Simplified Concrete Resistivity and Rapid Chloride Permeability Test Method
Simplified Concrete Resistivity and Rapid Chloride Permeability Test Method
Simplified Concrete Resistivity and Rapid Chloride Permeability Test Method
A simplified method of measuring concrete resistivity, as an index It is well known that ASTM C1202 may give a false estimate
of permeability, has been developed that is similar to ASTM C1202 of the concrete chloride diffusion when some supplementary
or the rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT). It is significantly cementing materials are used, especially silica fume,6,7
faster and easier to perform, however. In this test, cylinders 100 x when some chemical admixtures such as calcium nitrite are
200 mm (4 x 8 in.) were cured in 100% relative humidity and tested used or when steel fibers or reinforcing steel bars are
using the same solutions, test cells, and rubber gaskets as specified
present.2 Some supplementary cementing materials (SCMs)
in ASTM C1202. To eliminate the problem of the temperature rise
of the sample during the test, only one current reading was taken
and chemical admixtures change the pore solution hydroxyl
(after 5 minutes) that could be used to calculate the concrete or other ionic species concentration. This can change the
resistivity. Testing was conducted on various different concrete electrical conductivity of the concrete without necessarily
mixtures after 91 days of moist curing using both the new quicker changing the tortuosity of the pore structure.5 Because of
method and the standard ASTM C1202 method. An empirical their high electrical conductivity, steel fibers or reinforcing
correlation between the new method and the standard method bars cause very low resistance values in ASTM C1202, even
demonstrates the validity and promise of the new method. though they do not fundamentally change the concrete pore
structure (ASTM C1202 2005).
Keywords: concrete permeability; rapid chloride permeability test; resistivity. In spite of its flaws, ASTM C1202 or any other electrical
resistivity-based test may still be useful for quality control to
INTRODUCTION detect radical changes in the water-cementitious material
First developed by Whiting,1 ASTM C1202, or the rapid ratio (w/cm) or material properties. It is also useful to know
the concrete electrical resistivity for modeling the galvanic
chloride permeability test (RCPT),2 has become a common
cell that is formed after corrosion has initiated.2,8
test to assess concrete’s ability to resist chloride intrusion.
Previous research has suggested that the current RCPT
The test method is commonly used because it is relatively
may be greatly simplified. Scali et al.9 first suggested that the
quick (approximately 24 hours for sample preparation plus
permeability test could be simplified into just a resistivity
an additional 6 hours for testing) and inexpensive as opposed
test; conversion factors are used to achieve the same results
to the alternative AASHTO T 259 salt ponding test, which as ASTM C1202. In other studies, good correlations were
takes at least 119 days to perform after concrete curing.3 shown between the initial current readings, or conductance,
ASTM C1202 measures the electrical conductivity of a and the total charge passed for a limited number of concrete
50 mm (2 in.) thick concrete disk over a 6-hour time period. samples. These tests were conducted on a limited variety
The current readings taken are then integrated over the 6-hour of blended cements and chemical admixtures.6,7,10,11
period to obtain the final charge passed.2 Because it is the Several other methods have been developed for measuring
electrical conductivity (or resistance) that is measured, the the chloride permeability of concrete. Electrical methods
test is really a long-duration resistivity test. It is assumed that include the electrical migration technique, the rapid migration
the resistivity is directly related to the tortuosity of the pore test, concrete resistivity,8 and alternating current (AC)
network or concrete permeability, although the relation is impedance techniques.5,10 The electrical migration technique
not perfect.4 is similar to ASTM C1202, but the chloride ion concentration
One problem with ASTM C1202 is that the current tends is measured in the anode solution instead of simply
to increase during the test, especially with low quality/high- measuring the total charge passed through the concrete
permeability concrete, because the specimens heat up, thus during a 6-hour period of time. In the rapid migration tests,
increasing the conductivity. Furthermore, chloride ions may an electrical charge is applied to the sample, after which the
migrate in while hydroxyl ions migrate out, changing the sample is split and the depth of chloride penetration is
concrete conductivity.5,6 Another problem with ASTM determined using chemical indicators. Concrete resistivity
C1202 is the amount of sample preparation needed. Sample tests are simple measures of the concrete’s electrical resistance
cutting, vacuum saturation, and testing take at least 24 hours per unit cross section and length.8 AC impedance
to complete. Additionally, sample cutting can introduce a measurements are similar to resistivity measurements,
significant amount of variation in the test method. Two except that an alternating current is used instead of a direct
samples both cut according to ASTM C1202 could have a current (DC). Pressure and temperature have also been used
difference in length between the two of 6 mm (1/4 in.) or
over 12%. The samples may also not be reused because of ACI Materials Journal, V. 105, No. 4, July-August 2008.
concerns over leaching in a moist environment and the MS No. M-2007-242.R1 received June 28, 2007, and reviewed under Institute
publication policies. Copyright © 2008, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved,
exposure to chlorides during the test, which may change the including the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
Pertinent discussion including authors’ closure, if any, will be published in the May-June
pore solution conductivity. 2009 ACI Materials Journal if the discussion is received by February 1, 2009.
The three concrete mixtures tested at different temperatures
using the simplified method decreased in resistivity with
Fig. 4—Comparison of ASTM C1202 test to simplified Fig. 6—Concrete resistivity versus concrete temperature at
RCPT method assuming constant current. (Note: 1 mm = testing using simplified RCPT method. (Note: 1 °C = 1 °F;
0.0394 in.) 1 KΩ-cm = 0.394 KΩ-in.)