Iecre Flyera4 Retl LR
Iecre Flyera4 Retl LR
Iecre Flyera4 Retl LR
When ordering testing services for wind energy, An RETL will be periodically re-assessed and a subset of the issued
a manufacturer or OEM has choices on what reports will be checked for compliance with the IEC Standards
kind of service provider to use. Three distinct guaranteeing continuously consistent, complete, accurate, and
categories of laboratories can be distinguished thorough quality.
with increasing level of quality assurance:
An RETL works together with other RETLs and certification bodies to
laboratories that claim to follow the IEC testing Standards develop clarification sheets which may result in, and contribute to,
laboratories that are ISO/IEC 17025 accredited to IEC testing amendments and corrigenda for IEC Standards to ensure a global
Standards unified application of the standards.
IECRE renewable energy test laboratories (RETLs) that have been
RETL reports are mutually recognized to be accepted by any
assessed and accepted for testing to specific IEC Standards in
certification body participating in the IECRE System.
accordance with the IECRE System’s procedures and operational