Abundance Agroforestry - A Syntropic Farming Guidebook
Abundance Agroforestry - A Syntropic Farming Guidebook
Abundance Agroforestry - A Syntropic Farming Guidebook
A special thanks to God for giving me the endless energy and the mental clarity that was needed
for this and for bringing the right people together at the right to time to make this collective work
a reality. Dozens of people have collaborated with me to make this book. Thank you to everyone
who contributed, you know who you are.
Syntropic Farming:
A form of regenerative agroforestry driven by the power of natural succession which is beyond
organic and beyond sustainable, it produces an abundance. A game changer for modern agriculture.
Although this book is inspired by Ernst, it has not been reviewed by him.
Syntropic farming is a method of agroforestry developed by Ernst Götsch. Its strength comes from
aligning with the power of natural succession. Natural succession is the tendency for nature to
rehabilitate land, taking it from barren to fertile and densely vegetated.
Ernst observed that this evolutionary process was driven by cooperation among members of the living
system in a way that benefits the system as a whole. This is contrary to the Darwinian model which
views evolution as being driven by competition. What may appear as competition or destruction in a
natural environment is really an attempt to create balance for the benefit of the whole system.
With this perspective in mind, the farm is seen as a unified, intelligent, living system which is meant to
evolve over time. For this to happen there are complex interactions occurring between the plants (and
animals) and every living being serves an important purpose in the process. When these cooperative
relationships are promoted correctly by the farmer, the farm develops into a strong, healthy, living
To do this, the farmer grows some forms of vegetation, which do not produce any usable crops, but that
contribute positively to the farm. These are called “biomass” plants and trees. The farmer also “tucks
in” plants and trees that produce a valuable harvest. These are called “target” plants and trees. This
combination of vegetation is grown together closely, in a way that is mutually beneficial. The farmer
also has a deep understanding of how the vegetation responds positively to pruning and cuts it back at
strategic times to promote rapid growth.
After a few years, the system becomes partly autonomous. It can provide its own irrigation, fertilizer,
crowd out undesirable plants and resist disease. It just needs some management from the farmer.
How does it resist disease? It works like healthy gut flora. When humans have a strong community of
healthy microorganisms in their gut, there is no room for harmful agents to take hold. The same is true
for a healthy farm system. For this to work, the system needs to be teaming with life. It needs an
above average amount of biological density, as is seen in a healthy forest. When this is achieved, the
farm resists disease and produces an abundance. The farmer simply has to design the system with
detailed foresight and manage its maturation with strategic pruning, and the farm will take care of the
Syntropic farming relies on intelligent, biodiverse and dense planting schemes. The planting schemes
are made up of consortiums. The term consortium is used to describe a mix of both trees and
vegetables which can be cooperatively grown together. This is similar to companion planting and
intercropping, but more complicated because it takes into consideration the plants role in natural
Because it is based on natural succession, the mix of plants which do well together are grouped by their
life span. Some consortiums are present only in the beginning, while other ones dominate later on. A
typical planting scheme will use the consortiums sequentially from the early stages of succession all the
way to the final stages. A planting scheme is complicated because it takes into account the future
vision of the farm. It does so in a way to optimally produce waves of harvests, one after the other, first
starting with veggies and then later with fruit and wood from trees. Each wave represents the
maturation of another consortium. As mentioned before, some of the vegetation will be grown for
harvest, while other vegetation will be grown solely for the purpose of pruning and driving succession
Syntropic farming can be used to rehabilitate degraded “dead” land or introduced to existing farmland.
It can even be used to turn wild jungle into a food forest. The focus of this guidebook is to show how
to introduce the method to existing farmland.
Syntropic farming recognizes that farmland and wild forest can have differing levels of vitality. It is
not just a black and white situation. By studying this guidebook, you will learn to recognize “where”
the land is in its evolution and strategies to help boost it from that point.
These principles came as a series of insights to Ernst as he closely observed nature and learned
agroforestry techniques from indigenous people. Surprisingly, he initially studied genetics with the
goal to manipulate nature for the benefit of humans, but later came to the conclusion that nature was
highly intelligent and that it was far better for humans to learn to adapt to nature.
Ernst has some very detailed and logical ways of explaining things and his approach works where
many others don’t, but it is important remember that these are best guesses based on human
observation through practical application. The science behind syntropic farming needs further
What makes syntropic farming valuable is its high level of sustainability. After each cycle of crops, the
land is better than it was before and everything needed to achieve this can be grown on site. Some
people may mistakenly think that conventional farming is also self-sufficient. It appears that
everything just grows from the land, right? Wrong, conventional farmers rely heavily on fertilizers,
pesticides and herbicides as well as fossil fuel driven machinery for working the land. Even most
organic farmers rely heavily on external inputs.
Syntropic farming achieves similar or greater yields without relying on resources from outside of the
farm. This redefines what most people think of when they talk of sustainability. What is most
phenomenal about syntropic farming is that it goes beyond being self-sufficient. The farm doesn’t just
sustain itself, it eventually produces an abundance without external inputs. There are reports of
harvests of 40 tons/hectare/year1, compared to the best mono-culture yields which are about 11-15 tons/
What is even more surprising is that conventional farming actually leads to scarcity. How is that so?
Research has shown that despite all the external inputs of conventional farming, soil quality actually
degrades with time2. After reading through this guidebook, hopefully it will become clear why
syntropic farming succeeds, where conventional farming has failed.
Syntropic Farming for Haiti:
Syntropic farming is being introduced to rural Haiti and this guidebook was created to share the results
of that work. These farmers rely on their land for food, materials and income. They live in a tropical
climate zone and all the work is done by manual labor and with hand tools. Mechanized farm
equipment, irrigation systems and chemicals are not available to the average farmer. The country
suffers from severe deforestation, soil erosion and loss of land fertility. Current agricultural practices
are not meeting the basic needs of the people and severe poverty persists.
