Methods of Insect Collection

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Fact Sheet Collecting insects

There are many methods for collecting insects, most Flight intercept traps
of which involve simple apparatus and can be done by
amateur collectors. Many insects fly in a random fashion just above the
forest floor and fall to the ground when they collide
The key to successful collecting is the right timing. with a vertical object. Flight intercept traps utilize this
Insect collecting is a seasonal business and the best behaviour to trap insects. A vertical screen of
time is during the warmer months from September to transparent plastic, such as transparent kitchen film is
April. stretched between two stakes and a trough (or row of
ice cream containers) of preservative fluid (propylene
Where you look for insects depends on the types of glycol) is arranged below its bottom edge. These traps
insects you wish to catch. work best on a long-term basis but yield surprising
catches of insects not normally caught by other
• flowers for bees and butterflies
methods. They are most effective at trapping slow-
• freshwater ponds and streams for flying insects such as beetles, cockroaches and
dragonflies, caddis flies and may flies crickets.

• cow paddocks for dung beetles

• leaf litter for slaters and ants.

Methods of collecting insects:

Berlese funnels
These are devices to drive insects and other
arthropods out of samples of leaf litter. They work by
spreading the litter on a mesh screen in a large funnel
with a hot electric bulb suspended above the litter. The
combination of heat, light and gradual desiccation
slowly drives the creatures out until they drop into a
container below the funnel. You can make a Berlese
funnel from a plastic soft drink bottle. Cut the bottom
off and turn the bottle upside down. Place a circle of Hand netting
small wire mesh in the bottle and fill the mesh with leaf
litter. Suspend the funnel over a container of water Large flying insects such as butterflies, wasps and
with a squirt of detergent in it. Place an electric light flies can be collected individually by a long handled
bulb above the leaf litter. The heat will cause the insect net. These can also be swept over foliage for
insects to drop into the water. many small insects which rest on foliage and are
difficult to see.
An example of leaf litter traps used in a scientific
investigation can be found in the Terrestrial
Invertebrate Status Review of Brisbane.
Light traps
Many night-flying insects are attracted to light. A
strong light bulb hung in front of a vertical white sheet
near bushland will yield a great range of insects which
can be picked directly from the sheet when they come
to rest. An ultra-violet light bulb will increase the catch
markedly. For a simple overnight trap a bulb can be
suspended over a dish of detergent water.

Yellow pan traps

It has been shown that many small day-active insects
are attracted to the colour yellow. This trapping
method uses small yellow dishes filled with water to
which detergent has been added. The dishes are
placed on the ground in conspicuous places in the
morning. When flying insects land on the surface of
the water they rapidly sink and drown. At the end of
the day, the water is strained through a fine sieve and
the specimens are retrieved.

Pitfall traps
These traps consist of suitable wide-mouthed
containers sunk in the soil so their opening is flush
with the ground surface. Containers ranging from
disposable plastic cups to ice cream containers or
plastic buckets are suitable. They can be used dry or
with water and a squirt of detergent added. The
detergent ensures that insects sink and drown rapidly
when they fall into the trap. Pitfall traps collect
invertebrates which walk over the ground surface,
especially beetles, spiders, ants and myriapods.

An example of pitfall traps used in a scientific

investigation can be found in the Terrestrial
Invertebrate Status Review of Brisbane.

qmlearning 00003

© Queensland Museum 2005

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