About Symbols: Handling Events
About Symbols: Handling Events
About Symbols: Handling Events
A symbol is a graphic, button, or movie clip that you create once in the Animate CC (formerly Flash Professional
CC) authoring environment or by using the SimpleButton (AS 3.0) and MovieClip classes. You can then reuse the
symbol throughout your document or in other documents.
A symbol can include artwork that you import from another application. Any symbol that you create automatically
becomes part of the library for the current document.
An instance is a copy of a symbol located on the Stage or nested inside another symbol. An instance can be different
from its parent symbol in color, size, and function. Editing the symbol updates all of its instances, but applying
effects to an instance of a symbol updates only that instance.
Using symbols in your documents dramatically reduces file size; saving several instances of a symbol requires less
storage space than saving multiple copies of the contents of the symbol. For example, you can reduce the file size of
your documents by converting static graphics, such as background images, into symbols and then reusing them.
Using symbols can also speed SWF file playback, because a symbol needs to be downloaded to Flash® Player only
Share symbols among documents as shared library assets during authoring or at runtime. For runtime shared assets,
you can link assets in a source document to any number of destination documents, without importing the assets into
the destination document. For assets shared during authoring, you can update or replace a symbol with any other
symbol available on your local network.
If you import library assets with the same name as assets already in the library, you can resolve naming conflicts
without accidentally overwriting existing assets.
Additional introductory instruction about symbols is available from these resources:
Types of symbols
Each symbol has a unique Timeline and Stage, complete with layers. You can add frames, keyframes, and layers to a
symbol Timeline, just as you can to the main Timeline. When you create a symbol you choose the symbol type.
Use graphic symbols for static images and to create reusable pieces of animation that are tied to the main
Timeline. Graphic symbols operate in sync with the main Timeline. Interactive controls and sounds won’t work in a
graphic symbol’s animation sequence. Graphic symbols add less to the FLA file size than buttons or movie clips
because they have no timeline.
Use button symbols to create interactive buttons that respond to mouse clicks, rollovers, or other actions. You
define the graphics associated with various button states, and then assign actions to a button instance. For more
information, see Handling events in the ActionScript 3.0 Developer’s Guide.
Use movie clip symbols to create reusable pieces of animation. Movie clips have their own multiframe Timeline
that is independent from the main Timeline—think of them as nested inside a main Timeline that can contain
interactive controls, sounds, and even other movie clip instances. You can also place movie clip instances inside the
Timeline of a button symbol to create animated buttons. In addition, movie clips are scriptable with ActionScript®.
Use font symbols to export a font and use it in other Animate documents.
Animate provides built-in components, movie clips with defined parameters, that you can use to add user interface
elements, such as buttons, checkboxes, or scroll bars, to your documents. For more information, see About
ActionScript 3.0 Components in Using ActionScript 3.0 Components.
note: To preview animation in component instances and scaling of 9-slice-scaled movie clips in the Animate
authoring environment, select Control > Enable Live Preview.
Create symbols
You can create a symbol from selected objects on the Stage, create an empty symbol and make or import the content
in symbol-editing mode, and create font symbols in Animate. Symbols can contain all the functionality that Animate
can create, including animation.
Using symbols that contain animation lets you create Animate applications with a lot of movement while
minimizing file size. Consider creating animation in a symbol that has a repetitive or cyclic action—the
up-and-down motion of a bird’s wings, for example.
To add symbols to your document, use shared library assets during authoring or at runtime.
The Swap Symbol option allows you to swap symbols with a selected symbol or bitmaps.
1. In your Animate document, select multiple symbols on the stage.
2. On the Properties panel, click SWAP.
3. On the Swap Symbol dialog, select the symbol you want to replace all selected symbols/bitmaps with.
4. Click OK.
To reuse an animated sequence on the Stage, or to manipulate it as an instance, select it and save it as a movie clip
1. On the main Timeline, select every frame in every layer of the animation on the Stage that you want to use. For
information on selecting frames, see Insert frames in the Timeline.
2. Do one of the following to copy the frames:
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) any selected frame, and select Copy Frames from the
context menu. To delete the sequence after converting it to a movie clip, select Cut.
Select Edit > Timeline > Copy Frames. To delete the sequence after converting it to a movie clip, select Cut
3. Deselect your selection and make sure nothing on the Stage is selected. Select Insert > New Symbol.
4. Name the symbol. For Type, select Movie Clip, then click OK.
5. On the Timeline, click Frame 1 on Layer 1, and select Edit > Timeline > Paste Frames.
This action pastes the frames (and any layers and layer names) you copied from the main Timeline to the Timeline
of this movie clip symbol. Any animation, buttons, or interactivity from the frames you copied now becomes an
independent animation (a movie clip symbol) that you can reuse.
6. To return to document-editing mode, do one of the following:
Click the Back button.
Select Edit > Edit Document.
Click the scene name in the Edit bar above the Stage.
Duplicate symbols
Duplicating a symbol lets you use an existing symbol as a starting point for creating a symbol.
To create versions of the symbol with different appearances, also use instances.
Edit symbols
When you edit a symbol, Animate updates all the instances of that symbol in your document. Edit the symbol in the
following ways:
In context with the other objects on the Stage by using the Edit In Place command. Other objects are dimmed to
distinguish them from the symbol you are editing. The name of the symbol you are editing appears in an Edit bar at
the top of the Stage, to the right of the current scene name.
In a separate window, using the Edit In New Window command. Editing a symbol in a separate window lets you see
the symbol and the main Timeline at the same time. The name of the symbol you are editing appears in the Edit bar
at the top of the Stage.
You edit the symbol by changing the window from the Stage view to a view of only the symbol, using symbol-
editing mode. The name of the symbol you are editing appears in the Edit bar at the top of the Stage, to the right of
the current scene name.
When you edit a symbol, Animate updates all instances of the symbol throughout the document to reflect your edits.
While editing a symbol, use any of the drawing tools, import media, or create instances of other symbols.
Change the registration point of a symbol (the point identified by the coordinates 0, 0) by using any symbol-editing
1. Select an instance of the symbol on the Stage and right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh), and select
Edit In New Window.
2. Edit the symbol.
3. Click the Close box in the upper-right corner (Windows) or upper-left corner (Macintosh) to close the new
window, and click in the main document window to return to editing the main document.