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New Jurisidiction of Income-tax in Delhi w.e.f. 15.11.

2014 Building

A Corporate Charges
i For the purpose of jurisdiction of Corporate Charges 'persons or classes of persons' has
been defined as 'Persons being companies registered under the Companies Act, 2013 or
under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office or having its prinicipal
place of business in NCT of Delhi.
Cases or classes of cases has been defined as
(a) All cases of persons referred to in corresponding entry (i.e at point (1) above), whose
names begin with the alphabet "------"
(b) All cases of individuals being managing director or director or manager or secretary
in the companies referred to in corresponding persons and classes of persons.

iii Jurisdiction over residual cases in respect of the entire NCT of Delhi including corporate
and non corporate cases lies with Pr. CIT/ CIT -3, New Delhi
iv Companies having Income/Loss upto Rupees Thirty Lacs or as prescribed by the
competent authority from time to time, shall be under the jurisdiction of respective wards
and Income/Loss exceeding Rupees Thirty Lacs shall be under the jurisdiction of
respective circles.
For the purpose of this notification, in cases of companies whose names begin with any
of the numericals (hereinafter "numeric companies"), the A.O shall have jurisidiction
as if the names of the company begin with the alphabet which is same as that of the first
alphabet of the name of numeric companies in words.

vi For detailed and accurate description of jurisdiction, please refer to the notifications
issued by respective Income Tax Authorities.
S. Charge Range Assessment Unit Jurisdiction (Alphabetical) Tax Recovery
No. Unit
1 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-1 Circle 1(1) A followed by '&',(dot),space,capital
Commissioner of alphabets,numerals or any other Tax Recovery
Income Tax, Delhi-1 special character or Aa to Ab. Unit-1
Circle 1(2) Ac to Ah.
Ward 1(1) A followed by '&',(dot),space,capital
alphabets,numerals or any other
special character or Aa.

Ward 1(2) Ab
Ward 1(3) Ac to Ad
Ward 1(4) Ae to Ah
Range-2 Circle 2(1) Ai to Al
Circle 2(2) Am to Ao
Ward 2(1) Ai to Ak
Ward 2(2) Al
Ward 2(3) Am
Ward 2(4) An to Ao
Range-3 Circle 3(1) Ap to Ar
Circle 3(2) As to Az
Ward 3(1) Ap to Aq
Ward 3(2) Ar
Ward 3(3) As
Ward 3(4) At to Az
Cases assigned U/s 127(1) of IT Act,
Special Range-1 1961 by the Commissioner of Income-
tax, Delhi-1, New Delhi
2 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-4 Circle 4(1) B followed by '&',(dot),space,capital
Commissioner of alphabets,numerals or any other Tax Recovery
Income Tax, Delhi-2 special character or Baa to Bd Unit-2
2 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-4
Commissioner of
Income Tax, Delhi-2

Circle 4(2) Be to Bh
Ward 4(1) B followed by '&',(dot),space,capital
alphabets,numerals or any other
special character or Baa to Bak

Ward 4(2) Bal to Baz & Bb to Bd

Ward 4(3) Be to Bg
Ward 4(4) Bh
Range-5 Circle 5(1) Bi to Bz
Circle 5(2) C followed by '&',(dot),space,capital
alphabets,numerals or any other
special character or Ca to Cg

Ward 5(1) Bi to Bo
Ward 5(2) Bp to Bz
Ward 5(3) Ca
Ward 5(4) C followed by '&',(dot),space,capital
alphabets,numerals or any other
special character or Cb to Cg

Range-6 Circle 6(1) Ch to Com

Circle 6(2) Con to Cz
Ward 6(1) Ch
Ward 6(2) Ci to Com
Ward 6(3) Con to Coz
Ward 6(4) Cp to Cz
Cases with alphabets B or C as
Special Range-2 assigned u/s 127(1) of IT Act, 1961.

3 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-7 Circle 7(1) Alphabet D/ D(.)/ Da to Dg/Dj to Dn

Tax Recovery
Commissioner of
Income Tax, Delhi-3 C.R.Building
Circle 7(2) Alphabet Dh or Di or Do to Dz
Ward 7(1) Alphabet D or D(.) or De
Ward 7(2) Da to Dd or Df to Dg or Dj to Dn
Ward 7(3) Dh or Di or Dp
Ward 7(4) Do or Dq to Dz
Range-8 Circle 8(1) E/E(.)/Ea to Eq
Circle 8(2) Er to Ez
Ward 8(1) E or E(.) or Ea to Ek
Ward 8(2) El to Eq
Ward 8(3) Er to Eu
Ward 8(4) Ev to Ez
Range-9 Circle 9(1) F/F(.)/Fa to Fm
Circle 9(2) Fn to Fz and residual cases who does
not fall under the jurisdiction of
Commissioners/Commissioners of
Income Tax - 1 to 24, having
headquarters in Delhi.
Ward 9(1) F/F(.)/Fa to Fe
Ward 9(2) Ff to Fm
Ward 9(3) Fn to Ft
Ward 9(4) Fu to Fz and residual cases who does
not fall under the jurisdiction of
Commissioners/Commissioners of
Income Tax-1 to 24, having
headquarters in Delhi.
Cases with alphabets D,E,F as
Special Range-3 assigned U/s 127(1) of IT Act, 1961.
4 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-10 Circle 10(1) G or G(.) or Ga to Go
Tax Recovery
Commissioner of
Income Tax, Delhi-4 C.R.Building
Circle 10(2) Gp to Gz
Ward 10(1) G or G(.) or Ga to Gk
Ward 10(2) Gi to Go
Ward 10(3) Gp toGr
Ward 10(4) Gs to Gz
Range-11 Circle 11(1) H or H(.) or Ha to Hh or Hj to Ho
Circle 11(2) Hi or Hp to Hz
Ward 11(1) H or H(.) or Ha
Ward 11(2) Hb to Hh or Hj to Ho
Ward 11(3) Hi
Ward 11(4) Hp to Hz
Range-12 Circle 12(1) I/I(.)/Ia to Inf
Circle 12(2) Ing to Iz
Ward12(1) I/I(.)/Ia to Im
Ward 12(2) Ina to Inf
Ward 12(3) Ing to Inz
Ward 12(4) Io to Iz
Alphabets G or H or I as assigned
Special Range-4
u/s127 of the Income tax Act.
5 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-13 Circle 13(1) Alphabet 'J' followed by numerals,"&"
Commissioner of "(dot)" or space, any other special Tax Recovery
Income Tax, Delhi-5 character or "a/A" to "as/AS" Unit-5
Circle 13(2) Alphabet 'J' followed by "at/AT" to
Ward 13(1) Alphabet 'J' followed by numerals,"&"
"(dot)" or space, any other special
character or "aa/AA" to "ag/AG"

Ward 13(2) Alphabet 'J' followed by "ah/AH" to

Ward 13(3) Alphabet 'J' followed by "at/AT" to
Ward 13(4) Alphabet 'J' followed by "m/M" to
Range-14 Circle 14(1) Alphabet 'K' followed by
numerals,"&" "(dot)", space or any
other special character or "aa/AA" to
Circle 14(2) Alphabet 'K' followed by "b/B" to
Ward 14(1) Alphabet 'K' followed by
numerals,"&" "(dot)", space or any
other special character or "aa/AA" to
Ward 14(2) Alphabet 'K' followed by "am/AM" to
Ward 14(3) Alphabet 'K' followed by "b/B" to
Ward 14(4) Alphabet 'K' followed by "o/O" to
Range-15 Circle 15(1) Alphabet 'L' followed by numerals,"&"
"(dot)", space or "aa/AA" to "az/AZ"

