Geographical Distribution of The Cacao Swollen Shoot Virus Molecular Variability in Ghana
Geographical Distribution of The Cacao Swollen Shoot Virus Molecular Variability in Ghana
Geographical Distribution of The Cacao Swollen Shoot Virus Molecular Variability in Ghana
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5 authors, including:
Ervín Muller
East slovak instituate of cardiovascular diseases
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Abrokwah, F., Dzahini-Obiatey, H., Galyuon, I., Osae-Awuku, F., and Muller, E. 2016. Geographical distribution of cacao swollen shoot virus
molecular variability in Ghana. Plant Dis. 100:2011-2017.
Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) was introduced into West Africa from growing regions in Ghana revealed the existence of nine CSSV groups, A,
South America during the nineteenth century. However, cacao swollen B, C, E, G, J, K, L and M, with six groups detected for the first time in Ghana.
shoot disease (CSSD) was first observed in Ghana in 1936 and, later, discov- The CSSV groups in Ghana are very divergent and correspond to at least five
ered in Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, and Sierra Leone. The objectives of this different putative species, according to the International Committee on Tax-
work were to assess the genetic diversity and spatial distribution of the Cacao onomy of Viruses recommendations (A, B-C complex, G, E, and M), with
swollen shoot virus (CSSV) in Ghana and investigate the origin and spread of the M species only being detected in the alternate host Ceiba pentandra.
the virus by identifying alternative host plants. Results obtained from poly- The spatial distribution of the different molecular groups in Togo, Côte
merase chain reaction amplifications and phylogenetic relationship analyses d’Ivoire, and Ghana makes it difficult to predict a single origin for CSSV
of infected cacao and alternative host plants collected from the cacao- among the West African cacao-growing countries.
Major cacao-growing countries in West Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, infected trees, then, replanted and maintained the farms for a time,
Ghana, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Togo have been plagued by viral before returning them to their owners. Another intervention was
diseases affecting the cacao plant for several decades. Chief among the Suhum rehabilitation project funded by the World Bank, in which
these viral diseases is cacao swollen shoot disease (CSSD) caused diseased farms were cut down and replanted in blocks with fast-growing
by the Cacao swollen shoot virus (CSSV). This virus has been iden- and early-yielding cultivars (Owusu 1983). Despite these interventions,
tified in West Africa only, whereas cacao originated from the CSSD is still prevalent in Ghana and is causing economic losses to
Amazon basin (Dzahini-Obiatey et al. 2006). CSSV is a member of cacao production in Ghana and the other West African cacao-growing
the virus family Caulimoviridae, genus Badnavirus and is naturally countries.
transmitted to cacao (Theobroma cacao) in a semipersistent manner Over the years, Ghana’s cocoa production has faced major adverse
by at least 14 species of mealybugs with Formicococcus njalensis, challenges, which have contributed to the country losing her position
Ferrisia virgata, and Planacoccus citri being the most studied (Dongo as the leading producer of cocoa beans in the world (Anim-Kwapong
and Orisajo 2007). CSSD was first observed in Ghana in 1936 at Effi- and Frimpong 2005). CSSD together with other viral and fungal dis-
duase in the New Juabeng District, when a plant pathologist made a eases has been a major factor in the decline of cacao production in
detailed description of a disease reported to him by a cacao farmer Ghana and the other countries. It severely reduces the yields of
(Steven 1936), although the disease was probably present in the an infected cacao tree and kills the tree within 5 years (Posnette
nearby Nankese township of Ghana from 1922 onwards (Paine 1947). Between these two extreme phases (reduced yield and tree
1945). The disease was later discovered in the other West African death), the leaves gradually turn yellow and fall, and then, the
cacao-producing countries, such as Nigeria (1944), Côte d’Ivoire branches dry out from their tips (die back). CSSV infection exhibits
(1946), Togo (1949), and Sierra Leone (1963) (Attafuah et al. myriad symptoms in the cacao plant; these include red vein banding
1963; Mangenot et al. 1946; Thresh 1959). in young leaves, different shades of chlorosis in mature leaves, swell-
Several control strategies have been put in place in Ghana to check ing on stems, chupons, and roots. A large number of isolates have been
the spread of CSSV, including a massive nationwide eradication distinguished by the symptoms they cause in cacao in the different
campaign that began in 1946 and aimed at cutting out diseased cacao countries concerned, and this number would probably be even larger
plants and any other cacao plant in contact with the diseased plants if finer differences in symptom expression were considered.
