Jurnal IVU
Jurnal IVU
Jurnal IVU
Introduction: The present study was carried out to compare the efficacy of transabdominal
ultrasonography and intravenous urography in the diagnosis of bladder carcinoma in those patients
presenting painless hematuria.
Materials and Methods: Medical records of 100 patients who had both ultrasonography and
intravenous urography were studied. The reported findings of these investigations were correlated
with those of cystoscopy.
Results: Ultrasonography was significantly more sensitive (96%) in the detection of bladder
carcinoma compared to urography (87%). By applying the test of equality of proportions, the value of
Z is 2.28, which is statistically significant (p < 0.01). In addition, ultrasonography was more sensitive
in clarifying the pathology in upper renal tracts i.e. ureteric obstruction secondary to bladder carcinoma
when urography failed due to none or poor excretion of contrast.
Comments: We recommend the use of ultrasonography as the initial radiological investigation
for detection of bladder carcinomas in patients presenting hematuria. Ultrasonography is safe, easily
available, cost effective and provides images of both upper and lower renal tract. Patients diagnosed
to be suffering from bladder carcinoma by ultrasonography should be scheduled directly and promptly
for cystoscopy and bladder tumor resection.
painless hematuria secondary to bladder carcinoma Table 1 – Failure of urography to detect bladder carcinoma
from January 2001 to June 2003 were evaluated. Only (n = 13).
those patients who had both ultrasonography of
urinary tract and urography were included in the study.
A hundred patients satisfied this criterion. Those Clots in bladder 3
Poor excretion of contrast 1
patients who had only one investigation i.e. urinary
Small tumors 6
tract ultrasonography or urography and those who had Anterior wall tumor 1
hematuria secondary to any other pathology like Small capacity bladder 1
urinary tract stones, renal carcinoma etc. were Deformed bladder 1
excluded from the study. Urinary tract ultrasonography
and urography were performed by different duty
consultant radiologists. Ultrasonography was contralateral nephrogram. In 9 patients there was non-
performed with Toshiba just vision and Toshiba excretion of contrast on one side. On the other hand
Capasi machines available in the radiology urinary tract ultrasonography detected the bladder
department. All patients had renal tract and carcinoma in 96 (96%) patients. In addition,
abdominal ultrasound examination performed with ultrasonography accurately determined the size,
full bladder. The bladder was examined with location and multiplicity of bladder carcinomas.
transverse and vertical probes. Scanning was Ultrasonography failed to detect bladder carcinoma in
performed both pre and post micturition. Urography 4 patients (Table-2). In 3 patients bladder carcinoma
was carried out following empiric bowel preparation was missed on ultrasonography, all these tumors were
and included plain KUB X-ray and 5 min, 15 min, small and less than 0.5 cm. In one patient, the
30 min and post void films. It was done without radiologist failed to detect a 3.5 cm bladder carcinoma
tomography. and reported it as a vesical stone. In all those cases
All patients underwent cystoscopy and when urography failed to provide information about
transurethral resection of bladder carcinoma. the upper urinary tract, ultrasonography accurately
Confirmation of the bladder carcinoma was achieved defined the pathology. In 3 patients there was unilateral
by histopathogical examination of the submitted absence of kidneys and in 11 patients there was
tumor in each case. hydronephrosis and hydroureter secondary to ureteric
In all cases the reported findings of urinary involvement by bladder carcinoma.
tract ultrasonography and urography were correlated Smaller tumors detected on ultrasonography
with those at cystoscopy. are shown in Figures-1 and 2 while smallest tumors
detected on urography are shown in Figures-3 and 4.
RESULTS The data show that the proportion of the
correctly detected bladder carcinoma by
The patient’s age ranged from 18 years to 85 ultrasonography is higher (0.96) than this proportion
years (average 55 years). Male to female ratio was 4:1. by urography (0.87). For testing of this hypothesis
Thirty seven patients had superficial and 63 patients we applied the test of equality of 2 proportions. The
had invasive bladder carcinoma. In 87 (87%) patients value of Z is 2.28, which is statistically significant (p
urography accurately diagnosed the bladder carcinoma. < 0.01).
In 13 patients urography failed to suggest the diagnosis
due to various reasons (Table-1). In 86 patients there Table 2 – Failure of ultrasonography to detect bladder
was no abnormality in the upper urinary tracts while carcinoma (n = 4).
in 14 patients various findings were reported. There
was unilateral non-excretion of contrast in 3 patients Small tumors 3
with history of previous nephrectomy. In 2 patients Tumor falsely reported as vesical stone 1
there was good unilateral excretion but only
Figure 1 – A small tumor 0.9 x 0.6 cm in left posterolateral wall Figure 2 – A tumor 1.8 x 1.4 cm in left posterolateral wall of
of urinary bladder. urinary bladder.
Figure 3 – An intravenous urogram showing a small papillary Figure 4 – An intravenous urogram showing a small solid tumor
tumor as filling defect in the right lateral wall of urinary bladder. as filling defect in the right lateral wall of urinary bladder.
of bladder carcinoma. By applying the test of equality Ultrasonography is safe, easily available, cost
of proportions the value of Z is 2.28, which is effective and provides images of both upper and lower
statistically significant (p < 0.01). renal tract. We present a flow diagram (Figure-5) that
We recommend the utilization of will be helpful in investigating patients presenting
ultrasonography as the initial radiological with hematuria of suspected bladder carcinoma origin.
investigation for detection of bladder carcinomas in It is hoped that by employing ultrasonography as
patients presenting with hematuria. primary imaging modality in patients with hematuria
Figure 5 – Flow diagram for investigation of patients presenting with hematuria of suspected bladder carcinoma origin.
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Correspondence address:
Dr. M Rafique
5, Altaf Town, Tariq Road
Multan. Pakistan
E-mail: rafiqanju@ hotmail.com
In this study, ultrasonography was effective and the need for a process so that patients with a
in showing obstruction and involvement of the lower “negative” ultrasonography do not escape adequate
ureter by the bladder tumor. Ultrasonography does evaluation and followup.
not adequately evaluate the mid or upper ureter or In many countries where computed
the upper collecting system and calices. tomography (CT) scanning is readily available, the
Regarding excretory urography; it is not, in CT-urogram (multi-phase CT with noncontrast of
most uroradiologist’s opinion, an adequate abdomen and pelvis for calculi, nephrogram phase of
examination for bladder carcinoma, and most will add the kidneys, and delayed imaging of the kidneys and
the caveat of “cystoscopy is necessary to adequately ureters) is becoming the gold standard in evaluating
evaluate the bladder for tumor” or something to that patients suspected of having “surgical” hematuria not
effect. The intravenous urography, done well (i.e. with due to simple stone disease. However, this “high-tech”
nephrotomography), does provide excellent approach has disadvantages, i.e. higher radiation dose,
evaluation of the ureters and upper collecting system high cost and impact on health care costs and, of
and that is its role; it thereby precludes the need for course, availability.
retrograde ureteropyelography either at the time of Regarding the evaluation of bladder cancer,
cystoscopy or later if the cystoscopy is negative. it is my impression that cystoscopy and biopsy is the
But, in many countries, this approach of gold standard. Newer magnetic resonance imaging
ultrasonography as the initial evaluation of patients techniques may ultimately be helpful, but
with hematuria and suspected bladder cancers makes confirmation of efficacy is still in progress.
considerable sense as optimizing provision of health The paper presents a nice flow diagram of
care, recognizing the limitations of ultrasonography patient management.