Whs-Risk-Assessment-Tool-Camps-Excursions-Station 2018 1

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WHS General Risk Assessment Tool - Excursion to Errappa 1

Work Health and Safety (WHS) General Risk Assessment Tool

This Risk Assessment tool is to be completed by the site manager in consultation with affected workers to determine the risk control/s required to
manage general work health and safety risks.
Use this document to identify the level of risk and help to prioritise the implementation of risk controls. Using the Risk Assessment Matrix for Work
Health and Safety (WHS) Risks over the page, consider the consequences and likelihood for each identified hazard to determine the risk rating.
After the identification of risk control/s reassess the risk to determine the residual risk level.
Refer to the Hazard Management Procedure for further details.

Flinders View Primary School Date of

Site Review Date
Describe the Activity Arid Lands (Part 1), Nuttbush Retreat and Woolworths (Part 2) 09/08/18
and Location
Risk Assessment Team Name Position Contact No. Signature Date
Sage Othams Teacher 0429353546
Steph Kneebone Teacher 0404564535

Additional Information
Date(s) of excursion / departure and arrival times 07 / 09 /2018 and 25/ 09/ 18
Method of transport Bus
Number of Students 39
DECD Adult to Student Ratio for this activity 1:10 [residential camps] minimum of 2 leaders
First Aider to Student Ratio 1:30 (refer to the Workplace First Aid Procedure for correct ratio)
First Aider/s Sage Othams, contact [0429353546]
Emergency Management Plan of venue attached No
Map of entry/access points attached (for open areas/terrain) No
Preparation for excursion or activity to identify any potential hazards Read Hazard Management Procedure and DECD Teachers to sign acknowledgement of excursion
Camps and Excursions Guidelines. preparation.
Complete WHS General Risk Assessment risk
assessment tool document.
Items to take on excursion
X First aid kit X List of adults participating in the excursion

X List of children attending the excursion X Contact information for each adult

XX Contact information for each child X Mobile phone / other means of communicating with the service & emergency services

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool - Excursion to Errappa 2

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Existing Risk Hierarchy Risk Controls to Residual Risk

Hazard Controls in Assessment
Hazard Type of Risk be
Description Likeliho Consequ Risk place Likelihoo Consequ Risk
od ence Rating
Controls Implemented d ence Rating
Vehicle Road traffic D 5 Extrem Licensed bus Admin. Check licences E 5 High
accident – bus e driver Engineeri are current
transport to/from Seat belts ng
destination Driving at Admin.
speed limit
First Aid kit in Admin
Vehicle Bus breakdown/ D 3 Mediu Bus company Admin Check with bus D 3 Mediu
blown tyre m policy. Engineeri company. m
Physical Movement around D 3-5 Extrem Student, Admin. Review and D 4 High
excursion location: e volunteer and update more
Medical staff medical robust
emergency: heart needs to be emergency
attack, stroke, checked prior management
onset of asthma, to excursion. procedure for
Any required excursions.
medication will Qualified first
be organized aid person in
by teacher. attendance.
Apply first aid Check medical
Contact action plans
emergency and medication
services plans on the
Contact school day.
Physical Movement around D 2-3 Low- Supervision Admin. Teachers and E 3 Mediu
excursion location: Mediu Instruction to Admin. SSOs to m
Broken limb, m stay on supervise on
bones, soft tissue paths/tracks, site with mobile
injury. warning not to phones.

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 3

Risk Assessment Existing Risk Hierarchy Risk Controls to Residual Risk
Hazard Controls in Assessment
Hazard Type of Risk be
Description Likeliho Consequ Risk place Likelihoo Consequ Risk
od ence Rating
Controls Implemented d ence Rating
Physical Public locations: D 3 Mediu Supervision Admin. Briefing to E 3 Mediu
Student becomes m Appropriate occur at m
lost. adult – student commencement
Students, other supervision of activity.
excursion ratios in place. Distribution of
participants Roll book is Emergency
encounter marked. Head Management
undesirable count occurs Plan.
persons during and Clarification of
after activity. Assembly Point.
Adults checks
all locations Whistle to be
reptile park. used as
Adults to emergency
discuss signal.
danger prior to
exiting bus.
Clearly define
meeting areas
area at Arid
Lands carpark,
Physical Movement around D 2 Low- Apply first aid. Admin. Asthma and E 3 mediu
excursion location: mediu Consult Site medication m
Bites and stings. m staff for site management
policy. plans to be
Contact reviewed.
immediately if
WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 4
Risk Assessment Existing Risk Hierarchy Risk Controls to Residual Risk
Hazard Controls in Assessment
Hazard Type of Risk be
Description Likeliho Consequ Risk place Likelihoo Consequ Risk
od ence Rating
Controls Implemented d ence Rating
Physical Disembarking C 2 Low- Apply first Aid. Admin Briefing to D 2 Mediu
from the bus Mediu Contact occur at m
m Emergency commencement
Services of activity.
immediately if Staff member to
required. stand at bus
Staff to support
students with
cerebral palsy.
Physical Child entering on C 2 Low- Apply first Aid. Admin D 2 Mediu
road when traffic Mediu Contact m
passing m Emergency
immediately if
Physical Children B 2 Mediu High ratios Admin Briefing to
displaying m 1:1 for occur at
defiance/endanger Mathyus, commencement
ing others/running Miranda, Seth of activity-
off O if required children not
complying to be
returned to