Syntropic farming offers a complete solution to these hardworking people. The method outlined in this
document can be implemented in any tropical climate zone (and with adaptations it can also be done in
subtropical and temperate climates). It provides a method for growing a forest full of food, wood and
animal fodder, which rehabilitates the land and replenishes water reservoirs.
It is truly self-sustaining. It results in a strong, healthy farm system where chemical fertilizers,
herbicides and pesticides become obsolete. Slash and burn farming techniques are not needed and in
fact, not compatible with syntropic farming. The hard work of tilling becomes easier as the soil
structure improves and tilling is only used if really needed.
compacted and degraded that it could no longer be farmed. To regenerate the soil, he grew trees which
he later pruned to produce mulch.
After the trees were pruned, everything on the farm changed. The temperature dropped, the soil
structure and quality dramatically improved. The land is now a 500 hectare (1200 acre) rain forest.
Seven hectares of the rain forest are home to a productive, cacao farm. Ernst’s cacao farm produces
yields similar to conventional cacao farmers3, “somehow” without continuous external inputs and the
cacao is considered far above average in quality. Ernst makes a good living from his cacao business.
The amount of farm labor needed to manage his farm is similar to conventional cacao farms in the
Because syntropic farming operates from a holistic perspective, both the farmer and the land benefit
from the activity. For example, when widespread disease (witch broom disease) infected cacao trees in
Brazil, Ernst’s farm was affected, but much less than conventional farms. The benefits of this system
relate to the way it is integrated into the rain forest and cannot be achieved by just being adjacent to a
rain forest. For example, some cacao farms which are next to this 500 hectare rain forest suffer from
ailments, such as cutting ants, while Ernst’s farm remains healthy and strong.
Also, the micro-climate on his land has changed. After decades, the rainfall has increased and all 17
streams on his property flow all year round, even in the dry season. Refer to this short video for more
details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSPNRu4ZPvE.
Syntropic farming is a big topic. There are multiple complex concepts, which build one on top of each
other. It’s important to have a solid understanding of these principles, but the real learning comes
through years of farm management. The goal of this guidebook is to give people the confidence to start
a syntropic farm. This will be achieved by providing the principles in a straight forward and structured
manner and then giving some concrete planting schemes.
These schemes only represent one possible way to do this. In reality, there are endless ways to apply
these principles. Each region has unique natural factors that will influence the best design for a
syntropic farm. Even in areas close to each other, the environment can vary. This presents a challenge
to the farmer, but also an opportunity for the pioneers who wish to use their creative powers to adapt
this technique to their local environment.
This document is not a standalone resource. Plan on needing a good syntropic farming consultant to
help with design and periodic farm management, especially around the second year, when the intensive
pruning usually starts. Also, this guidebook is a work in progress. It will be updated occasionally to
include the evolving knowledge gained from the lessons learned in Haiti.
7) The farm is less reliant on frequent rainfall because of improved water retention.
8) The working environment is pleasant as the trees eventually provide partial shade.
9) Less weeding. The ground is covered with mulch, which suppresses grass and competitive
10) Everything grows. As the farm environment improves, even finicky species can be cultivated.
11) Improved plant health and resilience towards pests and diseases because there is strength in
1) The full rewards are delayed.
2) The farm can look “messy” to the untrained eye.
3) It takes time and energy to learn.
4) Sun-loving, cash crops can only be grown for about 4 years on the farm.
There are positive studies from Bolivia as well. A syntropic orange tree system produced significantly
higher yields than a similar mono-culture farm. That mono-culture farm had twice as much aborted
fruit due to fruit flies6. In another study, a comparison of a syntropic cacao system to a mono-culture
farm found that the return on labor was nearly twice as much from the syntropic farm7! Another cacao
comparison showed there was significantly less diseased trees (Witches’ Broom) on a syntropic farm
compared to conventional farms and the yields were similar or higher8. More studies are pending.
Nature has the ability to create fertilizer right from thin air. The syntropic farmer knows this and
instead of trying to do nature’s job, looks for ways to help it do it’s own job better. Many forests have
unfilled niches so that their full potential to capture energy is not utilized. Also the growth and
evolution of a natural forest system can be very slow. The syntropic farmer remedies these problems
by filling every niche to create a dense, biodiverse forest system which can optimally capture and
handle energy and then accelerates its growth and development by cutting back certain vegetation at
strategic times.
When you think of energy capture, think of optimally mimicking nature with dense planting schemes
and when you think of accelerated growth, think of pruning and farm management. In reality both
practices overlap and influence each other and so are not mutually exclusive.
Energy Capture and Handling:
What energy does a forest system capture? The most important is solar energy. Plants capture energy
from the sun through the process of photosynthesis. They also bring in carbon and nitrogen by
assimilating atmospheric gases. The plants breathe in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.
Photosynthesis stores the sun’s energy, with the help of water, by turning the carbon into sugars.
Nitrogen is extracted from the air by bacteria which live symbiotically with plant roots and they can
also be found in decaying wood. Minerals and other nutrients which are trapped in the earth can be
mobilized by soil microbes so that they become usable to the plants.
Energy is handled by complex networks and relationships between the vegetation and other life forms
in the system. The forest supports these networks in multiple ways but especially by providing a
protected environment. So when a syntropic farmer creates a dense, multi-layered forest system for
optimized energy capture, he/she simultaneously improves energy handling by providing excellent
protection from the elements. Protection is also provided at the level of the forest floor by keeping the
soil covered with organic matter. This is such an important practice in syntropic farming it will come
up repeatedly in this guidebook, but for now let’s move on to discuss the different aspects of the forest
living system.
A Living System:
Remember, all the life forms on the farm come together to create a unified, intelligent, living system
which evolves in a way to the benefit the system as a whole. Ernst likes to call this the “macro-
organism” to emphasize that it has a life of its own. But because the word macro-organism has a
different and distinct definition in the field of biology, this guidebook will instead use the term “living
system” or “forest system”.
