❑ Heat:
- ↑ rate of chemical reactions → produce minerals
different from original rock.
- from intrusive magma / result of deep burial.
❑ Pressure:
- from weight of overlying rocks.
❑ Fluid activity:
- may contain ions in solution, ↑ rate of chemical
reactions → enhance metamorphism.
Confining stress
Differential stress
CHAP 3.3 – Types of metamorphic rocks.
Earth surface
Overburden pressure
P = ρ gh .
Parent rock
Grade metamorphism.
❑ Foliated texture:
- minerals arranged in parallel fashion.
- rock subjected to heat & differential pressure.
- size & shape mineral grains → fine / coarse
- schistosity : Type of foliation with scaly
appearance, under extreme-pressure regimes
gives very fine mica crystal → rock name schist.
- e.g.: slate, phyllite,schist,gneiss.
Foliated metamorphic rocks
Rock cleavage in schist
❑ Nonfoliated texture:
- minerals do not show a discernible preferred
- under microscopic: reveal some flattening &
parallelism of grains.
- result of recrystallization.
- mosaic of roughly equidimensional minerals.
- existing minerals & available ions in water will
recombine to form minerals that stable in new
Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks
Engineering properties.
❑ Compression &
shear strength differ