Steam Power Plant Basic - Q

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1. Which of these is a ‘fissile fuel’?

a) Thorium
Thorium as a nuclear fuel. Thorium (Th-232) is not
b) Carbon itself fissile and so is not directly usable in a thermal
neutron reactor
c) Potassium

d) Graphite

2. Which of these is a ‘working fluid’ in liquid phase?

a) Water
The working fluid is water in liquid phase & steam
b) Steam in gas phase.
c) Mercury

d) Oxygen

3. Which of these is an output of a ‘Furnace’?

a) Fuel gas
A furnace takes in a Fuel gas, Air & Water Vapour while it
b) Air gives off Flue Gases.

c) Flue gases

d) Water Vapor

4. What kind of energy output is obtained from a ‘Steam Power Plant’?

a) Heat energy
A ‘Steam Power Plant’ is used primarily for
b) Sound energy
electricity generation.
c) Electricity

d) Thermal energy
5. What kind of a process does a ‘Steam Power Plant’ undergoes?

a) Adiabatic
As the internal energy change in the
b) Cyclic
‘Steam Power Plant’ is ZERO. Hence, the
c) Irreversible entire plant obeys a Cyclic Process
d) Expansion

6. Water that is fed back to the boiler by the pump is called?

a) Adsorbate
The water feedback is from Condenser & so called
b) Absorbate condensate

c) Condenset

d) Condensate

7. The net change in internal energy in a steam power plant is?

a) Positive As the steam power plant is based on a cyclic process. A cyclic process
has net change in internal energy=0
b) Negative

c) Zero

d) None of the mentioned

8. The product of efficiency & heat transferred to the working fluid is?

a) Net temperature change

The formula of efficiency of a steam power plant is,
b) Net of work done Efficiency=net work done/net heat transferred

c) Net enthalpy change

d) None of the mentioned

9. The components of a Steam Power Plant are?

a) Evaporator, Condenser, Boiler, Expansion valve

b) Evaporator, Condenser, Boiler, Turbine The sequence of Power Plant is Boiler, Turbine,
Condenser and Pump
c) Boiler, Turbine, Condenser, Pump

d) Boiler, Turbine, Pump, Expansion valve

10. Shaft work is fed to __________ for getting an electrical output.

a) Motor The flow is follows the sequence: Source-Shaft-Generator

b) Generator

c) Rotor

d) Accelerator

11. In thermal power plant, turbine is placed

a. before boiler
b. in between boiler and generator
c. after generator
d. any of the above

12. In the steam condensing power plants

a. The amount of energy extracted per kg of steam is increased

b. the steam, converted into water, can be re-circulated with the help of pump
c. Both (A) and (B)
d. None of the above

13. In thermal power plants, the dust of flue gases is trapped by

a. Precipitator An electrostatic precipitator (ESP) is a filtration device that removes fine particles,
b. Economizer like dust and smoke, from a flowing gas using the force of an induced electrostatic
c. Superheater charge minimally impeding the flow of gases through the unit.
d. Air preheater

14.The following is not a component of Thermal power plant

a. Condenser
b. Cooling tower
c. Turbine
d. Fuel tank

15. With the increase in _____ the efficiency obeys the ‘law of diminishing returns’

a. Pressure
b. Temperature
c. Volume
d. All of the above

16. What is PA FAN?

a. Primary Actual Fan

b. Primary Air Fan
c. Portable Air Fan
d. Protection Air Fan

17. Fluid fuels are handled by

a. burners
b. stokers
c. both (A) and (B)
d. None of the above

18. For steam boilers, the fuel(s) is (are) mainly

a. Bituminous coal
b. Fuel oil
c. Natural gas
d. All of the above

19. The following is not a pulverized fuel burner.

a. Tangential burner
b. Turbulent burner
c. Cyclone burner
d. Radial burner

20. What is ID FAN

a. Induced Draft Fan

b. Indonesia Design Fan
c. Internal Dosing Fan
d. Individual Desk Fan

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