What does a healthy living system look like? As a general rule, it is dense, diverse, and well adapted to
its environment. This means you want lots of living things and you want them to be different. Most
people can quickly imagine what this means above the ground. This is a healthy forest with a large
mixture of trees, shrubs and other vegetation. This part of the system is crucial because it moderates
exposure to the wind, rain and sun. Multiple levels of vegetation help the land absorb these elements,
while simultaneously providing protection at times of extreme weather.
The above-ground part of the system is only half of the picture. What you see above-ground is usually
mirrored below-ground and what goes on below-ground is possibly even more important. Why?
Because the below-ground part plays a special role in processing and retaining the various factors
needed to sustain the system as a whole, such as water, sugars, nutrients, minerals and organic matter.
This handling of various factors is known as nutrient cycling.
Plus the below-ground area retains the fertility of the system through times of distress and disturbance.
A healthy system can handle various insults and bounce right back because of the hidden strength
Now that you have a good idea of the roles of the above and below-ground parts of the system, let’s
break it down in another way. Let’s think of the system in these three parts:
1. Soil Food Web – the structure, content and the living things in the soil
2. Creatures – beneficial insects and animals, including wise humans ;)
3. Vegetation – diverse trees and plants with a lasting presence
Soil Food Web:
Soil is different than dirt. Good quality soil is alive. It has the correct mix of physical and chemical
properties to support many life forms. The more life that is present in the soil, the better. These life
forms live together in an underground community and are connected by networks. This entire
arrangement is known as the soil food web. A good soil food web has many important purposes:
One important member of the soil food web is soil fungi. Soil fungi require moist, undisturbed soil,
with lots decaying wood and lots of living roots. Perennials and trees are important because their roots
remain intact and alive season after season, providing a home for the fungi. The soil fungi and the
plant’s roots are symbiotic. The fungi create a network of small-sized filaments which help the plants
to absorb nutrients and water that would otherwise be out of reach, increasing their zone of absorption
by 7 times, on average. Fungi also is important for immunity. When thinking of soil fungi, think
“immunity and transport network”.
Healthy soil bacteria are also very important. They help protect and feed the plants. Soil bacteria are
known as rhizobacteria. They are capable of breaking down minerals and releasing them so that they
are available to the plant’s roots. Sometimes “poor soil” actually contains many minerals, but they are
just locked up in an unusable form. Soil bacteria makes them accessible. Rhizobacteria also form a
shield or barrier around roots to prevent harmful bacteria from attacking, this is known as a
rhizosphere. When thinking of soil bacteria, think “force field and nutrient releaser”.
The relationship between soil fungi, soil bacteria and the plant’s roots is mutually beneficial. Why?
Because the plant’s roots feed the fungi and bacteria sugars. A healthy soil food web depends on all of
these players and more. When one element is missing or under-represented, then the system is weak
and illness can manifest.
Soil mesofauna are also important to the soil food web. Soil mesofauna are sometimes too small to see
with the naked eye. They are tiny (1-2mm) organisms that assist in the decay of organic matter and
thus help provide the structure of the soil needed by the plants. These critters can also prey on bad
bacteria and other unwanted organisms. Healthy soil can harbor as many as 200,000 of these
organisms in a single square meter!
Beneficial creatures serve various important roles and their presence on the farm should be encouraged.
For example, worms and millipedes decompose organic matter. Pollinators such as bees, moths,
butterflies, flies, beetles, bats and hummingbirds substantially improve crop yields. In fact, 35% of the
world’s crops for human consumption depend on pollinators. Toads, lizards, birds, beetles and spiders
are natural pest predators. Smaller animals such as birds and monkeys help disperse and plant seeds.
Larger animals bring manure to the property. Plus some seeds need to pass through their digestive tract
in order to germinate properly. One of the most important creatures on the land is a wise human,
assuming that farmer understands the principles of syntropic farming. Lastly, an established
community of beneficial creatures leaves no space for harmful pests to take hold. This is why it is
important to avoid pesticides. They can kill the good and bad life forms, leaving the farm weak and
A strong and diverse community of trees and plants form the largest part of the living system. As
mentioned before they serve important roles above and below-ground. That’s why it is important that
most of the vegetation is allowed to become a more or less permanent presence on the land.
Remember how the soil food web and the soil fungi are dependent on living roots? This is where
agroforestry differs from conventional farming. Trees and other perennials are cultivated in large
numbers. They are seen as highly valuable even if they are a biomass plant. If they block too much of
the sun for the target plants, they are simply pruned, but not killed. The farmer realizes that tilling the
soil is hard on the roots and the soil food web and so limits this practice to the minimum. In addition,
slash and burn practices are abandoned as they kill all vegetation, destroy the natural seed stock and
damage the soil. The farmer would have to start from scratch.
The farmer goes to great lengths to cultivate a strong, dense stand of vegetation on the farm, as this
serves so many important roles for the unified living system. One of the keys to achieving this dense
vegetation growth is by understanding how multiple layers of vegetation can be grown together in a
mutually beneficial way. This is achieved through stratification.
In a consortium of trees, a stratification level refers to the different relative heights of the trees. The
levels for syntropic farming are categorized as; emergent, high, medium and low. These levels can
be further divided when needed, such as high/medium and medium/low. Determining the stratum of a
tree is not always easy. Some trees can play the role of two different stratum. For example, coconut
palms can sometimes occupy the emergent level or the high level. Nature doesn’t always obey the
categories we create.
When trees of the same consortium are compared to each other, a stratification level or stratum will
always correlate with the tree’s height, but the height is not the determining factor. A tree’s stratum is
actually determined by its need for sunlight. Those needing the most sun are emergent and those
needing the least are low.
