Important Ayah
Important Ayah
Important Ayah
َ َٰ ّللَ۟ َم َ۟ع۟ٱل
َ۟۟صبِ ِرين َ۟ ن۟ٱ ْ َب۟ ِري ُح ُك ْ۟م۟ َ۟وٱ
َ۟ ِصبِ ُر ٓواۚ۟۟إ َ ل۟ت َ َٰنَزَ عُوا۟۟فَت َ ْف
َ۟ شلُوا۟۟ َوت َ ْذه َ۟ سولَ ۟هُۥ۟ َو َ۟ َوأَطِ يعُوا۟۟ٱ
ُ ّللَ۟ َو َر
And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute and [thus] lose courage and [then] your strength
would depart; and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.
Ar-Rum 30:31
َ۟۟ل۟ت َ ُكونُوا۟۟مِ نَ۟۟ٱ ْل ُم ْش ِركِين َ ُمنِي ِبينَ۟۟ ِإلَ ْي ِ۟ه۟ َ۟وٱتَقُو۟هُ۟ َوأَقِي ُموا۟۟ٱل
َ۟ صلَ َٰو۟ة َ۟ َو
[Adhere to it], turning in repentance to Him, and fear Him and establish prayer and do not be of those
who associate others with Allah
Ar-Rum 30:32
َ۟۟مِ نَ۟۟ٱلَذِينَ۟۟فَ َرقُوا۟۟دِينَ ُه ْ۟م۟ َوكَانُوا۟۟ ِشيَعًا۟۟كُل۟۟حِ ْزب۟۟بِ َما۟لَ َد ْي ِه ْ۟م۟فَ ِر ُحون
[Or] of those who have divided their religion and become sects, every faction rejoicing in what it has.
Hud 11:118
Hud 11:119
َ۟۟اس۟أَجْ َمعِين َ۟ َ ل۟ َمن۟ َرحِ َ۟م۟ َربكَ۟۟ َو ِل َٰذَلِكَ۟۟ َخلَقَ ُه ْ۟م۟ َوت َ َمتْ۟۟ َك ِل َم ۟ةُ۟ َربِكَ۟۟ ََل َ ْم ََل
۟ ِ َن۟ َج َهنَ َ۟م۟مِ نَ۟۟ٱ ْل ِجنَ ِ۟ة۟ َ۟وٱلن َ۟ ِإ
Except whom your Lord has given mercy, and for that He created them. But the word of your Lord is to
be fulfilled that, "I will surely fill Hell with jinn and men all together."