Environment Severe weather: E 3 Mediu Weather Admin. E 3 Mediu

al Bushfire risk/ m forecast to be m
storms. checked
leading up to,
and on the day
of the

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 5

Risk Assessment Existing Risk Hierarchy Risk Controls to Residual Risk
Hazard Controls in Assessment
Hazard Type of Risk be
Description Likeliho Consequ Risk place Likelihoo Consequ Risk
od ence Rating
Controls Implemented d ence Rating
Excursion will Eliminatio No risk
be cancelled if n
conditions will
create hazards.
Environment Communication E 2 Low Second adult to Admin. Upon arrival, E 2 Low
al issues: have mobile test phone
Loss of mobile phone. signal.
phone. Vehicle to be in Arrange to use
Out of phone close proximity landline phone
range. to excursion if needed.
Landline phone
on site
Environment Lunch location E 5 Mediu Ratios, Admin Revising E 5 Low
al (foreshore): m informing expectations,
drowning families, setting adult
expectations, supervision –
adults with first appropriate
aid training and ratios

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 6

Risk Assessment Matrix

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 7

Emergency Management Plan and Procedures
These emergency management plans and procedures are intended to cover the following aspects: response to an emergency, including notifying emergency services and
medical assistance, evacuation procedures and communication expectations.

Actions During Off Site Emergency Actions After Off Site Emergency

1. Call 000 and inform emergency services of the nature of the emergency as soon as 1. Advise the School and Principal that the emergency is over.
possible. Advise them of the closest access/egress points. 2. Determine if there is any specific information
2. Example script to follow when speaking with emergency services is: “We are in students, staff and visitors need to know (e.g. areas of
Nuttbush Retreat, on the road towards Iron Knob. We are 40km North of Port the facility to avoid or parent reunification process)
Augusta located on the Eyre Highway. ” or similar depending on where the 3. Print and issue pre-prepared parent letters and give
emergency event is taking place. these to students to take home (as required).
3. Apply first aid if required. 4. Ensure any students, staff or visitors with medical or
4. Identify which Assembly Point you will evacuate staff, students and visitors to (refer other needs are supported.
to Excursion Location Map). 5. Ensure all staff are made aware of Employee
5. Evacuate staff, students and visitors to the nominated Emergency Assembly Point. Assistance Program contact details (if needed for
6. Take the student attendance list, staff attendance list, your Emergency/First Aid kit additional support).
and this Plan. 6. Seek support from DECD Education/Corporate Office if
7. Once at Assembly Point, check all students, staff and visitors are accounted for. required.
8. Report the emergency/evacuation to: 7. Undertake operational debrief with relevant staff
a. Principal: [0417819706] (including WHS committee if applicable) to review the
off-site and procedural changes that may be required.
b. School:[86425866]
8. Complete an IRMS incident report.
9. Principal will then notify:
a. Education Director: [Rob Harkin].
b. Workplace Health and Safety on 8226 1440
c. SafeWork SA on 1800 777 209 if the incident is immediately
notifiable (refer to the Injury incident reporting and
investigation procedure).
10. Ensure communications with emergency services is maintained.
Wait for emergency services to arrive or provide further
11. Contact parents if required.
12. Maintain a record of actions/decisions undertaken and times.

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 8

Review and testing of emergency management plan and procedures:

Testing of the emergency procedures, including the frequency of testing;

 This Emergency Management Plan and Procedure will be reviewed annually and adjusted according to the needs of the excursion.
 In the event that the emergency plan is activated, the emergency response team (Principal, teachers, volunteers etc.) must debrief as soon as practical after the
situation has been managed to gather learnings from the event and update the emergency procedure / plans accordingly

Information, training and instruction to relevant workers in relation to implementing the emergency procedures:

 All volunteers and staff will be provided a copy of the Emergency Management Plan and Procedure prior to the excursion and relevant phone numbers.

Emergency Contacts

Name Emergency First Aider Principal School Relevant Education Police Assistance Line Local Police (non-
Services (Police, Office (non-urgent) urgent) Port Augusta
Phone 000 [0429353546] [0417819706] [86425866] 131 444 [8648 5020]

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 9

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool - Excursion to Errappa 10
Excursion Location Map – Example Only

Area of activity

Emergency/vehicle access/egress
point (entry from Shepherdson Rd)

Area of activity

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool - Excursion to Errappa 11

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