Triangulation and Trilateritation
Triangulation and Trilateritation
Triangulation and Trilateritation
General Surveying
At the end of the lecture, students should be
able to:
Define triangulation and trilateration
Explain their purposes
Enumerate the triangulation procedures
Perform necessary adjustments to determine
horizontal positions
Compute strength of figure and spherical
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
I. Purpose of Triangulation and Trilateration
II. Definition of Terms
III. Triangulation
A. Triangulation Procedure
B. Triangulation Figures
C. Choice of Figure
D. Triangulation Adjustments
1. Geometric Conditions
2. Adjustment of a Chain of Triangles
3. Adjustment of a Quadrilateral
IV. Strength of Figure
V. Spherical Excess
VI. Trilateration
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Employed extensively to establish
horizontal control for:
Topographic mapping
Charting lakes, rivers, and ocean coastlines
Surveys required for the design and construction
of public and private works of large extent
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation System
Triangulation Stations
Base Line
Check Base
Trilateration System
Horizontal Control Surveys
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation System
Consists of a series of joined or overlapping
triangles in which an occasional line is measured
and the balance of the sides are calculated from
angles measured at the vertices of the triangles
Triangulation Stations
Vertices of the triangles in a triangulation system
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Base Line
Line in a triangulation system whose length is
precisely measured and its true direction
determined by astronomical observations
Usually located at the beginning of the triangulation
system and its length is used as the basis for
computing lengths of other lines
Check Base
Line/s in a triangulation system of known length and
may be located at regular intervals or at the end of
the triangulation system
Serves as a check for triangulation computations
involving lengths of lines
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Trilateration System
Consists also of a series of joined or overlapping
triangles, however, the lengths of the triangle‟s sides
are measured and few directions or angles observed
(only those required to establish azimuth)
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Procedure
Triangulation Figures
Choice of Figure
Triangulation Adjustments
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Error Propagation
Erection of
Reconnaissance or Strength of
Figure for the signals, tripods or
Network towers
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Reduction to Sea Level
Reduction to center*
Network Adjustment
*when necessary
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Ina narrow triangulation system, a chain of
figures is employed, consisting of:
Single triangles
Combination of the three
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
1. Chain of Triangles
• The simplest form of a triangulation system
• Does not provide the most accurate results due
to lack of checks
• Usually employed in long and narrow surveys
of low precision such as for a valley or a narrow
body of water
• There is but one route by which distances can
be computed through the chain
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Figures
Check Base
Base Line
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
2. Chain of Polygons
• “central-point figure”
• Composed of a group of triangles bounded by
three or more sides and having within it a
station which is at a vertex common to all the
• Used when horizontal control is to be extended
over a wide area (e.g., triangulation for a city)
• Skewed figure can be strengthened by using
an extra diagonal
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Figures
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
3. Chain of Quadrilaterals
• Most commonly used triangulation system
• Best adopted to long and narrow surveys of
high precision
• Each figure is composed of two pairs of
overlapping triangles advantage:
distribution of angular errors
• Most expensive but desired because of high
• Allows point position computation by four
independent routes for computational checks
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Figures
Check Base
Base Line
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Ideal shapes:
Triangles: equilateral
Quadrilateral: square
To ensure high accuracy, triangulation system
must have ideal shapes and recommended
distance angles
Distance angles are angles opposite the
known and required sides of the triangle
Recommended range: 300 to 1500
Recommended value: near 900
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Chains of single triangles:
Weakness: only one check (sum of int. angles)
Low precision
Solution: base lines would not to be placed closer
Chains of polygons:
For more precise work
Best adapted to wide systems
Chains of quadrilaterals:
For more precise work
Best adapted to long, narrow systems
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Geometric Conditions
CA = A-L+1
CA = total number of angle conditions (including center-point
equations) in a polygon
A = number of angles measured in the polygon
L = number of lines in the polygon
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Geometric Conditions
Compute for the total number of angle conditions
7 6 CA =A-L+1= 5
8 5
1 2
R 3
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Geometric Conditions
Compute for the total number of angle conditions
T 1 + 2 + 3 = 1800 (a)
CA = 5 + + 6 = 1800 (b)
7 + 8 + 9 = 1800 (c)
10 1 + + 4 + 6 + 7 + 9 = 1800 (d)
2 + 5 + 8 = 3600 (e)
7 6
6 + 7 - 10 = 00 (f)
8 5
9 Permissible Sets:
a, b, c, e, f
1 2 b, c, d, e, f
R 3 a, b, d, e, f
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Geometric Conditions
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Geometric Conditions
CS = n’-2s+3
Cs = number of side conditions
n‟ = number of sides in a figure
s = number of stations in a figure
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Geometric Conditions
Compute for the total number of side conditions
CS = n’-2s+3
= 6-2(4)+3
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments
2. Approximate Method
• Simple and convenient to use
• Geometric consistency is attained
• Not rigorous
• Answers are not the best possible values
• Use is not recommended for the adjustment of
triangulation networks
• In chain of triangles, it is composed of two steps:
Station adjustment and Figure adjustment
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Methods of Adjustment:Approximate Method for Chain of Triangles
Sum of angles about a station (m) = 3600