(Owusu 1983). Some of these strategies included the introduction Most studies on the virus have centered on the description of symp-
of block plantings in the 1950s, in which large areas of infected cacao toms in infected cacao plants and, also, on factors favoring the spread
trees were cleared and replanted in contiguous blocks (Owusu 1983). of the disease by vectors. Molecular studies on the virus started in
The “plant-as-you-cut” scheme was introduced in the 1970s (Thresh 1990, once it was discovered that CSSV possessed nonenveloped
et al. 1988); under this intervention, the government cut down CSSV- bacilliform particles and a double-stranded circular DNA genome
of about 7.5 kb (Lot et al. 1991). Further molecular analyses of
the CSSV genome revealed five putative open reading frames
Corresponding author: E. Muller; E-mail: [email protected] (ORF) located on the plus strand whose biochemical functions were
thoroughly investigated. ORF1 encodes a 16.7-kDa protein, whose
Necleotide sequence data is available under accession numbers KU308644 function is yet to be determined (Hagen et al. 1993). The ORF2 prod-
through KU308739. uct is a 14.4-kDa nucleic acid–binding protein (Jacquot et al. 1996).
ORF3, which is the largest, codes for a polyprotein of 211 kDa,
Accepted for publication 25 April 2016.
which contains from 5¢ to 3¢ consensus sequences characteristic of
a cell-to-cell movement protein, an RNA binding domain of the coat protein, an aspartyl proteinase, a reverse transcription (RT), and a
© 2016 The American Phytopathological Society ribonuclease H (RNase H). ORFX (13 kDa) and ORFY (14 kDa)
Plant Disease / October 2016 2011
overlap ORF3 and encode proteins of unknown functions. Molecular already identified in Ghana and the neighboring West African cacao-
work on CSSV isolates from various areas of West Africa has iden- growing countries (Togo and Côte d’Ivoire). We were able to detect
tified and categorized the different isolates in several distinct groups CSSV groups A, B, C, E, G, J, K, L, and M in the cacao-growing re-
(A, B, C, D, E, F) based on the sequence alignment of the first part of gions of Ghana and at the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG)
ORF3 (Kouakou et al. 2012; Oro et al. 2012). Oro et al. (2012) iden- research station in Tafo, with groups G, J, K, L and M being detected
tified the A, B, and C groups in Togo, and similar work by Kouakou for the first time.
et al. (2012) in Côte d’Ivoire identified the B, D, E, and F groups in
that country. Only groups A, B, and E have been detected in Ghana so Materials and Methods
far (Kouakou et al. 2012; Oro et al. 2012). Additionally, when using the Sample collection. In all, 846 samples were collected from 2013
International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses recommendations, to 2014, of which 791 were symptomatic leaves from infected cacao
which consider nucleotide diversity in the RT/RNaseH region, four dif- trees. They were harvested and sun-dried between January and
ferent species (A, B-C complex, D, and E) sharing a less than 80% March 2013 and 2014, respectively, in the cacao-growing regions
nucleotide identity threshold could be described. of Ghana (Fig. 1). Young leaves showing red vein banding symp-
Ghana is the country where the disease was first described and toms were preferred; however, in their absence, older leaves showing
where it is currently the most widespread. It was important to study various leaf symptoms were collected. Asymptomatic leaves from
the variability and the distribution of CSSV isolates and species in- trees showing shoot and stem swellings were also collected. In all
volved in CSSD in Ghana as a means to identify the various groups about three to five leaves were collected from each tree. Around 20
present in the country, as has been done in Togo and Côte d’Ivoire. asymptomatic leaf samples were also collected from wild hosts (al-
Considering the vast economic losses in cacao revenues due to ternative host plants) located on or near plots or farms where in-
CSSD, it was additionally appropriate to study the molecular vari- fected cacao leaves were sampled. Ten samples collected in 2010 by
ability and phylogenetic relationship among the different CSSV H. Dzahini-Obiatey at the CRIG research station in Tafo, Ghana, were
groups in Ghana, as this would make it possible to screen cacao va- also included in this study.
