Managementchapter2 Part1

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Organizational approach to environmental
NATURE OF THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT challenges. – accrg. to Oliver(1980) there are 5
alternatives that range between passivity and
Business environment- is a set of forces and increasing active resistance these are as follows:
conditions outside the organization’s boundaries 1. Acquiescence – when organizations fully
that have the potential to affect the way the conform to institutional pressure
organization operates. 2. Compromise – when organizations make partial
compliance with institutional pressure.
General environment- indirect environmental 3. Avoidance - diplomatic avoidance of
factors, affect business organizations operation s institutional pressure through concealing,
which emanate from local, national and nonconformity, responding symbolically etc. By
international sources. organization.
1. Physical 4. Defiance – when organizations actively reject
2. Economic institutional norms.
3. Political legal 5. Manipulations - organizations attempt to
4. Socio-cultural actively change or exert power over institutional
5. Technological pressures. Strategic choice of response will be
6. International dependent on:
 Cause – underlying rationale or
Internal environment – this comprises the forces expectation associated with the
that affect a business as a separate entity. pressure. E.g. If it will enhance
Sometimes called as the internal working system or legitimacy, motivation to conform.
organizational climate, consist of conditions and  Constituents – characteristic of the
forces within organization. contituents group.
1. Owners  Content – if contents conflict with
2. Board of directors the organizational goals or may
3. Managers/employees hinder the achievement of goals.
4. Organizational structure  The nature of control – legal
Task environment – this is the direct external coercion may result in little
environment also called the immediate or resistance, while voluntary diffusion
operational environment that has a profound create resistance
impact on the operations of a firm.  Environmental context – high
1. Suppliers environmental uncertainty may
2. Distributors result in acquiescing institutional
3. Customers pressures.
4. Competitors
Features of the business environment
1. The rate of the change of environment - ASSIGNMENT: Find the meaning the terms/ group
that is static, dynamic and turbulent of term that are bold and red.
environment. NOTE: these are business terms, define it
2. Effect of the environment - that is according to business and mind your own business.
opportunities and threats. CafABMOM19’20
3. Extent of control - for example controllable
or uncontrollable environment.
The levels of business environment
1. Micro-level – intra- organizational context,
the system as it is. Within this system are
various other subsystems.
2. Macro- level - this refers to the extra-
organizational context which is the
organizational environment. The core of it
all is that every organization wants to
survive; and its survival depends on how it
copes with the environment, thus when we
say that organization have boundaries, we
mean that they are not closed but are

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