Circle 15(2) Alphabet 'L' followed by "i/I" to "z/Z"

Ward15(1) Alphabet 'L' followed by numerals,"&"

"(dot)", space or "a/A" to "an/AN"
Ward 15(2) Alphabet 'L' followed by "ao/AO" to
Ward 15(3) Alphabet 'L' followed by "i/I" to
Ward 15(4) Alphabet 'L' followed by "oh/OH" to
Alphabets J,K and L as assigned u/s
Special Range-5
127 of the Income tax Act.
6 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-16 Circle 16(1) Alphabet M followed by "Numerals",
Commissioner of "&","(dot)',"space" or any other Tax Recovery
Income Tax, Delhi-6 special character or "a/A" to "ar/AR" Unit-6
Circle 16(2) Alphabet M followed b y "as/AS" to
Ward 16(1) Alphabet M followed by "Numerals",
"&","(dot)',"space" or any other
special character or "a/A" to "ah/AH"

Ward 16(2) Alphabet M followed by "ai/AI" to

Ward 16(3) Alphabet M followed by "as/AS" to
Ward 16(4) Alphabet M followed by "en/EN" to
Range-17 Circle 17(1) Alphabet M followed by "o/O to "z/Z"

Circle 17(2) Alphabet N followed by "numerals",

"&", "(dot)", "space", or any other
spcial character or "aa/AA" to "az/AZ"

Ward 17(1) Alphabet M followed by "o/O" to

Ward 17(2) Alphabet M followed by "ot/OT" to
Ward 17(3) Alphabet N followed by "Numerals",
"&", "(dot)", "space", or any other
special character or "aa/AA to
Ward 17(4) Alphabet N followed by
"aman/AMAN" to "az/AZ"
Range-18 Circle 18(1) Alphabet " Nb to Nih"
Circle 18(2) Alphabet "Nii to NZ"
Ward18(1) Alphabet "Nb to Newc"
Ward 18(2) Alphabet "Newd to Nih"
Ward 18(3) Alphabet "Nii to Nob"
Ward 18(4) Alphabet "Noc to Nz"
Alphabets M and N as assigned u/s127
Special Range-6
of the Income tax Act.
7 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-19 Circle 19(1) Alphabet O (O includes alphabet O
Commissioner of followed by '&', '.' i.e dot, space, Tax Recovery
Income Tax, Delhi-7 capital alphabet,numerals and any Unit-7
other special character) C.R.Building
Circle 19(2) Alphabet P. to Pitam((P includes
alphabet P followed by '&', '.' i.e dot,
space, capital alphabet,numerals and
any other special character)

Ward 19(1) Alphabet O to Ooo((O includes

alphabet O followed by '&', '.' i.e dot,
space, capital alphabet,numerals and
any other special character)
Ward 19(2) Alphabet Oop to Oz & P(P includes
alphabet P followed by '&', '.' i.e dot,
space, capital alphabet,numerals and
any other special character).

Ward 19(3) Alphabet Pa to Peh

Ward 19(4) Alphabet Pei to Pitam
Range-20 Circle 20(1) Alphabet Pitan to Puz
Circle 20(2) Alphabet Pv to Pz, Q, R to Rah (R
includes alphabet R followed by '&', '.'
i.e dot, space, capital
alphabet,numerals and any other
special character)
& Ra-Rah
Ward 20(1) Alphabet Pitan to Proa
Ward 20(2) Alphabet Prob to Puz
Ward 20(3) Alphabet Pv to Pz, Q,R to RR(R to RR
includes alphabet R followed by '&', '.'
i.e dot, space, capital
alphabet,numerals and any other
special character)
Ward 20(4) Alphabet RS to RZ & Ra to Rah.(RS
to RZ includes alphabet RS to RZ
followed by '&', '.' i.e dot, space,
capital alphabet,numerals and any
other special character)

Range-21 Circle 21(1) Alphabet Rai to Rev

Circle 21(2) Alphabet Rew to Rz
Ward21(1) Alphabet Rai to Real
Ward 21(2) Alphabet Ream to Rev
Ward 21(3) Alphabet Rew to Rohe
Ward 21(4) Alphabet Rohf to Rz
Alphabets O,P,Q,R as assigned u/s127
Special Range-7
of the Income tax Act.
8 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-22 Circle 22(1) Sa to Sar
Tax Recovery
Commissioner of
Income Tax, Delhi-8 C.R.Building
Circle 22(2) Sas to Saz, Sb to Sd, Sv - Sz,
Alphabet S followed by "&", "dot",
"space" , "numerals or any Other
special character and any other case
within the jurisidiction of Range-22,
Delhi but not specially falling withing
the jurisdiction of the
Ward 22(1) Saa - Sac, Alphabet S followed by
"&", "dot", "space" or "numerals or
any other special characters and any
other case within the jurisidiction of
Range-22 Delhi but not specifically
falling in the jurisidiction of other
Income Tax officers of the Range-22.

Ward 22(2) Sad - Sam

Ward 22(3) San - Sas
Ward 22(4) Sat - Saz, Sb - Sd & Sv - Sz
Range-23 Circle 23(1) Sh
Circle 23(2) Se to Sg & Si to Sk
Ward 23(1) Se - Sha
Ward 23(2) Shb - Sho
Ward 23(3) Shp - Sif
Ward 23(4) Sig - Sk
Range-24 Circle 24(1) Sl - Ss
Circle 24(2) St - Su
Ward 24(1) Sl - Spe
Ward 24(2) Spf - Sub
Ward 24(3) Suc - Supd
Ward 24(4) Supe - Suz
Alphabets 'S' as assigned u/s127 of
Special Range-8
the Income tax Act.
9 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-25 Circle 25(1) Ta to Th or T.A to T.H
Tax Recovery
Commissioner of
Income Tax, Delhi-9 C.R.Building
Circle 25(2) Ti to Tz, or T.I to T.Z
Ward 25(1) Ta to Td, or T.A to T.Z
Ward 25(2) Te to Th
Ward 25(3) Ti to Tra
Ward 25(4) Trb to Tz
Range-26 Circle 26(1) Vaa to Vic, or V.A to V.H
Circle 26(2) Vid to Vz, or V.I to V.Z
Ward 26(1) Vaa to Var, or V.A to V.Z
Ward 26(2) Vas to Vic
Ward 26(3) Vid to Vip
Ward 26(4) Viq to Vz
Range-27 Circle 27(1) U, or Wa to Web
Circle 27(2) Wec to Wz, or X, or Y, or Z
Ward27(1) Uk to Up
Ward 27(2) U (except Uk to Up), or Wa to Web

Ward 27(3) Wec to Wz

Ward 27(4) X, or Y, or Z
Alphabet T, or U, or V, or W, or X, or
Y, or Z in respect of cases assigned
Special Range-9
under Section 127 of the Income Tax

