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Gluten Free Vegan Recipes

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Gluten-Free Recipes
Important note.
1. Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the onions until
Not all ready ground spices are gluten-free as they may have
been mixed with flour to stop the spices from clumping. If you translucent, about ten minutes. Add the garlic and
are concerned contact the relevant company to confirm, or sauté for one minute.
grind your own spices. 2. Add carrots, sweet potatoes and water to the pan.
Bring to the boil and simmer for about 30/35 minutes,
until the carrots and sweet potatoes are very soft.
3. Add the bouillon and ¾ of the coriander. Remove
from the heat and blend it to a smooth creamy soup.
Watercress and Potato Soup
4. Put back on the heat, add the nutmeg and salt to
1 oz (30g) vegetable oil taste. Reheat and then serve with some of the
1 onion, chopped remaining fresh coriander as a garnish. Serves 6-8
4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 medium potato, chopped
¾-1 pt (430-570 ml) vegetable stock Spiced Lentil and Coconut Soup
3 oz (85g) watercress
2 tbsp vegetable oil
3 floz (75ml) coconut milk
2 onions, chopped finely
salt and pepper to taste
2-3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tsp ground coriander
1. Heat oil in a large pan and fry the onions & garlic
1 tsp turmeric
until the onions are translucent. Add the potato and
1 tsp ground cumin
cook with the lid on for about 5 mins, stirring
1 tsp ground ginger
occasionally to ensure they don’t stick.
7 oz (200g) red lentils
2. Add stock and bring to boil. Simmer for 10 mins or 1¼pts (750 ml) water
so until potatoes become soft. Add watercress and ½ block creamed coconut
simmer for about 5 mins. Add coconut milk, then blend. salt and pepper to taste
Re-heat gently, but don’t boil. Add salt & pepper to
taste. Serves 3-4 1. Heat the oil and sauté the onions and garlic for a few
2. Stir in the spices and cook for a minute more, then
Carrot & Coriander Soup
add the lentils and water. Bring to the boil, then lower
2 tbsps vegetable oil the heat, cover and cook for 30-40 minutes, until the
3 medium onions, chopped lentils are soft. Add more water if needed.
4 garlic cloves, crushed
3. Chop or grate the coconut and add to the pan. Allow
2 lb 2 oz (1 kg) fresh carrots, chopped
it to dissolve, season and serve. Serves 4-6
2 or 3 sweet potatoes, chopped
2½ pints (1.4 litres) water
Oven Roasted Tomato and Garlic Soup
2 tbsps vegetable bouillon
1 bunch fresh coriander, roughly chopped 2 lb (900g) ripe tomatoes
ground nutmeg and salt 2 onions, peeled, cut into quarters
1 whole head of garlic, cut through base large pinch of salt
salt and pepper large pinch of sugar
2 fl oz (60 ml) vegetable oil ½ tsp cumin
8 oz (225) potato 1 tbsp lemon
1 pint (600 ml) vegetable stock
handful fresh basil, roughly chopped 1. Mix together and leave for at least one hour for the
flavours to mingle.
1. Preheat oven to 180˚C/350˚F/Gas 4. Put the
tomatoes, onions and garlic into a roasting tin, breaking
up the garlic into cloves. Season with salt and pepper Houmous
and drizzle the oil over the top. Stir to coat the
15 oz (425g) can chick peas
vegetables in the oil. Roast for 45 minutes.
2-3 cloves garlic, crushed
2. Cut the potatoes into chunks and boil until tender 2-3 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
(10-15 minutes). Drain off the water. 2 tbsp tahini
2 tbsp olive oil
3. Squeeze the garlic cloves out of their skins into a
1 dssp vegan vegetable bouillon
food processor. Remove skins from the tomatoes and
salt and pepper to taste
add with the onion and vegetable stock to the garlic.
Add the potato and whizz to the required consistency.
1. Drain the chick peas and add them to a blender
4. Transfer to a saucepan and reheat. Season to taste along with the garlic, lemon juice, tahini, olive oil and
and stir in the fresh basil. Serves 6 bouillon. Blend to a smooth cream. Add a little water if
2. Season to taste and serve.


