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Mason (Building Constructor)

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Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS)
(Two Semesters/One Year)

Redesigned in

Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment (DGE&T)

2. NCO Code No. : 951.20

3. Qualification Pack Code : CON/Q 0101

4. Duration of Craftsmen Training : Two Semesters (1Year)

5. Entry Qualification : Passed 8th Class under 10+2 system.

6. Unit Strength : 20

7. Space Norms : 80 Sqm

8. Power Norms : 3 KW (20000 lumen)

9. Job Role : To construct any type of masonry work and

perform other related works in the field of
construction of buildings and other Civil
Engineering structures.

10. Instructor’s Qualification : NTC/NAC in the trade of Draughtsman Civil

with 3 years’ post qualification experience.
Diploma/Degree in Civil Engg. with 2/1 years’
qualification experience respectively.

11. Desirable Qualification : CITS

Week-wise Contents Index of First Semester
Sl. Week Topic Duration
No. No. Trade Theory Trade Practical (Weeks)
1 1 Tools & Equipments Tools & Equipments 1
2 2-3 Carpentry Tools & Joints Carpentry Work 2
3 4 Arch Centering, Bricks Brickwork 1
4 5-8 Brick Masonry Brick Masonry Work 4
5 9 Cement, Sand & Lime Pointing Work, Brick Masonry 1
6 10-11 Foundations Forming Door & Window 2
7 12 Arches Arches 1
8 13-14 Lintels, Hollow Blocks Construction of Lintels 2
9 15 Pillars Construction of Pillars 1
10 16 Cavity Walls Construction of Cavity Walls 1
11 17 Setting out a Building Setting out a Building 1
12 18-19 Plastering, Moulding Plastering, Moulding 2
13 20 Architectural Terms, Mixing of Plastering Work 1
14 21 Floors Flooring Practice 1
15 22-26 Project work/ Industrial visit (optional)/Revision/Preparatory 5
Test/Final Examination.
Total 26
Syllabus for the Trade of Mason (Building Constructor)
under CTS
First Semester (Semester Code : MSN-01)