B Non Corporate Charges

For the purpose of jurisdiction of Non Corporate Charges (a) 'persons other than
companies deriving income from sources other than income from business or profession
and residing within the territorial area mentioned in column (4); (b) Persons other than
companies deriving income from business or profession and whose prinicipal place of
business or profession is within the territorial area mentioned; in column (4) i.e,
Municipal Wards of MCD of Delhi or other areas as mentioned.
ii Cases or classes of cases has been defined as
(a) All cases of persons referred to in corresponding entries in item (a) and (b) above
other than: (i) Persons whose principal source of income is from salary. (ii) Persons
falling under jurisdiction of Principal Commissioner / Commissioner of Income Tax,
iii Jurisdiction over residual cases in respect of the entire NCT of Delhi including corporate
and non corporate cases lies with Pr. CIT/ CIT -3, New Delhi
iv For detailed and accurate description of jurisdiction, please refer to the notifications
issued by respective Income Tax Authorities.
Ward Name Number
10 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-28 Circle 28(1) Srinivaspuri
Commissioner of Tax Recovery
Income Tax, Delhi- 193
Unit-10 Civic Centre, E-2
Harkesh Nagar 200
Jaitpur 201
Meetheypur 202
Badarpur 203
Molarband 204
Zakir Nagar 205
Okhla 206
Madanpur khardar 207
Sarita Vihar 208
Ward 28(1) Srinivaspuri 193
Harkesh Nagar 200
Ward 28(2) Jaitpur 201
Meetheypur 202
Ward 28(3) Badarpur 203
Molarband 204
Ward 28(4) Zakir Nagar 205
Okhla 206
Ward 28(5) Madanpur Khardar 207
Sarita Vihar 208
Range-29 Circle 29(1) Govind Puri 195
Tuglakabad Extension 185
Sangam Vihar(West) 186
Sangam Vihar(Central) 187
Sangam Vihar(East) 188
Kalkaji 196
Tuglakabad 197
Pul Pehlad Pur 198
Tehkhand 199
Ward29(1) Govind Puri 195
Tuglakabad Extension
Sangam Vihar(West) 186
Ward 29(2) Sangam Vihar(Central) 187
Sangam Vihar(East) 188
Ward 29(3) Kalkaji 196
Ward 29(4) Tuglakabad 197
Pul Pehlad Pur 198
Ward 29(5) Tehkhand 199
Range-30 Circle 30(1) Chirag Delhi 189
Chitranjan Park 190
Shahpurjat 191
Greater Kailash 192
East of Kailash 194
Ward 30(1) Chirag Delhi 189
Ward 30(2) Chitranjan Park 190
Ward 30(3) Shahpurjat 191
Ward 30(4) Greater Kailash 192
Ward 30(5) East of Kailash 194
All cases of the charge assigned
Special Range-10 u/s127 of the Income-tax Act.

11 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-31 Circle 31(1) Lado Sarai Tax Recovery Civic Centre, E-2
Commissioner of Unit-11 block
Income Tax, Delhi- Village Hauz Rani 162
11 Pushp Vihar 184
Madangir 183
Dakshin Puri Extn. 180
Ambedkar Nagar 182
Khanpur 181
Vasant Kunj 179
Deoli 178
Ward 31(1) Lado Sarai 169
Village Hauz Rani 162
Ward 31(2) Pushp Vihar 184
Madangir 183
Ward 31(3) Dakshin Puri Extn. 180
Ambedkar Nagar 182
Ward 31(4) Khanpur 181
Vasant Kunj 179
Ward 31(5) Deoli 178
Sangam Vihar 177
Range-32 Circle 32(1) Aya Nagar 175
Bhati 176
Sangam Vihar 174
Saidul Ajaib 173
Mahrauli 170
Malviya Nagar 161
Safdarjang Enclave 163
Hauzkhas 164
Ward 32(1) Aya Nagar 175
Bhati 176
Ward 32(2) Sangam Vihar 174
Saidul Ajaib 173
Ward 32(3) Mahrauli 170
Malviya Nagar 161
Ward 32(4) Safdarjang Enclave 163
Ward 32(5) Hauzkhas 164
Range-33 Circle 33(1) Nanakpura 168
R.K.Puram 167
Munirka 166
Vasant Vihar 165
Vasant Kunj 171
Mahipalpur 144
Kishangrarh 172
Ward 33(1) Nanakpura 168
R.K.Puram 167
Ward 33(2) Munirka 166
Vasant Vihar 165
Ward 33(3) Vasant Kunj 171
Ward 33(4) Mahipalpur 144
Ward 33(5) Kishangrarh 172
All cases of the charge assigned
Special Range-11 u/s127 of the Income-tax Act.

12 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-34 Circle 34(1) Sarai Pepal thala Tax Recovery Civic Centre, E-2
Commissioner of Unit-12 Block
Income Tax, Delhi- Shalimar Bagh (south) 56
12 Ashok Vihar 68
Wazir Pur 67
Sawan Park 66
Nimri Colony 65
Malka Ganj 9
Ward 34(1) Sarai Pepal thala 15
Wazir Pur 67
Ward 34(2) Shalimar Bagh (south) 56
Ward 34(3) Ashok Vihar 68
Ward 34(4) Nimri Colony 65
Sawan Park 66
Ward 34(5) Malka Ganj 9
Range-35 Circle 35(1) Timarpur 10
Kamla Nagar 69
Shastri Nagar 73
Kishan Ganj 75
Majnu Ka Teela 78
Kashmiri Gate 77
Mukherjee Nagar 11
Ward 35(1) Timarpur 10
Ward 35(2) Kamla Nagar 69
Ward 35(3) Shastri Nagar 73
Kishan Ganj 75
Ward 35(4) Mukherjee Nagar 11
Majnu Ka Teela 78
Ward 35(5) Kashmiri Gate 77
Range-36 Circle 36(1) Dhir Pur 13
G.T. B. Nagar 12
Adarsh Nagar 14
Jehangirpuri 16
Sangam Park 71
Model Town 72
Rana Pratap Bagh 70
Ward 36(1) G.T. B. Nagar 12
Ward 36(2) Dhir Pur 13
Adarsh Nagar 14
Ward 36(3) Jehangirpuri 16
Sangam Park 71
Ward 36(4) Civil Lines, Kashmiri Gate, Gokhale
Mkt. Tis hazari, Rajpur Road,
Nicolion Road, Bada and Chhota
Bazar, Shyamnath marg,
Ward 36(5) Timarpur, Nehru Vihar,Wazirabad
Village, Majnu ka Tila, Gopalpur
Village, Monastey.
All cases of assigned u/s127 of the
Special Range-12 Income-tax Act.