dessert spoon peanut butter
pinch each of pepper, cayenne and garlic powder Coconut Vegetable Rice
drop sesame oil
8 oz (225g) brown rice
drop soya sauce
3 spring onions, chopped
8 oz (225g) green beans, trimmed and sliced
1. Stir all ingredients together. Add water stirring until
½ head cauliflower, broken into large florets
smooth and serve. Serves 1
¾ pint (425ml) hot vegetable stock
2 oz (55g) creamed coconut, grated
1 tablespoon fresh herbs, chopped
Butterbean and Fresh Herb spread
seasoning to taste
2 tbsp vegetable oil 3 medium tomatoes, chopped
1 onion, chopped finely
1 tomato, chopped 1. Soak the rice in hot water for an hour, then drain. Put
1 x 14 oz (400g) tinned butterbeans it into a saucepan with the prepared vegetables and
1 heaped tbsp fresh basil, finely chopped most of the stock.
salt and pepper to taste
2. Dissolve the coconut in the remaining stock and add
it to the rice with the herbs and seasoning. Bring to the
1. Heat the oil in a saucepan and sauté the onion for a
boil then cover the pan, lower the heat, and cook until
few minutes. Add the tomato to the pan. Cook for a
the rice and vegetables are just cooked.
further 2-3 minutes.
3. Check that the mixture doesn't go dry, though if
2. Drain the beans and put them into a bowl. Mash
necessary to add liquid only add the minimum, and
them coarsely and add to the saucepan, stirring well.
when everything is cooked drain off any excess.
Season to taste, cook for a minute or two, then remove
from the heat. 4. Stir in the chopped tomatoes and serve at once.
Serves 4
3. Mix in the fresh herbs then turn into a shallow bowl.
Leave to cool then chill in the fridge. Shallow Fried Onion Bhajis
3 oz (85g) gram flour
1 lb (450g) tomatoes, chopped 1 tablespoon ground coriander
1 green chilli, deseeded and chopped small pinch of methi
1 clove garlic, crushed pinch of cumin seeds
handful of coriander, chopped fine pinch of salt

water to form the batter salt, tomato puree and cook for a further minute or two.
1 large onion, thinly sliced Serves 1
vegetable oil for shallow frying

1. In a bowl mix the gram flour, spices and salt with the Red Cabbage, Apple and Toasted Almond Salad
water to form a smooth, pouring batter.
3 oz (85g) red cabbage, finely shredded
2. Add the onion to the batter and leave to stand for 15
1 medium apple, grated
1 handful of flaked almonds
2. Over a high heat drop half the mixture into a lightly
1 tablespoon olive oil
oiled pan forming a pancake. Cook on both sides until
½ tsp vegan cider vinegar
brown and no liquid surfaces when pressed with a
squeeze of lemon
salt and pepper
3. Repeat with remaining half of the batter. Serves 2
1. Shred the cabbage as finely as possible and grate
the apple.
Bubble and Squeak
2. Toast the flaked almonds in an un-greased pan over
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
a very high heat. Make sure that they do not stick by
2 onions, sliced
stirring them with a wooden spoon.
1 lb (450g) potato, boiled and mashed
12 oz (340g) cabbage pre-cooked (or interchange 3. As soon as they are browned add them to the
some of it for pea/carrots etc.) cabbage and apple, along with the other ingredients.
3 rounded tablespoons rice flour Toss and serve immediately. Serves 2
salt and pepper