Duration : Six Months

Syllabus for TT & TP

Week Trade Theory Trade Practical

1 Importance of safety, general safety Familiarization with Institute,
precautions-Introduction to Trade-its importance of Trade training,
importance & scope. Uses of different tools instruments & equipments used, nature
& equipments used for masonry work and of job done by Masons.
their types.
2 Carpenter’s hand tools, their names and Marking out for carpentry work. Use of
uses. Grinding of tools & precautions to be carpenter’s hand tools for simple
taken. operations like sawing, planing,
chiseling, drilling, etc. grinding of tools.
3 Carpentry joints and their uses. Use of Making simple carpentry joints.
nails, screws, dowels, etc. Centering work. Use of nails, screws,
nuts & bolts.
4 Purpose of arch centering & form work. Making centering & form work. Turning
Different types of bricks & their sizes. Sizes a brick for stretcher & header faces.
of mortar joints for different works. Shaping mortar -spreading on the bed-
Stretcher & header. jointing bricks.
5 Technical terms used in brick masonry. Building a 4 ½ “ straight wall about 6
Necessity of bonding bricks. Types of courses high with one end stepped and
mortars, different grades of sand for brick the other racked back. Preparation of
work & plastering. Grades of cement. various types of mortars.
6 Characteristics of good bricks. Tiles for Building a 4 ½ “quoin wall with one end
roofing & flooring. Purpose of wetting stepped and the other racked back. Use
bricks & tiles before use. of plumb rule.
7 Brickwork-racking back & toothing. Construction of 1 & 1 ½ brick wall
Differences between English & Flemish junctions in English & Flemish bonds.
bonds. Details of English & Flemish bond Racking out the joints & finishing it flush.
for 1 and 1 ½ brick walls. Precautions at
8 Cross wall-method of construction. -do-
Grouting of mortar, jointing and finishing of
brickwork. Types of pointing & tools used.
Details of bonding & special precautions at
‘T’, ‘L’ and cross junctions. Types of
copings-weathering & throating.
9 Types of cement, sand & lime. English & Pointing work-different types.
Flemish garden wall bonds. PWD Construction of 1 brick thick walls in
specification on brickwork. English & Flemish garden wall bonds.
10 Foundation: Definition, purpose, types, Forming a door opening in a wall of
important terms, causes of failure of English bond. Bonding of jambs &
foundations. reveals.
11 Construction of sill with oversailing Forming a window opening in a wall in
courses-gauge rod-its purpose. Method of English bond. Construction of sill with
fixing door & window frames. Hold fasts & oversailing courses. Use of gauge rod.
dowels-purpose and method of fixing. PWD Fixing door & window frames.
specification on the above.
12 Arches: Purpose, technical terms & types. Spanning of opening with a semicircular
Setting out an arch. Tummel & template for arch, making centering, cutting of
preparing voussoirs & key bricks. Method templates for voussoirs & preparing
of constructing centering for an arch. voussoirs, setting uprights of arch.
Construction of arch & removing
13 RCC lintels: Materials required, method of Pre-casting a lintel-compacting, curing &
construction, precast lintels, method of setting the same in position. Checking
construction of formwork, details of for equal bearing.
14 Hollow blocks: Glazed, sand, lime bricks. Spanning of opening by casting a lintel in
Uses, merits & demerits. site. Construction of shuttering &
supports with uprights and wedges.
Bending bars & placing reinforcement.
Mixing, placing & compacting concrete.
15 Pillars: Necessity, types, relation between Construction of detached pillars with
cross section & height. Details of footings-square & rectangular types.
reinforcement for square & rectangular
16 Cavity wall: Technical terms, advantages, Construction of cavity walls, setting out
constructional details, precautions to be both leaves, provision of wall ties, use of
taken at the bottom of cavity, provision of cavity rods.
weep holes & ties, special care at junctions
& openings.
Scaffolding: Definition,, types, parts, PWD
17 Steps in setting out & marking centre line, Setting out a building: Obtaining first,
excavation line & other lines-use of dead second, third & fourth lines, marking
man-checking accuracy & precautions. diagonals, setting out cross walls &
Windows & ventilators: Including steel offsets. Marking excavation lines & fixing
windows & ventilators, fixtures & of plinth & floor levels.
fastenings used.
18 Plastering: Tools used, necessity of screeds Plastering of walls-setting of spots-
& their fixing, steps in plastering. applying mortar-use of screeds & floats.
Concrete: Ingredients, selection of
materials, various ratios of mix, their uses,
measuring of materials for mixing.
19 Moulding: Types, purposes, making & using Fixing of screeds to soffits of door &
a mould. window openings-reversing the screeds
& squaring.
20 Architectural terms used in connection with Plastering of ceiling: Application of
classical mouldings such as architrave, mortar, strengthening and finishing
apex, etc. Hand & machine mixing of (Improvise a roof with stone or concrete
concrete-laying and curing of concrete. slab for the purpose of demonstration).
Water-cement ratio. PWD specifications.
21 Floors: Types, constructional details such as Flooring practice: Formation of slope,
consolidation of bed, sand filling, concrete application of slurry for finishing, setting
base & finishing. Granolithic flooring. Local out of skirting, formation of spots for
Municipal byelaws. skirting, use of screeds, formation of
curve at the junction of skirting & floor.
22- Project work/ Industrial visit (optional)/ Revision/ Preparatory Test &
26 Examination.
Syllabus for the Trade of Mason (Building Constructor)
under CTS

First Semester (Semester Code : MSN-01)

