Bond Market in Bangladesh
Bond Market in Bangladesh
Bond Market in Bangladesh
Lessons in Structuring
Derivatives Exchanges
Public Disclosure Authorized
The global deregulation of financial markets has created new investment opportunities,
which in turn require the development of new instruments to deed with the increased
risks. Institutional investors who are actively engaged in industrial and emerging markets
need to hedge their risks from these cross-border transactions. Agents in liberalized market
economies who are exposed to volatile commodity price and interest rate changes require
appropriate hedging products to deal with them. And the economic expansion in emerg-
ing economies demands that corporations find better ways to manage financial and com-
modity risks. The instruments that allow market participants to manage risk are known
as derivatives because they represent contracts whose payoff at expiration is determined by
Public Disclosure Authorized
the price of the underlying asset—a currency, an interest rate, a commodity, or a stock.
Derivatives are traded in organized exchanges or over the counter by derivatives dealers.
Since the mid-1980s the number of derivatives exchanges operating in both industrial
and emerging-market economies has increased substantially. What benefits do these ex-
changes provide to investors and to the home country? Are they a good idea? Emerging
markets can capture important benefits, including the ability to transfer risks, enhance
public information, and lower transaction costs, but the success of a derivatives exchange
depends on the soundness of the foundations on which it is built, the structure that is
adopted, and the products that are traded
Since the mid-1970s interest and exchange rates and prices of primary commodities
Public Disclosure Authorized
have fluctuated widely. Major exchange rates—both nominal and real—have varied
since the move to the floating-rate system in 1973. Commodity prices have been
even more volatile, with large shirts in supply and demand for individual commodi-
ties. Unanticipated changes in exchange rates, interest rates, and commodity prices
introduce risks that cannot be ignored.
Financial price risk has important implications for both the private and public
sectors. Price fluctuations not only affect business profits but can also affect a firm's
The World Bank Research Observer, voL 15, no. 1 (February 2000), pp. 85-98.
© 2000 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / THE WORLD BANK 85
survival (Smith, Smithson, and Wilford 1990). Changes in exchange rates intensify
competition from other countries. Commodity price fluctuations result in changes
in input prices and costs. Similarly, changes in interest rates can lead to financial
distress as borrowing costs increase. Governments are also affected by volatile mar-
kets, particularly in developing countries, where commodities exports account for a
large share of total exports, affecting tax revenues. Moreover, a significant part of the
external debt of developing countries carries variable interest rates and often is de-
nominated in currencies diat do not match the currency composition of their exports.
During the 1980s and 1990s financial markets responded to price volatility by
introducing a vast range of instruments for managing price risks.1 These instruments,
which are called derivatives, represent contracts whose payoff at expiration is deter-
mined by the price of the underlying asset (a specific currency, interest rate, com-
modity, stock price, or stock price index). Examples of derivatives include forward,
futures, and option contracts, and swaps (see the definitions in the appendix). De-
rivatives are traded both in organized exchanges and over the counter (OTC) by de-
rivatives dealers. Approximately 75 derivatives exchanges are in operation world-
wide, most of them in industrial countries, although a growing number of emerging
economies plan to establish their own derivatives exchanges. The enormous levels of
global trading for both exchange-traded and over-the-counter products (Abken 1994;
Becketti 1993; Remolona 1992; Stout 1996) have attracted the attention of aca-
demic literature and the popular press, but relatively little has been published about
the internal organization and structure of derivatives exchanges.
A derivatives exchange can be defined as a trading forum or a system that links a
central marketplace (such as a trading floor or an electronic trading system), where
all those with buying and selling interests in a product designed to permit the shift-
ing of risk can meet, with a mechanism (such as a clearinghouse) for intermediating,
validating, and enhancing the credit of anonymous counterparts. Elements of ex-
change design accordingly need to address issues related to the facilitation of trades
and the reduction of credit risk in transactions among market participants.
The primary function of a derivatives exchange is to facilitate the transfer of risk
among economic agents by offering mechanisms for liquidity and price discovery. Li-
quidity refers to the ability to buy and sell large volumes of derivatives contracts in a
relatively short period of time without affecting prices. If risks are to be transferred
efficiendy, there must be a large number of agents ready to buy or sell. In other words,
there must be agents who desire to reduce risk (that is, to obtain price insurance) and
agents who want to accept risk (that is, to provide price insurance). The exchange
brings together a large number of participants, making quick transactions at high vol-
umes feasible. Price discovery refers to the establishment of a price for an asset. The
exchange collects and provides immediate information regarding the price of an asset
as traders continuously offer to buy or sell. Participants outside the exchange can easily
obtain this information and find what the price for the asset is at any moment.
