Lesson Plan in Writing A Descriptive Essay
Lesson Plan in Writing A Descriptive Essay
Lesson Plan in Writing A Descriptive Essay
People- forgiving
Excellent! How about number 2?
Plant more trees
Good! Now, it’s time for us to answer Trees- green and fruitful
the guide questions. Kindly answer Roses/flowers- red and
number 1. bloomed
Ocean- clean and blue
Birds and other animals- free
and peaceful
People- forgiving
What have you noticed in the essay It usually described particular person,
you have written? place, thing, or event.
Based on the activity you have done, Ma’am, our lesson for today is all
what do you think is our lesson for about descriptive essay.
Organize details
Very good. And the fourth one?
A character from a book,
movie, or television program
5 points- content and description
5 points- applied guidelines
Generalization What did you learn about descriptive essay, Descriptive essay is a genre of essay that
class? asks the student to describe something—
object person, place, experience, emotion,
situation, etc.
To write an effective essay the writer
must follow these rules: (1) take time to
brainstorm; (2) use clear and concise
language; (3) use your senses; (4)
organize details, and; (5) draw logical