13 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-37 Circle 37(1) Bawana

Commissioner of Tax Recovery
Income Tax, Delhi- Unit-13 Civic Centre, E-2
13 Block
Begumpur 87
Karala 29
Nithari 34
Kirari Suleman Nagar 35
Sultanpur Mazra 39
Sultanpuri South 40
Sultanpuri East 37
Mangol Puri 47
Mangol Puri North 38
Mangol Puri East 46
Mangol Puri West 48
Ward 37(1) Bawana 28
Begumpur 87
Ward 37(2) Karala 29
Nithari 34
Kirari Suleman Nagar 35
Ward 37(3) Sultanpur Mazra 39
Sultanpuri South 40
Sultanpuri East 37
Ward 37(4) Mangol Puri 47
Mangol Puri North 38
Ward 37(5) Mangol Puri East 46
Mangol Puri West 48
Range-38 Circle 38(1) Pratap Vihar 33
Budh Vihar 23
Vijay Vihar 24
Pooth Kalan 25
Rithala 22
Naharpur 52
Rohini East 51
Narela 1
Bankner 2
Alipur 3
Bakhtawarpur 4
Balswa Jahangirpuri 5
Ward 38(1) Pratap Vihar 33
Budh Vihar 23
Vijay Vihar 24
Ward 38(2) Pooth Kalan 25
Rithala 22
Naharpur 52
Ward 38(3) Rohini East 51
Ward 38(4) Narela 1
Ward 38(5) Bankner 2
Alipur 3
Bakhtawarpur 4
Balswa Jahangirpuri 5
Range-39 Circle 39(1) Mukund Pur 6
Burari 7
Jharoda 8
Sahibabad Daulatpur 26
Libaspur 18
Samaypur Badli 17
Bhalswa 19
Jahangirpuri -II 20
Rohini Central 15
Rohini 21
Rohini North 49
Rohini South 45
Pitampura North 54
Ward 39(1) Mukundpur 6
Burari 7
Jharoda 8
Ward 39(2) Sahibabad Daulatpur 26
Libaspur 18
Ward 39(3) Samaypur Badli 17
Bhalswa 19
Jahangirpuri -II 20
Ward 39(4) Rohini Central 15
Rohini 21
Rohini North 49
Ward 39(5) Rohini South 45
Pitampura North 54
14 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-40 Circle 40(1) Pitampura South
Commissioner of Tax Recovery
Income Tax, Delhi- Unit-14 Civic Centre, E-2
14 Block
Shalimar Bagh North 55
Saraswati Vihar 60
Tri Nagar 61
Kohat Enclave 63
Shakur Pur 64
Ward 40(1) Pitampura South 53
Ward 40(2) Shalimar Bagh North 55
Ward 40(3) Saraswati Vihar 60
Ward 40(4) Tri Nagar 61
Ward 40(5) Kohat Enclave 63
Shakur Pur 64
Range-41 Circle 41(1) Punjabi Bagh,
Madipur 104
Harkrishan Nagar, 41
Peera Garhi 42
Range-41 Circle 41(1)

Pachim Vihar (South) 57

Paschim Vihar (North) 58
Rani Bagh 59
Ram Pura 62
Moti Nagar 99
Karam Pura 100
Ward 41(1) Punjabi Bagh, 103
Madipur 104
Ward 41(2) Harkrishan Nagar, 41
Peera Garhi 42
Ward 41(3) Pachim Vihar (South) 57
Paschim Vihar (North) 58
Ward 41(4) Rani Bagh 59
Ram Pura 62
Ward 41(5) Moti Nagar 99
Karam Pura 100
Range-42 Circle 42(1) Mundka 30
Nagloi Jat 31
Nilothi 32
Prem Nagar 36
Nangloi (East) 43
Quammudin Nagar 44
Kunwar Singh Nagar 121
Hastsal 122
Mohan Garden 125
Nawada 126
Ward 42(1) Mundka 30
Nagloi Jat 31
Ward 42(2) Nilothi 32
Prem Nagar 36
Ward 42(3) Nangloi (East) 43
Quammudin Nagar 44
Ward 42(4) Kunwar Singh Nagar 121
Hastsal 122
Ward 42(5) Mohan Garden 125
Nawada 126
All cases of assigned u/s127 of the Income-tax
Special Range-14
15 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-43 Circle 43(1) Dichaon Kalan Tax Recovery Civic Centre, E-2
Commissioner of 139
Unit-15 Block
Income Tax, Delhi- Najafgarh 138
Kakraula 135
Roshan Purea 137
Khaira 140
Chawla 133
Nangali Sakrawati 134
Milap Nagar 119
Sitapuri 120
Part of MCD ward 136(Matiyala
Vilage, Dwarka Sector 3 to 6)
Dwarka & Matiala (other than Matiala
Village & Sector 3 to 6)
Ward 43(1) Dichaon Kalan 139
Najafgarh 138
Ward 43(2) Kakraula 135
Roshan Purea 137
Khaira 140
Ward 43(3) Chawla 133
Nangali Sakrawati 134
Ward 43(4) Milap Nagar 119
Sitapuri 120
Ward 43(4)

Part of MCD ward 136(Matiyala

Vilage, Dwarka Sector 3 to 6)
Ward 43(5) Dwarka & Matiala (other than Matiala
Village & Sector 3 to 6)
Range-44 Circle 44(1) All areas comprised under the
jurisdiction of ITO, W-44(1), W-
44(2), W-44(3), W-44(4)
Ward 44(1) Vikaspuri 123
Vikas Nagar 124
Ward 44(2) Uttam Nagar 127
Binda Pur 128
Ward 44(3) Dabri 129
Manglapuri 130
Sagarpur 131
Sagarpur (West) 132
Ward 44(4) Bijwasan, 141
Raj Nagar 142
Kapashera 143
Ward 44(5) Palam 145
Sad Nagar 146
Mahavir Enclave 147
Madhu Vihar 148
Range-45 Circle 45(1) All areas comprised under the
jurisdiction of ITO, W-45(1), W-
45(2), W-45(3), W-45(4)
Ward 45(1) Raja Grarden, Basai Darapur, Bali
Ward 45(2) Raghubir Nagar 102
Rajouri Garden 105
Ward 45(3) Tagore Nagar, 106
Khayala 108
Mahavir Nagar 115
Ward 45(4) Subhash Nagar (Residence &
Vishnu Garden (Industrial) 107
Ward 45(5) Cases falling under the jurisdiction of
Commissioner of Income Tax
(Exemption) having headquarter in
16 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-46 Circle 46(1) Jama Majid Tax Recovery
Commissioner of 79
Unit-16 Drumshape
Income Tax, Delhi- Chadni Chowk 80
16 Minto Road 81
Kacha Pandit 82
Bajar Sitaram 83
Turkamna Gate 84
Ballimaran 86
Ward 46(1) Ajmeri Gate Chowk to Lahori Gate
(Via G.B.Road), Shardhaand Marg,
Behind G.B.Road, etc. (Bothsides),
Lahori Gate Police Station, Lahori
Gate Chowk, Lahori Gate to Naya
Ward 46(2) Nai Sarak Both Sides, Katra - Moti,
Katra - Rathi, Katra - Anoop - Si,
Katra Jamun, Jogiwara, Gali Satte
Wali Chandni Chowk, Katra Subhash,
Kucha Ustad Dag, Kucha Rehman,
Raghu Ganj, Balimaran Opp. Town
Hall New Delhi.
Ward 46(3) Ballimaran from 700 to 3100, Chandni
Chowk 700 to 251 (Gali Kandla
Kassan), Gandhi Cloth Market, Havel
Haider Quli, Katra Baryan, Gali Shiv
Mandir, Fatehpuri (6400 towards
Kahri Baoli 5999), Gadodia Market,
Gali Batashan Naya Bans, Arya Samaj
Gali, (6000 & above), Lal Kuan Bazar
to Hauz Qazi Chowk.

Ward 46(4) Sita Ram (ALL), Churiwalan (ALL),

Turkman Gate (ALL), Ajmeri Gate 1
to 1000, Asaf Ali Road 1/1 to 1/29,
Hauz Quazi 1 to 500, Kamala Market
(All), Minto Road.

