2014 Building
A Corporate Charges
i For the purpose of jurisdiction of Corporate Charges 'persons or classes of persons' has
been defined as 'Persons being companies registered under the Companies Act, 2013 or
under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office or having its prinicipal
place of business in NCT of Delhi.
Cases or classes of cases has been defined as
(a) All cases of persons referred to in corresponding entry (i.e at point (1) above), whose
names begin with the alphabet "------"
(b) All cases of individuals being managing director or director or manager or secretary
in the companies referred to in corresponding persons and classes of persons.
iii Jurisdiction over residual cases in respect of the entire NCT of Delhi including corporate
and non corporate cases lies with Pr. CIT/ CIT -3, New Delhi
iv Companies having Income/Loss upto Rupees Thirty Lacs or as prescribed by the
competent authority from time to time, shall be under the jurisdiction of respective wards
and Income/Loss exceeding Rupees Thirty Lacs shall be under the jurisdiction of
respective circles.
For the purpose of this notification, in cases of companies whose names begin with any
of the numericals (hereinafter "numeric companies"), the A.O shall have jurisidiction
as if the names of the company begin with the alphabet which is same as that of the first
alphabet of the name of numeric companies in words.
vi For detailed and accurate description of jurisdiction, please refer to the notifications
issued by respective Income Tax Authorities.
S. Charge Range Assessment Unit Jurisdiction (Alphabetical) Tax Recovery
No. Unit
1 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-1 Circle 1(1) A followed by '&',(dot),space,capital
Commissioner of alphabets,numerals or any other Tax Recovery
Income Tax, Delhi-1 special character or Aa to Ab. Unit-1
Circle 1(2) Ac to Ah.
Ward 1(1) A followed by '&',(dot),space,capital
alphabets,numerals or any other
special character or Aa.
Ward 1(2) Ab
Ward 1(3) Ac to Ad
Ward 1(4) Ae to Ah
Range-2 Circle 2(1) Ai to Al
Circle 2(2) Am to Ao
Ward 2(1) Ai to Ak
Ward 2(2) Al
Ward 2(3) Am
Ward 2(4) An to Ao
Range-3 Circle 3(1) Ap to Ar
Circle 3(2) As to Az
Ward 3(1) Ap to Aq
Ward 3(2) Ar
Ward 3(3) As
Ward 3(4) At to Az
Cases assigned U/s 127(1) of IT Act,
Special Range-1 1961 by the Commissioner of Income-
tax, Delhi-1, New Delhi
2 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-4 Circle 4(1) B followed by '&',(dot),space,capital
Commissioner of alphabets,numerals or any other Tax Recovery
Income Tax, Delhi-2 special character or Baa to Bd Unit-2
2 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-4
Commissioner of
Income Tax, Delhi-2
Circle 4(2) Be to Bh
Ward 4(1) B followed by '&',(dot),space,capital
alphabets,numerals or any other
special character or Baa to Bak
Ward 5(1) Bi to Bo
Ward 5(2) Bp to Bz
Ward 5(3) Ca
Ward 5(4) C followed by '&',(dot),space,capital
alphabets,numerals or any other
special character or Cb to Cg
11 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-31 Circle 31(1) Lado Sarai Tax Recovery Civic Centre, E-2
Commissioner of Unit-11 block
Income Tax, Delhi- Village Hauz Rani 162
11 Pushp Vihar 184
Madangir 183
Dakshin Puri Extn. 180
Ambedkar Nagar 182
Khanpur 181
Vasant Kunj 179
Deoli 178
Ward 31(1) Lado Sarai 169
Village Hauz Rani 162
Ward 31(2) Pushp Vihar 184
Madangir 183
Ward 31(3) Dakshin Puri Extn. 180
Ambedkar Nagar 182
Ward 31(4) Khanpur 181
Vasant Kunj 179
Ward 31(5) Deoli 178
Sangam Vihar 177
Range-32 Circle 32(1) Aya Nagar 175
Bhati 176
Sangam Vihar 174
Saidul Ajaib 173
Mahrauli 170
Malviya Nagar 161
Safdarjang Enclave 163
Hauzkhas 164
Ward 32(1) Aya Nagar 175
Bhati 176
Ward 32(2) Sangam Vihar 174
Saidul Ajaib 173
Ward 32(3) Mahrauli 170
Malviya Nagar 161
Ward 32(4) Safdarjang Enclave 163
Ward 32(5) Hauzkhas 164
Range-33 Circle 33(1) Nanakpura 168
R.K.Puram 167
Munirka 166
Vasant Vihar 165
Vasant Kunj 171
Mahipalpur 144
Kishangrarh 172
Ward 33(1) Nanakpura 168
R.K.Puram 167
Ward 33(2) Munirka 166
Vasant Vihar 165
Ward 33(3) Vasant Kunj 171
Ward 33(4) Mahipalpur 144
Ward 33(5) Kishangrarh 172
All cases of the charge assigned
Special Range-11 u/s127 of the Income-tax Act.
12 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-34 Circle 34(1) Sarai Pepal thala Tax Recovery Civic Centre, E-2
Commissioner of Unit-12 Block
Income Tax, Delhi- Shalimar Bagh (south) 56
12 Ashok Vihar 68
Wazir Pur 67
Sawan Park 66
Nimri Colony 65
Malka Ganj 9
Ward 34(1) Sarai Pepal thala 15
Wazir Pur 67
Ward 34(2) Shalimar Bagh (south) 56
Ward 34(3) Ashok Vihar 68
Ward 34(4) Nimri Colony 65
Sawan Park 66
Ward 34(5) Malka Ganj 9
Range-35 Circle 35(1) Timarpur 10
Kamla Nagar 69
Shastri Nagar 73
Kishan Ganj 75
Majnu Ka Teela 78
Kashmiri Gate 77
Mukherjee Nagar 11
Ward 35(1) Timarpur 10
Ward 35(2) Kamla Nagar 69
Ward 35(3) Shastri Nagar 73
Kishan Ganj 75
Ward 35(4) Mukherjee Nagar 11
Majnu Ka Teela 78
Ward 35(5) Kashmiri Gate 77
Range-36 Circle 36(1) Dhir Pur 13
G.T. B. Nagar 12
Adarsh Nagar 14
Jehangirpuri 16
Sangam Park 71
Model Town 72
Rana Pratap Bagh 70
Ward 36(1) G.T. B. Nagar 12
Ward 36(2) Dhir Pur 13
Adarsh Nagar 14
Ward 36(3) Jehangirpuri 16
Sangam Park 71
Ward 36(4) Civil Lines, Kashmiri Gate, Gokhale
Mkt. Tis hazari, Rajpur Road,
Nicolion Road, Bada and Chhota
Bazar, Shyamnath marg,
Ward 36(5) Timarpur, Nehru Vihar,Wazirabad
Village, Majnu ka Tila, Gopalpur
Village, Monastey.
All cases of assigned u/s127 of the
Special Range-12 Income-tax Act.