rieties for resistance to CSSV with isolates representative of the di- Total DNA extraction. About 20 mg of dried cacao leaf portion
versity present in each area and also help to improve and validate from each sample was ground in microcentrifuge tubes in the pres-
diagnostic tools for CSSV detection. To achieve these goals and also ence of ceramic beads with an MP disrupter (Labtech). DNA was
try to determine whether Ghana could be the origin of CSSV, we car- extracted, using the DNeasy plant mini kit from Qiagen (Hilden, Ger-
ried out molecular characterization of CSSV isolates in the six main many) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. In each case, DNA
cacao-growing regions of Ghana where CSSD has been reported, was eluted in two elutions of 75 ml each, making a total of 150 ml, and
namely Ashanti, Brong-Ahafo, Central, Eastern, Volta, and Western. the concentration of each DNA was estimated using a Thermo Scientific
CSSV was amplified from DNA extracted from leaves of infected ca- spectrophotometer (Labtech), which uses NanoDrop 2000 technology.
cao and wild hosts, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the PCR analysis. Primer pairs ORF3A-F (5¢GTYRTACCRRAYA
resulting amplified fragments were sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses YYATGATGAC3¢) and ORF3A-R (5¢GTYTYCCRTTRSYRGA
of sequenced fragments (5¢ end of ORF3 of the CSSV genome) were YTCYTCCCATAC3¢), together with Badna1 CSSV (5¢CTTTT
then carried out to compare the new sequences to those sequences ATGAATGGTTAGTGATGCCCTTTGG3¢) and Badna4 CSSV
Fig. 1. Map of southern Ghana showing regions and locations affected by cacao swollen shoot disease where leaf samples were collected for analysis.
Table 1. Total number of cacao leaf samples collected from each region, percentage of detection, Cacao swollen shoot virus (CSSV) groups identified, and
number of leaves labeled as suspects
No. of positive samples/ Farms with positive No. of suspected CSSV groups identified
Region total no. of samples Detection (%) samples (%)a samplesb after sequencing
Ashanti 40/87 45.9 63.3 (7/11) 20 A and B
Brong-Ahafo 93/144 64.6 76.9 (10/13) 15 E and B
Central 82/139 58.9 100 (9/9) 15 B and L
Eastern 180/211 85.3 100 (14/14) − B
Volta 23/55 41.8 63.6 (7/11) 5 A, B, and C
Western 97/210 46.2 100 (18/18) − B, E, J, K, and A
Total 515/846 60.9 85.5 (65/76) 55 A, B, C, E, J, K, and L
a In parentheses: number of farms containing positive samples/total number of farms.
b Leaves collected from plants showing shoot and stem swellings (asymptomatic leaves) CSSV symptoms and from plants with indistinct leaf symptoms
Table 2. Sampling region, type, and number of alternative host plants analyzed
No. of No. of CSSV CSSV isolate
Location Type of wild hosts wild hosts positive samples groups identified
Western region Ceiba pentandra 5 2 C
Sterculia tragacantha 4 − −
Cola gigantea 1 − −
Eastern region Sterculia tragacantha 1 − −
Ceiba pentandra 1 1 M
Brong Ahafo region Ceiba pentandra 3 1 nda
CRIG (CSSV museum)b Cola chlamydantha 1 − −
Ceiba pentandra 1 − −
Adansonia digitata 1 − −
Sterculia tragacantha 1 1 nd
a nd indicates the sequence is not determined.
b CRIG = Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana; CSSV = Cacao swollen shoot virus.
Fig. 2. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of cacao swollen shoot disease (Cacao swollen shoot virus [CSSV]) sequences based on alignment of the 5¢ end of open reading
frame 3. Numbers on the branches represent percent bootstrap values (500 replicates) over 70. The names of the CSSV groups A, B, C, E, J, K, L, and M are indicated. Other
CSSV sequences representative of groups D, G, and B groups were used in comparison along with the Citrus mosaic virus sequence (CiYMV) (AF347695) used as the outgroup.
The names of sequences include the abbreviation of the country (CI for Côte d’Ivoire, G for Ghana, To for Togo), the abbreviation of the locality name or a sampling number, and the
year of sampling (1993 to 2014 coded as 93 to 14). The scale bar shows the number of substitutions per base.
Fig. 3. Regional map of southern Ghana showing the distribution of Cacao swollen shoot virus (CSSV) isolates detected. Group G was only detected at the Cocoa Research
Institute of Ghana research station, not in the fields. Pie charts in each region show proportions of the CSSV isolate groups present (described by a corresponding letter and
color as presented in lettered boxes).