Normally the need for sunlight and the height of the tree will go hand in hand, but not always. Some
consortiums of mature trees are taller than others. Compare the giant redwoods to other climax forests.
So in this example the emergent members such as the giant redwoods will be much taller than those of
a typical forest. Despite the large discrepancy in height, both are still emergent stratums and both need
full sunlight. For that reason, an absolute height measurement cannot be used to classify stratums
universally. Now that we understand this, lets learn about some of the other characteristics of stratums.
Emergent trees are the trees that poke above the top of the forest. The high stratum is next and medium
level is below that. Many fruit trees mature to be in the high and medium stratums. Lastly, the low
stratum is below all the other strata and gets the most shade (think coffee). cacao is an intermediate
stratum tree which matures into the medium/low level. Detailed stratum lists will be provided in the
practical section of this guidebook.
Why is it important to learn about the stratification levels? Because the levels tell you how to correctly
space the members of your consortium. Although many aspects of an agroforestry design can be
modified, correct spacing must be maintained as it is based on the natural features of the vegetation.
Trees of the same level need enough space so that their canopies can grow to maturity without contact.
In some cases, they will be given even more space than this, to ensure good sunlight penetration for the
lower levels of the farm. However, trees of different levels can be planted close together because their
canopies will grow to different heights and they can share the same vertical space. If their canopies end
up getting too close to each other, it’s okay. They can always be pruned back.
For the farm to absorb the most solar energy it is best to maintain a specific mix of the 4 stratums. This
is a rough guide, but in general its best to maintain these proportions:
Stratification Proportions
Emergent High Medium Low
20% 40% 60% 80%
Each percentage refers to the total amount of land surface that is covered by the vegetation canopy in
that level. The reason the numbers add up to more than 100% is because the stratum levels overlap.
For example in some cases emergent, high, medium and low will all be covering the same surface of
These proportions are achieved both by correct planting in the beginning and also by pruning back later
on. In reality, the trees are always growing and the farm is always changing. The canopy coverage is
dynamic. So if the trees start to take up more of the intended space, they are simply pruned back again.
These proportions will help guide the farmer’s pruning practices but are not meant to be dogma.
We just covered a lot of material to help us see how the living system can capture large amounts of
energy. Stratification tells us how to maximize planting density. Remember how capturing energy is
achieved with dense planting schemes? But that’s only half of the equation. The other half is achieved
through the power of natural succession.
Succession is the tendency for a natural system to evolve from simple to complex. Through the process
of succession, plant life moves towards species that are capable of capturing and handling more and
more energy. This results in energy concentration, which is exactly what the term “syntropy” means.
Harnessing the power of natural succession is integral to syntropic farming.
Succession improves soil quality, biodiversity and moves the system towards longer living vegetation.
If left undisturbed, nature will transform bare ground into a thriving forest or jungle and it can maintain
this by itself. The jungle is far more productive and biodiverse than a field. This process is achieved
through the maturation of a community of different plants, each of which serve specific functions and
sometimes only short term roles.
To help understand succession, it is divided into distinct stages, but in reality it occurs seamlessly. In
syntropic farming, the first stage is called the “placenta”. The next stage is called “secondary”. The
final stage is known as the “climax”. Each stage improves the growing environment for the next so
that one step at a time the land becomes more fertile and filled with more life until it reaches the climax
At this point the speed of growth starts to slow and the system ages. Lower level trees die off due to
the lack of sunlight. This produces the open forests that are pleasant to walk through. These climax
systems are very long-lived and the trees that have survived are very well genetically adapted to the
land, but eventually even those remaining trees die off from natural aging. But things don’t end there, a
new cycle will start, more fertile than the last one. This topic will be covered in more detail below in
the section “3 Phases of Evolution”.
Nature progresses very slowly through a single cycle from the placenta through a climax stage. One
cycle can take 250- 350 years in nature! Fortunately, by accelerating natural processes, in syntropic
farming this can be achieved in as little as 20 years.
The placenta stage is dominated by vegetation which can grow in harsh environments and soil
conditions. These plants are often fast growing and produce large amounts of seeds. When thinking of
placenta, think of weeds and “invasive species” and imagine a pasture or field setting. Most people
think of invasive species as harmful, but in reality they have a purpose in nature. They bring balance
and fertility to the land. When the farmer learns how to manage these species, they suddenly become
Placenta species often serve a temporary role to improve conditions for the latter stages and then die
off. The name “placenta’ is meant to convey this life-giving quality. The term placenta also describes
the fact that often all the other stages are present, but undeveloped during this time, just like a baby in a
The secondary stage will have taller vegetation and trees. Their life span is longer and they require
more fertile growing conditions.
Lastly, the climax stage can have very long-lived trees and plants. They are sometimes very finicky
and produce far fewer seeds. During the climax stage a selection process occurs that favors species
best adapted to the environment of the system. This can result in a relative decrease in plant
biodiversity when compared to the secondary stage.
3 Phases of Evolution:
Ernst recognizes that the climax stage is no end. After the climax forest is complete, the process of
succession can start over again with a new more fertile placenta stage. Then the system evolves into a
more fertile secondary and climax stages as well. The vegetative species on the land can be entirely
different than the first cycle and improves over time. Fertility grows with each repeated cycle until
there is enough so that it can produce an abundance of yields to sustain the largest life forms in that
The most common cause for a climax cycle to finish is aging of the trees. But also, forces such as
weather, fire, pests and animals are natural disturbances that can cycle a forest system. Ernst saw that
when the trees came down they returned fertility to the ground and triggered a strong growth response
in a way that benefited the system. This is true as long as the forest has achieved at least a secondary
stage of succession and the below-ground portion of the system remains alive. A large disturbance is
not beneficial if it totally decimates life or happens when the land is underdeveloped such as in the
placenta stage. In this case, the living system has to restart from the beginning.