8» The World Bank Research Observer, voL 15, no. 1 (February 2000)
and speculators, a legal structure that includes a system of property rights and en-
forceable contracts, well-functioning credit institutions, the support of the govern-
ment and policymakers, adequate financial resources (particularly for the clearing-
house), and the absence of competing derivatives products and exchanges (Leuthold
9O The World Bonk Research Observer, voL 15. no. 1 (February 2000)
Results from an International Survey
This examination of derivatives exchanges is based on data from a survey that was
distributed to 75 derivatives exchanges in 29 countries—almost all the exchanges
that were in operation in 1996. Forty-two majot exchanges in industrial and emerg-
ing markets answered the survey. Detailed results can be found in Tsetsekos and
Varangis (1998), particularly in tables 1 through 11. Our analysis relied on the stage
of development of the country's capital market to separate the respondents into
emerging-market and industrial-country derivatives exchanges based on the Interna-
tional Finance Corporation's Emerging Stock Market Factbook (1988—95). Under
this classification, 8 of the 42 respondents are considered to be emerging derivatives
9* The World Bank Research Okerver, voL 15, no. I (Febnury 2000)
The survey shows that agricultural derivatives products were the first to be delisted
by an exchange, followed by index products. The data do not cover exchange-traded
products that are inactive (that is, still listed but not traded, or traded but illiquid).
Exchange Structure
Most exchanges use an open outcry system, but electronic trading systems are in-
creasingly used. Twelve exchanges (of the 39 reporting) rely exclusively on electronic
trading, and 8 others employ some form of electronic trading system. Recendy es-
tablished exchanges are more likely to use electronic-based systems for trading, an-
ticipating lower trading costs, which will be more attractive to businesses and inves-
tors. An exchange using an electronic system could also draw business from traders
around the world, significandy expanding the potential market. And advocates of
electronic trading say that it could be safer. For example, at the Beijing Commodity
Exchange each trade is checked for adequate margins before the computer accepts it.
And the BM&F in Sao Paulo performs back-office trade clearing and processing, a
task performed by member firms in most developed markets.
CLEARING ARRANGEMENTS. Most of die exchanges in die survey require initial mar-
gin deposits and margin calls (variation margins), with the exchange guaranteeing
die contracts through its own clearinghouse. There is some uniformity in margin
requirements across the exchanges surveyed, and most require initial and variation
margins with daily setdements. There are, however, disparities in the ways that mar-
gin deposits are collected (whether gross or net) and in the collateral the clearing-
house accepts—cash, securities, or letters of credit. Two-thirds of the exchanges sur-
veyed own their own in-house clearing facilities; the remaining third cited ownership
by banks, other financial institutions, or other exchanges.
In recent years exchanges h£ve begun to explore a system of common clearing to
improve efficiency. In 1997 discussions picked up with an initiative by the Futures
Industry Association to develop a proposal that meets the needs of all parties in-
volved. In Canada the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange is negotiating with the Ca-
nadian Derivatives Clearing Corp. (CDCC) to enter into a clearing services agree-
ment. CDCC clears for the Toronto and Montreal exchanges.
94 The World Bank Research Observer, voL 15. no. 1 (February 2000)
Recent experience indicates that derivative instruments on agricultural products
are more difficult to introduce because liberalization of agricultural markets tends to
lag behind financial markets. Furthermore, financial markets tend to create much
more liquidity than agricultural markets. For instance, in 1996 the Budapest Com-
modity Exchange increased its liquidity by 400 percent when it introduced financial
contracts (mainly currency) to its product line. And because of the globalization of
commodity markets, the potential for using existing contracts in established exchanges
reduces the need to develop local agricultural contracts. As a general rule, emerging-
market economies that have relatively successful commodity exchanges have sizable
local commodity markets (for example, Argentina, Brazil, China, and Malaysia).
Second, appropriate regulations and a conducive legal environment are crucial for
the development of derivatives exchanges. The literature attributes problems in the
legal-regulatory infrastructure as major impediments in the drive to develop deriva-
tives exchanges in emerging markets. The most important of these problems are:
• Antagonism between market sectors (banking, derivatives, and securities) over
which entity should regulate and supervise the exchange—and under what rules
• A lack of confidence as a result of scandals, corruption, and market failures
• Uncertainty about the equitable application of laws and regulations, the en-
forceability of obligations, and the lack of market-oriented insolvency laws.
Third, partnerships and joint ventures between new and existing exchanges can be
mutually beneficial. The CBOT is considering such ventures with exchanges in Ar-
gentina, Poland, and Turkey. Established exchanges can offer technology and know-
how, and their members in turn can gain access to a potentially high-growth market.
In fact, rather than setting up their own derivatives exchanges, several emerging econo-
mies could do better by using other well-established exchanges and listing their prod-
ucts with them. Regional exchanges.such as the Stockholm-based Options Market
offer another way to improve market liquidity, but they may be harder to develop
and coordinate.
