Che - Motorcycle Diary
Che - Motorcycle Diary
Che - Motorcycle Diary
After leaving Cordoba, the two friends visited the Argentine capital of
Buenos Aires and the seaside city of Miramar before crossing the
barren pampas and ascending into the Andes. Plagued by his chronic
asthma, Guevara had a rough start to the trip as he contracted the flu
and nursed a broken heart after receiving a break-up letter from his
“The only thing that matters is the enthusiasm with which the workers
set to ruining their health in search of a few meager crumbs that barely
provide their subsistence,” he wrote. “The biggest effort Chile should
make is to shake its uncomfortable Yankee friend from its back, a task
that for the moment at least is Herculean.”
After sailing on the Amazon River, Granado and Guevara spent two
weeks at a leper colony in eastern Peru where the humane treatment of
the 600 patients affirmed Granado’s desire to continue his work helping
those with leprosy. “The psychological lift it gives to these poor people—
treating them as normal human beings instead of animals, as they are
used to—is incalculable,” Guevara wrote.
At the same time, he met a number of left-wing political figures and also
non-left-wing political figures, and he generally was more impressed by
the former than the latter. Finally, he came to view the United States as
major factor in the problems that Latin America faced, and this led him
to align with left-wing Marxist views.”