1 Quarter: Content Standard Performance Standard Learning Competencies Subject Matter Evaluation

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1st quarter

Content Standard Performance Learning Competencies Subject Matter Evaluation

The learner realizes The learner writes a Performs a short skit that Attributes of a HAU Graduate Formative:  Short skit (LAS 1)
that information in a 1000-word critique of depicts the attributes of a  Text as Connected Discourse Summative:
written text may be a selected text HAU graduate.  Reflection paper (LAS 2)
selected and organized focusing on the claims, (HAUEN11/12RWS-IIIa-1) Values on Focus: Discipline
to achieve a particular organization, and  Describes a written text and respect.
purpose with development of the as connected discourse.
consideration to the material. The learner (EN11/12RWS-IIIa-1)
context that it would be also produces different  Writes a reflection
developed in. The types of academic and paper about the relevance
learner also professional of critical thinking.
understands the correspondence
requirements of following the
composing academic properties of well-
and professional written texts and
correspondence. process approach to
 Distinguishes between Techniques in Selecting and  Recitation Summative:
and among techniques in Organizing Information  Graphic organizer (LAS 3)
selecting and organizing  Brainstorming list  Oral presentation
 Writes a brainstorming  Graphic organizer
list. (EN11/12RWS-IIIa-2.1)
 Designs a graphic Values on Focus: Cooperation
organizer collaboratively.
 Discusses the graphic
organizer made. (HAU-

 Structures a topic  Topic outline Formative:

outline. (EN11/12RWS-IIIa-  Sentence Outline  Topic outline (LAS 4)
2.3)  Sentence outline (LAS 4)
 Drafts a sentence Values on Focus: Teamwork
outline. (EN11/12RWS-IIIa- and Accuracy Summative:  Partition (LAS 5)
 Structure a topic outline
with the parts of a given
 Distinguishes between Patterns of Communication  Formative:  Recitation
and among patterns of Narration  Sequencing of Events (LAS
development in writing  Description 6) Summative:
across disciplines.  Composition (Personal
(EN11/12RWS-IIIbf3) Values on Focus: Cooperation Essay) (LAS 7)
 Compose and describe a and Respect
narration of an event.
 Compose a narration of
an event. (HAU-
 Writes descriptions of
events and situations.

 Formulates definition Patterns of Communication Formative:

using various methods.
(EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.3)  Definition  Drills and Exercises
 Identifies the method of Exemplification/Classification  Meaning Finder (LAS 8)
definition, exemplification
and/or classification. Values on Focus: Accuracy Summative:
(EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.4) and Teamwork  Quiz (Objective Type) (LAS 9)

 Construct a Venn Patterns of Communication Formative:

diagram depicting the  Venn Diagram (LAS 10)
town before and after the  Comparison and Contrast Summative:
blight. (HAUEN11/12RWS-
IIIbf-3.5)  Writes a Values on Focus: Respect and  Comparison and Contrast
comparison and contrast Creativity Essay (LAS 11)
essay. (EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-
 Produces different types PERFORMANCE TASK Summative
of academic and (BROCHURE)
correspondence following
the properties of well-
written texts and process
approach to writing.
(Performance Standard)
 Recalls the previous MID-QUARTER EXAM Summative Exam
lessons accurately.
 Answers the items

 Identifies causes and Patterns of Communication Formative:

effects of various  Cause and Effect  Flow Chart (LAS 10)
situations. (EN11/12RWS-  Problem – Solution Summative:
IIIbf-3.6)  Composition (LAS 11)
 States possible solutions Values on Focus: Loyalty,
to given problems. Responsibility, Discipline, and
(EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.7) Love
 Evaluates a commercial’s Patterns of Communication Formative:
purpose and the gestures  Persuasion  Critiquing a commercial
and language used. Values on Focus: Awareness, Summative:
(HAUEN11/12RWS-IIIbf- Responsibility, and Respect  Oral Advertisement
 Induces persuasion.
 Identifies properties of a Properties of a well-written Formative:
well-written text. Text
(EN11/12RWS-IIIgh-4)  Organization  Think-Pair-Share (LAS 12)
Critiques a text based on  Coherence and Cohesion
itzs organization  Language Use Summative:
(EN11/12RWS-IIIgh-4.1);  Mechanics
 Evaluating a Text (LAS 13)
 coherence and cohesion
(EN11/12RWS-IIIgh-4.2); Values on Focus: Teamwork,
 language use Patience, Accuracy
 mechanics
 Explains critical reading Critical Reading as Looking for Formative:
as looking for ways of Ways of Thinking Explicit and  Recitation
thinking. (EN11/12RWS- Implicit Claims  Drills and Exercises (LAS 14)
 Identifies claims  Claim of fact Summative:
explicitly or implicitly  Claim of policy
made in a written text.  Claim of value  Reflection paper (LAS 15)
Understands and Values on Focus: Respect,
formulates a… Credibility, Skillfulness
 Claim of fact
(EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.1); 
Claim of policy
and  Claim of value
 Writes a 1000-word PERFORMANCE TASK Summative
critique of a selected text (ARTICLE CRITIQUE)
focusing on the claims,
organization, and
development of the
material. (Performance
Recalls the previous FIRST QUARTER EXAM Summative Exam
lessons accurately.
 Answers the items