Duration : Six Months

Syllabus for Workshop Calculation & Science

Week No. Workshop Calculation & Science
1-2 Site problems involving multiplication & division of whole numbers.
34 Addition, subtraction multiplication & division of fractions.
5-6 Application of fractions to site problems
7-8 Decimals: Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division. Conversion of
decimal to fraction and vice-versa. Site problems.
9 Square root of perfect squares-whole numbers & decimals.
10 Metric System: Measurement of length, breadth & height in metric
11-12 Measurement of weight in metric system. Unit conversion. Problems.
13-14 Ratio and proportion: Problems to find out quantities of materials for
various mortar & concrete mixes.
15-16 Mensuration: Areas & perimeters of rectangles, squares and triangles.
17-18 Areas & perimeters of circles, sectors, segments, quadrilaterals,
trapezium, parallelogram & rhombus.
19 Problems on areas & perimeters of polygons such as pentagons,
hexagons & octagons.
20 Volume & surface area of simple geometrical solids such as cubes &
21 Mensuration applied to area & volume of brickwork. Calculation of cement &
sand required.
22-26 Revision & Examination.
Syllabus for the Trade of Mason (Building Constructor)
under CTS
First Semester (Semester Code : MSN-01)
Duration : Six Months

Syllabus for Engineering Drawing

Week No. Engineering Drawing
1-2 Sketching of tools.
3 Sketching of various carpentry joints.
4-5 Sketching of jointing devices and the joints made with them. Sketching
of arch centering, door frames with joints, etc.
6-8 Drawing: a language of communication. Properties of lines, angles,
triangles & circles. Drawing practice of these geometrical figures
including pictorial views.
9 Freehand sketching of simple solids such as cubes, cuboids, cylinders
and views of these objects when viewed perpendicular to their surfaces
or axes.
10 - 12 Freehand sketching of bricks, queen closers, king closers and bats.
13 Preparation of freehand sketches in plan & elevation of 4 ½” wall-
Quoins & Junctions.
14 -15 Preparation of freehand sketches of rat trap bond and other
ornamental panels.
16 Use of drawing instruments-‘T’ square, drawing board, etc. Printing of
letters & numbers.
17 Drawing of simple geometrical problems involving lines, squares &
18 Construction & reading of plain scales. Reading of tapes & foot rules.
19 Drawing architectural drawings such as ovolo, cavetto, bolten, scotia,
cyma recta, cyma reversa, astragal, etc.
20 Different types of lines & symbols used in building drawings.
21 Simple isometric scaled drawings, isometric views of simple objects
such as cubes, cuboids, square & rectangular prisms and pyramids.
22 - 26 Revision & Examination.
Week-wise Contents Index of Second Semester
Sl. Week Topic Duration
No. No. Trade Theory Trade Practical (Weeks)
1 1 Drainage System, Roofs Setting out a Drainage Line 1
2 2-5 House Drainage System House Drainage System 4
3 6 Septic Tank Fixing of Washbasin, WC, Sink, 1
4 7 Stone Masonry Stone Masonry 1
5 8 RCC Work, Reinforced Construction of Stone wall 1
6 9 Ashlar Masonry Flooring, Roof Finishing 1
7 10 -- Brick Masonry/Stone Masonry 1
8 11 Lifting appliances, Moulding Moulding Work 1
of Stones
9 12 -- Rubble Masonry Work 1
10 13 Marble Floors Marble Work 1
11 14 -- Construction of Compound 1
12 15-16 Circular Walls/Pillars Circular Walls/Pillars 2
13 17 Hollow Block Masonry Hollow Block Masonry 1
14 18 RCC Work-Construction Roof Construction 1
15 19 External & Internal Finishes External & Internal Finishes 1
16 20 Stairs Flooring Practice 1
17 21 Glazed Tiles, Construction & Laying out a Stair 1
Expansion Joints
18 22-26 Project work/ Industrial visit (optional)/Revision/Preparatory 5
Test/Final Examination.
Total 26
Syllabus for the Trade of Mason (Building Constructor)
under CTS
Second Semester (Semester Code : MSN-02)