Ward 46(5) Farash Khana (Right Side) to Houz

Qazi Chowk towards Right Side upto
Ajmeri Gate Chowk Gali Haqim
Baqqa, Peepal Mahade, Shakuntala
Market, Chaumukha Mandir, Chawri
Bazar 3700 to 3900, Bazar Sikiwalan,
Any Other case falling in Municipal
Wards 79, 80, 81,82,83,84 and 86 and
not specifically assigned to any of the
Assessment Wards of CIT-XVI

Range-47 Circle 47(1) Jama Majid 79

Chadni Chowk 80
Minto Road 81
Kacha Pandit 82
Bajar Sitaram 83
Turkamna Gate 84
Ballimaran 86
Ward 47(1) Naya Bazar, Gali Raghunandan, Tilak
Bazar (Shop No. 1000 & above), Katra
Tambaku, Khari Baoli (Shop No. 2000
& Above), Cloth Market.

Ward 47(2) Mali Wara (Both Sides), Chippiwaa,

Dhobi Wara Najwara, Chhata Madan,
Explande Road to Dariba Kalan, Khari
Baoli Bazar to Tilak Bazar (Right
Hand Side), Katra Ishwar Bhawan,
Tilak Bazar (Right Hand), Pili Khoti
To Nai Basti Including Dhibbi Market,
S.P.Mukherjee Marg to Church
Mission Road Behind Novelty

Ward 47(3) Katra Neel (Gali Ghanteshwar), Kinari

Bazar, Bagh Diwar (Fatehpuri), Katra
Ward 47(4) Katras of Chandni Chowk: Katra
Ashrafi, Katra Nagin Chand, Katra
Hardyal, Katra Nawab, Sat Narain,
Katra Dhulia, Kuha Mahajani, Kucha
Natwa, Moti Bazar, S.B. sarafa
Market, Mori Gate, Hamilton Road,
Nicholson Road, Gokhale Maket,
Madrasi Colony (Mori Gate)
Ward 47(5) Bhagirath Place, Dariba Kalan (No.
1400 & above)
Range-48 Circle 48(1) Jama Majid 79
Chadni Chowk 80
Minto Road 81
Kacha Pandit 82
Bajar Sitaram 83
Turkamna Gate 84
Ballimaran 86
Ward 48(1) Main Road, Darya Ganj, Golcha Side,
Jama Masjid, Netaji Subhash Marg
Main Road, Kucha Tara Chand,
Kucha Dakhi Rai, Matia Mahal Road,
David Street, Urdu Bazar, Patadi
House, Chitli Qabar.
Ward 48(2) Kucha Dalkhi Rai, Kucha Tara Chand,
Tirahabehram Khan, Main Delhi Gate
Bazar, Kucha Chelan Pahari Bhojli

Ward 48(3) Lal Kila, Nigam Bodh Ghat, Kucha

Mir, Gali Jute Wali, Chitla Gate,
Angoori Bagh Meena Bazar, Jamuna
Bazar, Motor Market, Ashok Gali,
Gali Hakim Wali, Matia Mahal No. 13
to 1193, Churiwalan, Jama Masjid No
1 to 1198, Chauri Bazar Facing Jama
Masjid No 1 to 900.

Ward 48(4) Old Lajpat Rai Market, New Lajpat

Market, Mori Sarai, Parad Road,
Deewan Hall Road, Pleasure Garden,
Esplanada Road 413 t 414.

Ward 48(5) Jama Masjid Red Light to Delhi Gate,

Asaf Ali Road, Kucha Chelan Tiraha
Behram Khan, Main Delhi Gate Bazar,
Pahari Bhojli, Suiwalan Kala Mahal,
Phool Mandi.
Special Range-16 All the cases psertaiing to Municipal
Wards 79.80,81,82,83,84 and 86 as
assinged in the order(s) passed by CIT,
Delhi-XVI under section 127 of the
Income Tax Act, 1961.
17 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-49 Circle 49(1) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
Commissioner of inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal Tax Recovery
Unit-17 Civic Centre, E-2
Income Tax, Delhi- Ward No. block
17 Kirti Nagar 97
Mansarovar Garden 98
Janak Puyri North, 109
Nangal Raya 110
Hari Nagar 111
Janak Puri West 117
Janak Puri South 118
Ward 49(1) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Kirti Nagar 97
Ward 49(2) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Mansarovar Garden 98
Ward 49(3) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Hari Nagar 111
Janak Puyri North, 109
Ward 49(4) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Nangal Raya 110
Janak Puri South 118
Ward 49(5) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Janak Puri West 117
Range-50 Circle 50(1) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
East Patel Nagar 95
New Ranjit Nagar 96
Rajinder Nager 149
Pusa 150
Inder Puri 151
Naraina and area under contonment
Ward 50(1) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
East Patel Nagar 95
Ward 50(2) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
New Ranjit Nagar 96
Ward 50(3) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Rajinder Nager 149
Ward 50(4) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Pusa 150
Ward 50(5) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Inder Puri 151
Naraina and area under contonment
Range-51 Circle 51(1) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Inderlok Colony 74
Karol Bagh 91
Dev Nagar 92
Baljit Nagar 93
West Patel Nagar 94
Ward 51(1) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Inderlok Colony 74
Ward 51(2) Jurisdiction is coterminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Dev Nagar 92
Baljit Nagar 93
Ward 51(2)

West Patel Nagar 94

Ward 51(3) Municipal Ward No. 91 wherein
returned income is Rs. 20 lakhs or
more. (Bank Street, gurudwara road,
guru nanak market, ilahi baksh road,
joshi road, naiwala, pyare lal road 91
(eastern side of vishnu mandir marg,
WEA blocks, 1, 11, 26B, joshi road)

Ward 51(4) Municipal Ward No. 91 wherein

returned income is Rs. 20 lakhs or
more. (Camp Cinema Road, Dev nagar
area of ward 91, deshbandhu gupta
road, western side of vishnu mandir
marg, guru ravidas marg, hardhyan
singh road, krishna nagar, new rohtak
road, padam singh road, pyare lal road, 91
ramjas road, sarai rohilla, tank road,
vishnu mandir marg western side,
maharana pratap road, municipal
market, rehgarpura, rani jhansi market,
netaji subhash market.)

Ward 51(5) Municipal Ward No. 91 wherein

returned income is Rs. 20 lakhs or
more. [abdul azij road, ajmal khan
road, arya samaj road ( eastern side of
vishnu mandir marg), abdul rehman
road, beadon pura, desh bandhu gupta
road ( eastern side of vishnu mandir
marg), hardhyan singh road( eastern
road of vishnu mandir marg), vishnu
mandir marg (eastern side), bhagwati
market, gaffar market, tip top market,
any Other area of municipal ward 91
not specified in jurisdiction of ward 51
(3) and ward 51(4)

Special Range-17 All cases assigned under section 127

of the Income Tax Act, 1961 under
territorial jurisdiction of Commissoner
of Income Tax, Delhi-17, New Delhi.

