This document discusses budgeting in healthcare organizations. It provides definitions of budgets and explains their purposes which include planning, control, coordination, communication, motivation and evaluation. Prerequisites for effective budgeting include a clear organizational structure, statistical data collection, standardized chart of accounts, managerial support and formal budget policies and procedures. The key types of budgets mentioned are operating budgets, which project revenues and expenses, and capital expenditure budgets, which plan major long-term investments.
This document discusses budgeting in healthcare organizations. It provides definitions of budgets and explains their purposes which include planning, control, coordination, communication, motivation and evaluation. Prerequisites for effective budgeting include a clear organizational structure, statistical data collection, standardized chart of accounts, managerial support and formal budget policies and procedures. The key types of budgets mentioned are operating budgets, which project revenues and expenses, and capital expenditure budgets, which plan major long-term investments.
This document discusses budgeting in healthcare organizations. It provides definitions of budgets and explains their purposes which include planning, control, coordination, communication, motivation and evaluation. Prerequisites for effective budgeting include a clear organizational structure, statistical data collection, standardized chart of accounts, managerial support and formal budget policies and procedures. The key types of budgets mentioned are operating budgets, which project revenues and expenses, and capital expenditure budgets, which plan major long-term investments.
This document discusses budgeting in healthcare organizations. It provides definitions of budgets and explains their purposes which include planning, control, coordination, communication, motivation and evaluation. Prerequisites for effective budgeting include a clear organizational structure, statistical data collection, standardized chart of accounts, managerial support and formal budget policies and procedures. The key types of budgets mentioned are operating budgets, which project revenues and expenses, and capital expenditure budgets, which plan major long-term investments.
The key takeaways are that budgeting is important for planning and allocating resources for schools/colleges of nursing. The budgeting process involves determining costs, objectives and alternatives to find the most effective option.
The term 'budget' originated from the French word 'bougette' referring to a leather bag. It was first used by British Kings and over time became a financial statement of government activities and expenditures presented to parliament.
Purposes of budgeting include translating objectives into spending plans, enhancing planning and decision making, controlling costs, communicating goals, allowing performance evaluation, and identifying problems.
By:- Firoz Qureshi
Dept. Psychiatic Nursing INTRODUCTION Budgeting of school or college should be separate .i.e. Principal in charge of the school of nursing should be the drawing and disbursing officer and empowered to a plan for operating the funds in all different heads. The budget for the school/college is annually planned by the nursing director, principal and general manager and approved by the managing director. HISTORY Budget word was first coined by the British Kings in early days from the word ‘BOUGETTE’. The important milestones were: – 1215 AD: constitutional exposure 1718 AD: consolidated fund act passed which considered budget as financial statement of Govt activities for facilitating accountability of public fund. 1882 AD: Budget entered the parliament for first time seeking advice. MEANING The word “budget” derived from the old English word “budgettee” means a ‘sack’ or ‘pouch’ which the chancellor of the exchequer used to take out his papers for laying before the parliament, the government, financial scheme for the ensuing year. Literally the word “budget” means a Leather bag or sachet to carry official papers in. Now the term “budget” refers to the financial papers, certainly not the sack. DEFINITION An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.-Oxford Dictionary “Budget is a concrete precise picture of the total operation of an enterprise in monetary terms”.- HM Donovan. “Budget is an operational plan, for definite period usually a year. Expressed in financial terms and based on expected income and expenditure”. PURPOSES OF BUDGETING PURPOSES OF BUDGETING Budget supplies the mechanism for translating fiscal objective into projected monthly spending pattern. It enhances fiscal planning and decision-making. It clearly recognizes controllable cost areas. It offers a useful format for communicating fiscal objectives. It allows feedback of the utilization of budget. It helps to identify problem areas and facilitates effective solution. PURPOSES OF BUDGETING It also helps co-ordinate the activities of the organization by compelling managers to examine relationships between their own operation and those of other departments. To control resources To communicate plans to various responsibility center managers. To motivate managers to strive to achieve budget goals. To evaluate the performance of managers PURPOSES OF BUDGETING To provide means for measuring and recording financial success with the objectives of the organizations. For accountability To provide visibility into the company's performance PREREQUISITES TO BUDGETING PREREQUISITES TO BUDGETING The following conditions are necessary for the development and implementation of a budgetary programme: Organizational Structure:-There is a need for a sound organizational structure with clear lines of the authority and responsibility. All the employees know their responsibilities and the person to whom they are responsible; they have