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18th (30 minutes)

Both Groups- completed as a whole group. AIM: SWBAT answer discussion questions after watching Materials:
a video on student immersion and create a welcome
committee action plan ● Exit tickets

- Video:

-Class discussion
-Written Reflection

EQ: If you were in Moises’ class, how would you help him?

Warm Up Framing: KIPPsters today we will spell words with different spelling patterns. Practicing these skills are going to help us get ready for
our upcoming WSA and help us become better spellers. If you can spell these words correctly, you’ll know you’re on track for our upcoming

Lesson Framing: F raming: KIPPsters this week we read a book about a boy named Raj who came to live in the U.S. and how he had a hard time
understanding how people spoke especially using idioms. Today we are going to watch a short clip about a boy named Moises and his struggles
to fit at school. If you can answer some inferential questions after watching the video, then you’ll know you are successful.

Warm-Up: 20 minutes (Whole Group) Lesson:

AIM: SWBAT spell words with similar step spelling Activate Prior Knowledge:
patterns through the following activities:
TWS: Have you ever felt alienated?
-whole group dictation
● Teacher should share and model an experience as this model will help students
● Review spelling patterns. Remind
understand the word “experience,” in context.
students that some of these spelling
● Ask students to TPS
patterns make more than one sound.
● Allow 3-4 to share.
Model: 1-2 minutes
● There will be no explicit model during this activity. You will play the video during this time

● Have students sit at their tables with Model:
their dictation sheet.
● TWS: We are going to write 18 spelling TWS: As you watch the movie be sure you are paying attention to Moises’ actions and the
words. All of these words will have a actions of the other people around him.
spelling pattern we practiced this
● Do the first one together. Guided Practice: 5-7 minutes

Guided Practice: 2-3 minutes TWS: Now that we’ve watched the video Immersion we are going to discuss some questions
and find evidence to answer our essential question:
● Write the word concern ● What were some of the things Moises struggled with?
● Let’s chop it. ● What are some of the things your family does to help support you?
● s/oa/p ● What would you do if you saw someone taunting a new student at KPP?
These are solely discussion questions. Be sure students answer in complete sentences.
Independent Practice: 7-10 minutes
Independent Practice: 10- 12 minutes (3-5 minute discussion)
● TWS: “Now that we’ve watched a video, discussed it, let’s answer the EQ: If you were in
Dictation Words
Moises’ class, how would you help him?
● TWS: TNT to your partner and come up with some sentence stems for the EQ. We’ll put
1. Soap
these starters on the board to help us get our gears ready to write.
2. Cruise
○ Have students TNT then share 4-5 starters.
3. Dark
● TWS: Be sure to use your fact sheet to help you cite your proof when you write the
4. Teeth
response to your Essential Question.
5. Stream
● TWS: You will write a response to this question independently at your tables. Before
6. Ridge
closing out the block, we’ll read some of your responses together. Don’t forget to write
7. Crawl
in complete sentences and use the information you found to DEFEND your answer.”
8. Bock
● Have students finish at their tables.
9. Train
● Teacher should roam around to ensure students are on track and check for complete
10. Beach
11. Frown

12. Catch
Closing: 2-3 minutes
13. Mark

14. Pointed
● Come together to go through the selected responses.
15. Dirty
● Thank students for working so diligently on their Essential Question.
16. Wood

17. Sharp
18. First
● Conference with students who had trouble reading the text or answering the Essential
Closing: 2-3 minutes Question..

● Thank students for showing grit and
doing their best on their dictation

● Go through dictation sheets to pull
any student who is still struggling to
show mastery.

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