Computer Maintenance and Useful Applications For Creating Teaching Resources' - NCTE/T4 Spring 2010 Course
Computer Maintenance and Useful Applications For Creating Teaching Resources' - NCTE/T4 Spring 2010 Course
Computer Maintenance and Useful Applications For Creating Teaching Resources' - NCTE/T4 Spring 2010 Course
The aim of the course is enable teachers carry out basic software maintenance on their
school computers and to enable them to develop their own teaching resources to meet
their own particular needs. The course will demonstrate how a number of IT
applications can be integrated to produce interactive resources to suit the individual
learning styles of their students. As teachers use a desktop/laptop as a teaching tool,
the basic maintenance and care of this hardware will also be an aspect of this course.
This course is a total of 15 hours duration and will be delivered over six sessions of
2.5 hours.
If you are interested in attending the course please contact the ICT
Administrator in your local education centre for course dates and venues if you
have not already received the course details.