LKPD by Irwan

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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 2 Kenohan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VII/1
Materi/Pokok Bahasan/SPB : Chapter III (What time is it? – Days of the week)

A. Identitas
Kelompok : …………………………………………………..
Kelas : …………………………………………………..
Angggota Kelompok : 1. ………………………………………………..
2. ………………………………………………..
3. ………………………………………………..

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Peserta didik dapat menngidentifikasi nama hari dalam satu minggu dan menggunakan ragam
ungkapan tanya jawab tentang hari.

C. Langkah – Langkah Kegiatan

1. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan.
2. Pelajarilah dengan baik uraian materi pada bagian D
3. Bacalah semua instruksi dengan jelas.
4. Kerjakan latihan pada lembar kerja yang tersedia.
D. Uraian Materi
a. Nama-nama hari Let’s learn this material

b. Penggunaan ‘before’ and ‘after’

1. After Sunday is Monday
2. Tuesday is after Monday
3. Friday is before Saturday
4. Before Thursday is Wednesday
c. Activity dalam bentuk pertanyaan
1. What is the day before Saturday? It is Friday
2. What day comes before Thursday? Before Thursday is Wednesday
3. What is the day after Sunday? After Sunday is Monday
4. What day comes after Monday? It is Tuesday

E. Exercise 1: Match the names of days with the meaning

Days of the week Meaning

1. Sunday a. Jum’at
2. Monday b. Rabu
3. Tuesday c. Senin
4. Wednesday d. Minggu
5. Thursday e. Sabtu Have fun with
these exercises
6. Friday f. Selasa
7. Saturday g. Kamis

F. Exercise 2: Write the days of the week

G. Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the suitable days

1. After Monday is ...............................

2. Before Friday is ....................
3. Thursdays is after ..................
4. Today is Saturday, yesterday was .................
5. Today is Saturday, tomorrow is ...................
H. Exercise 4: Complete the dialogue with the suitable days then practice it with your partner.

1. A : What is the day after Monday?

B : _________________________
2. A : If today is Friday, what was the three days ago?
B : _________________________
3. A : What is the first day of the week?
B : _________________________
4. A : What is the day after sunday?
B : _________________________
5. A : What is the day before friday?
B : _________________________

The keys answers

E. Exercise 1: Match the names of days with the meaning

1. D 5. G
2. C 6. A
3. F 7. E
4. B

F. Exercise 2: Write the days of the week

Across: Down:
2. Thursday 1. Sunday
3. Wednesday 4. Saturday
5. Tuesday
6. Monday
7. Friday

G. Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the suitable days

1. Tuesday
2. Thursday
3. Wednesday
4. Friday
5. Sunday

H. Exercise 4: Complete the dialogue with the suitable days then practice it with your partner.
1. It is Tuesday / After Monday is Tuesday
2. It was Tuesday / Three days ago was Tuesday
3. It is Monday / The first day of the week is Monday
4. It is Monday / After Sunday is Monday
5. It is Thursday / Before Friday is Thursday

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