OB2 - Problems With The Power
OB2 - Problems With The Power
OB2 - Problems With The Power
1. Dystocia
The force of labor
1. Dystocia- general term that describes any difficult labor or birth
2. Inertia- term that denote that sluggishness of contractions, or the force of labor
3. Dysfunctional labor- current term
Difficult labor or birth
Refers to any labor which does not advance normally
A dysfunctional labor may result from problems with powers of labor, the
passager, the passage, the pysche, or a combination of these
Forces are inadequate(Faulty Power)
Inertia- sluggishness of uterine contractions
Abnormal position of the passenger (infant)
Abnormal passageway(birth canal)
Fetal and uterine external monitor applied every 15 mins
Oxytocin to stimulate labor
Mother: exhaustion and dehydration
Fetus: injury and death
Dysfunction in labor can occur at any point in labor, and classified according to time
when it occurs:
1. Primary dysfunction
occuring at the onset of labor or prolonged latent phase of labor
2. Secondary dysfunction
Occuring later in labor or prolonged active phase of labor; fetus does
not descend; cervix not dilated
b. Constriction Ring
Can occur at any point in the myometrium and anytime during labor,
when pathologic occur during early labor, it is usually from
uncoordinated contractions
Fetus is grasped by thee ring and can’t advance or descent
If fetus is delivered, placenta can be held after delivery
Observe abdominal report immediately
Administer IV morphine sulfate ang amyl nitrate
C/S- or manual extraction of placena if not attended leads to mother(uterine
rupture and postpartum hemorrhage); fetus(death)
Curative Management Care:
Sedative- stop abnormal contractions
Short acting barbiturates- to promote relax/rest
Monitor FHB
NPO- prepare for Surgery- CS
Assist in delivery; vaginal or CS
Trial labor- in borderline or adequate pelvis
2. Precipitate Labor/Delivery
Occurs when uterine contractions are so strong that the woman delivers with
only a few rapidly occuring contractions
Labor that is completed in less than hour
Likely to occur in:
- multipara
- following induction of labor
- amniotomy
Fetus: sub-dural hemorrhage (sudden release of pressure on the head)
- lacerations of the birth canal
- premature separation of the placenta (strong sudden force)
To bring the delivery in a controlled surroundings to prevent risks to fetus &
Theories behind precipitate labor:
1. Uterine stretch theory
2. Oxytocin theory
3. Progesterone/prostaglandin theory
4. Placental degeneration
Predispose Factors:
A multipara with relaxed pelvic or perineal floor muscles may have an extremely
short period of expulsion.
A multipara with unusually strong, forceful contractions. Two to three powerful
contractions may cause the baby to appear with considerably rapidly.
Inadequate warning of imminent birth due to absence of painful sensations during
Intravenous glucose solutions or frequent breast milk or formula feedings are given
to prevent hypoglycemia