Duration : Six Months

Syllabus for TT & TP

Week Trade Theory Trade Practical

1 Purpose of drainage, different systems, their Drainage: Setting out a drainage line
advantages & disadvantages, method of including position of manhole & gully
collection, carriage & final disposal of wastage, trap.
various types of constructions required. Practice in setting up and reading of
Roofs: Classification, parts, trussed roof, dumpy level.
covering materials.
2 House drainage system-normal layout of Laying out drainage to required
drainage. Traps-gully, nahani, etc.-their gradients with the help of dumpy
description. Purpose & method of fixing level and/or boning rod and laying its
sanitary fittings such as WC, urinal, washbasin, surface with bricks.
kitchen sink, etc. construction of surface drains
and laying its surface with bricks.
3 - 4 Drainage pipes: Types, materials, sizes, Laying of concrete foundation for
gradient for different diameters, method of drainage pipes and jointing. Checking
laying & jointing, importance of water of alignment. Cutting the pipe to the
tightness, concrete base and covering. required length. Covering of drain
pipe with concrete as per PWD
5 Manhole: Standard sizes, necessity, details of Laying out foundation concrete and
construction and benching. Provisions of construction of manhole. Method of
footrests, drops & cover. providing footrests, forming of drain
and benching.
6 Septic tank: Purpose, parts and method of Fixing of brackets for washbasin and
construction. Bonding & waterproofing of tank flushing cistern. Fixing of WC pan,
walls. Method of lining field drains with bricks. kitchen & bathroom traps , sinks, etc.
Shoring for deep trenches. Safety precautions. fixing of vent pipe to walls.
7 Stone masonry: Importance of stone, Stonework, method of cutting stone
conversion & dressing. Types of dressing as per in required size from a block.
ISI specification. Types of stone. Selection of face & bed.
8 Introduction to RCC: Uses, materials, Construction of stone wall.
properties and formwork, bending of bars &
construction. Reference to ISI code. Reinforced
brickwork. Brief description of slabs, beams,
lintels, stairs, columns, etc.
9 Ashlar masonry. Types of joint used in ashlar Flooring and roof finishing practice.
such as chamfered, beveled, etc. through
stones & bond stones.
10 Practice on brick/stone masonry work.
11 Lifting appliances such as lifting tackles, skips, Cutting a sheet metal profile for
chains, lewis, etc. Precautions in using them. architectural moulding. Applying the
Steps in preparing & moulding stone. sheet metal mould in forming the
Preparation of sheet metal mould. mould in stone.
12 Construction of a rubble masonry wall.

13 Marble floor: types, constructional details. Marble work: Method of cutting and
Construction of attached piers & buttresses. setting on stair, floor, wall & pillar.
14 Construction of compound wall with attached piers and coping.

15 Circular walls: Details of construction. Purpose- Construction of a 4 ½”/9” thick

made bricks. circular brick wall.
16 Setting out and construction of circular gate Construction of circular gate pillars
pillars with brick/stone/tile/concrete. with brick/stone/tile/concrete.
17 Hollow block masonry: Laying of hollow blocks Construction of hollow block walls.
for walls & columns. Use of structural clay tile
for partition. Precast concrete partition, metal
lathe partition and concrete block partition.
18 RCC work: Mixing, laying, compacting, curing, Construction of roof with
thumb rule for percentage of reinforcement prefabricated hollow blocks of beams
for lintels, slabs, beams & columns. Necessity and slabs
hook & cranking. Shear reinforcement.
19 Types of external & internal finishes such as External/internal finishes-practice.
rough cast, pebble, dash and stucco-materials Fixing cement concrete jelly.
used & method of finishing-factors to be kept
in mind, PWD specification on the above.
20 Stairs: Technical terms, relation between tread Flooring: Mosaic, terrazzo, and tile
& rise, types of stairs, construction details of flooring. Laying out a stair on the
brick, stone & RCC stairs. Spiral stairs with ground.
precast concrete steps. Formwork &
shuttering-their removal-precautions-PWD
21 Use of glazed tiles for wall facing, steps in Laying of glazed tiles, fixing the
fixing, precautions. Construction & expansion thread, filling between ends,
joints-method of filling-repair of cracks. plumbing, setting out a jamb,
bonding, marking & cutting tiles.
22-26 Project work/ Industrial visit (optional)/ Revision/ Preparatory Test &
Syllabus for the Trade of Mason (Building Constructor)
under CTS