With continued beneficial disturbances, natural succession will repeatedly cycle until it passes through
3 phases. In nature this can take thousands of years. In syntropic farming, these phases are known as
“colonizer, accumulation and abundance”. The colonizer phase is nature’s attempt to bring life to
more or less dead ground. This phase is dominated by life forms that can grow in harsh conditions and
serve the purpose to prepare the land for larger vegetation by depositing organic matter and altering the
chemistry of the land.
Next is the accumulation phase. At this point the living system is able to support small animals (up to
the size of a chicken). Here it starts to have some fertility, but things are tenuous, the system is not
self-sustaining and needs to store large amounts of carbon to “fatten up”. The system’s relative needs
for water and nitrogen are low at this point. Most farmland on the planet is stuck in the accumulation
phase because modern agriculture continually resets the system through tilling, removing perennials
and other disturbances. This prevents the living system from evolving into abundance. Its important to
point out that modern agriculture makes it possible to feed larger animals during the accumulation
phase, but relies on the continual input of fertilizers to do so. This is unsustainable and eventually
comes at a large cost.
If the living system is allowed to evolve and passes through enough cycles, the land builds its fertility
and eventually enters the abundance phase. At this point it releases large amounts of phosphorous but
now needs nitrogen and water. Its fertility is reaching a point where it can support large animals and
can do so indefinitely. The biomass, biodiversity and genetic variability within species on the land is
increasing. It is so great that it is able to absorb its energy and nutrient needs from the sun, the air and
unlock it from stores in the earth.
Syntropic farming is all about getting to the abundance phase. This is when good things happen with
ease and the beauty is you don’t have to wait decades or more to get there. If the farmer is starting with
good land and can cover the ground with organic matter from day number one, then he/she can reach
this point in as little as two years!
How does the farmer accelerate this evolution? By strategic pruning and management. Pruning the
vegetation has multiple benefits which influence the speed of growth on the farm. Also the mulch
which is created brings large amounts of carbon into the soil food web. By doing this, the system is fed
what it needs much faster than in nature and is boosted from the accumulation phase to the abundance
3 Keys to Syntropic Farming:
Now lets move on to the 3 keys to syntropic farming. The first two are relevant because they are
pruning and management practices which help accelerate growth and evolution. By combining all
three keys the farmer has the fundamental puzzle pieces necessary to build a healthy, living system.
Here they are:
1. Prune to stimulate growth; 2. Cover the soil with organic matter; 3. Plant intelligent
To understand why this works, its important to know that all plants go through a life cycle. First is a
period of rapid growth. Then things start to slow down when the plant is flowering. After that the
plant prepares to make fruit and seeds and becomes relatively dry. When a plant’s growth slows, it has
a negative influence on the surrounding plants too. This “halting” effect is avoided in syntropic
farming by pruning. The biomass plants are pruned at the first sign of senescence, before flower
formation has started. The target plants must be allowed to fruit, as that is the goal of their presence.
But they should be pruned as soon as possible after harvest.
The biomass trees and vegetation will be the greatest contributor to this growth response. They are
pruned heavily, especially in the early years. Target trees grown for fruit will be pruned less, but even
they will contribute to this growth pulse. Lastly, selective weeding helps the farm. All the vegetation
on the land needs to be monitored for signs of aging and pruned. In this way, every plant can
contribute to the growth pulse. Although trees and shrubs were the first biomass plants that Ernst used
on his farm, he now recommends certain grass species too.
The biomass plants are usually placed in a row along with the fruit trees. This row is called an A-line.
The space in between two rows is called the B-area and is used for growing vegetables or biomass
The growth hormone release starts as soon as the vegetation is pruned and its influence is determined
by the size and characteristics of the pruned plant or tree. If the farmer has a biodiverse, dense A-line,
then the entire B-area will receive an intense grow pulse. Planting of the B-area should be performed
immediately after pruning. If plants are already established, often a visible increase in growth can be
seen within just one week. cacao leaves will elongate and trees will increase fruit production. Corn
can add 12 inches of length!
There are multiple other beneficial effects of the pruning. Some of the plants roots will die off, which
gives organic matter to the soil and creates and open network for the soil food web to utilize. The area
will receive more sun exposure and the system will receive a big dose of organic matter, but the rapid
growth spurt cannot be explained by the composting of the mulch, which takes many weeks to happen.
This is best explained by growth hormone release.
There are multiple other beneficial effects of the pruning. Some of the plants roots will die off, which
gives organic matter to the soil and creates an open network for the soil food web to utilize. The area
will receive more sun exposure and the system will receive a big dose of organic matter, but the rapid
growth spurt cannot be explained by the composting of the mulch, which takes many weeks to happen.
This is best explained by growth hormone release.
If the farmer has mature fruit trees, then the pruning may be strategically timed to benefit fruit
production. Many fruit trees prefer more sun during the flowering and fruiting stages. So pruning of
the biomass vegetation is normally planned at the time of flowering to open the canopy for the sun.
This is known as synchronization pruning. In the tropics, the synchronization pruning often happens in
the dry season, so there is no growth pulse with this disturbance. The growth pulse requires ample
water in the system.
Also you may notice in the pictures above, that many bananas are present. Ernst often says, if you
want vegetables, then plant bananas. Bananas make great biomass. The plant is so valuable to the soil
that some farmers grow it solely as a biomass plant and not for the fruit. The pseudostem of the banana
is cut lengthwise and then into small pieces and laid on the ground. This can be placed next to the
newly planted veggies.
The banana pieces also act as a death trap to the banana weevil. The banana weevil is a beetle that
infests and damages the plants. It’s attracted to the freshly cut banana and when it lays it’s eggs in the
banana parts, the grubs are not able to fulfill their life-cycle and die.
