MUSIC-7-1Q - Week 1
MUSIC-7-1Q - Week 1
MUSIC-7-1Q - Week 1
I. OBJECTIVES Monday 6/03/2019 Tuesday 6/04/2019 Wednesday 6/05/2019 Thursday 6/06/2019 Friday 6/07/2019
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristics of representative music from the lowlands of Luzon.
B. Performance Standards Performs music of the lowlands with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression and style.
C. Learning Orientation Identifies the musical Analyzes the musical Sings folksongs
Competencies/Objectives characteristics of elements of some from the lowlands
representative music Lowland vocal and of Luzon
selections from the lowlands instrumental music (MU7LU-Ia-h-7)
of Luzon after listening selections
(MU7LU-Ia-1) (MU7LU-Ia-2)
A. References
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources Portal
B. Other Learning Resources DVD/CD Recordings/Downloaded Video Clips/Pictures
A. Reviewing previous lesson Let the learners watch a video clip of Luzon’s music, then let them write their observation
or presenting the new
B. Purpose of the Lesson Let the learner appreciate the Music of Luzon
C. Presenting
examples/instances of the
new lesson. More sample on music from Luzon
G. Finding practical Allow the learners to relate the role of music from Luzon to a person’s life.
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living.
H. Making generalizations Let the learners formulate generalizations.
and abstractions about
the lesson.
I. Evaluate learning Graded performances/Customized Rubric System
II. OBJECTIVES Monday 6/12/2017 Tuesday 6/13/2017 Wednesday 6/14/2017 Thursday 6/15/2017 Friday 6/16/2017
K. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of musical elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
L. Performance Standards Performs examples of Southeast Asian music, alone and with others, in appropriate tone, pitch, rhythm, expression and style.
M. Learning INDEPENDENCE DAY 1. Analyze examples of 11. Explain the distinguishing 1. Explain the Explain the
Competencies/Objectives Myanmar music and characteristics of Malaysian distinguishing distinguishing
describes how the musical music characteristics of Thai characteristics of
elements are used music Lao music
2. Perform using the music of 2 Enumerate the 2. Compare the
different kinds of two types of Lao
instruments in their orchestra
C. References
5. Teacher’s Guide
6. Learner’s Materials 22-35
7. Textbook pages
8. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources Portal
D. Other Learning Resources DVD/CD Recordings/Downloaded Video Clips/Pictures
D. Reviewing previous lesson Let the learners watch a video clip of Cambodia and Indonesia, then let them write their
or presenting the new observation
E. Purpose of the Lesson Let the learner appreciate the Southeast Asian Music
Q. Finding practical Allow the learners to relate the role of Southeast Asian music to a person’s life.
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living.
R. Making generalizations Let the learners formulate generalizations.
and abstractions about
the lesson.
S. Evaluate learning Graded performances/Customized Rubric System
D. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
E. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
F. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
DAILY LESSON LOG School: Sto. Niño National High School Grade Level: 8
U. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of musical elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
V. Performance Standards Performs examples of Southeast Asian music, alone and with others, in appropriate tone, pitch, rhythm, expression and style.
W. Learning LOCAL HOLIDAY 1. Analyze examples of 11. Explain the distinguishing 1. Explain the Explain the
Competencies/Objectives Myanmar music and characteristics of Malaysian distinguishing distinguishing
(ARAW NG SURSUR) describes how the musical music characteristics of Thai characteristics of
elements are used music Lao music
2. Perform using the music of 2 Enumerate the 2. Compare the
different kinds of two types of Lao
instruments in their orchestra
E. References
9. Teacher’s Guide
10. Learner’s Materials 22-35
11. Textbook pages
G. Reviewing previous lesson Let the learners watch a video clip of Cambodia and Indonesia, then let them write their
or presenting the new observation
H. Purpose of the Lesson Let the learner appreciate the Southeast Asian Music
AA. Finding practical Allow the learners to relate the role of Southeast Asian music to a person’s life.
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living.
BB. Making generalizations Let the learners formulate generalizations.
and abstractions about
the lesson.
CC. Evaluate learning Graded performances/Customized Rubric System
DAILY LESSON LOG School: Sto. Niño National High School Grade Level: 8
IV. OBJECTIVES Monday 6/26/2017 Tuesday 6/27/2016 Wednesday 6/28/2016 Thursday 6/29/2016 Friday
EE. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of musical elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
FF. Performance Standards Performs examples of Southeast Asian music, alone and with others, in appropriate tone, pitch, rhythm, expression and style.
GG. Learning 1. Explain the 1. Explain the distinguishing 1. Discuss the categories of
Competencies/Objectives distinguishing characteristics of Lao music Vietnam music
characteristics of Thai
2. Compare the two types
Holiday : Eid’l Fitr of Lao orchestra
2 Enumerate the different
kinds of instruments in
their orchestra
G. References
J. Reviewing previous lesson Let the learners watch a video clip of Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Singapore music, then let them
or presenting the new write their observation
K. Purpose of the Lesson Let the learner appreciate the Southeast Asian Music
KK. Finding practical Allow the learners to relate the role of Southeast Asian music to a person’s life.
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living.
LL. Making generalizations Let the learners formulate generalizations.
and abstractions about
the lesson.
MM. Evaluate learning Graded performances/Customized Rubric System
DAILY LESSON LOG School: Sto. Niño National High School Grade Level: 8
V. OBJECTIVES Monday 7/3/2017 Tuesday 7/4/2017 Wednesday 7/5/2017 Thursday 7/6/2017 Friday
OO. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of musical elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
PP. Performance Standards Performs examples of Southeast Asian music, alone and with others, in appropriate tone, pitch, rhythm, expression and style.
QQ. Learning 1. Practice the skills using improvise instruments 1. Sing a song inspired by
Competencies/Objectives Southeast Asian Countries
1. Familiarize the music of with the use of Improvise
the Southeast Asian instruments
XII. Watch a video clip of the selected Southeast Asian Music
I. References
M. Reviewing previous lesson Unit test Let the learner differentiate the music of each countries.
or presenting the new
N. Purpose of the Lesson Let the learner appreciate the Southeast Asian Music
Improvise simple rhythmic/harmonic accompaniments inspired by Southeast Asian music with the
use of improvise instruments
SS. Discussing new concepts Enhancement activities:
and practicing new skills
#2. Song Interaction
TT. Developing mastery Unit test Give the learners time to master performance.
UU. Finding practical Allow the learners to relate the role of Southeast Asian music to a person’s life.
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living.
VV. Making generalizations Let the learners formulate generalizations.
and abstractions about
the lesson.
WW. Evaluate learning Graded performances/Customized Rubric System