Second Semester (Semester Code : MSN-02)

Duration : Six Months

Syllabus for Workshop Calculation & Science

Week No. Workshop Calculation & Science
1-3 Simple cost comparison between facing bricks & common bricks. Cost
comparison between walls built in English/Flemish/garden wall
bonds/cavity walls.
4 -5 Problems on areas. Allowances for simple rectangular window & other
6-8 Weight of walling supported by lintels and arches-simple problems.
9 Calculation of rise & span for arches.
10 Volume of brickwork in mass retaining walls.
11 Volume of stonework or concrete work required for a given piece of
12 Mensuration applied to area of marble works.
13 - 14 Calculation of length & weight of steel reinforcement from detailed RCC
15 -17 Calculation of quantities of cement, sand, aggregate & reinforcement
for a given RCC work.
18 - 19 Calculation of quantities of various materials for brick/tile/cement
concrete/terrazzo flooring. Quantities of materials required for skirting.
20 Calculation of length of drainage pipe & materials for foundation &
covering concrete.
21 Calculation of materials required for a manhole from given drawing.
22 - 26 Revision & Examination.
Syllabus for the Trade of Mason (Building Constructor)
under CTS
Second Semester (Semester Code : MSN-02)
Duration : Six Months

Syllabus for Engineering Drawing

Week No. Engineering Drawing
1-2 Isometric views of simple objects such as cubes, cuboids, square &
rectangular prisms and pyramids.
3-4 Projections of solids.
5 Code of practice for general engineering drawing as per ISI.
6 Drawing to scale: a) 4 ½” stepped wall, b) 4 ½” wall racked back, c) 9”
walls in English & Flemish bonds showing stepped end, racking back &
7-8 Drawing to scale: a) 4 ½” quoin wall with stepped end & racking back,
b) 4 ½” junction wall, c) 9” quoin wall in English & Flemish bonds, d) 9”
Flemish bonded wall junction, e) 9” wall in garden wall bond, f) 13 ½”
main wall in garden wall bond & 9” cross wall in English/Flemish bond.
9 Drawing to scale: 18” wall in English garden wall bond.
10 Hexagonal & octagonal pillars showing bonds and cavities.
11 Preparation of drawing showing timbering in trenches.
12 Preparation of drawings showing methods of setting out simple
segmental, circular & elliptical arches.
13 -14 Drawing of setting out a building showing the centre line, width of
excavation, foundation concrete, footings 7 superstructure. Checking of
15 - 16 Interpretation of building drawing. Preparation of plan, elevation &
section of a simple building.
17 Reading of a building plan showing drainage line, position of manhole,
18 Constructional details of hollow block roof with precast RCC joints.
19 Drawing of manhole and inspection chamber with details.
20 Stonework: Drawing of random rubble, coursed rubble & ashlar
masonry. Layout of stairs.
21 Drawing of stone pillar showing architectural moulding.
22 - 26 Revision & Examination.
List of Tools & Equipments for the trade of Mason (Building Constructor) under CTS
A. Trainee’s Kit for 20 Trainees and One Instructor
Sl. No. Description Quantity
1 Bolster 4” (100mm) 21
2 Pitching tool ( mason) 21
3 Chisel (mason) Hammer headed punch 21
4 -do- ½” (12mm) 21
5 -do- 1” (25mm) 21
6 -do- Cross cut type 21
7 -do- ¾” (18mm) 21
8 -do- 1 ½” (35mm) 21
9 Club hammer 1 ½”/1pbs. 21
10 Hammer (mason) brick (600-800gm) 21
11 Helmet 21
12 Leather gloves 21
13 Goggles 21
14 Plumb level 36” (1m) 21
15 Pins (Line) 21
16 Plumb bob 21
17 Steel square 21
18 Plastering trowel-double 21
19 Wooden float 21
20 Trowel-brick 10” (25cm) long 21
21 Trowel-pointing 6” (15cm) 21
22 Tasla (tin) pan 21
23 Wooden straight edge 4’ 21
24 Bucket 21
25 Engineering Instrument Box 21
26 Protractor 15 cm full circular 21
27 Card board/ plastic metric scale set- A to H 21
28 Celluloid set square 45˚ & 60˚ 21
29 Drawing board 1250 x 900 mm 21
30 T square 1250 mm/ Mini drafter 21
31 Erasing shield small size 21
32 Architect’s & builder’s template 21
33 Drawing machine (Horizontal type) 21
34 French curve- set of 12 21