18 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-52 Circle 52(1) Jurisdiction is coterminus and

Commissioner of inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal Tax Recovery
Income Tax, Delhi- Ward No. Unit-18 Civic Centre, E-2
18 block
Darya Ganj 153
Nizamuddin 154
NDMC area N1,N2,N
3,N4 &
Ward 52(1) Jurisdiction is co terminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
NDMC area Ward No. N2,N3,N
Palika Bazar and Janpath of Muncipal N1,N2,N
war N1 under NDMC Areas. 3,N4 &
Ward 52(2) Jurisdiction is co terminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Ward 52(2)

NDMC area Ward No. N5

Ward 52(3) Jurisdiction is co terminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Darya Ganj 153
Ward 52(4) Jurisdiction is co terminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Nizamuddin 154
Connaught place Block-
C,D,E,K,L,M,N of Municipal Ward
N1 under NDMC area
Ward 52(5) Jurisdiction is co terminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Municipal Ward No. N1 except
Connaught place Block-
C,D,E,K,L,M,N, Palika Bazar and
Janpath under NDMC area.
Municipal Ward No. N6, N7 & N8,
N9, 158, 159 (West side of Ring
Road), wherein returned income is Rs.
20 lakhs or more.
Range-53 Circle 53(1) Jurisdiction is co terminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
NDMC area Ward No. N6,N7,N
Kotla Mubarak 158
Andrews Ganj (West side of Ring a part of
road) 159
Ward 53(1) Jurisdiction is co terminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
NDMC area Ward No. N6
Ward 53(2) Jurisdiction is co terminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
NDMC area Ward No. N7 & N8
Ward 53(3) Jurisdiction is co terminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
NDMC area Ward No. N9
Ward 53(4) Jurisdiction is co terminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Kotal Mubarak 158
Ward 53(5) Jurisdiction is co terminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Andrews Ganj (West side of Ring
Range-54 Circle 54(1) Jurisdiction is co terminus and
inclusive of Jurisdiction of Municipal
Ward No.
Lajpat Nagar 155
Bhogal 156
Kasturba Nagar 157
Andrews Ganj (East side of Ring road)
Amar Colony 160
Ward 54(1) Lajpat Nagar 155
Ward 54(2) Bhogal 156
Ward 54(3) Kasturba Nagar 157
Ward 54(4) Andrews Ganj (East Side of Ring
Road.) part of Ward 159
Ward 54(5) Amar Colony 160
All cases assigned under Section 127
of the Income Tax Act, 1961 under the
Special Range-18 territorial jurisdiction of
Commissioner of Income Tax, Delhi
18, New Delhi.
19 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-55 Circle 55(1) Anand Vihar Tax Recovery
225 Vikas Bhawan
Commissioner of Unit-19
Vishwas Nagar 226
Income Tax, Delhi- Gandhi Nagar 234
Azad Nagar 235
Raghubar Pura 236
Sahadara 237
Jhilmil 238
Vivek Vihar 239
Ward 55(1) Anand Vihar 225
Vishwas Nagar 226
Ward 55(2) Gandhi Nagar 234
Ward 55(3) Azad Nagar 235
Raghubar Pura 236
Ward 55(4) Sahadara 237
Ward 55(5) Vivek Vihar 239
Range-56 Circle 56(1) Dilshad Colony 240
Dilshad Garden 241
New Seemapuri 242
Nand Nagri 243
Sunder Nagari 244
Durgapuri 245
Ashok Vihar 246
Ram Nagar 247
Welcome Colony 248
Kardampur 258
Janata Colony 259
Babarpur 260
Saboli 263
Harsh Vihar 264
Ward 56(1) Dilshad Colony 240
Dilshad Garden 241
New Seema Puri. 242
Ward 56(2) Nand Nagri 243
Sundernagri 244
Durgapuri 245
Ward 56(3) Ashok Vihar 246
Ram Nagar 247
Welcome Colony 248
Ward 56(4) Kardampur 258
Janata Colony 259
Babarpur 260

Ward 56(5) Saboli 263

Harsh Vihar 264
Range-57 Circle 57(1) Dharampura 233
Chauhan Bangar 249
Zaffrabad 250
New Usman Pur 251
Maujpur 252
Bhajanpura 253
Brahampuri 254
Ghonda 255
Yamuna Vihar 256
Subhash Mohalla 257
Jiwanpur 261
Gokalpur 262
Shiv Vihar 265
Karawal Nagar East 266
Nehru Nagar 267
Mustafabad 268
Khajoori Khas 269
Tukhmir Pur 270
Karawal Nagar West 271
Soniya Vihar 272
Ward 57(1) Dharampura 233
Chauhan Bangar 249
Zaffrabad 250
New Usman Pur 251
Ward 57(2) Maujpur 252
Bhajanpura 253
Brahampuri 254
Ghonda 255
Ward 57(3) Yamuna Vihar 256
Subhash Mohalla 257
Jiwanpur 261
Gokalpur 262
Ward 57(4) Shiv Vihar 265
Karawal Nagar East 266
Nehru Nagar 267
Mustafabad 268
Ward 57(5) Khajoori Khas 269
Tukhmir Pur 270
Karawal Nagar West 271
Soniya Vihar 272
Speicial Range-19 All cases assigned under Section 127
of the Income Tax Act, 1961, under
the jurisdiction of the Pr. CIT/CIT-19
and Pr. CIT/CIT-20, New Delhi.

20 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-58 Circle 58(1) Kishan Kunj Tax Recovery

221 Vikas Bhawan
Commissioner of Unit-20
Income Tax, Delhi- Laxmi Nagar 222
20 Krishna Nagar 229
Geeta Colony 230
Ward 58(1) Kishan Kunj 221
Ward 58(2) Laxmi Nagar 222
Ward 58(3) (Part) Krishna Nagar) comprising
area of as follows: 1) Mahila Colony
Shahdara, 2) Jheel Khurenja, 3) Ghas 229
Mandi, 4) Krishna Nagar Blocks: A,
B, C and D.
Ward 58(4) (Part) Krishna Nagar comprising area
of as follows: 1) Arjun Nagar West, 2)
East Krishna Nagar Block: A, C & E,
3) Krish Nagar Block: F, H, J & New 229
Krishna Nagar and all residual areas of
Municipal Ward 229

Ward 58(5) Geeta Colony 230

Range-59 Circle 59(1) Mandawali 218
Shakarpur 223
I.P. Extn. 227
Preet Vihar 228
Ghondli 231
Anarkali 232
Ward 59 (1) Mandawali 218
Shakarpur 223
Ward 59 (2) I.P. Extn. 227
Ward 59 (3) Preet Vihar 228
Ward 59 (4) Ghondli 231
Ward 59 (5) Anarkali 232
Range-60 Circle 60(1) Mayur Vihar Phase-1 209
Dallopura 210
Trilokpuri 211
New Ashok Nagar 212
Kalyanpuri 213
Khichripur 214
Kondli 215
Gharoli 216
Vinod Nagar 217
Mayur Vihar Phase-II 219
Patpar Ganj 220
Pandav Nagar 224
Ward 60(1) Mayur Vihar Phase-1 209
Dallopura 210
Ward 60(2) Trilokpuri 211
New Ashok Nagar 212
Ward 60(3) Kalyanpuri 213
Vinod Nagar 217
Mayur Vihar Phase-II 219
Ward 60(4) Khichripur 214
Kondli 215
Gharoli 216
Ward 60(5) Patpar Ganj 220
Pandav Nagar 224
21 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-61 Circle 61(1) National Capital Territory of Delhi
Commissioner of (Legal, Medical, Engineering or
Income Tax, Delhi- architectural profession or the Tax Recovery
21 profession of accountancy or technical Unit-21
consultancy or Interior decoration or Civic Centre, E-2
any other profession) block
Ward 61(1) Alphabet A to I (first name) of (Legal,
Engineering or architectural profession
or the profession of accountancy or
technical consultancy or Interior
decoration or any other profession
(other than Medical)
Ward 61(2) Alphabet J to R (first name) of (Legal,
Engineering or architectural profession
or the profession of accountancy or
technical consultancy or Interior
decoration or any other profession
(other than Medical)

Ward 61(3) Alphabet S to Z (first name) of (Legal,

Engineering or architectural profession
or the profession of accountancy or
technical consultancy or Interior
decoration or any other profession
(other than Medical)

Ward 61(4) Alphabet A to M (First name)

(Medical profession)
Ward 61(5) Alphabet N to Z (First name)
(Medical profession)
Range-62 Circle 62(1) National Capital Territory of Delhi
(Source of Income is from business of
contractorhsip, including supply of
labour for carrying out any work)

Ward 62(1) Contractors Name starting with

Alphabet Alphabet A,E, I,M, Q & U
Ward 62(2) Contractors Name starting with
Alphabet Alphabet B,F,J,N, R & V
Ward 62(3) Contractors Name starting with
Alphabet Alphabet C,G,K,O, S,W &Y

Ward 62(4) Contractors Name starting with

Alphabet Alphabet D,H,L,P,T, X & Z

Ward Name No.

