Both Groups- completed as a whole group. AIM: SWBAT answer discussion questions after watching Materials:
a video on student immersion and create a welcome
committee action plan ● Exit tickets
- Video:
-Class discussion
-Written Reflection
EQ: If you were in Moises’ class, how would you help him?
Warm Up Framing: KIPPsters today we will spell words with different spelling patterns. Practicing these skills are going to help us get ready for
our upcoming WSA and help us become better spellers. If you can spell these words correctly, you’ll know you’re on track for our upcoming
Lesson Framing: F raming: KIPPsters this week we read a book about a boy named Raj who came to live in the U.S. and how he had a hard time
understanding how people spoke especially using idioms. Today we are going to watch a short clip about a boy named Moises and his struggles
to fit at school. If you can answer some inferential questions after watching the video, then you’ll know you are successful.