1. Fry the onions for a few minutes in a little oil. Add to

the mashed potato along with the cabbage, rice flour MAIN DISHES
and mix. Add salt and pepper to taste and mix well.
2. Shape into cakes and fry in a tiny amount of oil until Ratatouille
brown and crispy on both sides. Serve immediately.
4-5 tbsp vegetable oil
9 oz (250g) onions, chopped
Gravy 1 cloves garlic, crushed
9 oz (250g) green peppers,
1 tbsp vegetable oil 9 oz (250g) red peppers, cut into strips
1 onion, chopped small 5 oz (125g) aubergines, cubed
1 heaped tbsp rice flour 9 oz (250g) courgettes, chopped
¾pt (430ml) water 9 oz (250g) fresh ripe tomatoes, or good quality tinned
1 heaped tbsp yeast extract oregano and salt
dash tamari
1. Stir fry the onions in half the quantity of oil for 5
1. Heat the oil in a saucepan. When hot, add the minutes. Add the garlic, sauté for a minute then add the
onions and fry at a very low heat for about 20 minutes peppers to the pan and gently sauté for a few minutes.
until golden. Add the flour and fry gently for 1 minute.
2. Add the aubergine to the pan, add the rest of oil and
2. Add the water and yeast extract, whisking constantly. sauté for a further 5 minutes. Add the courgettes and
Bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. Simmer until it cook for further 5 min, stirring occasionally.
starts to thicken. Add more water if required.
3. Coarsely chop the tomatoes and add them to the
3. Add a few shakes of tamari and then liquidise. pan. Cook for another 5 min. Add oregano and salt to
taste and serve. Serves 6-8
Variation – mushroom gravy. Add a few sliced Chilli Non Carne
mushrooms halfway through cooking the onions.
115g/4 oz green lentils
Garlic Mushrooms 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 large onion, chopped
1 tbsp vegetable oil 2 carrots, chopped
1 handful of mushrooms, quartered 3 cloves of garlic, crushed
1-2 cloves garlic 1 red pepper, chopped
salt to taste 1 green pepper, chopped
1 heaped tsp tomato puree 100g/3½ oz mushrooms, sliced
1 tin red kidney beans
1. Heat oil in a wok, add mushrooms and cook for a ½ teaspoon chilli powder (or more to taste)
few minutes. Add garlic, cook for a minute. Add the 2 tsps cumin powder
1 tin chopped tomatoes 1 dssp vegetable bouillon
2 tablespoons tomato puree 2 dssp engevita
1 small tin of sweetcorn tomato sauce
1 tsp yeast extract 1 dssp vegetable oil
salt and pepper 1 clove garlic, crushed
1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes
1. Boil the lentils separately for 10 minutes and drain. 1 tbsp tomato puree
2. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the onions,
6 oz (170g) mushrooms, sliced thinly
carrots and garlic for a few minutes. Add the peppers
3½ oz (100g) thinly sliced vegan cheese
and mushrooms to the pan.
black pepper
3. Add the remaining ingredients except the yeast sage and thyme
extract, and enough water to cover. Simmer for about
30 minutes on a low heat, stirring occasionally. Add 1. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/gas 7. Oil a big tray
water if necessary. and place thinly sliced aubergine on it. Brown lightly in
the oven. Parboil the potatoes for five minutes, thinly
4. Add yeast extract, salt and pepper to taste. Serves slice, then brown lightly in the oven.
2. Make the white sauce: put the vegetable oil, flour,
soya milk and bouillon into a saucepan and whisk
Vegetable Pilau continuously over a gentle heat for about 5 minutes
until thick and smooth. Stir in the engevita. Set aside.
1 cup basmati rice
2 tbsp vegetable oil 3. Make the tomato sauce: Heat the oil and gently cook
1 large onion, thinly sliced the garlic for 1 minute. Add the tinned tomatoes and
1½ cups good, salted stock tomato puree and simmer gently for 10 minutes.
1 tablespoon ground turmeric
4. Take a new tray and layer as follows:
2 green cardamom pods
white sauce, tomato sauce, aubergine, mushroom,
1 small cassia stick
sliced vegan cheese and black pepper, tomato sauce,
1 small carrot, thinly sliced
aubergine, potato, white sauce, fnally sprinkle sage
4 button mushrooms, thinly sliced
and thyme on top.
1 handful shelled peas
1 handful cashew nuts 6. Heat through for ½ an hour at 190˚C/375˚F/Gas 5.
juice of half a lemon Serves 3-4.