Fourth, policymakers in emerging economies should look at whether access pro-
vided to market participants in their countries allows them to trade in derivatives
exchanges abroad. Even where there are local exchanges, removing the barriers to
overseas trading could increase the liquidity of the local exchange by providing op-
portunities for arbitrage between local and foreign exchanges.
Fifth, electronic trading appears to be the choice among new exchanges. 1 ower
transaction costs for users are often cited as the key benefit of electronic trading.
To some extent, derivatives markets complement developments in the stock mar-
kets. By the end of 1996, more than 78 developing countries had stock markets;
during the 1990s their capitalization increased more than 10 times, and the number
of domestic companies listed more than doubled. Derivatives exchanges have played
a major role in these developments. They have contributed to more balanced alloca-
Futures Contracts
A futures contract is similar to a forward contract: the buyer (seller) of a futures
contract agrees to purchase (sell) a specified amount of an asset at a specified price on
a specified date. But futures contracts differ significandy from forward contracts in
several ways. First, contract terms (amounts, grades, delivery dates, and so forth) are
generally standardized. Second, transactions are handled only by organized exchanges
through a clearinghouse system. Third, profits and losses in trades are settled daily
(marked to market). Fourth, futures contracts require depositing a certain amount
of margin money in the exchange as collateral. Fifth, while forward contracts involve
delivery (exchange) at maturity, futures contracts are usually closed before that. Thus,
futures contracts separate the purchase and sale of assets from hedging. Through
these arrangements, futures contracts significantly reduce the credit and default risk
entailed in forward transactions. Contract standardization also improves liquidity
(that is, the contract volumes traded).
Options Contracts
An option on a futures contract is the right—but not the obligation—to purchase or
sell a specified quantity of the underlying futures contract at a predetermined (strike)
price on or before a given date. Exchange-traded options, like futures contracts, are
standardized. There are also over-the-counter options offered by banks and brokers,
which can be customized. The purchase of an option is equivalent to price insurance;
therefore, there is a price to be paid (just like an insurance premium). Some impor-
tant definitions regarding options are:
96 The WorU Bonk Research Observer, voL 15, no. 1 (February 2000)
Call. A call option gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy the
underlying futures contract at a predetermined price during a given period of time.
Call options are usually purchased as insurance against price increases.
Put. A put option gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell the
underlying futures contract at a predetermined price during a given period of time.
Put options are usually purchased as insurance against price declines.
Strike or exercise price. The price at which the futures contract underlying an op-
tion can be purchased (if a call) or sold (if a put).
Premium. The price paid for the options contract.
Exercise. To exercise a call (or put) is to buy (or sell) the underlying futures con-
tract at the strike price.
Time to expiration. An option is good only for the length of time specified in the
contract. The last day that an option can be exercised is called the expiration date.
Swap Contracts
A swap contract is an agreement to exchange, or swap, a floating price or rate
for a fixed price or rate (or vice versa) for an asset at specific time intervals. A swap is like
a series of forward contracts lined up on a schedule, but it does not involve physical
exchange of assets. Swaps solve problems relating to the need for longer-term price
fixation, but they tend to be credit-intensive and carry the risk of nonperformance.
George Tsetsekos is vice-provost and professor of finance at Drexel University, and Panos Varangis is
an economist with die Development Research Group of the World Bank. Earlier versions of the
paper were presented at the Annual Meetings of the Multinational Finance Society, June 25-28,
1997, and at the Annual Meetings of the Financial Management Association, Honolulu, Hawaii,
October 15-18, 1997. The paper is based on a World Bank-sponsored research project (RPO 680-
45) entided "Market Architecture and Design of Derivatives Exchanges." The authors acknowledge
the assistance of Tom Scott, Stan B. Gyoshev, and Yiannis N. Koulouriotis in completing this re-
search. They would also like to thank Richard DeFusco and P. C. Kumar for their valuable comments
on earlier drafts of the paper.
1. According to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), at die end of 1996 the notional
principal outstanding of financial derivatives approached $35 trillion, of which approximately $10
trillion was in exchange-traded instruments; the rest was traded over the counter.
Abken, Peter A. 1994. "Over-the-Counter Financial Derivatives: Risky Business?" Economic Review
79(2): 1-22. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
Tsetsekos, George, and Panos Varangis. 1998. "The Structure of Derivatives Exchanges: Lessons
from Developed and Emerging Markets." Policy Research Working Paper No. 1887. World Bank,
Development Economics Department, Washington, D.C.
van der Bijl, R. 1997. "Exchange-Traded Derivatives in Emerging Markets: An Overview." Presenta-
tion at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission International Regulatory Training Semi-
nar, Chicago, 111., October 20. Processed.
•8 The World Bank Research Observer, voL 15, no. 1 (February 2000)