Ward 62(5) Pahar Ganj 89
Range-63 Circle 63(1) Deputy Ganj 76
Idgah Road 85
Ream Nagar 87
Qasab Pura 88
Modal Basti 90
Ward 63(1) Deputy Ganj 76
Ward 63(2) Qasab Pura - Ward 88 (Part Area) 88
Deputy Ganj Ward 76 (Part Area) 76
Ward 63(3) Qasab Pura Ward 88 (Part Area) 88
Ward 63(4) Ram Nagar Ward 87 (Part Area) 87
Model Bast- Ward 90 (Part Area) 90
Ward 63(5) Model Basti-Ward 90 (Part Area) 90
Speicial Range-21 All cases assigned under Section 127
of the Income Tax Act, 1961, under
the jurisdiction of the Pr. CIT/CIT-19
and Pr. CIT/CIT-21, New Delhi.
22 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-64 Circle 64(1) (A)
Commissioner of 1. President of India
Income Tax, Delhi- 2. Vice President of India
22 3. Prime Minister of India
4. Union Council of Ministers
5. All UN Boards (UNICEF, WHO,
1. Judges of Supreme Court of India
and High Court.
2. Chairperson & Members of Union
Public Service Commission & Central
Vigilance Commission.
3. Cabinet Secretary to Government of
India, Principal Secretaries to Govt. of
4. Chairperson & Members of Boards
(i.e Post & Telegraph Board etc.)
5. Chairperson & Members of Central
Board of Direct and Indirect Taxes
irrespective of income/loss.
1. Secretaries to President of India,
Vice President of India and Prime Tax Recovery
Minister of India. Unit-22
2. Office of President, Vice -President
of India and Prime. Civic Centre, E-2
Minister of India (PMO). block
3. Cabinet Secretariat irrespective of
All employees/pensioners of Central
Government posted and residing in
National Capital Territory of Delhi.
1. Ministry of Home Affairs including
IB, CBI and Delhi Police.
Vice President of India and Prime Tax Recovery
Minister of India. Unit-22
2. Office of President, Vice -President
of India and Prime.
Minister of India (PMO).
3. Cabinet Secretariat irrespective of
All employees/pensioners of Central
Government posted and residing in
National Capital Territory of Delhi.
1. Ministry of Home Affairs including
IB, CBI and Delhi Police.
2. Ministry of Railways (Railway
Board & other Railway Offices)
Rajputana Rifles & other
Paraministrary Forces.
4. NDMC and DDA having taxable
income/loss above Rs. 20 lacs.

Ward 64(1) All Employees/pensioners of following

CentralElectricity Authority, CWC,
Defence, Health & Family Welfare,
Heavy Industries, Information
Technology (NIC), Non Conventional
Energy Sources, Personnel< public
Grievance & Pensions Planning &
Programme Implementation &
Statistifcs, Space, Tribal Affairs
having taxable income / l oss upto Rs.
20 lacs.

Ward 64(2) All Employee/pensioners of following

Agriculture & Rural Development
(including Small Scale & Industry,
DMS, NPC, NCE), Chemincal &
Fertilizers, Energy & Power,
Information & Broadcasting
(including Doordarshan, Prasar Bharti
& All India Radio), Labour, Mines &
Minerals, Min. of Communication,
Ministry of Coal, Petroleum & Natural
Gas, Science & Technology (including
Survey of India, Department of
Meteorology) Social Justice &
Empowerment, Steels, Tourism,
Youth Affairs & Sports having taxable
income/loss upto Rs. 20 lacs.
Ward 64(3) All Employees/Pensioners of following
Central Vigilance Commission, Civil
Aviation, C & AG, A.G. Office,
Ministry of External Affairs, Food &
Civil Supplies, Consumer Affairs &
Public distribution (incl. Super Bazar,
Bureau of Indian Standard, Kendriya
Bhandag) Lik Sabha & Rajya Sabha
Secretariat, Ministry of Commierce,
Earth Science, Ocean Development,
Parliamentary Affairs, Planning
Commission, Surface Transport,
UPSC & Urban Employment &
Poverty Alleviation, Urban
Development (including CPWD)
having taxable income/loss upto Rs.
20 lacs.

Ward 64(4) All Employees/Pensioners of following

Atomic Energy Commission, Election
Commission, Electronics,
Environment & Forests, Human
Resource & Development, Law &
Justice & Company Affairs (including
Supreme Court & High Court),
Ministry of Culture (including
Archeological Survey of India (ASI),
National Human Rights Commissions,
Ministry of Textiles, Special
Commission (appointed for specific
purposes ) having taxable income/loss
upto Rs. 20 lacs.

Ward 64(5) Ell Employees/Pensioners of following

Central Board of Direct Taxe3s,
Income Tax Department, Ministry of
Finance, Customs & Central Excise
and any other Ministry or Department
not mentioned in any of the above
wards, having taxable income / loss
upto Rs. 20 lacs.
Range-65 Circle 65(1) All Employees/Pensioners of following
Ministries/Deptts: 1.
Government of National Capital
Territory of Delhi, MC.D., Hospitals
situated within the National Capital
Territory (including AIIMS), Delhi
Police, Delhi Jal Board, NDMC &
2. Ministry of Home Affairs including
IB and CBI
3. All Employees of other State Govt.
4. All retired employees of Indian
Army and Indian Navy having taxable
income/loss above Rs. 20 lacs.
Ward 65(1) All Employees/Pensioners of following
Ministries/Deptts: 1.
Government of National Capital
Territory of Delhi, Delhi Jal Board,
MCD & Government of Other States
starting with Alphabets A to M;
2. AIIMS and Pensioners of Indian
Army & Indian Navy Starting with
Alphabets 'A' to 'F'

Ward 65(2) All Employees/Pensioners of following

Ministries/Deptts: 1.
Government of National Capital
Territory of Delhi, Delhi Jal Board,
MCD & Government of Other States
starting with Alphabets A to M;
2. All employees/Pensioners of AIIMS
& Pensioners of Indian Army & Indian
Navy Starting with Alphabets G to L

Ward 65(3) All/Employees/Pensioners of

following Ministries/Departments:
1. All Hospitals of National Capital
Terriroty of Delhi, (excluding AIIMS),
Starting with Alphabets A to M;
2. AIIMS &Pensioners of Indian Army
& Indian Navy starting with Alphabets
M to R. 3.
Ministry of Home Affairs includng IB
and CBI.