the authority to do what they are responsible for and are held accountable for their actions. PREREQUISITES TO BUDGETING Organisation charts and job descriptions are available, and goals and objectives are set for areas of responsibilities. Budgets are then developed to confirm to the pattern of authority and responsibility. Nonmonetary statistical data:- Such as number of admissions, average length of stay, percentage of occupancy, and number of patient days- are used for planning and control of the budget process. Someone must be responsible for collecting and reporting statistical data PREREQUISITES TO BUDGETING Charts of accounts:- They are designed to be consistent with the organizational plan. Revenues and expenses are reported by responsibility areas, thus providing historical data that are valuable for the planning and providing budgetary control for evaluation as performance can be compared to plans. Nurse managers focus their attention on the principle of management by exception by nothing what is not going as planned so they can take necessary action. PREREQUISITES TO BUDGETING Managerial support:- It is essential for budgetary program. Although budgeting is done at departmental level , it must be valued by top administration. Managers must be willing to devote their time and energy to the budgeting process. They are most likely to do that when they are familiar with the principles of budgeting and its usefulness for planning and controlling, through budget education. PREREQUISITES TO BUDGETING Formal budgeting policies and procedure:- It should be available in a budget manual, in which objectives of budgetary are clarified, and instructions for budget development are discussed in detail. Samples of standardized forms are available. A calendar of budgeting activities with the schedule for each stage of the program is presented. Procedure for review, revision, and approval of budgets are discussed in detail. FEATURES OF BUDGET FEATURES OF BUDGET It should be flexible. It should be synthesis of past, present, and future. It should be product of joint venture + cooperation of executives/ department heads at different levels of management. It should be in the form of statistical standard laid down in specific numerical terms. It should have support of top management throughout the period of its planning and supplementation. It is a plan of program and has comprehensive plan of action It should estimate revenues & expenditures as accurately as possible IMPORTANCE OF BUDGET IMPORTANCE OF BUDGET Budget is needed for planning for future course of action and to have control over all activities in the organization. It facilitates coordinating operation of various departments and sections for realizing organizational objectives. Budget serves as guide for action in the organization. Budget helps one to weigh the values and to make decision when necessary on whether one is of greater value in the program than the other. PRINCIPLES OF BUDGET PRINCIPLES OF BUDGET Budget should provide sound financial management by focusing on requirement of the organization. It should focus on objectives and policies of the organization. It must from objectives and give realistic expression to the way of realizing such objectives. It should ensure the most effective use of scarce financial and non financial resources. It requires that a program activities planned in advance. Budgetary process requires consistent delegation for which fixed duties and responsibilities are required to be allocated to managers at different level for framing and executing budget. PRINCIPLES OF BUDGET It should include coordinating efforts of various departments establishing a frame of reference for managerial decisions, and providing a criterion for evaluating managerial performance. Setting budget target, requires an adequate checks and balance against the adoption of too high or too low estimate. Budget period must be appropriate to the nature of business or service and to the type of budget. Budget is prepared under the direction and supervision of administrator or financial officer. PRINCIPLES OF BUDGET Budget are to be prepared and interpreted consistently throughout the organization in the communication of planning process. It necessitates a review of the performance of the previous year and an evaluation of its adequacy both in quality and quantity. While developing a budget, the provision should be made for its flexibility. TYPES OF BUDGETS TYPES OF BUDGETS 1.Operating Budget(Revenues and Expenses):- It provides an overview of an agency’s functions by projecting the planned operations, usually for the upcoming year. The operating table reveals an input and output analysis of expected revenues and expenses. Among the factor that nurse managers might include in their operating budgets are personnel salaries, employee benefits, insurance, medical- surgical supplies, rent, light, housekeeping, laundry service, drug, fees etc TYPES OF BUDGETS 1.Operating Budget cont... Both controllable and non- controllable expenses are projected. Controllable expenses are wage level and quality of materials. Indirect expenses such as rent, lighting and depreciation of equipment, are noncontrollable. The operating budget deals primarily with salaries, supplies, and contractual services. TYPES OF BUDGETS 1.Operating Budget cont... For a college of nursing, salaries, supplies(A.V.Aids), lighting, employee benefits, insurance, inspection fees etc. 2.Capital Expenditure budgets:- It is prepared for assuring planned timely capital investment in the business to ensure the availability of the capital at the right time over longer period. TYPES OF BUDGETS 2.Capital Expenditure budgets cont....:- Or it is used to determine whether an organization's long-term investments such as new machinery, replacement machinery, new products, and research development projects are worth pursuing. It include physical changes such as replacement or