BLS MCQ For Final Exam PDF
BLS MCQ For Final Exam PDF
BLS MCQ For Final Exam PDF
b) 30:2
c) 30:1
d) 10:1
• The 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR recommended
BLS sequence of steps are:
b) Inability to speak
b) Assess the victim, activate EMS and get AED, check pulse, start
a) Minimize interruptions
a) Power on the AED, attach electrode pads, shock the patient, analyze
the rhythm
d) Power on the AED, attach electode pads, analyze the rhythm, clear
the patient, deliver shock
Where should you attempt to perform a pulse
check in a child from 1 year of age to puberty?
a) Carotid or Femoral artery
b) Brachial artery
c) Temporal artery
d) Ulnar artery
How often should rescuers switch roles when
performing 2-rescuer CPR?
• Early CPR
• Rapid Defibrillation
b) 30:2
c) 30:1
d) 10:1
• 30:2 is the AHA expert consensus for the
correct ratio of compressions to ventilations.
• The 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR recommended
BLS sequence of steps are:
b) Inability to speak
b) Assess the victim, activate EMS and get AED, check pulse, start CPR
a) Minimize interruptions
a) Power on the AED, attach electrode pads, shock the patient, analyze
the rhythm
d) Power on the AED, attach electode pads, analyze the rhythm, clear
the patient, deliver shock
• The patient must be analyzed before the AED will advise a
• Early CPR
• Rapid Defibrillation
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