like
to thank him for making this excellent tool freely available.

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