2nd quarter

Content Performance Learning Competencies Subject Matter Evaluation

Standard Standard
The learner… Context of Text Development Formative:  Venn
 Identifies the context in which a  Hypertext Diagram (LAS 16)
text was developed. (EN11/12RWS-  Intertext
IVac-7) Summative:
 Obtains information through Values on Focus: Honesty and  Word Web (LAS 17)
hypertext. (EN11/12RWS-IVac-7.1) Focus  Quiz (LAS 18)
 Classifies various types of
intertext. (EN11/12RWS-IVac-7.2)

 Explains critical reading as Critical Reading as Reasoning Formative:

reasoning. (EN11/12RWS-IVac-8)  Formulating Evaluative  Agree or Disagree
 Formulates evaluative statements Statements Activity
about a text read. (EN11/12RWS-  Determining Textual  Recitation Summative:
IVac-9)  Formulates assertions Evidence  Debate
about the content and properties of
a text read. (EN11/12RWS-IVac-9.1) Values on Focus: Respect,  Reflection Paper (LAS
 Formulates meaningful Credibility, Discipline, 19)
counterclaims in response to claims Humility, and Accuracy
made in a text read. (EN11/12RWS-
 Determines textual evidence to
validate assertions and
counterclaims made about a text
read. (EN11/12RWS-IVac10)
 Explains how one’s purpose is a Purposeful Writing in the Formative:
crucialconsideration in academic Disciplines and for
and professional writing. Professions  Discussion
(EN11/12RWSIVdg-11)  Book Review or Article  Concept Notes (LAS 20)
 Identifies the unique features of Review
and requirements in composing  Literature Review Summative:
texts that are useful across
disciplines. (EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12) Values on Focus: Patience  Quiz (LAS 21
 Compares book review, article and Honesty
review, and literature review.  Reflection Paper (LAS
(EN11/12RWSIVdg-12.1) 22)
 Identifies the characteristics of a Purposeful Writing in the Formative:
research report. (EN11/12RWS- Disciplines and for  Discussion
IVdg12.2) Professions
 Describes a project proposal.  Research Report Summative:
(EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12.3)  Defines a  Project Proposal  Chart (LAS 23)
position paper. (EN11/12RWS-IVdg-  Position Paper
Values on Focus: Credibility,
Honesty, and Patience

 Produces different types of PERFORMANCE TASK Summative

academic and professional (RESEARCH REPORT)
correspondence following the
properties of well-written texts and
process approach to writing.
(Performance Standard)

 Recalls the previous lessons MID-QUARTER EXAM Summative Exam

 Answers the items correctly.
 Identifies the unique features of Professional Correspondence Formative:
and requirements in composing  Do’s and Don’t’s
professional correspondence.  Resume  Recitation
(EN11/12RWS-IVhj-13)  Application for College Summative:
 Constructs a resume. Admission  Resume (LAS 24)
(EN11/12RWSIVhj-13.1)  Application for Employment  Application Letter(s)
 Writes an application for College (LAS 25)
Admission. (EN11/12RWS-IVhj-13.2) Values on Focus: Accuracy,
 Drafts an Application for Responsibility, Respect, and
Employment. (EN11/12RWS-IVhj- Discipline
 Produces a job advertisement.  Interview Formative:
(HAUEN11/12RWS-IVhj-13.1)  Job Advertisement
Demonstrates the importance of a… Values on Focus: Discipline
 Resume (EN11/12RWS-IVhj-13.1); Summative:
 Application for College Admission
(EN11/12RWS-IVhj-13.2); and  Mock Job Interview
 Application for Employment
 Uses business standards in writing Professional Correspondence Formative:
various forms of office  Memorandum  Concept Notes
correspondence. (EN11/12RWS-  Meeting Minutes
IVhj-13.4)  Resignation Letter Summative:
 Constructs a memorandum  Memorandum (LAS 26)
(HAUEN11/12RWS-IVhj-13.4) Values on Focus: Accuracy,  Meeting Minutes (LAS
 Drafts minutes of a meeting. Discipline, and Honesty 27)
(HAUEN11/12RWS-IVhj-13.4)  Resignation Letter (LAS
 Writes a resignation letter 28)
 Produces different types of PERFORMANCE TASK Summative
academic and professional
correspondence following the (PROJECT PROPOSAL)
properties of well-written texts and
process approach to writing.
 Recalls the previous lessons SECOND QUARTER EXAM Summative Exam
 Answers the items correctly.

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