Saurashtra University, Rajkot Annexure - B'

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Saurashtra University, Rajkot Annexure-‘B’

Structure to be prepared in the Beginning of the Syllabus for All Semester /Year

Semester-1, 2 B.Sc.(Physics)

No Course Code Course Title C IM EM TM

1 16030101010000 Mechanics & Semiconductor 6 30 70 100
2 16030101020000 Wave, Optics & Semiconductor Devices 6 30 70 100
Saurashtra University, Rajkot Annexure-‘C’
Following format to be used for prepration of detailed Syllabus for All Semester /Year

Faculty of Science
Name Semester Core/ Course /Paper Code Course /Paper Title Credit Internal External Practical External
of Elective/ Marks Marks / Viva Exam
Course Allied/ Exam Time
practical/ Marks Duration
B.Sc. 1 Core 16030101010000 Mechanics & 6 30 70 35 2.5
Semiconductor Electronics
Course Objective :
The paper encompasses the area of physics which works as the foundation. It covers basic mechanics
and electronics.
Students learn the fundamentals of Newtonian mechanics which involves here the linear and rotational
motions, oscillations, gravitation, Elasticity etc. Students also learn the basics of electric components,
linear circuits and introduction to the semi-conductors.
The basic mathematical knowledge required is also weaved in the syllabus.
Course Contents :
Unit 1: Vectors algebra and calculus, Basic Electronics.
Unit 2: Semiconductor Physics
Unit 3: Laws of motion & Dynamics of System of Particles
Unit 4: Rotational Motion & Gravitation
Unit 5: Elasticity & Oscillations

Reference Books:
1. Concept of physics By H C Verma part 1 Publisher:Bharati Bhawan
2. Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with modern physics By
H D Young, Publisher: PEARSON
3. Basic electronics and linear circuits By N N BhargavA, D C Kushreshtha, S C Gupta
Publisher: Technical Teachers Training Institute Chandigarh.
4. Mechanics Berkeley Physics course Vol 1
5. Lectures on physics, R.P.Feynman, Vol-1
6. Physics – Resnick and Halliday
7. Principles of electronics By V.K.Mehta Publisher: S.Chand
8. Elements of Electronics By Bagde & Singh Pub: S.chand
9. B.Sc. Practical physics By C.L.Arora Pub: S.chand
10. A text book of Practical Physics By Indu Prakash & Ramkrishna Pub: Kitab
11. B.Saraf et aI-Physics through experiments Vol. I & II
Saurashtra University, Rajkot Annexure-‘C’
Following format to be used for preparation of detailed Syllabus for All Semester /Year

Faculty of Science
Name Semester Core/ Course /Paper Code Course /Paper Title Credit Internal External Practical External
of Elective/ Marks Marks / Viva Exam
Course Allied/ Exam Time
practical/ Marks Duration
B.Sc. 2 Core 16030101020000 Wave, Optics & 6 30 70 35 2.5
Semiconductor Devices
Course Objective :

The paper encompasses the second major area of physics which works as foundation.
It covers the basics of the branch of WAVES. In this branch apart from the introduction to waves other
topics such as sound, basic optical phenomena are covered.
Furthermore a topic on geometrical optics is also involved.
In the electronic section it introduces the two mostly used devices such as semiconductor transistors
and diodes.
Course Contents :
Unit 1: Wave Motion and Waves on String & Sound
Unit 2: Semiconductor Diode& Transistor
Unit 3: Wave Optics: Interference
Unit 4: Wave Optics: Diffraction
Unit 5: Wave Optics: Polarization & Geometric Optics
Reference Books:
1. Concept of physics By H C Verma part 1 Publisher: Bharati Bhawan
2. Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with modern physics
By H D Young, Publisher: PEARSON
3. Basic electronics and linear circuits By N N BhargavA, D C Kushreshtha &
S C Gupta , Publisher: Technical Teachers Training Institute Chandigarh.
4. A Text Book Of OPTICS By N.Subrahmanyam, Brijlal, M.N. Avadhanulu
Publisher: S.chand.
5. Elements of Electronics By Bagde & Singh Publisher : S.chand
6. Principles of electronics By V.K.Mehta Publisher: S.Chand
7. Principle of OPTICS By B.K.Mathur Publisher: Gopal Printing
8. Fundamentals of OPTICS By Jenkins and White Publisher: McGraw-Hill
9. Fundamentals of OPTICS By Gulati and Khanna Publisher: R.Chand

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