expansion of the plant, major equipment , and inventories. These items are usually major investments and reduce flexibility in budgeting because it takes a long time to recover. TYPES OF BUDGETS 2.Capital Expenditure budgets cont.... For instance, a patient may be charged per treatment or per day for use of equipment, but it may take many months or even years to recover the cost of equipment. Under this budget, the nurse manager must establish priorities if request exceed availability of funds. TYPES OF BUDGETS 2.Capital Expenditure budgets cont.... When filling out request forms for capital items, it is advisable to include names of manufacturers and suppliers, trade-in-credits, and estimates of purchase, delivery, installation and maintenance cost. Written justification of each item should be given. For a college of nursing new machinery, replacement machinery, new products, research development projects etc. TYPES OF BUDGETS 3.Cash Budgets:- A prediction of future cash receipts and expenditures for a particular time period. It usually covers a period in the short-term future. They ensure that the agency has enough, but not too much, cash on hand during the budgetary period(This is necessary because income does not always coincide with expenditure). TYPES OF BUDGETS 3.Cash Budgets cont.... If manager have insufficient cash on hand, they will not be able to purchase needed resources. At the other extreme, if too much cash is available, interest or other earnings that money could generate lost. Using cash budget, the nurse manager estimates the amount of money to be collected from clients and other sources and allocates the cash to the expenditures. TYPES OF BUDGETS 3.Cash Budgets cont.... If the budget is well planned, it will provide cash as needed and produce interest on excess funds. A college of nursing should have enough money to conduct any national or international workshop, do research work and for supplies. TYPES OF BUDGETS 4.Labor, or personal budgets:- Personal budgets estimates the cost of direct labor necessary to meet the agency’s objectives. They determine the recruitment, hiring, assignment, layoff, and discharge of personnel. The nurse manager decides on the type of nursing care necessary to meet the nursing needs of the estimated patient population. The current staffing patterns, number of unfilled positions, and last year reports can provide a base for examination and proposals. TYPES OF BUDGETS 4.Labor, or personal budgets cont.... Patients occupancy and the general complexity of cases affect staffing patterns. This budget is also affected by personal policies, such as salary related to position and number of days allowed for educational and personal leave. In college of nursing recruitment of teachers, work assigned, their salaries, leave etc. TYPES OF BUDGETS 5.Flexible Budgets:- Some variable expense are unpredictable and can be determined only after change has begin : thus the need for flexible budgets, to show the effects of changes in volume of business on expense time. Periodic budget reviews help managers compensate for changes by seeing the relationship between rise and fall. For college of nursing general and administrative expenses, salaries, academic fees etc. TYPES OF BUDGETS 6.Strategic planning budget:- It is a long range budgets for long range planning are often called the agency’s strategic plan. Program budgets are part of strategic plan focuses on all the benefits and the cost associated with a particular program. For college of nursing, improvement in admission process, increase research and scholarship productivity, transform nursing education etc. STEPS IN BUDGETING Review the goals of the agency or organization to identify activities of highest priority(because these are most likely to receive funding. Review the objectives of the existing programs and written for proposed program to ensure that achievement of these objectives will support agency. Existing programs are revised and proposed programs designed to ensure that achievement of these objectives. STEPS IN BUDGETING Manpower, capital and operating expenses are computed for each program, old and new. Alternative methods are identified for realizing designated objectives and price of each alternative is determined. Comparisons are made to determine which alternative is most cost-effective. STEPS IN BUDGETING A budget request is developed which details a fiscal plan for the preferred program indicates alternative methods for meeting the same objective, and explains why the recommended program is preferred. ADVANTAGES Fixed and variable costs and their effect on the total cost are analyzed. Budget plans for detail program activities. They state goals for all the units, offer a standard performance, and stress the continuous nature of planning and control process. It encourage managers to make a careful analysis of operations and to make decision on careful consideration. ADVANTAGES Hasty judgements are minimized. Weakness in the organization can be relieved and corrective measures are taken. Staffing, equipment, and supply needs can be projected and waste minimized. Financial matters can be handled in an orderly fashion, and agency activities can be coordinated and balance. DISADVANTAGES Its time consuming and expensive. There is danger of over budgeting; the budget becomes cumbersome, meaningless, and expensive. Forecasting is required but uncertain because budgetary control is subject to human judgement, interpretation, and evaluation. Skill and experience are required for successful budgetary control. DISADVANTAGES The budget may become an end in itself instead of means to an end. It converts all aspects of organizational performance into monetary value for a single comparable unit of measurement. BUDGET FOR ACADEMIC SESSION FOR A COLLEGE OF NURSNIG PROGRAM PROGRAM TUTION FEE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY DURATION PER ENROLMENT EXAM FEE SEMESTER FEE