1. Thoroughly rinse the rice and leave in a sieve to

Important note. Check that the vegan cheese you are
drain for half an hour.
using is gluten-free. As we go to print [Sept 2006]
2. Meanwhile, over medium to high heat sauté the Cheezly is gluten-free, except White Cheddar with
onion with the oil in a sturdy pot with a tight fitting lid. bacon-style pieces. All varieties of Scheese are gluten-
When brown add the rice and stir gently until all the free.
grains are glistening with a thin coating of oil.
3. Then add all the remaining ingredients. Bring to the
boil, place a tea cloth between the sauce pan rim and
lid to ensure no steam whatsoever escapes, check the
lid is firmly on, and turn down to the lowest possible
Creamy Cauliflower Cheeze
4 tbsps vegetable oil
4. Leave to cook over this low heat for 25 minutes, turn
1 large leek, washed and sliced
off heat and then allow to stand for 5 minutes. Remove
½ tsp cumin
the tea towel and lid.
1½ oz (45g) brown rice flour
5. If the rice is still slightly sticky leave to stand with the 14 fl oz (400 ml) soya milk
lid off for a further 5 minutes. Serves 2 14 fl oz (400 ml) water
½ tsp mustard
1 heaped tsp marmite
Moussaka ½ block of vegan cheese, grated
1½ oz (40g) engevita yeast flakes
2 small-med aubergines salt and pepper
8 oz (225g) potato 1 large cauliflower
white sauce
1 dssp vegetable oil 1. Fry the leeks gently in the oil until just cooked (10-20
1 heaped dssp gf flour minutes).
¾ pint (430 mls) soya milk
2. Add the ground cumin and flour. Cook for about 1 2. Add the carrots and white cabbage. Cook for 10
minute stirring continuously. minutes stirring occasionally, then add the sweet potato
and mushrooms. Cook for a further 5 minutes.
3. Take off the heat and add the soya milk and water.
Add a bit at a time, stirring in completely each time. Put 3. Add the creamed coconut, peanut butter, coconut
back on a medium heat and gently bring to the boil. If milk, chilli powder, tamari and lemon juice. Add enough
there are any lumps whisk the sauce to get rid of them. boiling water to cover.
4. Add the mustard, marmite, vegan cheese and yeast 4. Cover and cook on a low heat, stirring occasionally
flakes and bring slowly to the boil. Simmer very gently until the veg is tender and the coconut and peanut
for a few minutes until the vegan cheese has melted. butter have dissolved. Add more water if necessary.
Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve immediately with rice. Serves 4
5. Meanwhile steam or boil the cauliflower and serve
with the sauce on top. Serves 4
Vegetable and Mixed Bean Goulash
Important note. Check that the vegan cheese you are
2 tbsp rapeseed oil or other vegetable oil
using is gluten-free. As we go to print [Sept 2006]
1 large onion, sliced
Cheezly is gluten-free, except White Cheddar with
pinch cayenne pepper
bacon-style pieces. All varieties of Scheese are gluten-
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 sticks celery, chopped
1 red capsicum pepper, chopped
1 tin mixed beans
Smoky Tofu, Aubergine and Red Pepper in Tomato
1 tablespoon paprika
1 pack soya cream
1 tbsp vegetable oil 3 tablespoons tamari soya sauce
1 small garlic clove, crushed 1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 small onion, chopped ½ pint (280 floz) water
7 oz (200g) smoked tofu, diced
9 fl oz (250ml) apple juice 1. In a heavy saucepan pan fry the onion in the oil until
4 tsp tomato puree soft. Add the cayenne pepper and garlic, fry for another
3 tsp marjoram two minutes. Add all the other ingredients and cook for
1 large aubergine, chopped a further thirty minutes.
1 large red pepper, chopped
2. Serve with jacket potatoes or alternatively on a bed
of millet, quinoa or whole grain rice. Serves 2
1. Heat the oil in a pan and add the garlic and onion.
Sauté for 2-3 minutes.
2. Add the tofu (cubed) to the pan and sauté for a
further 2-3 minutes.
3. Add the juice, puree, marjoram, aubergine and red
pepper. Bring to the boil, then lower heat and simmer,
for about 15 mins or until the aubergine and pepper are Vegetable Nut Loaf
cooked. Add more liquid if needed. Serves 4
Sweet Potato Satay 1 tsp vegetable oil
½ small leek, finely chopped
2 tbsp vegetable oil 6 oz (170g) nuts, coarsely chopped
1 large onion chopped 4 oz (115g) cooked brown rice, drained (slightly
1 clove of garlic, crushed overcook)
1 oz (30g) ginger, skinned and finely chopped 1 carrot, coarsely grated
2 carrots, sliced 2 oz (55g) mushrooms, cleaned and chopped
¼ white cabbage, shredded 2-3 tablespoons dark tahini
2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks 1 tsp marmite
2 oz (55g) mushrooms, sliced seasoning to taste
1 block of creamed coconut, cut into small chunks drop of vegetable stock or water
2 heaped tbsps of peanut butter seasoning to taste
¼ can coconut milk
¼ tsp chilli powder 1. Fry the leek off in the vegetable oil. Add the nuts,
1 tbsp tamari soya sauce brown rice, carrot, mushrooms, tahini and marmite and
juice of 1 lemon mix well. The mixture should be thick and moist - if
necessary, add a drop of stock or water.
1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Fry the onions for a
few minutes then add the garlic and ginger.