Note: Sl. Nos. 25 to 34 need not be provided, if the institute has

Surveyor/Architecture/Draughtsman Civil/Draughtsman Mechanical/other similar trades.
B. General Outfit
Sl. No. Description Quantity
1 Spade 12
2 Shovel 12
3 Measuring steel tape 15m 3
4 Measuring tape 30m 2
5 Ladder 2-4m 3
6 Sledge hammer 4kg 3
7 Drum (45gallons) 3
8 G.I. pipe 1” (25mm) ф 200
9 Hose pipe 60m
10 G.I. pipe ½” (12mm) ф 200
11 Cellotax board 3
12 Spirit level 6” (15cm) 20
13 Bar bending & cutting tools 2 sets
14 Spirit level 12” (30cm) 5
15 Screw driver 5
16 Pocket steel tape 6’ long 20
17 Four-fold foot rule 2’ (60cm) 20
18 Pickaxe 5
19 Crowbar 1.5m long 3
20 Scrapper 20
21 Snip straight 10” (25cm) 5
22 Carpenter tool kit of 20 sets
(a) Handsaw 1
(b) Mortise chisel 1
(c) Tenion saw 1
(d) Firmer chisel 1
(e) Mallet 1
(f) Carpenter claw hammer 1
(g) Hand brace with bits 1
(h) Plane 1
23 Wheel barrow 5
24 Tubular scaffolding As required
25 Steel measuring boxes (0.6 cft & 1.2 cft) 4 each
26 Adjustable steel props 30
27 Flat 4’ x 4’ x 6’ 10
28 Bending rods 3
29* Dumpy level with stand & staff 3
30 Spanner set 1
31 Steel shuttering 400 sqm 2 sets
32 Bench grinder 2
33 Drilling machine 2

Note: Dumpy level need not be provided, if the institute has Surveyor/Draughtsman Civil trade.
List of Consumables for the Trade of Mason (Building Constructor) under CTS

Sl. No. Consumables

1 Drawing sheet-A1 & A2 size
2 Drawing pencil-HB, 2H, etc.
3 Eraser
4 Adhesive tape
5 Machine made drawing paper
6 Xerox paper A4 size
7 Bricks-traditional bricks, standard bricks, special bricks,
purpose-made bricks for circular walls, etc.
8 Stone blocks- random rubble, ashlar, flagstone, etc.
9 Tiles-different shapes & sizes
10 Hollow blocks
11 Cement
12 Sand-different grades
13 Lime
14 Coarse aggregate-different sizes
15 Steel reinforcement bars-different diameter
16 Wood for carpentry work
17 Sheet metal, etc.
Trade Testing and Certification

Same as for other Similar Engineering Trades.

Further Learning options

After successful completion of CTS Course in the trade of Mason, the trainees
have the option to continue their further studies by joining the ATS Course in the
same trade, which is of one year’s duration.

List of Trade Committee Members

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