It’s important to point out that the pruning is beneficial above and beyond the simple production of
organic matter. If, for example, all the organic matter needed to cover the soil was always gathered
somewhere else and brought to the farm, the farm would be missing the growth response triggered by
heavy pruning. It’s necessary to have vegetation grown on the farmland that can be pruned. The
farmer should anticipate doing this at least twice a year, sometimes more frequently.
There are other reasons to prune in addition to the growth response and the mulch production. Pruning
can be used as a clean up. It should be done regularly to remove dry, diseased or unproductive plant
parts. Pruning is also done to maintain proper stratum levels. Lastly pruning can be used to thin the
system. For example when its time to remove a plant or tree to make more space.
Ernst says that the uncovered soil is like a wound on the earth. A thick layer of organic matter is
healing. It becomes rich compost over time, acting as an organic fertilizer. It also protects the soil
from the sun and prevents evaporation of water, reducing the dependency on frequent rainfall. By
blocking the competitive grasses and weeds, it makes life easier for the farmer. Plus it keeps the
harvest clean.
Lastly, remember the soil food web? It loves a thick layer of organic matter. The micro-organisms,
fungi and worms flourish in this environment. The more wood that is included, the better the fungi will
grow. Wood is always placed directly on the soil, to aid in decomposition, while the leaves and grass
are placed on top. If organic matter is limited, then use it most around the target plants and trees.
Farmers who can import organic matter from the beginning will get a head start on their system. This
is not possible for the average Haitian farmer. They must wait until the biomass vegetation matures.
The biomass trees usually take 2 years, whereas grasses are ready within 1 year.
3. Plant intelligent consortiums
A consortium is a community of vegetation that grows together cooperatively, fills all of the stratum
levels and matures over time to pass through all the stages of succession.
This means you must design your system with foresight. Imagine how the plants and trees on the land
will mature over time. This requires detailed knowledge about the different vegetation and their life
cycles. Syntropic designing is highly complicated, but when done correctly it is very rewarding. The
practical portion of this guidebook will help you with this. But let’s go through one potential scenario
of how an intelligent consortium may unfold.
Assuming you are starting with open farmland, vegetables or pastureland will dominate initially, but
over time the land will develop into a food forest. The vegetables grown in the early years bring the
farmer income, but also provide a protected “nursery” environment for the tree seedlings.
Syntropic consortiums are known for tight intercropping schemes which produce harvests in waves.
Vegetable yields can be expected in as little as 3 weeks and will continue for more than a year, one step
after another, depending on what is planted. When an early plant is removed, it makes more space for
the later ones to fill in. In this way, the land is optimally used and there is no space for competitor
plants to take hold.
Veggies can be cultivated one round after another as the rainy season permits until the space is too
shaded. By the first year the grass is ready and by second year the biomass trees can be pruned for
leaves and wood. In developing countries the wood poles are highly valuable so the farmer may
choose to use them for building and firewood, but it is beneficial to leave some of the wood on the soil
to support strong fungal growth.
After the first 4 years, the land will start to be shaded. There are many ways the farmland can take
shape at this time, depending on how it was originally planted. In general, the farm will shift to more
shade loving crops, such as leafy greens and pineapple and shade-loving trees like coffee and cacao.
If trees were cultivated for lumber they will start to dominate the scene as well. By incorporating all of
these elements in the initial planting scheme, year after year the farm will produce larger and more
diversified yields. At times, during the first two years, it may make sense to heavily prune the entire
system, at which point sun-loving, market crops can be grown on the land again.
Planting Logistics:
Its best to introduce all the trees and plants for the living system at the same time in the beginning, if
the land is fertile enough to accept them. Why? Because as the trees mature it becomes difficult to
establish new members. Normally there is a two-year time frame where new trees can be added, after
that a substantial pruning would be needed to introduce new trees. But it is best to start with all the
trees and plants in the beginning if possible.
Also it is preferred to plant trees by seed in abundance and then remove the weaker members as they
mature until the correct spacing is achieved for maturity. Seeds are advantageous as they require less
work to cultivate compared to growing seedlings in a nursery. They are less expensive and allow for
more genetic diversity. Plus by using seeds, the farmer allows the living system to determine which
species will grow strongest in each location.
There are some exceptions though. Some trees cannot be cultivated by seed (breadfruit for example)
and other fruit trees will not reliably grow the same fruit by seed (mango, avocado, etc) and must be
grafted. Some tree varieties grow strong from cuttings and may be easier to establish on the farm than
starting by seed and other seeds must be planted immediately after picking. If the farm system is not
ready to accept them then these seeds will need to be started beforehand. For example, in parts of Haiti
cacao seeds are ripe in the dry season and the seeds are best germinated immediately. In this situation,
cacao needs to be started as a seedling. So although seeds are preferred, there are many times where
growing seedlings is necessary.
It’s important to recognize the indigenous vegetation species can be cooperative members of the
consortium as well. During the placenta phase certain weeds will tend to grow which can be used as
biomass plants for pruning. Random tree seeds will also find their way onto the farmland. Often they
can be strategically planted by birds or other wildlife to fulfill a specific role for the system. If not,
they can always be removed. But it is always best to wait and observe! These unintended trees can add
diversity and may be filling a niche that was inadvertently left open by the farmer. It is much easier to
remove a tree later, once you are sure it is competitive than it is to add one back.
Agricultural Paradigm Shift:
Syntropic farming represents a major paradigm shift from conventional farming, even typical organic
farming. Remember that the farmland is seen as a unified, intelligent, living system and actions taken
on the farm are intended to benefit the system as a whole.
From this holistic perspective, all land can produce abundance, but sometimes it is meant to produce
something different than the farmer desires. It is good to have a plan, but also important to be open to
change your plan if things don’t go well. When you are able to see what it is that the farmland is meant
to produce, everything is easier. Where there is abundance, the farm is economically sustainable. But
where there is fighting, energy is wasted.
Maintaining a holistic perspective also means that the biomass vegetation is given equal value as the
target plants and trees. Each play different roles, but are equally important. They cooperate and need
each other for success. When the living system is kept strong and healthy it takes care of itself.