2. Season generously and spoon into a greased Milk Shake
shallow tin, smooth the top. Bake at 190°C/375°F/Gas
Banana Place one banana and ¼ carton (4½ fl oz/125
5 for about 30 minutes. Serve immediately. Serves 4
ml) of soya dessert in a jug and make up to ¾ pint (430
ml) with soya milk. Whizz with a blender and serve.

Chocolate Place ¼ carton (4½ fl oz/125 ml) of

SWEET DISHES chocolate soya dessert, ½ cap of vanilla essence, 2
scoops of vegan chocolate ice-cream and 1-2 tsp of
Chocolate Health Fudge hot chocolate powder into a jug. Make up to ¾ pint
6 tbsps maple syrup (430 ml) with soya milk, whizz with a blender and
4-5 tbsps peanut butter serve.
2 oz (55g) sesame seeds
2 oz (55g) sunflower seeds Coconut Place ¼ carton (4½ fl oz/125 ml) of vanilla
1 oz (55g) cocoa powder (or 2 oz carob) soya dessert, ½ cap of vanilla essence and 2 scoops of
1 oz (30g) dessicated coconut vegan vanilla ice-cream into a jug. Make up to ¾ pint
1 oz (30g) sultanas (430 ml) with coconut milk, whizz with a blender and
1. Combine the maple syrup and peanut butter in a
saucepan, and heat gently, stirring continually with a
wooden spoon. Remove from the heat and immediately
add all the remaining ingredients, except sultanas,
mixing well.
2. Grease a small tin and press the mixture into it,
smoothing the top. Sprinkle with sultanas and press
them into the fudge. Refrigerate until firm, then serve.

Banana Ice Cream

6 bananas
1 floz (25 ml) lemon juice
18 floz (2 x 250 ml) soya custard
9 floz (250 ml) soya milk

1. Slice bananas and put into container with lemon

juice. Freeze for four hours or overnight.
2. Blend the custard and milk with the frozen fruit in a
food processor. Return to container and freeze until
needed. Take out of the freezer 20 minutes before
Nesta’s Lemon Curd
juice and grated rind of 1 lemon – 3 tbsps
1½ tsp cornflour
3 oz (85g) white caster sugar
2½ oz (70g) soya margarine

1. Dissolve cornflour in a little juice.

2. Put rest of ingredients into a saucepan and heat until
sugar has dissolved. Gradually add this mixture to the
cornflour mix, stirring well.
3. Return all to the pan and boil until mixture coats the
back of a spoon – not more than 1 minute. Put into a
warmed jar and cover with greaseproof paper until
4. Replace greaseproof with lid and store in fridge.
Keeps well for over 3 weeks in fridge.

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