Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600: Product Guide
Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600: Product Guide
Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600: Product Guide
Product Guide
Protection and Control IED Manager 1MRS756448 L
Product version: 2.7
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Protection and Control IED Manager 1MRS756448 L
Product version: 2.7 Issued: 2015-11-20
Revision: L
1. Description New IEDs can also be created by use of IED templates. This
The Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600 tool provides enables the reuse of existing IED configurations. IEDs, bays,
versatile functionalities for the entire life-cycle of all Relion ® voltage levels or a whole substation can be copied and pasted
protection and control IED applications, at all voltage levels. in the plant structure. Selection of a specific IED in the project
This easy-to-handle tool helps the user to manage your explorer gives access to the IED’s tools. The function of
protection and control equipment all the way from application importing and exporting descriptions of IEC 61850 substation
and communication configuration to disturbance handling, configurations, configured devices and device functionality
including automatic disturbance reporting. allows information to be shared with other engineering and
system integration tools. By using the filtering feature of the
Designed to communicate, PCM600 interacts with IEDs over project explorer the user can filter information of other tools
the fast and reliable TCP/IP via corporate LAN or WAN, or according to the selection made.
alternatively directly through the communication port at the
front of the IED. PCM600 tool is able to read and write all
configuration and setting data of an IED with a single 3. Parameter setting
command. The parameter setting of PCM600 enables viewing and setting
IED parameters offline (stored in the tool) and online (stored in
The user interface, workflow and the IEC 61850-based data both the tool and the IED). The parameters can be read from the
model in PCM600 are designed according to the same IED to PCM600 or written from PCM600 to the IED while the IED
philosophy as the Relion® protection and control IEDs, ensuring is in service. In addition, the parameters can be exported and
smooth and seamless integration between the tool and the imported for test sets in the XRIO format (for example, Omicron
IEDs. Test Universe) or in the CSV format to be easily read and
PCM600 also secures the projects and data created with earlier
versions of the PCM600 tool, which enables full backwards The parameter setting function can be used in two different
compatibility. modes. The normal mode allows a quick viewing and changing
of the most commonly used parameters, whereas the
advanced mode unveils all parameters that can be set.
GUID-BC9474F6-E579-4326-99E8-433B8A3FEB99 V3 EN
The project explorer can be used to navigate to the used IEDs Figure 2. Parameter setting view
within a project / substation and furthermore within an IED to
navigate to the different functionality of an IED. The user is able
to create a plant structure with a substation, voltage levels, The graphical representation of the distance protection function
bays and IEDs. supports in the visual verification of the parameter setting of the
distance protection function.
Protection and Control IED Manager 1MRS756448 L
Product version: 2.7
GUID-F80A10F3-CA4E-4F35-AA32-D01E531CD3DC V1 EN
5. Signal matrix
The graphical signal matrix of PCM600 allows connecting
efficiently CTs, VTs, binary input and output signals to the
configuration. The configuration can also be changed from
here. The tool can also be used for connecting the LEDs on the
IED as well as for connection of the GOOSE signals between the
Protection and Control IED Manager 1MRS756448 L
Product version: 2.7
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By means of the task scheduler of PCM600, the records can be
set to be automatically read from the IED. The task scheduler is
Figure 7. Graphical display editor, configuring the display of an IED
an independent process and does not require PCM600 to be
activated. After receiving the file, PCM600 automatically
creates a disturbance report, which can immediately be
forwarded to subscribers by e-mail. Such a notification
7. Hardware configuration shortens the time from disturbance detection to corrective
The hardware configuration can be used to get a quick overview action.
of an IED and to add or change hardware modules. It is possible
to view the front and back of the IED including card information
Protection and Control IED Manager 1MRS756448 L
Product version: 2.7
1) Engineering mode of IEC 61850 configuration tool of PCM600 is recommended for simple applications. Advanced applications require an IEC 61850 system tool like IET600 and view mode.
2) View mode of IEC 61850 configuration tool of PCM600 for the transparancy of IEC 61850 configuration made by an external IEC 61850 system tool like IET600.
Protection and Control IED Manager 1MRS756448 L
Product version: 2.7
Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit) -
Table 4. Communication
Protection and Control IED Manager 1MRS756448 L
Product version: 2.7
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