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Methods of Adjustment:Approximate Method for Chain of Triangles
Sum of Interior angles or a triangle (int) = 1800
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Methods of Adjustment:Approximate Method for Chain of Triangles
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Methods of Adjustment:Approximate Method for Chain of Triangles
• About station A:
m = a + b + c = 360-00-15
correction = -15”
Correction per angle (cor)= -15”/3 = -5”
Adjusted angles:
a‟= a + cor = 240-20-55
b„= b + cor = 60-29-05
c„ = c + cor = 59-10-00
Sum check: 360-00-00
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Methods of Adjustment:Approximate Method for Chain of Triangles
• About station B:
m = d + e = 360-00-04
correction = -04”
correction per angle (cor)= -04”/2 = -2”
Adjusted angles:
d‟= d + cor = 301-34-47
e„ = e + cor = 58-25-13
Sum check: 360-00-00
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Methods of Adjustment:Approximate Method for Chain of Triangles
• About station C:
m = f + g + h= 359-59-51
correction = +09”
correction per angle (cor)= +09”/3 = +3”
Adjusted angles:
f‟= f + cor = 62-25-13
g„= g +corr = 59-25-13
h„ = h + cor = 238-09-34
Sum check: 360-00-00
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Methods of Adjustment:Approximate Method for Chain of Triangles
• About station D:
m = i + j = 360-00-04
correction = -04”
correction per angle (cor)= -04”/2 = -2”
Adjusted angles:
i‟= i + cor = 299-54-52
j„ = j + cor = 60-05-08
Sum check: 360-00-00
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Methods of Adjustment:Approximate Method for Chain of Triangles
a 240-21-00 a„ 240-20-55
b 60-29-10 b‟ 60-29-05
c 59-10-05 c„ 59-10-00
d 301-34-49 d‟ 301-34-47
e 58-25-15 e‟ 58-25-13
f 62-25-10 f‟ 62-25-13
g 59-25-10 g‟ 59-25-13
h 238-09-31 h‟ 238-09-34
i 299-54-54 i‟ 299-54-52
j 60-05-10 j‟ 60-05-08
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Methods of Adjustment:Approximate Method for Chain of Triangles
• Triangle ABC:
in = c‟ + e‟ + f‟ = 180-00-26
t = -26”
correction per angle:
= -26”/3 = -8.67”say -9”
Adjusted angles:
c‟‟= c‟ + (-9”) = 59-09-51
e‟‟ = e‟ + (-9”) = 58-25-04
f‟ = f‟ + (-8”) = 62-25-05
Sum check: 180-00-00
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Methods of Adjustment:Approximate Method for Chain of Triangles
• Triangle ACD:
in = b‟ + g‟ + j‟ = 179-59-26
t = +34”
correction per angle:
= +34”/3 = +11.33” say +11”
Adjusted angles:
b‟‟= b‟ + 11” = 60-29-16
g‟ = g‟ + 12” = 59-25-25
j‟‟ = j‟+ 11” = 60-05-19
Sum check: 180-00-00
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation Adjustments: Methods of Adjustment:Approximate Method for Chain of Triangles
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Different Routes in a Quadrilateral
Geometric Conditions
Sample Computation
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Necessary to determine when a triangulation
project is being evaluated in the preliminary
stages of work.
Required in order to ensure uniform accuracy
throughout the network.
Based on the theory of probability
Stronger figure has smaller R
Will indicate the route that will yield distance
of a final line with the smallest error
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Strength of Figure
1 2 3 4
Known Side
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
A function of:
1. Geometric Strength:
Of triangles that make up the network
2. No. of stations occupied:
For angles and direction measurements
3. No. of angle and side conditions
Used in adjusting the network
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
R = Strength of Figure
D = # of directions observed (F & B) excluding the known side
C = total # of geometric conditions (side and angle)
F = factor for computing R; equal to (D-C)/D
A, = tabular difference for 1”, expressed in units of the sixth
decimal place, corresponding to the distance angles A and B
of a triangle
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Strength of Figure
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Strength of Figure
Determine the strongest route to compute the length of check
base CD if base line AB is 1,586.85 m long. Assume that all
stations are occupied and all lines are observed in both
directions. D
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Sample Computation
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Triangulation net having long sides theoretically
should be solved as a series of spherical triangles.
The problem become unnecessarily complicated and
may be avoided by applying Legendre‟s theorem:
TriangleSph – TrianglePlane = e
Correction to Corresponding angle = e/3
By Spherical geometry:
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Spherical Excess
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Another method used in extending horizontal
Based on the trigonometric proposition that if the
3 sides of a triangle are known, the three angles
can be computed
Direction of lines and positions of points can be
Similar to triangulation which also uses chains of
triangles but differs in that all lengths are
measured and only enough angles or directions
are observed to establish azimuth
Made feasible due to the continued development
and refinement of EDMs.
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
By law of cosines:
A b
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
The usual procedure in determining
trilateration data is stated as follows:
1. Determining interior angles
2. Determine azimuths of the side with
unknown direction
3. Compute for the position of point using
latitudes and departures and the
coordinates of the known point
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Results from the previous calculations are set of
approximations necessary for the least-squares
The next step is to form the distance condition
equations for each measured line in the network
Output from the adjustment consists of:
Adjusted X,Y coordinates
Residuals in measured distances
Reference standard deviation for the adjustment
Covariance matrices for error ellipses for each adjusted station
The technique of LS adjustment is not covered in the
General Surveying I course.
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Davis, R.E., et. al (1981). Surveying: Theory and Practice.
USA: McGraw-Hill,Inc.
Ghilani, C.D., (2008). Elementary Surveying: an
Introduction to Geomatics. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.
La Putt, J.P. (2007). Elementary Surveying. Philippines:
National Book Store.
Schofield,W.. Et. Al (2007). Engineering Surveying. UK:
Elsevier Ltd.
Triangulation Network Image from
Date Accessed: 01/24/2011
Mark Alcala
General Surveying
Mark Alcala
General Surveying