Eventually the land needs less maintenance yet delivers high yields. The soil regenerates and there is
an absence of pests and diseases.
The presence of diseases, pests or poor yields is a warning sign that the system is weak and
imbalanced, remember the need for healthy gut flora? In this case, the syntropic farmer seeks to
understand the root cause. He/she takes action to reestablish balance, such as strategic tree pruning,
adding more biodiversity or introducing a natural predator.
Sometimes the entire system needs to be cut down and the farmer has to start over with a totally new
design. In some situations the “pest” is the corrective action itself. It is attacking a part of the
vegetation that is causing the system to be weak. In this case, the farmer simply allows the attack to
unfold and then sees how to best engage with the system once the dust settles.
This perspective is vastly different from what most farmers know. They focus on their chosen target
plants at the expense and exclusion of almost everything else. They exclude perennials, trees and soil
preservation practices that help build natural fertility on the land. This results in a weak living system
that is prone to attack and competition.
Instead of recognizing that the farm is weak, pest attacks are seen as the primary problem. They are
usually met with counterattacks, such as the application of pesticides and herbicides. Poor yields are
viewed as a lack of fertilizer and the soil is usually amended.
Although this conventional approach temporarily yields positive results, it does so at a cost. Not only
is there the economic cost of these external inputs, but the greater cost is that the weakness of the farm
system is left unrecognized, unfixed and is typically exaggerated as the pesticides impact beneficial
organisms in the living system. Such a farm will become more dependent on fertilizers and pesticides
and year after year the soil quality will continue to be depleted.
This is the serious situation faced on the planet at this time. The consequences of soil degradation are
immense, including the loss of global food security and climate change (soil acts as a great place to
store carbon). I hope that this guidebook helps more people to see how conventional agriculture is
short-sighted and motivate them to support syntropic farming principles in one way or another.
Planting Guide
Location Selection:
The focus of this guidebook is about using existing farmland. The planting schemes developed here
are meant for tropical regions, specially for the mountainous area of Haiti or similar. To use this
planting scheme, the land must be able to support the trees listed here. Although this technique will
generate healthy soil, where it was not previously present, this particular design is not meant for
severely degraded or desert-like land.
When given the opportunity to choose land, the following are good features:
Some existing trees or vegetation (which can be taken down for mulch)
Natural water sources
Protection from tree eating animals (especially goats and cows)
Row Orientation:
The preferred direction to plant the tree rows is north/south. This creates a “wall” of trees that receive
the most solar absorption. The wall gets good sun exposure even when the sun is low in the sky in the
east and west.
If there is a concern for soil erosion, consider planting the tree rows on contour. This means that the
row is perpendicular to the slope, or that it hugs the hill to hold back rain water. You may consider this
strategy if there is a noticeable slope and the soil cannot be completely covered from the first day. If
the soil can be covered and a dense planting scheme is used, such as the one in this guide, the system
will hold rain water, on sloped land, even if the rows go up and down the hill.
However in Haiti, the average farmer will not be able to achieve full mulch coverage from day one and
so it is important to consider putting the tree rows on contour.
A low tech, but highly accurate A-frame tool can be used to find the contour lines of the farmland.
With a little training, the farmer can learn to mark his/her own land and plant the tree rows perfectly on
contour. An excellent tutorial video showing how to build and use the A-frame tool can be found here:
If the land is steep, then it is highly recommended to use a vetiver hedgerow as the biomass plant, with
every other tree row. Vetiver is effective at preventing erosion within the first year, and also can form
terraces effortlessly if it is grown as a complete hedge on contour.
Land Preparation:
Choose a location to start. If you plan to develop the farm step by step over years, be
thoughtful about starting in a location that will not shade out the future land.
Remove enough of the existing trees and plants to make room for the new system to grow. Keep
any desirable trees, such as fruit trees, but lower branches may need to be pruned to allow
sunlight to pass through. Other trees can be heavily pruned so that only the top of the canopy is
intact. Trees that can regrow when the top is removed can be cut this way and treated as
biomass trees.
Fence the area or protect them from tree eating animals, where needed.
Make or purchase compost, which is used when planting fruit tree seedlings.
Gather as much mulch as possible.
Stake out the rows in the preferred orientation. This design uses rows that are 4 meters apart.
Till the ground only where you will be planting.
Stake out planting sites for the individual trees.
The low trees are planted with either banana or papaya on purpose. They provide shade when the tree
is young. They should be planted on the north-west side of the cacao/coffee tree to protect it from the
late afternoon sun. It’s important to use at least 50% bananas as they are an important and unique
source of biomass.
Supply List:
It is best to map out the exact row plan for the farm and make a list based on this, but to help you get a
rough estimate of numbers, see the information below. The following estimate is for 18 m length of the
3 rows (A1, C, A2) and assumes each row is the same length:
Emergent: 2
High: 3
Medium: 4
Low: 11
Biomass trees: about 100
Biomass plants: 240 grass slips or 80 pigeon pea seeds (about 1/2 kg)
If biomass tree seeds are not readily available for sale, this chart can help you know when they will be
mature and available for collection in the field. Also, some trees can be started by cuttings.
Disclaimer: This section is also a work in progress. With more firsthand farm management experience,
this will be developed more in the future.
Removing parts of plants by pruning, weeding or thinning is the major focus of farm management.