Ward 65(4) All Employees/Pensioners of following

1. All Hospitals o National Capital
Terriroty of Delhi (excluding AIIMS),
Starting with Alphabets N to Z
2. AIIMS & Pensioners of Indian Arm
y & Indian Navy starting with
Alphabets S to Z

Ward 65(5) All Employees/Pensioners of following

1. Delhi Police, DDA, NDMC
Ward 65(4) All Employees/Pensioners of following
1. All Hospitals of National Capital
Territory of Delhi (excluding AIIMS),
Ward 65(5) All Employees/pensioners of following
2. Delhi Police, DDA, NDMC having
taxable income/loss upto Rs. 20 lacs.

Range-66 Circle 66(1) 1. Indian Air Forece

2. University Grants Commission
3. Foreign Airlines.
4. Rajputana Rifles,
5. Ministry of Railway (Railways
Board & other Railway offices)
other Paramilitary Forces.
Ward 66(1) All Employees/pensioners of following
1. Indian Air Forces, University Grant
Commission (UGC), Foreign airlines,
Rajputana Rifles whose (employees)
name begins with alphabet A to F.

Ward 66(2) 1. Indian Air Forece, University

Grants Commission (UGC), Foreign
Airlines, Rajputana Rifles whose
(employee's) name begins witgh
alphabet 'G to L'
Ward 66(3) 1. Indian Air Forece, University
Grants Commission (UGC), Foreign
Airlines, Rajputana Rifles whose
(employee's) name begins witgh
alphabet 'M to R'
Ward 66(4) 1. Indian Air Forece, University
Grants Commission (UGC), Foreign
Airlines, Rajputana Rifles whose
(employee's) name begins witgh
alphabet 'S to Z'
2. CRPF, BSF, ITBP, RAF, other
Paramilitary Forces.
Ward 66(5) Ministry of Railways (Railway Board
& other Railway offices)
Pr. Commissioner/ Range-67 Circle 67(1) All employees /pensioners of banks
Commissioner of including foreign banks ,whose name Tax Recovery
Income Tax, Delhi- begins with letters A-Z Unit-23 Civic Centre, E-2
23 block
Ward 67(1) Alphabet S to Z (except SBI and its
Ward 67(2) Alphabet A to M
Ward 67(3) All employees/ Pensioners and senior
citizens of S.B. I and its subsidiaries.
Ward 67(4) Alphabet N to R
Ward 67(5) All employees /pensioners of
banksforeign banks
Range-68 Circle 68(1) All employees /pensioners of public
sector undertakings ,whose name
begins with letters A-Z
Ward 68(1) Alphabet A to E
Ward 68(2) Alphabet F to J
Ward 68(3) Alphabet K to O
Ward 68(4) Alphabet P to S
Ward 68(5) Alphabet T to Z
Range-69 Circle 69(1) All employees /pensioners of School
and colleges,whose name begins with
letters A-Z
Ward 69(1) Alphabet A to E
Ward 69(2) Alphabet F to G
Ward 69(3) Alphabet H to L
Ward 69(4) Alphabet M to R
Ward 69(5) Alphabet S to Z
24 Pr. Commissioner/ Range-70 Circle 70(1) All employees /pensioners of all
Commissioner of private employers,whose name begins
Income Tax, Delhi- with letters A to K including Tax Recovery
24 employees / Pensoners of Unit-24
Ward 70(1) Alphabets Aa to Am
Income Tax, Delhi-

Ward 70(2) Alphabets D and E including

employees /pensioners of DU
Ward 70(3) Alphabets I,J,B & G
Ward 70(4) Alphabets C, H &J
Ward 70(5) Alphabets F, A n to AZ.
Range-71 Circle 71(1) All employees /pensioners of all
private employers,whose name begins
with letters L to R
Ward 71(1) Alphabets L
Ward 71(2) Alphabet M
Ward 71(3) Alphabet P
Ward 71(4) Alphabet R
Ward 71(5) Alphabet N, Q and O
Range-72 Circle 72(1) All employees /pensioners of all
private employers,whose name begins
with letters S and employees
pensioners of embassies , foreign
missions and all Airlines registered in
Ward 72(1) Alphabet Sa to Sg
Ward 72(2) All employees/ Pensioners of
Embassies , Foreign missions and all
Airlines registered in India
Ward 72(3) Alphabet V,W,X, Y and Z
Ward 72(4) Alphabet Sn to Sz and U
Ward 72(5) Alphabet Sh to Sm and T
25 Commissioner of Range-73 Circle 73(1) Alphabet 'A', 'B', & 'C' Tax Recovery
Income Tax, TDS-1 Unit-25 Laxmi Nagar
Ward 73(1) A (special character/ numeric)' 'A' and
'Aa' to 'Ap'
Ward 73(2) Alphabet 'Aq' to 'Az'
Ward 73(3) Alphabet 'B'
Ward 73(4) Alphabet 'C'
Range-74 Circle 74(1) Alphabet D,E,F,G,H, and 'I'
Ward 74(1) Alphabet 'D'
Ward 74(2) Alphabet E or F or H (space/special
character/numeric)' 'H' and 'Ha' to 'He'
Ward 74(3) Alphabet 'G'
Ward 74(4) Alphabet 'Hf' to Hz and 'I'
Range-75 Circle 75(1) Alphabet J or K or L or M
Ward 75(1) Alphabet J or K, (space/special
character/numeric)' or 'K' or 'Ka'
Ward 75(2) Kb' to 'Kz' or 'L'
Ward 75(3) Alphabet M (space/special
character/numeric)' or 'M' or 'Ma'
Ward 75(4) Alphabet 'Mb' to' Mz'
26 Commissioner of Range-76 Circle 76(1) Alphabet N or O or P or Q or 'T' Tax Recovery
Income Tax, TDS-2 Unit-25 Laxmi Nagar
Ward 76(1) Alphabet 'N'
Ward 76(2) Alphabet 'O' or'P (space/special
character /numeric)', or 'P' or 'Pa to Ph'

Alphabet 'O' 'P(space/special

character/numeric)' 'P' and 'Pa to 'Ph'.

Ward 76(3) Alphabet 'Pi' to 'Pz'

Ward 76(4) Alphabet 'Q' or 'T'
Range-77 Circle 77(1) Alphabet 'S'
Ward 77(1) S (space/special character/
numeric)',or 'S' or 'Saa' to 'Sat'
Ward 77(2) 'Sau' to 'Sid'
Ward 77(3) Sie' to 'Sum'

Ward 77(4) Sun' to 'Sz'

Range-78 Circle 78(1) 'R', or 'U' or 'V' or 'W' or 'X' or'Y' 'Z'
Numeric and special character
Ward 78(1) 'R' (space/special character/ numeric)',
or 'R', or 'Raa' to 'RaM'
Ward 78(2) 'Ran' to 'Rz'
Ward 78(3) Alphabet 'V'
Ward 78(4) 'U' or 'V' or 'W' or 'X' or'Y' 'Z'
27 Commissioner of Range- Circle LTU-1 All eligible cases assigned u/s127 of
Income Tax, LTU LTU the Income-tax Act, excluding TDS
Circle LTU-2 All eligible cases assigned u/s127 of
the Income-tax Act, excluding TDS
ITO(OSD)(TDS) All eligible cases assigned u/s127 of
the Income-tax Act, including TDS

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