There are many reasons to prune, and the farmer should keep them all in mind. Often a single pruning
can serve multiple purposes at one time. Here are some examples:
For more sun (synchronization)
Create a growth pulse (not valid in dry season)
Remove dead or diseased plant parts
Remove undesirable plants and trees (weeding and thinning)
To prevent senescence
The ground needs mulch to cover the soil
To maintain a space between tree canopies
To keep a tree at a height which is best for the farmer to harvest fruit or wood
Here are some specific strategies to consider for some of the trees and plants grown in the design
provided here:
Biomass Trees:
Wait until the trees are about 3 meters tall. When the rainy season starts, cut the top off each tree at
chest level. Make a clean cut upward, on an angle. This keeps the tree healthy. Chop the leaves off the
branches. Put wood on the ground first, then leaves on top. The farmer may wish to keep some wood
for burning and building, but the more wood that is left on the ground, the stronger the soil will be,
especially the soil fungi.
Through out the season, trim the lateral branches of the trees as needed so that the crops in the B-area
have enough sun and space.
Biomass Plants:
Bananas are a great biomass plant. It is encouraged to grow them in excess, beyond just the locations
shown on the design. When the psuedostem can be harvested, cut it lengthwise and cut it into pieces.
Place the parts on the ground around desirable trees and plants. This is especially helpful for soil water
When other biomass plants are used, such as grass, pigeon peas, or Mexican sunflower, then cut them
when the first signs of flowering are seen. Grasses can be cut down to about shin level, the other plants
are cut to about knee level. Place the organic matter where desired, for example around the fruit trees.
Repeat pruning is often required during the growing season.
Citrus Trees:
Citrus trees such as orange, lemon, lime and grapefruit are medium stratum trees. The are an excellent
member for this system, but require special training and tools. The higher stratum trees planted
alongside these trees will need heavier pruning. It is important to avoid having fruit trees shade the
citrus trees.
Heavier pruning is needed for two reasons. First the citrus cannot have their tops cut off, so the
surrounding trees will need to be pruned to allow space for the growing citrus canopies. Also the citrus
temporarily need more sun during their flowering stages. So the trees creating shade for them will need
to be pruned annually. To perform this type of management requires pruning high in the tree.
This can be dangerous and such management requires additional training and more specialized tools.
Such pruning practices should only be performed by those with experience. It is for those reasons,
citrus is not included in the list of trees above.
An alternate option to avoid most of this skilled pruning is to use emergent trees that are deciduous
(lose their leaves in the dry season). In parts of Haiti, cedrela odorata (and probably swietenia
mahogoni) behave this way and would make perfect companions for the citrus trees. They will
naturally drop their leaves when higher sun exposure is needed. In this system, the farmer would still
have to choose a high stratum tree that can be pruned heavily (possibly moringa, inga and gliricidia are
good choices).
Future Years:
The placenta stage of the system lasts about 2 years. If some of the trees die, or you wish to add more
variety, then don’t worry, you can do it during this phase. After that it is not possible to add trees
without a heavy pruning, as the system has started to define itself.
During the first 2 years, the farmer can add climax species. It is best to sow seeds directly. Ernst likes
to cast the seeds broadly and let the system decide which ones will grow. In this way over time the
farm will transition from an alley row system to a more natural appearing forest.
Indigenous species will often spontaneously grow in system as well. This is good, should be
encouraged and often is nature filling niches left open in the original planting scheme. Work with
nature and nature will work for you.
Future of Farming?:
1. Cooperafloresta, Associação dos Agricultores Agroflorestais de Barra do Turvo a Adrianopolis, nd,
Fixaçao de carbono nas agroflorestas e muito mais (Carbon Sequestration in Agroforestry and Much
More), https://www.cooperafloresta.com/publicaes.
2. R.L. Mulvaney, S.A. Khan, and T.R. Ellsworth, "Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizers Deplete Soil
Nitrogen: A Global Dilemma for Sustainable Cereal Production," Journal of Environmental Quality,
November/December 2009.
3. Schulz B, Becker B, Götsch E (1994), Indigenous knowledge in a “modern” sustainable
agroforestry system – a case study from eastern Brazil. Agrofor Syst 25:59-69.
4. Götsch E (1992), Natural succession of species in agroforestry and in soil recovery.
5. CEPLAC (Commissao Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira), the Brazilian cacao Research
6. Milz J (2010) Produccion de Naranja (Citrus sinensis) en sistemas agroforestales sucesionales en
Alto Beni, Bolivia – Estudio de caso. In: Beck S (ed) Biociversidad y Ecologia en Bolivia, Instituto de
Ecologia, Universidad Mayor de San Andres (UMSA), La Paz.
7. Armengot et al (2016) Cacao agroforestry systems have higher return on labor compared to full-sun
monocultures. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 36, 70.
8. Andres et al (2016) Cocoa in Monoculture and Dynamic Agroforestry. In: Lichtfouse E (ed)
Sustainable agriculture reviews. Springer, Cham, pp 121-153.
Image Credits:
1. Felipe Pasini; https://lifeinsyntropy.org
2. Ursula Arztmann; https://www.facebook.com/soulfood.ag/
3. Scott Hall; http://syntropicaf.com/wordpress
4. Darcy Seles; developed by Arboreto Project, Zoo-botantic Park, Acre Federal University with the
help of local farmers and Ernst Götsch.
5. PHC; courtesy of Plant Health Cure, Netherlands; https://vimeo.com/245907050?ref=fb-share&1
6. Steven Werner; https://web.facebook.com/AgricultureSyntropiqueFrance/
7. TVNI (The Vetiver Network International); www.vetiver.com
8. Rich Denyer-Bewick; https://richdbpdc.wordpress.com/2014/04/02/building-an-a-frame/
9. Inga Foundation; http://www.ingafoundation.org/
10. World Vision Australia; https://www.worldvision.com.au/
© 2019 Roger Gietzen. All rights reserved. This publication is to remain free for distribution to all
people worldwide. This document can be shared by providing paper copies or electronically by
sending the pdf, as long as it is done for free or for a fair reimbursement. It is not to be used for
commercial purposes or distributed for money making. The document is to remain in its original form
with original content. Translations of the guide are welcomed, without special permission. Please send
a copy to me so I can help share it with others (roger@healthy-mind-body.com).